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WMG / Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited

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Casting for Exandria Unlimited: Crown Keepers Saga

Casting for Exandria Unlimited: Calamity

Fy'ra isn't just a party member from the party's missing memories...
She's someone's Kid from the Future. How else did she already know what evil Fearne really is?

Dorian turning over the circlet to Poska doesn't go as planned...
...because our heroes not only curbstomp the Nameless Ones but shut down their operation first. Which may involve Poska Killed Off for Real.

Later chapters use a rotating roster to justify continuing the same campaign story depending on who they can get
Like say, Fearne's family ends up ok and she gets to pop back to the Feywild at her leisure, and a couple of others also have family visits so new guys are recruited all the time, giving all the CR regulars a shot while bringing in more guest players. Eventually the party grows to a remarkable number, allowing the name of the Ashholes to spread far and wide, and anyone who wishes harm on their fellow man must forever be beware... for they are always surrounded by Ashholes.
  • Zigzagged with 3 of the players joining the campaign 3 party, after which Dorian returns and they add one newbie for the Kymal heist.
  • Possibly Jossed with second season being set thousands of years in the past.

The Calamity, Ascension, and the Reason Why the Raven Queen Destroyed Her Research
Exandria Unlimited: Calamity takes place at the outset of the calamity, days after Vespin Chloras attempted to repeat a version of the ritual that the Raven Queen underwent to ascend to godhood. It's been made clear that the Raven Queen and other Prime Deities went to great lengths to seal away the knowledge of this ritual because of the danger it posed - but what if that danger wasn't just to the pantheon of Prime Deities, but to the fabric of the world?

A mortal suddenly breaking through the barrier that separates the gods from men creates disruption in the realms of magic (it occurred during an apogee solstice, when those barriers are already weakened by the merging and shifting of Ley Lines) note , thought (in that the Raven Queen destroyed all knowledge of the previous God of Death's name, and of her own human name), and the material plane (it was said that all the temples to the God of Death instantly reflected the change in the pantheon, and that this effect was visible to those who stood within them when it occurred) note . The Tree of Names (a construct that uses the magical energy captured by Avalir in "scribing runes of protection" on Exandria's leylines, "the names of those things beyond which should not come") was protected and updated by the Gau Drashari with the creation of the Arboreal Calix 119 years prior to the start of the series — during the first replenishment after the matron's ascension.

The Betrayer Gods were locked away in a planar prison and released by Vespin Chloras' ritual - in a conversation with Asmodeus, Zerxus was told that "It was not a kind place behind that door, and the, for lack of a better word, pressure behind it, was enormous" and that the Betrayer Gods "tumbled out" when the gates were opened. This occurred shortly before another apogee solstice. Maybe the effect of Chloras' ritual was such that it destroyed the ability of the Prime Deities to create another planar prison that could effectively separate the Betrayer Gods from the material plane. Their solution would have to be something more drastic, like the Divine Gate that seals all gods out of the material plane.

Avalir is going to become Ghor Dranas
  • The phrase Ghor Dranas has been a recurring element in Calamity so far, particularly in regards to Zerxus' arc.
  • At the moment, we don't know where Avalir and Cathmoira are located in terms of modern-day Exandria, only that it's on the continent that at the time was called Domunas. We know that Tal'Dorei was still known as Gwessar at the time, while Issylra and Marquet were still known by the same names, which leaves Domunas as either Wildemount or another unfamiliar landmass. Ghor Dranas was located on Wildemount, specifically at the site that is now Roshona.
  • As of the third episode of Calamity, Asmodeus has emerged into the world through a landing Avalir, and given that Vespin Chloras is also there (along with who knows how many other cultists, given that the conspiracy seems to run pretty deep) it would make sense for him and the other Betrayer gods to set up shop there, as it were.
  • Jossed. The explosion from Laerryn using the Leyweight to banish the Titans blew up Domunas, causing it to become the Shattered Teeth.

Someone will find Loquatius' will
It may not be this campaign, but some day in the future somebody will dredge the seas near the Shattered Teeth, or it will just wash up, and fall into the hands of somebody who's able to activate it and listen to it.

One of Maya's descendants teaches at a University in Jrusar
Marquet has a noticeably larger population of eisfuura than elsewhere in Exandria, so it would make sense that Cerrit and his family either settled there because of it, or perhaps led to it if they rallied other eisfuura refugees there. Either way, Maya utilizing Patia's orb will help her become extremely learned and eventually help establish either the Starpoint Conservatory or Ascension's Rise. Her descendants will follow in her footsteps, leading to the main players getting extremely excited when they finally get in to one of them and are introduced to Professor Agrupnin.

Opal will Atone Lolth
While Asmodeus lied to Zerxes, it seemed that he truly felt he had been betrayed by his brethren deities. Lolth may feel the same, and on top of that she seemed truly touched that Opal wanted to help reinvent her image. At some point history will repeat and Opal will attempt to cast Atonement on Lolth, but this time Lolth will allow it to proceed and the process will at the very least begin Lolth's redemption, allowing her to be a Prime Deity once more.

The Agrupnin children will be responsible for the founding of the Cobalt Soul, or a predecessor organization.
Maya is sent a metal ball (cobalt is a metal), containing Patia's memories and knowledge (as close to a soul as you can get). Maya is proficient in history, and Kir is a budding investigator/warrior, and son to an almighty one. They may serve as precursors to the Cobalt Soul and its Expositors.

Future Timeframes that EXU could explore
Matt gave Brennan a list of events that could be explored for his turn on EXU, from which he picked Calamity. That means there are plenty of other things out there to be developed.
  • The first year of peace after the Calamity, what that means for everyone, and what the world looks like now.
  • The first fight against the Chroma Conclave.
  • The founding of the Krynn Dynasty.
