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Funny / Timon & Pumbaa

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"We'll be making people laugh, Timon. That's all I need."

The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa is one of the Disney media that is commonly noted for its humor. After all the dramatic and tearjerking moments in the original film, this series gives us some relief of delivering more moments of hilarity.

  • "Brazil Nuts": The whole episode, with moments such as the "fat" Timon, Eduardo confused horseradish for a horse and a radish seperately, and the chainsaw-wielding piranha!
    • Pumbaa spends most of the episode warning Timon that the snakes' buffet is a trap and not a restaurant, which Timon repeatedly brushes off. Once they are both captured, Timon explains the obvious to a seriously annoyed Pumbaa.
      Timon: Shush. I'm thinking. Brace yourself, my rank compadre. Those two long fellows, they are not waiters.
      Pumbaa: No.
      Timon: They are snakes.
      Pumbaa: No.
      Timon: And they're gonna eat us.
      Pumbaa: No.
      Timon: And THIS is NOT a restaurant.
      Pumbaa: No.
      Timon: [to Pumbaa] Pretty impressive how I figured all that out, huh?
      Pumbaa: [angrily turns to the camera] No.
  • "Isle of Manhood":
    • Pumbaa singing "Timon is a meerkitten!"
    • When Pumbaa imagines Timon as a baby, Timon tells the audience "What are you looking at, you mook?"
    • This doubles as a Moment of Awesome. Timon is too scared to enter the Cave of Manhood because it looks too scary and dangerous, yet he bravely passes through a lake full of hungry sharks, a desert full of rattle snakes, a war, and a starving lion to avoid entering the cave. This soon gets lampshaded by Pumbaa.
      Pumbaa: But look at all the brave, manly things you just did! Surely you can face a little ol' cave.
      Timon: No, I can't!
  • "Bora Bora":
    • Timon in ski clothes comes out of a delivery crate singing "Jingle Bells", only to realize he's on a tropical island.
    • Timon's face after Pumbaa claimed Timon hasn't done his other hoof.
  • "Saskatchewan Catch":
    • Timon suffers a lot of slapstick in this episode, ranging from falling out of trees, smashing his head into branches, getting flung miles into the distance etc.
    • As Timon plummets from the tree thanks to Piper crashing into him, Pumbaa rushes to cushion his fall... by wheeling in a queen-sized bed. With accompanying bedside table and dresser.
      • Then, as he waits for Timon to fall, he briefly pulls out an Instant Wristwatch and waits for it to beep.
      • Even funnier, it's Piper who lands in the bed. Timon lands in the dresser, eventually emerging in a gaudy outfit of pink dress, hoop earings, multiple bangles and a pink feather turban.
    • Timon's final (and successful) plan ends with the male flying squirrel captured in a wooden cage... inside of an electric fence... beneath a metal dome. Even Timon admits this to be a bit overkill:
      Timon: We probably could have done without the electrified geodesic dome.
      Pumbaa: Probably.
  • "Never Everglades": The running gag of Pumbaa Junior biting Timon's tail.
  • "Kenya Be My Friend?":
    • Timon is literally scared out of his skin by Pumbaa in the morning, making him put his fur back on as if it's a full body suit.
    • Pumbaa's reaction to Timon's poem.
    • Bampuu asking why he's supposed to think stars are balls of gas burning millions of miles away.
  • "Doubt of Africa" once again puts Timon in the role of chew toy, as he suffers many Amusing Injuries in his attempts to teach the tigress how to hunt.
  • "Back Out in the Outback" has the Escalating War between Timon and Bruce the land crab, whom Timon has mistaken for a bug. Each and every time, Bruce shrugs off whatever Timon does to him and sends the meerkat packing in more and more hilariously over-the-top ways.
  • "Amazon Quiver":
    • Timon coming up with increasingly ridiculous escape plans, complete with pictures.
      Timon: We're gonna assemble a sub-terrarium armored vehicle capable of drilling beneath the Earth's crust, thereby transporting us away from the predator!
      Pumbaa: Uhh... uh-uh.
      Timon: We'll launch a three-stage orbital space pod, travel through the Earth's atmosphere, then touchdown on a spot predetermined to be safe from all predators!
      Pumbaa: ...Nah.
      Timon: Call a tree surgeon?
      Pumbaa: Nah.
      Timon: Pretend we're invisible?
      Pumbaa: Nope.
      Timon: Go to Funkytown?
      Pumbaa: (shakes head)
      Timon: Make gelatin?
      Pumbaa: Nah.
      Timon: Sing songs?
      Pumbaa: Nope.
      Timon: Scream!
      Pumbaa: Nah!
      Timon: Cry!
      Pumbaa: Nope!
      Timon: Belch.
      Pumbaa: Uh-uh! (belches)
      Timon: Well, then I have one last brilliant idea!
      Pumbaa: Really? What? Tell me!
      Timon: RUN!
    • Timon and Pumbaa finally coming out of the tree—in 2090.
  • "Rumble in the Jungle": The whole episode. Particularly when Timon and Pumbaa are told by Rafiki to hug and make up only to turn into a sumo wrestling match.
  • "I Don't Bolivia": Timon constantly getting tricked by Toucan Dan, even thinking he is Santa!
  • While "Rocky Mountain Lie" has some emotional and scary moments (which are thankfully lessened by Dramatic Irony), one particularly funny moment is when Pumbaa reveals that his bug friend Stinky is a stinkbug, causing Timon (who was under the impression that a bug he had eaten was him) to have a hilarious Freak Out and pass out due to believing he ate a stinkbug.
  • "Yosemite Remedy": Timon's Zany Scheme on getting even with Thief, a raccoon criminal who stole Timon and Pumbaa's suitcase full of valuables. First, Timon orders Thief one hundred pizzas, which he would not be able to pay for. Then, he attempts to shave off the raccoon's leg, put long sock and a red high-heel on it like a woman would wear. And then, he attempts on placing Thief's trash house at the edge of a cliff. All three of those revenges backfire.
  • "Forbidden Pumbaa": While Timon and Pumbaa are sleeping, they get lifted by the alien spacecraft, float around in mid-air inside the spacecraft, and fall back on the ground twice (the first time before and the second time after they get abducted). But what wakes Timon and Pumbaa up? A tiny leaf slowly landing on Pumbaa's nose.
  • "Timon on the Range": When their cover gets blown to Cisco Pig's henchmen, Timon and Pumbaa make a break for it leaving behind a "Gone Fishin'" sign. And they're actually shown fishing in the next scene. But then Timon fishes up a plug which causes the pond to drain and they meet Cisco Pig's henchmen at the bottom, prompting Timon to turn on a faucet on their boat to fill up the pond again so they can run for their lives.
  • "The Man From J.U.N.G.L.E.": Pumbaa being so excited to meet Super Duper Hero X.
    Pumbaa: Wow, and I'm the first one here! First is best! First is best! First, first, first!
  • The "Stand By Me" short, where Pumbaa suffers Amusing Injuries every time Timon sings the short's title.
    Pumbaa: Uh, I don't think I like this song!
  • This scene in "Uganda be an Elephant".
  • "Fiji-Fi-Fo-Fum":
    • "There's nothing... wrong... with the plane... there's nothing... wrong... with the plane... there's nothing... wrong... with the plane..."
      • "There's nothing... wrong... with the space shuttle... there's nothing... wrong... with the space shuttle... there's nothing... wrong... with the space shuttle."
    • The montage of Timon insisting that he'll wake up from his dream as he and Pumbaa are baked in a pie by the giant bug.
    • Pumbaa laughing at the pie in the giant grasshopper's face.
  • Timon pulling out a chainsaw in the "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy" short.
  • The entire episode of "Timon In Love" consists of Timon falling in love with himself and actually dating a picture of himself while Pumbaa is pretty much an awkward and very confused third wheel.
  • "Animal Barn":
    • Timon and Pumbaa come across Captain Oinker's Pig Farm, labeled as being "The Home of Mr. Pig".
      Timon: Mr. Pig? Hey, isn't that you, Pumbaa?
      Pumbaa: I think so. I mean, that's what they call me.
    • Timon sabotaging the "This Little Piggy" round so that Pumbaa will win.
  • This exchange in "Be More Pacific":
    Timon: Now, I want you to go back there and tell Lester that I want a dragon to defeat, not a CHICKEN!
    Pumba: Uh, but Lester's gone. After I asked for the third wish, he turned into a princess and ran off!
    Timon: Typical.
  • "Beetle Romania": Timon turning Pumbaa's brain back on and turning Pumbaa himself into a hilariously insufferable genius in the process; Timon's utterly priceless initial reaction when Pumbaa tells him that he is going to have to expel the poor guy from his body using "gaseous combustion" is even funnier, not to mention Timon actually turning Pumbaa's brain back off due to how much it being so vastly smarter than Timon's pisses Timon off.
    Pumbaa: I'm the brains of the outfit now, remember?
    Timon: Oh ho ho, I remember! (turns Pumbaa's brain back off)
  • The entirely of the episode 'How to Beat the High Costa Rica' is extremely funny, considering how a Large Ham Criminal Quint is. The funny moments such as Quint falling down from a plane screaming without a parachute, Timon and Pumbaa trying to get the money back by entering his house, first as disguising as a salesman, then as a baby, and Santa Claus and one of his reindeer respectively. The latter of which Quint reminds Timon that it's the middle of June.
    • Then there's Quint counting the names of Santa's reindeer and realizing he's been tricked.
      Quint: There's no reindeer named Pumbaa!
    • Followed by a chase scene.
      Quint: No one takes the stolen money from CRIMINAL QUINT!!!!
  • In 'You Ghana Join the Club', Timon and Pumbaa sneaks into the savage lion's house and try to put jingly bells around his neck, before the lion wakes up and squeezes them by their necks. After Timon mentions they were Santa's elves, the lion becomes overjoyed and declares never to take the jingly bells off.
    • Later they try to bring their Jingly Bells from the lion. After the alarm clock goes off by the lion slamming it with a mallet, he woke up and took his jingly bells off, as well as zipping his fur coat off and hanging it as if his fur was his clothes, and takes a shower.
    • The freaking lion's voice going from baritone to a Camp Gay falsetto without warning is hilarious in and of itself.
  • "Hot Enough For Ya?" is essentially an episode-long Cooking Duel between Timon and Pumbaa to see who can make the hottest bug chilli. The hilarity comes from the characters' over-the-top reactions to each other's chilli, combined with the truly absurd excuses the pair use to avoid the other seeing these reactions and capped with the Blatant Lies about how hot the chilli was.
  • "Rome Alone": When Quint sees that Simba had faked eating Timon and Pumbaa, the three animals give overy-cartoonish grins before fleeing. It's especially hilarious seeing Simba give it off given he still looks more realistic than the other animals in the show.
    • And what gave the game away? Puimbaa, ah... passing gas while inside Simba's mouth, forcing the lion to spit them both out.
      Simba: Aw, gee, Pumbaa! Did ya have to?!
      Pumbaa: Well, [Timon] kicked me in my stomach!
      Timon: It wasn't hard to miss.
  • "To Kilimanjaro Bird": The mom when asked for proof of Timon stealing grubs pulls out 6 pretty definitive things. Hair Samples, a plaster case footprint, fingerprints on Baby Earl's Bowl, and a list of witnesses willing to testify.
    Timon: This stuff doesn't mean anything!
    Mama: Plus, you dropped your wallet.
    Timon: Yeah? So?
    Mama: Aand I have this photo taken by my security camera. (Shows photo evidence of Timon taking the grubs)
