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Fanfic / Dancing With Demons

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Dancing With Demons is one of Mr. Hardcor3's The Owl House AU stories in which Luz is the daughter of Lucifer. Forced to hide her inner kindness to live up to her father's expectations, when she finds her way to the Boiling Isles she's finally free to be who she truly is for once. Can also be found here.

Dancing with Demons contains examples of:

  • Absurd Phobia: Amelia is highly afraid of blood, to the point that she faints when Skara pricks her finger in front of her. And this is despite eating rotten corpses, with Skara and Cat mentally lampshading the Fridge Logic In-Universe, since the corpses should logically still have blood, their best guess being that hunger can overpower the phobia.
  • Adaptational Badass: Unlike her canon counterpart, Luz already has several powers and skills when she arrives on the Boiling Isles and is thus much more experienced. For instance, she sees through Adegast instantly and kills him in the mansion.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Cat's still a witch, but is now half-cat demon through her grandfather.
  • Anti-Anti-Christ: Despite saying that it's her duty to bring the Apocalypse to freak out Wrath, Luz doesn't seem to really like the idea of doing so, and is still rather kind-hearted, even if she hides it well.
  • Anywhere but Their Lips: Invoked. Luz kisses Amity in different places but refrains from kissing her on the lips because she wants their First Kiss to be special.
  • Ascended Extra: The Banshees are forced to become Luz's friends, but overtime they become close to her and form a friend group with Willow, Gus, and Amity.
  • Aura Vision: Luz can sense the deadly sins a person is committing at a particular moment. For instance, she notices Amity has pride, wrath, envy, and a small bit of lust for revenge when they first meet, though she also notes Amity has a large amount of guilt as well.
  • Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad: As the Antichrist, Luz sometimes dips into this, like telling King to have a "bad" night instead of "goodnight", which he lampshades.
  • Blackmail: To coerce Edric and Emira into cleaning up the library after the monster attack she caused, Luz uses a book to dress them up as babies and takes a picture she threatens to give to Amity so she can post it on Penstagram unless they help the girls.
  • Body Horror: Luz's immortality and Healing Factor cause some gruesome scenes at some points. For instance, when showing off her skills to enter into Hexside, she snaps her head to the side, takes out her spine and uses it as a whip, then swallows it to return her spine to her body. A grossed out Bump even says that he'll let her in the school, regardless of her score, if she promises to never do that in front of him again.
  • Break the Haughty: Amity is struck by this when she realizes that the terms of her duel with Luz was a literal Deal with the Devil and that she had just lost, dooming her soul, luckily Luz decided to show Amity mercy relinquishing her claim to Amity's soul in exchange for a favor to be cashed in whenever Luz chooses.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The duel with Luz and Amity in “One-Sided Battle” is exactly that. Even without cheating or Glyphs, Luz wipes the floor with Amity, only winning when forcing Lilith to admit she cheated after finding the Power Glyph.
  • Deal with the Devil: Luz naturally engages in this, at one point tricking Amity into betting her soul on a duel the poor witchling had absolutely no chance at winning. Luckily for Amity, Luz was feeling merciful that day and let Amity keep her soul (for now) in exchange for a future favor.
  • Divine–Infernal Family: Luz refers to the Holy Grail as "Uncle's Grail", implying that she sees Jesus as her uncle. She also refers to Death as her uncle.
  • The Dreaded: Luz quickly shows off her chops and becomes a terrifying being to those who know her. Bump even lets her study as many kinds of magic as she wants right off the bat so she won't set him on fire.
  • Dual Wielding: Amity fights with two Abomination Swords in her duel with Luz.
  • Evil Laugh: Luz indulges in this when proclaiming herself in the middle of the duel with Amity.
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell: Hell is hot enough that just jogging can set you on fire.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: As part of her messing with the Blight twins, Luz puts them through a body swap and leaves them in that state. A week and a half later, she's surprised to find they're not swapped back and moreso when Amity tells her it helped them come out as trans, so Luz makes the swap permanent.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: Lucifer may be the Lord of Hell, but he was also the first angel, so Luz literally has both an inner angel and an inner demon. Unsurprisingly, neither gets along with the other...until they tell Luz not to screw up her chances with Amity. And then when they both agree that Belos seems incredibly shady.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: While hanging out with Boscha, Skara, and Amelia, Luz flirts with Amelia much to Boscha's annoyance. When she keeps doing it, Luz tells Boscha to make a move before somebody else does and she loses her chance.
  • Healing Factor: Luz can regenerate damage from any injury, though it isn't always a quick process. When the Owl Beast bites her foot off she notes it'll take all night to grow back.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Luz puts up a fearsome outer image, because of who her father is, but she's still the kind-hearted girl she is in canon deep down.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Luz seriously tops whatever the Boiling Isles has to offer, regularly horrifying everyone she comes into contact with (intentionally or not).
  • Insult to Rocks: After telling the Banshees about Philip Wittebane and how he's a touchy subject to Caleb and Evelyn, Skara calls him a piece of garbage: Luz laughs and says she's insulting garbage more than Philip, calling him worse than "the worst kind of animal shit".
  • Internal Reveal: Luz lets everyone on the Isles know who she is during and after her duel with Amity.
  • Loved I Not Honor More: Luz is worried about getting together with Amity despite her clear feelings for the other girl because of a combination of not wanting to take Amity's soul, worry about Amity getting hurt or killed by dangers she can easily handle, or have her be exposed to Hell, which is hot enough to cause you to catch fire if you jog just for starters.
  • Megaton Punch: Luz delivers this to break Amity’s barrier and end the duel.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism: Luz implies that demons in Hell eat each other all the time and that Luz isn't above doing the same when the mood fancies her.
  • No-Sell: Luz grew up living with the flaming weather of Hell, so boiling rain doesn't even affect her.
  • The Nose Knows: Boscha can smell potions easily due to years of experience with them.
  • Offhand Backhand: Luz gives this to Lilith twice, the first after she confesses to cheating and the second so hard that she loses some teeth.
  • Pet the Dog: Luz cancels the contract with Amity, which would have allowed Luz to claim Amity's soul, upon seeing the scared look on her face. Instead, she brands her with a pentagram for a favor she intends to cash in on anytime she wants.
  • Potty Failure: At one point, Luz intimidates Skara enough to make her pee her pants. As the bard changes clothes, Luz casually tells Boscha and Amelia that she ate a sinner; it scares the girls so much, they have to will themselves to not have an accident like Skara did.
  • Power Crutch: Luz currently requires her personal Tome of Eldritch Lore to use most of her demonic abilities.
  • Read the Fine Print: Luz never really read the Deal with the Devil contract she uses, so things like Amelia and Boscha being unable to be killed due to their souls not being in their bodies, or their demonic transformations, catch her by surprise.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After being forced to join Luz on her and Eda's trip to the Knee, Cat airs out her personal opinion and calls Luz a spoiled, power-mad teenager who scares everyone into doing what she wants. Luz would be happy to prove her wrong, but her inner angel tells her to let Cat get to know her.
  • Screw Destiny: As the Antichrist, Luz is destined to bring the end of the world, but Eda helps Luz realize she has no such expectations on the Boiling Isles and she can finally create her own destiny.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Given how flirty Luz is here from the start, it's not surprising that early Season 1 Amity has to resort to saying this whenever someone sees Luz's shameless advances, naturally no one believes her much to Amity’s annoyance, made worse when Luz's immediate reaction to hearing this line is "Not yet, I'm not."
  • Ship Tease: Luz is a lot more openly flirty with Amity from the get-go, thinking the witch is hot and even kissing her on the nose at their first meeting, with Luz's romantic antics simply escalating from there.
  • Sir Swearsalot: Being a Jerk with a Heart of Gold in this version, Luz isn't above swearing, especially when she's pissed off.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: When Luz expresses her Loved I Not Honor More worries about getting into a relationship with Amity, especially regarding potentially owning her soul and not wanting Amity to feel forced, Eda points out that she can just talk to Amity about it so she knows what she's getting into.
  • Super-Strength: When King mentions that the Snaggleback's shell is as strong as a diamond, Luz summons a diamond and casually crushes it.
  • Tome of Eldritch Lore: Most of Luz's powers require her personal Tome to use.
  • Transflormation: Eda keeps a "Barking Potion" on hand to throw at Lilith, its effects being that it turns her into a tree for 12 hours. Luz seems to find this hilarious.
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Luz finds Amity in this after winning the duel due to Amity now knowing she made a literal Deal with the Devil to surrender her soul if she lost.
  • "Well Done, Daughter!" Girl: Luz puts on her mean and strict face and hides her Hidden Heart of Gold to please her parents, especially her father.
