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Characters / Tayo the Little Bus

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Photo credit: YouTube.

Tayo is a young blue bus who is the show's namesake. As the series progresses, episodes feature him less and focus on other characters. This can be confusing for new viewers who watch the later seasons.


Rogi is a green bus who often argues with Tayo. Despite their conflicting personalities, they're best friends.


Lani, a sweet young yellow bus who was at the bus garage before Tayo.

  • Cheerful Child: Very cheerful.
  • Cute Machines: She's a city bus, and she's adorable.
  • The Cutie: Can certainly be this, being the smallest and cutest of the four little buses.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Well, "paint of gold", but she definitely fits this with her yellow paint and her very friendly, fun-loving personality.
  • Nice Girl: Usually, though she does have her moments of being insensitive and selfish.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: While having her girly moments (like wanting to be a princess in one episode), she's otherwise very much One of the Boys with the other little buses.
  • Vague Age: Seems to be roughly Tayo's age.


Gani is the oldest bus of all the foursome. He's red, quiet, and a hard worker.

  • Ambiguous Disorder: Gani shows a couple of moments of this, ESPECIALLY in his two introductory episodes, "Our New Friend Gani" and "Hana and Gani". In those, he's seen avoiding eye contact, speaking very quietly and flatly (even through the rest of the series he doesn't talk a lot and has issues with social interaction), not changing much in facial expression. Most of these sort of are forgotten by later episodes, but are still there. There's too many to list almost.. Even in the first episode he shows up in, this conversation is seen:
    Tayo: There's something strange about Gani. He's new, but he does everything perfectly and knows everything.
    Hana: You know Tayo, he seems like an ordinary bus to me. Just like the rest of you.
  • Broken Ace: He's very good at being a city bus and doing his job at one, but he tends to get his nerves afray if under particular pressure.
  • Fatal Flaw: His neurotic, fearful nature that he often displays tends to get him into trouble whenever it surfaces.
  • Gentle Giant: The largest of the young buses, and also the nicest.
  • Nervous Wreck: He tends to be a fair bit more fearful and neurotic than the other buses. This often leads to problems for him and others. He's still very sweet, though, and it doesn't stop the other from liking him.
  • Nice Guy: Generally the most consistently nice of the four buses.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The Nice one with Rogi's (sorta) Mean and Tayo's in-between.
  • The Quiet One: He's generally the least vocal of the little buses.
  • Red Is Heroic: Again, like with Tayo, kinda obvious.
  • Sensitive Guy: The Sensitive Guy to Tayo and Rogi's Manly Men.
  • Shrinking Violet: Compared to the other buses, he can be rather shy.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Tends to have more issues with social interactions than the other buses do.
  • Vague Age: Easily the vaguest in the whole story. On the one hand, he doesn't seem to be any more mature than Tayo, Rogi, or Lani, and he certainly sounds like he's roughly Tayo or Lani's age. On the other hand, he was built with the memory chip of an older bus named Wandie, which would technically make him not only the oldest of the young buses, but perhaps older than even Citu.


Hana is the human mechanic who looks after the buses.
