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Character page for the Dalnan sector in the High Republic era, set 400 years before the Battle of Yavin.

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Dalnan Sector
A sector on the Galactic Frontier during the High Republic Era, it was one of the primary regions the Republic and Jedi expanded into during that period of exploration and reconnection. In 232 BBY, the Starlight Beacon was constructed in the sector and a number of battles between the Jedi and Nihil occured.


Location: Dalna System, Dalnan Sector, Galactic Frontier, Outer Rim Territories
Capital: Saludad
Immigrated Species: Aqualish, Evereni, Gran, Harch, Human, Ithorian, Mikkian, Mon Calamari, Nautolan, Ongree, Pantoran, Rodian, Theelin, Trandoshan, Twi'lek, Weequay, Wookiee

An agricultural planet that was generally distrustful of outsiders. While not part of the Republic, the Jedi had a presence on Dalna, having been in conflict with the Ro family and the Path of the Open Hand. 150 years later, during the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Dalna considered joining the Republic, but the Nihil were intent on keeping that from happening.

  • Apocalypse How: Dalna's surface is ravaged by a series of volcanic eruptions triggered by a Nihil superweapon in Mission to Disaster, which necessitated a mass evacuation by bringing Starlight Beacon to the system. However, the planet is made habitable again years later through terraforming.

    Honesty Weft 

Honesty Weft

Species: Human

The son of a Dalnan ambassador and a Corellian immigrant, Honesty was a passenger aboard the Steady Wing when it was sabotaged by the Nihil and was subsequently stranded alongside Vernestra Rwoh, Imri Cantaros, and Avon Starros.

  • Aerith and Bob: He has the very Earth-sounding name, Honesty Weft.
  • Disappeared Dad: His father, Ambassador Weft, is killed in bombing of the Stead Wing by the Nihil.
  • Parting-Words Regret: His last conversation with his father was an argument, which leaves Honesty guilt ridden and even more interested in revenge against the Nihil for taking his father from him.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Dalna is ravaged in Mission to Disaster after a series of volcanic eruptions and groundquakes caused by the Nihil, masking the planet inhospitable for quite some time. While he notes the planet could be restored in a few years, Dalna still wouldn't feel like home due to his father's death.

    Dalna Characters on Other Pages 


Location: Audabas System, Dalnan Sector, Outer Rim Territories, Galactic Frontier
Capital: Diurna
Immigrated Species: Katikoot

A marshy planet with many mountains and valleys inhabited by the Katikoot species and a twin planet to Gloam. Jedi Master Silandra Sho and her Pathfinder team are sent to this planet to investigate when another Pathfinder team led by Jedi Master Rok Buran goes missing.



A bat-like sentient species that inhabits Aubadas. After stripping their world clean of resources to mine, they've turned their attention to the nearby planet of Gloam.

  • Bat People: The Katikoot are a species of large, humanoid bats.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: The fact that they look like giant bats makes them look intimidating, but they aren't inherently malicious.
  • Wings Do Nothing: The Katikoot are unable to fly despite having wings. This is because the Katikoot used to be able to fly when they lived on Gloam, but lost the ability to do so sometime after migrating to Aubadas. In fact, the undead Katikoot on Gloam are still able to fly despite the other alterations to their bodies.



Species: Katikoot

The daughter of the minister of works, Kittik. When Jedi Master Silandra Sho's Pathfinder team came to the Aubadas system investigating the disappearance of Master Rok Buran's Pathfinder team, she teams up with them to investigate Gloam.

  • Awful Truth: When investigating the hidden city on Gloam, she learns that much of what she and the rest of her people have been told about their own history has been distorted over time. In particular, she learns that the Katikoot aren't actually native to Aubadas, but Gloam, and that the monsters are actually the original Katikoot, having been sealed away after being turned into zombies by the Miner's Curse.



Species: Katikoot

The nephew of minister of works, Kittik and the cousin of Mittik, who was previously a miner on Gloam. He served as a guide to Jedi Master Rok Buran's Pathfinder team before they went missing.

  • Body Horror: Near the end of Quest for the Hidden City, the Miner's Curse starts to cause some of his body to crystalize, even impairing his ability to speak. While he doesn't turn into a zombie thanks to Obik's efforts, he's become irreversibly altered.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: While he would rather spend what little time he has left indulging himself, he has trouble understanding why Obik from Master Sho's Pathfinder team would bother trying to cure him and mocks the Republic for what he perceives to be excessive idealism.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: He hoped to take advantage of the monsters on Gloam in order to plunder its mines, but in the process, contracted the disease that made them into monsters in the first place.
  • Greed: He's the one who released the undead Katikoot onto Gloam's surface, hoping to use the chaos to plunder the mines and then sell its resources for himself. This is also a Fatal Flaw for him, as he also ends up contracting the Miner's Curse that turned the Katikoot into monsters in the first place.
  • Karmic Transformation: He tried to take advantage of the chaos created by the undead Katikoot, only to contract the Miner's Curse that created the monsters in the first place. While he doesn't die thanks to Obik's efforts, he's going to be stuck that way for the rest of his life.
  • Treacherous Quest Giver: He serves as a guide to Master Buran's team on Gloam when they come to investigate, only to lead them into a trap.
  • Walking Spoiler: It is very difficult to discuss anything about Rillik that doesn't involve his major role in Quest for the Hidden City.
  • War for Fun and Profit: One of his plans for enriching himself is to sell Gloam's minerals to both sides of the Eiram-E'ronoh war.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: He has secretly contracted the Miner's Curse, and knowing that he's doomed to become a feral monster, spends what little time he has left trying to satiate his greed and selling out Gloam's resources.


Location: Audabas System, Dalnan Sector, Outer Rim Territories, Galactic Frontier
Native Species: Gloam monsters

A twin planet to Aubadas that is being mined by the Katikoot for minerals, ravaged by a series of mining accidents and now inhabited by feral monsters. There is also an ancient city that is home to a lost Jedi Temple.

  • Death World: Not only is the planet on the verge of environmental collapse due to the Katikoot overmining it, it's also inhabited by vicious monsters. The monsters in question are actually ancient Katikoot that have been turned into zombies.
  • Dug Too Deep: Gloam is in the sorry state that is due to the Katikoot not only overmining, but unleashing a Hate Plague that turned the original Katikoot into zombies.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: The monsters living on Gloam are actually the original Katikoot — Gloam being the species' original homeworld — having turned into feral zombies due to the Miner's Curse, a Hate Plague unleashed as a result of overmining.

    Gloam monsters 

Feral, nocturnal monsters that roam Gloam's surface following a mining accident.

  • Bat Out of Hell: The monsters look like giant humanoid bats, similar in appearance to the Katikoot. This resemblance isn't a coincidence, as they used to be Katikoot.
  • Body Horror: Their blood and internal organs have been replaced with black crystals as a result of the Miner's Curse.
  • Non-Human Undead: Specifically undead Katikoot, which are giant humanoid bats.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The so-called monsters — actually feral undead Katikoot — were previously locked away underground, with the survivors fleeing to Aubadas and adopting it as their homeworld. However, their descendants forgot over the centuries where they were originally from, returned to Gloam for resources when Aubadas's resources dried, and went on to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.
  • Sentient Phlebotinum: The mineral the Katikoot were mining are said to be possessed by malevolent spirits, and are behind the Miner's Curse that have turned the Katikoot into zombies. Functionally, Miner's Curse is like a mineral version of cordyceps for bat people.


Location: Haileap System, Dalnan Sector, Outer Rim Territories
Native Fauna: Handsy

A jungle moon orbiting the double gas giant Neralus and Nixus. When the Nihil attacked the Republic starship Steady Wing en route to Dalna, the survivors of the attack crashlanded the ship on Wevo.

  • Death World: From first impressions, Wevo is a very inhospitable planet. Lightning storms and acid rain are frequent, and the water is toxic. That said, the species that do thrive on Wevo are well-adapted; the plants dissolved by the acid rain grow back very quickly and the native primates use local fruit as a non-toxic water source.

Eiram-E'ronoh System

A system on the Galactic Frontier containing the twin planets Eiram and E'ronoh. Due to the system's nature as a hyperspace waypoint, the two planets were locked in a Forever War with each other 150 years before the Great Hyperspace Disaster.

  • Death World: Neither of the two planets are ideal for sustaining sentient life, to the point that relief supplies are needed to make both planets livable. E'ronoh is a Thirsty Desert that now very rarely sees rain and is inhabited by incredibly venomous scorpions. While Eiram has a lot more water, it's almost all salt water and the planet is prone to destructive storms (at one point in its history, it was hit by a cyclone that covered an entire hemisphere).
  • Feudal Future: Both planets run on a hereditary monarchy. Unfortunately, they also have a storied history of conflict with each other.
  • Forever War: Both planets had been in conflict with each other for centuries, with ceasefires only lasting a few years at best. The original reason for the war has long since been forgotten, but both sides blame each other for starting it. By the time of the Great Hyperspace Rush, the latest iteration of the war had lasted for five years.


Location: Eiram System, Dalnan Sector, Galactic Frontier, Outer Rim Territories
Capital City: Erasmus
Native Species: Human

Circa 382 BBY


Queen Adrialla

Species: Human

Appearances: Convergence | Cataclysm

The ruling queen of Eiram during the Forever War.

  • Broken Pedestal: Phan-tu's opinion of her sours when he learns she was secretly manufacturing weaponized Eirami scorpion venom on E'ronoh.
  • Marry for Love: Her mother had arranged for her to marry a Pantoran baron, but Adrialla met Odelia first and married her for love instead.
  • Puppet Queen: While she is Eiram's legitimate ruler, she's also in the clutches of the Path of the Open Hand due to providing Eiram with relief supplies without immediately asking for anything in return, and has been coerced by the Mother's liaisons (usually by threatening Phan-tu) to manufacture poisons and keep the war going. However, she eventually turns on the Mother.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: When E'ronoh Princess Xiri A'lbaran crashes on Eiram after a skirmish in orbit, instead of having her imprisoned, Adrialla treats her as a guest and even offers to let her go. She also continues to be open to peace negotiations with E'ronoh even after the accident in orbit.

    Phan-tu Zenn 

Prince Phan-tu Zenn

Species: Human

Appearances: Convergence | Cataclysm

The adoptive son of Queen Adrialla and heir to the throne of Eiram.

  • Adopted into Royalty: He was born to a poor family, but after his mother died in a storm, he was adopted by Queen Adrialla.
  • Arranged Marriage: He agrees to political marriage with Xiri A'lbaran in the hope that it will truly end the Forever War between Eiram and E'ronoh.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: He and Xiri have a few issues to work out, some of which stem from the Culture Clash between their two worlds, but their desire for peace, desire to unite their planets, and deep care for their people make them highly compatible and they do fall in love.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: When Xiri A'lbaran crashes into Eiram's seas, Phan-tu takes the effort to save her from drowning despite being both the heir and a commanding officer of a planet at war with his own. When he learns that the Path of the Open Hand may have had a part in reheating the Forever War, he secretly travels to Dalna with Xiri despite being injured, and eventually finds himself fighting in the Battle of Dalna.
  • The Wise Prince: He is a skilled diplomat whose number one priority is caring for his people, and his first instinct during danger is not to head to safety but to help out others. Phan-tu throws all of his support behind the marriage to Xiri because he sees it as the fastest way to establish peace and safety not just for his people, but the people of E'ronoh as well.

    Lian Cerox 

Ambassador Lian Cerox

Species: Human

Voiced by: Salli Saffioti

An ambassador representing Eiram during the peace summit on Jedha.

  • "Ass" in Ambassador: Despite being appointed ambassador, she has no interest in seeing peace with her long-time enemies and jumps at the chance for conflict when the negotiations go downhill.
  • General Ripper: She's known E'ronoh as nothing but her world's enemy for her whole life, so the idea of both worlds ending the war peacefully is completely alien to her.
  • Moment Killer: When Sav Malagan and Saya Keem are about to have a romantic moment in the midst of infiltrating Cerox's flagship, the ambassador interrupts them. Sav and Saya respond by knocking her out with a Force push.
  • Revenge Before Reason: As a consequence of the Forever War and the toll it's taken on her personally, she believes a peaceful end to the war between Eiram and E'ronoh will render all of the casualties her world has suffered meaningless, and jumps at the opportunity to help derail the peace talks all against the wishes of the royal heirs.

Circa 232 BBY


Queen Consort Thandeka

Species: Human

The wife of Queen Dima.


Location: Eiram-E'ronoh System, Dalnan Sector, Galactic Frontier, Outer Rim Territories
Capital City: The Rook
Native Species: Human
Immigrated Species: Pantoran, Mon Calamari

Circa 382 BBY


Monarch A'lbaran

Species: Human

Appearances: Convergence | Cataclysm

The ruling monarch of E'ronoh during the Forever War.

  • Knight Templar Parent: When his daughter Xiri is seemingly taken hostage by Eiram (she's actually being treated like a guest, contrary to what his advisors are telling him), he threatens to rain hellfire on Eiram if he doesn't get her back.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: His eldest child Niko drowned on a diplomatic mission to Eiram. He believed it to be murder instead of an accident and waged war against Eiram to seek revenge. Jedi Knight Gella Nattai senses his utter despair over the death of his child and is surprised that he has been able to continue living with the grief he carries.

    Xiri A'lbaran 

Princess Xiri A'lbaran

Species: Human

Appearances: Convergence | Cataclysm

The princess of E'ronoh during the Forever War and a captain in Thylefire Squadron during the conflict.

  • Ace Pilot: She is an accomplished pilot whose status as a squadron leader is well-earned and not just due to her royal status.
  • Arranged Marriage: She proposes a political marriage between her and Phan-tu Zenn in the hope of truly ending the Forever War between Eiram and E'ronoh.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has auburn hair and amber eyes, giving her a striking a fiery look to go with her personality.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Her reputation amongst her people takes a big hit when it gets out she was the one who suggested the political marriage with Phan-tu, with a number of E'ronoh's citizens believing Xiri to be a traitor or that she was brainwashed after crashlanding on Eiram.
  • A Mother to Her Men: When one of her pilots' fightercraft experiences a malfunction that runs the risk of escalating the conflict, she encourages said pilot to cooperate with the Jedi so they can solve his problem. When the pilot suggests they destroy his ship to prevent any more damage, she refuses to have him shot down.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Despite her status as E'ronoh's princess and heir, she actively serves in her planet's navy. When she learns that the Path of the Open Hand had a role in keeping the Forever War going, she travels to Dalna to investigate and finds herself fighting in the Battle of Dalna alongside the Jedi.
  • Warrior Princess: Royalty on E'ronoh are expected to serve and lead in the military, a tradition that Xiri upholds quite well.


Viceroy Ferrol

Species: Human

Appearances: Convergence

The chief advisor to Monarch A'lbaran.

  • Evil Chancellor: Most of his advice to A'lbaran is to continue the war despite the costs, as Ferrol is obsessed with revenge and will do anything to take it upon Eiram.
  • Not Me This Time: After being responsible for several incidents of violence throughout Convergence, Ferrol is framed for the murder of the assassin Abda in her prison cell, an act that he actually had no part in.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Despite knowing that Axel Greylark is a killer, Ferrol confronts him on his own in secret without telling anyone else that he knew Axel had murdered Abda and framed him for it. Axel quickly determines that Ferrol, despite all his bluster, had never killed anyone before and easily disarms and kills him.
  • War Hawk: It is his advice and influence that has kept A'lbaran's hatred of Eiram stoked and the war between the two worlds going.

Circa 232 BBY


Monarch Cassel

Species: Pantoran

Appearances: Into the Dark

The ruling monarch of E'ronoh.
  • Distressed Dude: He and Queen Thandeka are held hostage by the Directorate.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Cassel's not a terribly bright fellow, but after a few moments of thought admits that keeping the hostility between E'ronoh and Eiram going just because it's always been like that is pretty stupid.
  • Meaningful Name: Cassel sounds like "castle", and he's a king.
  • Nice Guy: While it is mentioned that Eiram and E'ronoh had been actively hostile towards each other, Cassel makes an honest attempt to be friendly with Thandeka, to the point where she even feels bad about insulting him in the past
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It's stated that among the twin planets, he certainly isn't known for his intelligence. When Isamer gets angry with his men for having kidnapped the wrong queen of Eiram, Cassel assures them that the queen's wife would still be useful as leverage against the actual queen. When Thandeka asks him if he's trying to forge an alliance with the pirates, he's appalled and says no, he was trying to make Thandeka sound useful. However, Isamer has other plans for them.
  • Skewed Priorities: When the Directorate panics over having kidnapped Thandeka, the queen consort rather than the queen regnant of Eiram, Cassel says that Thandeka can still be as I Have Your Wife because he didn't want Thandeka to sound like she was useless.

Starlight Beacon

Location: Eiram System, Dalnan Sector, Outer Rim Territories

A space station constructed within the Dalnan Sector during the High Republic Era, Starlight Beacon was a joint Jedi-Republic project that was amongst Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh's "Great Works". It was a symbol of the Republic's return to the galactic frontier and was designed to support missions of exploration, research, diplomacy, military support, and emergency response in the region. While the station was mobile, it was typically in orbit of the twin planets Eiram and E'ronoh.

    Rodor Keen 

Rodor Keen

Species: Human

The Republic's Head of Operations aboard Starlight, Rodor worked closely alongside his Jedi counterpart Master Estala Maru.

  • Jurisdiction Friction: Due to he and Estala sharing what is essentially the same position for the Republic and Jedi respectively, Rodor often finds himself frustrated by the fact the Jedi Master frequently is the one taking charge of situations and making the reports, which causes Rodor to feel redundant as he also wants to be hands-on with every situation.
  • Minor Major Character: Despite his importance to the station, his appearance in many of the stories he appears in are brief and he is never a main focus. Rodor also does not appear in several stories where his presence would be logical, like during the refugee crisis aboard Starlight during The Fallen Star.
  • Uncertain Doom: His fate during the destruction of Starlight Beacon is unknown, although he could be amongst those who did manage to evacuate.

    Velko Jahen 

Administrator Velko Jahen

See her entry on the High Republic Era - Galactic Republic page.

    Ghal Tarpfen 

Chief Ghal Tarpfen

Species: Mon Calamari

Homeworld: Mon Cala

Portrayed by: ???

Head of Security for Starlight Beacon. Once a captain in the Mon Cala Guard, Ghal now serves the Republic itself and is dedicated to keeping Starlight and its inhabitants safe from the dangers of the frontier.

  • Unequal Pairing: She was once in a relationship with Prince Shenrick of the Mon Cala royal family, despite being a very low-born citizen who had risen through the ranks of the guard to captain. As such relationships were frowned upon, they kept it secret but figured there were little risks involved as he was the third born son of the king. However, both his father and elder siblings died in an accident, and in a bid to keep their past relationship secret one of Shenrick's first actions was to dismiss Ghal from the guard and pretend like she had requested it. Although Ghal was hurt by this treatment, she went along with it as both their lives would be ruined if the truth came out, and she subsequently departed Mon Cala to avoid being hurt by seeing Shenrick wed another.



See his entry on the High Republic Era - Galactic Republic page.
