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    Ciussè Trippòne 

Ciussè Trippòone

A sexually repressed unemployed slacker who spends his time binge eating and brashily insults everyone who challenges his (very short) fuse.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: A strange case with Adema. While Giuseppe loathes her, he seems to be slightly attracted to her, only to openly send her threats because she dumped him like many other women did.
  • Abusive Dad: Lampshaded in the video "State lontani da chi vi ha creato (Stay away from who brought you up)", in which he tells about his bitter relationship with his dad.
  • Acquired Situational Narcissism: Not as much as Pasquale, but still, when he surged as a staple of memetic culture, he became a lot more pretentious and condescending towards his audience and he dumped Diprè because he thought he was popular enough to do without him. [[That sadly wasn't the case.
  • Acrofatic: He might be overweight, but he managed to catch a hen twice, something that requires a certain level of dexterity. Averted in his most recent appearances, as he became (even) fatter and slobbish.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: While he is far from being a nice person and despite the fact he complimented a couple of women, he is far more callous and depravated in Grenbaud's host lives. Also the whole aforementioned thing of "treating women better" fades away once he behaved like an offensive sex maniac almost as bad as Pasquaglione if not just as bad period.
  • Affably Evil: One of his few redeeming qualities, tied with Adaptational Nice Guy, and the reason why he comes off as more simpathætic than Pasquale. Unlike him, Giuseppe can be quite polite and affable in multiple occasions:
    • In the very first three "For the Social" interviews, Giuseppe seems to look up to Diprè, often refers to him with courtesy and even self-deprecates. It's ironic how this went downhill to the point he badmouthes him at the very first opportunity.
    • Throughout his memetic involvement, Giuseppe's mysoginistic trait faded away and his treatment towards women got better. By far the best example of this is when he congratulated Fabio's girlfriend for how attractive she became from the last time he met her. Inverted with Adema, one of his biggest detractors, who was the object of heavy insults about her appearance for no apparent reason.
  • All Women Are Prudes: Downplayed, as he used to be a believer of this, but he used it as an excuse to debunk women from his surroundings because they didn't want to have an affair with him.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Exaggerated, there have been tons of moments which contradict his sexual tendencies. Most of them have been lampshaded by Rebel and Adema, who are certain about him feeling attracted to men, especially young black adults. Parodied in many occasions. Special mention goes to "Giuseppe Simone and the two black stallions". Defied each and every time he is been called a buttknocker and reacts either in a hammy and offput way or in a complete outburst.
  • Animal Motifs: According to Rebel, his genitals resemble the likes of pigs'. "Two stout nads and a cute tiny penis". He even dedicated a seven-minute-long video about the many affinities between Giuseppe (without him being mentioned) and pigs.
  • Anti-Role Model: Again, not the definitive holder of the trope, but his actions definitely make him count as one of these. Constantly lying for the sake of it? Check. Trying to intimidate your opponents but cowering behind a laptop? Check. Trying to give the impression of being poor and unlucky only to reveal you can afford many things such as an automatic gate? Check.
  • Asshole Victim: Averted in the very start, as he didn't deserve the scorn he got in first place. However, as time went on, he became a bigger and bigger prick to the point that his comeuppance feels warranted most of the time.
  • Attention Whore: What Rebel labeled him as.
  • Ax-Crazy: Ooh, boy, calling him crazy would be an understatement. Every death threat he posed was petty at best and downright maniacal and disturbing at worst. By far the most notorious glimpse of this is the rant on Patrick Segu aka Elisa Pops's package, in which he pulled out a knife with jerky and over-the-top gestures.
  • Bad Liar: The list is almost never ending, but let's list the most obvious:
    • First and foremost, he pretends to be a needy of the region and begs money and help, but all he does in order to prove thi is talking about one specific object and inserting the "CARITAS" prefix on it.
    • While not that big of a deal, he claims to live in his old place, while his fans made it perfectly clear he doesn't live there anymore.
    • He feigned innocence once he was accused of all the death threats, answering with a nonchalant "I don't remember".
    • His latest and most off-putting deed. He lied about tracking down Adema and seeking revenge, while he was simply going to exhibit some of his merch (collectable cards with his round face, by the way) near Como. Fortunately someone took some pictures of him during the Fair.
  • Berserk Button:
    • The thing that tics him off the most is being called a buttknocker. Hilarity (as well as intense fear for the more sensible individuals) ensues as he starts ranting about him being labeled as such.
    • People who don't commit his errors, such as revealing their own full names. It's mostly a Inferiority Superiority Complex as Giuseppe is the one who was put to shame in the first place.
    • Other youtubers who steal the spotlight from him. Dankol 83 learned this the hard way, as he (unintentionally) interrupted him in his exhibit in Torino.
  • Bank Robbery: Downplayed, while he didn't do any armed hold up at all, he tried to negotiate with a shop assistant, that is giving him a discount if he mailed his (clitoris-sized) penis in front of her. This didn't end well, as his husband delivered multiple slaps to the point Ciussè had to stream without showing his face.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Granted, quite näive and gullible, but not stupid at all. In addition he can be really dangerous if provoked.
  • Big Beautiful Man: Downplayed, he is not good looking as fat, but in his skinniest he is definitely more abhorrent and uglier.
  • Big Eater: Yet again downplayed, he isn't known to be a gargantuan eater, but he has a pretty healthy appetite. Not to mention he is pretty good at making recipes and giving advice to amateur cooks.
  • Big Fun: Tied with Affably Evil. At least initially, he would try to be nice and get along with his fans/colleagues. As by now, it feels all just an act.
  • The Big Guy: The largest and the most physically capable of both Dipre's circus freaks (alongside Frankie) and Saian and Captain Costa's deadly five and a half.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Ciussè can get well-spoken and knowledgeable when he wants to and has mastered at least two forklift licenses, but he prefers earning money from his pension instead.
  • Bullying the Dragon: Aside from the "weiner discount" episode, he has deliberately taunted a few people who later made him suffer his consequences, whether it culminated in a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown or a simple demonstration of how much a Dirty Coward Ciussè can be.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Again, Pasquaglione suffers from this heavily, but, due to how stubborn and hardheaded he is, Ciussè is marginally better. At the lightest and most heartfelt constructive criticism, 90% of the time he will try to temporarily block you.
  • Casanova Wannabe: What he is best known for. For some weird reasons, he (even) is more unlucky than Pasquale, despite the latter's bigger jerkassery, and he has almost no chance to hook up with women. He has a very short penis, he tends to get ill-tempered, he seems to have bisexual tendencies and he is by no means a handsome man.
  • Cerebus Retcon: If you think about it, it's sad all the epopee our anti-hero went through is all caused by some desperate attempt at finding a new job, but in the meantime paradoxical, since now he refuses to do it anymore.
  • Character Catchphrase: It's easier to list what's NOT quotable about this guy. Special mention goes to "You bratty slut", "These nuts!", "Errrr... That's all!" And "Smells like a rip-off!".
  • Characterization Marches On:
    • Similarly to Matteo Colangelo, he started out as a bitter and grumpy misogynist, but, probably thanks to his Ambiguously Bi trait, he will later have a closer relationship with women.
    • As said before, at the very start he was willing to find many employment requests, but he preferred to bask in his memetic career instead.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: He pretty much became what Jhondoe 74 was back at the beginning of the 2010s, often teasing and harassing verbally those who he thinks they wronged him, however Jhondoe 74 was capable of redeeming himself, as seen in the video in which Diprè and his crew wreaked havoc in his neighborhood at midnight alongside Manimarco, his Arch-Nemesis.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The same guy who claimed he didn't receive anything from the October wishlist in August, managed to kick Muniz's butt. Same goes for Diprè, although in a much less destructive way.
  • Dirty Coward: He threatened Rebel by saying he was ready in order to smack his hoe on his head. A few months later, when Rebel came to visit him, Ciussè cowered inside his place.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: When he sees you as an alleged foe just by spelling the word "master" with a lowercase M, he will either prevent you from ever interacting with him again or, worse, he will try to spread your phone number as soon as possible.
  • Disability as an Excuse for Jerkassery: Downplayed, unlike Pasquaglione, he didn't use his legally protected status as a reason to brag, but once people discovered the truth, he acts in a similar way Truce and Megapirla did, that is behaving like a oblivious dunce, but with many bouts in which a dose of Insufferable Imbecile is displayed.
  • Dumbass Has a Point / Jerkass Has a Point: Downplayed, he is more of a simpleton who pretends to be a dumbass, and in many scenarios he was still pretty immoral, but not to the degree of Grenbaud Pasquaglione's cousin, Fabio and her girlfriend, who got worked up overreacted for petty reasons.
  • Entitled Bastard: Subverted in "Stay away from who brought you up", with his iconic quote "I'm so sorry if I called you beasts. Your company is of great comfort to me... And you're weiners.".
  • Extreme Omnisexual: Or how he passes by it... Special mention goes when he tried to make out with a hen and an apple.
  • Fanboy: Of the Bible. On a few occasions he was bragging about a couple of verses he remembered.
  • Fat and Proud: Double subverted, He seems to be fairly nonchalant when he is wanders in his house aimlessly naked (heck he even stands in front of the camera with his belly sticking out!). However he tried to lose weight back in April 2023 by eating lemon peels, but he also claimed that most of his adipose layer wasn't due to him being overweight, but it's his unemployed status instead.
  • Fat Bastard: To the point he became the definitive holder of the trope. Double Subverted, Started out as a stout and grumpy individual, then he slimmed down, only to gain weight again. Ironically, he is technically obese now and he is a bigger prick.
  • Fat Slob: Downplayed in his early days, but played straight now. Everything he does on screen is either stuffing himself, sneezing, yawning, walking slowly while doing a T pose and, of course, farting.
  • Freudian Excuse: Not only he struggled with his abusive upbringing, but part of Ciussè's most perverted and unpolitically correct side comes down to when he got sexually harassed by his older cousin Marco Leo back when, in his own words, "He didn't realize the difference between wieners and vaginas".
  • Gasshole: Something that he used to do, and still does lately, while streaming is farting.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He is very touchy, he often gets worked up for futile reasons and when he freaks out he has Large Ham tendencies.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: He used to regard women as nothing but chances in order to channel his libido. Fortunately this trait toned down as time went on and he treats women better now.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: People often bring Marco's accident up. What's funny about the whole thing is how he once went insane and afterwards he tried to cover everything by blatantly telling that it was a lie.
  • Hypocrite/Hypocritical Humor:
    • Like Pasquale, he fat shames people, although he himself isn't the fittest guy out there. At least he doesn't deny being out-of-shape, unlike the aforementioned sad excuse for a human being does.
    • He called out Rebel for being a coward, while the whole situation soon backfired, as Rebel, coming to his place, finally showed how much of a yellow-bellied chicken he actually is. Same goes when Ciussè falsely accused his rival of reporting his live in which "His conscience made him pay", while he deleted it himself and when he bad mouthed about him trying to hit on men, while Ciussè actually took a picture with two young men on his bed.
    Crazy Lory 84 

Crazy Lory 84

A grown adult with the likes of a toddler who lives in his own world. Definitely not cut for being a supervillain.
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     Jawsy Colly 
