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Sandbox / Hop Hoppip

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I’m writing a story, and I’m going to use this page to list the tropes it will include, as a way for me to quickly access their pages, and as a starting point for the story’s page if I ever actually finish it, and because I’m autistic and I like listing things. I’m only including the title and most of the details in hidden text, so it won’t be a spoiler if I actually finish it (and because the title is a really good and original Pun and it’s liable to be stolen at any moment).

Comic Tropes

    General and Unsorted Tropes 

    Episode 1 

    Episode 2 

    Episode 🐍 

    Episode 🍔 

    Episode 🔪 

    Episode 🐀 

    Episode 🕹️ 

    Episode 🌪️ 

    Episode 🔁 

    Episode 🍬 

    Episode 🪢 

    Episode 👩‍❤️‍👨 

    Episode 🦊 

    Episode 👻 

    Episode 🧟‍♂️ 

    Episode 💊 

    Episode 🔦 

Character Tropes

    All ghost characters 

    Character 1 
He's 5'7", ethnically Pakistani, and very easy to scare. Unfortunately for him, he has to face paranormal happenings on a daily basis. There’s a lot of screaming.

    Character 2 

    Character 3 

    Character 4 

    Character 5 

    Character 6 

    Villain 1 
A teenage gorgon, hired by a store to turn bothersome customers into mannequins.

    Villain 2 

    Villain 3 

    One-Off 1 

    One-Off 2 
A kitsune who hosts a yearly festival for Yōkai. He’s a bit oblivious, but he means well.

    Tropes for Minor Characters 
