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Sandbox / Genshin Impact Electro

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Archon: Beelzebub
Elemental Reactions: Aggravate, Crystalize, Electro-charged, Hyperbloom, Overload, Quicken, Super-conduct, Swirl
Gnosis: Bishop
Strong Against: Hydro, Pyro
Weak Against: Cryo

    In General 
  • Ambiguous Situation: Electro Visions stopped appearing after the Raiden Shogun enacted the Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decree. General opinion in Teyvat states that the Electro Archon stopped granting Electro Visions, but Ei refutes that claim saying that she (and likely the other Archons) doesn't have the authority to grant Visions meaning that some other higher power is in play.
  • Damage Over Time: Electro-charged slowly deals Electro damage to anything afflicted with Hydro or Wet, being easily triggered in areas with large amounts of water or rain.
  • Shock and Awe: Electro enables power over the ethereal thunder and storms.



Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort (née Amy), Prinzessin der Verurteilung (and Ozvaldo "Oz" von Hrafnavins)

Fischl is voiced by: Mace (Chinese), Maaya Uchida (Japanese), Park Go-woon (Korean), Brittany Cox (English)
Oz is voiced by: Li Yuantao (Chinese, original), Zhao Yuecheng (Chinese, v2.5 onwards), Yasunori Masutani (Japanese), Lee Hyun (Korean), Ben Pronsky (English)
Introduced: September 28, 2020 (v1.0 "Welcome To Teyvat" [game launch])
Prinzessin der Verurteilung!
Ein Immernachtstraum
Night-Severing Raven
"I, Fischl, have roamed the galaxy and traversed countless worlds. I have learned the fate of ten thousand universes and have had revealed unto me the destiny of every living soul!"
"Mein Fräulein reads a lot of novels. *(sigh)* My name, 'Oz', is from one of her favorites."

Rarity: 4★
Birthday: May 27
Element: Electro
Weapon: Bow
Model: Medium Female
Constellation: Corvus, the Raven
Specialty Dish: Die Heilige Sinfonie (Cold Cut Platter)
Normal Attack: Bolts of Downfall
Elemental Skill: Nightrider
Elemental Burst: Midnight Phantasmagoria
Utility Passive: Mein Hausgarten (25% reduced time on Expeditions in Mondstadt)
Affiliation: Adventurer's Guild

An investigator for the Adventurer's Guild in theory, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, travels the land with a night raven companion named Oz, and for all her "eccentricities", is a capable investigator. She is also definitely not a girl named Amy.

Having experienced adventures throughout other worlds, Fischl amplifies her combat capabilities by working in tandem with Oz. Her Elemental Skill, Nightrider, summons Oz, whose destination can be manually adjusted in its held form, who shoots "Freikugel" projectiles; using the Skill again while he is present summons him back to Fischl's location. Her Elemental Burst, Midnight Phantasmagoria, allows Fischl to temporarily fuse with Oz, with which she can fly and shock her enemies; afterwards, Oz will reappear to continue attacking, and if he is already present before the fusion, his timer will reset.

As Fischl continues to indulge in her fantasies, Oz gains the ability to summon Thundering Retribution, a thunderbolt with a wide damage radius, whenever either Fischl fires at him with a fully-charged shot or her allies trigger Electro-related reactions. Once she learns to reconcile fantasy and reality, Oz sees an extension to his tenure on the field, as well as gains the ability to attack in tandem with Fischl even when he is not present, as well as with her allies whenever he is; the summoning phase of Nightrider increases in damage potency and radius; and triggering Midnight Phantasmagoria deals Electro-elemental damage on surrounding enemies, as well as restores some of Fischl's HP afterwards.

Fischl can be obtained from any banner, or by purchasing her from Paimon's Bargains when available.

See Fischl's self-demonstrating page here.

In General

  • The All-Seeing A.I.: Oz can and will actively attack Pyro Agents even after they go invisible.
  • The Beastmaster: The closest any of the launch characters come to it; Fischl's gameplay revolves around getting help from Oz. He cannot "tank" for her, but he is a colossal part of her damage output.
  • The Bus Came Back: The "Summer Fantasia" event in v2.8 (July 2022) is the first appearance of both Fischl and Oz in the game's storyline since v1.1's "Unreconciled Stars" event (November 2020).
  • Assist Character: Oz acts as this for Fischl's Elemental Talents. Nightrider summons him into combat to fire Electro bolts at enemies, while Fischl fuses with him for Midnight Phantasmagoria.
  • Bolt of Divine Retribution: Both of Fischl's ascension passives allow Oz to trigger Thundering Retribution, a thunderbolt that deals wide-ranging Electro damage. That for her first, Stellar Predator, allows her to induce him into doing so by shooting at him with a fully-charged shot, with damage worth 152.7% of that of the arrow, while that for her fourth, Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex, allows any active character to do so with Electro-related reactions, with damage worth 80% of Fischl's Attack stat.
  • Cooldown Manipulation: Downplayed as the ability does not affect the cooldown itself, but Midnight Phantasmagoria effectively doubles to re-summon Oz, particularly if Nightrider is on cooldown. With the right timing, and with enough Energy gain, she can have Oz be always on the field.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: The pair's color scheme is purple and black, and yet they're unambiguously on the side of the heroes, even if one of them is a bit of an oddball.
  • A Day in the Limelight: They play a prominent role in the "Unreconciled Stars" and "Summer Fantasia" events.
  • Fusion Dance: Midnight Phantasmagoria sees Fischl fuse with Oz to fly around the field, zapping any enemy they come across. Fischl's fourth Constellation upgrade, Her Pilgrimage of Bleak, allows it to deal Electro damage to surrounding enemies at its start, with damage worth 222% of her Attack stat, as well as heal 20% of her HP as soon as she breaks up the fusion.
  • A Girl and Her X: Fischl is a young lady with a huge case of chuunibyou who has a sentient, communicative, magically powerful raven who fights on her behalf.
  • Glass Cannon: Fischl has an exceptionally good Attack stat, one of the best of all 4★ units, compounded by additional firepower from Oz. As such, she's one of the strongest support characters, providing great damage as well as recharging the party. However, her survivability is one of the lowest of any characternote , not helped by Midnight Phantasmagoria only providing one second of invincibility compared to other characters' Bursts. This is partially made up for with her fourth Constellation upgrade, Her Pilgrimage of Bleak, which heals 20% of her HP after she breaks her fusion with Oz.
  • Gratuitous German: Fischl uses a lot of it in her Elemental Talents (at least in languages that use the Latin script). "Auge der Verurteilung des Großen Kaleidophantasmas"note , indeed. It is also questionable linguistically, and there is a decent chance that's intended by the writers. It even applies to her specialty dish, "Die Heilige Sinfonie" ("The Holy Symphony"). Likewise, Oz addresses her as "mein Fräulein" (my lady), though in the English dub, Ben Pronsky uses a more North German dialect, pronouncing it "mane froy-line" instead of the more familiar "mine frow-line."
  • Ham and Deadpan Duo: Fischl is a chuunibyou Large Ham with a very flowery manner of speaking, while Oz is more deadpan, "translates" Fischl's speech into normal English, and sasses back at her from time to time.
  • Heal Thyself: With her fourth Constellation upgrade, Her Pilgrimage of Bleak, Fischl can heal 20% of her HP after using Midnight Phantasmagoria, in addition to dealing damage to enemies near her trajectory, equal to 222% of her Attack stat.
  • More Dakka: Fischl's first Constellation upgrade, Gaze of the Deep, allows Oz to shoot projectiles in tandem with her shots whenever he is not active, dealing damage equivalent to 22% of Fischl's Attack stat, and her sixth, Evernight Raven allows him to deal Electro damage in tandem with any active character whenever he is on the field, equivalent to 30% of Fischl's Attack stat, in addition to extending his tenure from ten seconds to twelve.
  • Out-of-Character Moment:
    • During the final part of the "Unreconciled Stars" event, Fischl accidentally drops her flowery speech pattern right before she leaves, confessing that she has had great fun and that most people in the Adventurers' Guild only ever talk to her for Oz's reconnaissance reports. After getting embarrassed when Paimon points this out, Oz hastily tries to cover for her, translating her words back into her normal prose, which Paimon also calls out as weird.
    • Once the player's Friendship Level with her is high enough, some of her voice lines indicate that she begins to struggle to keep character around the Traveler due to her feelings for them.
    • Even without these examples, there are a few times in her story events where she gets rattled or irritated enough to break character, which Oz quickly reminds her of.
  • Out of Focus: They had not appeared in the game's storyline from the "Unreconciled Stars" event way back in v1.1 (November 2020) to the Summer Fantasia event in v2.8, almost two years later. They had failed to appear even in the "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" event that focuses on the Guild. It was noted in-universe that they were simply busy elsewhere, and their absence owes to real-world issues involving Li Yuantao, Oz's original Chinese voice actor.
  • Psychic Link: Fischl can see through Oz's eyes by possessing him. This is taken a step further with Midnight Phantasmagoria, wherein Fischl merges with Oz and flies around the battlefield, zapping any enemy they come across.
  • Put on a Bus: They must go help the afflicted people in the final part of the "Unreconciled Stars" story event. Fischl and Oz give the Traveler and Mona their blessings to finish the job. They don't come back until v2.8, for the Summer Fantasia event.
  • Red Baron:
    • Fischl calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung", which means "Princess of Condemnation" in German.
    • Oz has multiple titles like Fischl, including the "King of Ravens" or the "Night-Severing Raven Oz".
  • Secret Identity Vocal Shift: Of a sort. "Fischl" speaks in a rigid, perfectly enunciated, formal tone full of Purple Prose. Amy, on the other hand, sounds like the teenage girl she really is, with the diction of an average Mondstadter.
  • Sliding Scale of Gameplay and Story Integration: In the library maze section of "Immernachtreich Apokalypse" Quest of the "Summertime Odyssey" event, Oz temporarily sides with "Immernacht Fischl". As a result of this, Fischl's Elemental Talents are disabled during this time, since both are tied to Oz.
  • Upgrade Artifact: A few variants.
    • Fischl: Her third and fifth Constellation upgrades, Wings of Nightmare and Against the Fleeing Light, increase the talent levels of, respectively Nightrider and Midnight Phantasmagoria by three.
    • Oz: Fischl's second Constellation upgrade, Devourer of All Sins, increases the damage potency of Nightrider by twice her Attack stat, as well as its radius by 50%.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Statistically, Fischl's base HP and Defense are among the lowest, while her Attack is great, but not enough to make up for her subpar survivability. However, her ability to make Oz linger on the battlefield with some investment into the Energy Recharge stat makes her a reliable, consistent source of Electro damage and any corresponding elemental reactions.
  • Weapon Specialization: The Mitternachts Waltz, a 4★ bow that is made specifically for her. Its substat is Physical Damage Bonus, which can reach 51.7% at Level 90, while at its fifth and final refinement, its "Evernight Duet" passive increases the damage of Elemental Skills by 40% for five seconds whenever normal attacks hit opponents.


  • Age-Inappropriate Dress: Possibly. Oz's voice line saying she cannot buy alcohol implies that Fischl is still in her mid-teens (though she could simply be a young adult who is not yet of drinking age), and yet her outfit has a sizable part made from a sheer leotard, meaning that the only real cover she has comes from what looks like a flowing corset and a pair of panties. Even compared to other characters like Mona, Candace or Dehya, the fact that what seems to be a teenage girl wearing a lingerie leotard in public will raise a lot of eyebrows. Her Ein Immernachstrum alternate outfit is more modest, as the fabric in the front covers her chest, but the skirt is still made out of a sheer material, so the outline of her groin is visible.
  • All There in the Manual: During her first appearances, Oz often danced around the question when asked about her real name, and all her backstory text censors it. The only reason sharp-eared audiences knew her real name was "Amy" was because her father called her as such in her character trailer. It wouldn't be until the "Summer Fantasia" event when Fischl gets addressed under her real name in-game.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Her "papa" does not hesitate to call Amy home for dinner in the middle of a story session during her debut trailer, leaving poor Fischl flustered (and insisting she is the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, knowing not of any "Amy"). Mercifully (for her), the man has not appeared on camera in the game just yet.
  • Ascended Fangirl: She is quite possibly playing out the part of her favorite novel heroine to the absolute hilt, down to cosplaying as her and fighting like her. This is all thanks to receiving a Vision at fourteen years old, her newfound powers manifesting in a raven familiar, identical to the character Oz from the books, which became her companion. One of Noelle's lines for her has the maid assuming that she's the same heroine character from said novel.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: For the group in the "Summertime Odyssey" event, in terms of maturity at least. Whatever the actual ages of Kazuha, Xinyan, and Mona, the trials they were shown to endure in their Mirages were also things they'd already grown and moved on from. In contrast, Fischl's is rooted in her deep-seated insecurities, which she is still actively struggling with and which the others help her surpass.
  • Badass Adorable: Fischl is one heck of a chuunibyou, but she's still a competent adventurer, and is endearingly cute for it.
  • Be Yourself: Learns this important lesson in her own quest in Summertime Odyssey, after Oz helps Amy regain her confidence and teaches her An Aesop on this to allow her to accept her "Fischl" self anew.
  • Bookworm: In one of his voice lines, Oz points out that Fischl is an avid reader of novels (and that his name comes from one such book), hinting at a source for Fischl's eccentricities. Descriptions for her Elemental Talents show that the source of all this is the Flowers for Princess Fischl novel series, her favorites. Noelle's voice lines back this up, noting that Fischl always reads in the library in the Knights of Favonius' headquarters whenever she is not working.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: She robs one of Diluc's Elemental Burst quotes in "A Summer Night's Phantasmagoria" event, with Oz commenting on it shortly after.
    Fischl: Today is the day of one's reckoning with fate, as foretold by the night sky! Humiliations suffered in the past, the shame we have carried all these years, one bids you adieu! For today, it is time for... Retribution!
    Oz: Mein Fräulein, if I may be so bold, that final line did not sound like one of your own.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer:
    • The Guild plays along with her... unique personality because she is one of their best investigators. Such skills come into gameplay with her field passive cutting down expedition time by 25%. The "Unreconciled Stars" event plays with this, where she admits that the Guild's members only come to her to listen to info from Oz.
    • In the "Unreconciled Stars" event, Oz notes that her intuitions usually turn out to be correct, nonsensical though they may seem and even if she cannot explain how she gets to the conclusion. In your mutual quest to solve the mystery of the sleep-inducing meteorites, Fischl claims from early on that this was due to a curse from an unknown power. She's proven right when Mona discovers that they came from a long-dead adventurer's dream to scale the giant, snow-covered Pilos Peak, now reduced to Musk Reef due to Barbatos' terraforming.
      Mona: I'm a little incredulous, but it turns out her blind guess was actually spot-on... Ugh, no, I'm a respectable astrologist, and I shouldn't stoop to that kind of criticism.
  • Casting Gag: Fischl's Japanese voice actress, Maaya Uchida, is best known for her breakout role of Rikka Takanashi, herself a codifier of the chuunibyou archetype.
  • Chewing the Scenery: A chuunibyou who speaks with ham and in Purple Prose, uses eloquent words, milks the giant cow... yeah, this is a given.
  • Chuunibyou: Ohhh, but she has a case of it. Eyepatch sealing a magical eye? Dark, asymmetric and mysterious clothes? Black nail polish? Black demon wing decorations on her boots and her outfit's shoulderblades? Mysterious raven companion? Speaks in a hammy, flowery dialect with eloquent words? Snazzy hand poses? Fantasies of slaying dragons with great powers? Her primary gimmick as a character is one extended joke on this trope and trying to live one's deepest fantasies. Even descriptions for her Elemental Talents are oozing with flowery language. There is a degree of irony to this, of course, since she actually is a powerful mage/archer living in a fantasy world; despite this, she still manages to have ludicrous delusions of grandeur.
  • Competition Freak: Fischl is generally personable as long as you respect her quirks, but she gets heated during a competition. This is why she snarks back at Mona sometimes. It's most obvious during the quest to unlock Genius Invokation TCG, where the match between her and the Traveler is the last one they need before they can become a ranked TCG player. Fischl's tone before this match is more aggressive than usual, and when she's on the losing end she asks that Oz attack the Traveler. Fortunately, rather than follow her commands, Oz chastises her for losing her temper.
  • Cool Crown: She wears a gothic tiara as part of her Ein Immernachtstraum alternate outfit.
  • Darkness Von Gothick Name: Her title, "Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort", which has "von" and "Luftschloss Narfidort" as parts of it.
  • Decoy Protagonist: A good chunk of the Summertime Odyssey event is about Fischl trying to find the Golden Apple Archipelago to spend her summer vacation under the pretense of finding the promised land, but after the Fatui and powers from above get involved, she began to lose prominence in favor of Mona, who is instrumental in finding out the mysteries behind the mirages and the Fatui machine, as well as the Traveler's first contact with the Dendro Archon, Kusanali.
  • Dimensional Traveler: She claims to be one, similar to the Traveler themselves; she identifies her homeworld as "Immernachtreich"note  and claims it was destroyed in some fashion. Her character story, however, does reveal her background to be just a normal girl who delved too deeply into her fantasies. She is, at least, able to quickly recognize the Traveler for what they are, befitting her strong intuition.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": She does not want to admit her real name, Amy, as seen on this official tweet and on her Announcement Video. Her character stories also block out any mentions of that name from her parents' dialogue lines.
  • Dork Knight: A cute chuunibyou girl, especially when she gets embarrassed when she realizes she dropped her persona towards the end of the "Unreconciled Stars" event. But make no mistake, her battle capabilities are all real, and she can be relied on when it comes to her job of investigating.
  • Driven to Suicide: Heavily implied in her character stories. As described under her Friendless Background entry, something sad that she does not want to remember happened when she was fourteen — she was bullied and rejected by her peers, and her father told her to abandon her "Fischl" fantasies; later that night, she met Oz, her first friend. Her third in-game story describes one scene in the Flowers for Princess Fischl novel in which its version of Fischl met Oz — it mentions how people denied her noble stature and 13,000-year-old royal heritage, her returning home and, out of despair, shedding her blood, only to be saved from the brink of death by Oz, who at that moment swore fealty to her. It is a clear analogy of Amy as Fischl meeting her Oz. Furthermore, during the "Summertime Odyssey" event in 2022, a raven statue could be found near a cliff. If you interact with it, it would tell you that it knows what you are thinking and warns you not to do it, then tries to cheer you up and tell you that everything will get better in time. In the last part of the same quest, at one point the road towards the objective abruptly ends with what seems like a ledge above the void, with the noticeboard nearby stating that "the courage to leap when faced with the precipice of a cliff is the key to freedom's gate".
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Fischl's base design already envokes a heavy element of gothic lolita, what with her black sheer leotard resembling lingerie, hair ribbons, black elegant corset, and tights. But her Ein Immernachtstraum skin puts it into literal gothic lolita due to her renaissance-era clothing, frills, ankle ribbons, and puffy shorts. This makes Fischl stands out so much more compared to the rest of the cast.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Her "When it Snows" line has Fischl admire the snow, only to start sneezing quickly. That sheer leotard her outfit is made from isn't helping her deal with the cold anytime soon.
  • Eye Color Change: In Fischl's Ein Immernachtstraum skin, while her left eye is covered as in her default outfit, her right eye is red instead of green. This is explained in the Summer Fantasia event story as being the result of a Split-Personality Merge, as the outfit originally belonged to Immernacht Fischl, although they may be colored contacts as the description for the outfit is a script which notes that the novel version of Fischl had red eyes and suggests incorporating that into her costume.
  • Eyepatch of Power: She wants hers to be one, at any rate. Whether it is sealing any actual magical power (as she claims) is currently, shall we say, a matter of interpretation. She still has an eyepatch in her Ein Immernachstraum skin in spite of her hair over her eye, but it's a different one as it's white instead of black.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: She's going for it at any rate, with one of her tights/stockings going all the way up and the other stopping just short, completely different sleeve designs with one ending in a glove and the other not, and two varieties of hair decorations, along with the obvious eyepatch.
  • Friendless Background: Her character stories reveal that she was often alone at home because her parents traveled often. This led her to spend time reading novels and becoming enamored with the worlds therein, insisting on her father calling her "Fischl," after the protagonist of her favorite series, after he did it once. Because of that, the other kids were weirded out by her. It was not until she was fourteen that she met Oz, after she came home crying because of bullying and her father told her she should abandon her childish fantasies. The character stories do not specify what exactly happened to her after that, only that it was something sad she does not want to remember, but it ended with her receiving a Vision and her newfound Electro powers manifesting as a loyal raven companion.
  • Friendly Sniper: For all her boasting, she is a pretty crack shot with her own shortbow, and she is friendly so long as you, well, play into her fantasies.
  • Frills of Justice: Her "Ein Immernachstraum" alternate outfit checks most of the boxes — it's frillier, is predominantly purple-and-white instead of purple-and-black, and incorporates hair ribbons and a Cool Crown into the mix. It makes her look like a Dark Magical Girl, which is fitting given that this outfit is princess-themed and reflects both her Friendless Background and being an Occidental Otaku.
  • Giant Poofy Sleeves: Fischl's "Ein Imernachtstraum" alternate outfit has these below her shoulders. Keyword is below, as her shoulders are completely bare.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She has short twin-tails tied with black ribbons.
  • Growing Up Sucks: As Amy grew older and her parents became more frustrated with her Fischl act to the point that they openly told her that she's becoming too old to indulge in her fantasies, she became insecure about the harsh reality of growing up and decided to subconsciously bury it for a few years afterward as she continued with her act. It wasn't until the "Summertime Odyssey" event that she faced her insecurities and learned to accept reality while also striking a balance with maintaining her persona.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She has golden locks and, Chuunibyou tendencies aside, is an absolute sweetheart.
  • Hidden Depths: First impressions would suggest Fischl is a wildly immature and egotistical teen who only works for the Adventurer's Guild as a means of stroking her own ego. As time goes on it becomes clear that she is genuinely altruistic and puts a lot of work into adventuring to help other people, despite her Friendless Background suggesting that the world has not been so kind to her.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: An eyepatch and the resulting loss of depth perception doesn't hinder her skill with a bow one bit.
  • I Reject Your Reality: The "Summertime Odyssey" event reveals that she has shades of this, and her character arc therein focuses on her learning to confront reality. After finishing the second volume of The Hymn of the Holy Land, the Traveler and the rest of the group, sans Amy, are teleported to a hallway where they listen to her trying to get her parents to roleplay as they celebrate her birthday, only for them to tell her that she’s too old to be indulging in her fantasies. The final volume has Amy confronting an Anthropomorphic Personification of her deep insecurities, but with help from Oz, she’s able to accept her flaws, and merges with Immernacht Fischl.
  • Lady of War: Boy, she wants to be one. She wants it more than anything in the world. And she is certainly not untalented, but her ambitions are... a bit loftier than reality at present, not to mention how much scenery she chews.
  • Large Ham: Given her tendency to weave even the simplest of things into a tale of mythical proportions thanks to her enlightened state, her hamminess requires a little simplification via Oz. Even her giving well-wishes to a man stuck in deep sleep feels closer to delivering an obituary.
  • Leotard of Power: Fischl's default outfit is a sheer lingerie leotard with a corset. Since no one else in this game wears anything like that, it seems a bit too much, which helps establish she's playing pretend and isn't as mysterious of an Anti-Hero as she claims.
  • Literal Split Personality: In the Summer Fantasia event, Amy's self-loathing manifests as a doppelgänger called "Immernacht Fischl", who calls out Amy on her refusal to face reality, seizes control of Oz, and declares that the Immernachtreich is a tomb for those who cannot face reality. Fortunately, Immernacht Fischl is defeated when Oz convinces Amy to accept her flaws, allowing the two of them to undergo a Split-Personality Merge.
  • Magical Eye: She says she possesses the "Eye of Judgment", sealed by her eyepatch. Does she have it... well, question mark? (Her idle pose does feature a sparkle above her other eye, but Teyvati magicians could do that regardless.)
  • Meaningful Name: In a hilarious bit of irony, Fischl's real name, "Amy", is also the name of a demon of the Ars Goetia, meaning she has a Goetic name much like the archons and other gods in the game. Amy the demon was described as a President of Hell who procured familiars and had the bizarre and futile hope of returning to heaven much like how Fischl is accompanied by her familiar Oz and claims to come from a destroyed world she seeks to restore.
  • Meaningful Rename: "Fischl" is not her real name, having based it on a character named "Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung" from Amy's favorite book series when her father called her "Fischl" after knowing how she loved the story so much.
  • Minidress of Power: Fischl's "Ein Immernachtstraum" alternate skin changes her outfit from a sheer leotard to a purple-and-white dress with a sheer skirt to fit the fairy-tale princess theme.
  • Ms. Imagination: After a pep talk in the Summer Fantasia event, she identifies her greatest strength as her imagination, and the depth of her fantasies and how they come to life during that event lends some weight to that idea. The Immernachtreich is far more detailed than the other mirages. The Night Raven statues all have their own personality, and even after the characters leave the domain, Amy continues to exert her influence on the surrounding environment as "Fischl". A play is staged in her honor by the Night Raven statues, and there are still puzzles to solve and NPCs to talk to. All this in spite of the fact that the others' influence was limited to their domain and the terrain of the island it was on.
  • Nice Girl: For all her hamminess and theatricality, Fischl is, at the end of the day, a kindhearted, caring girl who is friendly to those who are nice to her and... acknowledge her station. In addition, some of her voice lines reveals that she worries about the people she makes friends with when traveling, especially if that person's name is Bennett.
    Fischl: I do worry about the well-being of my retinue during my impromptu absence...
    Oz: I'm sure the good people of the Adventurers' Guild are absolutely fine, mein Fräulein.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: She uses these as an affectation on occasion.
  • Occidental Otaku: Fischl's favorite novel and the basis for her persona, Flowers for Princess Fischl, is a light novel from the Yae Publishing House. It's implied that her taste in other novels is similar, but since she's from Mondstadt, this makes her an Occidental Otaku in a Medieval European Fantasy setting.
  • One-Steve Limit: In-Universe example. According to her fourth character story, her father renamed her from "Amy" to "Fischl" after she read to him the story of "Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung." However, the sixth volume of Legend of the Shattered Halberd mentions the Divine Halberd which is also named "Prinzessin der Verurteilung." This implied that Flowers for Princess Fischl, the book from which Amy took her alias, is a sequel to the Legend of the Shattered Halberd series, which was later confirmed when it became possible to pick up Volume 0 of the former series at Yae Publishing House. The wildly different setting is explained away as the result of in-universe Canon Welding.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Following the second part of the "Summer Fantasia" event, Fischl becomes visibly anxious as it's revealed that the mirages that grant wishes also expose the subject's insecurities, which is something Fischl does not want to share. Her sudden desire to investigate her mirage alone instead of sharing it with the rest of the group clues them that something is wrong, as Fischl would rope everyone into it otherwise. In fact, that's why she took them to the Golden Apple Archipelago in the first place. And sure enough, Amy's insecurities run deep, enough to get an Anthropomorphic Personification of them (though to be fair to Amy, she wasn't expecting that one, either).
  • Out-of-Character Moment: There are a few times where Fischl's flowery, larger-than-life persona will falter, and Amy will suddenly pop out temporarily. Such moments are usually played for laughs.
    Fischl: (When Thunder Strikes) Hark! 'Tis Thundering Retribution, an omen of dark times ahead...
    Oz: That, and... mein Fräulein's laundry is still on the line...
    Fischl: Wha...! Seriously!?
  • Parents as People: As seen in Summer Fantasia, during her mirages. They love their daughter, but at the same time, when Amy reaches an older age, they tell her to cut the roleplay off and dedicate herself to more meaningful stuff like music. Unfortunately, since they were pretty much the only people that indulged Amy's roleplay, she slowly understood she had to grow up... that is, until that night she met Oz.
  • Perky Goth: She certainly dresses the part with her dark gothic lolita aesthetic, but is otherwise a friendly young girl.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: Using her powerful imagination, she was able to create Oz, which is the manifestation of her Vision power, and she can summon him to fight for her in battle, most notably doing so during her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.
  • Purple Prose: She's prone to using overly fancy wordage than is necessary to converse. It's to the point that others, mainly Oz, created guides to help decipher just what she's saying. This habit of hers is so strong it even leaks into the normally dry talent descriptions, with lines like "the dark lightning spirits of Immernachtreich shall heed the call of their Prinzessin and indwell the enchanted arrowhead."
    (Chat: Whispers of Destiny) "I hear the voice of fate, calling my name in humble supplication."
  • Really 700 Years Old: As ever, she claims this is true, saying that "as [Teyvat] reckons it, I have seen three thousand winters." Oz is particularly swift to point out that, as far as "this world" is concerned, she is not yet of drinking age and she will never convince a bartender otherwise (with the implication he would not let them be convinced).
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Claims to be the "Princess of Condemnation", a royalty from a kingdom in another realm. The accuracy of that claim is up to debate, though her ability to kick ass is not.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Fischl's speech pattern when on-character is entirely long and eloquent verbose sentences that make it difficult for people to understand her without Oz to translate on her behalf. Fischl even calls this manner of speech "Fischlspeak." The only time she does drop her verbose speech is during her O.O.C. Is Serious Business moment against Immernacht Fischl in the "Summertime Odyssey" event, where she had to briefly drop her Fischl persona in order to face her insecurities head-on.
  • Ship Tease:
    • Her voice lines at Friendship Levels 5 and 6 take on a shippy edge, as the Traveler's ability to accept her for who she is without question (a fantastically rare thing in her life) begins to sweep her off her feet a bit. In "About Fischl - V" she struggles, for the first time, to remain in character (since the "Fischl" character would remain distant and haughty no matter what, but Amy clearly just wants to say how the Traveler means to her). In her birthday voice line, she makes a proposition to the Traveler to grant their wish and is about to suggest something before Oz cuts her off. He killed the mood?
    • Fischl's third Serenitea Pot chat has her ask if you will accompany her "to witness this world's end and greet the descension of eternal night." In the story of the character that Amy based her persona on, this is the ending, which makes this sound like she's asking to spend the rest of her life with you. If this isn't just her being overdramatic, it would make them life partners even if their relationship is not romantic. Notably, Fischl gets mad at Oz for interrupting her by trying to explain things like how he does when she offers to do something for you on your birthday, and when the Traveler reciprocates both Fischl and Oz are shocked to hear them say yes.
    • Fischl was very excited about getting to see the Traveler again during Weinlesefest. Not really noteworthy in and of itself, but Oz's choice of translation for Fischl's greeting suggests that there's more going on.
      Oz: Mein Fräulein is battling hard to suppress the euphoria in her voice. Seeing you here has put her in the most wonderful mood...
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Delivers an epic one to Immernacht Fischl during the "Immernachtreich Apokalypse" chapter in Summer Fantasia after the latter tries to bring's Amy self-confidence further down, but is roused back by her friends and reaches "Fischl".
    "...Do you still think I'm going to lose? [...] You looked down on me. You thought I was a worthless coward. And yes, I did use to be like that, because... I am someone who can't face reality, who spends all day daydreaming, and can't cope with setbacks or criticisms. But now I understand. I understood as soon as I first laid my eyes on this mirage. Do you see that incredible world out there? So vast, so breathtaking... that is my imagination, the source of my power. You act so arrogant under that dark cloak of self-obsession. But that's not your true nature. You're no Prinzessin. You're just a narcissistic speck of dust hiding in my shadow! You are the true loser, the one who's holding me back! [...] You hide your fear and cowardice behind a facade of thorns and self-loathing. You are far weaker than me."
  • Split-Personality Merge: At the end of Act IV of Summer Fantasia, Amy confronts her self-loathing, which has taken on the form of a Literal Split Personality called "Immernacht Fischl." Oz is ultimately able to convince Amy to accept her flaws, allowing her to absorb "Fischl" into her being and change into the outfit the latter was wearing.
  • Sprint Shoes: If Fischl turns into Oz's form using Midnight Phantasmagoria, her movement speed significantly increases.
  • Stripperific: Again, as explained in Age-Inappropriate Dress, her outfit is mostly made from a sheer leotard that otherwise bares her front and shows she doesn't wear a bra, so the most notable cover she has is what looks like a corset and panties. It's a miracle no one has called her out on it...
  • Supreme Chef: According to Mona, Fischl's signature dish, Die Heilige Sinfonie, is absolutely incredible, to the point that she attended Weinlesefest to pick up food that is cheap and easy to prepare so she can pay her back. Fischl responds that the dish is only a small sample of her culinary skill, and Oz supports this. This isn't reflected in gameplay — every character has a signature dish outside the Raiden Shogun, including characters who are Lethal Chefs like Amber, and Fischl otherwise doesn't receive any particular benefit when she cooks a dish.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Who is this "Amy" that her parents speak of in her trailer? She is definitely not her, no no — she's Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung.
  • Translation: "Yes": The adventurers have a "Fischl Dictionary," an in-joke "book" that translates her profound and lengthy sentences into something more concise. Her second character story has examples of these.
  • Trapped in Another World: Fischl claims to hail from another world. It is questionable, however, given her personality.
  • Troperrific: Fischl is meant to be a massive ball of chuunibyou and isekai tropes for the purpose of comedy.
  • Vague Age: She could easily pass for a young woman, yet she still is not old enough to drink alcohol, meaning she must still be in her mid-teens.
    • Notably, Fischl is one of the few characters to have an "anchor". She received her Vision when she was 14, which was at least a year before the game begins, as it's a plot point that no new Electro Visions have been handed out in that time. This gives her a minimum age at the start of the game of 15. There are some indications that the game takes place in real time, as Lantern Rite has been noted to be a yearly holiday, as it's the setting's equivalent of the Chinese New Year. Additionally, characters send you a birthday letter each year. Since Fischl's birthday has come and passed 3 times since launch, she should no longer be a minor, and the only reason it's still vague if she is or not is that it's possible that players started the game later. Even then, Version Events are indicated to have occurred regardless, the Traveler just wasn't there. This makes Fischl an unusual example, where she is not canonically an adult, but should be if the player started early enough. A single reference to real time during the story would be enough to settle things, but the game rarely goes into specifics.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Mona. She bickers with the astrologist quite a bit during the "Summer Fantasia" event, with Mona grumbling about the roleplay and Fischl responding in kind with verbal barbs at Mona's expense. Despite this, the two of them are deceptively close, as when Fischl's mood slips Mona is immediately ready to provide emotional support. Fischl has also invited Mona home for dinner with her parents a number of times, showing how much she enjoys Mona's company.
  • The Von Trope Family: "Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort", of course!

Oz(Ozvaldo Hrafnavins)

  • Affectionate Nickname: Fischl's character stories mention that her raven's full name is "Ozvaldo von Hrafnavins." She just calls him "Oz" for short. She also calls him "Ozzie" in a playable voice-over, to his confusion.
  • Ambiguous Situation: His very nature is unclear. What is known is that he appeared before Fischl for the first time alongside her Vision. Whether he really is a genuine living being, or simply an apparition created by either her imagination or her Vision or even both is unclear. If the latter is the case, then there's the question of whether he is fully sentient and has a will of his own, or if he reflects Fischl's subconscious.
    (Fischl's Vision story entry) So, is Oz just an imaginary friend who only exists as a figment of Fischl's subconscious? Our story begins with the royal heirloom, Edelstein der Dunkelheit — that is to say, Fischl's Vision. When her wish was acknowledged, the raven Oz and her Vision both appeared before her eyes.
    • Although it's not dwelled on long enough to be pointed out directly, one branch of Heizou's Hangout Event tree provides a potential explanation, where he mistakenly identifies Paimon as a "Voice," an external magical focus-slash-voice box. This is essentially what Oz is to Fischl.
  • Baritone of Strength: Oz has a pretty deep voice in all four languages, with the badass part coming from his strength as an Assist Character.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Needless to say, Oz often has his hands full keeping Fischl from getting too over the top. He also takes it upon himself to try and "translate" occasionally when her flights of fancy take her particularly above the clouds. He is still highly loyal, though.
  • Familiar: Oz is a classic example. He is bound to Fischl and completely loyal to her, as well as having magical powers of his own.
  • Identical Stranger: Oz looks suspiciously similar to Kanna Kapatcir, the thunderbird goddess of Tsurumi Island in Inazuma, possibly hinting at a connection between them. Given that the Flowers for Princess Fischl series is published and sold in Inazuma, and judging from Kanna's appearance in a flashback to the Raiden Shogun's past, it is implied that the appearance of the Oz of the books may have been based on Kanna.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: Oz is a sentient, speech-capable Night Raven who can carry Fischl around and help her both in combat and with her investigations. He is also quite loyal and perfectly polite and respectful, referring to Fischl as "Mein Fräulein" and going along with Fischl's antics. He also must remind her to deal with the more boring parts of her duties from time to time and keep her on track and not too carried away. This loyalty becomes suspect during the "Summer Fantasia" event when he opts to side with "Immernacht Fischl" over the original, but he then explains that he did so because both of them are the same person and convinces Amy to accept her flaws. This proves that he is faithful to her, and he solves the problem in the process.
  • Moment Killer: It's a Running Gag that Oz will translate even when Fischl is trying to be dramatic and doesn't want him to.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: He's the manifestation of Fischl's Vision power, and she's able to summon him to fight for and defend her in her playable unit, most notably doing so in her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst.
  • Satellite Character: Zig-zagged. Oz, who was created from Fischl's vision power to serve as her servant, doesn't have many motivations aside from serving Fischl, though he does have his own thoughts and personality and is able to interact with others even when she isn't around.
  • Servile Snarker: As loyal as he is to Fischl and as willing as he is to go along with her antics, Oz also has a tendency to sass back at her to keep her chuuni at bay. For example, when it snows, this exchange happens...
    Fischl: A wonderful sight indeed. Why, it reminds me of my home world, where at the sight of the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, the very blood and tears of sinners turn to ice! ...Achoo! Atchoo!
    Oz: Not only their blood and tears, but also their saliva and mucus, mein Fräulein.
    Fischl: Oz...! Ahh—choo!!
  • Sizeshifter: Oz can change his size, if Midnight Phantasmagoria is any sign; he is larger than an eagle during that maneuver, but otherwise, he is the size of a typical crow.
  • Talking Animal: Oz is a talking raven who also speaks using German phrases like Mein Fräulein ("My lady").
  • Temporarily a Villain: In the Summertime Odyssey event, during the "Immernatchreich Apokalypse", he defects to Immernacht Fischl's side after she calls him forth to her side. This, however, was in an attempt to help Amy by teaching her An Aesop on being herself, showing he was Good All Along. He then helps Amy reconcile with her "Fischl" persona through a Split-Personality Merge, and reunites with her once more.
  • Thunderbird: Oz is one and invoked mechanically for Fischl's combat Electro powers. At full expression, he's also pretty big for a raven—Fischl stands at about five feet or so, and Oz, when he merges with her during Midnight Phantasmagoria, has a wingspan a decent bit longer than she is tall, which makes him a fair bit bigger than any real-life corvidae and takes him more into the territory of eagles and other large raptors.
  • Translator Buddy:
    • Oz is there to translate Fischl's complex and fantastic vocabulary into simple sentences that others can easily understand.
      Fischl: I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, descend upon this land by the call of fate an— Oh, you are also a traveler from another world? Very well, I grant you permission to travel with me.
      Oz: She means "Nice to meet you."
    • During the "Unreconciled Stars" event, he even briefly reminds Fischl that not everyone can understand what she is saying. Paimon is also curious of the duo's relationship, lampshading this trope:
      Paimon: Ooooh, so that's what you're for? To translate?
    • Amusingly, this gets inverted during the final part of the event, when Fischl accidentally drops her Chuunibyou speech and talks normally, getting embarrassed when Paimon points this out. Oz hastily tries to cover her by re-translating her words back into her usual vocabulary.
  • Undying Loyalty: No matter how chuuni she can get or what the circumstances are, Oz will be there for his Fräulein, much like how Paimon will be there for the Traveler.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Other than Paimon of all people, nobody takes any special note of Oz, even though he is a raven that can grow in size, glows with purple Electro energy, and is as intelligent and articulate as a human. It is a bit surprising given that familiars do not seem to be a particularly common thing in Teyvat, for all its general weirdness.







    Kujou Sara 

    Kuki Shinobu 

    Raiden Shogun 

    Yae Miko 




Voiced by: Li Qingyang (Chinese), Miyu Irino (Japanese), Lee Woo-ri (Korean), Alejandro Saab (English)
Introduced: September 28, 2022 (v3.1 "King Deshret and the Three Magi" [first half])
Judicator Of Secrets
"Good deeds and bad... In the end, all will be placed upon the scales."

Rarity: 5★
Birthday: June 23
Element: Electro
Weapon: Polearm
Associated Weapon: Staff of Scarlet Sands
Model: Medium Male
Constellation: Lupus Aureus, the Golden Wolf
Specialty Dish: Duel Soul (Tahchin)
Normal Attack: Invoker's Spear
Elemental Skill: Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer
Elemental Burst: Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness
Utility Passive: The Gift of Silence (25% increase in rewards when dispatched on an Expedition in Sumeru for twenty hours)
Affiliation: Temple of Silence

A Spantamad graduate who now works as the General Mahamatra, leader of the Matra. Serious and no-nonsense, his loyalty to the Akademiya is only matched, if not surpassed, by his sense of justice and morals, even if that causes conflict with his superiors.

Cyno's relentless pursuit of justice is reflected in his ferocious combat style that prioritizes precise, hard-hitting strikes. His Elemental Skill, Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer, is a simple but swift Electro-elemental lunge, while his Elemental Burst, Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness, causes him to enter a state of "Pactsworn Pathclearer," wherein all his regular attacks become imbued with an Electro effect that cannot be overridden, endows him with heightened Elemental Mastery and resistance to interruption and Electro-Charged damage, and, more importantly, changes Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer into Mortuary Rite which deals wide-ranging Electro damage and extends the duration of the state.

As Cyno grows ever more determined to punish those who threaten the sanctity of wisdom, the Pactsworn Pathclearer state gains the ability to periodically trigger the "Endseer" state, wherein using Mortuary Rite at the right time triggers the "Judication" effect, which further increases its damage potency and allows it to fire three "Duststalker Bolts" that deal Electro damage equivalent to Cyno's Attack stat, in addition to a boost to normal attacks under this state and Duststalker Bolts by a fraction of his Elemental Mastery stat. Once Cyno finds the courage to stand up to injustice even at the highest levels of the Akademiya, Cyno gains a temporary boost to the speed of his normal attacks after triggering Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness, with an opportunity to refresh its duration whenever Judication is also triggered; his normal attacks can now temporarily boost his Electro Damage Bonus; and the Pactsworn Pathclearer state gains the ability to restore his allies' Energy whenever he triggers certain Electro-related reactions, in addition to building up stacks of "Day of the Jackal" through Mortuary Rite (or triggering the Burst), which are then consumed to augment normal attacks with Duststalker Bolts.

Cyno can only be obtained when the Twilight Arbiter Character Event Wish is active.
  • Animal Motifs: The jackal (or, specifically, the African or golden wolf (Canis lupaster), which modern scholars believe was the template for Anubis, the dog-headed god of the afterlife and judge of the dead in Egyptian Mythology). Cyno wears a cloak with jackal ears in the prequel web manga, as well as a jackal headpiece as a playable character.
  • Bargain with Heaven: His Elemental Burst is related to a mysterious deal he made with a spirit called Hermanubis, whom he channels to enforce justice.
  • Baritone of Strength: In contrast to his model, Cyno has a very deep voice, and enough endurance to single-handedly arrest 300 suspects over the course of a few days.
  • Best Friend: He is Tighnari's, as Kaveh mentions that he was introduced to Cyno as such.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: He is the Boke to Tighnari’s Tsukkomi, since Cyno tells his jokes completely seriously and waits for someone to laugh, and Tighnari responds by telling him his jokes are lame.
  • Bounty Hunter: Cyno's job as the General Mahamatra involves tracking criminals and bringing them to justice, much like how real-life bounty hunters hunt down people who skip out on bail and bring them to stand trial.
  • Breaking Old Trends: Of the characters representing each region in the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview trailer, Cyno is the first one whose Wish artwork when released as a playable character does not match the pose shown in said trailernote .
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Cyno's faith in the Sages was shaken when Azar refused to allow him to audit a project he was working on, claiming that the matra serves the sages and should never question them. This caused Cyno to suspect that the Akademiya cares for nothing but the pursuit of knowledge, morals, or consequences be damned. By the end of the Fourth Act of the Sumeru Archon Quest, it is completely shattered after witnessing for himself the broad, inhumane scope of the project.
    • Played with in his Story Quest. Taj, his former partner, and hero among the Matra, became a prime suspect connected to a large Knowledge Capsule smuggling ring, but it ends up subverted when he deduces that Taj faked his corruption to infiltrate the ring and destroy it from within. That said, Taj admits to being fallible, and Cyno acknowledges that age will likely erode even his own beliefs, and he can only hope that until then, he inspires people as Taj did.
  • Bromantic Foil: Cyno and Tighnari are both Collei's Cool Big Bro, is the leader of their respective groups, have canine Animal Motifs along with large animal ears, grew up in a family of scholars and have desert ancestry but currently belong to the rainforest. However, Tighnari grew up with both of his parents, who are descended from the Valuka Shuna who migrated to the forest long ago, while Cyno was adopted by Cyrus. In terms of appearance, Tighnari's fair skin, almost black hair, partially green eyes and clothing that only leaves his left forearm and a small section of his legs exposed contrasts with Cyno's tanned skin, white hair, red eyes and Stripperiffic outfit. Furthermore, Tighnari's animal ears are real while Cyno's animal ears are a part of his Signature Headgear.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: Despite his efforts to be relatable off duty with some jokes, people can’t laugh because of a combination of his intimidating personality and the jokes being bad themselves. Even worse, if he notices no one laughing at his jokes, he'll proceed to explain it thoroughly, akin to a lecture, leaving them speechless. One of the few individuals who actually find his jokes funny is Nahida (From her Level 4 Friendship voice line), and later Albedo as well, who finds them funny despite not laughing.
  • Characterization Marches On: During his debut appearance in Sumeru's Archon Quest chain as well as Act I of his Story Quest, Cyno is portrayed as a stern, no-nonsense lawman. The limited-time events in versions 3.5-3.7 later clarified that this is how he is while on the job where there is no reason for levity; off duty, he turns out to be a Comically Serious Pungeon Master, prone to dishing out groanworthy puns to his friends, and has a massive obsession with Genius Invocation TCG.
  • Child of Two Worlds: Cyno is a rare case of a desert-dweller who holds a position of authority in the Akademiya, despite the institution's notorious prejudice against the desert people. The Windblume's Breath event goes into further detail about his past: namely, that he's been raised in the Akademiya since young, and he acknowledges that being different from both those of the desert and the rest of the Akademiya comes with its own difficulties.
  • Cold Ham: When off-duty - and even sometimes when on duty - Cyno is prone to overdramatic speeches, bombastic nerdy diatribes about his favorite books or trading cards, or just plain randomly roleplaying as a character he made up for kicks, all without ever leaving the same cold, intense tone of voice.
  • Comic Role Play: In the Windblume's Breath event, Cyno reveals that he has the tradition of having character role-play during vacation trips. For the trip to Mondstadt, he insists that he is "Cyno the Adventurer", accompanied by Tighnari the "Technological consultant to the Treasure Hoarders", and Collei the "Traveling Musician". When asked if he does this because he somehow thinks it's fun, he enthusiastically responds "Very much so" without hesitation. He momentarily breaks character when he starts getting serious with Lisa about his past and his affection for Collei and Tighnari, only to be reminded by Lisa that he is supposed to be "Cyno the Adventurer".
  • The Comically Serious: His gruff and commanding demeanor hides a love for bad jokes, which he tells (and subsequently explains) without ever breaking character, leaving most people too surprised to laugh, even if they thought the joke was funny.
  • Connected All Along:
    • To Lisa, who is his senior as alumni of the Spantamad Darshan.
    • Cyno's investigation into the Sages was triggered by Tighnari's suspicions about the letters ostensibly sent by his former mentor, the Sage of the Amurta Darshan, who feared that his strong principles may have caused him to run afoul of his peers. They planned around it, even taking into account that Cyno might have to leave the Akademiya at some point and that Tighnari would be pestered even more by the scholars involved with the Sages' secret project, well before the Traveler arrived in Sumeru, shedding light on how Cyno came to discover the true extent of the Sages' corruption as well as Tighnari's defiance towards the Sages. It is for this very reason that Tighnari helps Dehya and the Traveler when they seek him for information, despite them not revealing the full details save for working with Cyno— Tighnari felt that he was responsible for Cyno getting caught up in this mess in the first place, and just as he'd promised, he would offer support as much as he could.
  • Consummate Professional: Subverted. While Cyno is completely serious and outright frighteningly efficient on the job to the point of scaring his own subordinates when he's not working, he shows a different side to himself, freely indulging in bad jokes and being extremely devoted to Genius Invocation TCG.
  • Cool Big Bro: He acts like one to Collei, despite not being biologically related to her.
  • The Coup: Assists in the plan to overthrow the Sages in Chapter III Act V, and personally arrests Grand Sage Azar for his treason.
  • Cowboy Cop: Cyno attacks Alhaitham first and asks questions later, and is not above using Jack Bauer Interrogation Techniques to get the information he needs. He also firmly believes in doing what's right, as he left the Matra as soon as his position became more of a hindrance to his investigation of the Sages than an asset. He says even if he was not a Matra, he would never stop enforcing the law.
  • Critical Hit Class: His Ascension stat is Critical Damage percentage (which can reach 38.4% at his sixth), and his signature weapon, the Staff of the Scarlet Sands, has Critical Rate as its bonus stat.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His conversation with Lisa in the Knights of Favonius Library after Act 2 of the 3.5 Windblume event has Lisa compare him with Collei, in that he was once in a similar situation where a divine power brought him "great suffering". He then reveals that the higher-ups in the Akademiya had taken him in to be experimented on, though thankfully he was adopted and cared for by a professor in Spantamad and given the chance to become the person he is today.
  • Deadly Lunge: In its base form, Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer is a swift dash attack. While Pactsworn Pathclearer is active, it turns into the wide-ranging Mortuary Rite.
  • Defector from Decadence: He exiled himself from the Akademiya after discovering that the Sages did not respect the vows of the matra and felt their judgment was not to be questioned.
  • The Dreaded: Cyno is not well-liked by most people, most of whom are terrified of him due to his position as leader of the Matra, which directly works for the Akademiya and its Sages. Even Collei, whom he attempts to visit and has a soft spot for, doesn't like his visits much since his very presence reminds her of her traumatic past. Tighnari suggests that his near-perpetual scowl doesn't help.
  • Dub Pronunciation Change: The Japanese dub pronounces the "Cy" syllable of his name as "Se".
  • Due to the Dead: At the end of his Story Quest, he asks the Traveler for their future assistance in planting flowers on the remains of the Court of Desolation, where Taj sacrificed himself to destroy it to cut off a major supply line of the smuggling ring he infiltrated.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Cyno first appeared in the prequel webcomic where he helped seal away Collei's berserk powers, and was the featured Sumeru character in the Travail trailer, long before his appearance in the game itself.
  • Endearingly Dorky: Despite his Consummate Professional attitude on the clock, the Windblume’s Breath event shows his geeky side when he is relaxing among friends. He loves telling lame puns, has the tradition of role-playing with Tighnari whenever they’re on a trip, and later admits that his main reason to travel to Mondstadt is, aside from looking after Collei, getting the chance to meet Calx and commission a special card holder for his Genius Invokation deck. He isn’t ashamed of admitting all of this.
  • Everyone Has Standards: In "A Parade of Providence", Cyno offers to pay 1 million mora to Kaveh for his rare card, despite Kaveh willingness to give it away as a gift. This is because of many reasons: Cyno is aware of the actual value of the card and he doesn’t see correct to take advantage of Kaveh not being aware of how much the card costs.
  • Family of Choice: Considers Tighnari and Collei as this, saying that their relationship is equal and pure, unaffected by academic considerations. He later admits to Lisa that he also considers Lisa, Amber, and the other Knights of Favonius kind of an extended family for helping Collei back in the day.
  • The Fettered: Cyno devotes himself entirely to justice and responsibility, even stating that it's not about living a happy life but doing what he must. His Story Quest goes into further detail about how the path of a matra is a lonely and at times thankless one, but Cyno is nevertheless determined to see it through to the end.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: The entire plot to save Kusanali made Alhaitham and Cyno become cordial to each other, to the point Cyno says that Alhaitham is one of the few scholars he considers reliable despite their differences, and at the end of the Sumeru Archon Quest Alhaitham agrees to attend the party celebrating Cyno's reinstatement to the Matra. In Alhaitham's Character Demo, he is also seen hanging with Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Tighnari in a tavern.
    • By the end of the Archon Quest, he also becomes closer friends with Nilou (who organized a banquet for him for getting back his job), Dehya, and Candace (who end up covering for him during his vacations).
  • Foil:
    • To Collei. Both were, at a young age, brought up as test subjects by the Fatui and the Akademiya respectively, but while Collei had to go through one horrendous experiment after another, Cyno was fortunately spared from such because of his surrogate father, Cyrus. Additionally, Collei was instilled with the dormant remains of the gods as a result of the experiments, while Cyno had already been a vessel of Hermanubis way before the Akademiya found him. Either way, these shared qualities have brought many difficulties into their lives, and Cyno actively makes an effort in order for Collei to avoid having to endure the same treatment from the Akademiya: he leaves her under the tutelage of Tighnari, someone no longer affiliated with the Akademiya of whom he trusts wholeheartedly, and visits regularly to check in on her.
    • To Alhaitham. They have a lot of common points. Both are high-ranking alumni of the Akademiya, have serious and deadpan personalities, defected from the Akademiya during the Archon Quest to help overthrow the sages, and received their visions while reading books. However, they differ in the details of those points. Cyno is driven by his strong sense of justice and is straight-up lawful, while Alhaitham is moved more by cold logic and his own interests, and is willing to bend the rules if he finds them logically flawed. Cyno can be dorky off the clock, while Alhaitham is serious almost all the time. And while Cyno is the General Mahamatra and leader of the Matra, Alhaitham's job as a scribe at the Akademiya is pretty much the equivalent of a file clerk, to which he returns after having the job of Acting Grand Sage for a while.
    • To Candace. They are both Egyptian-themed characters wearing Stripperiffic clothing who debuted in the same wish banners, are The Dreaded protectors of their field, canonically wield the Staff of the Scarlet Sands, have fathers (adoptive father in Cyno's case) that are Akademiya scholars, and are known to have links to divinity from the desert. However, their differences in terms of upbringing and connections with the divine have led them to drastically different stations in life. Candace is a tall woman who wears white who grew up in the desert, and her supposed ancestry from King Deshret is actually just a white lie, while Cyno is a short man who wears black, grew up in the Akademiya, and actually hosts a divine spirit within him. Candace is also far more warm and approachable partially due to her work as a hospitable host for visitors to Aaru Village while Cyno maintains a cold and distant demeanour while in work-mode.
    • To Kaveh. Both are light-haired and red-eyed seniors to a Deadpan Snarker Dendro vision holder named after a historical Arab scientist who wear dark green and have similarly green and red/orange two-toned eyes, but Kaveh has a strained relationship with Alhaitham while Cyno's relationship with Tighnari is mostly harmonious, save for Tighnari's lack of tolerance for Cyno's joke-telling. Furthermore, within the two pairs, Kaveh's colourful clothing and occupation as an independent architect contrasts with Alhaitham as the junior with a simple green and black colour scheme and position as Scribe in the Akademiya, while Tighnari is the junior with a more colourful outfit who insists on working outside of the Akademiya in contrast to Cyno's predominantly purple and black outfit and position as General Mahamatra.
  • Four-Star Badass: The Sumeru Preview Teaser 03 reveals he is a General and a Vision holder both, thus he is this trope by default.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: One of his voice-overs expresses this as a belief he holds, mulling over that no matter what has been done, no matter what tragic or desperate reason the perpetrator has, a crime is a crime.
    More About Cyno (III): Rather than thinking about the "why" of things, I prefer to focus on "what" has been done. There are countless reasons why people do things in this world, and upon hearing some of those reasons, you can't help but start to feel that the wrongdoer had a point, or that the public is being too harsh on them. The disadvantaged side will always garner people's sympathy, but the judge must abandon all such feelings. We may empathize with the pain and motivations of the accused, but a crime, once committed, cannot be left unpunished.
  • Gathering Steam: As a Character Card in Genius Invokation TCG, this is Cyno's gimmick. At the end of each Round, he gains one level of Indwelling, while his Elemental Burst adds two levels in addition to dealing 4 damage. At level 2, his Physical attacks become Electro elemental, and at level 4 he gains a formidable +2 damage to all attacks. Once it hits 6, however, it plummets back down to 2.
  • Genius Bruiser: Is an alumnus from the Akademiya, loves playing Genius Invokation TCG, a game that largely relies on strategy, and works as the General Mahamatra, the top law enforcer in Sumeru.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Whenever Cyno summons the spirit within him, the eyes on his headdress will start to glow, and the sight terrifies any who gazes upon him.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Cyno is wholly dedicated to the good of Sumeru and preventing dangerous knowledge from being exploited. This gives him a frighteningly no-nonsense attitude, leading to many people fearing him.
  • Happily Adopted: His conversation with Lisa in the 3.5 Windblume event has him reveal that he was adopted by their shared mentor Professor Cyrus, and Lisa even refers to him as Cyrus' "son-slash-student". Cyno is grateful to Professor Cyrus for not treating him like a test subject when he was brought into the Akademiya unlike what had been expected of him and for giving him the opportunity to become the man he is today.
  • Hellish Pupils: Has red eyes with slit, cat-like pupils and is terrifyingly efficient at his job.
  • Heroic Host: Activating Cyno's burst has him call upon a "divine spirit" that dwells within him to turn into the Pactsworn Pathclearer and deliver judgment where necessary.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: Only his left eye is visible in all his appearances, with his right eye obscured by his hair.
  • Identical Grandson: Implied. The recording of the testament of Kasala, the last priest of King Deshret, shows that he looked almost exactly like Cyno, who zones out for a moment after the recording ends and has to be prompted to leave with the others. Presumably, he's aware of the resemblance and was considering the possibility that he may be a descendant of Kasala.
  • "Just Frame" Bonus: His first-ascension passive, Featherfall Judgment, allows Cyno to periodically enter the Endseer state every four seconds while the Pactsworn Pathclearer is active, symbolized by a glowing eye appearing on the screen. Using Mortuary Rite during the 1.4 seconds the eye appears triggers the Judication effect, which increases its damage potency by 35% and allows him to fire three Duststalker Bolts that each deal Electro damage equivalent to Cyno's Attack stat.
  • King of Games: Cyno is very fond of games, his biggest one being Genius Invokation TCG. He also loves role-playing while on vacations, insisting that his travel friends each have a role during the trip. As of the event "Duel! The Summoners' Summit!", Cyno is officially Sumeru's champion of Genius Invokation TCG.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!":
    • During one of the quests, the Traveler and Paimon meet Fukumotonote , an author from Inazuma who is writing "The King of Invokations", a novel based on the Genius Invokation TCG, and wants to ask Cyno to be his model for the main character. Not only Cyno accepts to be used as a reference for his favorite game's novel, but he also demands a card game with Fukumoto as payment.
    • Cyno is a big fan of the legendary artist Calx and accompanied Collei and Tighnari to Mondstat to get a legendary card back commissioned by them. When Cyno finds out that "Calx" is Albedo, someone he had been speaking to for some time during that night, the fanboy side of his personality surfaces and he praises Albedo highly.
  • The Last DJ: The General Mahamatra is well-respected and feared for his unbending will to uphold the law and bring criminals to justice regardless of who they are. When Grand Sage Azar blocks him from investigating further into the Sages' suspicious activity, he goes on to Resign in Protest.
  • Living Lie Detector: He claims that his experience in interrogating criminals has made him an expert at telling when someone is lying. The lack of any such signs in the Traveler and Paimon when they speak of Kusanali convinces him that they're sincere.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Despite being close friends, he was unaware of Kaveh's bankruptcy situation until the end of the event "Parade of Providence."
  • Meaningful Name: His name is an Ancient Greek/Latin prefix for "doglike", fitting his jackal animal motif, and is also reflective of his general personality.
  • Mirror Character:
    • Cyno and Xiao are fearsome warriors famed for their sheer prowess, cold demeanor, and relentlessness in hunting down evil. But while Xiao is an old soul willing to retire should he be able to afford it, Cyno is young and reluctant to accept the fact that someday he may tire of his job, much less waver in his convictions. Gameplay-wise, both wield spears, have the Medium Male model, perform a Deadly Lunge for their Elemental Skill, and their Elemental Burst triggers a Super Mode that infuses their innate element to their regular attacks and increases their damage output, with the key difference being that Cyno's has the potential to be extended. Socially, Xiao tries to distance himself from people because of his karmic debt and his friends' safety, and his own insecurities about his own lack of social skills, while Cyno cares about people being intimidated by his stern personality, to which he tries to remedy by using jokes as an attempt to be relatable, despite not working most of the time.
    • Much like Keqing, he doesn't trust the leaders he works with and is also an Electro Vision holder. Both also have passive skills that buff their efficiency in their home region's exploration (Shorter duration in Liyue for Keqing, Reward amount bonus in Sumeru for Cyno), as well as having a hobby many would consider geeky (Collecting Rex Lapis figures and TCG card games). However, Keqing managed to warm up to Ningguang after seeing the latter's decision to save Liyue, whereas Cyno decides to turn against the Sages upon learning of their corruption. Lastly, their respective animal motifs are cats and dogs.
    • Cyno and Kujou Sara are Electro Vision holders and high-ranking officers in their respective nations' law enforcement bodies. However, Sara is unfailingly loyal to the Raiden Shogun and willingly helped enforce the Vision Hunt Decree, as well as antagonized the Traveler for much of the Inazuma Archon Quest until they and Miko forced her to confront the corruption within the Shogunate, by the time the Traveler met him, Cyno has grown disillusioned with the Sages, especially after discovering their illegal activities, and quickly became one of the Traveler's earliest allies in Sumeru.
    • Cyno and Razor are not only the only male Electro Vision holders as of v3.5, they also have similar move sets, use the Medium Male model, have long pale hair, red eyes, canine associations, wear clothing that leaves their torso exposed, and both know Lisa through a mentor-student relationship, though Cyno and Lisa were students of the same professor while Razor is Lisa's student.
  • The Mole: Downplayed. In Chapter III, Act IV, Candace suspects that the reason the Akademiya is one step ahead of the Traveler's group is because there's a mole in Aaru Village who's supplying information about the Traveler's next move to the sages. The mole turns out to be Cyno, albeit unwillingly since he has long defected from the Akademiya by that point, but Alhaitham explains that the sages are still using Cyno's connection to the Akasha to predict his every move, and by extension, the Traveler's due to association. Cyno uses this to his advantage to mislead and blindside the perpetrators responsible for the kidnapping of the Village Keepers when they least expect it.
  • Moveset Clone: To Razor. Their Elemental Skills are low-cooldown nukes, and their Bursts are Super Modes that convert all their attacks to Electro while incentivizing not switching out as it would end their Bursts early.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Cyno is a handsome man with a deep voice, a cool demeanor, and an outfit that showcases a lot of his skin.
  • Mysterious Past: Cyno's life before becoming the Akademiya's General Mahamatra is a mystery that is implied to be linked to his in-game affiliation with the Temple of Silence, an organization, which as of version 3.5, there is scarce information about. What is known about the Temple of Silence positions it as holding more authority than the Akademiya, with a report found in the Valley of Dahri stating that the Temple of Silence ordered all Khaenri'ahn machines to be sealed, as well as an in-universe theory that Faruzan's disappearance was due to the Temple of Silence imprisoning her for discovering a forbidden secret relating to King Deshret. Furthermore, the Akademiya has racist policies towards desert folk, with only exceptional talents such as Setaria being admitted, but somehow Cyno was able to gain admission despite not being particularly academic (a message on the Akademiya Public Message Board complains that he is not a renowned researcher), and Candace's voice line about him implies that he is not from Aaru Village. The 3.5 Windblume event clarifies that he was adopted by Professor Cyrus as a child after the Akademiya took him in to be experimented on, but still leaves no hints about the specifics of his origins before his adoption.
    • There is also the matter of the "divine spirit" that he calls upon to enter the "Pactsworn Pathclearer" state, which he does not elaborate further than saying that he can utilize its powers due to his natural constitution as well as "a deal (he) willingly made in the past." The conversation he has with Lisa in the 3.5 Windblume event implies that the spirit is linked to the powers of a historical priest from the desert called Hermanubis, and Lisa compares him with Collei in that they share similar negative experiences of hosting divine powers in their bodies.
    • The recording from Kasala, the last priest of King Deshret, reveal that Cyno resembles the former greatly, hinting at an unknown bloodline that he was previously unaware about.
    • His Vision story states that in-universe, there are many theories within the Akademiya regarding how Cyno received his Vision, some of which suggest that Cyno has relations with King Deshret or a high-ranking religious authority from the desert, though the mundane truth is that he got it while reading up on the six cardinal sins of the Akademiya.
  • Mystical White Hair: He has white hair and whenever he uses his Elemental Burst, he becomes a vessel of Hermanubis.
  • Mythical Motifs: His jackal-based design and constellation, as well as his position as head arbiter of the Akademiya's laws, brings to mind Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the afterlife and judge of the dead in Egyptian Mythology.
  • The Napoleon: Even among the males that use the medium height model, Cyno is remarkably short (a message on the Akademiya Public Message Board crudely refers to him as "that desert dwarf"), but that does not stop him from having a terrifying presence as the General Mahamatra.
  • Noble Top Enforcer: Cyno is the leader of the Matra, the Akademiya's fearsome disciplinary force. As strong as his loyalty to Akademiya is, however, he has a stronger loyalty to his morals and principles, which ultimately drive him to turn against the Sages after witnessing firsthand their extremely questionable activities.
  • Not So Above It All:
    • Despite the intimidating, no-nonsense attitude he gives off most of the time, Cyno does know how and when to relax. He likes cracking (terribly unfunny) jokes and is an avid fan of Genius Invokation TCG, which he plays in his downtime from his duties with the matra. He is also fond of role-play and will rope his friends into joining him with their own roles.
    • His Serenitea Pot lines reveal that he actually invokes this trope, as he realized his "ultra-serious" behavior was stressing out his fellow Matra, so he started telling jokes to balance out his image.
    • Tighnari tells that if Cyno gets too insistent with his jokes, it's a sign that he is comfortable among the group. He even repeats a joke five times to Albedo.
    • In Alhaitham's trailer, he is seen relaxing over some Genius Invokation TCG with Tighnari and Kaveh at a tavern and is casually talking with them about Alhaitham's combat skills.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Lisa points out that he and Collei's respective situations aren't so dissimilar, as Cyno had once struggled with the power of Hermanubis when he was younger, the same way Collei struggled with the remains of gods that lay dormant within her. This really sheds more light onto Cyno's protectiveness and affection for her, as he understands all too well what she's been through.
  • Odd Friendship: With Tighnari.
    • Cyno is the strict head of the Matra, a high-ranking position in Sumeru, while Tighnari is the leader of the Avidya Forest Rangers and Amurta alumnus who declined a position in the Akademiya in favor of watching over the rainforests. The latter has mentioned their disapproval of some of the Akademiya's methods numerous times and has even willingly bent the rules as with the case of Karkata. On the other hand, Cyno bears a strong conviction towards the rules and is fiercely passionate about his duty as General Mahamatra, always seeing the law as absolute. Despite these differences, however, they still seem to get along well and bear a strong, mutual trust with one another.
    • He also befriended Kaveh, a passionate aesthete and famed architect, prior to the Sumeru Archon Quest. Alhaitham's Character Demo and the event "Pride of Providence" reveal that they are quite close despite their differences in careers and personalities.
  • Older Than They Look: Due to his short stature, Cyno can get mistaken for a teenager at first glance, as shown in his character teaser, however, his deep voice and Tighnari's story mentioning that he was already the General Mahamatra when the former was still studying in the Akademiya indicate otherwise. Most notably, his appearance from the manga looks exactly the same as he does in the game, and during the Windblume's Breath event, Cyno confirms that he is chronologically older than Tighnari.
  • Power Floats: One of his idle animations has him channel his Electro powers to briefly levitate.
  • Proud to Be a Geek:
    • He is a proud Genius Invokation TCG player and gets excited whenever someone mentions the game.
      • When the author of the Genius Invokation TCG novel "King of Invocations" goes all the way to Sumeru, he wants the Traveler to ask Cyno for a few photos of him to draw inspiration for a character. Cyno agrees to let them take pictures, as long as they play some rounds of Genius Invokation TCG later.
      • During the 3.5 Windblume Festival, he asks the Traveler if they had played the TCG before. His next response varies depending on the option chosen:
        (If the Traveler says that they have): And that is why I am proud to call you my friend.
        (If the Traveler says that they have not): Well, you should. For the sake of our continued friendship.
      • He also admits that he insisted on accompanying Collei to Mondstadt because he wanted to commission Calx with artwork for his TCG card backings. Once Albedo agrees to do it, Cyno is later seen at Stormterror's lair, with a Kamera set up pointing to the entrance, proudly replying to Mika that he is getting inspiration for his commission.
      • During the event "A Parade of Providence", Cyno reveals that he volunteered to take part in the tournament because there's a rare TCG card included in the prize. What's so special about that card? It's holographic. What else does it do? It makes his deck look cooler.
      • When Cyno wins the second round, Nilou asks him if he wants to say something after his victory, to which Cyno uses the oportunity to dedicate his victory to Tighnari... by quoting a speech from his favorite novel "King of Invocations".
    • He is also into role playing while on vacations, saying without an ounce of shame that he is "Cyno the Adventurer", and Tighnari and Collei also are supposed to have roles of their own. When the Traveler asks if he finds the whole thing fun, he straight up responds "Very much so".
  • Pungeon Master: Once Cyno is into it, the dad jokes won't stop, no matter how much Collei and Tighnari beg him to stop. A few characters find his jokes funny, like Nahidanote  and Albedonote , since both of them appreciate the wordplay and references in them. Charlotte, meanwhile, as a journalist who has to write catchy headlines for articles, appreciates Cyno's puns.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Cyno is the General Mahamatra and the host of the spirit of a powerful ancient priest, and his outfit contains purple elements, is blessed with an Electro vision, and when he channels the spirit during his burst, his headdress turns purple and he sports gigantic purple claws with purple floating bandages.
  • Rage Within the Machine: Cyno had already gone on a Self-Imposed Exile after realizing that the Sages wanted him to turn a blind eye to their transgressions, but when he learns of the entire truth regarding their goals, he uses his authority as General Mahamatra to smuggle Rahman's Eremite group into Sumeru City to prepare for The Coup.
  • Red Baron: Among Genius Invocation TCG circles, Cyno appears to be known as Lord Jackal based on a message on the Puspa Cafe message board, and in the 3.7 event Duel! The Summoners' Summit he becomes the King of Invocations as a result of winning the local tournament.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His natural eye color is red, which goes according to his intimidating aura when working with mercenaries and criminals.
  • Red Herring Mole: Late through the second third of the Sumeru Archon Quest, Alhaitham seemingly suspects him of being the Akademiya's mole, given the speed with which they evacuated the Village Keepers from the Eleazar hospital at Dar al-Shifa. However, ultimately he doesn't blame General Mahamatra for it, and neither do the Traveler, Paimon, Dehya, and Candace, because, as he points out, the Sages have been keeping tabs on Cyno ever since he first became a matra, wherein his activity logs are constantly being fed into the Akasha, which then calculates every possible action he could take. The shocking revelations caused Cyno to realize that the Sages never trusted him despite his loyalty and lofty position, fueling his desire to overthrow the Sages.
  • Regenerating Mana: His fourth Constellation upgrade, Austerity: Forbidding Guard, restores 3 Energy to his allies whenever he triggers Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Quicken, Aggravate, Hyperbloom, or Electro Swirl reactions whenever he is in the Pactsworn Pathclearer state (up to five times).
  • Resign in Protest: When Alhaitham questions Cyno on his absence from the Akademiya during Chapter III Act III, he gives this as the reason because Grand Sage Azar had blocked him from investigating further on the Sages' dubious project.
  • Save the Villain: His character story mentions that on occasion, criminals fleeing from him end up in dangerous situations, prompting Cyno to rescue them without hesitation and often earning their respect in the process. His goal is to bring people to judgment, not to accidentally be their executioner.
  • Save Your Deity: Is a key figure in the plot to free Kusanali from her prison during Chapter III Act V, and also personally arrested her treasonous Grand Sage for his mistreatment of her.
  • Scientist vs. Soldier: Towards the Sages of the Akedemiya in an inversion of this trope, as he’s the good guy rather than the villain. Cyno as the General Mahamatra, works to enforce the very laws that the Sages established, while they’re willing to break those laws in the name of scientific progress. Likewise, Cyno decides to let the Dendro Archon punish the Sages for their crimes, due to how they tried to keep her locked up, since she didn’t meet their perceptions of a God of Wisdom and tried to have her replaced.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: No one is immune to Cyno's sense of justice, not even the Sages. In fact, he exiles himself from the matra once it's made clear that they see the matra as merely their attack dogs and don't actually care about enforcing an ethical code.
  • Self-Imposed Exile: When the Traveler first encounters Cyno, he had exiled himself from the Akademiya to prevent the Sages from restricting his movements so that he could continue investigating into their plans.
  • Serious Business: Genius Invocation TCG is this for him, to the point where he’s willing to pay a large sum of mora for a simple card back, and in the "Duel! The Summoner’s Summit" event, when he learns that the Treasure Hoarders were using card backs to relay hidden messages to other members, he vows that he will destroy anyone who defiles the game for selfish desires.
  • Shout-Out: His signature dish is a blatant Shout-Out to Yu-Gi-Oh!, what with its name, description, and is shaped like a pyramid with what looked like an eye hieroglyph on it.
  • Signature Headgear: Whether in the prequel manga or in the game, Cyno always wears jackal ears on his head. His cloak in the prequel manga has the jackal ears attached to his hoodie while the description for his in-game outfit states that he had commissioned his jackal headpiece with custom-made ornaments which were complicated to make, and requires regular maintenance.
  • Significant White Hair, Dark Skin: Stands out among the people at the Akademiya for not only being the few desert folk there (hence his tanned skin) despite the Akademiya's discriminatory policies but also having white hair despite his youth.
  • Skeptic No Longer: Since the Akademiya has long ignored Kusanali in favor of continued worship of Rukkhadevata, Cyno admits that while the former certainly exists, as far as he was ever concerned, given her apparent lack of deeds as a god, she might as well not. When the Traveler realizes that the insane erudites defending Aaru Village were actually Nahida protecting her people through them, Cyno has a hard time believing it, despite not rejecting entirely the possibility. He is convinced of Kusanali's real presence in Sumeru after he witnesses how she saves the group in that same way and becomes determined to make justice by saving her and punishing the sages.
  • Staff of Authority: Cyno is commonly seen wielding one of the Staff of the Scarlet Sands (the other half is with Candace) in official media, and its Flavour Text states that they "grant the right to lead the people of the desert".
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: Despite his overall stoic demeanor, Cyno tends to play the silly Wise Guy to Tighnari's exasperated Straight Man when he's not on duty and letting himself loose. Many of their scenes are routines of Cyno's antics driving Tighnari up a wall.
  • Status Buff:
    • His first Constellation upgrade, Ordinance: Unceasing Vigil, increases the speed of his normal attacks by 20% for ten seconds after using Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness, which can be refreshed whenever he triggers Judication.
    • His second Constellation upgrade, Ceremony: Homecoming of Spirits, increases his Electro Damage Bonus by 10% for four seconds whenever his normal attacks connect (with at least 0.1-second intervals), to a maximum of five stacks (equivalent to a 50% boost).
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Cyno and Nahida have similar ways of thinking. Cyno tends to explain his jokes, citing in detail all the references and the puns, while Nahida often talks in metaphors, which are often too complex, which makes sense on why she finds his humor to her liking.
  • Stripperiffic: Cyno's outfit bares a great deal of skin, revealing his legs, his arms, and his bare chest.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Despite Cyno's terrifying reputation, serious personality, and constantly stern expression, he's a considerate ally, civil to people he trusts, and willing to sympathize with his targets even if he won't bend the rules for them. The Traveler even remarks on how much friendlier Cyno is to them than he is to others while in work mode. His more relaxed side can be seen during the Windblume Breath event, where according to Tighnari, Cyno starts making a lot of terrible pun jokes if he is comfortable around people he considers his friends.
  • Super Mode: Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness transforms Cyno into the Pactsworn Pathclearer state, wherein he dons a larger jackal headdress and claws on his arms. In this state, all his regular attacks become imbued with an Electro effect that cannot be overridden, as well as turns Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer into Mortuary Rite that deals greater, wide-ranging damage and slightly extends the duration of the state.
  • Supernatural Golden Eyes: Whenever Cyno channels the spirit within him, the eyes on his headdress will glow yellow while his own eyes will be obscured.
  • Sword Beam: Whenever Mortuary Rite triggers Judication (provided Cyno has unlocked his first-ascension passive, Featherfall Judgment), it unleashes three Duststalker Bolts that deal Electro damage equivalent to Cyno's Attack stat. In addition, his sixth Constellation upgrade, Raiment: Just Scales, allows him to gather four stacks of Day of the Jackal (of which up to eight can be held at a time) whenever he triggers Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness or Judication, which are consumed one at a time (with at least 0.4-second intervals) to unleash a Bolt in tandem with his normal attacks while the Pactsworn Pathclearer state is active; the stacks expire either after eight seconds or the state ends.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He is not fond of Alhaitham and does not enjoy having to work with him. Regardless, the two manage to put aside their differences for the sake of the greater good of Sumeru.
  • Tested on Humans: Part of his Dark and Troubled Past. During the Windblume's Breath event, he reveals in conversation with Lisa that he was taken into the Akademiya after making his pact with the divine with the intention of becoming a test subject for the Akademiya. Fortunately, he was rescued by a Spantamad researcher and found success.
  • To Be Lawful or Good: He chooses "good", placing the whole of Sumeru above its sense of order. In Nahida's voice lines, she praises Cyno for how swiftly he made this decision and his awareness that compromise between the two was not an option.
  • Token Good Teammate: He and Alhaitham are two among the highest-ranking members of the Akademiya to never support the Sages' plans, to the point that he exiles himself when he realizes they don't practice what they preach.
  • Tranquil Fury: Cyno is usually fairly even-tempered, but after learning the truth of the Akademiya's manipulations, not to mention seeing firsthand that they'd imprisoned Nahida, he's clearly seething when he confronts Azar.
  • True Companions: The event Windblume's Breath reveals that the familial relationship Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei developed, which Cyno describes as being akin to siblings, is unique in Sumeru society because it was not born from the pursuit of academics turned into a social relationship. The group had never worked together academically, allowing for a pure connection that lets them view each other as equals that are unaffected by academic considerations.
  • Turn in Your Badge: Played With. Rather than risking being fired and exiled, Cyno chose to quit the Matra himself so that he could properly investigate the Akademiya's Sages, who were obstructing him from holding an internal investigation on their projects by pulling rank on him.
  • Undisclosed Funds: In the "Parade of Providence" event, Cyno is willing to pay 1 million mora for Kaveh's new card, which Kaveh initially intended to give him for free, not knowing how much it was worth. Apparently his salary as General Mahamatra is very high since Cyno can afford to put so much money in his hobby. If the Traveler reads his mind, Cyno considers the card his best investment so far.
  • Undying Loyalty: After learning the truth of how the Akademiya had Lesser Lord Kusanali isolated from her people, Cyno becomes enraged and swears to bring justice to the sages. When Nahida attends Cyno's party through the Traveler's body and thanks everyone for saving her, Cyno is visibly humbled and declares that protecting her has always been his duty.
  • Upgrade Artifact: A couple of variants:
    • Cyno's fourth-ascension passive, Authority Over the Nine Bows, increases the potency of certain attacks while he is in the Pactsworn Pathclearer state based on a fraction of his Elemental Mastery Stat—normal attacks by 150%, and Duststalker Bolts by 250%.
    • His third and fifth Constellation upgrades, Precept: Lawful Enforcer and Funerary Rite: The Passing of Starlight, increase the talent levels of, respectively, Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness and Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer by three.
  • Vague Age: While his age is never explicitly stated, there is plenty of evidence that he is already an adult, such as his graduation from the Akademiya. Kaveh's Hangout Event also hints at his age, as it is revealed that he is younger than Kaveh, who is the eldest of the Tighnari, Cyno, Kaveh, Alhaitham quartet and is heavily implied to be in his late twenties through various bits of dialogue.
  • Vocal Dissonance: In the English dub, he has a fairly deep voice despite having the appearance of a mid-teen. Averted in the Japanese dub, as his voice actor Miyu Irino gives him a more youthful voice to match his appearance, while still conveying his stoic personality.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: His outfit, which leaves the majority of his torso exposed, makes him this.
  • Weapon Specialization: Cyno is associated with the Staff of the Scarlet Sands. It's sub-stat of Critical Rate percentage (which can reach 44.1% at Level 90) complements his natural growth in Critical Damage, increasing his chance of instantly feeling, or at least severely chipping away at, his enemies, while at its fifth and final refinement, the "Heat Haze at Horizon's End" passive increases his Attack stat by 104% of his Elemental Mastery, as well as allows him to gather up to three stacks of "Dream of the Scarlet Sands" for ten seconds whenever he triggers his Elemental Skill, which grants an additional Attack bonus based on 56% of his Elemental Mastery stat per stack.
  • Willing Channeler: In his "More About Cyno: II" voice line, Cyno explains that by using his body as a vessel, he is able to utilize the powers of a spirit that lives within him to turn into the Pactsworn Pathclearer in part due to a deal he made in the past.
  • Will Not Tell a Lie: In the Windblume's Breath event, he's nominated as a candidate for "the one who would never lie". Cyno's reply letter confirms that it's a conscious choice on his part to be as honest as he can, as his unusual position as a desert-dweller raised in the Akademiya makes it hard for both sides to trust him and lying would only reinforce that.
  • Work Hard, Play Hard: Cyno takes his responsibilities as the General Mahamatra extremely seriously, from exiling himself to ensure that the Sages don't hinder his pursuit of carrying out the law in the Archon Quests to singlehandedly arresting 300 suspects in his Story Quest, but when he's off duty he is unabashed about repeatedly telling terrible jokes, being passionate about Genius Invocation TCG, and may even insist on role-playing with his friends. Paimon even comments on how he feels like a completely different person when he was vacationing in Mondstadt in the 3.5 Windblume event.

