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In-Universe Examples Only:

  • Strong Bad Gameways ends with a brief video of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People that shows Strong Bad standing and then walking away due to impatience. The screen says, "ACTUAL GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE!"
  • "Actual 4Kids dialog" from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, and a variation in Sailor Moon Abridged
    "We're going to do battle with ancient Egyptian laser beams!" (Caption: THIS ISN'T A JOKE - IT REALLY HAPPENS)
    • Also, in Teen Titans The Abridged Series, with "INSTANCES OF ACTUAL DIALOGUE".
    • Two more instances, in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Abridged in regards to one particularly weird line:
      Polnareff: OH, what's that? You say I can beat your bum? Oh, you're into that stuff! (Caption: ACTUAL DUB DIALOGUE)
    • And the second in regards to a bizarre case of Lip Lock in the dub, when Kakyoin spots J. Geil's Hanged Man in the steering wheel of their pickup:
      Kakyoin: POLNAREFF! He's in the CHROME of the STEERING WHEEL! (Caption: ACTUAL DUB INFLECTION)
    • In Gargoyles Abridged, an "ACTUAL EPISODE DIALOGUE" message pops up when Demona says "blast your soul."
  • Most of the Newgrounds You Are A Fucking Moron animations have Reginald say something like this at least once.
  • In a case done by multiple people, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen has a scene that made Topless Robot's post-review FAQ, The Editing Room's abridged script and The Nostalgia Critic's review to do variations on "But then the kid goes to Robot Heaven! (Beat) I’m TOTALLY not kidding!"
  • Channel Awesome and Doug Walker:
    • When The Nostalgia Critic noted the Real Life part of Space Jam: "We see [Michael Jordan] during those embarrassing years when he actually took up baseball instead of basketball... and that's not bad writing, that actually happened."
    • In his review of the sequel to the other animated Titanic movie, living toys dance around to rave music. He adds a note at the bottom of the screen that it's not a joke, it's a real scene in the movie.
    • During his review of Hook, he points out that his referring to one character as Officer Phil Collins was not a throwaway line for someone who bore resemblance to Collins - that really was Collins doing a cameo. Also, when he recognizes the kissing couple sprinkled by pixie dust as George Lucas and Carrie Fisher, he exclaims, "I swear to God, that's not a joke!"
    • In his review of the Cannon Films' Captain America, he states he is not making "Captain America escapes an ambush by hot chicks by entering a pick-up truck driven by Ned Beatty" up.
    • In his Captain N: The Game Master review he made sure to point out that the oo-we-oo sounds from The Wizard of Oz weren't added to the scene of marching mooks by him, but were actually from the show itself.
    • THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! In The NeverEnding Story III.
    • In his Inspector Gadget (1999) film review, he points out that when a billboard advertising Yahoo! falls on the Big Bad's car, he isn't the one who dubbed in the Yahoo jingle of the time (someone singing "Yahooooo~ooo!").
    • The cafe in this video is a real place. The last part even gives you the address in case you want to stop by.
    • Also, in his review of Digimon: The Movie, he points out that the scene where Davis instantly goes from sobbing uncontrollably about Willis' backstory to smiling in the most chipper of manners was not edited by him at all.
    • In his The Phantom of the Opera (2004) review, Doug impersonates Andrew Lloyd Webber pitching a sequel to Phantom called Love Never Dies. They include the disclaimer, 'Yes, this is REAL.'
    • Bum Reviews: Very often used by Chester A. Bum, a homeless guy who is the nicest movie critic ever. For example, an extract from his review of The X-Files: I Want to Believe: "So Mulder and Scully are out to stop evil doctors by using a pedophile priest who is also a psychic! I swear to God, I am not making that up!" Usually Punctuated! For! Emphasis!, but it's hard to tell since he has No Indoor Voice.
    • Also from his team: The Nostalgia Chick:
      • On The Little Mermaid's Ursula:
        "Not only was her design based on a drag queen..." *shows picture of Divine* "No, really."
      • In Freddy Got Fingered, Brows Held High's Oancitizen says regarding acclaimed performance art involving a woman stripping, bathing in honey and doing a monologue about Winnie-the-Pooh doing BDSM: "Before you ask, I'm not making a word of that up."
      • In her "Worst Disney Sequels" list, she first talks about the somber themes of The Fox and the Hound, where societal expectations destroy a friendship between the main characters, then notes: "In Fox and the Hound 2, a midquel, Copper and Todd join a band. (Beat) I'm not kidding." She can't quite suppress a grin as she says it.
      • When she counts down her viewer-voted list of the top 10 boy bands of the 90s, she reels off a list of boy bands that also existed during that time. She then says "Guess which one of these I made up", followed by the caption, "Hint: None of them."
      • Brows Held High itself had during The Doom Generation a monologue performed by 90s Kid that the caption reveals was actually used in the film's marketing campaign!
      • In the Naked Lunch review, he shows a scene where the main character squashes a giant talking bug, and says, "Awwwwww, Jamie Hyneman worked really hard on that prop!" Then he clarifies that, yes, Hyneman really was one of the special effects crew.
  • Every time The Angry Video Game Nerd says "I am dead fucking serious."
    • In his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III review, when the screen fades from that random rat to Splinter and back, he says that he's "not making that up, they actually did that fade".
    • Subverted in his Raid 2020 review. He called something a "Poop Splattered Anus" and then showed that the instruction manual really called them that...only to then admit he made it up.
    • In his Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi review, he pulls out the Star Wars Encyclopedia to find a definition for "teras kasi", and is flabbergasted by listings for the terms "jizz" (an in-universe genre of music) and "jizz-wailer" (somebody who performs said genre). He states that these are real listings in an officially-published book—or, more bluntly, "There is jizz in this book!"
    • The credits for the Game Glitches episode states "All game glitches shown on this video were real."
    • In his review of Friday the 13th: The Computer Game, the Nerd appears to make a random joke about the game, only to clarify that he wasn't joking.
    This couldn't be any less faithful to the films if the soundtrack had "Old McDonald Had a Farm"! [Beat] ...Let me tell you something. Maybe you laughed at that comment about the soundtrack having "Old McDonald Had a Farm", or maybe you only got a minor chuckle out of it, or maybe you felt indifferent about it. But one thing's for sure: you're certain that I'm joking. That would be a very rational way of thinking. But the strange thing is... [Glasses Pull] ...I'm not joking. I am dead fucking serious. What I have heard, with my own ears, IS A FRIDAY THE 13TH GAME THAT HAS "OLD MCDONALD HAD A FUCKING FARM!!!"
  • In one of Stegblob's YouTube Poop videos (Robotnik Becomes Prime Minister, at 2:33), he showed a blooper where Grounder's mouth was moving but Sonic was talking. Stegblob put up a banner at the bottom saying, "I DID NOT POOP THIS BIT!" (This was actually quite common in DiC's cartoons.)
  • Zero Punctuation:
    • "I wish I was fucking kidding!" when describing the ending of Condemned 2: Bloodshot.
    • Also with a gun in Painkiller. "I wish I could make this up! It shoots shurikens and lightning! It could only be more awesome if it had tits and was on fire."
    • He mentions a rather awesome encounter in his DayZ: After miraculously fighting off a horde of zombies he triggered with noise, his character is bleeding out and near-death. Just as he's about to die, the chat box opens and greets him and he encounters the first human player that didn't immediately kill him for loot, apparently because the other player had just started playing the game. Furthermore, after explaining his situation to the new player, Yahtzee shows himself with a picture of crossed-fingers and states that "[he] swears this is true", then reveals that the player who just started the game had six blood packs and nothing else, allowing Yahtzee to heal right back up. Unfortunately, before they could partner-up, a zombie came by, broke Yahtzee's leg and chased-away the new player.
    • And in his review of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, when he feels the need to call out that his comparison to Scooby-Doo was not exaggerated, as the main character actually "acquires a comedy talking dog as a sidekick. No, really, this is a thing that happens". (With a picture of a robotic dog, with a big arrow pointing to it and a caption, "a thing that happens.")
    • In his review of Epic Mickey, he brings up a Mickey Mouse comic where he tries to kill himself after Minnie breaks up with him.
    • After mentioning a particularly narmful line spoken by Remember Me's protagonist, he then states that, yes, it really is in the game as displayed verbatim.
    • He points out that you really can "bully the monsters into giving up and take their lunch money" in Persona 5.
    • In his Acclaim Entertainment 'Hall of Shame' video, he clarifies that Sony really did parade a dead goat around at God of War III's launch party. note 
    • In his review of Paper Mario: The Origami King, when he reveals that there is a boss fight against a Hole Punch, something he had sarcastically suggested in a previous Paper Mario review.
    • When he was briefly mini-reviewing Code Vein in his "2019 Game I Haven't Reviewed Roundup" he pointed out out that your homebase really does have a built-in hot spring, where sexy girls in Modesty Towels will come in and join you when you sit in it. "This is a thing that happens. It built a Fanservice Hot Springs Episode into its fucking mechanics."
    • In his review of Amnesia: Rebirth he criticises the time the protagonist "takes the public subway train in the evil Lovecraftian dimension and misses her stop because the map was confusing" and insists "No really, this happens".
    • In his review of Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, he describes it as a "twee cartoon fantasy JRPG". When he gets to the story, he describes the opening as gritty and realistic: "The president of the United States is on his way to a summit of the UN when the city he's driving through gets hit by a direct nuclear strike." He then reassures the viewer that, yes, this happens in Ni No Kuni II.
  • Yahtzee continues this in Fully Ramblomatic: In his review of Robo Cop Rogue City, he describes a "suffocatingly pointless side-quest where RoboCop goes around, getting everyone to sign a 'Get Well Soon' card, and that's not the facetious exaggerated example it sounds like."
  • Spoony also used this during the Training Montage of Clones of Bruce Lee
    No really, I'm not joking, they steal the music from Rocky.
    • Again for Highlander: The Source. Before showing the finale, he spends a good minute assuring the viewer that the scene is completely unchanged (apart from adding the Benny Hill music) and was shot like that, to be shown on national TV.
    • He also spends a good 15 seconds in "The Importance of Wearing Pants" reassuring us that he's not making up the story about the player who somehow left the house without his pants.
    • In his review of The Ring: Terror's Realm, Spoony promises the viewers that the cartoon-esque "splat" noise heard throughout the review is actually in the game and not something he added as a joke.
  • When talking about the mass-censorship of comics in the mid 20th century, Moviebob added this disclaimer saying (complete with emphasis) "THIS. ACTUALLY. HAPPENED.'"
    • Also used in his Transformers: The Last Knight review, in which he lists twenty things that Really Happen in it (well, sort of), as he felt that he had run out of ways to criticize the Transformers Film Series without just descending into Angrish and a Cluster F-Bomb:
      Bob: (14) There's an extended comedy sequence where Crosshairs loses his testosterone regulation cog and reverts to exaggerated effeminate mannerisms, which plays out as background slapstick during an unnecessarily long foreground discussion about what gender differentiation even means for the Transformers in the first place, and pays off in a deeply uncomfortable joke about hybrid cars.
      (15) I just made that last one up, but admit it: you didn't know that for sure.
      (16) Hot Rod is French now and talks and acts exactly like Pepe le Pew. (Beat) That one's real.
  • When YouTuber DarkMatter2525's animations about religion have an animated version of a scene from the Bible, the Bible verse is displayed. Usually this is a citation, but for some of the parts he finds particularly odd, it's used as a disclaimer.
  • Jabootu reviews:
    • The review of the movie Sphere says this about the movie's ending: "No, really, that's what they came up with. No, I am not making this up just to make the movie sound stupider than it already is..."
    • From the review of the Superfriends episode "The Time Trap":
      Then, and I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP, Batman orders Robin to "Use your Bat Lube!"
  • Atop the Fourth Wall:
    • His review of All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder, Linkara reads out the script that came with the special edition in which Frank Miller details Vicki Vale's ass shot. All he does is read it out and put up a caption that says "This is not a joke. This is the actual script."
    • In his Ultimates 3 review, he keeps using his hilarious drunk voice for Tony Stark even after Tony is revealed to be a robot imposter. He then singles out a line where the robot asks for vodka due to its personality imprint. "And that was just in case you thought I was being facetious in having the robot still have the drunk voice."
    • His live review of the Marvel Mangaverse Spider-Clan series, when he mentions it's by the same writer as Spider-Man: Reign.
      Linkara It's also the story where Mary-Jane was killed by Peter Parker's radioactive sperm... I am not kidding at all.
    • He mentions Spider-Ham in his One More Day review and tells the viewer to google it.
    • He says this twice in his review of The Punisher 2099 #1, mentioning stories where the Punisher becomes a Frankenstein monster and a black guy (the latter he reviewed in 2015).
    • In an episode covering the history of the Teen Titans, Linkara revealed that Danny Chase is his favourite superhero of all time. "I am not kidding at all, I love the little brat."
    • Done in one of his live shows when he has to assure us that the dialogue we're seeing is not an unauthorised doujinshi or a poorly-written scanlation, it's an actual comic published by Dark Horse Comics and approved by Studio Gainax.
    • "Captain Mar-Vel died of cancer. Yeah, I'm not kidding"
    • "A gunman killed the calf's parents, forcing him to become... BAT-COW! (Beat ) I'm not kidding. Bat-Cow is a real thing, look it up."
    • In his Top 15 Comics I'll Never Review, he starts off the list with Archie Meets the Punisher. Not only does he assure us that it's real, but that there's actually not much to make fun of.
    • His review of Transformers/Ghostbusters shows Megatron leading the Decepticons to attack Gozer in the form of a giant king Starscream, only for cut away to say that Cybertron was destroyed along with the Decepticons, complete with the theme from Curb Your Enthusiasm. A few seconds later, Linkara says this is an actual page from the book and he loves it.
  • Cleolinda Jones:
    • She put it in her overview, "Hand to God, I did not make one word of that up. Twilight means never having to say you're kidding".
    • In her The Happening. In Fifteen Minutes script, having a reporter say that the event "may be an act of God we may never fully understand" and then instantly pointing out that this line comes directly from the movie.
  • Scott Keith, wrestling critic, reviews Undertaker vs. Yokozuna at Royal Rumble 1994.
    So please, before we begin, bear in mind that I am making NONE of this up, and everything I am about to describe actually happened, live on a PPV. This is not, just to clarify, an LSD hallucination gone wrong, or a dream sequence that ended with Pat Patterson waking up in the shower in the next morning.
  • Todd in the Shadows:
    • When Todd reviewed "Bedrock", he listed a couple of names from Young Money: "Mack Maine, Jae Millz, Lil Chuckee, Lil Twist, T-Streets, and a bunch of other names that sound like I'm just making them up, though I swear to God I'm not."
    • This disclaimer shows up on the review of "Break Up" by Mario, Gucci Mane and Sean Garrett after the line, "Don't I make your earlobe freeze?"
      Subtitle: Seriously, I didn't make that up.
    • "But lost in the discussion of Baby Got Back's deeper meaning — and yes, people were actually talking about this in exactly those kinds of terms, I'm not pulling any of this out of my ass ... so to speak."
    • When reviewing "Ni**as in Paris" by Jay-Z and Kanye West, he had to clarify that he did not put in the Blades of Glory clip that shows up in the music video.
      Todd: You know what's incredible about that [clip]? I didn't do it. That wasn't me. Kanye put that Will Ferrell clip in there himself! And that's awesome, because that's exactly the same clip I would've used to describe that "going gorillas" line! God bless you, Kanye. Maybe if I listen to you long enough, you'll start spicing up your music with a little...
      M. Bison: OF COURSE!
      Todd: Or maybe a little...
      Patsy: It's only a model.
  • The Mysterious Mr. Enter:
    • In his Dorbees: Making Decisions review, he gives this:
      Mr. Enter: Speaking of which, the guy on the sofa changes the channel to a German Access television show about a superhero named Mr. Poe and his sidekick Yogul, where they try to fight an evil French cow. The funny part is you think I'm kidding. (later) No, I didn't edit this in, and no, my friends and I didn't try to make a little something to make fun of "Dorbees." This is in the movie as I found it! The movie literally stops to show us this full short about Mr. Poe and Yogul.
    • In the Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island review, he constantly reminds viewers that the seemingly random and unconnected bits of footage all came from the same episode, just to drive home how much of a Random Events Plot the episode is.
    • He begins his Admirable Animation review of "TTG vs PPG" by clarifying that no, you are not dreaming or tripping, it's not April Fools' Day, and you did not misread the title.
  • Gigguk:
    • Gigguk claims in "Anime in 2015" that Tokyo Ghoul √A was such a bad adaptation that "fucked viewers so hard, you can now watch the entire series on Pornhub!" before showing the site (with ads and suggestions pixelated) to show it's really there.
    • In "Best of Anime 2021", when he shows a scene in EX-ARM where the screen spins and shrinks, it's accompanied by the caption "[THIS IS UNEDITED]" and the scene is shown again in Crunchyroll's viewer.
  • Auto-Tune the News once sampled a speech by Steve Buyer warning that smoking lettuce is as harmful to your health as smoking tobacco. Immediately after, just to prove no Manipulative Editing was at work, they include a news report about the actual speech, with the whole thing remixed together into Awesome Music.
  • Sean O'Neal's article on an upcoming Miley Cyrus movie, with the twist being that he seems to be trying to convince himself that this god-awful premise is actually real.
  • Cracked
    • One in an article on Celebrities who are secretly Happyologists.
      We're not sure about Van Susteren, but her husband is a level 8, the highest level currently available (can only be achieved while on a boat at sea; seriously, we are not making this shit up).
    • Another one about how colors control your life.
      High Emissivity Aluminiferous Luminescent Substrate, or HEALS technology, condenses the power of 12 suns (not making this up) into a heatless device.
    • And another:
      Ghost Rider Was To Switch Places With Casper the Friendly Ghost
      That is not a parody headline.
    • Quoth "5 Spectacularly Crazy Meltdowns by CEOs of Major Companies", of an entire paragraph of insane claims made by John McAfee: "Not a single thing we said in the preceding paragraph is a joke."
    • From "5 Animal Rights Campaigns That Managed to Screw Over Animals", about the dogs rescued from Michael Vick's dogfighting ring:
      One of the survivors was put in a program called Paws for Tales, where kids too shy to read aloud to human audiences practice their reading skills in front of dogs. No, really. That's not a sarcastic fake program we made up. (And that's not a stock image. That's Jonny Justice, the actual dog we're talking about.)
    • From "The 6 Most Horrifying Product Recalls in China":
      [Cushing's syndrome] is characterized by a big, swollen, moon-shaped face, emotional instability, acne, muscle weakening, hair loss, truncal obesity, and buffalo hump. For fuck's sake, buffalo hump! That's not even one of my hilarious pretend things I toss into lists, it's a real thing! Called buffalo hump!
    • Seanbaby does this as well, in "6 Superheroes Who Completely Lost Their shit":
      If you're wondering, someone did save Human Torch by superheating a hot dog cart below him until it exploded. I'm serious, look it up.
    • "5 Steps to Writing Successful Suspense (With Glenn Beck!)" describes The Reveal of the master plan in Glenn Beck's The Overton Window as follows:
      Noah stumbles into a room that holds his father's computer and finds an evil master plan in a PowerPoint Presentation that was left open. Seriously.
    • From "5 Real Supervillain Attacks on America That History Forgot:
      In the summer of 1974, disgruntled aerospace engineer and public masturbator Muharem Kurbegovic began sending bizarre, rambling tapes to newspapers, claiming he had mailed Bob Hope postcards to all nine members of the Supreme Court laced with tiny canisters of nerve gas — possibly because he was angry with the judicial system since his public masturbation charge had prevented him from opening a go-go club and was also placing his bid for U.S. citizenship in jeopardy. Absolutely no part of that is a joke.
    • From "5 Companies Who Make Millions (Solving Problems They Make)", they recount how the CEO of Mylan responded to critics of the rising prices for EpiPens:
      But the icing on the deliciously deadly peanut butter cake came later, when employees brought their concerns to the CEO, Robert Coury. He carefully listened to their well-reasoned complaints, then promptly flipped them the double bird and told them all to go fuck themselves. Obviously, with our reputation for both hyperbole and profanity, you're going to assume that last part was a joke. It's not. That's literally what Coury did.
  • GameCentral's review of Coronation Street: The Mystery of the Missing Hotpot Recipe begins
    This is a real game that exists. Don't say it isn't... it is!
  • Used by Mr. Plinkett in his review of Baby's Day Out... while claiming that the movie spawned a Congressional hearing on whether the federal government should ban the production of Hollywood movies.
    • The bizarre nature of the movies featured on Best of the Worst and elsewhere usually garner this treatment. Taken to absolute extremes in Jack and Rich Evans' re:View episode on Nothing but Trouble, where about 80% of the discussion just goes into recapping the plot, characters and set dressing, using constant use of the Description Cut to assure the audience (and themselves) that, yes, what they're talking about is real, and no, it does not make sense.
  • Skippy's List has examples:
    174. Furby® is not allowed into classified areas. (I swear to the gods, I did not make that up, it's actually DOD policy.)
  • Dr. Ashen:
  • In Guru Larry's Fact Hunt episode on "5 Games Recalled for Shocking Reasons," the first game he talks about is Sqweek. Mainly that:
    Larry: All was not well with the Amstrad port of the game, as whenever you completed a level, Sqweek would tell the player to fuck their mother. Yes, really.
  • Rage Comics have seen the addition of a new "True Story" Rage Face (a Memetic Mutation of Barney Stinson's line from How I Met Your Mother), used by authors of Rage Comics to invoke this trope.
  • Geoffrey K. Pullum, a linguist writing for the Language Log, gives a Not Making This Up Disclaimer just before talking about Dan Brown using the expression "learning the ropes in the trenches" in Deception Point.
  • The "Jezebel" site offers the headline "Today in Things I Couldn’t Even Make Up, Britney Spears Is Writing a Novel"
    I spent literally all afternoon trying to come up with a fake Britney Spears book proposal that would do comedic justice to the concept of a fake Britney Spears book proposal, but it just isn't possible.
  • In this YouTube video ("Something's WRONG with MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship is Magic" [by a fan, just having fun]), the creator of the video talks about cutie marks on My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic as a metaphor for tattoos and states that he's not being serious, but if he can add two and two get five, then just imagine the crazy ultra-conservative-right-wingers who tried to ban Harry Potter or who thought Pokémon encouraged devil-worship and that SpongeBob SquarePants was used as a vehicle for pro-gay propaganda. "Seriously, Google these things. I'm not makin' this up."
  • SF Debris: SF Debris uses "I am being serious" disclaimers from time to time in his reviews:
    • "Time-traveling space Nazis. Yes, really."
    • "I normally don't use the phrase 'I shit you not', except when I'm teaching Sunday school, but in this case, I can't think of anything more appropriate." (From his review of Twin Peaks, describing Agent Cooper's methods)
    • The Nth Degree: Mentioning that Barclay becoming smarter mirrors the plot of a certain science fiction work... a Japanese TV show:
      Chuck: As seen on the Spectreman two-parter, "Billy Don't Be A Monster and Genius Monster Norman", I swear I'm not making this up.
  • Various versions of this abound on What the Fuck Is Wrong with You?, and "I couldn't make this shit up if I tried" is said at the opening of every pre-recorded episode. Also done on Nash's other shows, particularly Doctor Who Classic Reviews. Also often heard on Nash's weekly live show Radio Dead Air, where he often talks about geek culture and outrageous happenings therein.
  • cs188 is pretty well-known for creating Inherently Funny Words, specifically those like JoJ, SuS, and FaaF. Thus, when he did Pooping the Charts Vol. 5 - Sex-Crazed Pop Stars, he ended up slapping a disclaimer of "I really didn't edit that!" when the lyrics to the Kanye West/Katy Perry song "E.T." seem to use the word "JoJ"
  • The Cinema Snob:
  • A popular trend among fandom blogs on Tumblr is to take ridiculous scenes out of context and post a hashtag that it is an actual line from the series. This is mostly done by the Supernatural fandom with many lines showing just how insane a series it is.
  • The Editing Room scripts often have the disclaimers (actual line) or THIS HAPPENS to point out that something was actually said or done in the movie being parodied.
  • Retsupurae
    • "Adults React to PewDiePie" features a Running Gag of Diabetus simply deadpan reading a list of PewDiePie video titles. Every appearance is accompanied by YouTube annotations reading "ACTUAL VIDEO TITLES" or similar.
    • A video of one particular Flash game earned the title of "Silent Hill Upskirt Fighter. Really.", which is lampshaded as "the world's most clickbaity title" and yet "100% REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTENT."
    • A later video of a Star Wars Flash game has "star wars", "9/11" and "osama bin laden" as tags, which the description says "feels like [they're] exploiting the search algorithm but [they're] somehow not."
  • Chris Sims of Comics Alliance describes the X-Men: The Animated Series episode "The Juggernaut Returns" thusly:
    Last week, we had a fun, goofy one-off episode where a local nerd stole the power of the Juggernaut to make himself irresistible on the dance floor, only to end up crashing through the roof of a TV studio where they were shooting an episode of Power Rangers while the X-Men restored his stolen magical power to its rightful (and homicidal) owner. None of what I just wrote is an exaggeration or a joke. It is an accurate summary of what is, at this point, probably my favorite episode of the series.
    Boomstick: Hey, he's pretty beat up about it too. Do you know what he said when he was asked what his favourite anime was?
    Shadow: I like the one with the edgy girl and the scissor blade.
    Wiz: It's canon. N-no, really.
  • Folding Ideas: The Foldable Human discussing the meaning of The Cremaster Cycle.
    The Foldable Human: So what's it all about? It's all about balls. No seriously, it's about balls. The cremaster muscle* is the tiny muscle that controls the raising and lowering of the testicles within the scrotum. And the entire cycle is about sexual differentiation in the fetus.
  • A few episodes of Needs More Gay have this, usually when referring to a movie that's so ludicrously awful or strange, such as Marci X and the as-of-yet unfinished White Chicks sequel, that one has to be reassured that they do, in fact, exist.
  • Jerry Beck's "Animation Scoop" article on an animated Madea movie is nothing more than an advertisement for the film with a lengthy disclaimer that it was not, in fact, a joke, a prank or an SNL skit.
  • PC Gamer's online article "The 10 worst and most WTF adventure game puzzles" does this twice in a single paragraph when discussing the infamous moustache puzzle in Gabriel Knight 3:
    His disguise consists of a fake moustache, which he makes by... I am not making this up... putting some masking tape on a hole and scaring a black cat past it so that some of its fur sticks onto it. Gabriel then sticks it onto his face with maple syrup. This is a thing that actually happens.
  • In the Honest Trailers video for Jupiter Ascending, the plot is described as "so ridiculous, we're just going to tell you what happens. This is actually the story". While it's being recapped, further disclaimers appear on the screen, from "this is the actual plot of the movie" and "seriously, we're not making this up" to "this was actually screened at Sundance" and "someone paid 175 million dollars for this", culminating with "Are you sure these are the same guys who made The Matrix?"
  • Played with in one episode of the CollegeHumor sketch The Adventures of Kim Jong-Un, which initially plays it straight by detailing how Kim Jong-Nam was disowned for being caught sneaking into Tokyo Disney Land and has a massive disclaimer reading "THIS IS TRUE". It's then parodied when they follow up with how he conquered it and made it his kingdom with a disclaimer reading "NOT THIS PART", and finish with how he had Kim Jong-Il turned into a cyborg with a disclaimer reading "JUST A GUESS BUT PROBABLY RIGHT?"
  • In Rocked's review of Nickelback's album Silver Side Up, the host Luke realizes that the album was released on the exact day of the attacks on the World Trade Center. He initially figured someone was messing with Wikipedia that day, but they weren't.
  • The Comics Curmudgeon summarizes a storyline in Gasoline Alley:
    Driven to madness by the incessant basketball-dribbling of a bunch of young African-American fellows, Slim has decided to destroy the public court on which their noisy pastime is played by simulating a meteor strike. Dear God, I wish I had a made up a single word in that previous sentence.
  • Comes up frequently on How Did This Get Made?. Most often it's in response to a particularly absurd scene or piece of dialogue. For example, in their episode for 88 Minutes, after Al Pacino's character asks another character "Did you ever let an unauthorized person into my secure files area?"
    Pete Holmes: That's a line that American treasure Al Pacino memorized and delivered! Multiple takes!
  • In Wrestle Wrestle Spoony insists, when reviewing a TNA Impact episode, that Hulk Hogan giving a guy his ring, and that shouting that he can feel its power, is actually one of the plot lines.
  • Joueur du Grenier: In the "2D to 3D" episode, the opening of Mortal Kombat: Special Forces is shown with a disclaimer "No, this ain't edited, it's the game's real intro sequence."
  • During Dorkly Originals "Why Kylo Ren ACTUALLY turned to the dark side" video when Ren points out that The Dark Side has cool powers like Force Lightning while the light side has stuff like "Animal Friendship" the phrase "Animal Friendship is an ACTUAL, completely canonical light side power" appears at the bottom of the screen. Then to hammer it home, when Ren leaves with a pair of women to go to Supreme Leader Snoke's kegger, the phrase "Seriously. ANIMAL. FRIENDSHIP." pops up.
  • When WhatCulture Wrestling announced that they would be launching their own wrestling promotion, What Culture Pro Wrestling, they emphasized, "Yes, this is really happening." Later they released a "10 Things You Need To Know About WCPW" to answer fan questions, and the first thing on that list was "It's Actually Happening."
  • WatchMojo has this to say about John Wayne as Genghis Khan in their "Top 10 Worst Whitewashed Roles" video:
    WatchMojo: No, seriously. We're not making this up.
  • CinemaSins has a variation of this in their "Everything Wrong With Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 2" when Jeremy sums up a major plot point for the movie.
    Jeremy: That's the plot right now, folks. I didn't make this sh*t up.
  • On Rejected Princesses, author and illustrator Jason Porath will often put this with many of the more outlandish facts about the woman being profiled. The entry for the incredibly strange Inuit legend of Sermerssuaq even has a photograph of a passage from one of the referenced books.
  • In Hello, from the Magic Tavern, Arnie has to regularly explain to listeners that because the only internet access he can get in the magical world of Foon comes from a Burger King's firewalled public wi-fi, the only email he could procure so listeners can contact the show is Every time he does so he also has to explain that, yes, this is a real email address.
  • When describing the disappearance of her childhood friend Yumiko in the first episode of RABBITS, Carly Parker explains that the police assumption was she ran away to "sow her wild oats". She follows up by saying those were the actual words the officer used.
  • From The Agony Booth recap of the MacGyver episode "The Thief of Budapest":
    Ms Avery: There are two ways to include a stunt-filled car chase in a TV show. One way is to spend a lot of money hiring stunt drivers, getting cars, and renting appropriate locations, and then spend lots of time and effort shooting difficult and demanding scenes. The other way is to put your characters in three appropriately colored Minis and steal a lot of footage from The Italian Job.
    Guys, I wish I was making this up.
    So, yeah. Everything in the next few minutes, except for occasional short close-ups of the characters in their cars, is taken from the movie. What the fuck? I mean… it’s not even like this is just some chase scene from some random movie. It’s one of the most iconic car chases ever. How did they think people wouldn’t notice?
    • The "in a nutshell" blurb for their recap of Deafula: "In some ways, all you really need to know about this movie is that it's called Deafula, it's about a deaf vampire, it's performed entirely in sign language, and yes, it really exists."
  • The Twitter feed for The Bugle mostly features the same type of satire as the podcast, with the label "FACT ALERT" for the bits that aren't.
  • In Fat, French and Fabulous, the greatest spy of WWII took animal husbandry at the Royal Poultry School in Spain. "Wait, that was not a joke. That was not your joke voice."
  • The Last Podcast on the Left occasionally has to stop and say that, yes, everything they said did happen in real life (minus Henry Zebrowski's funny voice impressions).
    • In an episode on the Boston Strangler, the hosts re-enact the strange antics of a psychic brought in to help in the case. They insist that, minus some comedic embellishing, they are quoting directly from court and police records.
    • During the first Jonestown episode, Marcus tosses out one of these when mentioning that cult leader Jim Jones, at some point before Jonestown happened, made ends meet by selling spider monkeys door to door. They reiterate this when they reveal that one woman who bought a monkey from Jim Jones did so because said monkey hanged itself.
    • While discussing British Serial Killer Dennis Nilsen, Marcus understandably gives one while mentioning that, at one point, Nilsen burned the carpet-wrapped bodies of his victims in a bonfire in his backyard, in broad daylight, while playing The Exorcist theme on a loop on his speakers for everyone to hear. And he got away with it.
    • In The Last Book on the Left's John Wayne Gacy chapter, Marcus describes a place where Gacy got a diploma, Kentucky Fried Chicken University, using the phrase "assuredly real".
  • Analyst Bronies React: CellSpex was not joking about Shining Armor's voice actor going off to "voice a T-Rex/wrecking ball in a DreamWorks cartoon with Inuyasha". She points to a poster for Dinotrux.
  • FreedomToons:
    • In "The Fable of Jordan Peterson", a social constructivist identitarian argues against Jordan Peterson with a meaningless diatribe full of left-wing intellectual buzzwords. Seamus adds a note in the cartoon that he didn't make any of it up: he just replaced the relevant identity-based terms with "gogurt tube".
    • In "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Elected To Congress!!!", there's a note at the bottom informing the viewer that several statements made in the video were actually uttered by AOC.
  • The Music Video Show has an episode where the host mentions a Canadian Maple Syrup heist as a joke. "God, I wish I were making that up." Is what he says, followed by a news article of said heist.
  • In VideoGameDunkey's E3 2018 video he refers to Days Gone as "The zombie game from the developers of ''Bubsy 3D", and then shows the Wikipedia Page for SIE Bend Studio while saying "That is real! that is not a joke."
  • "The Epic Story of Raiku" is mostly a clearly farcical summary of the Kingdom Hearts series from Riku's point of view, including things like Tommy Wiseau appearing, but after a certain point the video starts simply saying the events of those games with no need to exaggerate - for instance, Riku going into Sora's dream and meeting a digital version of Ansem the Wise, who gives him information about all the people in Sora's heart, or venturing into the Realm of Darkness to fight an old man pretending to be a little girl alongside his best friend Mickey Mouse. These plot points prompt a disclaimer and a stifled giggle, respectively.
  • A lot of the stuff If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device uses really is canon to Warhammer 40,000, even if it's just Early-Installment Weirdness. Alfa does do a disclaimer about the Fabulous Custodes (the ones who've gone insane and now wear nothing but loincloths and helmets), stating that during the Rogue Trader era, it really was canon (with artwork) that the Custodian Guard gave up the use of their armor in shame for failing to protect the Emperor. TTS just used that to make them Camp Gay expies of the Pillar Men.
  • Overly Sarcastic Productions:
    • From their take on the myth of Cú Chulainn:
      Red: But unfortunately, a dark shadow from her past comes back to haunt her in the form of—and I'm not making this up—her Evil Twin sister Aoife.
    • In the video about Pywll (pronounced "pwush"), the first image of him is labeled "Pwyll (that's how it's spelled, I'm sorry) (yes, really)."
    • In the video about Amaterasu, Red describes how the various Japanese gods try to get Amaterasu to come out of her cave:
      Red: So he suggests Ame-no-Uzume lure Amaterasu out with... a strip-tease! Beat I'm not joking, or exaggerating.
  • In Farce of the Three Kingdoms, Chapter 102 is titled: Chapter 102. In which Zhuge Liang builds an army of robot cows (yes, really). That is, in fact, an actual incident in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
  • From this Onion article: "Pope Benedict XVI: Now here’s a pope that your teachers don’t want you to know about! He was a member of the Nazi Youth and pushed for the sainthood of a pope who was silent throughout the atrocities of the Holocaust. Look it up."
  • The Other Wiki has a list of Unusual articles, which lists odd articles on the site. The article that they seem to find the weirdest is criticism of Mother Teresa where they say, "Seriously? Yep, seriously".
  • Gary: Landlord of the Flies: In this post, Gabe reprints an email from Gary where he attempts to intimidate him by calling him "'GIRLIE-BOY'..... :) B)". The emoticons are so inexplicable that Gabe stresses that they were in the original message as written:
    "I swear on my life that I have not added in the smiley faces."
  • In Season 2 of Pokémon Friendlocke, the editor put the text "Yes, this is happening..." on the bottom of the screen when Saltydkdan decided to pause the story and open a pack of Pokemon trading cards.
  • Some of the stories covered by MrBallen are so unbelievable that, if warranted, he'll open the episode by giving a disclaimer to this end.
  • Screen Rant Pitch Meetings
  • Mrsaintsgodzilla21's video on the German port for Saints Row also mentions the German port for the second game and how it censors the cutscenes with black screens saying "Wir bitten um Verzeihung - sehr böse Dinge passieren hinter diesem schwarzen Bildschirm!"Translation with the audio and subtitles intact. Saintsgodzilla shows another example of the black screen to emphasize that, yes, that's how they bowdlerised the port.
  • Satirical news website The Shovel posted a guide to the 2022 Australian Federal Election. This was their entry on Labor MP Patrick Gorman:
    "Patrick Gorman's middle name is Possum which - and we're not even making this up - his parents gave to him because there were possums living in their roof when he was born. Patrick lives with his wife and four joeys in an air-conditioning vent in Perth."
  • In Sword Art Online Abridged, the narrator of the Christmas episode introduces Santa Claus as the "patron saint of prostitutes" before he interrupts with the live action bit to add "look it up".
  • Stop Skeletons From Fighting: In The Disastrous Launch of the Xbox One, Uncle Derek makes it clear to the audience that, during the infamous 2013 Xbox One reveal conference, he wishes he was editing it and making it all up. Just to drive the point home, as he's saying this, he also shows a blatantly edited clip with the screen on stage reading "Global Peace Among All Skeletons In Our Title" just to drive the point home.


Video Example(s):


"The Strong Stars have lead."

During the reading of Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold, Strong Bad pauses to point out an... odd typo in the story. The narration even pauses to show that, yes, the typo was in the original draft of the story.

How well does it match the trope?

5 (8 votes)

Example of:

Main / NotMakingThisUpDisclaimer

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