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Laconic Trope Distinctions / D to F

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Part 2 of the Laconical List of Subtle Trope Distinctions. Items are sorted alphabetically by whichever trope is alphabetically first; if you're looking for a specific one, use the "Find" or "Search" function of your Web browser.

Pages: A to C | D to F | G to I | J to R | S to Z

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Dead Person Conversation vs. Mummies at the Dinner Table vs. Of Corpse He's Alive vs. Please Wake Up vs. Talking to the Dead

Deadly Euphemism vs. Implied Death Threat vs. Shame If Something Happened vs. Trouble Entendre

Deathbringer the Adorable vs. Fluffy the Terrible

Death by Mocking vs. Do Not Taunt Cthulhu vs. Let's Mock the Monsters

Death Is Cheap vs. Death Is a Slap on the Wrist vs. First Law of Resurrection vs. Resurrective Immortality vs. Staying Alive

Death of the Hypotenuse vs. Die for Our Ship vs. Murder the Hypotenuse

Decapitation Required vs. Depleted Phlebotinum Shells vs. Immortal Breaker vs. Mortality Ensues

December–December Romance vs. Grow Old with Me

Deface of the Moon vs. Detonation Moon

Defictionalization vs. The Red Stapler vs. Product Placement:

  • A product appears in a work of fiction that is:
    • Defictionalization: Originally fictional, but due to fan demand it later becomes a real product.
    • The Red Stapler: Real and receives an unexpected boost in sales/popularity due to appearance on-screen.
    • Product Placement: Real and is intentionally featured in the hopes it will boost sales/popularity.

Dem Bones vs Skeleton Crew:

Demonic Spiders vs. Goddamned Bats:

Department of Redundancy Department vs. Shaped Like Itself:

Designated Evil vs. Designated Monkey vs. Designated Villain vs. Draco in Leather Pants vs. Informed Wrongness vs. Jerkass Woobie vs. Karmic Overkill vs. Rooting for the Empire vs. Strawman Has a Point vs. Unintentionally Sympathetic:

Destructo-Nookie vs.Slap-Slap-Kiss vs. Kiss-Kiss-Slap:

  • Two people who're hostile, yet romantically attracted...
    • Destructo-Nookie: ...make love so violently they smash their surroundings.
    • Kiss-Kiss-Slap: ...are showing each other affection until one or both suddenly becomes hostile.
    • Slap-Slap-Kiss: ...are being hostile to one another until they suddenly become affectionate.

The Determinator vs. Implacable Man vs. The Juggernaut vs. Perpetual-Motion Monster:

  • Alice keeps chasing Bob...

Deus Angst Machina vs. Karmic Overkill

Deus ex Nukina vs. Nuclear Option vs. Nuclear Weapons Taboo vs. Nuke 'em vs. You Nuke 'Em

  • Nukes are...
    • Deus ex Nukina: Used in unrealistic ways to crank up the drama.
    • Nuclear Option: Used as an absolute last resort when all else has failed.
    • Nuclear Weapons Taboo: Substituted with a weapon that's just as destructive.
    • Nuke 'em: Used frequently, recklessly and exclusively to almost anything else.
    • You Nuke 'Em: Used whenever the player in a video game feels like using them.

Die for Our Ship vs. Ship-to-Ship Combat:

Diesel Punk vs. Raygun Gothic:

  • Raygun Gothic: How sci-fi artists of the 20's through the 50's imagined the future would look.
  • Diesel Punk: How sci-fi authors of today imagine the 20's through the 50's could have gone if our grandparents had more Applied Phlebotinum.

Dirty Coward vs. Know When to Fold 'Em vs. Screw This, I'm Outta Here:

Disc-One Final Boss vs. Starter Villain

Discontinuity: Canon Discontinuity vs. Fanon Discontinuity vs. Audience-Alienating Era vs. Retcon

Discredited Trope vs. Dead Horse Trope vs. Forgotten Trope vs. Undead Horse Trope vs. Dead Unicorn Trope

Disease by Any Other Name vs. The Disease That Shall Not Be Named

Disney Death vs. He's Just Hiding vs. Never Say "Die":

Disposable Vagrant vs. Kill the Poor:

Ditzy Genius vs. Genius Ditz:

  • Ditzy Genius: Smart person who does dumb things when they stop paying attention.
  • Genius Ditz: Dumb person who becomes amazing when in a certain element.

A Dog Named "Dog" vs. A Lizard Named "Liz" vs. Race-Name Basis vs. Species Surname

Dolled-Up Installment vs. In Name Only:

  • Something in an existing franchise...

Do Wrong, Right vs Even Evil Has Standards vs Pragmatic Villainy

Dragon Ascendant vs. The Starscream

Dream-Crushing Handicap vs. Giftedly Bad vs. High Hopes, Zero Talent vs. I Coulda Been a Contender!

Dual Boss vs. Flunky Boss vs. Wolfpack Boss

  • A boss battle involves multiple targets.
    • Dual Boss: Each one is strong enough to be its own boss.
    • Flunky Boss: It's one strong enemy with a group of weaker minions.
    • Wolfpack Boss: Each one isn't too hard in isolation, but they can overwhelm you with a numbers advantage.

Dull Surprise vs. Flat Joy vs. That Makes Me Feel Angry

  • Dull Surprise: Actor's flat delivery undermines emotional expression.
  • Flat Joy: Character speaks flatly to either be sarcastic or downplay emotional expression.
  • That Makes Me Feel Angry: Character explains what they're feeling, usually out of unfamiliarity with normal emotional expression.

Dumb Is Good vs Good Is Dumb

  • A good person is stupid, or at least more stupid than he used to be. Which came first?

Dystopia Justifies the Means vs To Create a Playground for Evil


Early-Bird Boss vs Wake-Up Call Boss vs Warm-Up Boss:

Earth-Shattering Kaboom vs. The End of the World as We Know It:

Easily Forgiven vs. "Get Out of Jail Free" Card vs. Karma Houdini :

Endless Game vs. Game Over vs. Unwinnable:

  • Oops! You lose!:
    • Endless Game: The game was only about Scoring Points, how many did you get?
    • Game Over: You ran out of lives/whatever and can't continue playing.
    • Unwinnable: And you may not know you lost for a while, since you can keep playing...

End of an Age vs. Götterdämmerung vs. Here There Were Dragons vs. The Magic Goes Away:

Enemy Summoner vs. Flunky Boss vs. Just You, Me, and My GUARDS! vs. Mook Maker

Enemy Without vs. Literal Split Personality:

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques vs. Interrogation by Vandalism vs. Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique vs. Perp Sweating vs. Torture First, Ask Questions Later vs. Torture for Fun and Information:

Epileptic Trees vs. Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory vs. Wild Mass Guessing:

Eternal Recurrence vs. "Groundhog Day" Loop vs. History Repeats:

Even Beggars Won't Choose It vs. Everyone Has Standards

Evil Tainted the Place vs. Fisher King vs Indian Burial Ground vs. Leaking Can of Evil:

Evil Twin vs. Evil Counterpart vs. Evil Knockoff vs. Criminal Doppelgänger:

Exact Words vs. Loophole Abuse vs. Not the Intended Use:

Excrement Statement vs. Putting the Pee in Pool vs. Urine Trouble

Example as a Thesis vs. Self-Demonstrating Article:

Exaggerated Trope vs. Logical Extreme:

Expository Hairstyle Change vs. Important Haircut vs. Good Hair, Evil Hair:

Expospeak Gag vs. Layman's Terms:

The Extremist Was Right vs. Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist vs. Villain Has a Point vs. Well-Intentioned Extremist:


Failure Hero vs. Invincible Hero vs. Showy Invincible Hero

Fake High vs. Mistaken for Junkie vs. Playing Drunk:

  • A character isn't actually drunk or high, but...

Fake Shemp vs. The Other Darrin vs. The Other Marty vs. Poor Man's Substitute vs. Suspiciously Similar Substitute You Look Familiar:

Fake Ultimate Hero vs. Miles Gloriosus:

The Family for the Whole Family vs. Harmless Villain vs. Minion with an F in Evil vs. Neighbourhood-Friendly Gangsters:

Family Versus Career vs. Never a Self-Made Woman

  • Family Versus Career: A character (usually a woman) is presented a choice between their career and their family.
  • Never a Self-Made Woman: In many works, female characters tend to be notable male characters' wives/girlfriends/daughters/mothers/sisters.

Fan-Disliked Explanation vs. The Unreveal vs. Voodoo Shark

Fan Dumb vs. Broken Base vs. They Changed It, Now It Sucks! vs. Unpleasable Fanbase:

Fanfic vs Fan Works:

Works based on someone else's IP...
  • Fanfic: ...specifically, the text-based ones.
  • Fan Works: ...all of them, regardless of medium.

Fantastic Aesop vs. Space Whale Aesop:

Fantastic Drug vs. G-Rated Drug vs. I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!:

Fate Worse than Death vs. And I Must Scream

Fan Disservice vs. Fetish Retardant:

Fighting Clown vs. Joke Character vs. Lethal Joke Character

Filler vs. Padding vs. Wacky Wayside Tribe:

  • Filler: Additional side stories unimportant to the main plot arc.
  • Padding: Additional material added to the main plot to stretch the length.
  • Wacky Wayside Tribe: Additional obstacles added to the main plot to give the characters a hard time.

The Film of the Book vs. The Movie vs. Novelization:

The Film of the Series vs. The Movie vs. Non-Serial Movie:

First-Episode Twist vs. It Was His Sled vs. Late-Arrival Spoiler:

Flashback B-Plot vs. Framing Device

Flat-Earth Atheist vs. Nay-Theist:

Flip-Flop of God vs. Shrug of God vs. The Walrus Was Paul vs. Word of God

Flying Dutchman vs. Walking the Earth

Foil vs. Mirror Character

  • A character's traits are highlighted by another character's...

Forced Transformation vs Transformation Horror:

Forgot About His Powers vs. Forgotten Phlebotinum vs. Holding Back the Phlebotinum vs. It Only Works Once

For Halloween, I Am Going as Myself vs. Your Costume Needs Work:

Foreign Cuss Word vs. Unusual Euphemism vs. Pardon My Klingon

Foreshadowing vs. Rewatch Bonus

  • Foreshadowing: Teases/provides indication of later events. Easier to spot retroactively.
  • Rewatch Bonus: Has meaning first time, has additional meaning second time.

Fragile Speedster vs. Glass Cannon vs. Squishy Wizard

"Freaky Friday" Flip vs. Personality Swap

  • Due to some weird event, Alice and Carol discover that they have swapped...

Fridge Brilliance vs. Fridge Horror vs. Fridge Logic:

  • When you think about a certain aspect of a show you just watched, you realize...

Friend in the Black Market vs. Honest John's Dealership:

From Nobody to Nightmare vs. Magikarp Power vs. Malignant Plot Tumor vs. Not-So-Harmless Villain:

Full-Circle Revolution vs Meet the New Boss:

Funbag Airbag vs. Marshmallow Hell

Hilarious in Hindsight vs. Harsher in Hindsight vs. Narm:
