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Fanfic / Noceda-Clawthorne Series

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The Noceda-Clawthorne series is a series of Owl House stories written by Guyver54 (formerly known as Master of the Tamers on Fanfiction Dot Net). The series centers around the concept of "knocking down" kids using rejuvenation potions Eda has in order to help them destress from their typically chaotic lives, only to engineer more chaos in the process.

Main Storyline

  • Ghoul Break, with Family and Friends revolves around the titular school break gives Hexside students a week off of school. Eda, not wanting Luz to waste it working on the portal, knocks her down so she'll relax, but in doing so, she unleashes a terror on the Boiling Isles no witch has seen before. (Complete)
  • For her Family, the Raven Will Soar picks up a few weeks later; when Amity turns up at the Owl house very weakened, everyone discovers that a powerful curse was placed on her. Now it's a race against time to find who did it and save Amity's life. At the same time, Lilith must confront her past mistakes involving her former protégé so she can take her final steps toward her personal redemption. (Complete)
  • A Day Out with the Owl Familia starts a day after saving Amity's life (a few minutes after the second story's end). Lilith takes Amity, Luz, Eda, and their friends out for a day of leisurely fun. It sounds easy and simple, but when you're part of this growing family, nothing's ever easy, but never boring either. (Complete)

  • The Owl Familia: the Family That Will Grow Forever begins nearly a month after Belos was defeated and the Day of Unity stopped. With her extended family's help, Luz has returned to the Human Realm and reunites with her mother Camila, who's filled in on her daughter's exploits while witnessing the effects of "knocking down". (Complete)
  • The Sisters' Family Vacation has an old enemy resurface and in a revenge plan gone wrong, Eda, Lilith, and Camila are aged down to eight-year-olds. Now Luz, Amity, and Vee must keep their charges out of danger until the effects wear off. (Complete)
  • Ghoul Break: The Familia's Final Outing has the entire Familia enjoy the one-year anniversary of their typical activity, now with Luz getting to spend time with her entire family and more. But with menacing forces plotting to ruin their fun, they seal their fates by messing with the Familia to begin with. (Complete)

Additional Stories

  • The Daily Lives of the Owl Familia shows off a few important events in the timeline, answering many questions that lead to the Owl Familia becoming who they are by this point.note  (Complete)
  • The Daily Lives of the Owl Familia: P2 follows the Familia's exploits after the Day of Unity showing how their recovering since those events. (Ongoing)
  • The knocked-down Holiday Spectacular features the author himself being dragged into his own stories by the wacky-minded Steve and interacting with the Owl Famila, being "knocked-down" and somehow turning into a girl in the process. (Complete)

The series can also be found here. The first three stories, which serve as the first Story Arc, are complete. While the second Ghoul Break story serves as the final entry in the series, the series officially ended with Daily Lives: P2 on February 4, 2024, nearly two years after it began.

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The Noceda-Clawthorne series contains the following tropes:

  • Adaptational Comic Relief:
    • Steve becomes a source of comedy in this series, ofter appearing at random points and speaking in the third person.
    • Boscha also lands in this category, and it's an improvement compared to how little we see her in canon.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Osran and Hettie Cutburn, the heads of the Oracle and Healing Covens, are against Belos's plans and secretly oppose him while working for him.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: Eberwolf shows the ability to speak, albeit at random times and like an English gentleman for some reason.
  • Alternate Timeline: A variant. The series is set sometime after "Reaching Out", but the Day of Unity is now three months away (at least until the fifth story, where a month has passed since the day in question).
  • Ascended Extra: Gwendolyn and Dell are given more supporting roles throughout the series.
  • Butt-Monkey: Boscha, Emperor Belos, and Raine all have their moments.
  • Camera Fiend: Throughout the series, the Clawthorne sisters take pictures of the kids while they're "knocked-down" in order to put them in a scrapbook.
  • Canon Foreigner: Willia Oldstone, a distant cousin of Cat and old friend of Gwendolyn, is a healer who's been treating the Clawthorne family for ages.
  • Constantly Curious: In every story, Luz will ask how certain magical items, spells, or events work, usually about Beast Keeping which she finds the most interesting of the main nine types of magic.
  • Cuteness Proximity: All the "knocked-down" kids seen throughout the series (Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Vee, Hunter, Skara, and Masha) are considered adorable in their de-aged states.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Abomination Fusion, an incredibly powerful technique that if overused, could cause serious damage to the user's body or even take their life.
  • Demoted to Comic Relief: Emperor Belos, who goes through a lot of pain via Amusing Injuries in the first and third stories.
  • Family of Choice: Continuing from the main series, Luz is repeatedly established to be an honorary member of the Clawthorne family.
  • For Want Of A Nail: The series' canon diverges from the parent work with the Day of Unity now set for three months from the time of the second story's events.
  • Fountain of Youth: The series revolves around "knocking down", a term used for whenever someone is aged down to a toddler with a rejuvenation potion.
  • Full-Name Ultimatum: Used several times regarding Luz's adoptive name, "Luzura Noceda-Clawthorne" (or "Clawthorne-Noceda" in Lilith's case.)
  • Happily Adopted: As of the second story's conclusion, Amity becomes an official member of the Clawthorne family when Lilith adopts her.
  • Hate Sink: The Blabblerstone family constantly puts down the Clawthornes for being wild witches, insults Luz regularly just because she's human, and have no issues with hurting any of the "knocked-down" children when they retaliate.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Word of God stated that while the last four to five episodes of Season 2 still occur, the plot revolving around the Day of Unity will not be included, nor the Collector.
  • Jaw Drop: Eda performs such acts that literally have her lower jaw detaching and falling to the ground.
  • Lighter and Softer: This series is more comedic and lighthearted than the main series.
  • Little Girls Kick Shins: Luz often does this when she's knocked down, and Amity attempts it on Bria in the third story. Because of how often they're distributed, Boscha coins the term as the "Clawthorne shin buster".
  • Meaningful Name: As the author admits in the notes of the final story's epilogue, the series' name comes from how anyone who ends up living in the Owl House ultimately takes on either the Noceda or Clawthorne family names.
  • Mythology Gag: Amity's usual "knocked-down" outfit is based off of the one her beta design wears.
  • Related in the Adaptation:
    • Raine and Darius are made cousins in this series.
    • The second story ends with Lilith adopting Amity, making her a Clawthorne.
    • The fifth story reveals that Jacob Hopkins is Masha's cousin.
  • Running Gag: Kids kicking people in the shin, Steve bopping Raine on the head with a pipe, Amity being very protective of Luz and all her friends to the point of going all out with her magic, Eda's literal jaw-dropping which lead to someone saying it's rude to talk like that.
  • Shout-Out: Starting from the third story, people have a habit of saying "JANE PORTER, STOP THIS CRAZY THING!"
  • Synchronous Episodes: Daily Lives was released and updated simultaneously with every story following it.
  • Tsundere: Because of her crush on Amity, Boscha tends to alternate between insulting her closest friends, especially Luz, and getting flustered and blushing around her.

    Ghoul Break, with Family and Friends 
  • Affectionate Nickname: Toddler Luz starts calling Amity "Am-Am" and Amity continues using "Batata".
    • Luz also uses Auntie Wu (Lilith), Ki-Ki (King) and of course, "Mommy Edy/Mama Eda".
    • Eda and Lilith use their mother's nicknames for them with Luz.
  • Blackmail: Seeing Eda asleep with toddler Luz and King on the couch after being called over the morning after the kids are "knocked-down", Lilith takes two dozen pictures of them for this exact purpose: so she has dirt on Eda for future use.
  • Breather Episode: There are some mini-chapters which shift focus from the main storyline.
  • Brutal Honesty: When Boscha asks kid Luz what Amity sees in her, Luz puts it bluntly:
    Luz: (happily) I make Am-Am happy.
  • Call-Back: The Stonesleeper that Luz and Lilith encountered in "Elsewhere and Elsewhen" appears in Chapter 5, having hibernated since the Deadwardian Era all the way up to present day, with knocked-down Luz bonding with it.
  • Continuity Nod: The Emerald Entrails are seen practicing for Flyer Derby in "Chapter 6: A Friendly Match"; since "Caleb" left the team, Jerbo has taken his place.
  • Contrived Coincidence: When Eda demands to know who kidnapped Luz and King and took them to the Emperor's Castle, Osran tells her Warden Wrath did it and was heading to the third floor. He lied, but Eda actually found Wrath heading for that area.
  • Cranial Eruption
  • Cuteness Overload: While every one of Luz's friends and adoptive family members fall in love over how cute she is as a toddler, Amity unfortunately keeps fainting when she first sees Luz.
  • Demoted to Extra: Word of God admits to doing this to Luz, limiting her speaking appearances by having her speak through her actions to allow the rest of the cast to play bigger roles.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: Boscha's more aggressive towards Luz than usual, and it's because she's jealous that Amity's dating the human instead of her.
  • Embarrassing Old Photo: Played for Laughs. At the end of the story, Eda reveals that one of the pictures she took of Luz over the course of the week shows the knocked-down human dressed up as Amity in her debut appearance (wearing an abomination track uniform, using a concealment stone to replicate her mint-green hairstyle and her attempted scowl looking lopsided). Seeing it causes Luz to blush even harder than Amity usually does around her.
  • Faceplanting into Food: The first morning after being knocked down, Luz does this with her breakfast. It becomes a running gag throughout the story and extends to the rest of the series.
  • Foreshadowing: Hints to the second story's arc are given through Lilith's relationship with Amity.
    • In Chapter 11, Osran has the Clawthorne sisters pay for damages caused by all of their children to the Emperor's Castle, including the damage Amity caused previously. As he says this, he looks at Lilith.
    • After seeing Amity suffering from Abomination Rejection, Lilith had panicked over her condition. When asked about her concern by Eda, Lilith says she's not ready to talk about it.
    • While interacting with each other in the final mini-chapter, Amity thinks to herself that she's considered family in the Owl House while talking to Lilith.
  • Groin Attack: Steve manages to hit Emperor Belos in the royal jewels with a pipe.
  • Hidden Depths: Amity is shown to be talented in playing the harp.
  • Hulking Out: When Amity panics and thinks she lost Luz while watching her, she gives in to her anger and undergoes Abomination Fusion before rampaging across the Boiling Isles trying to find her knocked-down girlfriend.
  • Idea Bulb: Parodied and lampshaded in the prologue, where Hooty holds a lit candle over Eda's head when she thinks up her plan to help Luz relax.
    Eda: Hooty, what did I tell you about holding a candle over my head?
    Hooty: Only do it when you have one of your brilliant ideas, hoot, hoot.
    Eda: Darn straight!
  • Lampshade Hanging: Steve claims that the Titan ordered him to bonk people on the head and to fill a daily quota for doing so.
  • Luminescent Blush: Quite a few people captivated by toddler Luz's adorableness sport these. Even Lilith and Boscha can't stop themselves from doing it (not that the former wanted to.)
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": All the Coven Heads, Hunter and King are taken back after toddler Luz kicks Belos in the shin. Not that it affects him.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Luz dubs the Stonesleeper she bonds with "Roca". The Owl Beast also takes to being called "Owda".
  • Not Me This Time: When Belos receives a Groin Attack, Hunter blames Luz for it only to see she's unarmed. Upon closer inspection, everyone learns Steve is the true culprit.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: At some point prior to the story, Luz created two new spells, an advanced ice glyph which creates a snow-jelly mold and a plant spell that turns into abomination matter. She also hides several belts with glyph boxes around the Owl House using the invisibility glyph.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Everyone is surprised by Eda acting motherly to keep Luz from getting dirty just to egg her on.
  • Papa Wolf: Darius shows this trait as he forces his companions to watch over Amity and Luz on the former's second attempt to watch her girlfriend. He even collects some books from the library for Amity to read to Luz.
  • Portmanteau: After the Owl Beast recognizes Luz and King as Eda's kids and accepts them as her own younglings, Luz offhandedly calls her "Owda", a combo of "Owl" and "Eda". She then takes this as her new name.
  • Power-Strain Blackout: Due to nearly suffering from Abomination Rejection, Amity nearly passed out due to how the technique left her body very weak.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Throughout the story, Luz has a habit of pulling glyph cards out of thin air, even when someone makes sure she doesn't have any on her. It's eventually defied when the riddle is answered by Amity, who discovers that Luz keeps invisible belts stocked with glyph boxes all over the Owl House to wear when she needs them.
  • Share the Male Pain: All the male Coven Heads wince when Emperor Belos takes a hit in the crotch courtesy of Steve.
  • Side Bet: When Hunter chases down Steve and Luz follows after them, the Coven Heads make bets to see who will catch Steve and try to aid their chosen contenders. Since it's Hunter who succeeds, Darius is one of the winners for betting on him.
  • Spanner in the Works: Luz was meant to be aged down to three and a half but since Eda looked away when King drunk Luz's juice with the rejuvenation potion, he got aged down too and the dosage was altered to not take full effect, making her four and a half.

    For her Family, the Raven will Soar 
  • Adaptation Expansion: The "Lilith Remembers" chapters show how Lilith took Amity as her student, showing their relatinship over the course of four years that builds up to the events that caused their falling out in "Covention".
  • Affectionate Nickname: Luz calls the knocked-down Amity "Little Sweet Potato" while Amity starts calling her "Uz-Uz".
  • Arc Villain: Odalia, who was the one who cursed Amity with one of the 9 most dangerous curses on the Boiling Isles to put her back under her thumb.
  • Ascended Extra: Osran, the Oracle Coven Head, plays a prominent role in the story.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • To give everyone more time to save Amity after Luz unintentionally speeds up her curse's effects, Lilith makes a time reversal potion to make her younger and cause the Ouroboros Curse to recede. It pays off, giving everyone 2 more days to figure out a solution.
    • Knowing that Odalia wouldn't uphold her end of The Bet down below, Alador creates the Everlasting Oath spell while she's distracted beforehand so she'll have to honor her word.
  • The Bet: To save Amity from the Ouroborus curse, Lilith challenges Odalia to a witch's duel. Lilith wins and Odalia removes the curse but if Odalia wins, she gets all of Eda's remaining rejuvenation potions to use on Amity and Lilith becomes her personal slave for life. Although Odalia takes control of the duel at first, Lilith wins after unlocking her own harpy form.
  • Canon Foreigner: Drake Blacklight, an Original Character in the story, appears to give Lilith some advice while she's training to face Odalia.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Lilith is a complete lightweight, barely being able to down more than a single shot of apple blood before getting completely drunk. There's even a rumor that she did something improper during an office party while drunk.
  • Darker and Edgier: The story is much darker than the first one, given how serious the situation is this time.
  • Didn't Think This Through: After Amity has a Potty Failure, Luz offers to share a bath with her. Given how they act when Lilith volunteers to bathe Amity the next day, Luz realized too late that she may have allowed her knocked-down girlfriend to see a different side of her.
  • Disappointed by the Motive: Eda calls Odalia's motives how cursing Amity lame, seeing as she wanted nothing more than for Amity to return to being fully obedient to her.
  • Freudian Slip: Seeing Eda and remembering her after being knocked-down, Amity immediately calls her "old lady" and regrets it.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Amity kisses Luz on the lips in a moment of boldness, and Luz says "Oh, crikey" in surprise, though they were both four-and-a-half at the time.
  • Like a Daughter to Me: Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Lilith became attached to Amity to the point of seeing her as her daughter. This makes things more devastating for her when she admits to having never lifted a finger to help her daughter with her family issues.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After remembering everything about their relationship, Lilith cries over never helping Amity deal with Odalia despite seeing all the signs something was wrong.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • 3 weeks after finding the light glyph, Luz accidentally blinded herself with an light orb in the kitchen and knocked over a jar that left her covered head to toe in expired sauce. Eda promised to never tell anyone because of how embarrassed Luz is about it.
    • According to Hunter, Lilith had too much to drink at an office party and did something no one wants to talk about.
  • Parental Substitute: Amity saw—no, still sees Lilith as her real mother over Odalia, and that gives Lilith the resolve to fight the Blight matriarch for Amity's freedom.
  • Plot Allergy: Lilith states that Amity's intolerant of a spice called "Jinnamon". The knocked-down witch suffers an allergic reaction when Gwen gives her food with it (not helped that Gwen used jinnamon in all her dishes) and Boscha once force-fed Amity something chock-full of the stuff.
  • Point of Divergence:
    • Amity and Lilith are given an Adaptation Relationship Overhaul that makes them much closer in the past, to the point that Lilith is the teacher Amity called "Mom" once.
    • Near the end of the story, Lilith gains a harpy form. The epilogue of the series finale "Watching and Dreaming" shows she accomplished this during the Time Skip, but here it occurs four years early.
  • Potty Failure: Because of the amount of potions Amity had to drink when she'd been knocked-down, she wets herself in front of Luz and Lilith much to her embarrassment.
  • Secret-Keeper: Amity confided in Skara that Boscha's attempts to show Amity her feelings reminded her of Odalia constantly controlling her.
  • Still Sucks Thumb: Amity's shown to do this while "knocked-down".
  • Subverted Suspicion Aesop: At first Lilith refuses to believe that Odalia would actually risk cursing her youngest daughter despite Eda pointing out she's the only and most likely suspect. The kids automatically agree and Lilith eventually believes it.
  • You Remind Me of X: In Chapter 11, Skara reveals that before Amity stopped hanging out with Boscha and her, she told her Boscha trying to show Amity her feelings just made her think about Odalia. Boscha is shocked by the revelation, especially since she unintentionally caused Amity to remember the moment Odalia cursed her and sped up the curse's effects.

    A Day Out with the Owl Familia 
  • And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt: Somebody places an "I got blown across the Isles and all I got was this t-shirt" t-shirt on the disoriented Belos at some point.
  • Asshole Victim: Belos ends up disoriented due to falling on expired potions Steve threw down a chute under his throne, and when he caused damage to a park ride, Eda tells the disgruntled operator to charge the Emperor's Coven for it since Belos caused the damage.
  • Big Eater: The "Knocked-Down" Coven combined eats half of a Not Dog Superior Supreme (a not dog with every topping, including some known to humans) in the time it takes Eda and Lilith to have a brief conversation.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Some characters look directly at the reader/writer when a moment makes absolutely no sense.
  • The Bus Came Back: Bria reappears since "Through the Looking Glass Ruins", actively trying to ruin everyone's day at the amusement park to get revenge on Gus for tricking her.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • The first chapter shows that Amity had another Potty Failure due to the amount of potions still in her system.
    • In Chapter 2, Eda dons a suit of Chinese battle armor for protection at the amusement park, not wanting to repeat what happened at the carnival in "Really Small Problems".
  • Cosmic Plaything: By this point, Boscha has become this as she keeps getting put through the wringer despite not antagonizing anybody.
  • Crush Blush: Boscha has two of these when she's talking about Amity due to comforting the "knocked-down" witch.
  • Demoted to Extra: King sits out of the action this time, not appearing until the end when Eda finds he spend the entire day napping in her nest.
  • Got Me Doing It: Lilith believes that anything Amity does is because she's been around Luz too often.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Luz ends up getting a scar over her left eyebrow due to a ride that was sabotaged by Bria.
  • Irony: At the amusement park, Luz and Amity kick a guy named Shin in the shin.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Bria constantly receives comeuppance for causing trouble for the Owl Familia, her day ending with her being severely injured.
    • Boscha sends a Titan skull back to where it came from and it crushes Bill the Titan Trapper, who had been launching them for a month.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In Chapter 2, Tiny Nose tells Raine that she's her creator and doesn't care if they're bonked by Steve.
  • Like Parent, Like Child: Willow's repeated power surges when angered is shown to come from Gilbert, with Perry saying it's best not to describe what happened when Gilbert attacked Shin for insulting Amity.
  • Lonely Among People: When Lilith asks Eda if she can move back into the Owl House with Amity, she instantly agrees. Eda then explains that Amity grew up feeling alone around everyone including her family, so she needs to be around people who like her for herself.
  • Marilyn Maneuver: When Bria's sabotaging of the bumper carcasses backfires, she ends up hanging upside down from a spike holding her skirt in place.
  • Overly Long Name: "Noceda-Blight-Clawthorne" family. Because it's so long, Luz suggests they call themselves the "Owl Familia".
  • Pet the Dog:
    • After seeing how injured Bria is at the end of the day, Darius sends an abomination to help her down from the spot she's stuck on.
    • Boscha comforts Amity after Shin insults her, since she can't stand the sight of seeing her crush so sad.
    • Steve decides not to bonk Raine for once, admitting to the readers he could've done it while Raine was disguised with a concealment stone.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Due to how stressful things got recently, Principal Bump allows Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus to have the day off from school to relax. Boscha's also seen outside school in Chapter 5.
  • The Reveal: Chapter 7 reveals that it's the Titan Trappers who've been launching Titan skulls to the Boiling Isles all because Bill wanted a laugh.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Belos performs such a scream when he learns that Luz has been knocked down again.
  • Sequel Hook: The story ends with Lilith allowing Amity to multi-track in Bard and Potions magic while Eda falls asleep with Luz and King, planning on performing a heist for more rejuvenation potions.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Skipping School: Bria ditches school and after running into the Clawthornes and their friends, spends the day antagonizing them.
  • Title Drop: The "Owl Familia" is dubbed as such by Luz in Chapter 6 to save time from using their extended hyphenated name.

    The Daily Lives of The Owl Familia 
  • Alternate Self: The Drake Blacklight from the second story is the prime version, but another one exists in the Human Realm: he's Masha's father.
  • Attention Whore: Flora D'splora is stated to be one as she steals the credit for her colleagues' discoveries. She shows no hesitation at trying to put her name on the project Lilith has going in researching how to separate hers and Eda's cursed beasts from each other.
  • Bad Future: One of the two potential futures Osran foresees due to his ailment of Scarred Mind is the canon ending of "King's Tide".
    Osran: Yes, I prefer this future over that one.
  • Batman Gambit
  • Bitch Slap: Amity gives one to Luz for going to search for the Soul Stone, using her bad hand to do so and causing herself pain.
  • Call-Back: Osran uses the money Eda paid for the damages to the castle with to buy a supply of rejuvenation potions for the Clawthorne sisters to use on their daughters.
  • Fainting: Luz and Amity do this when they absorb the knowledge that obtaining the Soul Stones means they've become engaged at the age of 14.
  • Friendship Moment: In Chapter 16, Amity and Skara make peace with each other after clearing the air between them and when Skara asks if they can be friends again, Amity tells her that she's always considered her a friend.
  • Given Name Reveal: The "Back to School" Arc reveals Boscha and Skara's last names to be Trisight and Siren. Skara's mother is also said to be named Nora.
  • Hates Baths: At one point, Gwendolyn tells the "knocked-down" coven a story about how Lilith stopped bathing for a week as a child because she didn't want Gwen washing her, to the kids and Eda's amusement and Lilith's mortification.
  • History Repeats: Preventing this is Luz's reason for finding the Soul Stone: she believes it's unfair for Amity to suffer for something unjust happening to her like her father Manny spent his last moments in life in pain and trying to hide it.
  • In Spite of a Nail
  • Interquel: Some stories will be set during the first three entries in the series.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Zoe Blabberstone, daughter of Chloe and Shin from the first and third stories, tries getting revenge on the "knocked-down" coven by spanking Amity and threatening Luz: Amity's retaliation results in her getting hurt, leading to Luz and Boscha attacking the gorgon in retribution.
    • Flora D'Splora finds herself being attacked by Eda, Roca, and both Owda and Rath for spying on the Familia during the two days they spent researching how to separate the Clawthorne sisters from their respective beasts.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Alador tried to use nearly dried-up Deadwardian river root to create an abomination; said golem was twice the size of Hexside and exploded, leaving a stain everyone though Eda had caused.
    • Skara once flipped Amity's cowl into her face using magic, and Amity knows it was only because Boscha made her do it.
  • Once More, with Clarity: The fourth story reveals several events that weren't seen in the first three stories and fills in many plot holes present in The Family That Will Grow Forever;
    • "Chapter 4: The Bath Incident" subverts Luz's Didn't Think This Through moment in the second story: Amity stopped her from sharing a bath with her, only for Luz to stubbornly try to honor her word. After getting a "shin buster" and apology in response, Luz agrees to just bathe Amity.
    • "Chapter 6: The Kitchen Incident" shows the full scene of Amity attacking Gwendolyn just for accidentally splashing Luz with water.
    • Chapter 7 shows that Principal Bump had Frewin spy on the Clawthornes which is how he learned about the duel between Lilith and Odalia.
    • Chapters 9 & 10 show how Willow and Gus agreed to being "knocked-down" and their parents adjusting to it. The latter also explains that Gus's mother couldn't join everyone at the amusement park due to work.
    • "Chapter 11: The Scarris Wheel Incident" shows what Gilbert did to Shin in the time everyone was comforting Amity.
    • "Chapter 12: The Heist" shows how Eda and Lilith acquired more rejuvenation potions.
  • Pet the Dog: Osran saves the Clawthorne sisters the trouble of stealing the rejuvenation potions by buying them himself.
  • Portmanteau: Much like how Luz named Owda, Lilith allows Amity to name her Raven Beast and she goes with "Rath" ("Raven" and "Lilith").
  • Red Mage: Following A Day Out with the Owl Familia, Amity is now studying Abominations, Bard, and Potions magic.
  • Red String of Fate: The Soul Stone is colored blood red, and it allows those truly destined to be together to share anything if they each hold a piece.
  • The Reveal:
    • The reason rejuvenation potions are so expensive is because the main ingredient, Deadwardian river root, only blooms every 25 years in limited numbers, and only for a day. When it dies, its power decreases exponentially.
    • Ghost was the reason Alador even learned about Amity being cursed and took action.
    • Seeing the damaging effect Odalia had on Amity, Principal Bump recommended the youngest Blight as a student to Lilith hoping she could help her.
    • Osran suffers from "Scarred Mind", an infliction caused by overuse of foresight that makes oracles see multiple different futures. The only two he sees are how the Day of Unity plays out.
    • Skara previously messed with Amity under threat from Boscha and has regretted it ever since. When they make up, Amity confesses to Skara that her mother is the one who gave Amity her harp and taught her how to play.
    • Steve actually can speak to the Titan/King's father, who limits their interactions because the energy used to do so weakens his soul and risks destroying it for good. The Titan also tried influencing Lilith into helping Amity.
  • Security Cling: Eda pulls Amity into a tight hug to keep her from falling off Osran's dragon.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Vee may not be Luz's biological sister, but she has one moment where she does something Luz would do. After having her first kiss with Masha, Vee says "Oh, blimey" before passing out, like how Luz always says "Oh, cwikey" whenever Amity surprises her with a kiss.
  • Sphere of Power
  • Story Arc:
    • The "Soul Stone Search" chapters showcase Luz trying to find said stone to alleviate Amity's lingering pain from being cursed. The storyline is meant to explain how Luz and Amity became engaged in the fifth story.
    • Chapters 15 to 19 are known as the "Amity's Return to School" arc, showing her returning to Hexside after being cured of her curse and taking time off to relax, focusing on her adjusting to being a multi-track student while repairing her friendship with Skara and dealing with Boscha again.
    • The "Vee and Camila" arc shows the two in the Human Realm, with Camila helping Vee prep for her first date with Masha.
    • The "First Weekend" arc explores Luz, Amity, Willow, and Gus's first "knocked-down" weekend, which includes spending time with Edric and Emira and culminates in an encounter with a Blabberstone that leads into the "Soul Stone Search" arc.
    • The "Beast-Bonding" arc, the last one in Part 1, focuses on how Lilith and Jane figure out how to cure Eda and Lilith of their curses by freeing Owda and the Raven Beast from the sisters.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: It seems Odalia was an Alpha Bitch in her youth and became even worse when she failed an Emperor's Coven tryout.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: Legend says that lovers who successfully obtain the Soul Stones actually do this, so Luz doing so for Amity means she proposed to her by mistake.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Upon reaching Luz in the Soul Stone Castle, Amity rips into her for taking the advice of a coven head before learning why she was so determined to acquire the stones.

    The Owl Familia: The Family That Will Grow Forever 
  • Affectionate Nickname: Luz calls her adopted sister "V-V".
  • Bait-and-Switch: Steve seems to be Breaking the Fourth Wall when he notes that Edric and Emira will cause trouble with a rejuvenation potion: it turns out he was looking at Raine.
  • Call-Back: Camila reacts the same way Luz did to seeing King for the first time back in the first episode.
  • Character Tic: Whenever Masha calls themself Vee's girlfriend, Vee blushes and her basilisk ears wiggle no matter which form she's in.
  • Continuity Nod: Camila and the Owl Familia find the Embarrassing Old Photo of Luz dressed as Amity within Eda's photo album.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: After seeing her mother Sabria laid up after getting attacked in the healing home and Luz attempts to comfort her by saying she knows how she feels, Boscha rebukes this and says Luz couldn't understand how she feels about it. After Luz leaves the cafeteria, Amity calls Boscha an idiot before telling her about Luz's final moment together with Manny to prove Luz knows her pain all too well.
  • Familiar: Luz and Camila each obtained their own palismen at some point. Camila has a blue jay named Maddy and Luz obtains Stringbean after she hatched from her palistrom egg.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Both Osran and Hettie Cutburn switched sides and helped the rebels stop the Day of Unity.
  • I Choose to Stay:
    • At the end of Chapter 2, Camila decides to allow Luz to stay in the Demon Realm while also moving herself and Vee there to stay with her, effectively joining the Owl Familia.
    • Because of Sabria needing to have her injuries treated at the Knee and knowing how much Boscha would be against switching schools, Camila offers to let Boscha stay at the Owl House for the rest of the school year. Boscha accepts the offer and becomes part of the Owl Famila after Camila shows her enough kindness to open up to her and join the "knocked-down" coven.
  • I Lied: Odalia had promised Alador she'd check if Amity inherited any of their allergies. Alador kicks himself when he realizes she never did.
  • In Spite of a Nail:
    • Eda still took Raine's place in the Draining Spell; now she's branded with the Bard Coven sigil.
    • Hunter learned he's a grimwalker based off of Caleb, the Hexsquad fought Belos on the Day of Unity, and Flapjack was still destroyed saving Hunter from Belos.
    • Vee has adopted her human disguise which she created for herself in Season 3.
    • Luz carved her palisman into an egg, and it hatched into Stringbean the "snake-shifter".
  • Luminescent Blush:
    • Camila has one when Eda orders her to sleep in her nest with her the night Luz, Amity and Vee are knocked down.
    • Vee keeps blushing everytime she gets flustered by Masha. Masha does this themself when Vee kisses them on the lips while "knocked down", making them both turn red.
  • More Insulting than Intended: Boscha brushes off Luz's attempts to comfort her about Sabria by saying she doesn't understand the feeling of almost losing a parent. After Luz leaves, Amity tells her about Manny's death and Boscha feels regret over what she said.
  • Mythology Gag: Like with many series in the Owl House fanbase, MoringMark comics are mentioned.
    • Alador remembers when he built a swing set for Amity but couldn't spend time enjoying it with her due to Odalia making him work, a reference to "Swing Set".
    • Vee is annoyed that her friends suspected her of being abnormal just because she once poured milk in a bowl before cereal, as seen in "Re-Vee-ling the truth".
  • Named by the Adaptation:
    • Vee and Masha's friends from camp are now called Kim and Henry.
    • Boscha's mothers are known as Sabria (redhead) and Trica (pinkhead) Trisight.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • One time when Eda was in the Human Realm with the kids, she got arrested by the Gravesfield sheriff's department for getting into a fistfight with Stan Pines.
    • The reason people shout "JANE PORTER, STOP THIS CRAZY THING!" stems from something that occurred during Perry and Jane's third date.
    Camila: Why do people ask you that?
    Jane: (sighs dejectedly) I blame my husband.
    • When they were hanging out with Eda as kids, Raine lost their pants while they were in front of Hexside.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Played for Laughs. Masha, Henry and Kim won't let Vee forget when she poured milk before cereal during their first breakfast at camp.
  • Once More, with Clarity: In Chapter 10, Alador and Lilith spot Raine wearing a cheese hat and on Steve's out of control motorcycle. Chapter 12 shows that Luz messed with the bike's energy glyph while Raine, Steve and Hunter were babysitting her, Vee and Masha.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: The rebels stopped the Day of Unity thanks in part to Eda taking Raine's place to stop the Draining Spell and everyone pulling a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on Belos before putting him behind bars.
  • Parental Neglect: Odalia's arrogance was so great, she actually believed her children were incapable of having the same allergies as her or Alador, denying it even when the twins showed they had her dairy allergy. It makes Alador feel more remorseful when he learns Amity inherited his allergy to jinnamon.
  • Power Incontinence: In her "knocked-down" state, Vee can't fully shapeshift. Luz comforts her and recommends she just switch out her tail for legs.
  • Red Mage:
    • In Chapter 11, Skara takes an interest in studying both bard and healing magic hoping to use the latter to make the former stronger.
    • As shown in Chapter 15, multi-tracking has grown at Hexside even though there's still some students against it. Vee, Hunter and Amelia are now studying Beast Keeping with the former two also being in Healing and Potions, respectively and Gus is now taking both Illusion and Bard classes.
  • The Reveal:
    • Chapter 3 shows that Eda has regained her magic, being able to use Raine's whistling trick to levitate people or objects.
    • Chapter 4 reveals that Steve moved into the Owl House two days before the Owl Familia traveled to the Human Realm.
    • Chapter 6 shows that Skara's now a member of the "knocked-down" coven. Chapter 11 reveals that she asked to be knocked down to cheer up her mother due to her voice being damaged because of the Day of Unity.
    • Chapter 9 reveals that jinnamon intolerance runs in the Blight family, thus Amity inherited it from Alador.
    • Chapter 10 has the discovery that Masha is Vee's partner/girlfriend and has been knocked down so she can explore the Isles.
    • Chapter 13 shows that both human Nocedas have their own palisman now, Camila having a blue jay named Maddy and Luz having a "snake-shifter" named Stringbean. The Demon Realm has become public knowledge to the town of Gravesfield and has made peace with them, and Jacob turns out to be Masha's cousin.
    • Chapter 15 reveals that Amelia and Cat left the Banshees to help their families due to the Day of Unity's aftermath on them, Vee and Hunter are now enrolled in Hexside, and they're multi-tracking while Gus has joined the Bard track. There's also the fact that several pro-Belos, anti-human groups have been causing chaos despite Belos being dethroned, with many of them believing the Belos who was defeated by Luz was an imposter.
    • Chapter 16 reveals that Boscha's family has been sent death threats due to rumors that they were aware of what would happen on the Day of Unity.
    • Chapter 17: Vee revealed herself as a basilisk to her friends 2 weeks after moving back to the Demon realm, and Luz learns she and Masha have been dating for 2 months up to that point.
  • Running Gag: Masha tends to be heavily fascinated by Vee's ears and teases her by playing with them or flustering her so they can see them wiggle.
  • Sanity Slippage: The reason the Hexsquad defeated Belos was due to all of his mental trauma combined with their giving him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown caused him to lose his mind.
  • Something We Forgot: Due to everything that's happened, Luz completely forgot about the photo Eda took of her while she was knocked down and dressed up as Amity, and everybody sees it.
    Amity: (coos playfully) Aww, I didn't know you like dressing up, Batata.
  • Spoiler: For fans who hadn't watched the leaked "For the Future" before it properly aired, Chapter 13 reveals what Luz's official palisman would be.
  • The Tease: Even though Masha's non-binary, they call themself Vee's girlfriend because they likes seeing Vee's flustered reaction to it.
  • Time Skip: The story starts a month after the Owl Familia defeated Belos, with Luz just about to reunite with Camila with the Clawthornes and Amity giving her their support.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: Downplayed. Beginning with Chapter 13, Raine is actively trying to find the perfect moment to propose to Eda, but the antics of the "knocked down" coven interfere with their efforts. They eventually succeed in Chapter 19.

    The Sisters' Family Vacation 
  • Anti-Human Alliance: The "League of Isles-Saviors" are united by their hatred towards Luz as she's the reason who so many of them have failed in their schemes or because her family has had a hand in their downfalls.
  • Badass Adorable: As an eight-year-old, Eda acts like the prank-happy hellraiser she used to be during her first childhood and is rather cute and ferocious in her "harpy chick" form.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: While Odalia acts solo in trying to get her revenge on the Owl Familia, the Blabberstones, Tibbles, Bria, and Bill & Tarak team up to do the same. In the Human Realm, Jacob Hopkins is a recurring antagonist towards the Familia.
  • Big Eater: Steve and Hettie Cutburn are the only two people who've beaten the eating challenge at Diablo Delights sandwich shop, where one must eat a sandwich with every topping in under a half-hour..
  • The Bus Came Back: Odalia returns after breaking out of the Conformatorium months following the second story, and she not only sprung the insane Belos in the process, she tries to get revenge on the Owl Familia.
  • Calling the Old Woman Out: Once Odalia's captured, Amity proceeds to dump on her for all that she put Amity through her entire life, to which she needs to stop and collect herself numerous times with her family comforting her.
  • The Cameo: Chapter 23 ends with Anne Boonchuy being visited by Mr. X preparing to tell her about what he'd seen and heard in Gravesfield.
  • Character Development: Boscha slowly undergoes this when everybody repeatedly attempts to teach her compassion towards others and let go of her anger. It finally sinks in when she sees what lacking said trait and refusing to change have done to Odalia.
  • Chekhov's Gun
  • Clothing Damage: While fighting in Chapter 7, Vee has to shift her lower half into her tail, which tears apart her favorite pair of pants.
  • Comedic Underwear Exposure: During a run in with Jacob, Eda animates his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Lilith believed that Amity was concerned with Camila still needing her glasses when "knocked-down", not that she was picturing how identical she looked to Luz in her youth.
  • Cover Innocent Eyes and Ears: In response to Eda's Comedic Underwear Exposure prank on Jacob, Masha covers Vee's eyes.
  • Crazy-Prepared:
    • The Owl Familia have several plans set up for potential Luz-related disasters, the total known number currently being forty-seven.
      Luz: (deadpan) I don't know if I'm flattered or mad at having nine emergency plans [for whenever I cause trouble].
      Vee: Luz, you don't want to know how many plans this family had made for you.
    • Eda and Lilith have a fail-safe ingredient for improper consumption of a rejuvenation potion; if Luz or any of the kids drunk anything spiked with the potion, they'd immediately throw it up.
  • Crossover: Chapter 17 marks a three-way mix with Amphibia and Gravity Falls.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Odalia takes down all the Blacklights, Vee, Mr. X, and the Pines twins offscreen using spirits. Amity soon puts her on the receiving end of one of these using all she's learned in mixing magic.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Luz is captivated by "knocked-down" Eda in her harpy form and Amity agrees with how cute she looks.
  • A Day in the Limelight:
    • "Chapter 4: A Cat's Eye View" has Severine put under the spotlight as she aids Bill and Tarak in messing with the Owl Familia.
    • As per the second story, Hunter has his own arc investigating the cause of the attempt on Luz by working with Boscha to find the culprit. It soon switches to Boscha working on her own.
  • Death Glare: Vee and the Blacklights give Jacob one after he uses a capture sphere in a misguided attempt to eliminate Vee's family and sends them to another realm.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • Odalia's revenge hinged on the Clawthornes consuming drinks spiked with rejuvenation potions, Luz being aged down into non-existence and the Clawthorne sisters becoming young enough to allow her to overwhelm them. The plan tanks because she not only spiked Eda's apple blood and Lilith's tea (drinks Luz wouldn't have), but she didn't understand how the rejuvenation potion even works unlike Eda and Lilith, who are master potionists.
    • To hinder the Owl Familia, Tibbles drugs the food Luz, Amity, and Vee order during an outing with a potion that makes them see things. However, he completely fails to take into account Vee's ability to eat magic so she' unaffected by it, and defeats him and Bria easily.
  • Disappointed by the Motive: Drake calls the Blabberstones pathetic after he hears their motives for seeking vengeance on Luz.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Rotten as she is, Terra requests someone take Belos back to prison because keeping him around is just cruel given his current state.
  • Evil Is Petty: The only reason the Blabberstones want revenge against Luz is because they refuse to adapt to the changes in the Isles after Belos' downfall.
  • Exorcist Head: Belos turns his head a full 360 degrees in Chapter 2.
  • Familiar: "Chapter 6: Who Was That Again?" shows that Vee obtained her own palisman, a robin named Nyx.
  • Full-Name Ultimatum: Jacob's mother Danna calls him "Jacob Donald Hopkins" after the stunt he pulls with the capture sphere.
  • Fun with Acronyms: "LOL", which apparently stands for "League of Isle-Saviors" (and jokingly called "Legion of Luz-haters" by Odalia) is the name of the group of enemies against the Owl Familia.
  • How We Got Here: The story begins by showing Luz waking up to find that she and Amity somehow got stuck in Amphibia of all places, then flashes back to four days ago when somebody (Odalia) sabotaged the Clawthornes' drinks with the rejuvenation potions in an attempt to "knock-down" Luz out of existence, only to turn Eda, Lilith, and Camila into eight-year-olds. Things progress towards that moment in time, which is revealed to be a result of Jacob misusing magical items he didn't understand near the portal door, which sent the girls, their mothers, and the Blabberstones to Amphibia.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Boscha ends up accidentally insulting someone's dead parent again, telling Skara that she couldn't understand her pain since her mother "couldn't feel anything". She's too late in realizing her mistake and Skara walks away with a dark, hurt look on her face.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Luz and King still went to Titan Trapper Island, but with Amity joining them.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty:
    • For all their actions against the Owl Familia, the Blabberstones are left trapped in Amphibia at the mercy of Frobo.
    • Knowing that Odalia could escape prison again, Darius agrees to leave her in Mr. X's custody on Earth with witches watching her as she does community service.
    • The epilogue confirms that Amity did get to spank young Eda for all the pranks she pulled throughout the story. It's a shame the final prank she pulled on her family right before turning back to normal slightly undermines that.
  • Legion of Doom
  • Marilyn Maneuver: After getting stuck upside down in a tree, Amity has to keep her hands on her skirt so it doesn't fall down.
    Luz: (curious after waking up) Amity? Why are you holding your skirt like that?
    Amity: (sighs irritated) Well, I don't want some human to pass by and see me so exposed... BECAUSE WE'RE UP A TREE IN THE HUMAN REALM!
  • Naked People Are Funny: In "Chapter 3: A couple of LOL Moments", Eda streaks through the house after escaping from Luz giving her a bath.
  • Named by the Adaptation: The blonde cheerleader girl becomes known as Heather Mason.
  • Noodle Incident: Luz asked Heather out once: Heather, who was going through some stuff, blew up at her and laughed in her face.
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore:
    • The Famila doesn't take most of their enemies seriously anymore because they aren't intimidated by their repeating attempts at revenge.
    • After Amity captures Odalia and chews her out for her harsh treatment, she's able to move on and completely cut her ex-mother out of her life for good.
  • Pet the Dog: Realizing how serious the failed attempt on getting rid of Luz is, Boscha calls Amity "Blight-Clawthorne" instead of "Blight" for once.
  • The Prankster: Eda becomes the old hellraiser she used to be in her teenage years after being "knocked-down", constantly pranking her family or causing trouble everywhere she goes. It ends up causing Luz to realize what she always puts Eda through.
  • Revenge
  • The Reveal:
    • Chapter 3 reveals that Abigail, the demon who tries to recruit Odalia into her Legion of Doom, is Adegast's big sister. Since Luz and Eda were responsible for his death, she can't get rid of her second identity without his help.
    • "Hunter Investigates: Part 5" reveals that Osran is married to Hettie Cutburn.
    • Masha's family, the Blacklights (known as the House Black), migrated to Gravesfield and have witch ancestry, explaining Masha and Drake's magical sensory.
    • Chapters 16 and 17 reveal that the reason Luz and Amity ended up in Amphibia was because Jacob used a capture sphere to try and banish the Owl Familia back to the Demon Realm. Since he had a Blacklight Rose (a flower that absorbs magic) in his pocket, the flower's magic flowed into the portal door and created a second portal, which sent the girls, their mothers, and the Blabberstones to Amphibia.
    • Chapter 23 reveals that Odalia was responsible for Sabria's injuries by ranting in a bar with Belos supporters and that Abigail is really Adrian Graye and Mason, and that they, Vitimir, and Terra Snapdragon have escaped prison. It's also mentioned that the Goldagger family is made up of teachers and that Terra is a former student of one of Odalia's parents.
  • Sequel Hook: With the last two chapters and the epilogue, the loyalist ex-coven heads are now free ane getting ready to attack the Owl Familia during the upcoming Ghoul Break. Meanwhile, Boscha's finally outgrown her inconsiderate nature and her anger, ready to become a better person.
  • Split Personality: Abigail claims she has one she can no longer get rid of without Adegast. Subverted as she turns out to be two people disguised with an illusion.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: As part of her revenge plan, Odalia uses an abomaton to spike a few drinks with the rejuvenation potion so the Clawthornes would be aged down upon drinking and she could easily capture them. It doesn't work for a few reasons, namely because Luz doesn't consume the drinks in question.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Luz only watches child Eda for 2 hours and she's left burnt out like it's been three days: with how much she puts everyone else through the wringer while "knocked-down", this is karmic in a sense.
  • Taught by Experience: Willia knows how energetic, wild and chaotic Eda used to be as a child and offers advice to the girls on how to deal with her.
  • Time Skip: Two months have already past since the previous story, which Boscha notes has been how long she's been living at the Owl House.
  • Trapped in Another World: "Chapter 22: Escape... to Danger" sees the Blabberstones being trapped in Amphibia while the Owl Familia returns to Earth.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Or Her? Seeing Amity get flustered over imagining how Camila looked like Luz as a teenager has Boscha questioning why she likes that dork.
  • You Are Grounded!: Jacob's parents punish him with this following the capture sphere incident. What's sad is that he's a manchild who lampshades that he's too old for this.
    James: You still live with us, and you've been behaving like a child ever since we made contact with the demon realm. So tell us why we shouldn't treat you like one.

    The Daily Lives of the Owl Familia: P 2 
  • Babies Ever After: The epilogue shows that Eda and Raine had two children, Melody and Manny Clawthorne-Whispers.
  • Call-Back: Chapter 15 brings up Skara singing for her mother Nora when she was little because she loved it, a fact that was first brought up in The Family That Will Grow Forever.
  • For Want Of A Nail: The Demon Realm was exposed by Jacob, but its existence was never disclosed to humanity outside of the Noceda family after Belos' death.
  • Glamour: To allow King the chance to see the Human Realm in Chapter 20, Lilith buys a concealment stone that gives him a human disguise. He's shown to have Eda's complexion, Luz's hair and eye color, a new outfit, and an afro that hides his horns.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: When Amity prepares to spank Eda, she raises the witchling's skirt and sees that her underpants has pink hearts printed on them. Amity gives Luz a look, her fiance just remembering forcing Eda to wear them.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Camila came to see how she failed to support Luz and accepts her for who she truly is. From this, Luz comes to see that her greatest wish is to be understood, and her palisman egg hatches into Stringbean.
  • Like Mother, Like Daughter: Luz is shown to have the same skills and knowledge for taking care of animals as Camila, explaining her passion for Beast-Keeping.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Vee took her full name, Veessa, from a healer named Vennassa who was renowned for her techniques.
  • Noodle Incident: Harvey once attacked Darius with a bat in their youth due to a cheating scandal after a grudgby match.
  • Once More, with Clarity: This story explains how things went following the Day of Unity and building up to The Family That Will Grow Forever'', which includes how witchkind first began interacting with the residents of Gravesfield.
  • Post-Script Season: The Familia's Final Outing ended before this story, thus making it the true final entry in the series.
  • The Reveal:
    • Dell provided the palistrom wood Nyx was carved from, as he had hoped to help Vee obtain her palisman.
    • Boscha started to become interested in being 'knocked-down' after her family goes to dinner with the Sirens.
    • Jacob apparently exposed the Demon Realm to the citizens of Gravesfield by showing them King without his concealment stone and Amity's ears.
    • The reason Raine wasn't able to assist in stopping Odalia is because they were laid up with Bard's Cramp, which they had gotten trying to write a song for their wedding with Eda.
    • Chapter 43 shows that Papa Titan has an complicated relationship with the Guardian.
  • Sore Loser: Instead of accepting her punishment by Amity's hand, kid Eda got right to brainstorming ideas for prank-based revenge on the kids before she aged back to normal.
  • Story Arc:
    • The first four chapters show the aftermath of the Day of Unity from Raine and Darius' perspective.
    • The sixth to ninth chapters revolve around Camila trying to decipher Luz's depression regarding her guilt toward Belos and her unhatched palisman egg, which builds up to Stringbean's hatching. Chapter 10 is the epilogue, showing how Manny's spirt began to interact with the Titan's.
    • Chapters 11 through 14 focus on Vee's first week adjusting to being "knocked-down".
    • Chapters 15 to 17 shows how Skara joined the "knocked-down" coven, and explains how Boscha started to consider being 'knocked-down' herself.
    • Chapters 18 and 19 focus on Darius as he tells Hunter about Arrow before they attend dinner with the Parks.
    • Chapter 20 starts the arc of King's first proper trip to the Human Realm, which is spoiled by Jacob kidnapping him to expose witches and demons to the Gravesfield populace. This leads to Raine becoming the ambassador of peace between humans and witches.

    The Knocked-Down Holiday Spectacular 

    Ghoul Break: The Familia's Final Outing 
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Cat used to go to Glandus High before she went to Hexside, and she was bullied because healers were treated almost as bad as illusionisst there, with her being an Oldstone not helping her.
  • Adaptational Explanation: The reason Alador and Darius stopped being friends, as stated in Chapter 7, is because not only had Odalia forced Alador into a relationship in the year-long timeframe he was dating Darius, but that he wasn't there for Darius after his parents died.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Celine/Moon Girl is always called "Luna" by Cat, her girlfriend.
  • Beach Episode: Chapters 6 to 8 had the second day of Ghoul Break be spent at Lake Shin, where the Clawthorne sisters, Camila, and Raine take the kids to spend the day. The knocked-down coven face off against Snotty and Braxas to protect King, Lilith and Camila relax and observe how things go, Eda drags Raine away to spend some time together alone, and Jennifer's misfortune is chronicled as she begins to find Cat kind enough to make her stance on witchkind waver.
  • Bookends: The series began on the titular school break, and this is where it'll all end.
  • Character Development: In befrending Cat and hearing of her past struggles while sharing his/her own, Jacob/Jenny is able to start looking at witchkind with a fresh outlook.
  • Coming-Out Story: Heather realized she was bisexual at some point, and the reason she rejected Luz is because of how their peers saw those who were LGBTQ+. She develops a crush on Boscha some time prior to the events of The Sisters' Family Vacation, and recognizing her turmoil, gets 'knocked-down' in an effort to help her.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Cat, a former Glandus High student, was bullied for being a healer and it got worse after people learned she was an Oldstone, whom they thought were "quacks" for their techniques. After she transferred to Hexside, she buried her true self and joined the in-crowd to avoid that same torture, even stopping to visit Willia as a result.
  • Declaration of Protection: In the heat of the moment (careening in an out-of-control cart with the Hopkins men (and Jacob/Jenny), Vee, and Masha, Boscha turns to Heather and says she'll protect her (though she didn't mean to actually say it). When the cart stops, Heather thanks Boscha with a kiss on the cheek, leaving Boscha amazed and blushing even worse than Amity does around Luz.
  • Final Boss: Terra is the final antagonist the Owl Familia has to face, kidnapping the kids in a desperate last attempt to one-up the Familia.
  • Gender Bender: As punishment for his attempt to get rid of the Owl Familia, Jacob was turned into a teenage girl named Jennifer. Strangely enough, that punishment ended months ago.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Heather's father is called Carol.
  • Group Picture Ending: The epilogue features everyone taking one after Steve suggests it, with the kids waving and saying "Byeeee!"
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: When Heather asks Masha if she join in on being knocked-down for Ghoul Break, Masha warns her that they know about what she did to Luz so if she tries anything on her or Vee, they will not pull their punches.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: On the sixth day of Ghoul Break, Adrian decides to quit trying to take revenge on the Owl Familia because it's not worth the pain and humiliation. Terra doesn't listen, and nearly loses her mind after her last attempt backfires while Adrian accepts his lot in life.
  • The Mole: Chapter 9 reveals that Mason is acting as one for the rouge ex-Coven heads.
  • Once More, with Clarity: According to Chapter 5, Heather was panicking after discovering her orientation, and that was why she rejected Luz so harshly; she didn't sleep the couple following nights. Her growing feelings for Boscha are also described.
  • Potty Failure: When she was four, Heather had a habit of wetting herself. While knocked-down, she and her father quickly discover this habit has returned.
  • The Reveal:
    • The prologue shows that Boscha has decided to embrace multi-tracking and enrolled in the Plant track.
    • The fifth chapter details how Heather became a member of the "knocked-down" coven and why she blew up at Luz in the past.
    • Chapter 9 shows that Mason has been keeping an eye on Terra, Adrian, and Vitimir for Osran.
    • Chapter 20 delves into Cat's past while also showing that she and Luna are an item.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Knowing full well how Darius would react to being "knocked-down" (and that's before all the drama that'll unfold), Eberwolf scrams and decides to hide out in Gravity Falls for the week.
  • Running Gagged: The series-long gag of everyone questioning how Lilith put up with Steve's idiocy is answered in Chapter 25: as the creator of the "Owlverse", he makes everyone forget his antics ever happen.
  • Ship Tease: Alador seems to have some with Nora Siren at the end of Chapter 11, with Edric and Emira (literally) pushing for it to happen.
  • Shout-Out: Raine's "knocked-down" outfit has the same color scheme as Rocko's, and they even use his shirt.
  • Three... Two... One...: Eda mouths this as the kids all dive into their breakfast on day 1.
  • Time Skip: Drake mentions that five months have passed since The Sisters' Family Vacation.
