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Characters / We Have All Been Gender Flipped

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This is a list of characters that regularly appear on the forum game We Have All Been Genderflipped with their in-character names, genders, players, and applicable tropes.

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The Crew of the Dauntless Companion

Played By: Inceptiond
Gender: Female

    Alexa Sturmwind/The Sword of Ruin 
Played By: The Hail Stormer
Gender: Female

  • Action Girl: Oh yes. She kicks major ass in battle.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Black and blue. These colors were chosen because "these are the shades of color that she'll beat her enemies to".
  • Explosive Overclocking: One of the many things her electric arms can do is overclock any mechanical or electronic device to make it more powerful for a time, at the cost of the device being rendered broken beyond repair when she's done using it.
  • Fangirl: Of many classic gaming franchises (like Sonic the Hedgehog), Tokusatsu shows, The Protomen, {Daft Punk, and Arthurian Mythos.
  • Fedora of Asskicking: Her Jaeger Fedora that she's almost always seen wearing.
  • Future Badass: In Lady Aggro's Bad Future alternate timeline, Alexa led a resistance force against Lady Aggro, taking on the alias of "The Black Knight" to hide her identity from Aggro.
  • Gamer Chick: One of her defining character traits. She's a very heavy gamer, and her favorite game genres are SHMUP's, Fighting Games, and Platformers.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Alexa's a blonde, and she's one of the nicest and most optimistic members of the crew.
  • Heroic Lineage: She's descended from King Arthur himself.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: She learned her entire fighting style by watching TV, playing video games, and reading manga, and utilizes famous moves like the Shoryuken and the Rider Kick in battle.
  • Immortality: She has this, thanks to Excalibur's scabbard being merged with her very being.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Pun not intended, but she moves fast and hits hard in a fight.
  • Nice Girl: Always ready to help out her crewmates with a smile on her face.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Her immunity to electricity, since her electric arms would severely harm her if she didn't have it.
  • Royal Blood: She's descended from King Arthur himself, and as such, is of royal blood.
  • Shock and Awe: She has arms made of electricity, which she can shapeshift into nearly anything her mind can imagine. Examples include: Arm Cannon, BFG, BFS chainsaw, hammer, shotgun, whip, and Wolverine Claws.
  • Shout-Out: She makes plenty of these, mostly to all of her favorite works.

Tropes that only apply to The Sword of Ruin:

  • Creepy Monotone: Her voice is a completely monotone version of Alexa's usual voice.
  • Healing Factor: Her ability to No-Sell almost anything has been replaced with a medium-speed version of this after the Sword of Ruin plotline ended.
  • Light Is Not Good: She may be clad in white and cyan, but she is anything but nice and saintly.
  • Meaningful Name: The Sword of Ruin is a living WMD capable of horrific amounts of destruction.
  • No-Sell: During the Sword of Ruin plotline, she effortlessly shrugged off anything thrown at her, save for Excalibur.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: During the Sword of Ruin plotline, she destroyed the city of London and slaughtered almost it's entire population in the span of less than an hour.
  • Straw Nihilist: Believes that the world is horribly disgusting and imperfect, and seeks to destroy all that she sees in order to "perfect" it.
  • Stripperific: Her outfit, described as making her look like "a medieval skank".
  • Superpowered Evil Side: She's Alexa's, unleashed whenever she's full of despair or hatred.

Played By: Aquatica1000
Gender: Male

  • Amnesiac God: For the first few months of the RP, he was almost certain he was human. While he currently has most of his memories back, there's still some things that he can't remember
  • Flying Weapon: Aquarius uses telekinesis to control his swords, allowing them to attack semi-independently.
  • Handicapped Badass: He's completely blind. Doesn't stop him from kicking some major ass.
  • My Greatest Failure: Lots of stuff. His inability to keep his sons safe. Frigga's death. Hiding on earth rather than searching for the thing that attacked Asgard. Not searching hard enough to find Atra when she vanished. bEa's death is another example — while she's currently alive again, he still feels guilty over it.

Played By: Zenith Bloodedge
Gender: Female

  • Artificial Limbs: Her right arm was formerly mechanical, but it regrew during the events of the Hell arc.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: She created her high-tech goggles herself, and built her second robotic arm all on her own.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: Her second mechanical arm has one, which works in a manner similar to that of Nathan "Radd" Spencer, but with a regular human-shaped hand instead of a claw hand.
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: They provide her with a heads-up-display whenever she's got them over her eyes.
  • The Gunslinger: She's more often than not seen using her gun SOL or various other ranged weapons in a fight.
  • Hand Cannon: Her primary weapon of choice, called SOL (Shit Outta Luck).
  • Heroic Lineage: She's descended from King Arthur himself.
  • Lady Swears-a-Lot: Hoo boy, for a 15-year old, she sure swears like a sailor.
  • Royal Blood: She's descended from King Arthur himself, and as such, is of royal blood.
  • Super Mode: Following the events in Hell, she has a nigh-unstoppable demonic form.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: When she was eaten by SATAN HIMSELF, she gained a powerful demonic form.

Played By: Deadbeatloser 22
Gender: Female

Played By: Blackie
Gender: Female

  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Her face, gills and back transform underwater, and her eyes begin to change (and hurt) in the presence of huge magical energies.
  • Kraken and Leviathan: She can become a 25 meter Leviathan, and is not afraid to use this ability if she has to.
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: Justified, given that a ridge grows out of her back when she is underwater.
  • Walking Swimsuit Scene: She likes to take a swim and always changing is too much work for her.
  • Willfully Weak: She "shackled" herself to erin out of fear of her own power

Played By: Black Mage Anolis
Gender: Female

  • Alone in a Crowd: Feels this way. In fact, sometimes, she'll just do things and not interact with anyone else.
  • Angst: She is prone to this, feeling she's inadequate or lonely from time to time. In fact, there might be a chance Joanna has clinical depression from all the stuff she'd been through, both the little things and big ones.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: This has died down recently, but she wasn't always the most accepting of things like gods and Leviathans being aboard the ship.
  • Badass Normal: While she does have some powers, they aren't related to combat. Suffice to say, she's a pretty good shot with a rifle and has a knack for using fire to limit the enemy's movement.
  • Chosen One: Her powers were given to her by the Ancients due to her connection to her home universe. That does not mean this or the Ancients are a good thing.
  • Devil's Advocate: Has done this against Nicole, when Engie accidentally destroyed the training room.
  • The Ditherer: She tends to be hesitant on pretty much anything she does. Usually tends to be of the "I Can't See the Forest" or "The Insecure"
  • Ditzy Genius: She's know to be very smart, but she's also capable of being very scatterbrained. Whether she is truly this trope or Genius Ditz is a discussion for another day...
  • Fire/Water Juxtaposition: With Jean. Jean is a Leviathan-person with hydrokinesis. Joanna, meanwhile, is a (mostly) normal person who likes using flare guns and sometimes setting things on fire.
  • Guilt Complex: Has a slight one, especially considering it was her antics both onboard the ship and in Tokyo that got them sent into space.
  • It's All About Me: Downplayed, but she tends to try and hog the situation, even when others have their own problems to worry about or would be better at handling the situation than her.
  • Jumping the Gender Barrier: Discussed. She's gone on a couple of tangents about how relationships with gender-bent individuals would pan out based on things like orientation, gender, and being "in the know", the latter of which she realized actually doesn't matter.
  • No Periods, Period: Also discussed. She mentioned a couple of times to the others that she's hasn't had a period ever since she came to the ship.
  • Official Couple: With Jean. It's zig-zagged. Joanna has said multiple times that she doesn't really feel that spark that the others feel when they're in love.
  • Omniglot: She could speak any language, including alien languages that would require vastly different organs from our own for it to be spoken and could even understand programming languages. However, erin's and B's Black Speech gives her headaches. She lost it when banishing the Ancients, precisely because of the Black Speech.
  • Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic: Mostly averted. When Joanna speaks, she normally interjects lots of 'um's, 'erm's, and ellipses into her speech.
  • Sanity Slippage: It's slow, but you can see signs of this in her. She seems to have come to terms with herself and everyone else since her talk with EN and her encounter with the Scribes.
  • Second Law of Gender-Bending: Averted. Joanna doesn't really see much of a difference between being a guy or a girl.
  • There's No Place Like Home: She constantly thinks about her old life, which was pretty normal compared to most everyone else on the ship, and a couple of times, she's been driven to tears by the fact that she might never see home again.

    Kayas Conundrum/Spikey/Cuddles/Flavius/Tyrus 
Played By: Beta Katana
Gender: Male

  • Animorphism: Kayas is a cat morpher, which means that he can shapeshift to take on the traits of various other animals, though is predominantly a cat.
  • Chained by Fashion: He usually wears a chain that clamps onto his tail.
  • Chain Pain: Kayas can also use the aforementioned chain as a weapon.
  • Combat Tentacles: Cuddles naturally has these, being the squid morph and all.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Kayas normally has brown hair and brown eyes. Averted with the other morphs though, due to the change in eye color.
  • Eye Colour Change: Kayas' eyes change color depending on which personality is in control. Brown for Kayas, green for Spikey, orange for Cuddles, electric blue for Flavius, and magenta for Tyrus.
  • Natural Weapon: His claws when he's in his normal state. Spikey has his sharp quills and ability to curl up into a ball, Cuddles uses tentacles, Flavius has feathers that can be used like a shield, and Tyrus possesses great strength.
  • Second Law of Gender-Bending: Kayas loves being a boy, and does not want to go back to being a girl ever.
  • Shout-Out: Cuddles was inspired by the Squid Kids, while Spikey appears to be inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • Split Personality: Each of his morphs has its own unique personality that represents one aspect of Kayas' overall personality. Spikey (Hedgehog) is brash and headstrong, Cuddles (Squid) is loving and caring, Flavius (Peacock) is flamboyant and gaudy, and Tyrus (Ram) is tough and strong.
  • Talking to Themself: Kayas does this often with his other personalities.
  • The Fashionista: Flavius is this, but has more of a taste for women's clothing rather then men's.
  • The Trickster: On occasion, Kayas will pull a trick or two on some of the other crew members.

Played By: Morgikit
Gender: Female

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Sehkmet's lion form is 10 feet tall.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Sehkmet has had a tendency to kill and eat enemies in the past. Kit has sworn off cannibalism, but still occasionally gets cravings for blood.
  • Magic Pants: Kit's collar has the power to change into any outfit she desires. Perfect for someone with a tendency to destroy her clothes regularly.
  • Older Than She Looks: Kit is at least in her early 30s, but tends to look like a teenager.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Sehkmet has no taboo against nudity. She once convinced Kit to do her combat training naked while everyone else was asleep (or at least Kit hopes that was the case).
  • The Unsmile: It's hard to smile like a human with a muzzle full of pointy teeth.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Her form tends to shift on a regular basis. Not only does she become a varying mix of human and feline. She's also capable of changing her hair color, body type, height, and age.

    Lady Konk 
Played By: Konkfan 7
Gender: Female

  • An Ice Person: Her katana Yurlungur gives her cryokinetic abilities.
  • Balloon Belly: Konk's love for food often results in her having a feast on holidays, which usually results in this.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Lady Konk is a huge optimist and jokes around a bit too much, but when she gets angry, she flies in to an unstoppable rage and takes on a more demonic berserk form.
  • Big Eater: Konk has shown on more than one occasion that she loves food a lot.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Due to having icy/watery properties, Lady Konk has an elemental weakness to electricity.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Much like Alexa, Lady Konk bases her fighting style off of all the anime and videogames she obsesses over.
  • Morph Weapon: Her sentient katana, Yurlungur, is not only and ice sword that can speak, but can temporarily transform in to different types of weapons such as daggers, grappling hooks, etc.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Yurlungur makes Konk a sort of cryokinetic, so obviously ice-based attacks (and the cold in general) doesn't bother her.
  • Undying Loyalty: When Lady Konk grows fond of someone, she's willing to do anything for them, and will always trust them.

Played By: The_Mattias
Gender: Female

Played by: NE Sgamer 190
Gender: Female
Role: Librarian

  • Bookworm: Often in her spare time, she'll be in the library, or reading books.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Liquid variety. Physical strikes will only merely slow her down with having to reform.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: A capacity Michelle has, given the slime girl form.

Played By: 4maskwolf
Gender: Female

  • Anger Born of Worry: Of the friendship variety when Eleven intentionally inflicts pain upon herself.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Following her voluntary depowering, she retained the ability to use her old powers, but could not draw mana from the environment to power them, instead tapping her life force as an energy source.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: Has been stated to be unable to use her teleportation as a weapon.
  • Emotional Powers: She gains energy for her powers when experiencing strong emotion.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She burned herself up (see Cast from Hit Points) to disrupt That Which Walks the Wastes's nightmare powers, allowing the rest of the crew to break free of Wastes's mental hold on them.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Her teleportation powers seemed to be blocked by the unknown metal of the room she was held in by Blaise.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Teddy displayed an unprecedented amount of power during her her battle with the Sword of Ruin, having previously only been capable of minor feats of teleportation.
  • Living Battery: Downplayed. She gains power when other beings use magic, and appears to gain a small amount of power by being around such entities. This has not been shown to have any negative affect.
  • Pent-Up Power Peril: Has been hinted at. She has complained of a power-related headache before and has nearly lost control of her powers at least twice.
  • Scream Discretion Shot: Subverted. Full parts of Teddy's torture at Blaise's hands are directly shown, complete with screams of agony.
  • Teleportation Misfire: Happens in a now-retgoned scene during an attack on the ship. She tried to teleport away from a bomb, only to be disrupted by the explosion and end up hundreds of miles away from her intended target and no idea how to get back to the ship.
  • Teleportation Sickness: During her first few teleports, she suffers from this, but it goes away once she gets a hold of her powers. Still happens if she teleports too close to erin.

    Valkyrie / Yokai 
Played By: Lectro Underground
Gender: Female

  • Grand Theft Me:They have multiple robotic bodies created for different situations, which they can change at will.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Valkyrie is the calm, logical one, while Yokai is the erratic, emotional one.
  • The Dividual: They were put together to eliminate their individual weaknesses and often share the same body.

Gender: Female

1.5 Characters

Played By: Daydre
Gender: Male
  • Asian Fox Spirit: What Daydre ends up turning into. Has the requisite tail and ears, too.
  • Identity Amnesia: A minor version, Daydre's memory of his past after appearing in the mansion is very hazy.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Comes with being a fox person, Daydre has fox ears and a tail.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: His hair is shoulder length when not in a ponytail, and has been described as pretty by the others before.
  • Mask of Power: Daydre woke up with a seemingly magic mask, though what it can do has yet to be seen.

Played By: Ironcommando
Gender: "Female" avatar

  • Artificial Intelligence: Eisen is a highly advanced AI with the ability to think like a human.
  • Foil: Appears to be one to Joshlynn:
    • While both are technological oddities, Eisen's a being of electronic tech, while Joshlynn is mainly clockwork.
    • Eisen is fast, graceful, but delicate and non-combat capable. Joshlynn is slow, clunky, but sturdy and powerful.
    • Eisen makes smooth synthetic noises while Joshlynn makes hard clockwork noises.
  • Energy Beings: She takes on this form in the real world. As such, she's also partially transparent, like a hologram.
  • Hard Light: Despite being an Energy Being, she becomes tangible in the real world.
  • Projected Man: Interestingly enough, she can manifest herself without a projector. The catch is that she requires a sufficiently strong internet connection in order to manifest in the real world.
  • Support Party Member: Outside cyberspace, Eisen's combat capability is very limited. She's however good at obtaining information from the internet, using her technopathy to access machines, and can obtain location data via WiFi.
  • Technopathy: Has this to an extent, being able to affect machines around her. She even enters the house via this method.

Played By: Bacon Zorp
Gender: Female

  • Berserk Button: She goes mental if you say you don't like seafood.
  • Gamer Girl: She plays a lot of video games, and her dream room had most, if not all, of the released Nintendo consoles.
  • Large Ham: She tends to yell at random points.
  • Properly Paranoid: She brought a knife with her for fear of being attacked with no proof of there being any danger. It immediately proved useful.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Huge fan of seafood, specifically clam chowder.
  • White Mage: Her power is healing wounds with weird glowy magic.

Played By: Revaryk
Gender: Male

  • Demonic Possession: His body contains a spirit that calls himself "Izanagi". Occasionally, Izanagi will take over his body, though he's not really that malevolent.
  • Stepford Smiler: He lies about his feelings often, mainly when something's wrong. Not even he knows what he's truly feeling in those cases.

Played By: Revaryk
Gender: Male

Inactive Characters

    Shadow Bender/Motor-Runner 
Character name: Hotaru or Luna
Gender: Female

  • Beneath the Mask: She's cheerful and friendly, but when the facade cracks she turns out to be very sadistic.
  • Nanomachines: The source of her powers, what her weapon is made of and the source of the Tron Lines on both.

Character name:
Gender: Female

Character names: Enkufka, Drew Kufke
Both are referred to as "Kuffy"
Gender: Female

    I Love Dogs 
Character name: Dogs
Gender: Female

  • Boisterous Bruiser: You can't exactly say she's subtle about her attacks or attempts of seduction.
  • Character Development: Earlier on, she was shamelessly perverted. This is toned down somewhat later on.
  • Constantly Curious: Almost every five posts from her is a question.
  • Cute Bruiser: She is quite excited by the prospect of killing people, and tries to solve Sabre's Edge's insanity by kicking her. In the head.

Character name: Eloise
Gender: Female

  • Ditzy Genius: Although seemingly rather ditzy, Eloise has once owned her own company, and has a few university degrees.
  • The Fashionista: Her interest in clothes, fashion, and general cosmetics and beauty products is rather pronounced, with her often styling other characters.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: She can speak French. Not that well, mind you.
  • Product Placement: The sole appearance of this trope is within her, with references to The Economist, Nike, T-Mobile, Android, and others, although this has stopped.

    Sabre's Edge 
Character name: Sabre; nicknamed Cutlass
Gender: Female

  • Bilingual Bonus: Batty the Jet Trainer has been known to talk through her, via their mental link, in Czech. She's quite the snarker, contrasted to Cutlass.
  • Dynamic Entry: Her appearance in the Hyrule barracks. Through the roof. Literally.
  • Machine Empathy: She appears to have some degree of it—namely the ability to talk to machines.
  • No Sense of Direction: Not all the time, but Sabre managed to end up in the Mediterranean Sea while plotting a course for Ireland, which meant she passed Gibraltar without noticing.

Character name: HK
Gender: Female

Character name: Tat
Gender: Female

  • Animal Talk: Can speak to animals and humans.
  • Team Pet: Tat's pet Icarus would be considered one, but Tat considers him more of a little sibling.
  • Verbal Tic: Baa.

Character name:
Gender: Female

Character name: Michaela
Gender: Female

  • Gamer Chick: But hates being compared to those who outright state they play games and use it as an attention catcher
  • In-Series Nickname: Mickey
  • Ms. Fanservice: Mickey's sleepwear is an old and thus yet slightly undersized t-shirt and shorts that are intentionally two sizes too small, just so she has to squeeze into them and accentuate her ass.

    Raven (Shadow Bender) 
Character name: Raven or Shadee
Gender: Female


    Lady Aggro 
Played By: Konkfan7
Gender: Female

  • Abusive Parents: Lady Aggro's parents were either much worse to her than Present!Konk's, or she just took it worse mentally.
  • Ax-Crazy: Living up to her name, Lady Aggro is known to kill pretty much anyone that she has anger directed to without hesitation.

1.5 Antagonists

    Scout Drone 1 and 2 
Played By: Ironcommando
Gender: Genderless
  • Airborne Mook: They're flying attack drone mooks.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Like Eisen.exe, they're cyber beings with the ability to think.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Neither of the two understood the circumstances and effects of manifesting outside cyberspace. As such, they did not expect themselves being unable to manifest their weapons or Nitro Boost systems outside there.
  • Epic Fail: They attempt to fire their lasers on Eisen, Mikaela, Joanna, Daydre and Kyle... and realize that their weapons failed to manifest thanks to heavy data restrictions outside cyberspace.
  • The Goomba: Mooks of Eisen's former organization, and one of the weakest. They're primarily made for scouting purposes, but do have powerful weapons should lethal force be needed.
  • Harmless Villain: Literally. Thanks to being unable to manifest their proper weaponry, they couldn't even harm Eisen or her friends.
  • Mooks: They're regular scouting troops of Eisen's former organization.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Their normal weapons are a large, powerful precision laser. Unfortunately for them, they can't manifest it outside cyberspace.
  • Zero-Effort Boss: Thanks to literally not having any weapons or defensive systems, they're essentially downgraded to flying punching bags that can't do anything.

Other characters

Played By: 4maskwolf
Gender: Female

  • The Ageless: Much like the Aspects, she does not age.
  • Gate Guardian: Serves as this over the rift between the Aggroverse and the game universe, in order to keep That Which Stalks the Wastes from crossing over.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: Exploited. Teddy doesn't want anyone from the Dauntless Companion to be able to find her, so she allows false tales of who or what destroyed the Twelfth Legion to spread.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: Her and Alexa's animosity has shades of this. Alexa believes that Teddy was a coward for not joining her and ending the war, thus saving millions of lives from tyranny or death. Teddy believes that Alexa had no right to condemn to death the millions of civilians that would die as a result of unrestrained use of her powers on Alexa’s side.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Seemed completely apathetic to the war engulfing the earth, but channeled an immense amount of power into hiding her former companions from That Which Stalks the Wastes.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Destroyed New York City during a relatively brief battle with The Sword of Ruin, and considered the only member of the crew with power rivaling that of That Which Stalks the Wastes (Aggroverse!erin).
  • Retired Badass: Among the most powerful members of the Aggroverse!Companion's crew, but went into self-imposed seclusion when the war began.
  • Starting a New Life: What she does after the crew go their separate ways.
  • Used to Be More Social: When the war began, she severed ties with all member of the Dauntless Companion and left for a remote part of earth, although she has never explained why she took such drastic measures.
