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Characters / Mob Psycho 100 Claw

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A fiendish organization made entirely of powerful espers with the overall goal of taking over the world to usher a new era of esper supremacy. They are the main antagonists for a grand majority of the series.

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Claw Leaders

    Touichirou Suzuki 

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English) Foreign VAs

The Leader of the Claw Organization whose goal is to create a world where Espers reign over normal humans.

  • Abusive Parents: Shou heavily implies it, and their confrontation results in Touichirou beating his son so violently that his loyal dragon couldn't stand to remain in the room.
  • Always Someone Better: At 100%, his powers would become uncontrollable and kill him in a massive explosion, a shortcoming that none of Mob's higher level forms have since they prioritize his survival above all else.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Shou doesn't want to stop him only because of the pain of watching a loved one go off the deep end — it's also because watching your dad act like a cartoonish supervillain on national television is just plain mortifying.
  • Arc Villain: Of the World Domination arc.
  • Archnemesis Dad: To Shou.
  • Bad Boss: Sees his followers as tools for world domination, including the Super 5. This leads to one Super 5 member as well as an entire sister organization defecting to Mob's side, and another Super 5 member saving the main characters to pay off a life debt owed to Mob.
  • Bad Samaritan: He was the only person who was able to get Serizawa, a hikkikomori who was deathly afraid of his powers, out of his room and into the outside world. Of course, this was only to exploit his psychic potential and use him as a bodyguard for his sinister schemes.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: He doesn't feel particularly bad about the destruction he causes whenever he wreaks havoc, as it happens on a daily basis.
  • Boxed Crook: The Japanese government offers to commute his sentence if he can help resolve ???%'s rampage in the finale, though he agrees for for other reasons.
  • Charged Attack: The crux of his world domination plan is unleashing a torrent of Psychic Energy he's been building up inside him for 20 years.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Big time. He is hyped from relatively early in the series as the ultimate antagonist and greatest opponent, and while he causes unprecedented destruction and chaos during the World Domination arc, he is also soundly defeated during it. The manga is far from over at that point and there are another 2 key arcs after his defeat.
  • Do Wrong, Right: He is not impressed by Shou's betrayal.
    Touichirou: There must have been a better way to handle this. We're family... You should have attacked while playing the obedient son.
  • Driven to Suicide: Close, if it weren't for Mob. He experiences Heel Realization as he's about to self-destruct and expressed his wish to see his wife one last time and apologize to her, but ultimately accepts his fate and requests Mob to at least let him end it himself in order to atone. Mob says otherwise. He later attempts to sacrifice himself to stop ???%, believing Redemption Equals Death, but Shou successfully talks him out of it.
  • Evil Makes You Monstrous: After Mob pushes him to his 100% limit during their grand fight, the Dark King takes on a more feral appearance. His professional suit is shredded, his fighting style more animalistic, and his head engulfed in flames and resembling that of a true monster.
  • Family Eye Resemblance: He and his son have ice blue eyes with pinprick pupils, which distinguish them as two of the only four characters drawn with irises at all.note 
  • Foil:
    • To Mob. Both of them are presented as calm, stoic and almost emotionless people. And despite being blessed with phenomenal psychic powers, both of them were virtually alone for a majority of their lives. The main differences is that Mob was initially used by people for his powers but came to appreciate him as a friend while Touichirou exploited others for their powers and never made a single friend in his life. And while Mob was presented as a loser at his school and rarely used his powers in public, Touichirou proclaims that he was a star student due to utilizing his powers making himself rise above everyone else.
    • Also one to Reigen. The two men are charismatic masters who guide their own groups of espers and even have a pupil with remarkable psychic potential. The difference is that Touichirou has high level psychic powers and intends to use them, and his subordinates, to achieve his dream of world domination. Reigen, on the other hand, has no psychic powers and instead encourages his students/followers not to abuse their powers as it doesn't make them any different from normal people.
  • Goal in Life: Before deciding to take over the world, Touichirou initially ventured the world in the hopes of finding someone who had similar, or greater, psychic powers as him. To his disappointment, no one came close to meeting his expectations until Mob showed up.
  • A God Am I: And has the power to back it up, able to grant decent psychic power to an army of 600 espers without losing any substantial amount of his own power.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The leader of Claw, who are first revealed when Mob, Teru, and Dimple launch an assault on their 7th Branch.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After his Heel Realization from being saved by Mob, he turns himself in to the government despite this possibly meaning his death or torture. Although some of the bad parts remain, his personality has mellowed out and he is willing to fight on the side of good.
  • It's All About Me: He's defined by his extremely solipsistic worldview that leads him to view everyone else, including his own son, as bit characters who exist only for him to exploit.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Averted hard. His entire MO involves embracing his esper powers and wanting to be recognized as a literal god of the universe. But after being humbled by Mob along with his son saving him from his suicidal mission to take down ???%, Touichirou decides to give up his psychic powers and voices a new desire of living a normal life with his family.
  • I Owe You My Life: His reason for stopping Mob on his rampage. The latter stopped him on his own, it's suitable that he does the same to repay his debt, although it ended up being futile.
  • Kick the Dog: This man has done a lot of cruel things towards his subordinates and anyone who stands in his way of world domination. But a special mention would be in the manga where he states that he purposefully kept Serizawa and the Super 5 around as "back up batteries" and demonstrates this by taking away the bear's psychic energy.
  • Lack of Empathy: He's a solipsist who can't even recognize other people as people, much less care about their feelings.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: To Serizawa, an unhealthy dependence which Touichirou actively encourages.
  • The Man Behind the Man: As the leader of Claw, most of the conflict that occurred during the 7th Division Arc can be attributed to him, but we don't learn who he is until said arc is over.
  • My Greatest Failure: In the final moment of his boss fight, Mob discovers that he regrets driving his wife away with his cruel, power-hungry personality and was never able to see her again.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Seeks esper superiority over the world, and at one point even performs the infamous Roman salute.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: A ruthless and cutthroat monster who isn't afraid to exterminate anyone he can perceive as a threat. His first instinct upon realizing that Mob could give energy to others was to declare him as his 'rival' and swiftly beat him.
  • Older Than They Look: You'd never guess from looking at him that he's almost fifty years old.
  • Power Incontinence: The more power he uses, the more he has trouble controlling his power. At 100%, it threatens to make him self-destruct, which would not only kill him, but obliterate pretty much all of Spice City if Mob hadn't been there to absorb his psychic energy.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: While seemingly calm and mature on the surface, his defining characteristic is that he never grew out of his adolescent egocentrism and still holds a very childish view of how the world works.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: Is the leader of Claw as well as its most powerful member.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: In the anime. his eyes frequently glow red.
  • Redemption Demotion: He fought Mob to a standstill at the climax of the Claw arc, but stands not a shadow of a chance against him in the ??? Arc unless he attempts a move that is essentially guaranteed to kill him. Justified, since the energy he had been storing for 20 years has been spent in the explosion that gave birth to the Divine Tree, while Mob is holding nothing at all back in his ??? Mode.
  • Shadow Archetype:
    • Mob claims during 100% Compassion that he sees Touichirou as what he could've grown up to be without the guidance of his mentor and friends.
    • He also serves as one for Reigen, being a savior and mentor to a powerful but neurotic and gullible psychic whose powers they exploit. He represents what Reigen would be like if he was truly cold-hearted and didn't show regret in exploiting others for personal gain.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Is never seen wearing anything else other than a suit.
  • Superpower Lottery: Toichirou is among the strongest psychics in the world. Only Mob and Keiji Mogami can rival him in power.
  • Take Over the World: He wondered if ruling the world was possible given his exceptional telekinetic abilities, and thus embarked on a mission to do so.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: He tried to kill Reigen, who he sensed no aura from, with an enormous blast of fire so powerful that Serizawa's umbrella was disintegrated by blocking it.
  • Unusual Eyebrows: Each one is serrated with three large "fins." An omake shows Shou worried about inheriting them.
  • Villainous Breakdown: As Mob forces him to use more and more of his power, he starts becoming more unstable due to the stress it puts on his body and mind. Just before he explodes, his last thoughts are wanting to see the wife he drove away with his psychic power, but wanting Mob to kill him before his power destroys Spice City.
  • Villains Out Shopping: An omake shows that he delayed his plan to take over the world when he heard One-Punch Man was premiering.
    Touichirou: ... World domination can wait.
  • World's Strongest Man: He is indeed the strongest esper alive, and his output far exceeds that of Mob due to years of experience. Although, things change when he faces a Super-Power Meltdown and Mob saves him at the last moment.
  • Would Hurt a Child: One of Claw's prime objectives, which he instilled, is to kidnap as many youth with psychic potential and brainwash them to support his cause. That and he shows no regret over physically harming his own son when Shou betrays him.

    Shou Suzuki 

Voiced by: Sachi Kokuryu (Japanese), Casey Mongillo (English) Foreign VAs

Son of Touichirou Suzuki, and is considered a high-ranking member of Claw due to this.

  • Batman Gambit: Attempted to use one to bring Mob into the fight against his father. By staging Ritsu's and his parents' deaths, he was banking on getting Mob angry enough to attack Claw. However, while Dimple reassured Mob that the bodies of his family were fake, he still fought against Claw.
  • Charged Attack: His Charge Bomb ability allows him to store Psychic Energy over extended periods of time before unleashing it in one huge burst. The one he uses against his father was the result of 3 months worth of charge-up.
  • Does Not Like Spam: His least favorite food is citrus.
  • Enigmatic Minion: He's quite cryptic about his intentions when introduced in the 7th Division Arc, hinting that he still has plans to forcibly "recruit" Ritsu for Claw, yet freely letting the heroes go after dissolving what was left of Scar. It turns out he was scouting Ritsu as a prospective recruit to fight against Claw.
  • Family Eye Resemblance: Shares his father's ice blue eyes with pinprick pupils.
  • Foil: To Ritsu, growing up as The Resenter to a much more powerful psychic in his life. In an interesting twist, Shou himself recognizes this and approaches Ritsu to work together instead of Teru or Mob, because they have more in common.
  • Hot-Blooded: Usually brimming with energy. His character profile lists what he's bad at as "Being Calm."
  • Invisibility: Can use his psychic powers to bend light waves around himself, rendering him invisible.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He vows to never use his powers again after saving his father from ???% destructive rampage.
  • Kid Hero: 13 years old, same as Ritsu.
  • Missing Mom: His mother was driven away from the family by his father's increasing obsession with power. It's then subverted when Touichirou apologizes to Shou for driving his mother away, only for Shou to reveal that his mom only left Touichirou — Shou himself always kept in contact with her.
  • Overlord Jr.: Is introduced as one, disposing of Ishiguro on his father's behalf before mocking Mob for his passivity. This turns out not to be the case, as not only has he been planning to take his father down for a good while, but he's never even attended a meeting (and ran from home when his dad started getting on his case about it).
  • Psychic Powers: Seems to be around the same level as Teru in terms of his Esper abilities in that he's stronger than most Claw members but still a step below the extremely powerful Espers.
  • The Mole: Only works in Claw to find people willing to take down his father.
  • Save the Villain: He helps out his father when he decides to take on ???% in Chapter 100.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: His favorite food is pork curry (spicy).
  • Turn Out Like His Father: In an omake, Shou recalls an incident where his mother broke down crying when he showed off his telekinesis to her and bragged that he could probably beat anyone in a fight. His own greatest fear, however, is inheriting his father's eyebrows.
  • You Have Failed Me: He personally disposes of Ishiguro for allowing his sector to be compromised and for throwing a Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum when he loses.

Super 5

    General Tropes

The upper echelon of Claw who work directly under President Suzuki. They are regarded as Suzuki's most trusted enforcers and fight alongside him during the World Domination Arc.

  • Elite Mooks: Zigzagged. Suzuki recognized them as being more powerful than the common esper and chose them to be part of his inner circle. But while most of the enforcers (Shibata, Minegishi and Shimazaki) provide a difficult battle for the heroes, the other enforcers (Hatori and Serizawa) are defeated much more quickly.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After the World Domination Arc, Serizawa takes a job at the Spirits and Such Consultation Office while Minegishi works as a florist. And even before that, they would use their powers to save Reigen and Shou from the president's wrath.
  • Pet the Dog: It's implied that Minegishi and Shimazaki have a soft spot for Serizawa. Particularly showing concern whenever the bear incurs Suzuki's bad side.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Much like the Scar bosses, most of them have become so dependent on their psychic powers that they believe themselves to be superior over humans and weaker espers. Although four of the five do make an effort to live life as responsible adults after the defeat of their president.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: A strongman who relies on psychic steroids, a tech nerd, a florist, a blind Ikemen, and a former Hikikomori.
  • Would Hurt a Child: They all have no issues with hurting Mob and his middle school friends.

    Nozomu Hatori 

Voiced by: Daiki Hamano (Japanese), Chris Hackney (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Claw's Super 5. Not very good with combat powers, but possesses extremely powerful Electronic Control.

  • The Cameo: In Mob: Rival of Season 3, he appears as a pilot escorting his old boss to Seasoning City.
  • Fallen-on-Hard-Times Job: After Claw's dismantling, Hatori found work in a computer support store. Though Season 3 Episode 10 shows that he's working for the government as a helicopter pilot.
  • Nerd Glasses: Wears thick glasses that always seem a little glazed over.
  • Squishy Wizard: He relies on electronic devices such as drones to do his combat for him. A simple suplex was able to knock him out in a single blow.
  • Support Party Member: He is by far the least combat-worthy member of the Super 5, with only a group of underwhelming drones to protect himself, but in a modern world ruled by technology, he can single-handedly shut down most of the Muggles' best weapons.
  • Technopath: His Electronic Control allows him to effortlessly manipulate any electronic device.
  • Troll: According to the omakes, he relieves stress by going all out on internet message boards.
  • Wrong Context Magic: Even he's not sure how his Electronic Control actually works.

    Hiroshi Shibata 

Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Imari Williams (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Claw's Super 5. His specialty is Psycho-Steroids, which increase his muscle mass.

  • The Brute: Big, strong, none too smart, and on the evil side.
  • Dumb Muscle: Physically the strongest Esper in Claw, powerful enough to qualify for the Super 5, but none too smart.
  • Evil Counterpart: To the Body Improvement Club. While both he and the club are dedicated to improving their muscles to become stronger, Shibata uses Psycho-Steroids to become stronger without having to work for it. Compared to the Muscle Bros who don't have psychic powers but prefer to build muscles the old fashioned way.
  • Fallen-on-Hard-Times Job: Subverted. He's applied for more than 20 jobs but has been denied from each one since the only work experience he can provide is working for the Super 5.
  • The Juggernaut: Natch. Once he gets going, he moves in on his target as inexorably as Death itself and plows through absolutely anything and anyone in the way.
  • Large and in Charge: The tallest character in the series, and a member of the Claw's Super 5.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Turns out that Psycho-Steroids are a cheap method of attaining super strength, as Dimple bringing out the potential in the Body Improvement Club's president, who earned his muscles the hard way, is capable of defeating him.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: His Psycho-Steroids ability allows him to control his muscle mass with his mind.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Once he activates his Psycho-Steroids, even Yuusuke's knockout spray completely fails to work against him. For reference, this same spray had previously knocked 100% Animosity Mob out cold. With Shibata, it just drove him berserk with fury resisting it.

    Ryou Shimazaki 

Voiced by: Noriaki Sugiyama (Japanese), Grant George (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Claw's Super 5, and one of the few Espers known to be able to use two techniques simultaneously. His specialties include Teleportation, Movement Prediction, and reading the auras of other Espers.

  • Aura Vision: His Mind's Eye technique lets him see the auras of other espers — but it makes him blind to non-espers, leaving him open to attacks from someone with no powers like Reigen.
  • Barrier Warrior: Can manipulate his own Psychic Membrane of his own accord.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy: While using Mind's Eye.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: His eyes are shown to be nothing more than black masses of scribbles on the rare occasion that he opens them.
  • Blind Seer: While physically blind, his extrasensory perception is keen enough to border on precognition. He can further focus this to instantly identify and attack vulnerable nerve clusters in his opponents.
  • Cherry Tapping: Defeats several powerful espers, including ex-Claw members. And when he detects that Mob is approaching him, he immediately concedes defeat after getting dealt another surprise attack by Reigen utilizing a "Self Defense Rush". He concludes Reigen must be so powerful that he can hide his esper aura. He then runs away after Mob angrily asks him how destroying part of the city, and hurting many innocent people along with his friends could be a case of For the Evulz and It Amused Me.
  • Disability Superpower: His super senses seem to be particularly heightened due to the fact that he's blind.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Apparently because he's blind. Opens them when he uses his Mind's Eye technique.
  • Failed a Spot Check: He has to dedicate at least some attention to his surroundings if he wants to predict movements, which means centering his attention on one thing or forcing him to deal with too many variables at once can cause him to slip up. Thus, both his decision to concentrate on espers and the sheer power of Mob's aura leave everything else so Beneath Notice that Reigen can just casually walk up to him and beat him senseless.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: His Mind's Eye technique reveals black sclera with glowing pinprick pupils.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Arguably the strongest and most dangerous member of the Super 5 as he's capable of taking on the combined efforts of Reigen's Esper team. And even then, he only decides to quit after being taken by surprise by Reigen's "Self Defense Rush" and sensing Mob's intense power levels.
  • "Hey, You!" Haymaker: He's extremely fond of these, as teleportation grants him many opportunities.
  • It Amused Me: Tries to pull this card when surrendering, however this only serves to anger Mob who chastises him in a threatening manner, after that he immediately teleports away in pure fear.
  • Not Quite Flight: While he can levitate, his preferred method of aerial travel is to teleport to whatever spot in the air he wishes to be in that particular second and keep 'jumping' to cheat inertia.
  • Psychic Teleportation: That he can use to Teleport Spam.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: He wears all black, has a red shirt, and is helping Suzuki with his world domination schemes.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He's dressed quite handsomely.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Once cornered by Reigen's team, he comes to the conclusion that fighting an "esper able to conceal his aura" really just Reigen sneaking up while he's focused on the others, as well as sensing Mob's power being far above his own, is a losing battle and surrenders. Once he realizes how angry Mob is at the idea of him destroying cities for fun, he shows genuine terror and teleports out of the battlefield post-haste.
  • Smug Snake: Claims superiority over how he's able to predict the movements of others, but his own movements are super predictable as well, and once he's distracted, he goes down hard.
  • Superpower Lottery: Has an exceptional number of specialties compared to most psychics.
  • Super-Senses: Can predict his enemies' movements this way.
  • Teleport Spam: Practically his fighting style. A notable moment is when he grabs the back of Teru's head, teleports, smashes him into a brick wall, teleports again, and smashes him through a car window. Then he teleports thousands of feet above the city to inflict a Disney Villain Death.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Unlike the other enforcers, Shimazaki's whereabouts after the World Domination Arc are a total mystery. The only clue we get in the omakes is him in a panel wearing a labcoat.

    Toshiki Minegishi 

Voiced by: Yūsuke Kobayashi (Japanese), Khoi Dao (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Claw's Super 5. Their specialty is Plant Control.

  • Ambiguous Gender Identity: Confirmed to be nonbinary by Word of God.
  • Bookworm: Often seen reading a yellow book with plants on the cover.
  • The Cameo: They appear in Chapter 99note  to trade with Mob his measly bouquet of flowers for a much bigger one as a gift for Tsubomi.
  • Green Thumb: Their bread and butter. Ironically, they don't even really like plants.
  • I Owe You My Life: Saves Mob and his company after Mob saves their life from Mogami, for a much smaller way of showing his gratitude he gives Mob a larger bouquet of flowers in exchange for the small bouquet Mob had bought.
  • Irony: A psychic plant user who hates plants.
  • Oh, Crap!: They get a big one when Mogami appears in battle and manages to use their plants against them.
  • Smug Snake: Cocky and condescending towards enemies of Claw at first.
  • Villainous Friendship: They do care about the other members of the Super 5, and are disgusted by how casually Touichirou regards them as lackeys.

    Katsuya Serizawa 

Voiced by: Takanori Hoshino (Japanese), Edward Bosco (English) Foreign VAs
Click here to see Serizawa's new look. 

A member of the Claw's Super 5. He's a powerful Psychokinetic, capable of channeling his power through his umbrella, and is singled out by Touichirou as the strongest of the Super 5.

  • A Day in the Limelight: The second OVA focuses on him as he interacts and bonds with the Spirits and Such team.
  • Apologetic Attacker: His fight with Mob has him apologizing a few times whenever he hits him.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: After becoming a member of the Spirits and Such, he regularly wears a suit and looks great in it while taking on evil spirits or yokai.
  • Berserker Tears: He starts to tear up when Mob tells him that he's being used by Claw. Serizawa then panics over what he would do with his life if he didn't have Claw anymore.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He manages to rescue Reigen just seconds before Suzuki incinerates him.
  • The Big Guy: Despite his former lifestyle, he's 6'5 (195cm), broad-shouldered, and towers over Reigen and the kids. He's also a pretty strong psychic in his own right.
  • Character Development: One of the shining examples of the series. Thanks to taking a job at Spirits and Such along with interacting with good-natured people like Mob and Reigen, Serizawa begins to feel more comfortable in social situations and is able to express himself without feeling afraid of losing control. He becomes a lot more mature and level-headed compared to how gullible he was when working for Claw. He also develops perfect control of his psychic powers and is no longer worried about using them in front of others.
  • Claustrophobia: Inverted. Having lived his whole life in isolation like a Disney Princess, Serizawa is comfortable in closed spaces but feels distressed whenever he goes outdoors. He gets better after taking a job at Spirits and Such.
  • The Dragon: The only member of the Super 5 to closely fill this role as he's the last member fought before Mob confronts Suzuki.
  • Gentle Giant: His height is not really commented on, but at 6'5 (195cm), he towers over much of the cast. He's also a nervous and ultimately well-meaning man who had the misfortune of being used by Touichirou.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After Mob helps him realize that he's actually helping a Terrorist organization, he comes to his senses and saves Reigen. Eventually taking a job at Spirits and Such.
  • Hikikomori: Feared his own powers, and isolated himself from the world for 15 years as a result before being discovered by the Claw.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: His reason for joining Claw was because he finally found people who had powers just like him and weren't afraid of him. This gives Mob an opportunity to reach out to him to show that they're alike. Once they talk things out, Serizawa pulls an official Heel–Face Turn and becomes friends with the heroes.
  • Important Haircut: Reigen gives him a much cleaner cut and shaves off his stubble upon getting his job at Spirits and Such.
  • Improbable Weapon User: When taking on some Yokai, he manages to exorcise them by turning his business cards into weapons using his psychic powers. Stacking them on top of each other to turn them into a blade or arranging them to take the form of a barrier.
  • Messy Hair: A short, ratty looking mess of curly hair. Reigen's first order of business upon hiring him is giving him a much cleaner haircut.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Hero pulling it on antagonist example. Mob realizes that he was in a similar situation to Serizawa's and helps him realize that.
  • Obliviously Evil: Because of his isolation and Touichirou's manipulation, Serizawa's convinced that he's working a perfectly legitimate job as the bodyguard of a law-abiding CEO rather than serving The Dragon in a terrorist organization.
  • Older Sidekick: After getting a job at Spirits and Such, he's this to Reigen, being two years older than him.
  • Parasol of Pain: His parasol is infused with incredible psychic powers, allowing him to use it as a strong shield and weapon. His umbrella gets incinerated when he saves Reigen from Touichirou.
  • Perma-Stubble: Prior to his Important Haircut above. During his time in isolation, it was a full-on Beard of Sorrow.
  • Security Blanket: His Umbrella, which he takes with him everywhere as an extension of his room from his days as a hikikomori. When Mob and Dimple try to take it away from him, it causes his powers to go haywire, not unlike 100%/???% Mob.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Mob, where they both fear their own powers, and are both gullible enough to have been used by others for their own ends, the main difference being that the people who used Mob eventually came to genuinely care about him. By Chapter 101, working at Spirits & Such is even shown to have given them similar character development, with both of them becoming comfortable enough in their skin that Mob is Vice President of the Body Improvement Club, while Tome describes Serizawa as the real backbone of Spirits & Such.
  • Token Good Teammate: For the Super 5, where he's a decent guy being used by Touichirou.


    General Tropes

A sub-group within Claw, comprised of people who have at some point defied Touichirou, and are branded as a scar as a warning against further betrayal.

  • Chuunibyou: The unifying characteristic of members of Scar (and Claw in general) is that its members never grew out of their middle-school delusions of grandeur and thus do not understand how utterly ridiculous their Legion of Doom schtick and obsession with Power Levels are.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: All Scar members have had a scar given to them by Touichirou. Koyama and Sakurai don't have them anymore after Touichiro's defeat, so it can be presumed that those on all the other members were healed as well.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After Ishiguro's defeat, several Scar members join Shou's rebellion against Claw.
  • Manchild: Reigen surmises that the underlying characteristic of all the members is that they are a bunch of kids who never grew up. He correctly surmises that their attempts to invoke Rule of Cool, like Ishiguro's gas mask, Sakurai's plastic katana and Muraki's Shoulders of Doom, are due to that.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: They're also trying to take over the world, no matter the cost to others.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: An aspect which they heavily play up thanks to their arrested development.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Being essentially grown-up children who relied entirely on their powers, a normal punch is enough to wind them when they're distracted. Similarly, scolding them like children is enough to get them to back down.
  • You Have Failed Me: They aren't disposed of immediately, but upon becoming Scar are considered 100% expendable.


Mask on voiced by: Rumi Ōkubo (Japanese), Cristina Valenzuela (English) Foreign VAs 
Mask off voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki (Japanese), Mike McFarland (English) Foreign VAs
Click here to see Ishiguro without his mask on. 

Representative of the 7th Branch of Claw, and overseer of the Scar group for that branch. His special power is the manipulation of gravity, to the extent of creating mini-black holes.

  • Adaptation Expansion: In the live action version, he's a friendly takoyaki stand operator who acts as sort of confidant for Mob, using his power to hide his extensive facial scars.
  • Arc Villain: Serves as the main threat of the 7th Division Arc, being the one commanding the rest of the Scars.
  • The Confidant: In the live action version, he is there to lend an ear to Mob during most episodes.
  • Covered in Scars: Under his mask. In the live action version, he hides his scars with his powers until he is drained completely by Dimple.
  • Evil Old Folks: Revealed as this when Reigen tears his mask off during 100% Gratitude. It makes his Manchild status that much more striking.
  • Gas Mask, Longcoat: Wears a long cloak and a Gas Mask at all times, complete with voice changer, to the extent that, like the Pyro, no one knows what he looks like, or if he's even a "he" at all. He is a he, and an extremely old one at that.
  • Gender-Concealing Voice: Uses a Voice Changer which makes him sound childish in the original or a teenage girl in the English Dub.
  • Godhood Seeker: Works with Claw to create a world where Espers will be worshiped as Gods.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: His entire head is covered in them under his mask.
  • Gravity Is Purple: Especially in the live action version, his powers have a distinctive purple-and-black color scheme.
  • Gravity Master: His psychic specialty involves manipulating gravity, and his special attack, "Black Sphere," essentially creates tiny black holes to use as weapons, he can also increase the weight of his own body to use as a weapon.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Sees normal humans as little better than monkeys, and views Espers as inherently superior.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: When he gives a rant, sans mask, his art shifts meaningfully to the point that he looks like an infant... which is fitting, since, without his mask or a voice changer, his rant about his motives (Basically, he wanted everyone to pay attention to him and praise him for how great he was) is so childish as to be infantile.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Other members of Scar note that that nobody has seen his face or heard their voice unaltered, so his actual gender is up in the air as well. When he's finally unmasked, the first reaction people have is shock that he isn't a woman in disguise.
  • Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: He refuses to accept Reigen's words of wisdom and decides to use his power to destroy the entire 7th Branch. Fortunately, Shou was having none of it.

    Megumu Koyama 

Voiced by: Shin-ichiro Miki (Japanese), Keith Silverstein (English) Foreign VAs
Click here to see Koyama's new look. 

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His special power is Psychic Spiral, which grants his fists power like a drill of psychic energy, allowing them to pierce psychic barriers.

  • Allegorical Character: Megumu represents a juvenile delinquent who never grew up. With his cruelty and sadism left unchecked into adulthood, the man sought more power and would terrorize anyone he deems to be weak to respect him. His presentation towards the terrified group of school delinquents is no different than how they acted towards Ritsu and Mob.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: He specializes in shattering telekinetic barriers using his Psychic Spiral punches.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He will do anything to win a battle. Opponent too powerful? Cheap shot them while they're distracted. And if that doesn't work... knockout gas to the face.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Not him, but the delinquents that had been wanting to fight 'White T Poison' were horrified by the brutal beatdown he delivers on Mob and were worried he would beat Mob to death.
  • Fallen-on-Hard-Times Job: In Chapter 100, he works in a grocery store alongside Sakurai.
  • Full-Contact Magic: While many Espers utilize the trope Koyama is one of the more stand out examples on account of him being a brawler whose psychic powers enhance his attacks.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A large, diagonal scar across the bridge of his nose. Like all Scar members, it was received by betraying the larger organization. It gets healed after Mob and Touichirou fight.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eventually chooses to join Reigen's group to fight against Scar.
  • In the Hood: In his first appearance, he wears a purple hoodie to hide his identity as it casts a shadow to cover his face. However he loses it once he starts fighting.
  • Ironic Name: His first name, "Megumu," means "Kindness."
  • Knight of Cerebus: While prior arcs could get dark at times, they were still overall humorous or at the very least interspersed with gags. While he eased up later, Koyama's first appearance, meanwhile, was downright brutal.
  • Logical Weakness: Being a melee-oriented Esper, Koyama may be able to punch through barriers and projectiles, but he lacks a strong answer to ranged telekinesis. The second time Mob faces him, he simply grabs him with telekinesis and thrashes him without even needing to resort to his 100% power.
  • No Brows: Completely lacks eyebrows.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Delivering these is one of his favourite hobbies, and he's not particularly picky about who he chooses to beat into a pulp. Naturally, this means that karma (in the shape of Mob) eventually delivers an especially swift, humiliating, and brutal one to him - he gets picked up and bounced around a narrow concrete corridor like a squash ball, leaving craters wherever he lands, before finally being embedded head-first in the ceiling.
  • Oh, Crap!: The first notable fight to overcome Mob, not through sheer physical power but by simply using knockout gas that the psychic barrier wasn't expecting to try to stop. Then Mob gets back up in his unconscious state, and Koyama feels it with so much terror that he grabs Ritsu and makes a break for it rather than continue fighting.
  • Shadow Archetype: He represents what Onigawara would become if he continued to believe that violence, power and beating up others were the only things that mattered in life.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Wears a black tanktop under his purple hoodie and he's not a pushover when Kageyama fights him for the first time.
  • This Is a Drill: His Psychic Spiral acts as such, enhancing the force of his punches and allowing him to break through psychic barriers.
  • Villain Decay: The first time he faces Mob, he beats him to near-death, forcing Mob into 100% Animosity, and then manages to counter even that, only leaving when Mob's ???% Mode is engaged. The second time, Mob just trashes him telekinetically with little effort. Justified since this time, Mob was fully aware of what the guy is capable of, knew exactly how to counter him (avoid melee at all costs), and had no intention of going easy on him either.
  • Would Hurt a Child: While all of Scar, and Claw, specifically target Espers of around Middle-School Age, Koyama's introduction involves him specifically having no problem brutalizing Ritsu, Mob, and a larger group of delinquents.

    Yuusuke Sakurai 

Voiced by: Yoshimasa Hosoya (Japanese), Xander Mobus (Seasons 1 & 2) / Ian Sinclair (Season 3) (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His special power is Curse Toy, which allows him to enhance or curse mundane objects (but not limited to items) with powerful psychic energy to make them dangerous.

  • Absurd Cutting Power: His sword is actually just a plastic toy. His psychic abilities have made it this.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: He's one of the more cooler and deadlier members in the Scar sub-group, he's also wearing a fittingly snazzy business suit.
  • Fallen-on-Hard-Times Job: In chapter 100, he's revealed to be working with Koyama in a grocery store. It's also stated that he's Koyama's manager.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Wears thick glasses and is generally unpleasant. Subverted when he joins the good guys later on.
  • Freudian Excuse: Was abandoned by his parents and mocked ruthlessly in the orphanage he was raised in. His pain awakened his powers.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A large scar on the left side of his jaw.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eventually chooses to join Reigen's group to fight against Touichirou and the Super 5.
  • Improvised Weapon: Thanks to his "Curse Toy" ability, he can turn mundane objects into deadly weapons from a plastic toy katana, an air gun and even a pair of tongs.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: He carries around a plastic toy katana he calls "Jugan" and thanks to having it for many years, it's been imbued with so many curses that it's basically an absurdly sharp and strong katana. He brandishes it a lot and even uses the sword with his telekinesis for some pretty cool tricks when sheathing or grabbing the weapon. However Reigen breaks it when he gets imbued with Mob's powers.
  • Lethal Joke Item: His ability allows him to turn mundane items into these with special curses, such as taking a plastic sword and an air gun and turning them into weapons on par with the real deal. In Chapter 100, he turns a pair of tongs into a weapon to fight against ???%
  • Meaningful Name: The name Yusuke means "play" (遊) (yu) and "help, assist" (介) (suke). Which fits with his powers and role in Claw, his weapons are really just toys and his "Curse Toy" ability let him create the cursed cologne that helped out Koyama and Reigen, this same power also allowed him to create a cursed chamber that took away the psychic power of anyone inside.
  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: He tends to make some thinly veiled threats while dealing with customers at his grocery job.
  • Power Nullifier: One of his curses was placed on a room in the Scar HQ that allowed it to act like this. It's potent enough that someone like Mob was rendered powerless.
  • The Power of Hate: Sakurai was able to unlock his power by cursing the world and hating everyone for making him suffer.


Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki (Japanese), Jake Eberle (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His special power is Air Whip, which allows him to psychically condense air into whips that stretch out from his hands.

  • Blow You Away: His Air Whips are extremely sharp and powerful enough to toss trees around like they were nothing.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Went through a slight revolving door of allegiance during the assault on Claw, to the point that Teru had the Shiratori twins make sure he was still on their side by the end of it.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A horizontal scar across the bridge of his nose.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eventually chooses to join Reigen's group to fight against Scar.
  • Razor Wind: His Air Whips can act as such.
  • Smug Snake: He enjoys rubbing it in Koyama's face that he got beaten by a teenager. When he goes after Mob and friends himself, he gets defeated comically easy and interrogated. He later tries again and gets flattened by Mob between two trees, proving he's even worse against the kid than Koyama.
  • Yakuza: Seems to fit the aesthetic.


Voiced by: Daisuke Kirii (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His special power is Hypnotic Illusions.


Voiced by: Anri Katsu (Japanese), Ben Diskin (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His specialty is powerful Pyrokinesis.

  • Anime Hair: A spiky hairstyle resembling that of a Super Saiyan. The anime even shows it being Blonde.
  • Femme Fatalons: One of the rare male examples — he has long and sharp fingernails coated in dark nail polish.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A small scar on his right eyebrow.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Teru envelops him in a psychic barrier, causing him to fry himself with his own flames.
  • Lean and Mean: He's incredibly lanky, and one of the most vicious members of Scar.
  • Morton's Fork: He continuously produces such massive amounts of flames that other psychics cannot find a window to attack. However, while his fire can be repelled by a psychic barrier, the heat from it cannot, so sooner or later his foes end up dying, whether it's by burning to a crisp trying to attack or by cooking to death in their own barrier trying to defend themselves. Teru manages to Take a Third Option: using his barrier as a means of attack, turning Miyagawa's flames on himself.
  • Playing with Fire: A powerful pyrokinetic. That he's still alive after Teru tricks him into immolating himself shows that Pyrokinetics are somewhat flame-retardant in this universe.
  • Smug Super: His pyrokinesis is impressive, but his cocky attitude was his downfall.
  • Villainous Cheekbones: Has a very gaunt face.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Along with Mutou, he's one of the Scars who doesn't come back for the World Domination Arc. Justified, as he was burned almost to a crisp; it's unlikely that he had recovered by the time said Arc rolled around.


Voiced by: Junichi Yanagita (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His specialty is Super Aura, which allows him to generate massive psychic energy around himself and manipulate it as a weapon.

  • Ambiguously Brown: The only member with distinctively dark skin. In the manga, there is no indication of his skin color.
  • Battle Aura: His Super Aura is essentially this.
  • Flat Character: He has the least defined personality out of everyone in the main group and the reformed Scar bosses.
  • Game Face: His face gets much more detailed when he activates his powers.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A large circular scar on his forehead.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eventually chooses to join Reigen's group to fight against Claw.
  • Kamehame Hadouken: His Destruction Aura Sphere, as shown in the fight against Shimazaki.
  • Ki Manipulation: His Super Aura specialty is a stronger general-purpose version of Tsuchiya's Hardened Aura, channeling spiritual qi to not only strengthen his body but also shoot out energy blasts.
  • Power Glows: Mob dispatches him with no effort before we can truly see how powerful his Super Aura is but it sure is glowy. He shows it off better in the fight against Claw.
  • Pure Energy: His Super Aura behaves like this.


Voiced by: Yuko Hara (Japanese), Erica Lindbeck (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. Her specialty is Hardened Aura, which allows her to harden her muscles to fight.

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: In the anime, her relationship with Mukai is much closer than in the manga. In the manga, her reason for fighting Mob was for a good fight where the anime makes it more about revenge for destroying Mukai's puppets.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Fights entirely with her fists, and works out extensively.
  • Close-Range Combatant: She notes that if Mob is able to get a good telekinetic attack out, it puts her at a disadvantage.
  • Cool Big Sis: Seems to be one to Mukai, as she's shown hanging out in Tsuchiya's workout room, and Tsuchiya seems to be driven to fight particularly hard against Mob due to the fact that he made Mukai cry.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A scar along her right cheek.
  • Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Inverted — while most of the men of Scar have fancy psychic attacks like illusions, pyrokinesis, and astral clones, Tsuchiya relies on her fists and her hardened aura to fight.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eventually chooses to join Reigen's group to fight against Claw.
  • Ki Manipulation: Ishuiguro notes that her Hardened Aura power specifically uses the qigong method to psychically channel her spiritual qi into her muscles in order to strengthen them.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Her hardened aura plus her physical training means she hits hard enough with her bare fists to draw blood from Mob, and the anime shows her using hit-and-run tactics at an extremely fast pace.
  • Only Sane Man: Comes across as the most reasonable, level-headed, and mature member of Scar. Given that her main contribution in their arc is provoking a child into a fistfight, this says a lot about them.
  • Pet the Dog: When she realizes Mob is crying during her beat-down and learns that he doesn't want to hurt a lady, she pauses to encourage him and tell him that it's alright to fight a woman. This backfires slightly on her.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Not counting her little sister, Tsuchiya is the most prominent woman esper who engages in combat during her time serving Claw and during the World Domination Arc when she joins Reigen's team.
  • Super-Strength: Her Hardened Aura grants her this.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Uses this as an argument to coax a good fight out of Mob. Unlike what you might expect from this trope, it's framed as a peculiar act of kindness from a Worthy Opponent rather than Evil Gloating - she genuinely wants him to overcome his psychological hangups and defend himself, so they can treat each other with the respect they both deserve.


Voiced by: Ryunosuke Watanuki (Japanese), Greg Chun (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His specialty is Evil Spirit Control.

  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Gives Dimple enough of a boost to break through Mogami's psychic barrier so that Dimple himself can act as this towards Mob.
    • During the World Domination Arc, he summons his spirit children to fend off the esper army that was attacking Mob.
  • Don't Touch It, You Idiot!: He desperately begs a group of esper teens not to break a vial containing Mogami's spirit knowing how dangerous and unstable he is. Unfortunately for them, they'd didn't listen.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: His longer hair and prominent lips make him look fairly feminine, and he uses a feminine speech pattern in the original Japanese.
  • Fluffy Tamer: Makes monstrous spirits his loyal pets and gives them saccarine pet names while he's at it.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Tends to name his spirits cute things like "Cookie-chan" or "Pudding-chan."
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A vertical scar that goes across his right eye.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Tries to make an honest living as a Psychic after Scar is taken down, and works with Mob and Reigen on several occasions afterwards.
  • Necromancer: His specialty is controlling spirits to fight for him.
  • Olympus Mons: Captures Mogami and quickly dubs him "Pudding-chan", though he never manages to successfully tame him.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Keeps his spirits in special containers that he carries with him. He even manages to quietly capture Mogami's spirit after Mob defeats him.
  • Squishy Wizard: Dimple notes in their fight that he trains his spirits to return to him after every attack. Turns out it's because his natural Psychic Barrier is especially weak compared to other Espers.


Voiced by: Satoshi Tsuruoka (Japanese), Chris Tergliafera (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. His specialty is Ethereal Body, which allows him to create Psychic Clones.

  • Astral Projection: His method of creating Ethereal Clones.
  • Bald of Evil: Which makes his scar more visible.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A large scar on the left side of his scalp.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Decides to become a productive member of society after Reigen chews him out, and aids Reigen and Mob in their pushback against Claw's invasion.
  • Hidden Depths: It's implied that he's very weak willed and his reason for joining Claw was because they made him feel special by considering him to be an elite person. Even after reforming, he wears an outfit that's similar to Reigen's attire and constantly refers to him as a "Great Master".
  • Me's a Crowd: His Ethereal Body power essentially results in this.
  • Purple Is Powerful: During his time as a member of the Scar sub-group he wears a purple turtlenecked cape with yellow shoulder pads, and he's decently strong being able to knock out Teru with one quick hit.
  • Shoulders of Doom: Wears large yellow shoulder pads over his purple cape. Reigen doesn't see the point.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: After being humbled by Reigen, Muraki gets rid of his tacky costume and wears a business suit and tie that pays homage to "The Great Master".


Voiced by: Chiaki Omigawa (Japanese), Ryan Bartley (English) Foreign VAs

A member of the Scar sub-group of the 7th Branch of Claw. Her specialty is Puppetry, which allows her to command puppets made from a special wood.

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: She wasn't as close to Tsuchiya in the manga and didn't witness her loss to Mob. In the anime not only did she see it but she is last seen in the arc crying on the defeated Tsuchiya's shoulder.
  • Anime Hair: Four braids that stick out at straight angles from her head, with a bun in the back, which gives it a similar appearance to a puppet
  • Berserk Button: Go on, hurt her puppets, I dare you.
  • Cheerful Child: A little girl who gets excited when her puppets find someone new for her to play with.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A small scar on her left cheek.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Not that she was really evil to being with, but she eventually sides with Reigen against Claw.
  • Marionette Master: Can command puppets by imbuing them with psychic energy. They will continue to follow their designated tasks, even if Mukai is knocked out.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Completely non-malicious, and seems to mostly regard all her enemies as potential friends.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Her motive for rebelling against Claw is their leader ordering the destruction of the trees her puppets are made from.
  • Tagalong Kid: Downplayed. She's the youngest member of Scars and is capable of using her psychic powers, but she isn't as involved in serious fights like her big sister or colleagues.
  • Token Good Teammate: For Scar, as she's extremely friendly to everyone... so long as they don't hurt her puppets.
