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Characters / Jackie Chan Adventures - The Dark Hand

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    In General 
The most recurring enemies in the series, yet also the least threatening. The Dark Hand is a criminal gang based in San Francisco. They shift their focus from regular organized crime to assisting various demons and sorcerers. Things keep going further downhill for them from there.
  • Abandoned Warehouse: Their hideout in the 2nd season is the Helms Fish Cannery.
  • Butt Monkeys: All of them receive a lot of comical abuse, and increasingly so with every season.
  • The Cameo: They appear briefly in the first part of the "Demon World" duology as Shendu's jesters.
  • Demoted to Extra: The Dark Hand gradually disbands over the course of the series, with Valmont losing leadership of the gang and becoming a nobody, while the Enforcers eventually decide to quit serving as henchmen to other villains. They only appear in four episodes of the final season.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Their original headquarters is a San Franciscan skyscraper owned by Valmont. They lose their possession of it in the 1st season's finale when the restored Shendu wreaks havoc there and most of the Dark Hand is arrested by Section 13.
  • The Family for the Whole Family: Despite being gangsters, they're very incompetent, and they aren't really seen committing any crimes besides robbery. Finn is seen carrying a pistol twice, but he never gets the chance to use it.
  • Five-Token Band: Valmont is British (English), Finn is Irish-American, Chow is Chinese-American, Ratso may be Italian-American, and Hak Foo is Chinese. The group also originally included Tohru, who is Japanese.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains: Because of all the supernatural crap going on, they never get to score any cash.
  • Oddly Small Organization: It's strange that Valmont would rely mostly on the Enforcers, since the 1st season included nameless Mooks.
  • Offstage Villainy: According to Captain Black, they have connections to nearly every known form of criminal activity, but there isn't much shown. However, it speaks volumes that when Valmont, Finn, and Ratso allow themselves to be arrested in Rumble In The Big House, they're each sentenced to be incarcerated for 50 years in Hollowlands Maximum Security Prison.
  • The Syndicate: They are said to be this in the beginning of the 1st season, as they've given Section 13 trouble in the past. This status ends during the 1st or 2nd season.
  • Villain Decay: They start out as The Syndicate, but by the beginning of the 3rd season, they're so high and dry that a simple cafeteria bill gives them trouble.

This suit costs more than your life.
Jackie Chan. Finally, we meet. It was nice knowing you.

Voiced by: Julian Sands (Seasons 1 and 2), Andrew Ableson (Seasons 3 and 4), and Thomas Dekker (child)

The wealthy British-born boss of the American crime syndicate, the Dark Hand. He is also the secondary antagonist in Seasons 1 and 2. Eventually he loses leadership over his Enforcers, and is reduced to poverty.

  • Back for the Finale: In his last appearance, he became a bus driver. He doesn't speak, nor is he involved in the plot anyhow.
  • Badass Normal: He used the Dragon Talisman on one occasion, but otherwise he's bare handed in fights.
  • Bad Boss: He shows little to no respect towards the Enforcers, even when they do manage to perform something right. He's even more demanding towards his strongest minion Tohru during the first season, and it plays a role in Tohru's eventual redemption, with the turning point being the moment when Valmont orders Tohru to fight a futile battle against Shendu and shows no remorse when he's apparently killed. However, unlike Daolon Wong, Valmont bothers to learn his employees' real names instead of expecting them to answer to the names of his previous minions.
  • Beard of Sorrow: Downplayed. After losing the Enforcers, he grows a stubble for the rest of the series. However, he doesn't have it in "Tohru Who?" and "The Powers That Be (Part 2)".
  • Bullying a Dragon: He has done this with Shendu (rather literally) and Daolon Wong.
  • Butt-Monkey: Beginning in Season 2 after Shendu possesses his body. It only gets worse for him beyond there.
  • Carrying the Antidote: In "The Rock", he's smart enough to not keep the antidote to cure Jackie's infliction on his person.
    Jackie: Where is the antidote?!
    Valmont: You think I'd be foolish enough to bring it with me?
  • Catchphrase: "Blast."
  • Classy Cane: He carries this with him in the first season. It has an electrically charged dagger inside it. He uses it much less in the second season, and afterwards he ceases to carry it at all.
  • Crazy-Prepared: As revealed in the first season finale, he has a homing beacon for a false tooth that would cause his cane to levitate to his position and said cane holds an electrically charged dagger.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Both to allies and enemies. He can occasionally make a masterful snark or two. One example is in "Project A, For Astral": after Shendu has berated the Dark Hand for their failures in retrieving the Talismans, he tries that himself through Astral Projection. After Uncle exorcises him from Jade's body, making him unable to leave his statue form, Valmont has this to say:
    "Shendu! Back so soon? What, no Talismans?"
  • Deceptive Disciple: Once to some Sri Lankan monks in another power play to get back on top.
  • Defeat Means Menial Labor: Through numerous setbacks, the head of a crime syndicate is reduced to a petty crook who also suffers humiliating defeats. In his final appearance, he has become a bus driver.
  • Demonic Possession: By Shendu. It's not full-out possession as Shendu was aiming for Jackie, resulting in Valmont and Shendu constantly bickering and fighting for control, as thanks to a spell Shendu was unable to leave until his siblings released him.
  • Demoted to Extra: From the third season onward. In season five, his only appearances are two brief, non-speaking cameos.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: He's the one running the Dark Hand, and the driving force behind the first season. Unfortunately for him, he loses this status after the Dark Hand is all but dismantled by Section 13, so he takes a number of steps down the ladder: first a heist planner, then Shendu's meat puppet, then a petty criminal, and finally a bus driver.
  • Dirty Coward: Although a skilled enough fighter, when surrounded by magical statues that come to life in "Tohru Who?", he bolts for it and leave the amnesiac Tohru to fend for himself, which convinces him that Valmont has lied to him about still being his servant.
  • The Dragon: To Shendu in Season 1. While everyone else in the Dark Hand answer to Valmont, he works for the dragon to acquire a promised treasure.
  • Embarrassingly Dresslike Outfit: He's forced by Shendu to wear a sorcerer's robe until the demon is exorcised from his body. Valmont hates to wear something he thinks looks too much like a dress, and he's mocked for it by the Enforcers and Captain Black.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: He once got scratched by a cursed cat idol, which turned him into a Cat Man with feline agility and senses.
  • Enemy Mine: Thrice he goes to the Chans for help:
    • First when he wanted to exorcise Shendu out of his body.
    • Second when he is turned into a kid by Daolon Wong.
    • Third when he no longer wants his half of the Crab Khan Oni Mask.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Played for Laughs. Upon finding out Jade tags along after being forbidden to do so, Valmont mockingly admits he had thought Jackie was just a horribly irresponsible guardian.
  • Evil Brit: It is mentioned in one episode that he was originally an exchange student from the UK.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: How could someone as intelligent as Valmont think that making a deal with an obviously evil, ancient statue would be a good idea? And how he hadn't learned this lesson when he wanted to use one of the Oni Masks to regain his wealth?
  • Evil Plan: In Season 1, Valmont works to free Shendu with the twelve Talismans, expecting to be rewarded with the lost treasure of Ching Xi Hung. He succeeds in freeing Shendu, but the demon has in mind far more nefarious goals than rewarding Valmont...
  • Exploited Immunity: When Valmont gets fed up with Shendu in The New Atlantis, he forces his touch to remain on the Pan'ku Box in an effort get rid of the demon, reasoning that Shendu is the one the box reacts to upon touch. While the risky effort doesn't destroy or banish Shendu, he's rendered unconscious and Valmont sets out to ask the Chans to exorcise him.
  • Fighting from the Inside: How he fights with Shendu in Season 2 and with an Oni mask in one episode of Season 4.
  • Fountain of Youth: In Little Valmont, Big Jade, Valmont's turned into a child by Daolon Wong when he attempts to threaten the wizard into returning the Enforcers to him. He then sets out to claim the Noble Horse, believing that its power can restore his proper age. The horse is unable to do it, but Uncle does that.
  • Garbage Hideout: He shakes off the police hot on his trail in the beginning of Little Valmont, Big Jade by hiding in a trash container.
  • Grand Theft Me: In Season 2, when he is forced to share his body with Shendu.
  • Greed: Shendu bought his services by promising him the lost treasure of Ching Xi Hung. Note that he was already rich by that time. He also jeopardizes the Talisman hunt twice in favor of some extra cash.
  • Green and Mean: His money-green suit serves to mark him as a crime lord driven by insatiable greed.
  • Happy Dance: After Shendu's finally exorcised from Valmont, the crime lord happily rips off the sorcerer's robe and concludes the episode by dancing joyfully.
  • The Heavy: To Shendu in Season 1 because Shendu was a statue. He was the one moving the plot forward because almost all Shendu, of whose existence the heroes had no idea of, could do was talk.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: The Leader of a high-class malevolent organization in the first season, reduced to a has-been dreaming of his former glory in the third and fourth seasons. By the fifth he became a bus driver with a brief, non-speaking cameo in the finale. He begins lampshading this in the beginning Little Valmont, Big Jade right after he has shaken off the police hot on his trail by hiding in a trash container and right before he bumps into Daolon Wong, the wizard who stole his henchmen for himself.
    "Me, Valmont, mastermind of the Dark Hand, fleeing authorities like a common..."
  • Icy Blue Eyes: He has blue eyes, and he's generally collected (though mostly before his bankruptcy) and willing to step over people to achieve his goals.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Though not depicted as sympathetically as the Enforcers, Valmont gradually becomes a pathetic and impoverished has-been, so you might still feel some pity for him.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: It's fairly obvious his character design was based off a younger version of Julian Sands (his original voice actor).
  • Ironic Nickname: In "Half a Mask of Kung-Fu", Valmont buys an Oni Mask from an online auction with the username "Filthyrich1". Jade and the Enforcers are quick to point out that he's no longer rich, only filthy.
  • It's All About Me: He's not one to care for anyone else but himself.
    • During his Enemy Mine situation with the Chans in the 2nd season, his main concern is getting Shendu exorcised from his body, and he reluctantly assists in stopping Bai Tza from drowning San Francisco, only so that either Uncle or Bai Tza would perform the exorcism.
    • Later he demands Daolon Wong to return the Enforcers to him, but only because he doesn't want to do his own dirty work anymore.
  • Kansas City Shuffle: After Shendu betrays him, Valmont plans to use him as a diversion for Jackie while he steals his treasure. Another one is after Shendu is killed by Jade, therefore losing his palace and treasure, Valmont finds the Talismans for use in his crimes.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Starts out as one. After the second season, he's no longer this due to becoming broke.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Shendu would have possessed Jackie by the 2nd season's beginning if Valmont had not kicked him out of the way.
  • One-Liner, Name... One-Liner: When he has placed the last of the Talismans in Shendu, he says "Game over, Chan. Way over." as Shendu transforms from a statue into a dragon.
  • Packed Hero: More like a Packed Villain in this case. Half a Mask of Kung-Fu ends with Valmont being dropped on the conveyor belt of post office's packaging sector and wrapped in a package to Mexico.
  • Poison and Cure Gambit: He infects Jackie with stone-turning venom provided by Shendu in The Rock and offers the antidote in exchange for all the Talismans collected by Jackie so far. Jade decides to go through with this, but Tohru destroys the antidote for not being given the full ransom and Jackie's fully turned into stone. Fortunately the Horse Talisman's power is discovered and it's used instead to cure Jackie.
  • Put on a Bus: Much like his former henchmen, Valmont gets Demoted to Extra, and gradually appears in less episodes (though he's affected by this even earlier than the Enforcers). In fact, in a literal case of Put on a Bus and The Bus Came Back, Valmont makes one last non-speaking cameo as a bus driver in the series finale.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: When he leads the Dark Hand in the first two seasons, he's able to rival the martial art skills of Jackie much better than the Enforcers (with a special mention going to their duel in "The Rock"), but he afterwards loses all his badass credentials along with his henchmen.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes turn red when Shendu is the one in control of his body.
  • Riches to Rags: Starts out as a crime boss with a large sum of wealth. His disastrous partnership/servitude to Shendu eventually leads him down the path to bankruptcy.
  • A Sinister Clue: Valmont has demonstrated in several scenes that he is left-handed, exactly like another silver-haired villain that he happens to bear a great resemblance to.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Even when he's living in squalor, he still keeps that green suit.
  • Smug Snake: He's smart and acts like a big shot in the first season, but his schemes tend to fail due to his pride, shortsighted greed and incompetent henchmen. Things get much worse for him after he loses his funds and the Enforcers, becoming even more pathetic than them and proving that for all of his intelligence, he's too cowardly and snooty to be noteworthy trouble on his own.
  • Spoiled Brat: Anytime he's shown as a kid, he is just as demanding and crafty as when he's an adult.
  • The Starscream: Betrays Shendu twice in Seasons 1 and 2.
  • Starter Villain: While Shendu was the actual Big Bad behind Seasons 1 and 2, Valmont was the leader of the Dark Hand and the one that could be considered the main antagonist at the time until the first season finale. After this, coupled with being possessed by Shendu in Season 2, Valmont's threat level and relevancy dwindle at an increasing rate.
  • Super Fly Reflexes: Valmont catches a passing fly with his left hand to use on it the venom just injected into Jackie during The Rock.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: In Season 2, he's forced to help Shendu in releasing the other Demon Sorcerers because the dragon's spirit is trapped inside his body and won't be released until all the demons are freed. That doesn't stop Valmont from bickering with Shendu about a variety of subjects.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: He hardly shows gratitude to anyone who helps him out. For example, when the Enforcers prevent Daolon Wong from blasting him in Little Valmont, Big Jade, he merely calls them pathetic when the wizard tortures them in response.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Shendu used him from the start and was never going to give him any treasure.
  • Villain Decay: He actually starts out as a very menacing leader of the Dark Hand and quite a badass to the point of being surprisingly able to hold his own in a fight with Jackie in The Rock. In Season 2, he becomes more of a Butt-Monkey after Shendu's spirit enters his body, and in the following season, Daolon Wong steals his remaining henchmen and he is forced to commit petty crimes on his own. By the Series Finale, he has a cameo appearance where it is shown that he has been reduced to being a bus driver.
  • The Voiceless: He says nothing during his cameos in the final season.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: For someone as young as him, white hair is clearly an evil marker. Even as a child, he was shown to be self-centered, and his hair was as white back then as it is in his adulthood.

The Enforcers

    In General
Reusable henchmen, by four villains. From left to right: Hak Foo, Chow, Finn, and Ratso.

A group of hired thugs. They consist primarily of the main trio of Finn, Ratso, and Chow; and occasionally Hak Foo. Tohru was an Enforcer until his redemption.

Originally they worked for Valmont, and by extension for Shendu. Later in Season 3, they are enslaved by Daolon Wong, who turned them into his new Dark Chi Warriors. Later they work for Tarakudo in Season 4. But in Season 5, when Drago employs them, he turns them down after they fail him once.

  • Affably Evil: Finn, Ratso, and Chow are pretty good friends with each other, and not without some amicability towards their foes. Hak Foo, on the other hand, is somewhat more arrogant.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Finn, Ratso and Chow fall off a cliff at the end of The Good Guys and survive thanks to a bough growing out of the cliffside. However, both Jackie and Jade believe them to have perished and admit sadly that they're going to miss them.
  • Back for the Finale: Before the Grand Finale of the last season takes place, Hak Foo doesn't have any appearance, while the others appear only in two episodes. However, in the last episode, they all suddenly appear to assist the heroes, having apparently reformed off-screen.
  • Being Evil Sucks: As Finn, Ratso, and Chow state when they show up to the Chans' doorsteps to announce their desire to reform:
    Ratso: We're tired of never making money!
    Chow: We're tired of being enslaved by dragons, wizards, and floating demon heads!
    Finn: But most of all, we're tired of getting our butts kicked! By you.
    Ratso: Yeah! It hurts.
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Ratso, Finn, and Chow, respectively. Hak Foo also qualifies as Big.
  • Body Horror: The main trio are freaked out when Daolon Wong forcibly turns them into his new Dark Chi Warriors. Later, Drago transforms them briefly into draconic minions.
  • Characterization Marches On: For the main trio, they had specific characterizations in the first season that were different from their later butt-monkey status as detailed in their respective pages.
  • Butt Monkeys: From start to finish, the Enforcers are walking jokes. They are on the receiving end of a lot of slapstick, are defeated in most fights, and are treated poorly by their bosses for their repeated failures.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Finn, Ratso and Chow get three episodes — Tough Luck, The Good Guys and Dragon Scouts — where they're acting independently of any of the Big Bads. In Shrink Rap, Hak Foo functions as the main antagonist.
  • Deadpan Snarkers: They all have their moments of being this, but Finn and Hak Foo are the most frequent perpetrators.
  • Dirty Cowards: Finn, Ratso, and Chow. Though given their poor track record when it comes to combat, it may be justified.
    • Lovable Cowards: In the series finale, while Hak Foo joins the final fight against Drago and his minions, the main trio decides not to. Instead they just stand back and watch, though they presumably root for the heroes.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Though they're usually too cowardly to do anything about it, they will voice their disgust whenever the villains' plans turn out to be too evil, like Tso Lan's plan to destroy all of Earth's ecosystems.
  • Evil Parents Want Good Kids: It's revealed during the final season that Finn, Ratso and Chow each have a nephew about Jade's age, named Frank, Rocco, and Charlie respectively. The nephews are totally unaware of their uncles' criminal background, and the Enforcers wish to keep it that way so that the boys won't end up as miserable as them.
  • Fatal Flaw: Greed for the main trio, which is why their first two attempts at turning good failed.
  • Foil: Finn, Ratso and Chow have surprisingly much in common with Jackie. Jackie laments that he's been dragged to the front lines in the battles against the Forces of Darkness, while the Enforcers resent that they're repeatedly conscripted as henchmen of said Forces of Darkness against their will. Jackie would love nothing more than getting his old non-magical life of archaeology back, and the Enforcers eventually decide to quit the entire magic business so that they can go after what they really want; money. Jackie is often yelled at, ordered around, and slapped by Uncle, while the Enforcers serve various Bad Bosses throughout the series. Plus, all four of them are the biggest Butt Monkeys of the series and have some Manchild traits, a knack for surviving near-death experiences, and as it turns out in the last season, an adoring nephew/niece sharing their initials. In short, Finn, Ratso and Chow can be viewed as Jackie if he were even more hapless, on the wrong side of the law, and had never received his extensive martial arts training.
  • Four Is Death: It is often a gang of four Enforcers (always Finn, Ratso and Chow, with Tohru as the fourth man in the first season and Hak Foo replacing Tohru in seasons 2 thru 4 after Tohru pulls a Heel–Face Turn) who cause trouble. Finn, Ratso and Chow are also three of the four antagonists who play a bad guy role at least once in each and every season, with Shendu being the fourth character in that ensemble.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: After Tohru leaves the Dark Hand and is replaced by Hak Foo.
    • The Sanguine: Finn is the most outspoken and the most playful in his speech.
    • The Choleric: Hak Foo is the most short-tempered, capable and goal-oriented, whatever the goals are his employers' or his own.
    • The Melancholic: Chow appears to be the most neurotic and after Hak Foo, the most focused on the team's duties.
    • The Phlegmatic: Ratso is the most easy-going and awkward.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Played with a few times, in two episodes late into the show, once in The Good Guys and again in Dragon Scouts: Finn, Ratso, and Chow give tries at being good, but this is subverted when their greed proves too strong, and they soon revert back to their criminal ways.
    • However in the series finale The Powers That Be (Part 2), all four Enforcers (including Hak Foo this time) are implied to have finally abandoned their life of crime; Finn, Ratso, and Chow decide to help out by gathering ingredients for Uncle's spell to summon Shendu; while Hak Foo joins the final battle against Drago's minions.
  • Hero with an F in Good: Their attempts to reform fail because, as Finn puts it: "We're just not very good at being good guys."
    • Minion with an F in Evil: Though of course, they're just not very good at being bad guys either, which is why they considered becoming good guys in the first place.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Finn, Ratso, and Chow are rarely seen apart from each other.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: The Enforcers (especially Finn, Ratso, and Chow; and to a lesser extent, Hak Foo) are so incompetent that you may feel sorry for all their failures.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The Enforcers may be criminals, although they have some decency at heart. Read the other spoilers under Heel–Face Turn and Reformed, but Rejected.
  • Joker Immunity: Even when the Enforcers are not Dark Chi Warriors and under the protection of Resurrective Immortality, they have endured several near-death experiences. In Tale of the Demon Tail, Chow and Ratso fall off a tower and narrowly avoid a lethal landing. Along with Finn in The Good Guys, they fall twice from a cliff and survive.
  • Laughably Evil: Due to their incompetence, they serve as comedic relief.
  • Leitmotif: Finn, Ratso, and Chow get two of these in Tough Luck and retain them for the remainder of the series. One is a rock guitar that plays usually when they appear. Another is a bass that plays in more calm situations.
  • Manchild: The Enforcers tend to act rather immaturely. Particularly Ratso.
  • Mook Carryover: Every major villain has used them as henchmen. By the end of the series, they are thoroughly sick of it.
  • Never My Fault: Finn, Ratso, and Chow tend to try and blame someone or something else for their failures when reporting to their Bad Bosses.
    Finn: Chan had a masked crimefighter with him, your Wongship!
    Chow: Eh-eh, the sun was in our eyes!
    Ratso: We need bigger weapons!
    Daolon Wong: Excuses, excuses!
  • Not Me This Time: Throughout Dragon Scouts, Jackie suspects Finn, Ratso and Chow of being involved in robberies they've nothing to do with. Unfortunately for them, the real thief of the Golden Squid leaves the artifact to them while escaping, and they fight Jackie in order to keep it.
  • Not So Harmless Villains: They may never succeed as bad guys, but they have still tried to kill the heroes in combat numerous times, sometimes coming close to succeeding. Jackie's quick reflexes are the reason he survives his first fight against the Enforcers when they're armed with electric swords.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: They have a habit of making these, even though it's usually their behinds that end up being kicked.
  • Punch Clock Villains: Crime seems to be the only lifestyle or occupation they know of, even though they aren't even good at it.
    Finn: Oh, give us a break Chan. We're not even working for any Forces of Darkness this week.
    Ratso: Yeah, we're on vacation.
  • Reformed, but Rejected: During both of their attempts to reform, Jackie is reluctant to believe them to be sincere. Ironically, when he starts believing them, they just need a chance for a big score to revert back to their old ways.
    • This is averted in the finale: after the Enforcers reform for real and aid in the final battle, Jackie places Jade in Hak Foo's arms for her safety.
  • Replacement Mooks: The reason Daolon Wong enslaved them was because his Dark Chi Warriors were imprisoned by Uncle.
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: In Black Magic, the main trio play this to decide who will go to retrieve the Sumo Khan Mask from a fallen totem pole that's stuck between two rock walls. Ratso wins with one paper against two rocks, but since he's forgotten that paper covers rock, Finn and Chow convince him that rock crushes paper. It's not before Ratso's halfway across the pole that he figures out the bluff.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The main trio do this in the second season after the seven Demon Portals have been opened and Bai Tza intends to flood San Francisco.
  • Seen It All: When Drago shows up to recruit the main trio and announces his identity, they don't look surprised at all.
  • The Slow Path: At the end of Through the Rabbit Hole, Finn, Ratso, Chow, and Tohru try to time-travel from the 1970s back to the 2000s, but they accidentally travel even further into the past instead. The four men decide to just wait for decades until they report back to Valmont and Shendu, and somehow they all survive into old age. We don't know how their youth was restored in the next episode.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Jackie always beats Finn, Ratso, and Chow in the end, but the amount of trouble they can give him tends to vary. Even Hak-Foo varies between being a serious threat to the heroes, and being only slightly more competent than Finn, Ratso and Chow.
  • Stupid Crooks: They make some very poor decisions.
  • Superpowered Mooks: They're several times turned magically into these.
    • Season 3: all four as Dark Chi Warriors under Daolon Wong gained enhanced physical abilities, Resurrective Immortality and magical weapons.
    • Season 4: when they wore Oni Masks (except for Finn due to unusual circumstances), they could command Shadowkhan armies and gained enhanced physical abilities. Chow managed to lift Tohru with one hand and toss him aside easily.
    • Season 5: during their brief time serving Drago, the main trio gained Fire Demon powers.
  • Terrible Trio: Finn, Ratso, and Chow. Hak Foo associates with the other three Enforcers less often, as he seems to prefer working by himself.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: All four as Daolon Wong's Dark Chi Warriors. They "poof" when "dying" and so can experience lethal wounds as comedy, every single episode.
  • Three Stooges Shout-Out: Finn, Ratso and Chow are compared to the Three Stooges in-universe by Jade who even calls them Larry, Moe and Curly in "Sheep In, Sheep Out".
    Jade: Look, the Three Stooges!
    Ratso: Where?
    Jade: [snatches a map out of Finn's hand] Duh.
  • Too Dumb to Live: The main trio are often prone to neglecting to look before leaping. It's only thanks to Joker Immunity that they survive, like when they run after a priceless opal at a misty mountain despite Jade's warnings and fall off the cliff. This becomes more pronounciated during their time as Dark Chi Warriors when they're killed and resurrected again and again. Even Hak Foo is hazardously impulsive at times, like when Jackie and the rest of the Dark Hand are clinging to a giant toy mascot's arm that's already straining under their combined weight, and he jumps along anyway, causing the arm to come off.
  • Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: Finn, Ratso and Chow serve as easily beatable comic relief henchmen for all of the Arc Villains. Hak Foo isn't as comedic or harmless, but he also has his moments of being overshadowed by his masters in vileness or humorlessness.
  • Villainous Friendship: Finn, Ratso and Chow hang out and look out for each other beyond simple criminal practicality.


Voiced by: Adam Baldwin
Get down! Get funky! It's the seventies!
An Irish-American man wearing a disco suit, and the main trio's de facto leader. Before becoming a thug, he sang in disco bands and at weddings.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: In "Tough Luck", he doesn't believe in the curse that the Emerald of Killarney carries before he becomes its victim himself. Justified as the emerald's curse only transfers when the victim gives willingly to a new subject. As Finn steals the emerald, the curse doesn't transfer.
  • Catchphrase: "Scooore!"
  • Characterization Marches On: In Season 1, he was a more serious and devoted member of the Dark Hand. One example: when some of the lesser unnamed goons fear action, Finn scolds them to suck it up and do their job.
  • Combat Pragmatist: In "The Power Within", he pulls out a gun and points it at Jackie. While Jackie kicks the gun from his hand just as quickly, it's the thought that counts.
  • Disco Dan: Finn dresses like it's still the 1970s, presumably out of nostalgia. When he once time-traveled to 1976, he wanted to stay there. Ratso and Chow had to forcefully pull him through a time portal.
  • Egocentric Team Naming: In "Tough Luck", he quits the Dark Hand and attempts to form his own gang. Chow and Ratso soon join him. During the rest of the episode, Finn plays around with names for the gang, all of them including his name and some famous rock band.
  • Evil Redhead: Due to being an Irish-American criminal.
  • Fighting Irish: It's a downplayed trope; Finn is Irish-American and does a lot of fighting through the series but he is not temperamental or particularly brave.
  • Fuma Shuriken: As a Dark Chi Warrior, he was granted the weapon of Ren, his predecessor.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: In "The Demon Behind", he ends up trying this trick with Ikazuki on Tohru to make him provide them the mask removal potion, with Finn being the Good Cop to Ikazuki's Bad Cop.
  • Immortality Hurts: Trope Namer. He didn't see the point in having the horse talisman (healing), since he had the dog talisman (immortality), until he accidentally sped into a wall using the rabbit talisman (super-speed).
  • Jack of All Stats: He seems to be the most mediocre fighter among the Enforcers, as he's not as strong as Ratso/Hak Foo or as adept at martial arts as Chow/Hak Foo.
  • One-Liner, Name... One-Liner: While using the Pig Talisman to fight Section 13's men in "The Stronger Evil", he says "That'll do, pig. That'll do."
  • The Nicknamer: One of his most defining traits. For example, he often calls Valmont "Big V" and Shendu "Shen-Dude".
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: In "Queen Of The Shadowkhan", he disguises as an antique collector to distract the inhabitants of Uncle's Rare Finds from the theft of the Demon Archive. He even lampshades how his disguise fooled them.
  • Potty Emergency: He's hit with this while Ikazuki's mask is stuck on his rear, making him all the more motivated to gain the mask removal potion.
  • Pungeon Master: Finn is known to often make puns, though the other Enforcers have their moments as well.
    "Ha, you wanna see Lo Pei, you ought to check out my salary. Get it? Low-Pay?"
  • Shame If Something Happened: In the very first episode, the Enforcers attempt vandalism to threaten Jackie to hand over the shield that has the Rooster Talisman embedded in it. When that fails, Finn tousles Jade's hair while saying the following line:
    "It would be in your family's best interests to undonate the shield, Mr. Chan. By this time tomorrow."
  • Sinister Schnoz: Has a prominent, pointy nose and is an antagonist (albeit an incompetent one).
  • Terrible Interviewees Montage: He oversees one when he attempts to form his own gang in "Tough Luck". The first guy twirls nunchakus and smacks himself in the face. The second guy tries to chew a log and manages only to lose his dentures. The third guy demonstrates impressive swordplay skills, but shrieks upon spotting a mouse and runs away from it. Finn is saved from having a worse case of a headache when Ratso and Chow show up to enlist (at least on the shorter run).
  • Two Beings, One Body: In "The Demon Behind", the Rat Talisman-animated mask of Ikazuki is stuck on his rear.
  • Villain in a White Suit: Always seen in a white suit, probably to reflect his love of Disco.
  • We Gotta Stop Meeting Like This: When the Enforcers meet Jackie and Jade in Snake Hunt while searching for the Snake Talisman, Finn remarks that they should stop using the same travel agent.

Voiced by: Clancy Brown
We're like superheroes, who steal stuff.

A green-skinned man wearing a formal suit. Before becoming a thug, he studied theoretical physics.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Ratso's skin and hair have a greenish tint.
  • Are We There Yet?: Makes this question while sitting in a moving car with Daolon Wong concocting a smelly locator spell in the beginning of "Viva Las Jackies".
  • Bald of Evil: While he was a Dark Chi Warrior, he lost his hair. This is presumably because he was a replacement to Chui, the bald Dark Chi Warrior.
  • "Be Quiet!" Nudge: He's several times on the receiving end of this by Finn and/or Chow.
  • The Brute: Whenever Tohru and Hak Foo aren't around, Ratso fills the strongman role.
  • Catchphrase: "Whoa."
  • Censor Shadow: During the last part of the Enforcers' Transformation Sequence into Dark Chi Warriors, all of Ratso's clothes are ripped off, but fortunately for him, some friendly shadows offer him cover.
  • Characterization Marches On: In Season 1, Ratso was actually a thug without any of the sillier aspects in later seasons. He actually gets angry when a job fails and had a more coherent threatening voice.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Comes with being a villain voiced by Clancy Brown.
  • Genius Bruiser: Of a Genius Ditz variety; Ratso has a degree in theoretical physics, and he's sometimes surprisingly observant for a seemingly Dumb Muscle guy.
  • Genius Ditz: Despite his college education, he has only little common sense.
  • Giving Them the Strip: He's caught by Jackie in "Enter the Viper", but he escapes when his jacket tears (though his cellphone remains in the jacket's pocket, on which Valmont calls and reveals Jackie the planned time of theft).
  • Glass Cannon: Ratso is a strong and aggressive attacker, but his defense sucks.
  • Gonk: With his pasty green skin and warped face, he isn't exactly easy on the eye.
  • Hidden Depths: Surprisingly good at puzzles and riddles. He's shown to be the one in charge of solving the Pan'ku Box puzzles. In "Jade Times Jade", he comes up with a solution for the Pan'ku box riddle that, although not correct, is logical enoughnote  to warrant a try in the absence of better options.
  • I Minored in Tropology: Who would have expected him to have studied theoretical physics?
  • Kindhearted Simpleton: Downplayed. Ratso is the most ditzy of the Enforcers, yet he also appears to be the least malevolent.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: When tasked with removing Ikazuki from Finn's butt, Ratso's so embarrassed that he demands everyone present never to bring it up again.
  • Manchild: More so than the other Enforcers. He collects toy action figures and likes to play baseball. In "The J-Team", he sleeps with a teddy bear.
  • Pointless Band-Aid: Wears one on his nose. His reason for this is never stated. For some reason, he retained it after he was turned into a Dark Chi Warrior.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He's once shown to wear pink boxers.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Curiously, Ratso's irises are red. It's never discussed, and given Ratso's incompetence, this trope is subverted/averted.
  • Retroactive Wish: "Through the Rabbit Hole" begins with Ratso wishing that one of the Talismans would come to the Dark Hand for a change. This is immediately followed by the Talisman Locator activating and pointing out towards a passing-by Jade who's having the Rabbit Talisman with her. Before going after her, Ratso makes a wish of being a millionaire.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Ratso is always seen wearing a suit.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It's his comment about San Francisco's earthquakes that gives Bai Tza the idea to flood the city and make it her new underwater kingdom.

Voiced by: James Sie
Can't you let us have just one little priceless statue?

A Chinese-American man who fancies orange sunglasses and a black jacket. Before becoming a thug, he was thrice the Employee of the Month at Sun-Shack store.

  • Catchphrase: "Sweet!"
  • Characterization Marches On: Chow was portrayed for a good portion of the first season as the silent and slightly more focused cohort of Finn and Ratso bordering as The Voiceless. Getting his own lines since the latter part of Season 1 dispelled this image.
  • The Coats Are Off: When he wore one of the Oni Masks, he ripped off his coat before starting to beat Jackie's can.
  • Cool Shades: Chow is rarely seen without his sunglasses. He even manages to retain them when he's turned into a Dark Chi Warrior and Drago's draconic minion or wearing an Oni Mask.
  • Flat Character: Chow has the least-discernable personality, fewest lines and fewest appearances of the main three Enforcers. Most of what he says are generic lines that anybody in the group could speak just to move the plot along. Really, his only defining feature is his sunglasses. He was set up as the quiet guy at first, but just can't maintain unflappability in the crazy world he lives in.
  • Fragile Speedster: Though nowhere close to matching Jackie or Hak Foo, Chow is a nimble fighter who knows more martial art moves than Finn or Ratso. He has sometimes managed to briefly match Jackie's moves, but he isn't very good at taking hits.
  • The Generic Guy: Compared to the other three, he feels incredibly generic. To boot: Hak Foo is by far the strongest and most skilled fighter, as well as hamminess incarnate, Finn is a Disco Dan, the brains of the group and unofficial leader (whenever Hak Foo isn't around) and Ratso is a childish simpleton with the most physical strength (again, when Hak Foo isn't around). Chow, meanwhile, has average physical strength, fighting skill, intelligence, and doesn't have much of a personality or even some amusing quirk that might set him apart from the other three.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: He's twice shown wearing pink boxers with red hearts.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In one episode, he suggests turning Jackie into a chicken with the Monkey Talisman and eating him, which Jackie points out would be cannibalistic.
  • Lean and Mean: He's the most small-sized Enforcer, and sometimes he gives the impression of having a more violent streak than Finn or Ratso.
  • The Quiet One: He didn't have any lines until "The Jade Monkey".
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: He has made a high-pitched scream several times.
  • Security Cling: He does "a simple glomp" version of this trope to Hak Foo when the car they're in turns invisible in "The Stronger Evil".
  • Sinister Shades: He habitually wears sunglasses to reinforce his gangster image and is a recurring antagonist, albeit an incompetent one.
  • Spiky Hair: He has spiked hair, except during his time as a Dark Chi Warrior.
  • Sunglasses at Night: He claims they're prescription glasses.
  • Your Mom: Delivers this line in Black Magic to one of the people imprisoned in Section 13 when they insist being innocent.
    "Yeah, yeah, save the drama for your mama."


    Hak Foo
This is his first outfit.

Voiced by: Jim Cummings (Season 1) and John DiMaggio (Season 2 onward)

A Chinese martial artist who's constantly trying to prove his strength. He first appeared as a freelancer hired by Valmont in order to retrieve the Pig Talisman during the 1st season. After Tohru leaves the Dark Hand, Hak Foo becomes his replacement. After the Demon Portal quest is over, Hak Foo goes on his own way again, but shows up occasionally.

  • Agony of the Feet: He has been known to scream "Crying puppy feet!" when he hurts his tootsies.
  • Animal-Themed Fighting Style: Every move in Hak-Foo's repertoire is patterned after some animal movement. Even when leaping into the air he yells "Angry Crow Takes Flight." This gets taken to ludicrous extremes when he finds himself fighting the J-Team in space and his normally lightning fast punches and kicks are slowed down by zero gravity. Undaunted, Hak-Foo breaks out his "Turtle Fist" and "Sloth Kick".
  • Anime Hair: He has big pointy hair all over.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Hak Foo's first appearance was him reacting violently against Tohru because of an insult to his skills.
  • Badass Normal: Hak Foo dismisses using the Talismans because he has all the power he needs in his mundane skills.
    "Horse for healing? I am not easily injured. Rooster for levitation? I already fly. Dog for immortality? There is not a man alive who can vanquish me!"
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: He very rarely uses any weapons, unlike most of the cast.
  • Bear Hug: In the Grand Finale, his last announced move is a "Big Bear Hug" that he gives to his fellow Enforcers and Captain Black.
  • Beard of Evil: He has a goatee and a Fu Manchu mustache. He's also the only Dark Hand member with facial hair, and is in general the most dangerous of them.
  • Blood Knight: He rarely shies away from combat. On the contrary, he always jumps into it.
  • The Bus Came Back: Hak Foo disappears after eight of nine Oni Masks are recovered, returning for the Grand Finale.
  • The Brute: He replaces Tohru as the Dark Hand's main muscle. He's also violent, short-tempered and a formidable fighter without being particularly intelligent.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Parodied. Hak Foo frequently uses animal-based metaphors to refer to many of his attacks (and other actions he makes, or strange observations he sees).
    • During his time as a Dark Chi Warrior, his metaphors involved forces of nature (like meteor) and mythological animals (like phoenix).
    • At one point his obsessive need to call out his attacks was used against him when Tohru pretended to not hear him. Hak Foo actually stopped mid-attack to reiterate, giving Tohru the opening to crunch him.
    • In his first appearance he actually used this to his advantage after realizing Uncle was predicting his moves via him calling them out. He called out a kicking attack then swapped out to a punch mid-flight, knocking Uncle out in one hit.
  • Catchphrase:
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Hak Foo can perform amazing feats of martial arts because he worked at them.
  • Dartboard of Hate: Two episodes of the 4th season show him practising his moves on crude dummies of Jackie.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not often, but he is capable of it:
    Hak-Foo: (to Tohru) Stay here and stand guard. And I mean stand. Less chance you'll break something. note 
  • Did You Get a New Haircut?: He's asked this question by Jade when he's returned to his proper size and with the extra arms provided by the Armsbands of Shiva at the end of "Shrink Rap".
    Jade: Uh, new haircut Hak Foo?
    Hak Foo: New arms, to tear you limb from limb.
  • Elite Mook: He's initially introduced as one - a henchman far more competent than the others, who is more than a challenge to the heroes physically. However, after a few appearances he eventually becomes less and less competent - though he is still presented as more dangerous than the others.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: Thrice. The first time was when he gained an extra pair of arms by using the Armbands of Shiva. The second time was when he became a Dark Chi Warrior. And the third time was when he wore one of the Oni Masks.
  • Evil Redhead: He is ruthless and short-tempered, qualifying also as a Fiery Redhead.
  • Eviler than Thou: When he's hired to substitute Tohru, the more violent mercenary acts in a superior manner towards the sumo. This is dropped after Tohru reforms, making Hak Foo more of an Evil Counterpart.
  • Foil: For Tohru ever since Hak Foo's first appearance. Hak Foo is fast, brash and clever, but not particularly intelligent and relies on martial arts while fighting. Tohru is slower, but more thoughtful, reserved and intelligent and relies on his strength and intuition in a fight.
  • Freaky Is Cool: Hak Foo loves power and he doesn't care what he looks like to get it.
  • Genius Ditz: Hak Foo is a master martial artist and clearly has an excellent knowledge of kung fu techniques and some of its culture and history, as well as some knowledge of and interest in magical artifacts later on. However, as the series continues, it becomes increasingly obvious that he is in most other respects just an unusually dangerous idiot, and is usually defeated by being outsmarted or having his gigantic ego played like a fiddle, leading to him becoming the Butt-Monkey in many later episodes.
  • Implausible Hair Color: Despite being Chinese, he has red hair that seems to be natural.
  • In a Single Bound: He seems to be Jackie's superior in jumping ability. During his time as a Dark Chi Warrior, it's greatly increased to the point that he names his first jump to the sky as "phoenix flies to moon".
  • Incredible Shrinking Man: In "Shrink Rap", Hak Foo and Jackie are both turned tiny by the chi spell Jade casts. Hak Foo hardly cares and stays focused on defeating Jackie and gaining from him the Armbands of Shiva. After they're returned to their proper size, Jade uses the shrinking spell on Hak Foo again and traps him in a glass.
  • Jerkass: He's cocky and arrogant, and has few if any morals.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: However, after Hak Foo and the other Enforcers finally turn good, he announces his last move in the series: a "Big Bear Hug" with his fellow ex-henchmen and Captain Black.
  • Large Ham: He's the biggest example in the series because of his ego, his presence, and his attack calling.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's strong enough to punch holes through stone walls and push off the much larger Tohru. He's on Jackie's level in agility and speed despite being larger than him. It takes a lot of damage to take him down. However, he has an exploitable drawback in the form of his Calling Your Attacks habit: those who can catch what he's about to do from his loud exclamations can better defend themselves against him.
  • Literal Ass-Kicking: He gives Jackie a kick on the backside during their first fight, prompting Jackie to say "baboon leaves tuccus exposed". Later in the same episode, Hak Foo himself is on the receiving end of this with Jackie and Uncle kicking him successively. Also, in "Queen of the Shadowkhan", he gets the same treatment from two Ninja Khan when they're ordered by Jade to spank the Enforcers.
  • Made of Iron: He rarely seems to get any serious injuries from traumas that would render any human in a less ideal condition. For example, he once tried to open the indestructible Pan'Ku Box with his head. All the damage he managed to inflict on himself was a red mark on his forehead. He actually gives up the Horse Talisman (heal from any injury) claiming no mortal man could hurt him.
  • Meteor Move: He does this as his first attack as a Dark Chi Warrior.
    "Meteor brings mass extinction!"
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Upon his first confrontation with Jackie, he introduces himself this way.
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Neither of his voice actors try to give him a Chinese accent.
  • Not So Above It All: Normally Hak Foo distances himself from the other Enforcers' banter and attempts to excuse themselves to their Bad Bosses. However, when they try to prevent themselves from entering a space shuttle by voting in "Shanghai Moon", Hak Foo joins in.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Yells this as he's shrunken back to tiny at the end of "Shrink Rap".
  • Perpetual Frowner: His poker face is a scowl. Any smiles he makes are sinister, except in the finale.
  • Pressure Point: He utilizes this technique against one of Drago's demonic serpent minions, naming the move as "Komodo dragon paralyzes goat".
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: In Season 2, Hak Foo replaces Tohru as the character who gets punched by Jackie in the opening credits. In Season 3, he's absent from the opening again. He's seen with the Enforcers at Season 4's opening.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: "MANTIS BOXING STYLE!"
  • Red Baron: His name means "Black Tiger" in Chinese.
  • Replacement Mooks: For Tohru. Valmont brought Hak Foo in because of Tohru's stream of failures and truly replaced him after Tohru's Heel–Face Turn.
  • The Rival: Can be one at times for Jackie, when martial arts are concerned; and for Tohru, when physical strength is concerned.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: He has never worn anything with sleeves.
  • Testosterone Poisoning: He's big, muscular, hammy and calls out every attack or motion.
  • Token Competent Minion: He replaces Tohru as the most reliable member of the Enforcers who's a legitimately dangerous adversary to the heroes most of the time.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Hak Foo is in the Grand Finale more mild-mannered than he has ever been, readily assisting Uncle and fighting Drago's minions with the heroes despite their long history of animosity, even laughing with everyone else when Jade pleads with Jackie and giving his cowardly fellow Enforcers (whom he has looked down on before) and Captain Black a Bear Hug. Well, he has been absent much longer than the other Enforcers, so whatever humbling experiences he might have had during that time might justify this about-turn.
  • Villain Decay: He was fairly intimidating when he first showed up. And again when he became a Dark Chi Warrior. In both cases, he rapidly devolved to the same competence level as the other three Enforcers.
