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Characters / Digimon Inheritance The Search For Courage

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     The Protagonist 


The Player Character, a former coward who was raised in the Rookie Village. Currently a Chevalier Martial Artist Training Maniac Grap-Leomon in Bulwark.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Drimogemon, a drill mole.
  • Champion: Gryzmon, a martial artist Grizzly Bear.
  • Ultimate: Grap-Leomon, a lion who is also a martial artist, who wears turbines on his limbs as equipment to further enhance his martial arts.

General Tropes

  • Artificial Human: Well artificial Digimon anyway as he was made by Malkimon in a Lab.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: An analytical fighter by nature, he uses this to great effect in his counter-attack based fighting style.
  • Badass Teacher: Is Aegiomon's mentor in all things martial arts.
  • Berserk Button: Those involve in his village's massacre are one for him, especially Count and Repulsa. Those who slaughter innocents are one for him in general.
  • Bishōnen Line: From drill mole to martial artist grizzly to humanoid lion who is also a martial artist.
  • Blood Knight: A battle enthusiasts who enjoys testing his limits against stronger opponents.
  • Boss in Mook Clothing: All of his species so far has either been slightly below average or slightly above average, formidable sure but nothing you'd expect to fight legendary warriors of the same level.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: The main reason he is so strong, as his heritage didn't afford him any advantages other than a longer time of his current evolution, meaning all of his power is acquired through pure effort.
  • Combat Medic: Has knowledge of healing spells, plus a trait that boosts the rate in which healing spells are learned. As of the current arc he is the only Digimon on his team that could use any healing abilities
  • Cyborg: Downplayed. He received the Wolverine treatment courtesy of Yggdrasill with his entire skeleton structure being converted into the Fantasy Metals Chrome Digizoid.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Has a habit of training until he reaches his full potential.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: His village's massacre is this as it turned a cowardly but optimistic child, into realist obsessed with gaining power so as to never suffer such a tragedy again.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Every form of his looks like an example of the Evil Is Bigger trope.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Had his village burned down, most of his loved ones killed, others kidnapped and brainwashed, and he experienced an Eye Scream that gave him Achey Scars.
  • Determinator: Between his laser focus on training, his ability to shrug off pain and his survival of various mortal wounds like having most of his face melted off, being a Determinator is a given.
  • Deadly Gas: What Ardat's Lust influence imparted upon Verge, as now all of his wind attacks can corrosive properties.
  • Evil Is Bigger: While he subverts the personality part, his various forms have all been giant specimens of their species while looking incredibly menacing.
  • Genius Bruiser: Very good with numbers, an accomplished High Programming user and master martial artist. Verge is a Genius Bruiser with emphasis on Bruiser.
  • Gentle Giant: A kind and friendly soul, who's form is always a bigger and stronger version of his current species.
  • Good with Numbers: The main reason for his talent for High Programming, the Digital World's magic system.
  • Hidden Depths: Is a surprisingly good singer, as noted by Metal Etemon.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: His JÅ«oudaken and HyakujÅ«ken.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Crossing vast distances that would take days in mere hours and is strong enough to shatter mountains and tough enough that impacting the ground does no damage no matter the velocity.
  • Literal-Minded: Figurative speech and turn of phrases is pretty much a lost cause on him.
  • Playing with Fire: Gained the ability to project flames from his limbs following his fusion with Pit to form Apollomon an Olympus Mon who possesses The Power of the Sun.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: He's primarily a physical fighter who can supplement his fighting style with various spells to buff himself, heal himself and others, debuff a certain species of Digimon, fire beams of light, and construct barriers.
  • Made of Iron: Both literally and metaphorically as he can both take a beating most Digimons can't handle much less survive and his skeleton is made of Chrome Digizoid ala Wolverine.
  • Magikarp Power: Verge out of all his team was the slowest to digivolve, being both the last to achieve Champion and the last to achieve Ultimate. But in exchange he has become a physical powerhouse that could tear mountains apart, has a wide variety of skill and magic power that enhances his martial arts, and a body redesigned by Yggdrasil too have bones made out of Chrome digizoid, making him arguably the strongest member of the Team.
  • Maximum HP Reduction: What his Wrath data imparts upon his flame abilities, as all of the burns created are incredibly hard to heal and requires the healer to be stronger than Verge himself.
  • Meaningful Name: "Verge" is a synonym for "threshold". As in, he's "on edge". His past life name Vergil is another as a Shout-Out for Devil May Cry Vergil who has a similar lust and reason for power
  • Mighty Glacier: What he is in relation to his peers.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: What he is when Avalon is active.
  • Parents as People: Was simply too young to be capable of raising the Spider siblings, and the events of Count's attack made him need to focus entirely on getting stronger to defeat the mon, leading him too have to leave them with Frigimon while he joined the Host. Thankfully they don't seem to hold it against him, and he has shown improvement in the parental area with Xia.
  • Papa Wolf: Don't threaten his wards if you don't want a 20+ feet Lion to completely maul you.
  • Parental Issues: Lets see both his parents could be considered as evil bastards, with his Dad being The Slayer, and his Mom being The Mad Scientist Supreme in this server, its easy to see why he has issues being referred to as a parent.
  • Parental Substitute: For the surviving spider boys, Xia and probably Boy/Deimos.
  • Power Copying: Has a habit of copying techniques for his own use when he witnesses them.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His various evolutions shares the same purple coloration on their forms.
  • Ship Tease: With Ardat, whom he intially disliked but grew too see as a close friend and swore to protect after his mentor died. He is aware of her feelings, but is unsure about how to respond too them
  • Strong and Skilled: Incredibly powerful and supplements this with his martial arts skills, spells and
  • Sports Dad: Encourages his family to train and be able to defend themselves, both out of worry and being genuinely interested in it.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has red eyes across throughout his evolutions.
  • Razor Wind: Can launch blades of wind with his variant of the Razor Wind attack which is of course corrosive.
  • Reincarnation:His past life was an experiment of Malkimon funded by Daemon.
  • Red Baron: His nickname the "Brutal Brawler".
  • Red Herring: Verge's teammates all being Gloaming Generals and his vision after staring at a picture of the Slayer were to make him(and us) think he was the Slayer's reincarnation.
  • Training from Hell: Has a predilection for undergoing this type of training.
  • The Ace: Has become this to the Bulwark as a whole, being an Ultimate level fighter capable of taking on low Megas by himself, and also being both a master of martial arts and having knowledge of many other techniques. Leopardmon deliberately using him as an example of what Bulwark are capable of to booster their popularity by a large margin.
  • The Big Guy: Takes this role in the original Host team of Pit, Beat, Sparks and Ardat.
  • The Comically Serious: Verge's serious demeanor and his tendency to be Literal-Minded leads to some hilarious moments.
  • Tranquil Fury: Has since tamed his rage and can now be both utterly infuriated and lucid enough to make use of his various abilities to completely destroy his enemies.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Possesses a special ability to enter a Wrath Mode which increases raises his abilities, and usually results on the target of said rage being reduced to piles of data.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Possesses a dual Vaccine and Virus type not unlike Omegamon's Vaccine and data type.


  • Cowardly Lion: A textbook example of this as a Drimogemon Verge is normally cowardly but when the chips are down, he will fight tooth and nail to protect those he cares about and uphold Agnimon's ideals. Ironically though he loses the cowardly part when he evolves into a Grap-Leomon who is a lion.
  • This Is a Drill: Has small drills for claws and a bigger one for a nose. They make him very good at digging, and are potent natural weapons. However, Verge is afraid to use them in a fight unless raging for fear that he might kill his opponent, so he usually sticks to less-effective punches.
  • Nervous Wreck: He gets scared rather easily, stresses himself out a lot, and generally prefers to spend his time doing quiet and peaceful activities such as digging. Even as he develops, he never fully gets over this: he doesn't show it outwardly anymore, but he frequently gets anxious about things he doesn't understand and overthinks things constantly.



  • Blow You Away: His turbines enhances Verge's attacks with his Lust attributed corrosive winds.
  • Mega Neko: He's a Lion man taller than Whitebeard from One Piece so that's a given.
  • Panthera Awesome: He's a martial artist Lion man who can distort gravity with his punches of course he's awesome.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: The Grap-Leomon Digimonis a combat-species Digimon and Verge is very proud of his martial arts.
  • Roundhouse Kick: His Cyclonic Kick.
  • Spectacular Spinning: The "Shishi JÅ«hazan" technique which is said gravity distorting punch, which of course requires the turbines to be running at maximum speed.

     The Team 

General Tropes

  • Badass Crew: A group made of a Dual attribute Vaccine/Virus Mutant, Daemon's Reincarnation, his two reincarnated Generals, and the Scion of Lust could be nothing but Badass.
  • Breaking the Fellowship: Due to joining the Bulkwark so he could support Thresh, Verge and Sparks no longer see Beat and Pit as much as they used too. Regardless, they have sworn too help one another whenever needed
  • Reincarnation: Almost all of this groups members were reincarnation of a Badass.
  • True Companions: What they are too each other except.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Ardat who is not particularly well liked except by Verge.


Verge's best friend, a wisecracking Casanova of a Digimon, also kind of an asshole.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training: Demi-Meramon'', a small ball of fire.
  • Rookie: Candlemon, a hopping and talking candle.
  • Champion: Wizardmon, a wizard who happens to be one armed.
  • Armor: Flame-Wizardmon, a wizard still who is also one armed but now uses matchsticks as a wand.
  • Ultimate: Wisemon, still a wizard but now has a nifty Mercuremon arm to replace his lost one.

  • Attack Reflector: One of his special abilities with either his Magic Mirror "Irony no Tate" arm, or his "Pandora Dialogue" attack.
  • Broken Pedestal: Sparks used to idolize his brother figure Flamon/Agnimon growing up, however his death combined with the trauma of everything caused him too utterly lose any faith in his former friend. Thanks to Verge however, its starting too shift back into Rebuilt Pedestal.
  • Combat Pragmatist: What Sparks lacks in raw stats or powers compared too Verge, he makes up for in trickery and skill.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: To a much greater extent than Verge, the village massacre was this. His digivolution into a Wizardmon is a second one, causing him to become cynical, misanthropic, devious and calculating. With the exception of his wide-eyed obsession with Verge, he's completely divorced from who he used to be.
  • Feed It with Fire: Being attacked by a Goblimon's fireball attack accelerated his development and caused him to digivolve into his Rookie form Candlemon.
  • Funetik Aksent: His dialogue after evolving from Wizardmon.
  • Irony: The reincarnation of the ruthless Spirit of Metal Mercurymon, was best friends with the heroic Warrior of Fire growing up.
  • Playing with Fire: His primary forms of attack as a Candlemon. As a Wizardmon, he still uses a lot of fire spells, though Greater Sparkling Thunder is his signature. Though after becoming Flame-Wizardmon fire spells once again became his primary method of attack.
  • Pocket Dimension: His Book is one.
  • Really Gets Around: With many womons but more specifically with both Weddingmon and Madame Calamaramon.
  • Reincarnation: The reincarnation General Mercuremon of Gloaming.
  • Squishy Wizard: Due to being down one arm, he's even less physically capable than most Wizardmon. Inverted Trope after becoming Flame Wizardmon and keeping his muscular status even after evolving into Wisemon.
  • Teleportation: Limited to places his Book has been before.
  • The Casanova: He's an incorrigible flirt who has the affection of multiple female Digimon and keeps Digimons inside his Pocket Dimension Book.
  • The Chessmaster: He's very good at manipulating people and loves to do it, despite Verge's attempts to make him stop.


A Digimon of few words with an obsession with growing strength and fighting that rivals Verge. Now a Jewel-Beemon fighting for his friends and a Knight of the Host.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Wormmon, a cute worm.
  • Champion: Stingmon, an Insect assassin Digimon, though for Beat its more warrior than assassin, has a black coloring compared to the default green.
  • Ultimate: Jewel-Beemon, a warrior insect who wields a spear, a dark colored variant due to Black Digitron.

  • Blood Knight: Though his constant fight-seeking is more out of neurosis than enjoyment, he does seem to get a sort of pleasure out of combat at times.
  • The Comically Serious: At times he seems to intentionally try to get though a conversation with as few syllables as possible. His utter inability to be outwardly fazed is used rather frequently for jokes.
cture being converted into the Fantasy Metals Chrome Digizoid.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Has a habit of training until he reaches his full potential.
  • Character Development: From a prideful jerk of a loner, to a loyal friend who is still kinda bit of a loner.
  • The Corruptor: Though he didn't intend to, his advice to Mochimon/Ko-Kabuterimon back when he was the other insect's mentor went on to inspire the Legendary Warrior's immensely twisted worldview.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Perhaps an even bigger one than the other characters'. Ko-Kabuterimon's betrayal, murder of Floramon and maiming of Beat caused him to completely reject friendship and happiness, becoming obsessed beyond all reason with gaining strength and killing his nemesis.
  • Determinator: Perhaps his most notable trait. He'll shrug off any amount of pain or stress to get what he wants, and is able to handle the kind of training regimen that would cause the vast majority of digimon to break down mentally.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: He's often hit with this due to throwing himself against opponents who either are higher on the totem pole than him, can make the same progress he does with half as much effort, or both. It's downplayed, however, as his growth in power and skill is genuinely remarkable in its own right, but his companions are either simply more gifted with Pit, a lab experiment meant to be powerful with Verge, or used special means to stay ahead like Sparks. Currently trying to avert this by taking a deal with Andiramon and undergoing yet another Training from Hell this time in Flux Mountains.
  • My Greatest Failure: He seems to shoulder part of the blame for Blitzmon becoming the maniac he is today.
  • The Stoic: Has always been quite taciturn, and becomes even moreso as Stingmon. Helps that his mouth is usually not visible.
  • Reincarnation:The reincarnation of a GranKuwagamon more specifically the Gloaming General Beat.
  • Strong and Skilled: He fights *a lot*, and has accrued a very large amount of fighting experience for his age, on top of being very strong for a champion. His skill is on the same level as Verge's, and unlike Verge's, which was boosted by his evolution to Gryzmon, Beat's skill is completely natural. However, despite this he often ends up being Weak, but Skilled in comparison to his opponents due to his constant punching above his weight class.
  • Training from Hell: To a greater extreme than any other character. He likes to train as hard as he can from dusk till dawn, with short breaks for meals and one hour of free time before bed. Unfortunately for him, he needs it: he's the only remotely normal digimon in his squad besides Sparks, and his nemesis is a Legendary Warrior.


A Digimon with mysterious inborn abilities and very big ambitions. Now presumed to be Seraphimon's reincarnation, but in actuality is Daemon's reincarnation the Founder of the Kingdom for Gloaming

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Tsukaimon, a purple variant of the classic winged hamster Patamon.
  • Champion: Pidmon, a weaker one winged variant of the classic Angemon.
  • Ultimate: Asuramon, a four armed three faced Indian based Digimon, Pit's variant possesses an intact Holy Ring .

  • Berserk Button: The Gloaming in general but especially Devidramon.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Extremely strong and quite loud but also good natured person.
  • Broken Pedestal: The Host as a whole is seemingly becoming this for him, once he see's how corrupt it really is. Ophanimon crucifying others, capturing Gloaming Lords specifically to be loaded, and seeing the racism of veterans such as Sinduramon have certainly strengthened those feelings.
  • Character Development: Gradually grows from a Knight Templar with a burning hatred for the Gloaming, into a more understanding mon over time. Forced to confront through Wendigomon and Rinkmon that not everyone in the Gloaming is evil, that the Host is not entirely good, and overall that the war itself is more than simply a battle of good vs evil, he grows into a more tolerant and forgiving mon who while still wanting to end the Gloaming, is less likely to go with the typical solution of killing them all. The fact he learned that Sistermon Noir was his daughter(and the realization he was Daemon's reincarnation) probably helped with that as well.
  • Combat Medic: He's a very good healer, with a move that can apply champion-level healing to many digimon at once.
  • Fantastic Racism: He *really* hates demons of all kinds, especially those in the Gloaming.
  • Foreshadowing: His 'crush' on Sistermon Noir despite his usual hatred of all things Gloaming related hint that there is a good reason for his affection.
  • Glass Cannon: Was on his way to being this before getting Vikaralamon's core inserted, though is still this in a way as his training to become Seraphimon requires his offensive stats to exceed his defensive stats.
  • Irony: The Reincarnation of Daemon, founder of the Gloaming, is now a loyal Host member who desires nothing more than to destroy them, and is expected to become the next Seraphimon. The irony is not at all lost on him.
  • Heel–Face Reincarnation: Went from the Evil Daemon too a Kind Host member, though he kept some of Daemon's traits(Such as his burning wrath and love for his daughter for example).
  • Knight Templar: Is obssessed with destroying the Gloaming and killing demons in general, and plans to take control of the Host himself in order to advance these two interests.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: His Ultimate form Asuramon possesses four arms.
  • Noble Bigot: Is a completely good-intentioned guy aside from his... issues.
  • Playing with Fire: Both his Champion and Ultimate form are flame users.
  • The Gift: Much like Agnimon, Pit is very talented as a result of his past life as Daemon.
  • The Chosen One: Is this to the Host, who are unaware that he is not Seraphimon's Reincarnation, but rather Daemon's.
  • Reincarnation:Is the reincarnation of Gloaming Founder Daemon.
  • Super Mode: When enraged, his physical capabilities(which are already very high for a Pidmon's) skyrocket, and all of his attacks are accompanied by a powerful golden fire. Due to taking on a name which reminds him of the things the Gloaming forces did to him, he's now able to conjure this power at will. During the Caputal Tyranno Tournament it is revealed that SlashAngemon gave him the Crest of Miracles passed down to him from Seraphimon allowing Pit access to Burst Mode
  • Papa Wolf: Don't mess with Sistermon Noir if you don't want a four armed Indian Demigod Digimon to turn your face into paste.
  • The Ace: Is seen as this by many of the Host due to his prodigious power, with him assumed to be Seraphimon's reincarnation, as well as out of the Team, his power was only matched by Verge(who is a mutant with potential for Sovereign) making him this even back then. Its this that causes him to be favoured by the Host, with Slash-Angemon even giving him his Crest to help him grow stronger.


Resident Expy of Megumin, Scion of Lust and future Leading Lady of the Digital World or so she claims. Now a Lady-Devimon working for Bulwark.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training:Nyaromon, a yellow tailed ball of fluff.
  • Rookie: Plotmon, a cute puppy dog who wears a Holy Ring.
  • Champion: Witchmon, a classic Hot Witch.
  • Ultimate: Lady-Devimon, the Fallen Angel version of Angewomon.

  • Apocalypse Maiden: Is seen by the Host as a massive threat due to her dark digivolution and status as the Scion of Lust. Subverted with Verge and the Bulwark who treat her normally.
  • Blow You Away: Her specialization and primary means of fighting.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Takes one look at Grademon's smaller chest, then mentally declares herself better.
  • Chuunibyou: As a Megumin expy this is a given.
  • Captain Ersatz: Is one for Megumin from KonoSuba
  • Cute Monster Girl: Both her Witchmon and Lady-Devimon form are this.
  • Cuddle Bug: Loves Verge's soft fur, especially as a Gryzmon.
  • Hot Witch: What her Witchmon form is.
  • The Corruption: What her status as Scion of Lust does as those in her presence becomes more and more lustful and until they become vectors of lust corruption themselves.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Sparks and Pit don't trust her after certain incidents involving Verge, while Beat doesn't interact with her much if at all. Only Verge has some sort of positive relationship with her in the original squad following Scratch's death.


Old veteran of the Blessed Host. Former leader of the old iteration of the team.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Veemon, a blue humanoid dragon child.
  • Champion: Gladimon, a short and armored Cephalothorax.
  • Ultimate: Mistymon, the quintessential Magic Knight.

  • Bequeathed Power: Had Verge load him to break through the evolution barrier Verge was experiencing.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Saved Verge from deletion by taking the hit from Skull-Satamon's Nail Bone in his place.
  • Mentor Archetype: Is one for Verge which means he suffered from.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Experienced one protecting Verge.
  • Magic Knight: His Mistymon form is one, and his spells is the entirety of Verge's buffs.
  • The Leader: His role before his demise.
  • Weak, but Skilled: What he is in general as shown in his fight against Count where he is significantly outmatched in raw power but made up for it in skill and tactics allowing Scratch to keep up for a while.

     The Blessed Host 


A friendly merchant with an odd accent who sets up shop in the Rookie Village during the prologue.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Sorcerymon, a holy and ice themed wizard..
  • Ultimate: Magna-Angemon, an warrior angel who uses a Laser Blade.

  • Funetik Aksent: He has a bizarre accent that's a mix of several ones associated with the American South.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Dies holding off Count and Repulsa to ensure Verge's escape after forcing himself to digivolve to Ultimate.
  • Honest John's Dealership: Somewhat. It's implied that he's marking up his prices due to the residents of the Rookie Village having no other place to safely buy things. Word of God also says that if the village were to be directly attacked while he's there, he'd defend it out of self-preservation and then charge Gramps a hefty price for his help.
  • Knight Templar: As is eventually shown to be a common feature of digimon employed by the Host, he loathes the Gloaming and demons in general immensely. When the Devimon leader of a mercenary raiding party surrenders and tries to negotiate, Sorcerymon refuses to listen and just continues charging up a spell to kill him.
  • Mysterious Past: Not much is known about him, save that he seems to have a great deal of knowledge about the digital world, although it's unclear how much of the information in his stories is true and how much is fabrication, speculation or opinion. It's eventually revealed that he's a former resident of the rookie village, and is actually an agent sent by the Host to scout and recruit Flamemon.
  • Tragic Keepsake: In exchange for Verge's intensive studying of magic under him, he rewards the rookie with a wand that he fashioned himself which modestly boosts holy and ice magic. This goes on to become Verge's only thing to remember him by.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: See Funetik Aksent


A frequently drunk and just as frequently demoted Angewomon. The former leader of Verge's squad before he left to become Chevalier of Bulwark.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Darcmon, a female warrior angel based on Joan of Arc.
  • Ultimate: Angewomon, an angel woman who wields a holy bow.

  • The Alcoholic: A very hard drinker, she drinks often and without care.
  • The Lad Ette: Very frequently drunk, crass language, generally masculine personality, but has a very attractive feminine form the picture definition of a lad-ette.
  • Weak, but Skilled: What she is in comparison to the squad, as she is generally weaker than them but makes up for it with her sword skills.

Holy Angemon

The Team's superior a severe but reasonable ally during Verge's stint in the Host. [[spoiler: Is murdered by Karatenmon when he uncovered a conspiracy.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Holy Angemon, a Priestly garb wearing angel wielding a sword.

Slash Angemon

A Seraph of the Holy Host and apprentice to the Late Seraphimon, Slash-Angemon is the one of the leaders of the Holy Host alongside Ophanimon and Sakuyamon, leading a faction of knights.

His digivolution are as follows:

  • Mega: Slash Angemon, a angel made of blades.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Astamon of the Gloaming, considering he killed his dear friend Beat(The Kuwagamon) and the Scion is the last remaining General of Daemon(now promoted to Leader of the Gloaming) its made clear that both Faction leaders would love nothing more to murder the other. Slash even hoping to add his Head too his mantle like with Beat.
  • Creepy Souvenir: Has a habit of taking trophies from the foes he defeated with standout examples being Spinomon's head along with the severed head of General Beat he hangs on his Mantle. More creepy to said General's Reincarnation, who is now aligned with the Host.
  • Expy: Of All Might, being a strong Mega who symbolizes all things good, tendency to surpass his limits, yet being weakened by the fact that most Mega are simply beyond his pay-grade(Requiring too use Burst Mode just to keep ahead, much like All Might's crippling from his fight with AFO) and having a mentor he loved killed by the a villain. (AFO killing Nana to All Might, Daemon killing Seraphimon to Slash)
  • Innocently Insensitive: Brags about his killing of the Gloaming General Kuwagamon to Beat once he see's his severed head lying on his Wall. Unaware that said Stingmon is said General's Reincarnation, and was horrified by the thing.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Not him but his own mentor Seraphimon, who died in a suicidal Heaven's Gate shunting him off and his opponents outside the server.
  • Nice Guy: Is overall a very kind and simple person, who genuinely wishes to help others and stop the Gloaming, especially in regards to Ophanimon...
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: He and Leopardmon promised to take care of Spinomon for Verge and Pit after their jogress had failed to kill the Corrupt former King. When Verge wakes up, he sees the severed head of the Mega laying in Leopardmon's office, with it highly implied that Slash-Angemon had it preserved as a trophy much like he did with Beat's former incarnation.
  • Token Good Teammate: While the Host is considered overall good, compared too Ophanimon who is both a knight templar and having undergone a sanity slippage, he is the leader who more closely embodies the Host's Ideals with much less of the fantastic racism that most mon tend to have.


One of the Three original Seraphs and mentor to his now successor Slash-Angemon, he is believed to have died taking down The Slayer with a suicidal Heaven's Gate technique, but evidence suggests things aren't so clear cut...

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Mega Seraphimon.

  • Ambiguously Dead: While everyone assumes him to be dead, there is surprisingly not much evidence pointing towards said outcome. Considering that the assumed Reincarnation(Pit) is actually Daemon's counterpart, and the one he attempted to mutually kill(The Slayer) is confirmed alive by Baromon's prophecy, one might imagine he could have survived. Alternatively, he may simply be Deader than Dead considering his final foe was the Slayer...
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Willingly closed the Heavens Gate on himself to rid the world of the Slayer, trapping them both in its world and presumably killing them both.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: His 'Death', a presumed mutual kill at the Slayers hands can be considered this, while they are natural enemies as a Gloaming General and the Hosts Leader, given that before their final battle he had attacked his wife and murdered his child Vergil, one could possibly imagine the Slayer invoking Papa Wolf on the Mega.
  • Light Is Not Good: Zigzagged While he was the leader of the Host and presumably kinder to others such as his Student Slash-Angemon, he was also a knight templar on par with Ophanimon. Added on with how it was confirmed by Drexal he would have willingly killed the rookie Vergil simply due too his typing and role with Daemon's plot.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Seemed to have no problem with doing so if it was a Virus, like Verge was.
  • The Ace: Is regarded as the Ideal Mega, with notably everyone who believes Pit to be his reincarnation trying to bring him back up to his level, and showing his prodigous power as confirmation of the theory. Notably, Slash-Angemon, who is a powerful Mega in his own right and the current Ideal Mega, can't hold a candle to his former mentor.


One of the Three original Seraphs and its only confirmed surviving member, she borders on the edge of death, held only in place by her throne and Crest, her core infected by Daemon's Wrath.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Mega: Ophanimon.

  • Adaptational Villainy: Most versions of Ophanimon tend to be the Heart of the trio, and the most pacifistic as she tends to focus on healing the wounded and forming peace. This version wants nothing more than to completely annihilate the Gloaming off the map, and would likely be on the front of battle if not for her injuries, being a Knight Templar that leaves Pit in horror at her cruelty. Though it could be presumed that she was a nicer person before the downfall of the Host and the loss of her friends.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Was under assumption when Thresh was digivolving that he would resume his pasts lifes form as Megidramon and was about too prepare for her inevitable death too stop him. Needless to say, she was likely left shell shocked when he instead became a Mentally healthy Gallantmon instead.
  • Handicapped Badass: Is still arguably the strongest Mega in the Host, yet is alive solely cause of her Crest and life supporting throne, and is missing key parts of her core a Digimon's equivalent to heart/soul.
  • Knight Templar: Has absolutely no problem destroying any gloaming aligned person, be it a public crucifixtion, or forcing Pit to defeat and Load them.
  • You See, I'm Dying: Her inner thoughts in the interlude confirm she is living on borrowed time, as once her Burst Mode empowerment runs out, she will perish.


Knight Commander of the Host, he participated in both the Mad Tyrant's and Malkimon's tournaments.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Vajramon.


A veteran member of the Host, he participated in both Spinomon's tournament and Malkimon's grand tournament. Unfortunately a colossal asshole, who is the perfect representative of the Host's bigoted side.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Swanmon.
  • Ultimate: Sinduramon.

  • Armor Is Useless: An Averted Trope as his armor is the main source of his durability, allowing him to withstand blows that most Digimon would be overwhelmed by, though it didn't help him either against Schwartz Anti-Holy Knife or Angemon's raw strength.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Threatens to delete Verge if he steps out of line, even though the Grap-Leomon has long since surpassed him after Spinomon's tournament.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Gets his armour shattered by Angemon during their fight with ease.
  • Feathered Fiend: A Knight Templar of the Highest Order, an asshole who attempted to kill Schwartz for his menacing aura and for being a virus digimon, as Verge for stopping him and much of the same reason.
  • Fusion Dance: The result of one which is why he is one of the stronger Ultimates of the Host.
  • Light Is Not Good: While a loyal host member, and protector of the innocent, he tried to delete Schwartz, a non-hostile Duskmon, simply because of his Fantastic Racism.
  • Jerkass: A rude racist veteran Host member that only the Host itself seems to like, with even Pit, Beat and Vajramon disliking him.

     The Gloaming 


Successor of Daemon and current High Leader of the Gloaming and Scion of the Sin of Sloth.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Astamon, a furry mask wearing mafia demon.

  • Berserk Button: Using Beat his General's name is one for him.
  • Death Seeker: Downplayed, while he seems determined to win the War, his dialogue implies he wouldn't mind dying to a worthy opponent. Considering all his old friends are dead, this isn't hard too understand why.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: His accuracy with his beloved Oro Salmón is something to behold as he managed to hit Mayor Tyrannomon from a cafe in Malkimon's territory to Electown, and this accuracy is the reason the Host was afraid to field Pit, in fear of Astamon assassinating him in this manner.
  • The Chessmaster: He managed to return the Gloaming from the brink of defeat to a one of the three major factions and bring down the Blessed Host from its former glory.
  • The Rival: Had one with Sparks' former life Mercuremon with them being the tacticians of the Gloaming.
  • Villain Respect: Genuinely respects Verge as a fighter and as his friends son, and looks forward to their battle in the future.

The Slayer/Shuzen

Verge's father and Malkimon's partner, he was one of Astamon's childhood friends before tragedy struck and he became The Slayer a monster devoted only to slaughtering the Host.

His evolutions are as follows:

  • Dark Is Evil: Played Straight, considering he was a Gloaming General, and a very brutal one at that. You don't gain a title like 'The Slayer' by being nice.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: In the Malkimon Tournament Arc, instead of being Verge's reincarnation like the Grap-Leomon feared, he turns out to have actually been the Mutant's father.
  • Red Baron: The Slayer.
  • Uncertain Doom: Is presumed to have perished when Seraphimon pulled his suicide attack but a prophecy by Baromon states that he will return to claim what is his.
  • The Dreaded: His name inspires fear within the Host.
  • True Companions: Was this with Astamon and presumably Beat.


The Doomer of the Verge's Hometown, and kidnapper and brainwasher of his sibling. He is a high ranking Lord of the Gloaming.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Vamdemon, a stereotypical vampire.
  • X-Antibody Ultimate: Vamdemon X a floating cape with a dummy face and body.


A sadistic psycho minion of Count, she is one of the last remaining revenge targets of Verge.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Lady-Devimon, a hot devil.
  • Spirit Evolution Ultimate: Shutumon, the Beast Warrior of the Wind.

  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Has no problem begging Verge to spare her when he has her at his mercy.
  • Blow You Away: Her abilities as the Beast Warrior of the Wind.
  • Blasphemous Boast: Call herself a Goddess after she digivolves to Ancient Irismon, while it's not completely untrue, she is far from anywhere near being powerful enough to be considered one of the Warriors 10. Verge makes that clear during his utter curbstomp of her.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Has a bad habit of doing this to Verge... It didn't end well for her.
  • Can't Catch Up: Verge far outmatched her during their final confrontation.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Both her Lady-Devimon and Shutumon form are easy on the eyes.
  • Dark Is Evil: Definitely was this as a Lady-Devimon not that evolving into Shutumon changed her that much if at all.
  • Dwindling Party: Is currently one of the two remaining survivors of Count's retinue after their decimation by Verge and Sparks.
  • Expy: Of Rita Repulsa, being a squishy wizard with high Magic stats, as well as serving second in command to a stronger being.(Count for Repulsa, Lord Zedd for Rita), her cowardice also takes minor elements from Steely Dan
  • Hate Sink: Unlike Count, who at least was a benevolent Boss and a cool mentor to Luna, or Astamon who is both respectful too Verge and Sparks and genuinely valued his friendships, nothing at all manages too Repulsa look less like the vile, sadistic, murderous bully she is. Being quick to mock Counts death and spew taunts or bully her fellow Gloaming members.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Her petard anyway, as evolving into her Mega form, Ancient Irismon turned out to be one. Instead of giving her the necessary power to defeat Verge, all it managed too do was give Verge the excuse he was looking for too finally kill her as Malkimon's tournament rules no longer applied to her.
  • Hated by All: Downplayed, but still notable. As a member of the Gloaming, she is naturally despised by the Host, while few in the Gloaming actually seem to like her. Only the Spirit Temple of wind would like her, as she is the current Vessel of their Goddess.
  • Hypocrite: Enjoys taunting, torturing and all around just being an utter bitch to people. Yet is quick to either lose her temper or cry and plead when she is the one on the receiving end.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: After almost 4 years of waiting real life waiting, and almost a whole year in-universe, she finally got the brutal breakdown and death she deserved at Verges hands.
  • Sadist: Really enjoyed torturing Verge during the village massacre.
  • To the Pain: Brags about the torture she plans to unleash onto Verge, telling him unless he surrenders she will keep him alive for a long and painful time, who promptly responds by mocking her.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Or rather Villain didn't level grind hard enough as she lost really badly to Verge due to Verge far outmatching her in both stats and skills
  • Worf Effect: Her Ancient Irismon form is this as while she is a powerful Mega Digimon, her first showing is against a Rage Mode Verge who promptly handed her ass.


The first casualty of Count's minions, though while he was defeated first, he was also the catalyst for Verge's evolution to Gryzmon with his injuring of Scratch and Verge's subsequent loading of him.

His evolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Ogremon.
  • Ultimate: Skull-Satomon.

  • Dark Is Evil: A virus type and ultimately an awful mon, more blatant in his Ultimate form.
  • Flat Character: Compared to Count's affably evil tendency, Metal-Tyrannomon's treachery and hunger for power, Repulsa's cruelty and cowardice, and Asuramon's undying loyalty, this guy kinda drew the short end of the stick as a character.
  • Hero Killer: Fatally wounded Sir Scratch, leading him to let Verge absorb him.
  • Red Is Violent: Has red 'flesh' all over his body and a violent brute of a mon.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Ultimately a flat and easily forgotten character, if not for the fact he participated in Count's raid against the Rookie village and that he mortally wounded Sir Scratch which triggered Verge's evolution to Gryzmon.
  • The Brute: Is not that smart or even skilled, the only thing noticeable about him is that he achieved Ultimate.

Metal-Tyrannomon X

The second of Count's group to bite the dust, going after the fabled Code Crown with an X-Antibody too bring him to the next level.

  • Ambition Is Evil: A Gloaming member who soon goes rogue for the chance of greater power on his own.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: While yes, he was undoubtedly powerful with both the X-Antibody and Code Crown, he was ultimately just the weaker mon in comparison to Dagomon's threat.
  • Hero Killer: Is the one who murdered Gramps, and would have murdered Verge and Sparks if not for their last minute jogress.
  • The Worf Effect: With both the Code Crown and X Antibody, he was crushing Verge and Sparks. However he is soon defeated by their Jogressed state, Flaremon, showing just how powerful they can get with time.


The last surviving member of Count's original minions when they attacked Verge's village, now working for Luna.

His evolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Musyamon.
  • Ultimate: Asuramon.

  • Karma Houdini: Pretty much the only member of Counts group who got away with his actions due to Luna's protection warding off Verge after she demanded it. Which included both the murder of Fu and cutting off Sparks arm. Downplayed as she revived with her memories intact and the Wisemon got a prosthetic eventually. However it plays into-
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Sparks makes it clear during the Tome Tournament Omake that his days are numbered, regardless of whatever Luna says, with the Wisemon nursing a grudge both for his missing arm and especially killing Fu.
  • The Mentor: One of Thresh's trainers when he was still a Gloaming member, and now to Cryspaledramon.
  • Token Good Teammate: Out of all of Count's minions, he was arguably the nicest, killing Fu and cutting of Sparks hand because it was simply orders rather than any sadism like Repulsa, and lacking the treachery of Metal-Tyrannomon. Downplayed as it was still a gruesome thing to do and Sparks makes it clear he is still going to kill him for his crimes.
  • Would Hurt a Child: While she had just digivolved to Champion, he still had no problems with killing Fu. Not too mention cutting the rookie Sparks hand off.
  • Wound That Would Not Heal: His attack left Sparks permanently without an arm, with his replacement arm coming from the Human Spirit of Metal.
  • Undying Loyalty: To whoever he serves, be it Count or Luna, he is nothing but loyal and respectful too them.


Verge's kidnapped sister, now a Lady of the Gloaming who plans to takeover.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Lunamon, a small rabbit moe.
  • Champion: Lekismon, an ice shooting Rabbit Girl.
  • Ultimate: Crescemon, Moon themed ice shooting Rabbit Girl with a shield and a transforming weapon.

  • An Ice Person: Her Digimon line is this.
  • Born Winner: A Digimon from the Olympos XII line, with the potential to evolve into Mega, she is naturally this.
  • Dance Battler: Her fighting style especially Crescemon.
  • Gorgeous Greek: Is considered a beauty by many, and is highly implied to be one of the Olympus Mon in her past life.
  • Klingon Promotion: What she plans to do with Astamon in order to takeover the Gloaming.
  • Meaningful Gift: The Tiara Verge got her, even as an Ultimate, she practically wears it everywhere she goes.
  • Morph Weapon: She wields two spears as a Crescemon, which are capable of transforming into a bowgun.
  • Olympus Mons: Being the implied reincarnation of Dianamon of Iliad, she is well on her way to becoming this.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: She feels affection for Count despite him kidnapping and brainwashing her due to spending most of her life under his influence.
  • Superior Successor: Is this in regards to Count's status as a Lord of the Gloaming as she has better potential to become stronger as an Olympos XII line Digimon while he was an average Vamdemon.
  • The Starscream: Is one for Astamon.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Went from a sweet and kind younger sister too a much colder and cruel mon, having no problem killing to get what she needs.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Her personality practically did a 180 with her time in the Gloaming, ending with her becoming an Ice Queen of the highest order.

Blue Cyberdramon/CB

An loyal vassal to her lord Andiramon. One of the Royal Knight Candidates specifically Ulforce V-dramon.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Renamon, a humanoid fox ninja.
  • Champion: Rinkmon, a lithe armor Digimon of Friendship with a skating gimmick.
  • Ultimate: Cyberdramon, a musclebound cyborg dramon.

  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Her current dynamic with her lord as his Andiramon is lithe and considered a feminine Digimon, while her current form is packed with masculinity and is traditionally considered as a male Digimon.
  • Super-Speed: Her schtick as a Rinkmon, and presumably her gift from Yggdrasil in order to make her evolve into Ulforce V-dramon.
  • Tsun Dere: What she is to Digimons other than Andiramon who she doesn't hate.
  • Undying Loyalty: What she feels towards Andiramon.


An internal reformist inside Gloaming, he seeks a world of fairness and is the reincarnation of Cherubimon.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Wendimon, a teleporting musclebound dark rabbit.
  • Ultimate: Andiramon, a lithe rabbit Deva Digimon with the ability to turn its arms into axes.

  • Affably Evil: A member of the Gloaming but he is nothing but polite to Verge whenever they meet.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Experienced this after fighting Schwartz and getting summarily Curb Stomped.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: More for his Wendimon form which looked the part, but not so much anymore as a Andiramon, but it still fits as he works for the Gloaming.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Experiences this against Schwartz in the Caputal Tyranno Battle Royal.
  • Internal Reformist: What he is to the Gloaming.
  • Heel–Face Reincarnation: His reincarnation becoming a Gloaming member while previously being one of the Seraphs of the Host could be considered the Inverted version of this trope.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: His current dynamic with Blue Cyberdramon as his Andiramon is lithe and considered a feminine Digimon, while her current form is packed with masculinity and is traditionally a male Digimon.


One of the Generals of Gloaming back when Daemon was still around, and past life of Sparks.

  • Assimilation Backfire: Attempts to Absorb Sparks spirit and resume his life, but thanks to Verge's efforts and the Flame Wizardmon's own resistance, he's the one who gets absorbed.
  • Attack Reflector: His Mirror arms allows him to do this, which Sparks takes for himself to replace his missing hand.
  • Back from the Dead: Restores his mind through the Human Spirit of Metal through his reincarnation Sparks via backup plan, unfortunately it doesn't last.
  • Chrome Champion: Had a body made out of pure metal except for his mirrors.
  • Demonic Possesion: Possesses Sparks body and returns it to his Human Spirit form after he takes back the Spirit of Metal.
  • Eyeless Face: His mirror face has no eyes, only a mouth.
  • Hate Sink: Basically Sparks if you remove any of his Nobler Qualities and replace it with a hunger for power.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: Attempts to immediately bolt from Verge right after reassuming his original form, too bad Sparks and the Gryzmon weren't going to just let him flee.


Leader of Bulwark and Royal Knight. Currently Verge's superior.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Mega: Leopardmon, a brown leopard.
  • Mega: Duftmon his true Royal Knight form.

  • Gratuitous French: Has a habit of peppering his speech with french words.
  • The Chessmaster: As the strategist of the Royal Knights it comes naturally to the species and may even be a requirement to evolve into one.
  • Stance System: How his mode change between Leopardmon and Duftmon works.


Bulwark's Dark Knight, a glutton stoner and one of Verge's fellow Chevaliers.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training: Kuramon, a floating blob with one eye.
  • Rookie: Keramon, a bigger floating head with tentacles for legs with two stick thin arms.
  • Champion: Duskmon, a Dark Knight with a case of Extra Eyes, also the Corrupted Human Warrior of Darkness.
  • Ultimate: Baalmon, a knife wielding, gunslinger Demon Man wizard, this Digimon records all its experiences in its Red Book of Appin and is the Ultimate of Beelzemon.

  • Ate It All: Tends to eat out restraurants by himself, as seen in Fast Food, and nearly made Chef Blue Meramon break down from his massive habits.
  • Beast of the Apocalypse: What he potentially could be and the reason Leopardmon kept him drugged up to the gills.
  • Big Eater: As a Digimon whose lineage includes Kuramon and Keramon, and would have continued its line up to Diablomon, he's essentially Gluttony incarnate without being the Scion of Beelzemon.
  • Demon Slaying: Inverted Trope he specializes in slaying holy beings with his Kamiuchi technique.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Shows up looking all serious, implying that he would be an enemy like Duskmon was in Frontier, before Ocean Man begins playing and he acts stoned out of his mind while digging into a picnic.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Eats both his meats and vegetables, which happens to include other Digimons even those made up of non-biological matter such as cyborgs or literal rocks.
  • Magic Knight: How he fights as his Baalmon form is proficient in both magic and combat, ranged and melee.
  • Nice Guy: Is overall a kind and caring person, trying his best to avoid a fight and showing concern for his friends. Downplayed as most of this was due to being stoned 24/7 by the cooks of Bulwark, but played straight as an Ultimate.
  • Relative Button: Do not insult Leopardmon, one of the few ways to make this care free glutton genuinely mad.
  • The Stoner: To keep him placid in his childhood, Leopardmon kept giving him whats essentially Digimon drugs, which resulted in this trope.


Verge's younger brother and former ward. Former Gloaming weapon but now currently works at Bulwark as a Chevalier, and gifted Gram by Yggdrasil.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • In-Training: Gigimon, a four legged blob.
  • Rookie: Black Guilmon, a black version of the upgraded Agumon Digimon.
  • Champion: Black Growlmon, a black version of the shaggy haired and bigger version of Guilmon.
  • Ultimate: Black War-Growlmon, a black version of the cyborg Guilmon.
  • Mega: Gallantmon but retaining his previous coloration as Black War-Growlmon

  • Beast of the Apocalypse: His former life as the Megidramon of Hazard Coast was one of these before it was put down.
  • Book Dumb: Life as an attack animal is not conductive towards learning proper nouns and adjectives.
  • Cyborg: His Ultimate form War-Growlmon is one of these.
  • Character Development: Gradually grows into better understanding the concept of honour, evolving past his primitive methods of fighting and becoming a more just individual. Tellingly, after finally realizing the concept of honour after his defeat at Verge's hands, he finally becomes a Gallantmon and breaks free from his past as Megidramon.
  • Dumbass No More: His evolution to Gallantmon improved his linguistics skills, and gave him a more knightly mindset.
  • Idiot Savant: In everything but fighting, Thresh flounders but his skill in fighting is one of the best.
  • Malaproper: His speech is littered with these which results in.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: How his speech is written.
  • The Gift: Enough that he could rival Verge, as his instincts is top notch and can rival Verge's analytic and predictive abilities.

Black Imperialdramon

Chevalier of Bulwark and one of its Megas.
  • The Ace: Stronger than Leopardmon the leader of Bulwark and implied to be their strongest member.
  • The Stoic: Hardly if ever says a word during in all of his appearances.


A cake themed womon, she was one of Sparks' girlfriends until she found out about his philandry.

Her evolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Weddinmon.

  • Best Served Cold: Spent time gathering information on Sparks lovers after realizing he was cheating on her, and then informed them all one by one so they could all break up with him at once.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: A sweet mon she may be, but do not take advantage of her kindness like Sparks did.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Her breakup with Sparks, to the point where the Wisemon was visibly affected and asked Verge whether he was a bad person or not.
     The Rookie Village 


The caretaker of the Rookie Village, who takes in Baby and In-Training digimon found in the surrounding forest and raises them until they become Champions

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Elecmon, a red nine tailed mammal Digimon.

  • Cool Old Guy: He's a bit crotchety and a stick in the mud, but he's dependable to a fault.
  • Handicapped Badass: The majority of digimon(around 70%) have significant difficulty digivolving past the Champion stage. Gramps has it much worse: he's stuck as a Rookie. Still, he manages to be a lot more capable than one would expect, owing to his vast experience.
  • Shock and Awe: His primary method of attack.
  • Take Up My Sword: He asks Verge to take over as the head of the village after he's gone, since he feels Verge has the right temperament for it.
  • Weak, but Skilled: He's stuck as a rookie, but is an immensely skilled fighter, to the point that he can hold his own against weaker Champions no problem.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: He's near the end of his natural lifespan, with less than a year left.


Verge's best friend and idol, an immensely gifted fighter with dreams of becoming a hero.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Flamemon, a orange beast boy with flame covered tail.
  • Champion: Agnimon, the Human Spirit of the Warrior of Flame.

  • The Ace: Hard-working, skilled, talented, charismatic, powerful - the guy's got it all.
  • Born Winner: As a Legendary Warrior, not only are his natural moves more powerful than normal for his level, but he can power them up further to "Intensive" versions that put out more damage but eat up more stamina. In addition, he's massively talented, rapidly gaining strength from a moderately intensive training regiment. This is standard for all of them, and he's the one to introduce just how unfair the world can be in terms of personal ability.Even more so as he was revealed to have been an Olympos XII Digimon, who would have evolved into Apollomon.
  • Deader than Dead: Due too Repulsa absorbing his core, he has been removed from the cycle of reincarnation. Verge hopes to subvert this by freeing his friends spirit during their fight at the tournament.
  • Decoy Protagonist: Well, not *protagonist* exactly, since he was never the player character, but he seemed like he would be much more important to the story than he ultimately was.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How he dies.
  • Tragic Keepsake:His medallion which doubles as a Chekhov's Gun that allows Verge to jogress into both Flaremon and Apollomon.
  • The Gift: As Rookies, he's more powerful than Gnaw despite Gnaw being older than him, training just as hard as he does in addition to constantly loading data, something Flamemon refuses to do. He's just *that* talented.
  • The Paragon: Tries his hardest to be this, to Gnaw's chagrin. Upon seeing Repulsa's cruelty, he ultimately abandons this ideal, stating that he now knows there are those who are truly irredeemable.
  • Playing with Fire: As a Warrior of Fire line Digimon its a given.
  • Stock Shōnen Hero: He has most of the usual traits despite not actually being the protagonist, and intentionally plays them up in order to be inspiring for the younger Rookies.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Despite living in the Digital World, he refuses to kill his opponents, wants to become a morally righteous hero. Gnaw frequently calls him foolish and childish for feeling this way.


A fellow Rookie Village Digimon who alongside Verge and Sparks was all of their generation that escaped the Gloaming's massacre of their village.

  • Rookie: Black-Gabumon, a black variant of the classic Garurumon pelt wearing lizard.
  • Champion: Black-Garurumon, a black variant of the classic Garurumon.
  • Ultimate: Black Were-Garurumon, a black variant of the classic Werewolf Digimon.

  • By God What Have I Done:Becomes horrified after he nearly killed Flamon in a fit of rage after digivolving to Black Garurumon.
  • The Berserker: Becomes this as Black Garurumon. This ultimately causes Gramps to kick him out when he nearly kills Flamemon in a fit of rage, he grows out of it though.
  • Can't Catch Up: While still a relatively powerful Ultimate, he was defeated by Verge while the latter was still a Gryzmon, too say nothing of the sheer difference between them now.
  • Foil: to Flamemon. Both of them want to protect the people dearest to them, but whereas Flamemon is very kind and constantly keeps up a "perfect hero" persona to inspire those around him, Gnaw is mean and completely honest about who he is.
  • Glass Cannon: Relatively speaking. His speed and physical strength far outstrip his defense.
  • Hired Guns: Leads a mercenary group.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's rude, surly, arrogant and bloodthirsty, but he genuinely loves the other inhabitants of the village and wants to keep them safe.
  • Put on a Bus: Gramps made him leave the village a little over halfway through the prologue due to his inability to control his bloodlust, and hasn't reappeared for a while.
  • The Bus Came Back: Is reintroduced during the Metal Temple assault mission.
  • The Bully: He sometimes pushes around the younger members of the Village, and is infact introduced bullying Verge, He seems to consider it a beneficial practice that toughens them up.
  • The Rival: To Flamemon.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Is notably nicer to Verge when the reunite, while still underestimating him, it is more due to him being a tier above him and less spitting on the Gryzmon's accomplishments. One could imagine that being glad he is still alive played a factor in that.
  • Savage Wolves: As BlackGarurumon.
  • Shoutout: His team is a reference to Digimon savers, with him in place of MachGaogamon.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: He frequently lambasts Flamemon's aspirations of pacifistic heroism as absurd and unrealistic. Considering the world they live in, it's hard to argue.
  • Tsundere: Type 1. He's abrasive as hell and sometimes hurts his friends' feelings without realizing. He does care, but almost never admits it.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Was kicked out of the Village by Gramps due too his bloodlust becoming too high, after several weeks, he had finally mastered it and returned to gloat to Gramps. All he found was the Village's remains...


The big sister of Verge's generation at Rookie Village, tragically slain during the attack, but came back as a Ghost Digimon.
  • Rookie: Lalamon, a walking/floating flowerbud of a Digimon.
  • Champion: Sunflowmon, a flying Sunflower.
  • Champion: Bakemon, the classic Ghost Digimon.
  • Ultimate: Phantomon, the reaper Digimon.

  • Came Back Wrong: Is eventually revealed to have stuck around as a Bakemon, though it's not exactly a dignified existence.
  • Creepy Good: As Sunflowmon, she has a very offputting appearance, which she doesn't seem to realize. As Bakemon, she's still creepy, but her severe drop in intelligence renders her more True Neutral than anything else.
  • The Gadfly: She likes getting a rise out of people, though she generally means well.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: She's unaware that she can fly, because Gramps could never bring himself to force her to learn bird-style. She eventually realizes on her own.
  • Signature Laugh: "Fufufufufu!"
  • Sinister Scythe: Her weapon of choice as a Phantomon.
  • Squishy Wizard: She's very fast but otherwise physically frail, with nearly all of her fighting ability relying on her powerful long-range attacks. She has a brief tenure as a Jack of All Stats as Sunflowmon before dying and becoming this again as a Bakemon.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Definitely the most insightful of the kids in the Village


The moneylender of Rookie Village, now currently working for the Gloaming as a Loan Shark.
  • Rookie: Armadimon, the armadillo Digimon.
  • Champion: Ankylomon, a armored dynosaur.
  • Armor: Digmon, the drill Digimon that is not a Drimogemon variant.

  • The Big Guy
  • Dumb Muscle: Subverted. He's so unenthused most of the time that it's easy to think there's not much going on in his head, but he's actually fairly clever when he wants to be... he just hardly ever does.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Tells Sparks that Flamon would be proud of him, unaware of the Wisemon's complicated feelings towards the latter these days.
  • Greed He loves gems, gold, Bits and other kinds of wealth, and is quite stingy with what he has.
  • Gamebreaking Injury: Shamanmon hurts him so badly that he devolves to an In-Training form and is put in a coma, leaving him unable to fight for the rest of the prologue.
  • Life Saving Misfortune: His devolution back into an In-training actually saved his life, as it was confirmed by Game Master he was initially supposed to die with the others.
  • Mighty Glacier: He's pretty strong and his defense is great, but he's not very fast.
  • Nice Guy: While not to the extent of Agnimon, its still notable. He willingly gave Verge money to buy a Tiara for Luna under the agreement he could be paid back later(albeit, with interest), and was nothing but kind to Verge when the duo reunited. Even reassuring him that he did nothing wrong nor failed them.
  • Out of Focus: Doesn't get much attention or character development compared to the other village residents.
  • Put on a Bus: Is captured by Count at the end of the prologue and hasn't been seen since.
  • The Bus Came Back: Returned in the tournament Arc as part of Gloaming, and participated in a scheme to double his and Sparks winnings in the bets in the tournament or Malkimon's grimoire.

     Malkimon's Faction 


Mother and Creator of Vergil, Sistermon Ciel, Blanc and Noir and Wife of Shuzen the past form of the Slayer, she looks after her sons reincarnation Verge.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Lady-Devimon.
  • Mega: Malkimon.

  • Abusive Parent: Averted Trope, she initially gave off the impression of such, but its made very clear she loves and cares for Verge. Though she also seems to be of the controlling variety, as she tries to convince him his adopted family do not matter.
  • Action Mom: A powerful Mega and creator at least four Digimons, she only acts as one to two.
  • Accidental Murder: Accidentally crushed the rookie Vergil in an attempt to protect him from Seraphimon's attack. This has caused her no end of despair and guilt.
  • Blood Is Thicker Than Water: She certainly believes so, bluntly telling Verge that Thresh and Luna are not family and acting like he is in the wrong for rightfully protesting.
  • Emperor Scientist: Head of her own city state and a genius scientist who created Verge and the three Sistermons.
  • It's All My Fault: Blames herself for Vergil's death, and can't even pull through with restraining him in fear of repeating the incident.
  • Mad Scientist: A genius in both high programming and Trinary manipulation, and definitely morally bankrupt she fits this trope to a tee.
  • Sanity Slippage: The death of both her husband and son(by her own hands no less) have not been good for her mental state.
  • Science Wizard: Is both a powerful Magician who achieved Mega stage, and one if not the smartest person on the server.



A reclusive hermit operating within the inhospitable range of Flux Mountains, He repaired Verge's Avalon and activated Thresh's Gram. He also made Shuzen's Armor, as well as Schwartz Berenjena.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Mega: Vulcanusmon, the Blacksmith of Olympos XII.

  • Berserk Button: Stealing from him is a big one.
  • Cool Old Guy: Despite his gruff attitude, can be quite nice to those who respect his rules and impress him.
  • Curbstomp Battle: Literally punched Repulsa right out of home.
  • Forging Scene: Repairs Avalon right in front of Verge by pulling hit core out and fixing the damage Angemon did to it.
  • Grumpy Old Man: His general character, though he does soften a bit for those he respects.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Has 8 arms and not to be fucked with as a Olympos XII Mega.
  • Sacred Hospitality: As a Digimon from Digimon Greece that is the Iliad server he has this as default as Xenia is this Trope.
  • Olympus Mons: Part of the Olympos XII group of Mega Digimons which means he is a literal Olympus Mon.
  • True Neutral: Doesn't give two shits about the War, if you can pay him, he will make you something.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: Well he is the Digimon equivalent of Hephaestus so this is to be expected but for feats he made Shuzen's armor, Astamon's Oro Salmon, Schwartz's Berenjena, have repaired Verge's Avalon,activated Thresh's Gram and probably other works we don't know of.


A cheerful Genki Girl, she bonded well with Xia and best friends with her, she is also Aegiochusmon's older sister.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Minervamon, the swordswoman of Olympos XII.

  • Adaptational Wimp: A Downplayed Trope but Minervamon in the original Digimon canon was a Mega level Digimon, but in Inheritance canon it is downgraded to Ultimate.
  • Childish Older Sibling: She is the older of the two between her and Aegiochusmon, but she is also the more childlike in personality.
  • Genki Girl: Her overall personality as she quickly becomes best friends with Xia.
  • Older Than They Look: She may look like a Rookie Digimon, but she is in fact an Ultimate, meaning she lived for quite some time by Digimon Standards.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Again she may look like a Rookie Digimon, but as an Ultimate Digimon and an Olympos XII Digimon at that she packs a mean punch, or sword swing as it may.


An arrogant scion of Jupitermon, he first appears at Caputal Tyranno's Battle Royal as capturing him and his team was one of Verge's objectives.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Ultimate: Aegiochusmon Holy, the Ultimate form of Jupitermon of Olympos XII.

  • Fantastic Racism: Has this against the inhabitants of the Inheritance Server, as he came from a more advanced Iliad server.
  • Prince Charmless: A prince and a general racist jerkass.
  • Shock and Awe: His general powers and skillset.
  • Unknown Rival: His implied brother Deimos hates him with a passion and dreams of defeating him, while the Prince isn't even likely aware he exists.
  • Wake-Up Call: Seeing Verge in the Malkimon Tournament has caused him to realise he has fallen behind in his training and return back with a passion.
  • White Man's Burden: What he feels as he considers the inhabitants of the Inheritance server as inferior beings.

     Elec Town 

Mayor Tyrannomon

The Mayor of Electown, an Old Master and fittingly a Master Tyrannomon, he is one of Verge's mentors who supported him during his time as a member of the Host.

His Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Guilmon.
  • Champion: Tyrannomon.
  • Ultimate: Master Tyrannomon.

  • Cool Old Guy: Not as old as Gramps but all the same considered old by Digimon standards and a reliable character and mentor to Verge.
  • Old Master: He taught Verge many techniques and is considered old by Digimon standards.


The Caretaker in Electown, she took care of Verge after the fall of Rookie Village before he joined the Host.

Her Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Frigimon.
  • Ultimate: Angewomon.

     Anubismon and his Workers 


The Mega responsible for souls management in the Digital Afterlife, whether they get reincarnation or are sent to the Dark Area.

His evolutions are as follows:

  • Mega: Anubismon

  • The Ghost: Has yet to be seen, only mentioned by others. The most we know is that he made a deal with Malkimon for Verge's soul and another deal with Impmon and Monodramon for their friends data if they worked for him.

General Tropes for his workers

  • Breaking the Fellowship: Before Angemon and Death-Meramon worked for Anubismon they were once a group of four friends, similar to Verge, Pit, Beat and Sparks in the past. Unlike them, their departure was not on good terms, as one of the members(Grademon) murdered another of the by mistake.
  • Four Is Death: What was once a group of four was destroyed after one member was killed by another, bringing the group down to 3.
  • Losing the Team Spirit: Guilmon, who was highly implied to be the more optimistic member of the group, and who's death broke the team(Not helped that Grademon was the one who caused it, albeit tricked by a Witchmon)
  • Seeks Another's Resurrection: Both Angemon and Death-Meramon have gone on a year long quest just to revive Guilmon, to the point they have gone from Rookie's to Ultimate(in Death-Meramon's case) during said quest.
  • We Used to Be Friends: It can be presumed Grademon was once close with both Deathmeramon and Angemon, however while Death-Meramon seemed willing to forgive her. Angemon makes it clear he will never for what she has done.

Angemon/The Brightest Morningstar

An unusually powerful Angemon working for Anubismon for the return of his departed friend's data suspected to be the Inheritance server's own Lucemon in his past life.

His Digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Impmon.
  • Champion: Angemon.

  • Adaptational Heroism: While yes, he's still a massive prick, but compared to most forms of Lucemon(usually the main antagonist of a game or series like Frontier) he's an utter saint.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: While still a git more or less, he has also shown moments of kindness, keeps his promises(unlike Canon Lucemon) and asked Slash-Angemon for his autograph for Death-Meramon.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Compared to most versions of Lucemon, he is far weaker, only achieving Mega level power at Champion where most versions achieved it at Rookie Stage.
  • Born Winner: As the reincarnation of Lucemon he is naturally this.
  • Blood Knight: Is eagerly awaiting a fight with Verge, not at all worried about the Grap Leomon's wrath towards him.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Inverted Trope as though he was the Cthulu in that situation. Testing his might against Verge's Avalon. The result was his arm breaking and Verge needing too repair it several arcs later.
  • Cruel Mercy: Lets Grademon live, only after destroying her sole companion(Hisyumon) right before her eyes. Downplayed as he wasn't aware of how close they were, but it still counts.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Dishes this out in almost all of his fights as Angemon but a special mention goes to his 'rematch' with Grademon puts Verge's utter beatdown of Repulsa to shame. Its made utterly clear that even with the Alpha Inforce, she never stood a chance.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: It is made clear that Guilmon's death hit him hard, turning him into a more cynical and revenge driven person in the process.
  • Deadpan Snarker: His time as an Impmon has given him a rather dry wit that he doesn't hold back on.
  • Deal with the Devil: While the details aren't clear, he and Death-Meramon made a deal with the Digital God of Death, Anubismon, to revive their friend if they brought him in Arukenimon. With Verge's interference, its unknown what he is currently doing to make up for his screw up.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride, he would have been able to bring Arukenimon in and revive Guilmon far sooner if he has not agreed to Verge's bet, not believing he could lose. The end result was him breaking his arm and having to put off reviving his friend for many more months.
  • Flipping the Bird: Gave one to Verge at the end of his match with Grademon.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partner: Death-Meramon, the flashy mon being his only friend, and both making it clear they greatly care for the other.
  • I Gave My Word: Even though Verge was unconscious and likely could have just taken Arukenimon anyway, he kept his promise and let her go, honoring the bet he made with Verge.
  • Kick the Dog: His murder of Hisyaryumon, done solely too cause Grademon pain. Considering the weapon mon had done nothing to him other than assist her in battle, this was a tremendously cruel and unwarranted action.
  • Light Is Good: Zig-Zagging Trope He's not outright good, more or less working as Anubismon's hitman to revive his friend, but is overall nice, and keeps his word. And very much values his friend Deathmeramon. But given his treatment of Grademon during their rematch and that he has no problem killing another mon to revive Guilmon, and with who he was in his past life...
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He only showed up a handful of times, but each time he did it had massive consequences, with his first appearance given Verge his spider wards, the second breaking his Avalon, and the third being the last opponent in the tournament to earn money for Frigimon's treatment.


Angemon's partner, a Death-Meramon who has been enhanced by Yggdrasil with Hinukamuy in hopes he will become Gankoomon.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Monodramon.
  • Champion: Unknown.
  • Ultimate: Death-Meramon.

  • Dark Is Not Evil: A virus attribute digimon that appeared in an antagonistic role in almost all of the times he appeared, such as when he appeared to apprehend Arukenimon and during Malkimon's tournament where he was once a potential opponent for Verge.
  • For Great Justice: His primary motivation and why he would have become a Justimon prior to receiving Hinukamuy.
  • Large Ham: As both a Digimon once set to become Justimon and a Jojo expy he is this Trope naturally.
  • Morality Pet: Its made clear that without him, Angemon would have become way worse than he currently is.
  • Nice Guy: Manages to forgive Grademon for her murder of a dear friend, and was stated to would have become a Justimon if not for Yggdrasil's interference.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: Out of the three surviving members of their former group, he's the Nice, with Angemon and Grademon competing for either the mean or in-between.
  • Playing with Fire: His primary power as a Death-Meramon, and he took it to the next level showing Logia-like abilities like actually becoming fire.
  • Skull for a Head: Has a metal skull face as par for course for the Death-Meramon species.



A former lone mercenary who worked for any faction willing to pay for his services, but has since settled down to become a guardian for The Sefirot, being mentored by Ancient Greymon, ever since evolving into his Ultimate form he has awakened a heart of justice.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Strabimon.
  • Champion: Wolfmon.
  • Ultimate: Garummon.

  • Born Winner: As a Legendary Warrior of Light with potential for Mega, he is naturally this.
  • I Let You Win: His fight with Grademon, considering the sole reason she lost was because his attack would have killed her had it landed, and he left with few injuries while she was missing an arm.
  • Light Is Good: Downplayed during his earlier days as mercenary who tends to work with the Gloaming. But notably spared all his opponents and is polite and respectful to those who give him a worthy fight. He plays this more straight when he evolved into his Ultimate form as the growing morality forces him to stop taking missions from the Gloaming.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Towards Grademon in his mercenary days as while both were mercenaries willing to take jobs from the Gloaming what sets the then Wolfmon apart is his capacity to spare his opponents.
  • Strong and Skilled: While undoubtedly a powerful fighter as both a champion and Ultimate, what really sets him above most is his immense skill and learning capacity, improving his skill mid-fight and giving Grademon the fight of her life.
  • The Rival: First by Agnimon then by Verge, first unofficially then later in Malkimon's tournament as his official rival, with him being the first mon he truly couldn't defeat, and by their rematch both have grown to fully respect one another, to the point of teaching the Legendary Warrior Mantra Chant.


Garummon's mentor and later revealed to be Ancient Greymon leader of the Legendary Warrior of Fire's sect of the Sefirot religion.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Dragon Humanoid: His ultimate form, Vritramon. Subverted with his true form, which is quadrupedal.
  • Hot Wings: A signature of the Legendary Warrior of Fire line Digimons.
  • Playing with Fire: As the original Legendary Warrior of Fire of the server, he is probably the best fire user of the server.
  • The Mentor: Is one to Wolfmon, training him for both the Tournament and likely to become the leader of the Temple of Light.
  • World's Strongest Man: One of the most, if not the Strongest mon born from the Server, being a Legendary Warrior with maxed out Caps and a Code Crown on top of that.


A very powerful rookie working as a lieutenant for the mysterious backers of the Goblimon mining operation encroaching on the Rookie Village.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Shamanmon, a Goblimon variant.
  • Champion: Fugamon, an orange Ogremon variant.

  • Anti-Villain: To the point that he's barely even a villain at all, though he's too unscrupulous to be a Hero Antagonist. He doesn't want to be doing any of this; his village was pressganged into the mining operation by the Gloaming, and he just wants to get the job done smoothly. He spares Verge and Auger's lives the first time they fight him, telling them that if they just stay out of the mining operation's way they'll be fine. He later attempts to negotiate with Gramps, to no avail. Later on, he sincerely apologizes to Verge And Sparks for pointing Count at the rookie village to save his own people, though he knows they'll never forgive him. Even while being killed, he's more concerned about Kotemon's safety, begging Sparks to leave the rookie alone.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's in charge of a squad of Shamanmon and is the most powerful of them, in addition to seemingly leading the whole mining expidition.
  • Bad Boss: Subverted. At first it seems like the lives of his underlings mean very little to him, but later on we see that he does care for them, but his situation is so desperate that he can't afford to let compassion get in his way.
  • Carry a Big Stick: In melee he fights with a club, though he's skilled at using his bare hands too. As Fugamon he gets a bigger one made of bone.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Sparks spends some time torturing him before he dies by blowing off his limbs one at a time.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Shows up at Verge and Auger's digging site, delivers a beatdown with an intimidating show of force and then lets the two rookies live, telling them they'll be safe so long as they stay away from the digging sites.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Downplayed because he's not evil so much as working for the opposite live but regardless he cared for the then Kotemon and this affection is reciprocated by Dino-Knightmon's motivation to avenge him.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After Gnaw digivolves in their fight, he immediately retreats, leaving his flunkies to die to slow Gnaw down.
  • Magic Knight: He's quite physically powerful for a Rookie, enough to fight Gnaw evenly. However, his true deadliness relies on his extremely potent magical attacks. This stays true as Fugamon.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Is killed in front of Kotemon by Sparks, prompting the latter's Start of Darkness.
  • Nerves of Steel: Stays calm and collected in the middle of deadly combat, with the most emotion displayed in the first fight with him being minor annoyance at his opponents' persistence. In fact, the only times he ever really freaks out is when bargaining for *Kotemon's* life, even as he's being killed.
  • Playing with Fire: Most of his magic attacks involve massively souped-up versions of the standard Goblimon fireball attack.
  • Starter Villain: The first "named" villain fought by the main characters.
  • Verbal Tic: He places an odd emphasis on every pronoun.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Downplayed. He does get stronger, but generally not as fast as the heroes. He poses a major threat to Gnaw, Auger and Verge before Gnaw digivolves, but ends up getting trounced by Flamemon a week later. As Fugamon, he's able to take on Verge and the newly-evolved Sparks for a time, but ends up getting defeated again and killed.


A lone mercenary floating through battlefields to battlefields, with her lone companion Hisyaryumon, she first appeared in Spinomon's tournament as part of the Gloaming Team and made her second appearance at Malkimon's Tournament and participated with Hisyaryumon as her sword.

Her digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Kotemon.
  • Champion: Unknown.
  • Ultimate: Grademon.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses her arm to Wolfmon during their fight at the tournament, which thankfully Verge heals for her.
  • All for Nothing: Verge heals her arm to give her a better chance in her match against Angemon, even if she knows she will lose. When the fight begins, Angemon defeats her without any struggle, going all out from the beginning. Even with the Alpha In-force she could not do anything against him.
  • Can't Catch Up: While undoubtedly a powerful mon in her own right, she has been shown to have trouble scaling with all the higher tier mon such as Verge and Angemon.
  • Cool Sword: Her partner Hisyaryumon who qualifies as a weapon in an official tourney instead of a weapon. This sadly gets used against her when Angemon destroys him...
  • Death Seeker: Implied, considering she walked into battle with Angemon fully expecting the Angel to kill her...
  • Samus Is a Girl: Was assumed too be male during Spinomon's Tournament, however it was revealed after her helmet came off that she was a female, and funnily enough her faceclaim is the Tropes titular namesake Samus Aran.
  • Ship Tease: Gets a brief amount of this with Verge, blushing after he compliments her on skill.
  • The Aloner: Aside from her sword/partner Hisyaryumon, she has no companions or such. Averted in her rookie days when she was a companion of Angemon, Deathe-Meramon and Guilmon.
  • The Atoner: Makes it clear she regrets killing Guilmon and admits that Angemon has every right to kill her.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Was this out of her original group, though Downplayed as she was brainwashed by Witchmon into killing Guilmon. But still the most ruthless and cold of the four mon.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Has less stats than most of high tier Tournament participants, but makes up for it with her skill and Mastery with a blade


A Digimon of the Legendary Warrior of Thunder line, he used to be like Beat's younger brother until he deleted Beat's friend in search of power ostensibly in line with Beat's then philosophies.

His digivolution are as follows:

  • Rookie: Ko-Kabuterimon.
  • Champion: Blitzmon.

  • Always Someone Better: Is this to Beat, as a Legendary Warrior Ten line Digimon, at least until Beat evolved into Ultimate.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Genuinely seems to believe what he is doing right by loading his friends, which Beat unwittingly contributed too as a rookie.
  • Put on a Bus: Has not been seen since his fight with Beat, but he does reappear as a statue in Phelesmon's collection, though he does escape when Phelesmon is defeated and has been seen since.
  • Shock and Awe: As a Legendary Warrior of Thunder, this is to be expected.


A cold and somewhat jerkish Ogremon, who does not trust either Host or Gloaming. Was Boy's caretaker till he came under Verge's protection. Highly implied to have been a shade Titamon controls.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Champion: Ogremon.
  • Ultimate: Digitamamon.

  • Mentor in Sour Armor: Despite his rude behavior and cynical outlook, he genuinely cares for Boy/Deimos and taught him not to trust Leopardmon.
  • The Cynic: Does not trust either Host or Gloaming, and wants them to stay out of his village. Also warns Boy against joining the Bulwark,(correctly)believing Leopardmon is not as good as he pretends to be.
  • Remote Body: Implied to be a shade slain by Titamon being remotely piloted in the Iliad Server.


Verge's apprentice, an Aegiomon he encountered in Baromon's village, he is now essentially Verge's ward as Ogremon his other mentor is nowhere to be seen after leaving him with Verge.

His digivolutions are as follows:

  • Rookie: Elecmon.
  • Champion: Aegiomon.
  • Ultimate: Aegiochusmon (Hybrid of Red and Blue with Darks viral nature).

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Is like this in his Aegiomon form, as most womon tend to agree.
  • Acquired Situational Narcissism: His Ultimate form is highly arrogant and tends to look down on others. Verge compares it to the prince of Olympus, whom he hates, in an effort to stop it.
  • Berserk Button: The prince of Olympus, just mentioning him is enough to get him riled up, and is incredibly pissed off when Verge compared his attitude to him.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Despite his initial bragging, he lacks the tact his mentor Sparks has in flirting with other mon. His first attempt landing him a slap too the face.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Handed this out in his first tournament in Malkimon's city.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: A lot of his strength came from Verge's brutal training.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: First instinct as an Ultimate? Flirt with womons.
  • Meaningful Rename: Names himself Deimos(Who is the Greek Personification of Terror) after a terrifying Digivolution where he became a new more intimidating version of Aegiochusmon. Its implied there is more to it, but currently the other meaning is unknown to us.
  • Signature Instrument: His flute, which he loves to play in his free time.


An Otamamon who ran away from the Orphanage of Frigimon at some point, digivolving into Ranamon and becoming an Idol singer. Her relationship with Verge has never once been positive, with her thinking he is a brute and the Grap Leomon finding her bothersome to deal with. The love interest of Beat.

Her digivolutions are as follows

  • Rookie: Otamamon.
  • Champion: Ranamon.
  • Ultimate: Mermaimon.

  • Brainless Beauty: Is a good singer, beautiful and decently powerful for a non-fighter, but not much going on in the brains department.
  • Expy: Of Aqua from Konosuba as a whiny water user who insists she's a goddess.
  • Fusion Dance: Fused with Madame Calamaramon too form Ancient Mermaimon, though the Ultimate was quick to end it so she wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.
  • It's All About Me: An expy of Aqua combined with the attention whore status of Ranamon, what else would you expect?
  • Idol Singer: Is this for her main job, much like Sistermon Noir.
  • The Gift: As much as it annoys Verge even he had to admit she is this, as a Legendary Warrior of Water line Digimon.
  • Making a Splash: Her main power as a Legendary Warrior of Water.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: As a Ranamon she has legs but is more of a frog hybrid than a fish, though her Mermaidmon form is more of a traditional example, with a pirate motif.
  • Ugly Cute: Was this as an Otamamon which turns into traditional cute after her evolution to Ranamon.
  • The Scrappy: Is this In-Universe for Verge as he cannot stand her personality.

Dame Fonte

A powerful Knightmon, and the bodyguard of Drop. Also a good friend of Verge who the Grap-Leomon respects as a warrior. The one chosen by Yggdrasil to be Crusadermon.

Her digivolutions are as follows

  • Rookie: Kotemon.
  • Champion: Centarumon.
  • Ultimate: Knightmon.

  • 24-Hour Armor: Almost never takes off her armour onscreen, so it comes as a shock to Verge too what lays beneath.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Most versions of Crusadermon are a ruthless knight templar who will kill whoever stands in their way. Fonte, while yet to reach her mega state, is overall a morally good person who believes in honour and good sportsmanship.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Her skin tone is dark and she has no racial heritage like a human as a Digimon.
  • Can'tCatchUp: Once an Ultimate who could give Verge a run for his money, she has begun falling behind compared to both him and Thresh. Losing to Vajramon both mon defeated at some point, though Verge has given her training to avert this.
  • Strong and Skilled: Her main focus, her intense fortitude and good speed is rivaled only by her skill with a blade.


An abnormally powerful Ultimate, imprisoned in the Dark Ocean he seeks to free himself.

His digivolutions are as follows

  • Ultimate: Dagomon.

  • Apocalypse How: What would have happened if he truly broke free, which thankfully Pit and Ancient-Mermaimon put a stop to that.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Shared this with Metal-Tyrannomon X for the Water Temple Arc though they ultimately have no affiliations otherwise. While the latter is undoubtedly powerful, he ultimately is just the personal foe of Sparks and Verge compared to the greater threat of Dagomon. Notably, Dagomon takes a Mega level Jogress to be stopped, while Metal-Tyrannomon is defeated by an Ultimate level one instead.
  • Dark Is Evil: Virus type and most certainly evil.
  • Making a Splash: As the Priest of the Dark Ocean, he has quite a few aquatic based attacks.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Is trapped in the dark ocean, trying to break free.
  • Worf Had the Flu: His fight with Ancient-Mermaimon, while she was undoubtedly powerful, he would have easily crushed her if he was at his full power for their fight.


The organizer of Capital Tyranno's tournament which Verge and his team took part in, which was soon revealed to be a ruse meant to give him data for his ascension to Mega.

His digivolutions are as follows

  • Ultimate: MasterTyrannomon.
  • Mega: Spinomon

  • Decapitation Presentation: Verge wakes up to see his severed head when the strain of his and Pit's jogress becomes too much.
  • Human Sacrifice: Well Digimon Sacrifice but he lets all his citizens be killed and loaded by other mon, as well as many of the Tournaments competitors, all so he could fuel the ritual needed too achieve Mega form alongside his most loyal and strongest followers.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Achieves the Mega form he sought after, only too get nearly killed by both Verge and Pit in their Jogress form as Apollomon, and then gets defeated by Leopardmon and SlashAngemon while his remaining 3 followers are drafted into the Bulwark. In other words, he sacrifice everything he had, be it his good rep, his citizens, and any chance of surviving past the day, all only to get quickly killed right after achieving his desired form.
  • Villain Ball: Lets Verge and Pit's Jogress fight him without support from any of his Mega level subordinates due to wanting to test his new form's might. This leads to them nearly killing him, and isolating him away from them enough that Leopardmon and SlashAngemon can finish him off.
