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Recap / The 7 DS 2 E 4 B Delight Me Delight Me Not

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Bashful accidentally sends a map that leads to the Delightnotium gem to his pen pal, who turns out to be Grim. The Glooms plan to find the gem and to make Queen Delightful hideous during her yearly address to the kingdom, so it's up to Bashful to stop the Glooms before Delightful is not so delightful.

This episode has the following tropes

  • Amusing Injuries:
    • Grim falling off the roof.
    • The Glooms falling down a 3-mile canyon.
  • Amusingly Short List: Both Grim and Grumpy have relatively shortlists that describe stuff that is wrong with them.
  • An Aesop: It's okay to ask for help, even if you're embarrassed about the situation.
  • Attack! Attack... Retreat! Retreat!: Hildy attacks Bashful...only for her to cause the whole cave to collapse and for her and Grim to run off with the Delightnotium.
  • Beneath the Earth: Most of the climax takes place in the mines.
  • Big Entrance: Queen Delightful emerges from smoke (after Bashful removed the Delightnotium from her) to greet the villagers.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: After the "Perfectly Wonderful, Terrible Day" song...
    Bashful: [to the viewers] I know, I know. I should've told the guys about my mess-up, but it's too embarrassing to talk about. Floom...
  • Brick Joke: Grim states that a mutated, giant worm tripped Hildy, which is something she doesn't believe. Later on, the Glooms turn Queen Delightful into a mutated, giant worm with the Delightnotium, which Grim points out.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: While falling down a three-mile canyon, Grim casually asks himself what spell to use to break their fall, right before hitting the ground.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Grim thinks that "pronto" is his behind.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: As stated by Bashful earlier, he said he should've just gone to the rest of the 7D for help to get the Delightnotium or help him stop the Glooms from getting it, instead of going alone.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Doc apparently prepared an emergency tube that would send the 7D to the castle for exactly this reason. Grumpy even lampshades this.
  • Delayed Reaction / Delayed "Oh, Crap!": This exchange:
    Doc: Just don't use any of my papers.
    [Bashful proceeds to send the letter/map out the window]
    Bashful: [now realizing he sent the map out the window] The one gem that can bring ruin to Queen Delightful?!
    Doc: Exactly.
    Bashful: [thinking] The map which I just sent flying out the window?!
  • Disney Death: When the rest of the 7D arrive at the cave where the Delightnotium is found, they find Bashful, who seemingly got crushed by the rocks (from the aftermath of the cave-in). But then he emerges from the rubble without a scratch.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: While reading the instructions on the map, one of the instructions say "one big leap and straight down three miles". It takes a moment for the Glooms to realize they took one leap and are about to fall three miles down.
  • Extreme Omnivore: After Grim reads his list, Hildy takes it and proceeds to eat it like a paper shredder.
  • Eye Take: Bashful does this when he realizes he threw the map out the window.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Bashful accidentally sending the map to the Delightnotium to the Glooms via paper airplane note is what sets the plot of the episode.
  • Freak Out: Bashful has an epic one after finding out that he sent a map to the Delightnotium to the Glooms.
  • Gasshole: Queen Delightful burps in Grim's Imagine Spot.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: After freaking out for a while, Bashful tells himself to snap out of it and slaps himself twice to regain composure.
  • Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress: After taking a leap, the Glooms look down to see a three-mile canyon before falling.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: The Glooms try to make Queen Delightful, well, not delightful. Then Bashful turns the tables on them by shoving Gloomnotium down their backs making them, not gloomy.
  • Imagine Spot: The Glooms and the 7D (sans Bashful) have these:
    • Grim imagines that Queen Delightful will go from her usual self ("Hello, everybody. My name is Delightful. What's yours?") to a dirty slob ("'Sup." *belch*).
    • Hildy imagines that Queen Delightful will go from her usual self ("Yaysies for mesies and yousies!") to a lizard monster hybrid ("BLAAAAHHH!") along with the villagers rioting against the Queen.
    • Then the 6D imagines that Queen Delightful will go from her usual self ("Yaysy daisies!") to a moat monster ("Go awaysies!").
  • Jumpscare: In Hildy's Imagine Spot, Queen Delightful, who has a lizard for a head, lunges at the screen.
  • Lyric Dissonance: While riding in minecarts, Happy sings about how the rest of the 7D's day is going fine while Bashful sings about his current situation.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": The 6D twice:
    • When they find out that Bashful inadvertently sent the map of the Delightnotium to the Glooms.
    • When the cave-in occurs.
  • My Greatest Failure: Let's just say Bashful feels really bad about sending the map to the Glooms and attempts to fix this situation without the rest of the 7D.
  • Never Say "Die": When the rest of the 7D find Bashful buried under a pile of rocks:
    Doc: [points to Bashful under the rubble] Oh no! Bashful!
    Grumpy: He's gone.
    Sleepy: We're too late.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently the 7D have "Heigh-Ho" practices and the rest of them skipped one. Also, they found a gem called the Delightnotium before the events of this episode.
  • No, You: Averted. Also a non-insult example. When the rest of the 7D thinks he's dead:
    Bashful: [emerges from the rubble] No. I was.
  • Oblivious Transformation: Queen Delightful doesn't notice she became a giant worm after the Glooms place the Delightnotium on her.
  • Oh, Crap!: Bashful has two: the first time is when he realizes he already sent the map away, even when he's told not to and the second time is when his secret paper airplane pen pal is really his enemy, Grim Gloom.
  • Pun-Based Title: Delight Me, Delight Me Not (She loves me, she loves me not)
  • Rhetorical Question Blunder: When Hildy (later Grumpy) asks Grim (later Happy) what's wrong with him and then he proceeds to read a list that lists the things that are wrong with him.
  • Rule of Three:
    • There are three imagine spots on what would happen when the Delightnotium goes near Delightful.
    • Happy and Grim list three things on their "things wrong with them" list.
  • Running Gag: Grim talking about his "pronto".
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Bashful tried to stop the Glooms on his own, only for them to retrieve the Delightnotium. When the rest of the 7D come to his aid, he manages to get the Delightnotium and shove two Gloomnotiums down their backs.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: The Glooms become these when they are exposed to Gloomnotium
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Both Grim and Happy have list that describe what's wrong with them.
  • Voice Changeling: Grumpy can perfectly imitate Bashful's voice. The rest of the 7D are impressed by it.
  • Wild Take: Grim has one after seeing Queen Delightful as a giant worm.
