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Characters / The Land of Boggs

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Main Characters

Voiced by: Kate Peterman (2018-2023)
An introverted Bogg who likes to laze about but often gets pushed around by others.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Boggo is most often seen dating boys, but in one Valentine's Day short she asks several guys and a girl to be her date, though that may have been simply desperation.
  • Born Unlucky: In contrast to her best friend Boe, who is the opposite trope. Boggo is always strapped for cash, her job is crappy and exploitative, she has no luck with boyfriends, is extremely self-sabotaging due to her various anxieties and finds herself getting taken advantage of constantly because she's so bad at saying 'no'.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Boggo's not fond of coffee, as her cup of coffee is a confetti cake milkshake with a single drop of coffee in it. Even then, she still thinks it's too bitter for her taste.
  • Extreme Doormat: Boggo has a hard time standing up for herself, to the point where she won't even correct someone when they get her name wrong.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": She's a Bogg named Boggo.
  • Nervous Wreck: Boggo isn't the most self-assured Boog out there. She often needs Boe to have her back (though Boe's presence occasionally makes things even worse for her.
  • Yandere: Platonic version (maybe). In one short she gets extremely angry when Boe doesn't immediately answer her "I love you" text with an "I love you too" going so far as threatening Boe with a knife.

Voiced by: Kelsey Impicciche
An extroverted Bogg who's always eager to socialize, sometimes taking extreme measures to do so.
  • Big Eater: She once ate all the food she and Mark just bought that morning because she was bored.
  • Big Sister Bully: If her little brother isn't being an Annoying Younger Sibling, Boe is probably being mean or apathetic towards him.
  • Choosy Beggar:
    • In one short, Boe is crawling through the desert looking for something to drink. When she comes across a vending machine, she dumps its contents out and drinks them, only to spit it out in disgust because it's just water. She comes to regret this in a later short.
    • When she and Boggo were stranded on an island, she rejected fish because she doesn't want seafood, refused water because she only drinks soda, and pushed a ship away because boats make her queasy.
  • Born Lucky: When she's not suffering from her mother's Parental Favoritism she's definitely this. Not only was she born into an extremely wealthy family, people generally seem to take an immediate shine to her and she doesn't have any of Boggo's anxiety or shyness. In one short Boggo can't get a job as a janitor at a Wonka Expy's factory while Boe, who was literally just sitting there doing nothing but play video games, gets named successor to the entire company (even when she flat-out says she doesn't want the job).
  • Fiction 500: Some shorts portray Boe as being ridiculously wealthy, such as paying a million dollars to have someone get an apple that was right next to her.
  • Lazy Bum: Boe usually avoids doing chores any way she can in favor of lazing around and playing video games.
  • Real Men Take It Black: Boe prefers to drink her coffee black, to the point where she mocks Boggo for making "coffee" that's more like a milkshake with a single drop of coffee in it.
  • Tomboyish Voice: Boe has a fairly low yet feminine voice that signifies her as a tomboy.
  • The Un-Favourite: She's often treated like trash compared to her brother. When Boe was so badly injured that her bone and brain were exposed, her mother dismissed it as a scrape, but when Aiden sneezes, she panics and tells Boe to call 911.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Played for Laughs. Whenever her and Boggo play video games together, Boe gets a kick out of being as deliberately destructive and violent as possible while Boggo just wants to do the quests normally.

Recurring Characters

A well-meaning Bogg who's always getting put down.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: He has a crush on Tiffany, but she goes to extreme lengths to avoid kissing him Under the Mistletoe.
  • Butt-Monkey: Nearly all of Mark's appearances have him be ignored or mistreated by the others. Even his identical twin Bark is treated better than him.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Mark being treated as a member of the social circle rather than an outcast is used to emphasize when the others are acting particularly bad, such as when he chastises Boe for keeping rotting Jackolanterns, not doing her chores, or eating all the food in the house or when he is involved in helping Boggo during her breakup with Brad.

Voiced by: Vivian Nweze
A friend of Boggo and Boe's who's a hopeless romantic.
  • Birthday Hater: Tiffany doesn't enjoy her birthday because it's on the same day as Christmas, meaning her family just lumps her birthday with Christmas instead of celebrating it.
  • Mad Scientist: One pair of shorts has Tiffany sew Boggo and Boe together to form the Ambivert.

A snobby Bogg who sometimes gets into conflict with the others.
  • Alpha Bitch: She can act like this sometimes, such as making fun of Boggo for wearing a tacky swimsuit.

    Boggo's family 
Boggo's mother and grandmother, who often drive her nuts.
  • No Name Given: Their names are unknown.
  • Technologically Blind Elders: Boggo's grandmother has no idea how to print something on the computer. When Boggo does so, her grandmother imagines her as a Hollywood hacker.

    Boe's family 
Boe's parents and younger brother. Boe usually has a strained relationship with them.
  • No Name Given: Aside from Aiden, the names of Boe's family members are unknown.
  • Parental Favoritism: Boe's mother blatantly favors her brother Aiden over her. She tends to blame Boe for anything wrong Aiden does and often spoils him while neglecting Boe.

Boe's nerdy younger brother who often gets on her nerves.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: He has a crush on Anna May and even tries to propose to her in one short. She doesn't feel the same and finds increasingly convoluted ways to mishear his confession.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: If Boe isn't being a Big Sister Bully towards him, Aiden is likely bugging Boe.
  • Nerdy Bully: Aiden is one of the popular kids at his school and sometimes bullies jocks.
  • What Are Records?: He doesn't know what cameras or photos are.

    Anna May 
An Animesque girl who's friends with Aiden.
  • Animesque: She has Big Anime Eyes and a lot of stereotypical anime traits.
  • Humongous Mecha: In her initial appearance, when she calls her mom to pick her up, a giant mech shows up to get her. A later short reveals that her mother is the mech.
  • Irony: Despite all the anime traits she embodies, she doesn't like anime.
  • Morality Pet: Intervenes when she sees Aiden bully a jock, telling him it's "not the ninja way". Aiden does stop, but only for the time being.
  • The One Who Wears Shoes: She's the only Bogg who wears shoes. Despite this, she can still use them like hands.
  • Punny Name: On anime.

     Taylor Grift 
A popstar Boggo's a huge fan of.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: She's an extremely unpleasant and greedy person but it's pretty understandable for her to be annoyed at her more rabid fans stalking her at her own home.
  • Loved by All: To a frankly ridiculous degree. No matter how much she mistreats and exploits her fans, they're always shown worshipping the ground she walks on.
  • Meaningful Name: Tickets to her "concerts" and "tours" cost a fortune while the actual content of said events are little more than her insulting her fans and complaining about their devotion to her. In other words, Taylor Grift is nothing more than a grifter.
  • Only in It for the Money: Implied. She doesn't seem like she enjoys singing or likes her fans but will take huge amounts of money and even gold teeth for one ticket.
  • Take That!: A not-so subtle parody of Taylor Swift.
  • Vocal Dissonance: She's a female singer but has a deep masculine voice.
