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Characters / Archer One Shot Characters Season 11 To 13

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Main Character Index | Sterling Archer | Main Characters | Recurring Characters | One Shot Characters: 1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 11-13 | Dreamland | Danger Island | 1999

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Season 11

Voiced by: D'Arcy Carden

A brilliant inventor who has created many useful products over the course of her life. Her exo-suit is targeted by Juno and ISIS both and they are racing to steal it from her trap-laden villa.

  • Action Girl: When wearing her exo-suit, she is extremely capable.
  • Crazy-Prepared: She naturally installed a failsafe into her suit to remotely disable it.
  • Disability Superpower: Defied. She flat out admits being disabled makes things very hard for her. Her inventions were created to counteract this.
  • Hero of Another Story: The stories of what could happen with her inventions and the people she's met could make a series all its own.
  • Only in It for the Money: She plans on selling her exo-suit to the highest bidder once she perfects it. Of course, she doesn't plan on selling it to Juno, since, like ISIS, she thinks they're dicks.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: The group considers her destruction of Kreiger's van horrific.

Voiced by: Simon Pegg

The perfect valet hired by Malory due to Archer constantly firing all his previous valets for extremely trivial reasons. He turns out to be an assassin hired to kill the world's greatest spy, Cyril Figgis.

  • Affably Evil: Very polite and respectful towards Archer, not once dropping his professionalism even with Archer's abuse.note  He's also an assassin attempting to kill Cyril. He even tells Archer it was "a pleasure" to work for him as he lay dying following their duel.
  • Battle Butler: Hired to be at Archer's beck and call, and has the combat skills to keep up with Archer.
  • Cool Sword: Keeps one in his belt. Both Archer and Cyril were impressed by this.
  • Evil Brit: Again, he's an assassin.
  • The Jeeves: Polite, respectful, has a charming British accent, Aleister was deemed the perfect valet for Archer. Of course, it was all a cover to get close to Archer, and ISIS by extension, so he could kill Cyril.
  • Superior Successor: To Woodhouse and all the previous valets Archer had. He’s younger, stronger, more attractive, and more competent than Woodhouse to the point Archer believed him to be perfect. He is also capable of predicting Archer’s demanding whims and was never punished by Archer, though his willingness to subject himself to Archer’s bizarre punishments just makes him more appealing to Archer. His charisma caused Malory to develop an attraction towards him and Archer himself told the man that he loved him and vowed to never get another valet since no one could replace him. Overall, he gets far more respect than Woodhouse ever got from Mallory and Archer despite his loyal services.

Voiced by: Nicole Byer

Archer's one-time date that he uses to make Lana jealous.

  • Always Someone Better: Archer gets his jollies pointing out to Lana that Gabrielle's basically a younger, better version of Lana. Her two PHDs being a noteworthy example.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: A gorgeous young woman in a figure-hugging evening dress who comes across as very likable. To her mild shock, Robert blatantly tries to persuade her and Lana into a threeway.
  • Nice Girl: Gabrielle comes across as a very pleasant individual. Lana was ready to hate her just for being attached to Archer, but by the end of the night they're more or less friends. She doesn't even get noticeably angry when she gets Archer to admit he only dated her to piss off Lana, though she still refuses to sleep with him.
  • Satellite Love Interest: Archer was using her as this, but it's gradually subverted as Gabrielle is only dating Archer to study his post-comatose psyche. She also shows increasing levels of character depth, culminating in her being one of the few women Archer doesn't get to sleep with.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Explained. Gabrielle majored in psychology and she was dating Archer for analytical purposes.

Season 12

Voiced by: Eric André

A scientist who created a device that the IIA wants. He gets into a car crash and ends up in a coma.

  • Alternate Company Equivalent: In-Universe. Turns out to be just like Krieger, complete with a customized van and a holographic girlfriend. They become fast friends.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": After he wakes up from the coma, he decides to call himself Colt. Cheryl points out his real name is Jeremy, but he decides he prefers Colt.
  • Identity Amnesia: After his coma, he can't remember who he is and needs help remembering.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Krieger forces him out of the coma, which apparently destroys 8% of his brain and makes it difficult for him to remember anything.
  • Mad Scientist: Revealed to be this, much to Krieger's delight. The two immediately bond over this. His Dying Wish is for Krieger to keep doing science, "really weird, fucked up shit that even you're like, 'Man, I shouldn't have done that.'"
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: After he starts remembering who he is and how he built the IIA mainframe, he starts wondering if he's a bad person.
  • Of Corpse He's Alive: Krieger briefly attempts this for the work outing, but is immediately shot down.
     Mc Ginley 
Voiced by: Bruce Campbell

A deceased agent who used to mentor Archer prior to the show's events.

     The Dingo 
Voiced by: Karen Fukuhara

Real name Reiko; She's the titular Dingo whom Archer tries to hunt down.

  • Beneath Notice: Her preferred method of infiltration: No one looks askance at a friendly hotel worker. Especially one who offers to show tourists the nightlife.
  • Call-Forward: Suggests Archer use a Last-Name Basis because Sterling didn't fit him.
  • Contrived Coincidence: She invokes this to get Archer distrustful.
  • The Corrupter: Gets Archer to distrust McGinley by spouting off coincidences.
  • Disney Villain Death: Parodied. Archer suggests after he knocks her off a roof, that he'll look over and find she's disappeared. When he does however, she's "super-dead".
  • The Dreaded: For Archer, both for her skill and their history.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Archer's first love. Her betraying Archer and killing McGinley crushed him and helped feed his Freudian Excuse.
Voiced by: Ted Murphy

A random unnamed mover working at the IIA who provides Archer with a surprising amount of help.

Season 13

    The Invisible Hand 
Voiced by: Alison Pill (Alessia)
A league of elite Swiss operatives.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Alessia has very short hair. Given she's an action-oriented spy, probably done out of necessity.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Throughout the ages, The Invisible Hand has played a major role in several major events, such as Black Monday, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Cola wars.
  • Calling Card: They hand out chocolates to whoever they steal from.
  • Dating Catwoman: Pam and Alessia start dating, and Pam desperately wants to impress Alessia at brunch.
  • Foe Romance Subtext: Despite being on opposite sides, Pam and Alessia are attracted to each other, and hooked up right before the events of "Out of Network"
  • Polyamory: Alessia is openly polyamorous. Her primary was a man named Klaus and her secondary was a woman named Esmerelda, until Pam knocked them both down.

     Dr. Lacania 
Voiced by: Missi Pyle
Archer's therapist, who is being targeted by Fabian due to the security risk she poses.
