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MRLD — Journey of the Last Vessel is a fictional work by Wax. While using similar terms as RWBY, the setting is completely different.

Meral Mage is a girl living in the Mage's Cave, hidden within Throne Mountain, in a remote corner of the known world. When an elder of her family foresees a great danger to the Master Emerald they're guarding, Meral is sent on a journey to find the seven Emeralds of Power so she can fulfill her destiny as the vessel of the Master Emerald and protect it. Meral thus walks across the entire continent to the Capital, at the absolute south of the known world, in two weeks to sound a critical alert.

Tropes associated with MRLD:

  • Badass Adorable: In a world full of cute girls, all the badass ones are this.
  • Crapsaccharine World: Mitama is located in a mass of stone and infertile clay appropriately called the Cursed Islands. Sina even elaborates when calling out in a city when someone points out that apparently a "rush of greenery" had taken the country. Sina immediately answers that the Mitaman have seen waves of starvation deaths in the last years and that people have used various means to recolor the clay in a futile attempt at making it farmable or to see some green one last time before they die.
  • Feudal Future: The world has high technology, yet is entirely divided between two kingdoms.
  • MacGuffin: The Master Emerald.
  • Meaningful Name: An enforced concept since girls go through a naming ceremony at 10 years old, giving themselves a new name.
    • Even exploited, as the Master Emerald vessels through the world's known history all had names derivated from the world "emerald".
  • Princesses Rule: Averted, the ruler is always a queen.
  • Older Than They Look: Since most characters, even old ones, look about 16 until they die, this is bound to happen.
  • Royal Mess: Considering the all-female world, the fact that male titles are used at all is this, but the title is only referred to as "male" when mentioned separately from the person who has the title.
  • Royally Screwed Up: Imperia has quite the snotty temper, which is noted to be inherited from Regina, and there's allusions that it has run In the Blood for longer than that.
  • Royalty Superpower: Each royal bloodline, descended from the "four kingdoms" in the world's Creation Myth, has borderline Reality Warper power within their kingdom. Two royal bloodlines have already been completely wiped out.
  • Scandalgate: "ASIDgate", as coined by Regalia, is the name given to Acido's appeal to Imperia to join her team and related events that ensued, up to Dia joining Acido as well.
  • Sibling Team: Averted. There's four teams, none including any of the possible sibling pairs. Despite the fact that there's only few characters in the cast outside of the Mitaman characters that don't have a sister.
  • Theme Naming: Follows the same naming conventions as RWBY and... that's about it.
  • Weddings for Everyone: A lot of characters get paired together over the course of the story, and by the end, every single character is in an Official Couple... except there's no actual wedding.
  • White-and-Grey Morality: Explored within the story, as Mitama's motivation for starting a war is not explored by the protagonists' side, but it's clear that they are Noble Demon at worst. The Northern separatists are also clearly pacifistic.
  • Wutai: Mitama, the Eastern Kingdom.


Team MRLD:

The team that forms around Meral, tasked with helping her find the Emeralds.

Tropes associated with the team:

  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Meral and Razz are both newbies (points added to Razz for starting out insecure), Lazuli is poor at communication, and Desiree is too focused on finding a wife first and saving the world second.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Desiree and Lazuli.
  • Trust-Building Blunder: Lazuli tries to force team exercises on the team twice: once while Razz is shaping up to fight Dazz, and once shortly after Desiree joins. The first time, only Razz agrees to actually fall, and only with Meral to catch her. Meral is late and falls on Razz instead. The second time, the team all give Desiree the same test. It fails horribly when Desiree closes in on Meral's face and Meral gets angry.
    Meral Mage 
  • From: Throne Mountain
  • Age: 14
  • Semblance: Master Vessel

Tropes associated with Meral:

  • Barrier Maiden: She's the next-in-line guardian of the Master Emerald. While the Master Emerald doesn't cause problems without a vessel, it would cease to exist after too long, and take magic with it.
  • Doomed Hometown: She is sent away pre-emptively to avert this. Nonetheless, her hometown is ruined by the time she's back.
  • Evolving Weapon: To a degree, she is her own, as finding the seven Emeralds of Power allows her to gain new abilities.
  • The Hero
    • Invincible Hero: Meral loses only once in the entirety of MRLD. During the Tournament Arc, to Neo. She retains this status only because Team MRLD usually fights together.
  • Magikarp Power: To a degree, her semblance, Master Vessel. While it allows her to host the Emeralds of Power and eventually the Master Emerald (which will make her somewhat a Physical God), before she goes on her quest and gets even a single Emerald, it does nothing.
  • Physical God: Once she takes the Master Emerald.
  • Resigned to the Call: She has to take the Master Emerald back for her family as a fated guardian, but she doesn't like being on a journey and feels like she has no choice in the matter.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: The story is about reconquering her home.
    Razz Lyninn 
  • From: Linwood
  • Age: 13
  • Semblance: Heart of All

Tropes associated with Razz:

    Lazuli Mineril 
  • From: Neritis
  • Age: 14
  • Semblance: Lazurite

Tropes associated with Lazuli:

  • Foreshadowing: When Desiree starts looking for love in the team with her powers, Lazuli's Luminescent Blush is far stronger than the others (even though she's the one calling out Desiree for "pulling something"). By the end, they are an Official Couple.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: Lazuli starts with no combat experience and fights with only her powers. Lazurite acts by itself, though as a manifestation of her true will.
  • The Quiet One: While not to the extent of Wisteria or Mysti, she's a quiet person.
  • Reality Warper: After she masters Lazurite, her powers can change reality to a degree. It remains limited by her own personal strength.
  • Shy Blue-Haired Girl: She starts out very withdrawn. While she remains calm and introverted, she grows out of her shell over the story.
    Desiree Mosion 
  • From: Destino, Troikapolis
  • Age: 16
  • Semblance: Force of Will

Tropes associated with Desiree:

  • Butt-Monkey: Early after her recruitment. One of her powers is simply to increase sexual attraction around her. However, as she probes around with it way too fast for the rest's tastes, they end up dismissing her. This starts being Played for Drama and gives insight into Desiree after Meral annoyedly calls her a "horny tramp".
  • Determinator: Force of Will increases Desiree's strength and magical power as she pushes herself.
  • Love at First Sight: Her attempts at finding someone who has this for her all fail. Her Character Development involves realizing that love isn't that simple an affair.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Early, she tries with the team and gets unceremoniously punted out. Eventually, Lazuli lets her in.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Desiree's main combat-usable power. By contrast to Fandy, her explosive attacks have emphasis on fire, having a damaging fallout.

Team HNDW:

The team formed by Honey. Tasked with preparing the population to war with Mitama and train up the other adventurers.

Tropes associated with the team:

  • Beef Gate: Early on, the team is referred to by Acido as one, referring to HNDW as "a bunch of violence that Wisteria points in a general direction" and something they need to avoid.
  • Opposites Attract: Honey and Wisteria are opposites: Honey is outgoing, sociable, and a physical fighter who can't lie or keep a word to herself. Wisteria is quiet, task-oriented, and a primarily magical fighter who keeps a lot of secrets and has an aversion to speaking in Layman's Terms.
    Honey Tuise 
  • From: Mairshope
  • Age: 18
  • Semblance: Killer Bee

Tropes associated with Honey:

  • Animal Motifs: She has a bee motif. Her semblance is even named Killer Bee and allows her to fly like one, though with a low height limit.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Her weakness is her lack of potent ranged attacks. Luckily for herself, she's a Lightning Bruiser.
  • Dumb Muscle: Downplayed. While she's normally sweet, she usually resolves adverse situation with violence and lacks a vision to lead the team towards, with Wisteria being commonly accepted as a backseat leader. She grows out of it.
  • Friendly Rival: She likes to pick rivals as she goes to encourage them and herself to grow stronger.
  • I Shall Taunt You: When she meets Tina, she taunts her about her size not matching her reputation.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Her fighting style emulates Muhammad Ali, from the dodging to the "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" sentence.
  • Stealth Mentor: Alludes to the trope as she trains others (primarily Team MRLD) by fighting them, but she makes no secret about it.
    Nyx Mineril 
  • From: Mt. Mineril
  • Age: 16
  • Semblance: Death's Shadow

Tropes associated with Nyx:

    Daff Feld 
  • From: Ameldell (born in Praetoria)
  • Age: 15
  • Semblance: Force of Nature

Tropes associated with Daff:

  • Braids of Action
  • Granola Girl: While born in the urban Praetoria, she quickly became this after Flora and her left.
  • Green Thumb: Daff has power over flowers. Even reflected somewhat in her personality, as she prefers laying down in the flower fields to active duty.
  • Mellow Fellow: Daff is best described as extremely easy-going. Flora even expects that she would have been unable to muster the effort required of a royal servant.
  • Mighty Whitey: She was born in Praetoria and raised for eventual royal service, but took to the Commune she settled in within months.
  • New-Age Retro Hippie: Alluded to in her general penchant for hanging around in flower fields, ending the occasional sentence with "man", and general dislike for modern places.
  • The Nihilist: A notion present in Daff's Edean dialect.
  • Totally Radical: Has taken to the boonies and speaks with the local lingo: Like Is, Like, a Comma, ending sentences with "man", and other verbal tics.
    Wisteria Illow 
  • From: Castra Regina (born in Arcadia)
  • Age: 21
  • Semblance: Gravity

Tropes associated with Wisteria:

  • Aloof Big Sister
  • Barefoot Sage: She doesn't like shoes, but wears them for on-foot travel. Also doubles as Magical Barefooter and Earthy Barefoot Character.
  • Court Mage
  • Gravity Master: Her semblance is limited gravity manipulation. She often uses it to fly while meditating.
  • Lady-In-Waiting: She served as Regina's before enlisting.
  • Martial Pacifist: Her general way to fight reflects this, being wholly reactive in nature.
  • Seen It All: Due to being older and more experienced than the others, she gives off this vibe.
  • Spider-Sense: A power of hers, Axia, is an Aura-percepting sixth sense.
  • Stealth Mentor: How she got with Honey is their similar way of training others.
    • Counts double in her way of helping Honey come across as a leader, always putting herself in a position confronting Honey for her to assert leadership.

Team FLMG:

The team formed by Flora. Tasked with immediate defense and communication with the other teams.

Tropes associated with the team:

    Flora Feld 
  • From: Bellanore (born in Praetoria)
  • Age: 17
  • Semblance: Floral Arrangement

Tropes associated with Flora:

  • Aloof Big Sister: To Daff of Team HNDW. Lavender discusses the trope with her due to having her own in Wisteria.
  • Anger Born of Worry: How Lavender identifies their mutual love — when Lavender fakes her own death, Flora becomes a mess of anger and despair that causes even Mysti to cry.
  • Anti-Magic: Her Light of Truth dispels other magical attacks it touches. It even has a slight Mana Burn effect in that it attacks the aura of anything it touches.
  • Dehumanization: She dehumanizes herself whenever she does talk about herself.
  • The Fettered: Flora sacrifices her life to a vow of protection. Lavender notes that she's self-sacrificial enough that, were she not here, Flora would've driven herself into being a Broken Bird.
  • Gilded Cage: Flora was raised to serve in the royal castle, but left with Daff when she was mistreated as a servant.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: As a runaway maidservant, she has a poor reputation within the high caste of Castra Regina (mostly because of Regina herself). The further they get, the more Flora actually looks like she is Loved by All.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Exaggerated to the point of being her major character flaw: Flora is self-effacing.
  • Ice Queen: Flora is usually cold and stoic.
    Lavender Illow / Lilo 
  • From: Arcadia
  • Age: 18
  • Semblance: Spirit Plane

Tropes associated with Lavender:

  • Bad Powers, Good People: She has various powers related to spirits and death, yet is a good person.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She is a nice person, but is also sneaky and cunning.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: Knowing Goldie can kill with eye contact, she looks into her eyes for three seconds, then takes her soul out of her body to fake her own death, framing Goldie for her murder and putting the Matel sisters and the entire Northern separatist movement into PR hell.
  • Code Name: Always signs letters as "Lilo", rather than her real name.
  • Faking the Dead: She actually survives Goldie's Golden Eye using her powers to leave her body.
  • Soul Power: Lavender's power; it mostly manifests in Faux Flame, but she uses it to emulate telepathy, and later to fake her own death.
    Mysti Cleye 
  • From: Marisa
  • Age: 20
  • Semblance: True Sight

Tropes associated with Mysti:

  • Color Motif: She is themed around light blue colors, showing her self-control and serenity.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name reads mystical eye, fitting for a character with innate True Sight.
  • Living Lie Detector: Her True Sight semblance lets her see what is a lie and what is truth.
  • Secret-Keeper: Lavender knows Mysti as a family friend. However, she also knows Mysti is a friend to Wisteria, not her. She does, however, keep secret the fact that Lavender is not truly dead in the period where she fakes her death.
  • Terse Talker: She's remarkably concise in her speaking.
  • True Sight: Her semblance is literally this. She can also see identify someone's semblance merely by looking at them.
    Ginny Coholli 
  • From: Kiteburg (a lie, she's from Snozport)
  • Age: 15
  • Semblance: Haze Vision

Tropes associated with Ginny:

  • Beware the Silly Ones: Yes, Ginny is drunk. However, she can share her intoxication with an enemy who isn't a Drunken Master, can't Booze Flamethrower like she can, and she can make them hallucinate that they're getting hurt, and it actually does.
  • Booze Flamethrower: She doesn't even spit alcohol, but her fire is tied to her boozed breath.
  • Drunken Master: Downplayed. She has the same skills, but her drunkenness removes the inhibition that would hold her back from hurting her opponents.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Meeting Sangria is a slap in the face to her, as they are standing on opposite sides, and Sangria points out Ginny forgot to check where she stood on the whole situation.

Team ASID (later AIMS):

The team formed by Acido. Their tasks were given to the other teams after the scandal around the team's formation. Despite being pariahs, they're given the task to subdue the northern independence movement.

Tropes associated with the team:

  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Most of the people in the other teams dislike Team ASID, for various reasons. Meral and Razz are actually the only ones stunned at the level of hatred they get.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: ASIDgate is a nationwide scandal, yet the team still defends Umonra (from the Mitaman invasion, anyway).
  • Lonely Together: Barring Imperia, the team is held together because the Umonran populace hates them.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Imperia tries to veer the team towards its objective as intended by Regina: quelling the Artian separatists. She does so to no avail, as Acido is in favor of the movement, Sally is personally uninvolved and sides with Acido, and Dia doesn't care because she has already fought the movement to the point of storming Guida three years ago and they're back.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: The team isn't well put together, which wasn't helped by the lengths Acido was pushed to by Imperia and the backlash that ensued.
  • The Un-Favourite: The team is almost universally disliked, in contrast to the other teams' Loved by All status.
  • 0% Approval Rating: ASIDgate resulted in this, as Sally showed "monstrous sadism" and Lectrie caused massive damage on her way out, and Acido is blamed for both.
    Acido Chan 
  • From: Cindermoor (born in Gizgarde)
  • Age: 16
  • Semblance: Acid Drop

Tropes associated with Acido:

  • Anti-Hero: Even at the end, she is a Knight in Sour Armor at her best.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: ASIDgate in general caused her character to do a complete 180° between an eager adventurer and experimentalist to a sour Anti-Hero with a severe lack of forgiveness.
  • Double Take: She has one when Neo greets her. Acido at first just gives her a side-glance and keeps walking, only to turn in shock at the sight of Neo. But when Neo tries to start a conversation with her, Acido immediately turns her back on her and walks away.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Her experiments with her powers on Sally and Lectrie. Acido regrets the consequences.
  • Hey, You!: After ASIDgate, she calls everyone this, with Imperia being the exception as she gets an insulting nickname instead. Sally is the first person she calls by name.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: She grows to quickly hate Umonran commoners, and doesn't go along with the patriotism of most of the other teams.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: She only fights the northern separatist movement to delay it because Mitama poses a threat to them too. And she only fights the Mitaman invasion because "she's having enough trouble already" without them barging in. When Mikado makes it to the continent, Acido even complains that her announced path doesn't come close to Castra Regina, because then she could have leveraged her assistance.
  • Mad Scientist: For a short time, when she experimented with drugs to increase her team's performance. Since it lead to ASIDgate, she immediately gives up.
  • Never Be Hurt Again: Acido struggles with accepting Sally's devotion to her and Imperia's desire to make amends because she couldn't handle them turning on her.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: With Disproportionate Retribution — see Unscrupulous Hero.
  • Science Is Bad: Somewhat. She's the only one to attempt artificially increasing her party's strength, and both attempts turn out to have negative consequences, mostly in the form of Power Incontinence and Power Degeneration.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: She's very hurt by her 0% Approval Rating following ASIDgate. Regina's reaction lead her to be as disrespectful towards anyone as she can afford to be.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: While agreeing to protect Umonra from threats, she doesn't include the northern independence movement as a threat. When Umonrans attack northerners in Thag Baldur, Acido chooses to attack the Umonrans, with only Sally and Imperia stopping her from actually committing murder.
    Sally Lime 
  • From: Levitia
  • Age: 15
  • Semblance: Soft Body

Tropes associated with Sally:

  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Her first on-screen battle only serves for her to show off. She isn't even scratched by the end of it.
  • Deadly Upgrade: Due to Acido's experiment, her semblance is increasing in strength and constantly activated, leading her to become less and less firm, and it will kill her if left alone for too long.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Umonra portrays her as a sadistic monster following ASIDgate, but she's unambiguously a positive person who's even ashamed of the fight that caused her bad publicity.
  • Implacable Man: Since she is nearly unaffected by physical blows, she mostly fights that way.
  • The Law of Diminishing Defensive Effort: Sally takes blunt physical hits clean without bothering to defend herself.
  • Morality Pet: She's the moral point of Team ASID, surprisingly enough.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Sally is nearly invulnerable to physical attacks due to her Soft Body semblance, which was upgraded after Acido's experiment.
  • The Only One I Trust: To Acido, even though Acido herself has trouble realizing it.
  • Power Degeneration: As time goes on, her body gets softer and softer until, after a long time, even her bones become too soft to hold her up. In Part 1, she's basically invulnerable. In Part 2, she's mostly relegated to defense as she's unable to hit people or hold weapons. By Part 3, she's permanently bedridden and unable to stand up. In Part 4, she's at the verge of death.
  • Power High: She fought her demonstration battle under the influence of one.
  • Rude Hero, Nice Sidekick: On a team scale. Sally acts as Acido's sidekick, and is very accomodating to contrast Acido.
  • Stone Wall: Her first fight started by her taking a punch that clearly hit her head and bent her neck at an angle it wasn't supposed to make. And it only got a chuckle out of her. However, her power also makes her squishier and she struggles at generating physical impacts, and she had to win by smothering her opponent, which was regarded as torturous and poor sport by the crowd.
  • Undying Loyalty: In the face of ASIDgate's backlash, she sticks to Acido to the end.
  • You Are Not Alone: She offered comfort to Acido saying she'd choose to be Lonely Together.
    Imperia Culson 
  • From: Castra Regina
  • Age: 15
  • Semblance: Word of Law (South)

Tropes associated with Imperia:

  • Entitled Brat: At the start, she's a complete brat the team has to carry around. However, she's forced to grow out of that trope clearly when attempting brainwashing on her team and Dia, who has immunity to this, immediately beats her to near-death in a blink and threatens to kill her.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Telling Acido she would join her if her team couldn't lose. Acido held her to it, demonstrating Sally and Lectrie's powers in knock-out fights against royal guards. Sally won and Lectrie didn't fight due to going crazy and leaving before. Technically, none of Acido's teammates that were presented this day lost, so the team was unbeatable.
  • I Gave My Word: While a brat, she sticks to her word even as ASIDgate unfolds. This only makes her mother Regina even more mad, blowing the entire situation up into a scandal.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Imp", by Acido, used both affectionately and insultingly.
  • Moral Myopia: Due to her position as Princess, she expects to be obeyed and treated as The Paragon. It gets beaten out of her fairly quickly.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite ASIDgate, Imperia fulfilled her promise and joined Acido, putting a façade in front of her mother that she's forced into it because she promised.
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: Best displayed early, as her team basically bullies the pretty out of her getup. She still becomes this whenever she washed her clothes again.
  • Princess in Rags: Forced on her early by Dia, who pelted her royal garments with mud. At first, she takes offense, but gradually she humbles herself and takes somewhat in stride the fact that she can throw down with the commoners.
  • Royal Brat
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Despite herself: she's doing so to honor her word to Acido. Despite that, she tries to turn Team ASID towards the northern separatists and the Mitaman invaders rather than her own kingdom.
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: She was one. Her having to adapt to the outside world gives her a Character Arc of sorts.
  • Standard Hero Reward: To a degree, but in the ending, she offers marriage to Acido as an apology. Acido refuses.
  • Unexpected Successor: This was the case nine years ago, as Regalia was punted off the line after her naming ceremony, as she chose a designation of decorum.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Some hindsight in the team formation makes her this. Acido met Imperia and suggested she join her team. Imperia refused unless victory was guaranteed, which drove Acido to try and experiment on the other recruits to make them stronger. Everything wrong that Acido did was driven by Imperia herself.
    Dia Mage 
  • From: Throne Mountain
  • Age: 17
  • Semblance: Elysium

Tropes associated with Dia:

  • The Ace: She's widely believed to be the strongest in the team. Justified due her battle experience.
  • Cavalry Betrayal: At the very end, she shows up and defeats Mikado... and immediately betrays the entire cast to steal the Master Emerald for herself.
  • The Cynic: She trusts nobody. Not her team, even leaving them when they're of no use to her; and not even even her own sister.
  • Fallen Hero: Gains a reputation as such during ASIDgate. Dia was last seen around three years ago, rounding up a northern rebellion attempt. As she comes back with a dark yellow costume and a dour face, and proceeds to immediately join team ASID, her appearance is a final exclamation point to the scandal.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She's jealous of Meral for being the guardian of the Master Emerald. She even concocts a plan to take it for herself.
  • The Obi-Wrong: Her role to Meral immediately after the journey starts. When Razz suggests getting Dazz as the fourth member of Team MRLD, Dia shows up, asking Meral not to get near Linwood and, while she's at it, kick Razz off her team.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Until the very end, she doesn't smile once.
  • Refusal of the Call: When Meral asks her to come with her to the Capital, Dia initially refuses. She only followed her in secret.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After Team ASID chooses to help on the northern front instead of chasing after the Master Emerald, Dia simply leaves the team for good with a blunt:
    —> "I'm going home."
  • Sixth Ranger: While technically the fourth, Dia stands off from the team in most instances, more than once throws Imperia into physical trouble, and is motivated only by her own benefit.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: She kept her heart walled after Dazz left her.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: She thinks everyone is either an idiot, a bitch, or both.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: She sometimes encourages Acido's antagonism of Umonra or specifically Regina.

    Melone Tuise 
  • From: Cindermoor (born in Mairshope)
  • Age: 16
  • Semblance: Emofeel

Tropes associated with Melone:

  • A-Cup Angst: She herself only is a mild example, but it's Lectrie who takes a more vicious jab at it when ranting at Acido, saying that maybe she should have tried her enhancement drug on Melone and that might have actually given her a chest to speak of.
  • Middle Child Syndrome: Melone isn't as strong as her big sister Honey or as kind as her little sister Cerise, so she seeks to make a difference in a way. Her regret is that her difference ends up being friends with Acido and having to mend the link between her and Queen Regina.
  • Morality Chain: To Acido, though they don't meet often. Notably, she's the only person Acido isn't abrasive towards outside of Sally or Neo.
  • Sibling Triangle: Inverted: she's the one who develops romantic feelings for both Acido and Neo, who are sisters.
  • Sixth Ranger: When the Mitaman invasion starts and Dia leaves, Acido calls her to patch the team up.
  • Telepathy: Downplayed with her semblance, Emofeel, allowing her to instantly understand people's emotions. She developed her talents in dealing with people from there to a point where it was assumed she was one.
  • Threatening Mediator: She tries to mend the relationship between her friend Acido and Queen Regina, and sometimes threatens a party with outright conflict with the other to get them to cooperate.

Other antagonists:

    Dazz Lyninn 
  • From: Linwood
  • Age: 17
  • Semblance: Heart of One

Tropes associated with Dazz:

  • The Ace: Thinks of herself as one, describing herself as an Academic Athlete, a Master of All, and a Lightning Bruiser.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Her Heart of One ability allows her to copy the powers of anyone nearby. However, as long as someone refuses, she doesn't get their powers.
  • Attention Whore: She starts out with a nice reputation, but the moment Razz is touted as a potential opponent to her, Dazz demeans her and, no matter the number of people trying to hype up a fight, Dazz tries to take the cameras away from the people asking Razz and gives her own answers.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Before appearing on screen, she's known as a hero and her little sister Razz set a good precedent for niceness... but Dazz is nothing like she appears.
  • Book Ends: She is only seen as Team MRLD starts and ends, the first time antagonizing them and the second time supporting them.
  • Breakup Breakout: When Meral pulls a shaken Razz out of the way of interviewers, Dazz taunts Meral by saying she had broken out by breaking up with Dia.
  • Cooldown Hug: The one she gives Dia ends the story.
  • 11th-Hour Ranger: It comes as a complete shock to everyone, but Dazz is the one to stop Dia. And she did all of this without hitting her: it only took blocking Dia's attack meant for Razz and Meral and giving out a speech about her trying to redeem herself. That was enough for Dia to open up to her again.
  • Evil Former Friend: To Dia. Her glory-hogging ways cost her their friendship. Her redemption starts Dia's.
  • The Fake Cutie: She acts cute, but her personality doesn't follow.
  • Heel Realization: Revealed to have had one after her loss to Razz.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: She gained her reputation by leading a charge against a northern rebellion three years ago. However, she didn't achieve too much as the northern separatism is right back only three years later and she's not even helping this time, choosing to revel in her fame as a heroine in Linwood.
  • Starter Villain: She is the first antagonist Team MRLD faces.
    Fandy Ray 
  • From: Fate Point, Troikapolis
  • Age: 17
  • Semblance: Furious Dance

Tropes associated with Fandy:

  • Girly Bruiser: Emphasis on girly, but her dance allows her to pack a serious punch.
  • Magic Dance: Why she's a Dance Battler to start with: it allows her to harness her momentum either to become faster or use it as a powerful force.
  • Sadist: Fandy is even less sympathetic than Dazz before her, as she wants the attention not just on herself, but on the humiliation she inflicts on her opponents, even deliberately clawing in an attempt to force Clothing Damage on Desiree to enforce Slut-Shaming on her.
  • Smug Snake: In the end, she ends up being this.
  • Unstable Equilibrium: Often occurs in fights with her due to her semblance, Furious Dance, empowering her as she moves. Fandy often uses this to spin, generating more energy for herself which she will use to spin again and so on. Her power can snowball out of control to a point where she just overwhelms the enemy in a few seconds.
    Lectrie Kegg 
  • From: Legance
  • Age: 15
  • Semblance: Lightning Muse

Tropes associated with Lectrie:

  • Agitated Item Stomping: Before her initial breakdown, her Power Incontinence gets her so agitated that she smashes her waiting room, ending with busting through the door to leave.
  • Despair Event Horizon: She is teetering on the brink of it before her last appearance, due to her affliction. Even curing her still leaves her unfit to do anything but rest.
  • Insane Equals Violent: Averted. She is insane, but while she started out violent, she mellows down as the story goes on even as she gets progressively crazier.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: She's only malicious to Acido. She otherwise provokes fights only due to being exceedingly agitated at the time.
  • Pent-Up Power Peril: The reason she becomes a "walking cloudless thunderstorm" is because she has to use her power or shock herself to death. Her condition is critical enough at the point where she's healed that she has several second-degree burns.
  • Psycho Electro: Lectrie has gone insane from borderline Power Incontinence. She's usually restless and something of a Nervous Wreck. The recent "thunderstorm with no clouds" is actually her letting go of all her power before going to sleep.
  • You Can Barely Stand: Just after Silvia heals her, Lectrie is ready to chase after the Mitaman... only for Silvia to allude to the trope as she entrusts Lectrie to the care of medical staff before taking off.
    "Mikado would only laugh at you."

Team GSTN:

The northern independent movement's team. The known members are the Matel sisters, Goldie, Silvia, and Tina. Their fourth member turns out to be Neo Chan, Acido's sister and a beloved Umonran soldier, who deserts and joins them.

Tropes associated with the team:

  • Affably Evil: Despite all of them being strong fighters, they want to resolve their conflict with Umonra peacefully.
  • Child Soldiers: Tina is 14. Goldie and Silvia were both fighting three years ago, being aged 13 and 14 respectively at that time.
  • The Dreaded: The three are powerful fighters, with the abilities of each posing a threat to the heroes. Neo, their fourth member, was a beloved soldier known for her near-infinite stamina.
  • Martial Pacifist: Used against them. Despite being pacifistic, their powers and Umonra's refusal to give an inch leads to Lavender's gambit that destroys their movement's popularity in an instant despite Goldie's protests.
    Goldie Matel 
  • From: Guida
  • Age: 16
  • Semblance: Golden Eye

Tropes associated with Goldie:

    Silvia Matel 
  • From: Guida
  • Age: 17
  • Semblance: Silver Eye

Tropes associated with Silvia:

  • Anti-Magic: Her magic works as this to a degree. However, by sharing her power, she cures Lectrie and later Sally of their afflictions.
  • Chrome Champion: She can change her entire body into metal. It's a visual hallmark of her Silver Bullet technique.
  • The Dreaded: To Dia, who has experience fighting her and knows she can even negate her Time Zone if close enough.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: After she cures Lectrie, they fall for each other.
  • Good All Along: Shown when she succeeds to get to the Master Emerald and doesn't take it for herself or even relocating it, instead choosing to stand vigil and watch it.
  • Infinity +1 Element: Her Silver Bullet is "always effective" as touted by her, negating all possible defensive ability in the way.
    Tina Matel 
  • From: Guida
  • Age: 14
  • Semblance: Platinum Star

Tropes associated with Tina:

    Neo Chan 
  • From: Reflecia (born in Gizgarde)
  • Age: 19
  • Semblance: One

Tropes associated with Neo:

  • Cool Big Sis: To Acido, who tried her best to emulate her.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Despite being Acido's sister, they haven't seen each other in about two years, and only cross paths once during the plot, with Acido not saying one word.
  • The Paragon Always Rebels: After the Tournament Arc, Neo announces her support of the northern separatist movement. A "perfect soldier" turning on Umonra greatly displeases Imperia, but she is barred from intervening by the rest of Team ASID, as Acido supports the movement and Sally and Dia simply don't care.
  • Spartan Sibling: To a degree, but she doesn't intervene in Acido's affairs because she knows stirring more emotions in her isn't what Acido needs.
  • Tron Lines: While One is active, Neo has these running across her body.
  • World's Strongest Man: Neo is crowned as such when she wins the Tournament Arc.

Team KMSN:

Mitama's "team". Despite never being together, they function towards a single goal.

Tropes associated with the team:

  • In Name Only: The team isn't really a team as Sina and Mikado are never active at the same time; Mikado only goes into action right after Sina's last appearance, though she does mention Sina and recognizes all her actions as ones on Mitama's behalf.
    Koa Maru 
  • From: Togami
  • Age: 20
  • Semblance: Magan

Tropes associated with Koa:

  • The Heavy: For the most part, she's the leader of the team as Mikado is all the way across the sea.
  • Lady-In-Waiting: As Mikado's personal retainer, she has a high level of authority, enough to lead the invasion in Mikado's stead.
  • Ninja Maid: Wears a maid outfit as a symbol of her service to Mikado, and is leading the effort to seize the Master Emerald for her. That is, until Mikado shows up personally.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: One of her eyes is red. It's also the one she fires Eye Beams from.
    Mikado Damashi 
  • From: Togami
  • Age: 23
  • Semblance: Word of Law (East)

Tropes associated with Mikado:

  • Dangerous 16th Birthday: She became Empress at her sixteenth birthday. Mitama is in steady decline since she rules, though not entirely by her fault.
  • Kneel Before Frodo: During the end sequence, she kneels in front of Meral, begging for her help.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: While powerful and an able ruler, Mikado's pride puts her numbers and her kingdom in danger, as she refuses to ask Umonra for help.
  • Godzilla Threshold: She doesn't get involved until she learns that Sina nearly killed herself for her cause, and more than half her people died since she became Empress. She asks Koa to take care of Sina and takes her place at the head of the invasion in a mad dash for the Master Emerald.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: While she doesn't lead the effort to seize the Master Emerald at the start, she eventually steps up and comes this close to taking it.
    Sina Yori 
  • From: Direton, Troikapolis
  • Age: 18
  • Semblance: Glitch Switch

Tropes associated with Sina:

  • Bungled Suicide: She nearly kills herself twice over the course of the story.
  • Dies Wide Open: After hanging herself, her eyes are still open. However, Koa saves her from actually dying.
  • Goodbye, Cruel World!: Subverted: Despite her hanging herself in public, Koa makes it in time to save her.
  • Guile Hero: While on the side of the villains, she primarily does political moves, as protests and staged moves targeted at PR.
  • Hitman with a Heart: She was hired by Koa, but is genuinely involved and no longer sides with Mitama for money.
  • Inspirational Martyr: Tries this by hanging herself in public after a long rant about life in Mitama. Ultimately subverted by Koa, who saves her.
  • Nice Girl: While mischievous and a bit off her rocker, she is one of the least violent characters despite for all intents and purposes being an antagonist.
  • Sad Clown: While friendly on the surface, witnessing the rampant starvation in Mitama has given her a brutal shock that she never shakes off.
  • Stepford Smiler: She's generally smiling, but she is genuinely shocked by her experience in the Mitama.
    Nyan Zato 
  • From: Furumaki
  • Age: 14
  • Semblance: Dash

Tropes associated with Nyan:

  • Blind Weaponmaster: Averted, she's a blind unarmed combat master.
  • Child Soldiers: At 14 years old, she's one of the youngest characters.
  • Diagonal Cut: Her Kat Klaw attack has a delayed effect.
  • Flash Step: Dash allows her to move so fast it is assumed she is teleporting, but she isn't.
  • Friendly Enemy: She's leading an invading force but nonetheless remains friendly and would be walking to the Master Emerald without a fight if the Mage family and then Umonra in its entirety didn't take issue with that. In fact, her not being here to fight the Northern is the reason they just let her pass.
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Handicapped Badass: She's blind due to a birth defect, yet is one of Mitama's bet warriors.
  • Verbal Tic: Finishes her sentences in "~nya".
  • Xtreme Kool Letterz: A personal tendency.

Other characters:

    Cerise Tuise 
  • From: Mairshope
  • Age: 13
  • Semblance: Emovibe

Tropes associated with Cerise:

  • Cherry Tapping: She's the one who takes out an infiltrated Tina. Even though she did have the benefit of attacking her by surprise, it is taken as this, as Tina had pushed through Team HNDW by herself so all Cerise did was knock her out with a small tap while she was injured.
  • More than Mind Control: Emovibe allows her to project her emotions onto people. She forces even Tina into feeling calmer than she would be.
  • Nice Girl: Cerise, unlike her bigger sisters, is pretty weak, so she relies on kindness and pep talking to help others.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: After defeating Tina, she captures her despite the Matel sisters having a death warrant on their head by this point.
    Regalia Culson 
  • From: Castra Regina
  • Age: 19
  • Semblance: Noble Heart

Tropes associated with Regalia:

  • Big Good: Regalia, as Imperia's big sister, tries her best to counteract Imperia's snob behavior on behalf of the royal family. She hopes she can set Imperia straight before Imperia heads for the throne.
  • No-Sell: Her Noble Heart allows her to do this for extremely short time windows.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: When she is monitoring team meetings, she is noticeably less hostile to Team ASID than her mother.
  • The Stoic: Even in the face of Acido's blatant defiance, she barely bats an eyebrow.
    Sami Culson 
  • From: Levitia (born in Castra Regina)
  • Age: 13
  • Semblance: Temperate

Tropes associated with Sami:

  • A Child Shall Lead Them: She's her village's new chieftain solely because she bears Royal Blood.
  • Modest Royalty: She used to be. She threw away royal status to live with the people and do what she enjoyed more, swimming in the river.
  • Princesses Rule: She is the acting ruler of Levitia and a princess (by blood, considering she was stripped of her title), despite herself.
  • Really Royalty Reveal: Sami makes it a secret to anyone outside her village that she's royalty, but Imperia blows it to Team ASID. This surprises Sally, who is also a friend of Sami's, but Sami kept her lineage secret to her.
  • The Runt at the End: Regalia and Imperia have names alluding to royalty. Sami, not so much. She even left the castle and her royal title to live in a village of fishermen.
    • Cain and Abel and Seth: Through Umonra, Imperia is known as the next Queen, and Regalia is a noble with lots of political clout (despite her "throwing away" her status as heir to the throne).
    Sangria Coholli 
  • From: Snozport
  • Age: 22
  • Semblance: Lingering Will

Tropes associated with Sangria:

  • Cool Big Sis: Ginny absolutely adores her.
  • Good Bad Girl: Sangria is fond of drinking wine and light-headed flirting. Nonetheless, her heart is always in the right place, and she serves as an Older and Wiser mentor.
  • Never Gets Drunk: Of the "strange to begin with" variation, though a very mild variation. Unlike Ginny, who is frequently drunk, Sangria is extremely hard to get inebriated. It gets chalked up to age and what amounts to "I fell into it when I was a kid".

Side characters:

    Royal Queen Regina Culson 
  • From: Castra Regina
  • Age: 41
  • Semblance: Word of Law (South)
The Queen of Umonra by blood, and thus the detainer of the Southern Word of Law Semblance.

Tropes associated with Regina:

  • The Caligula: Her Hair-Trigger Temper is legendary to the point it's said to be the worst since the ancient Umonran Queen that started the Four Kingdoms War (which is the start of this world's calendar).
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: The scandal that Team ASID's formation becomes was created due to her reactions. It's noted that poor temper has been a thing in the family for generations.
    Southern Queen Lacy Culson 
  • From: Castra Regina (born in Linwood)
  • Age: 35
The other Queen, by her marriage to Regina. A bit of a pushover, according to Regalia.

Tropes associated with Lacy:

  • Lawful Pushover: She often gets walked over by everyone, letting whoever's in front of her have the last word. Regalia knows that she's way too soft, which is why she takes over the team reunion meetings when Regina is not around.
