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Mr Monty's Neighbourhood is a Tumblr-based roleplay based on the visual novel Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, and a sequel to the roleplay Happy Hope Studios. After two mutual killings, culminating in the execution of HH Studios's mastermind Mifune Chiyori, despair and rioting has swept Japan, but an uneasy peace has returned and society, along with the Future Foundation made up of surviving Hope's Peak students and faculty, has started picking up the pieces.

Which brings us to the present. 18 special, talented children were selected to live together in a small facility. It wouldn’t be treated as a school this time but a more of a test… of community and peace, one that would solidify bonds and inspire. Each person received a special letter of invitation. Although it’d been a secret project, the second the letters went out it became public and attracted a good deal of media attention, both good and bad, although the location of the facility remained a secret. Each special invitation contained a map to a special bus stop, just for them.

It would not end in despair this time.

It couldn’t.

Wait, Tiramisu Town? Where is that? This wasn’t– it’s not what was planned… this wasn’t planned at all.

MMN started up in May 2016 and is currently ongoing.


...don't mind everyone currently being suzume, hooray for upcoming uniform sprites

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    Male Students 

Hokori Aoki

Super High School Level Rock Star
You should know you can’t replace me. I’m one of a kind. So why should I worry? Nothing serious is even botherin’ me, man, just sick of getting up with the fu- frickin’ sun every day. I’m more of a uh, four in the A.M. to noon type of guy.

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  • Sir Swears-a-Lot
    Hokori Aoki: "Sorry, Tsukino, I forgot you're here because you're smart and I got in by being talented and too rich to have to give a fuck about math and shit!"

Sung-min "Rudi" Bae

Super High School Level Rapper
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Toshishiro Haku

Super High School Level Violinist
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  • Sympathetic Murderer: Kirihito was planning to poison the well. It's hard to hold the murder against Toshishiro.
  • [[spoiler: Villainous Breakdown
    Toshishiro Haku: "It's just... It's just so funny to me, Hayashida-chan... You all suspected everyone else, w-when it was me, all along!"]]

Daiki Hayashida

Super High School Level Topiarist
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Tadao Myojin

Super High School Level Wingsuit Flier
Maybe I’m just telling you to knock it off because you know if you keep it up you’re gonna end up dead somehow. And, hey, maybe the person that gets fed up with you eventually is gonna be me, but probably not. "Total dismemberment" could only be a couple people, y’know?

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Takehiko Saito

Super High School Level Reporter
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  • tropes go here


Super High School Level Information Broker
Well, what can i say? I’m very good at being a little bad. Not very good at being very bad. Way too much trouble. But a little bad? senorita, I’m an expert.

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  • Deadpan Snarker: Much to the chagrin of most of the other characters.
    Suishouryuu: "A cute lil thing like you can ask me anything. Apart from my weight. I'm shy."
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: He sprinkles his speech with both Italian and Mandarin.

Kirihito Sumeragi

Super High School Level Oracle
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    Female Students 

Rachel Aberle

Super High School Level Sociologist
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Sister Agatha

Super High School Level Nun
You speak as if you’re a legend, a God. You assume you are better than all of us, from what I have heard from that foul mouth of yours.

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Hina Fukunaga

Super High School Level Seamstress
Ah…yes. I mean-no, I’m not…some idol. Just a seamstress. Sorry…

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  • Super Gullible: Hina remains unsure whether Suishou is her brother or not after a one-off comment.


Super High School Level ???
The only thing I have murdered are these flowers. Perhaps they were destined to die anyway, eaten by some animal or stepped on by one of us. But I have cut them away and now display their corpses in my living space, away from the natural order of things. They're a little like us, wouldn’t you say?

A secretive girl who withholds all information about herself, even her name. Her identity, her past, and her achievements are all unknown to the rest of the students trapped in Tiramisu Town, and nobody knows who she is or where she came from, making her very mysterious indeed.

  • Deadpan Snarker
    Fuu: You have seen right through me, Mister Kudo, I am certainly an interior designer. I only hide my identity to protect my secret feng shui techniques. Whatever shall I do now?
  • Note to Self: Fuu's memory is very bad, so she constantly records her experiences to remember them later.

Masami Horimaida

Super High School Level Striker
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Chie Nojima

Super High School Level Calculator
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Ken Onizuka

Super High School Level Lacrosse Player
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Katsumi Takahara

Super High School Level Goalie
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Ene Warazaiko

Super High School Level Comedian
Me, I’m a comedian! At least, that’s what they call me. Mostly I just show up places and make a fool a’myself, and people laugh at me! Not a bad gig, huh?

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    Nonbinary Students 

Eita Tsukino

Super High School Level Rocket Scientist
Yes, usually I do tell people I have just met to go away. I tell all people to go away, because I do not want to be around humans. They are always annoying and stupid, like you are being, right now.

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(write description here)

Tropes featured in HH Studios (for now the usual standbys of Dangan Ronpa) include:

  • Abandoned Area: Tiramisu Town looks like a totally normal if saccharine small town...aside from the fact that the students are the only human inhabitants.
  • Anyone Can Die
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The mayor's rules (the mayor may tolerate murder, but certainly not swearing and memes) and punishments for those rules (ranging from walking barefoot and having to write essays on the importance of friendliness to instant death).
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Played with. Unlike other Ronpa games, the mayor's behavior (sometimes) and the town rules are totally counterproductive rather than encouraging murder, but murder is still considered A solution.
  • Plot-Triggering Death: The next chapter can't begin if no one rises to the motive's bait, after all.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: Not Monty, but what some people think of the student 'doppelgangers' that appear in the videos for the first motive.
  • Sealed Room in the Middle of Nowhere: Not a room, but a town. There are no walls stopping the students from leaving, but the town rules promise instant death for anyone that goes into the surrounding forest.
  • Teen Genius: The students were invited to this mysterious project for all being standout for their age group in the specialty of their choice.
  • Villain-Based Franchise: Averted, surprisingly! Despite being a Dangan Ronpa RP group, Monokuma's nowhere to be seen. However, the mascot from the first game, Monty from HH Studios, has returned, but in a role more like prisoner than executioner.
  • Win Your Freedom: Get away with murder, and you can go home.
