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This is a page about the characters appearing in VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action.

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VA-11 Hall-A Employees


Julianne "Jill" Natalie Stingray
"Time to mix drinks and change lives."

Jill is a 27-year-old bartender of VA-11 Hall-A and the main protagonist. She is one of two bartenders in the bar, the other being Gil.

  • A-Cup Angst: Has a relatively modest bust, the mentioning of which sours her mood. Streaming-chan calls her "flat bartender" a few times and guesses that Jill is a B-cup at biggest, but Jill doesn't confirm that.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Has an one-sided crush on her boss, who seems oblivious. They end up together in the good ending, resulting in an aversion.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Averted. Jill's attention issues tend to be portrayed realistically, with her occasionally fixating mentally on something to the extent of tuning out people around her or being thrown off for the whole night at her job by not having something she wants in her apartment. Buying these things will allow Jill to not get distracted.
  • The Bartender: Naturally, seeing as most of the game involves Jill serving drinks to various clientèle. While she admits that she has little respect for Flair Bartending, playing your cards right will have Jill build up a sizable rapport with her patrons, including a few who genuinely consider Jill a friend.
  • Being Personal Isn't Professional: Zigzagged. She's a Consummate Professional on the job, but said job as The Bartender requires her to be friendly to her clients. As such, she's noted to have a Sugar-and-Ice Personality, with her being something of a loner off-the-clock compared to being much more chatty when she's working.
  • Berserk Button: She absolutely hates when people call her Julianne, as she shared a name with the main character of a Magical Girl show by sheer coincidence. She was bullied for it in middle school.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • "Time to mix drinks and change lives." She usually says this just as her shift starts. Apparently, it was something taught to her in bartending school that she picked up on.
    • "Welcome to Valhalla." She says it every time anyone walks into the bar on reflex. Her friends mock Jill a bit when she says it even during a Christmas party at the bar, when the place is closed to the public.
  • Chekhov's Gag: At one point when she asks what Alma did in college, she mentions that she "did a cute student teacher", to which Jill jokingly responds that everyone did a cute student teacher in college. Later we find out that her "cute student teacher" was Lenore, her ex-girlfriend.
  • Covert Pervert: Jill is pretty quiet on the topic of sex when her customers mention it. Even a sexbot like Dorothy has a hard time getting Jill to talk about sex. But when she gets drunk with Dana, Jill will end up talking about how she lost her virginity. Also, one of the first things Jill has to pay for in the game is a subscription to a porn site.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has absolutely no problem with calling someone out in the most sarcastic way possible, though she remains professional (if not polite).
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Her Character Development is about becoming more willing to open up emotionally to people instead of being so distant from them all the time. This is because she Never Got to Say Goodbye to Lenore, and that failure to do so haunts Jill once Gaby tells her.
  • Differing Priorities Breakup: This is why Jill broke up with her ex-girlfriend Lenore. From the way Jill tells it, Lenore kept trying to turn Jill into something she wasn't, even if it was with good intentions. At some point after graduating from college, Jill received an invitation to work at a prestigious research facility based on her college degree. But Jill, who hadn't really had any time to herself since first going to college, was worried about being stuck in a job she hated. However, Lenore ended up accepting the offer for Jill, without even asking her first. This led to a huge fight between Jill and Lenore, leading to Jill unofficially breaking up with Lenore in the name of "freedom" for herself. There was also a hint of Leaving You to Find Myself, as Jill needed to figure a few things out about herself that she couldn't do with Lenore.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": When people call her Julianne, Jill immediately tells them to cut it out. Jill eventually reveals that she shares a name with the protagonist of a Magical Girl anime called Model Warrior Julianne. This show was popular when she was in middle school by sheer coincidence. Being bullied about her name is still a sore subject for Jill.
  • The Eeyore: Downplayed, but Jill is one of the most emotionally restrained members of the cast, and her general attitude is noticeably dour. This starts to change after Lenore's death, when Jill resolves to stop hiding her true feelings so she'll never repeat the same mistakes.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Don't ever call her Julianne. Later in the game she reveals that in elementary school, she was really into the Magical Girl show Model Warrior Julianne, but in middle school was teased mercilessly for it.
  • Everyone Can See It: Anyone who spends enough time around Valhalla can tell that Jill is in love with her boss, Dana. Well, everyone except Dana herself. But Gillian and a couple of patrons tease Jill about it throughout the story.
  • Fatal Flaw: Aloofness. Jill is very emotionally distant from everyone, as her last break-up really scarred her emotionally. However, this comes back to bite Jill in a big way during the second half of the game. It turns out she Never Got to Say Goodbye to her ex-girlfriend Lenore, because Lenore died before she could. This sends Jill into a Heroic BSoD, calling herself "a piece of shit" and spending several weeks in a depression. As a result, Jill's Character Development is about moving past this flaw and being more willing to open up emotionally to her friends.
  • Flair Bartending: Discussed. Jill doesn't do this, because it's hard to do and doesn't make the drinks taste any better. She also mentions that she saw a bartender try this at a party when Jill was in college, only to have the bottle slip from his hand and hit Jill in the head. Naturally, Jill was a bit adverse to theatrics with alcohol after that.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Dana makes fun of them at one point, comparing them to an eighth grader's hair. In the good ending, Gabi and Alma go so far as to even braid them.
  • Grammar Nazi: Jill's first boyfriend was this, and she admits that she picked the habit up from him.
  • Gratuitous French: On Day 5, when talking to Alma, Jill reveals that her mother is French. Alma asks if she knows any French, to which Jill replies "Mon aeroglisseur est plain d'anguilles," which is French for "My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels". Alma asks if she knows what it means, but Jill has no clue.
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X": By her own admission, Jill's sense of humor is very juvenile. She has to resist the urge to laugh when patrons order a Bad Touch, and she cackles like a hyena when she and Dorothy make cracks about a huge wiener Dana buys for a New Year's party. It's a testament to how hard Lenore's death affects Jill when a customer orders a Bad Touch, and Jill doesn't so much as crack a smile. The other characters who know Jill quickly pick up on this.
  • Heroic BSoD: Goes into this after hearing about Lenore's death. She's in it for basically the rest of the game, even as her friends help Jill process Lenore's death and move on. It's only during the Golden Ending that it seems Jill is finally Moving Beyond Bereavement.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Attracted to Alma, who happens to be completely straight, habitual flirting aside. In the bad ending, she moves in with Alma, who platonically cuddles her to sleep every night, making Jill even more sexually frustrated and depressed.
  • It's All My Fault: After the Drama Bomb that drops in Chapter 2, Jill becomes rather despondent, believing herself to be the cause of misery. She calls herself "a piece of shit" in her apartment, stops responding to just about any stimuli, throws herself into her work as a distraction, and doesn't even crack a smile when a customer orders a Bad Touch, which Jill's closest confidants immediately pick up on.
  • Leaving You to Find Myself: After turning down a job offer from a research facility, Jill and her then-girlfriend Lenore got into a huge fight about it. Jill stormed, breaking a vase as she did, and never went back. Jill hated the idea of being stuck in a job she didn't like, as well as the fact that she was constantly questioning if she even wanted to be a researcher.
  • Loser Protagonist: Despite the cyberpunk setting, the body modifications with nanomachines, and the various goings-on of people trying to fight the system, Jill isn't involved in any of it, nor does she want to be. She's The Bartender in a seedy dive bar, barely able to make her rent. She's sexually frustrated, as her last relationship ended with a big fight and an unceremonious breakup. She not only can't change very much about Glitch City, but she has no interest in doing so. Jill is just a woman trying to live out her own life, despite the challenges that come with it. In short, she's the kind of person you'd expect to be an NPC in a cyberpunk story, but she's the protagonist.
  • Masturbation Means Sexual Frustration: According to Anna, Jill engages in some "self-love" quite a bit. And with Jill's sexual frustrations at the forefront of her mind quite often, the implication is that her frustrations are that this is the best sex that she can get.
  • The Mourning After: News of Lenore's death comes right out of nowhere, causing Jill to fall into depression for weeks. It's made all the more worse by the fact that her last interaction with Lenore was their argument and unofficial breakup. Jill never truly forgives herself for not being there when Lenore was dying, until the end where she urges Gaby to not mourn her but instead celebrate the life that she had led.
  • Moving Beyond Bereavement: The second half of the game becomes all about this, as Jill learns that her ex-girlfriend Lenore has died, and she Never Got to Say Goodbye. After that, her friends and confidants help Jill out by doing whatever they can to calm her down, keep her mind focus, and give her advice.
  • My Greatest Failure: Not making up with Lenore becomes this to Jill after she hears about her death. Jill undergoes a Heroic BSoD, and calls herself "a piece of shit" for what happened.
  • Never Gets Drunk: Downplayed. She has a liver implant from the BTC that prevents her from getting drunk unless it's with a large amount of booze, which is implied to be relatively standard among bartenders. On Day 6, it requires drinking nearly a full twelve-pack of beer before Jill is properly red-faced drunk.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: Her ex-girlfriend, Lenore, dies suddenly of a heart attack midway through the plot. Jill eventually moves past it with the help of her friends, but it's clear she never forgives herself for it.
  • Not So Above It All: Jill tends to have a professional attitude when working, except when someone orders a Bad Touch, where she has a hard time controlling her giggling. And then there was the incident with the giant wiener...
  • Office Romance: Downplayed. It's implied more than once that Jill is attracted to Dana, who is her boss. There's a few hints that Jill has been Eating the Eye Candy when Dana comes in with an outfit that Jill particularly likes, and there's a few too many photos of Dana on Jill's phone to not raise some eyebrows. In the good ending, the two of them undergo a Relationship Upgrade and start dating while they go on vacation to Panama.
  • Old Maid: She's 27 years old, unmarried, and sexually frustrated. When randomly asked about the status by an interviewer, she apparently went on an hour-long rant.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Jill is so devastated by the news of Lenore's death that Virgilio's Bad Touch order doesn't even get a chuckle out of her. Jill's friends and co-workers pick up on this very quickly.
  • Parting-Words Regret: The last time she spoke to Lenore was when the two of them had an explosive fight over Jill's life choices, resulting in the two of them more-or-less breaking up. They never made up before Lenore's untimely death, and Jill never forgives herself for it.
  • Seen It All: Her customers can talk about all the weird goings-on in their lives, and it hardly fazes Jill. Since she's a bartender, she's heard it all before. This includes gossip from a news editor, saving peoples' lives from a White Knight, and a prostitute talking about some of her clients. The only thing Jill seems in any way bothered by is when Dorothy starts getting graphic in the depictions of the things she does, but even then, it's just mild annoyance rather than total shock. Even seeing Taylor, who is a Brain in a Jar, only phases Jill for a few moments before she just rolls with it.
  • The Scream: After dealing with a particularly hard customer who drops a Drama Bomb on her, Jill lets out a long scream of anger before going into a Heroic BSoD. When Gaby gives Jill a "The Reason You Suck" Speech about Lenore's death, Jill counters in kind that she didn't even know Lenore was sick, and that it isn't her fault. Once Gaby is gone, Jill screams in frustration and rage. Dana immediately says that Jill's shift is over and walks her home, while Gil locks up the bar and makes sure that Gaby also gets home okay.
  • Smoking Hot Sex: She mentions she once threw a one-night stand out because he got upset with her smoking on the bed after sex.
  • Straight Gay: Jill is bisexual; various conversations with her throughout the game reveal that Jill had at least one boyfriend and at least one girlfriend at different times in the past. A conversation with Alma even has Jill detail what she wants in men and what she wants in women. However, Jill doesn't exhibit any sort of camp mannerisms throughout the story, even while flirting.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: Downplayed; Jill was a college student while Lenore was a student teacher who helped her with her studies, and it became something more. It ended in disaster when Jill Never Got to Say Goodbye.
  • Too Much Information: Her usual response to Dorothy's in-depth chats about her workdays, which causes Jill to politely ask her to not go into any more detail.
  • Weirdness Magnet: At one point, she wonders if she's a magnet for shady people with mysterious lives.
  • Workaholic: Tends to show up at the bar even when her appearance isn't strictly necessary, much to Dana's frustration. It's also at least partly to distract herself from Lenore's death once Jill learns of it.


Dana Zane
"I'm eternally seventeen!"

Dana Zane is a former wrestler and owner of VA-11 Hall-A. Her left arm is a mechanical prosthesis and is the subject of several rumors.

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: One of her threats toward, of all people, Yasunori Kato. It... doesn't really make much sense in context either.
  • Benevolent Boss: Goes out of her way to take care of her employees, and basically rescued Gillian from whatever trouble he was in. She also always tries to find an excuse to add more money onto Jill's paycheck, even outright admitting that she doesn't have a reason near the New Year. Also, when Jill is clearly distressed by learning of her ex-girlfriend Lenore's death, Dana immediately tells Jill that her shift is over, walks her home, offers to order food for her, and tells Jill to relax without worrying about what's happening at the bar. When Jill comes back the following day, Obviously Not Fine despite insisting so, Dana continues to check on Jill to make sure she's at least trying to handle things.
  • Bouncer: Serves as the bar's bouncer, in addition to being the owner. Dana singlehandedly makes sure that VA-11 Hall-A is protected from looters during a city-wide riot, relying on nothing more than her spiked bat.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Has some shades of this, constantly getting stuck in things and hiring Shibas in sunglasses. There's also her extremely eclectic past.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Seems like some kind of goofball, but if even half the stories about her are true, messing with the boss lady is a good way to get a baseball bat upside the head.
  • Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: Played for Laughs. When she thinks that Yasunori Kato has arrived in VA-11 HALL-A, she begins shouting about her intent to do violently nonsensical things to him.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Proudly declares that she only loves cute (and/or 2D) things, and is ecstatic when Jill brings her cat to work. The Prologue involves the bar hosting the Seifar Toy Company anniversary, which is mostly comprised of talking Corgis.
  • Famed In-Story: She's had quite an... eclectic life, and left behind plenty of legends and rumors behind her. What isn't simply Urban Legend started by her usually ends up true, somehow.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: Gets stuck in Sei's helmet during the story, apparently only the latest in a long series of getting stuck in things.
  • I Hate Past Me: By her own admission, when she hit puberty, she became the definition of a "shallow jerkwad" of a woman. It wasn't until around the time she hit sixteen did realize this and decided to clean up her act.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: She quickly warms up to Jill's pet cat Fore, and her actions throughout the game show her to be a very empathetic, kind person.
  • Living Legend:
    • Even seeing her in VA-11 Hall-A is enough to quickly defrost Ingram due to how much he's heard about her. Whether the stories concerning her are true is a common topic of discussion in the bar.
    • The crossover with Cyberpunk RED incorporates her into the setting by stating that aside from being a famed wrestler, Dana in that universe is a reputable Solo who's rumored to have done bodyguard work for Johnny Silverhand, dated Rogue Amendiares and ran with Morgan Blackhand's squad during the 4th Corporate War.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Downplayed. "Stupidity" is too strong a word, but she definitely doesn't act like somebody who's dangerous enough to comfortably escort Jill home through the middle of a riot.
  • Oblivious to Love: Doesn't seem to comprehend that Jill has an extremely obvious crush on her. Averted in the good ending, where they end up together.
  • Running Gag: She's a veritable font of these.
    • Her infamy for one, that's only learned thirdhand by Jill from her customers and much of which is actually confirmed by Dana later.
    • Her inevitable misnamings of Alma, whose corrections she responds to, without a fault, with "I know what I said."
    • Her love of incredibly Spicy Chicken, and the... side-effects the nearly-lethal buckets tend to cause.
  • Urban Legends: There are several rumors about what happened to her original arm. Jill seems to think that Dana herself started these rumors.
  • Vague Age: She looks like a young adult, but apparently she'd cut your tongue out if you found how old she really is. Whenever anybody asks her, all Dana says is that she's "eternally seventeen" at heart.



Gillian is the more mysterious of the two bartenders. He keeps quiet about his past and will occasionally disappear for a few days at a time, but is reliable and extremely loyal to Dana.

  • Butt-Monkey: He's constantly being humiliated in some way or another.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Butt-Monkey he may be, but it's implied that he lives an extremely dangerous and adventurous life off-camera. During the events of the game he manages to walk through a massive city-wide riot without getting a scratch on him. He also may have past ties to the KGB, and definitely used to be involved in riot control in Hong Kong.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: We only gets hints of it, but he's apparently seen more than his fair share of trauma, and it's implied that Dana hired him to give him a safe haven to hide from whatever it is he's running from.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: He uses the identity of Robert, a former VA-11 Hall-A Bartender who had a "levitation potion" incident.
  • Did You Just Have Sex?: Gil gets himself a girlfriend and spends the next day beaming and smiling. Every customer recognizes why immediately.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: Seems to have done a lot of shady things in the past, from being an anarchist rioter in Hong Kong to possibly having ties to the KGB.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. His name is supposedly Gillian, but he goes by Gil, which is pronounced pretty much the same as "Jill." Dana is frustrated to no end by Jill's refusal to budge on this.
  • Pretty Boy: To the point that other characters half-jokingly call him a "fuckboy." *Kira* Miki calls him the handsome bartender and Mario is pissed that Jill hasn't taken the opportunity to fuck his brain out, something Alma claims she would have done in Jill's shoes.
  • Running Gag: Tends to attract nicknames. He gets called John or John-face by a good chunk of the cast, "fuckboy" almost as frequently, and Alma constantly gets his name wrong on purpose, to mess with him.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Gil would like you to know that he has never been to Hong Kong, and certainly didn't defect from any anti-riot force after stealing supplies.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: He rarely gets any respect from the other cast members, and is implied to be working at VA-11 because he's out of options. By the end of the story, however, he's gotten a girlfriend, and his problems with the White Knights are over for good.
  • Uncertain Doom: As mentioned under Dark and Troubled Past, Dana is employing him at least partially to give him a safe haven from whatever he's running from. She also expresses concern over his job prospects if she's forced to shut down the bar. Given that the concerns over VA-11's looming closure are never addressed by the end of the story, his future prospects may be bleak.

    Rad Shiba 

Rad Shiba

It's a talking dog with sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt! What's not to love about him?

Glitch City Clientèle


Donovan D. Dawson

Donovan is Chief Editor and owner of The Augmented Eye, a magazine. He's brash, chauvinistic, and more than a little arrogant, but even people who dislike him can only admire his confidence and ability to get things done.

  • Alliterative Name: Donovan D. Dawson.
  • Bald of Evil: He's the only bald character, and he's also the most morally ambiguous customer that Jill can serve. While he can have his orders satisfied, Donovan is also openly chauvinistic, clearly hates his job, and all but admits to sexually harassing his female employees. Even hired killer Jamie is more personable and pleasant than Donovan is. Jill even outright hopes he doesn't come back.
  • Cunning Linguist: Learned Cantonese in two weeks specifically because he didn't want to be seen with his geeky "pizza-faced" translator.
  • Drink-Based Characterization: His usual is a mug of beer - the bigger, the better - which represents his down-to-earth no-nonsense demeanor.
  • Expy: Of J. Jonah Jameson, being a blockheaded newspaper editor with an especially Alliterative Name.
  • Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight: Donovan makes it clear he hates everything about the media. He hates the investors who want needless change, he hates the interns who only want to write about what's hip, he hates how politically correct his newspaper has to be, and he hates the people he has to interview. The only things that Donovan enjoys about his job are the respect and power that comes from his position and the hefty paychecks that he gets, which is why he keeps putting up with it.
  • Jerkass: While his professionalism is admirable, his personality is anything but. He's rude, hot-headed, invasive, and openly lacks any respect for anybody. He enjoys being the Mean Boss of The Augmented Eye so much so that one of the interns attempted suicide due to the work environment, and he is also a creep who stalks and sexually harasses women he finds attractive and tells them when they have any negative quality to their face. He's one of the few clientèle that Jill does not wish to see again after their fourth encounter.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He's very abrasive and hot-headed, but even Jill has to admit he makes some very solid points about the media industry. On the first conversation with him, Donovan notes that people love to gossip about celebrities because they want to see them fail, or at least want the chance to point and laugh at someone for trying to rise above their station. Jill admits she can see why he'd think that way.
  • A Man Is Always Eager: He certainly seems to think so. He even employs only women as secretaries because he sexually harasses them, and because he likes to see them compete for a single spot.
  • Mean Boss: Donovan runs his newspaper efficiently and keeps the quality of its articles high... but does so by exploiting his low-paid interns, making them fight over who gets to write articles under various pen names, and considering the idea of his employees fearing him personally to be satisfying.
  • Only in It for the Money: Proudly states that the only thing keeping him in journalism is the good money he gets for "generating clicks" on the Augmented Eye.
  • Pet the Dog: Admits that he felt bad about stealing one of his interviewer's scoops on *Kira* Miki.
  • Signature Scent: Likes to heavily lay on the cologne. Kim recognizes it even after she wakes up in Valhalla, despite having passed out for at least several hours.
  • Unsatisfiable Customer: Jill can satisfy his orders, but he'll still constantly complain about things in Valhalla, and also be relatively chauvinistic at that. Yet for all his claims about hating the bar, he comes back a few times. By the third time, Donovan's already ordering "the usual" and expecting Jill to know what he means.


Sei P. Asagiri
In Uniform.
Everyday Clothes.

A White Knight serving under the Valkyrie First-Response unit. Despite the White Knights' reputation Sei is extremely kindhearted and truly believes in helping people. Although she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, she can take care of herself and is one of the most kindhearted characters in the game. She's Stella's best friend and unofficial bodyguard.

  • Action Girl: Although the Valkyrie unit is focused on first-response medical aid, Stella mentions that she once saw Sei take down a haywire security robot alone. When you see her out of her uniform after escaping the crisis at the bank, she's visibly ripped and mentions that she's quite buff.
  • Amazonian Beauty: As already mentioned, her strong physique shown without her uniform is complemented by her beautiful features.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: She has some kind of learning disability. She learns quickly when things are framed in a familiar context, however.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Being one of the genuinely kind people in the White Knights is likely the only reason why she wasn't lynched after they disbanded; when she was rescued from the bank, the doctors treated her wounds for free and people pretended not to notice a former White Knight walking around.
  • By-the-Book Cop:
    • Not only she is benevolent but also follows procedure and laws as a White Knight. In fact, this trait is the reason Sei wasn't lynched by the people compared to her less-upstanding colleagues.
    • She is willing to overlook Dorothy's gun-fingers, however, since she's technically not law-enforcement and also off-duty when she spots them. She even advises Dorothy on how to conceal them properly.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: She's a self-admitted lightweight, and prefers fruity, girly drinks that aren't too strong.
  • Childhood Friend: She and Stella met when they just so happened to end up in the same park together as kids.
  • Combat Medic: Valkyries are paramedics, but they're still White Knights.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She was a bitter, angry youth, who dropped out of high school due to her learning disability. She became a White Knight because she wanted to help people.
  • Drink-Based Characterization: She likes sweet low- or non-alcoholic drinks like Blue Fairy, partly because her career demands a certain level of sobriety as well as to show her gentle nature.
  • Dumb Muscle: Strong and not very bright, although she isn't exactly "dumb". Even so, Sei recognizes that she's a little slow on the uptake, and frequently takes things in a Literal-Minded stance and has to have things explained to her by Jill and Stella more than once.
  • Hyper-Awareness: Just by looking at Dorothy, she's able to quickly analyze every visible modification she's put on herself, including the illegal ones. What makes it particularly this trope is that this includes Dorothy's tongue.
  • Karmic Jackpot: One of the only honest White Knights on the force is recognized and spared by the enraged vigilantes when the Knights are exposed as a wing of the mob.
  • Kind Hearted Simpleton: As stated above, Sei is not very bright. But she is a very kind and friendly person.
  • Made of Iron: In the past, despite having a 2cm deep cut, Sei still went into burning buildings to rescue people. Stella mentions that this nearly cost Sei the use of her arm, yet in she went.
  • Revenge: Sei beat her abusive father to near death... three times.
  • Sherlock Scan: She quickly susses out Dorothy's illegal military-class modifications and proceeds to tell her to her face that she's violating several laws.. before telling her how to conceal them in the future.
  • Stellar Name: Sei is the on'yomi reading of the kanji for 'star'.
  • Stepford Smiler: After the bank incident she tries to act as cheerful and upbeat as she can... but it doesn't last long.
  • Tempting Fate: Reassures Stella that the rumors of an attack on the Apollo Bank are probably bogus and she'll be back soon. The attack happens and Sei is trapped there for several days, although she manages to escape with her life.
  • Token Good Teammate: The White Knights as an organization are far, far more tarnished than she is, something which saves her life when the organization is exposed. Sei has done so much good in Glitch City that she's treated by doctors for free, and even after she escapes, people "forget" they saw her instead of crushing her like other White Knights.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Is the Tomboy to Stella's Girly Girl.



A regular at the bar who works as an assassin.

  • Anti-Hero: He may be an assassin but he only kills people who deserve it.
  • Consummate Professional: He makes a point of ending his targets quickly and painlessly and keeps his business and personal life separate. This is to the point that he tells Jill that he wouldn't accept a hit on her or anyone in the bar because he doesn't want to kill anyone he knows the names of.
  • Cyborg: He tells Dorothy that he's so altered that he barely has enough of his own skin left for it to heal naturally, though he doesn't go into further detail. Another point of interest is that she comments that her only requirement is that her clients be at least 40% organic, and he, in turn, implies that this disqualifies him from purchasing her services.
  • Drink-Based Characterization: As a seemingly stereotypical tough guy he likes Gut Punches.
  • Expy: He's pretty much just Adam Jensen.
  • Hitman with a Heart: He's one of the nicest patrons of VA-11 Hall-A, despite his chosen career. He's also very selective with his targets, only selecting those who he thinks deserve it.
  • Mysterious Past: Jill asks all sorts of questions about who he is and what he does to try and learn about Jamie, but by the end of the game, you know basically as much as you do at the beginning of the game: he's an assassin, and he likes Gut Punches. He's very good at deflecting questions about himself.
  • Nice Guy: Ironically enough, despite being an assassin, he's one of the most affable characters in the game, he even can bring the good out of Ingram of all people.
  • Professional Killer: His day job, though he personally sees it more akin to Bounty Hunting than anything.
  • War Is Hell: Says so himself, although he hasn't been involved in any official wars.


Ingram McDougal

A particularly unpleasant client who comes by habitually despite stating he'll never come back.

  • Best Served Cold: He hired someone to assassinate the White Knight who killed his daughter.
  • Character Development: Serving him sweet drinks seems to inspire him to change his life a bit, Jill notes that he seems happier and healthier.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Losing his daughter to a White Knight has left him incredibly surly and prickly.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: If you serve him sweet drinks against his wishes, you'll still get a "Flawless Service" bonus, which seems to indicate that he doesn't actually file any complaints.
  • In Vino Veritas: A variant. He'll complain if you give him sweet drinks instead of the ones he orders, but the memories they stir make him open up about his ex-wife and dead daughter.
  • Jerkass: He's generally rude and surly to Jill. He doesn't tip for big drinks, either, so don't bother.
  • Odd Friendship: He gets along surprisingly well with Jamie due to their shared preference for hard drinks.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Lost his daughter four years prior, which contributed to his overall demeanor.
  • Niceness Denial: Whenever he did something nice, such as complimenting Fore, he'll always try to undermine it by complaining about something else or saying it's common sense.
  • Pet the Dog: Takes in the stray cat his daughter used to feed.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Once a year, he hires Dorothy to act as his daughter, who passed away four years ago, without any sexual services involved. For her part, Dorothy enjoys the interaction.
  • Running Gag: When Jill tells him "Please come again" as he leaves, he grumbles "Don't count on it". He still comes back. Every time.
  • Vengeance Feels Empty: How he felt after having the guy who killed his daughter assassinated.


Kimberly La Vallete

""Valhalla"? Oh God, did I die? My uncle Ignus' claims that the afterlife looked like a shoddy downtown bar were right all along?"

A woman who was found unconscious near the bar one day. She is extremely high-strung and paranoid, fearing violence and rape await her at every corner (which, considering where she lives, isn't probably too far off). She's also an intern at the Augmented Eye.

  • Bungled Suicide: It's implied that Dana Zane saved Kim from committing suicide.
  • Butt-Monkey: Her boss is Donovan, her co-workers are incredibly competitive, her life's so bad she may have tried to kill herself, and attempting to be a serious reporter gets her busted.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: She's been stuck at The Augmented Eye since she was just out of high school, and in the end is glad to lose the job so she can find her own path in life.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Would like to be one, but with her chauvinistic boss and cutthroat co-workers, it's unlikely she'll ever get there. It's implied that trying to be this after the bank incident gets her fired.
  • In Vino Veritas: Get her drunk, and she'll express her...strident...opinions about her co-workers.
  • Madness Mantra: Behold her reaction to waking up in the bar, after singlehandedly working herself up into a paranoid frenzy.
  • Never My Fault: Get her drunk and she'll come in the next day angrily blaming Jill for making her pass out and miss work. Jill points out that keeping people from drinking isn't her job. She does get over it and ends up profusely thanking Jill because of how much it helped her rethink her life, however.
  • "Well Done, Daughter!" Girl: Stuck with The Augmented Eye even after getting tired of it, to please her family.


Rebecca Dorothy Willow Graem "Dorothy Haze"
"Nobody expects the Dorothinquisition!"

Dorothy is a Lilim sex worker with a childlike "body" and one of the nicer clients Jill deals with. She is very open about her business and what she's done and is generally extremely cheerful and optimistic.

  • Absurd Phobia: She has been randomly programmed with a fear of dogs and chinchillas (the latter of which are extinct).
  • Affectionate Nickname: She refers to Jill as "honey" throughout the game. It's one of the few things that Jill doesn't seem to mind about Dorothy's open sexuality.
  • Animal-Eared Headband: On top of her head lies two holes which allow for two Radar Jammer devices, shaped like Cat Ears.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: Discussed. Late in the story, Dorothy comes into Valhalla, wondering what's real — if she's real, if the bar's real, or if anything at all is real. Jill brings up the idea of solipsism, the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. Ultimately, Jill concludes that whether anything's real or not, it doesn't matter and Dorothy should try to live her own life as best as she can.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: In terms of what she could potentially be doing with her life. Dorothy notes that she achieved full AI sapience in less than a year, which is implied to be a very fast development time for an AI and very promising for their future prospects. But she makes her living as a sex worker. She's anything but lazy, though, and enjoys her work immensely.
  • Connected All Along: To Anna. In her ending, Anna is revealed to be the daughter that Dorothy's "mother" lost before taking her in, it's also revealed that Dorothy has some degree of capacity to interact with Anna, listening to her on occasion, but not more than as a whisper.
  • Conscription: According to the law, anyone who's been modified to fire bullets above Class-3 are required to report for military service. Dorothy has a class of hands that can fire well above that caliber, meaning that she'd have to go for military service if she was ever found out. Fortunately, the person who notices Dorothy's fingers is a paramedic, not a cop.
  • The Empath: She can use body heat readings, observed expressions, and context to make pretty good guesses about how people are feeling, since she's unable to actually empathize. This is how she notices that Jill's suffering from a Heroic BSoD after Jill learns about Lenore's death.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • While Dorothy is willing to play along with her clients' sexual fetishes, there are some acts she won't perform, like non-consensual violent sex. Dorothy also mentions that she had to refuse a customer who wanted to decapitate her. Even though this wouldn't technically have killed her, it would have been a major hassle for Dorothy.
    • Her clients have to be at least forty percent organic, according to her. That means no other Lilim. From the way Dorothy tells it, this appears to be personal preference more than programming.
    • When Dorothy can tell that Jill is upset about something after the game's Wham Episode, Dorothy offers a night of cuddling to Jill, nearly free of charge. Jill turns Dorothy down, however.
  • Exotic Equipment: Her stats in the Cyberpunk RED crossover DLC states that she's equipped with both a Mr. Studd and Midnight Lady (IE, cybernetic penis and vagina), meaning she's capable of servicing any clientele.
  • Extreme Omnisexual: Her one limit on clients is that they be at least 40% percent organic. Beyond that rule, she'll offer her services to anyone.
  • Fetish:
    • When Alma explains how she hacks computers, Dorothy gets so turned on that she's practically begging Alma to make her buffer overflow. This is a common kink among Lilim.
    • Dorothy's Establishing Character Moment is coming into the bar, asking if Jill can see her. This is because Dorothy's trying to turn invisibile for a client's very particular invisibility fetish.
  • The Empath: Zizagged. As a Lilim, she can't really have emotions the way that organic people do. But, she's been modified with so many different tools and learned to read her clients for so long that she can pick up how people are feeling pretty easily. This is how Dorothy can tell that Jill is undergoing a Heroic BSoD after Jill is told that her ex-girlfriend Lenore has died.
  • Finger Firearms: One of the mods she's added to herself is the ability to fire Class-5 bullets from her fingers.
  • Friend to All Children: She really loves kids, and plans to find some job working with them after she retires as a sex worker.
  • Genki Girl: Probably the most cheerful prostitute you'll ever meet, and she'll gladly talk about gangbangs with a wide smile on her face.
  • Happily Adopted: Newly-created Lilim are assigned to humans in order to foster their emotional development. Dorothy occasionally calls her guardian "Mom" on accident, though by the end of the game, Jill convinces her that she should just call her that, since it's how she views her.
  • Hidden Depths: Even hookers can have severe existential crises sometimes. Dorothy goes through this both as a Lilim model who is getting outdated, and as a sex worker who is getting frustrated with some parts of her job.
  • Hooker with a Heart of Gold: She's perfectly willing to give up a night's potential earnings to comfort Jill after Lenore's death, offering to spend a night cuddling with Jill (in a comforting way, not a sexual way), all for the charge of a single glass of soda.
  • Meaningful Name: Aside from her “stage name” being a reference to the eponymous Lolita, her model number DFC-072 derives from a 4chan acronym for “delicious flat chest” and the Goroawase Number for masturbation.
  • Mundane Utility: She's got a number of mods you'd expect in a police or military model of android or robot, all of which she uses for the purpose of prostitution. Among them: a DNA scanner tongue (which happens to be prehensile and vibrating), radiation-proof skin (smooth and supple, also protects from other forms of damage and wear as well), radar jammers (cute cat ears), premium extra-flexible joints (goes without saying), and a mod that's supposed to make her invisible (for a certain niche fetish).
  • Ocular Gushers: Her fake crying has massive streams of water coming out of her eyes.
  • Off with His Head!: Discussed. Dorothy once had a client who wanted to cut her head off, which she had to refuse. The thing is, losing her head wouldn't even be fatal to Dorothy since she's a robot, which is probably why the client asked her. Even so, Dorothy refused because having to get her head reattached would have been a huge hassle for her.
  • Older Than They Look: Dorothy looks between 10-13 years old, which is the age all DFC-072 model Lilims look like when just out of the factory. However, she is mentally 24 years old and physically about 7 years old. She could upgrade her body to look older, but she keeps it the way it is because it gives her a unique niche in her industry. She apparently intends to upgrade when she retires from prostitution.
  • Platonic Prostitution:
    • Apparently "hug nights", where she holds someone and offers emotional support, are one of her more expensive services. After Jill learns about Lenore's death and suffers a potentially suicidal emotional breakdown, Dorothy recognizes what's up and cuts her price for a hug night down to a single glass of soda.
    • She's been hired by Ingram once a year, every year, to act as his daughter for a day after said daughter tragically died. Dorothy's been doing this for the past three years, and admits she enjoys it.
  • Replacement Goldfish:
    • Averted in the case of the human who raised her, who actively stopped herself from treating Dorothy as a replacement for her deceased daughter, Anna Graem.
    • One of her clients (implied to be Ingram) hires her once every year for the express purpose of acting the part of his dead daughter.
  • Robot Kid: Like all DFC-072 models, Dorothy looks like a prepubescent girl. However, she doesn't act like one, instead having the mental maturity of a 24-year-old human. She does have a soft spot for children, though, and plans to find some job working with them after retiring from prostitution.
  • Sexbot: She's a robot who works as a prostitute. She's even gone through several different modifications to her body in order to be a better sex worker.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Justified by the fact that she's a prostitute; she kind of has to talk about sex, fetishes, and all the things she's asked to do as part of her job. However, she can get a little too intimate with the details for Jill's liking.
  • Sherlock Scan: Very good at reading people, due to her line of work.
  • Trademark Favorite Drink: Her favorite drink is a Piano Woman. Serving it to her when she's either happy or down in the dumps is how you get her ending.
  • Unproblematic Prostitution: She is very proud of what she does and will sometimes hit on a couple of other clients.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She was programmed with a fear of dogs (and chinchillas, which are extinct). Whenever Rad Shiba or any other dog enters the room she usually beats a hasty retreat. In the prologue, she also mentions she charges extra for having sex doggy style, probably because it reminds her of dogs.


Stella Hoshii

A Cat Boomer from a wealthy family who underwent the procedure after being diagnosed with Nanomachine Rejection before birth. Because of this, she's rather frail and has relied on Sei all her life. She's a bit high-strung but is a good person who cares a lot about Sei.

  • Ambiguously Gay:
    • She and Sei are very close, with the implication that they are a couple, but Sei seems confused by the question when Jill asks if they're together, and Stella dismisses it entirely.
    • Sukeban Games teased it further in one tweet where they list one of Stella's fetishes as "Buff [Redacted]", and Sei is very much a buff Amazonian Beauty.
  • Anger Born of Worry: When Sei escapes from the Apollo Bank massacre with her life, Stella's first reaction is to slap her for making her worry so much. Sei says that she seemed to become a lot happier right after that.
  • Auntie Pennybags: Comes from a rich family, and is remarkably sweet and generous. She throws a huge Mega Christmas party every year for her employees and buys their kids gifts.
  • Berserk Button: Is really touchy about her robotic eye, and gets angry when strangers ask her about it. Even just hearing the word "eye" will have Stella snap for a moment before she processes the context behind who was saying it and why. When Jill admits that Sei told her about the story behind it, Stella doesn't mind at all, as she considers her a friend by that point.
  • Bilingual Bonus: "Stella" and "Hoshi" are Latin/Italian and Japanese for "star", respectively.
  • Catgirl: Like all other Cat Boomers; apparently the mutation which grants cat ears is the only one that helps fight Nanomachine Rejection while being the least harmful to the patient.
  • D-Cup Distress: Has very... conflicting issues with her breasts, issues that have her hide them well in her clothes, but she has too much pride in her resemblance to her mother to get them reduced.
  • Delighting in Riddles: Initially gives her drink orders to Jill in a cryptic fashion until Sei tells her to knock it off.
  • Eye Scream: Her right eye was gouged out by a corrupt White Knight when she was younger.
  • Friend to All Children: Enjoys giving gifts to all of the children of her family's employees, to the point where they call her "Auntie Ella."
  • Hidden Buxom: Apparently has very large breasts, which she takes a great deal of effort to hide. Her model does show her bust, but it's beneath a shirt that covers it up well.
  • Hidden Depths: She has a very mature conversation with Art Von Delay about the wealth disparity in Glitch City. While Stella acknowledges that the best technologies and procedures are available only to the wealthy, all of it has gradually improved the lives of citizens overall. Art, a stone-cold cynic, can't even counter some of Stella's arguments. Stella says that people who love to shout slogans at each other are ones that can't back up their arguments, which Jill comments on as surprisingly thought-out.
  • Ma'am Shock: She's a little peeved that her employee's kids call her "Auntie Ella" when they just call Sei "Sei".
  • Meaningful Appearance: Has her hair in huge drills, befitting her wealthy status. Sei says that she styles her hair like that to distract from her chest.
  • Pseudo-Romantic Friendship: With Sei, though their sexuality is never addressed, they're occasionally mistaken for a couple.
  • Rant Inducing Slight: She goes off on a miniature rant due to being worried about Sei. Stella eventually calms down, but it takes her a bit, and she says she's sorry for snapping at Jill.
  • Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers!: Her conversation with Art Von Delay leans this way. While Stella acknowledges the class and wealth disparities in Glitch City, Stella ultimately disagrees with Art's cynical position that it's a complete hellscape, saying that technologies have improved the lives of everyone in Glitch City. Art can't even defend his position after this conversation, showing that Stella was right.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Her family is apparently quite rich since they could afford the treatment that turned her into a Cat Boomer. Regardless, Stella is a total sweetheart. She even defends her position in a conversation with Art Von Delay, showing that she can walk the walk and talk the talk.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Sei's Tomboy. Sei even mentioned that the first time they met, Stella had shown up to a muddy park in a fancy dress.
  • When She Smiles: Stella's default expression is a haughty scowl that's only improved by her electronic eye; she only smiles a few times, and most of them involve Sei.


Alma Armas

A beautiful hacker (or "Security Consultant)" who has been a regular for six months. She often flirts with Jill, but is otherwise calm and rational. She has a large family that she doesn't always agree with and can't seem to hold down a relationship.

  • Alliterative Name: Alma Armas.
  • Artificial Limbs: She had both of her hands replaced with prosthetics in order to avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. She talks further about it late in the game, mentioning that these have multiple benefits, aside from the health one, including that she can interface with any machine on the spot, she also donated one of her hands for a woman that had recently lost hers.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Avoiding important conversations, apparently. Alma vows to never forgive Jill if she dares to avoid facing Gaby near the New Year's Eve Party.
    • Accusing her that she uses breast implants irritates her.
  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: Her family life hasn't been peaceful recently, since the Armas family is still coming to terms with one of her younger siblings coming out as a transgender male now named Bernardo, and her older sister is going through a mid-life crisis after her cheating husband left her, and pushing the responsibility of her kids onto Alma and the rest of the family.
  • Brainless Beauty: Averted. Alma is one of the smartest characters in the game, especially when it comes to tech and hacking. A conversation with Dorothy about how she hacks into a system shows that Alma really knows her stuff. However, Alma mentions that because she's blonde, beautiful, and stacked with big boobs, people tend to assume that Alma is stupid when they first meet her. Alma even mentions that this has caused her to lose a few jobs based just on how she looks, which she's still rather bitter about.
  • Differing Priorities Breakup: When talking about relationships, she talks about Robert, with whom she had a 4 year-long relationship. While they were a great couple, Robert is a person that dislikes families: he was distant from his own family, didn't like to spend time with Alma's family, and didn't want kids. Alma, being a very family-oriented person who still thinks of having children, couldn't handle it, and they broke up.
  • Hackette: Alma deliberately invokes this, as clients who see her face-to-face tend to either think she's a brainless bimbo or want to sleep with her (or both).
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Alma explicitly states that she's only attracted to men, which is only unusual in that the game has a Cast Full of Gay, making Alma one of the few heterosexual people that the player meets. Not that it stops Alma from occasionally flirting with Jill. This results in an Incompatible Orientation in the bad ending, where Jill has to sleep in the same bed as Alma, causing Jill to get really frustrated that she's near a beautiful woman that she can't do anything with because Alma is straight.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Beyond even just being a hacker despite having the stereotypical appearance of a brainless blonde (something she mentions caused her to lose a few jobs), she has her own struggles that allow her to connect to even Jill at her worst.
    • Also, while she initially dismisses the Alice_Rabbit hacker as setting a bad image, there's an implication that she herself may be Alice_Rabbit. While briefly taking over the bartending station to serve Jill, her hacking into the station causes the Alice_Rabbit logo to briefly appear on screen.
  • Incompatible Orientation: This shows up in the bad ending, which you get if Jill can't pay her rent on time. In a setting where Everyone Is Bi, Alma is one of the few characters who is completely heterosexual. After Jill can't pay her rent, she moves in with Alma, who cuddles Jill to sleep every night. Even though Alma's doing it to try and be helpful, it just makes the already sexually-frustrated Jill even more frustrated, because she's got a beautiful woman cuddling her every night that she can't do anything with.
  • Insistent Terminology: She prefers the term "Security Consultant" instead of "hacker" because it's more akin to what she actually does. Alma does know how to hack into just about anything, but she does it only when companies ask her to do so in order to find flaws and vulnerabilities in their systems. (Such hackers really do exist, and are commonly known as "white hats", after the idea that good guys in the Wild West always wore white cowboy hats. Such hackers frequently offer their services to companies as a way to expose flaws in their systems and/or upgrade them with better security.)
  • It Runs in the Family: All of her sisters also have large breasts, with one of them going through puberty before reaching ten. Ironically enough, that sister was the same one that came out as a transgender man.
  • Rage Breaking Point: After dealing with her older sister's antics, who's going through a mid-life crisis after her cheating husband left her, she tells her sister to come back home to her sons... only for the latter to talk back to Alma saying "she has no right to judge her as she doesn't know what it's like to be married and have kids". This causes Alma's patience with her sister to snap, calling her out for abandoning her sons to go out partying with other men. Alma then pointed out that despite being single herself, Alma at least has a job, knows how to care of herself, has better judgment when it comes to dating men, and knows how to raise her nephews right. She goes onto slam her sister for having no idea how to be a housewife, how to take care of her finances and children, and that she quickly married her husband without realizing he was a cheating bastard.
  • Sexy Sweater Girl: Alma likes to complement her already outrageous chest with extremely tight-fitting turtleneck sweaters, something which is neither ignored nor unappreciated by the rest of the cast. Even Dana is not above Eating the Eye Candy; when everyone shows up to the Christmas party in their regular outfits, they get an earful from Dana for not respecting the season, except Alma because "sweaters get a pass".
  • Statuesque Stunner: According to the official height chart, she's at least a head taller than Jill, who seems to be about average height. This easily puts Alma somewhere close to six feet tall, which apparently has no ill effect on her attractiveness.
  • Swapped Roles: When she notices Jill is deep in depression, she decides to serve Jill instead, taking over the BTC computer.
  • Trademark Favorite Drink: Her favorite drink is the Brandtini.


Art Von Delay

A private detective with a tendency towards penny-pinching.

  • Brutal Honesty: He doesn't hide his major dislike for the big corporations of Glitch City which is why Stella hires him to find Sei during the White Knight rebellion since he isn't a Yes-Man and she can have an honest discussion with someone where they both have a talk about the good and bad things Zaibatsu Corporation has done for the city.
  • The Cynic: A conversation with Stella reveals Art to be very cynical about the way Zaibatsu Corporation controls the city, the way that technology has become so pervasive, and how there's very little anyone can do about it. Given the cyberpunk setting, he's not entirely wrong, and Stella even agrees with some of his points. But she provides a very thought-out and mature counterargument that looks at things in a more positive light. It's so good that even Art has to concede that she's right.
  • Expy: He's a blatant parody of George Costanza, who would often use "Art Vandelay" as a Go-to Alias.
  • Papa Wolf: He got into the private detective business when his daughter was kidnapped. As such, he has a soft spot for cases of missing girls. It's why he helps Stella find Sei with such earnesty.
  • Private Detective: His occupation. His first meeting with Jill makes him come off as a Clueless Detective. At first. According to Stella, his skills are, apparently, second to none.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Makes a terrible first impression. But Stella doesn't swear by his work for anything, though. He does find good info on Sei, and even pours over things about the bank's attack to make sure that Sei is still alive.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Enters the bar with the idea that bartenders know everything in the streets, interpreting Jill's annoyed insistence that she doesn't know anything about his target as a hint that he should buy a drink to get the info. He's surprised when it turns out she knows nothing about what he's asking about.



Streaming-chan is a camgirl who happens to wander into the "most disgusting bar" in town. She streams 24/7, but to see the dirty stuff, you need to pay for Premium Time!

  • Attention Whore: Invoked. Her target audience has a really bad attention span, hence her need to constantly do disgusting and depraved things to keep her viewership up.
  • Background Music Override: Regardless of what's on the jukebox, her theme will play when she comes into Valhalla.
  • Genki Girl: She’s a loud girl with a lot of energy, which makes her unable to stay on topic for too long and focus all her time on entertaining her audience, much to Jill’s chagrin.
  • Given Name Reveal: Her real name is Nicole Chen. She went by "Streaming Chen" for a while, but everyone started calling her "Streaming-chan" instead, so she just went with it.
  • The Insomniac: Self-inflicted. She hasn't slept in at least a month when she comes in, and her eyes are bloodshot red.
  • Interface Screw: Her own theme will override any song you've chosen for its duration as soon as she enters the bar. You will also see Nico Nico Douga-esque chat messages going over the character portrait. These keep going even when you're mixing drinks for her. As an added bonus, she'll also hack her own theme into your jukebox.
  • Public Exposure: Attempts to invoke this, trying to get Jill to remove her top live on stream. Jill flatly refuses.
  • Screw Yourself: Her drunken ramblings imply that she's tried out her own VR porn.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: This is mostly due to her occupation as a camgirl. However, you'll need to pay for Premium Time to see any of that. Strangely enough, her outfit is actually rather conservative.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Her stunt of getting wasted on stream causes a big discussion on social media which Gabrielle uses to track down Jill and inform her of Lenore's death.
  • The Show Must Go On: If you get her flat-out drunk, she will pass out live on stream. She's still broadcasting while unconscious, and it actually causes a spike in viewership.
  • Two-Person Pool Party: Tried to stream herself and a guy doing this in a hot tub, but it was really uncomfortable and she hated it.

    *Kira* Miki 

Michelle Kingston "*Kira* Miki"

An up-and-coming idol lillim singer that has a concert in Glitch City.

  • Badass Boast: You wouldn't expect this of an idol, but get her drunk, and she'll give a speech that ends with something that almost sounds like a superhero vow.
    *Kira* Miki: I'm the star that always shines in the night sky!
    I'm the glow that will guide you through your sorrow!
    I'm the northern light that will show you your dreams!
    I am *Kira* Miki! And don't you ever forget that!
  • Becoming the Mask: Getting her drunk will make her reveal that she's had the mask of *Kira* Miki for so long that she doesn't know who she "really" is anymore, but doesn't care as long as that mask is able to make people happy.
  • Character Blog: She has an in-game blog you can read after your first encounter with her.
  • Idol Singer: A rising star in the music industry, she occasionally visits the bar after dodging her own security.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Get her fully drunk on her first visit, and her attitude becomes much more... intense. It only underscores how dedicated she is to being an idol.
  • Sleeping with the Boss: She enters into a committed relationship with her producer after he expressed an interest in her, following a blog post she writes about wanting to experience love.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Like Alma, she's at least a head taller than Jill. According to the height chart, she's officially the tallest female character in the game.


Virgilio Armandio

A strange, flamboyantly-dressed man who makes extremely cryptic orders and speaks in riddles... or at least tries to.

  • Anime Hair: He has a bang going down the center of his forehead that looks like a question mark.
  • Connected All Along: He's the White Knight that saved Sei and Stella's lives when they were kids.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Easily the oddest semi-regular patron of VA-11 Hall-A, Virgilio constantly talks about utter nonsense every time he visits, and orders drinks based on a changing set of rules known only to him. Any glimpse into his background comes across as contradictory or improbable.
  • Delighting in Riddles: Likes to couch his requests in obscure terms, and answering them properly means you need to read the drink descriptions and remember little details about them. His first two orders, in particular, are a nasty curveball for anyone playing blind; Virgil's first order only involves the number 17 solution, and his second order sounds like something no bar would ever stock solution.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Does not expect you to actually make a "single plum floating in perfume, served in a man's hat" after one of his odd requests, although he's about to dutifully drink it before Jill lets him off the hook.
  • Fauxlosophic Narration: Is in this mode constantly, from the explanations behind his bizarre drink orders to his philosophy on life. His dialogue also uses the female blips for Voice Grunting instead of the male blips, as a way to show how pompous and haughty he's acting.
  • Malaproper: He tends to mishear words when he isn't asserting that words like "table" don't exist. It's almost certainly an act.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He's putting up an act, as he's been in hiding ever since he was branded a traitor for striking down his superior in the White Knights when that man attacked two young girls. He even apologizes to Jill for being such an obnoxious customer if she figures this out, and starts being more straightforward with his orders.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: After Jill is in a funk from the Wham Episode, Virgilio tries using more of his Fauxlosophic Narration, which just makes Jill even more angry, yelling at him to drop the act. So for a moment, Virgilio does just that, and tells Jill that Moving Beyond Bereavement is something she should do, but it's going to take time. Also, Jill has to learn to forgive herself for her past mistakes, or it's going to leave a hole in her heart that will never fully heal. Jill even comments that Virgilio's advice is actually surprisingly straightforward and useful in this regard.
  • Shout-Out: He's a character explicitly designed to look like James Stephanie Sterling. In Virgilio's ending, he also gets a hat and glasses to look even more like Sterling (before their transition).
  • To Be Lawful or Good: During his service as a White Knight, he witnessed his superior brutalizing Sei and Stella when they were only children. He decided to shoot and kill his C.O. for it, and was branded as a murderer as a result, which forced him to abandon the White Knights and go into hiding.
  • Touché: On his first visit, he orders a perfume plum drink in a man's hat. Should you serve him the Fedora (which fits this category), Virgilio will be stunned momentarily that Jill got his order right. He's about to drink it, but chickens out, instead telling Jill that she "win(s) this round" with a sorrowful look on his face.


Beatrice "Betty" Albert

A veterinarian who looks after the dogs of the Seifar Toy Company. She is perpetually grumpy and has an unusual hatred of puns, but she has a hopelessly romantic sweetheart side that only comes out when she's drunk.

  • The Beard: Occasionally uses Deal as this to defray potential matchmaking. Unfortunately, it leaves her at a loss when the matchmaker in question knows she's a lesbian and wants to hook her up with a girl.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: She's constantly seen with her lab coat only ever on one arm, the rest hanging behind her and showing her sweater underneath.
  • The Gadfly: Has a terrible, terrible tendency to provoke things for her own amusement, something Deal tends to call her out on over drinks rather... regularly.
  • Good Old Ways: She's okay with cybernetics designed as prosthetics, but firmly dislikes when they're used only for enhancement purposes since four of her classmates in medical school ended up crippled or dead when they tried to get themselves enhanced hands.
  • If It's You, It's Okay: Despite being a lesbian, she thinks she may be developing deeper feelings for Deal.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She has a harsh personality, but is really kind underneath, particularly when drunk.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: With Deal. He is mild-mannered, responsible, and never orders anything alcoholic while she is rough, direct, and is continuously exasperated whenever he orders anything non-alcoholic.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: Again, with Deal. They're close enough that she worries that her co-worker Laura will 'steal' him away from her. This despite being a lesbian with a relationship rap sheet Deal is all too happy to rattle off.
  • Shipper on Deck: Was initially ecstatic that her co-worker, Laura, confessed to Deal. Though later she also fears that Laura would "take" Deal away from her.



A mild-mannered Lilim who is the only humanoid worker at the Seifar Toy Company. He has an unhealthy obsession with Corgis.

  • The Beard: Betty's, as mentioned above.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Becomes extremely excitable the moment he sees Rad Shiba.
  • Extreme Doormat: Looks like a humanoid doormat according to Dorothy. He has one expression and rarely has a strong reaction to anything. He does become rather distressed after a girl confessed to him but at a glance he's as stoic as ever.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: With Betty. He is mild-mannered, responsible, and never orders anything alcoholic while Betty is rough, direct, and is continuously exasperated whenever he orders anything non-alcoholic.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Betty. He can't imagine what kind of a car wreck Betty could become without him.
  • Token Minority: The Seifar Toy Company, run by corgis, is required by law to have at least one humanoid on staff, and that's him. He thinks it's the closest thing to heaven, since he's surrounded by corgis all day.



One of five test subjects in an experiment to understand the human brain, Taylor is a living brain in a jar.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Jill isn't sure whether to call them "Mister" or "Miss", but Taylor just prefers "Taylor".
  • Brain in a Jar: Basically their design.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Shamelessly flirts with Jill and Alma, and is overall quite polite and friendly.
  • Emergency Transformation: According to them, their body had gotten into a state where there wasn't much it could do, which might mean any number of dire things.
  • For Science!: Taylor's pretty jazzed about being a part of the project. They've actually got a little speech prepared, and also hand out pamphlets.
  • Never Gets Drunk: It seems getting drunk would mess up the data from the experiment, but they still like the taste.
  • Nightmare Face: Actually, the lack thereof is the problem. People tend to be rather shocked at the very least when meeting the brain rolling around in a robot, something Taylor is well aware of.
  • Phrase Catcher: When people ask whether to call them "Mister" or "Miss" and they say "Just Taylor" they tend to get "Okay, 'Just Taylor'!" in response. Jill refrains from doing this, apparently a first for Taylor.
  • Punny Name: Defied. People keep telling them to change their name to "Brian", but they refuse.



A high-school student who feels her mom is pushing her too hard.

  • Be Yourself: Jill tells her that the best way to rebel against her mother is by finding something she'd rather do instead of studying and doing that.
  • Didn't Think This Through: As Jill notes, going out and getting drunk would just hurt her mom without accomplishing anything positive.
  • Education Mama: She's got one, and she hates it. They talk it out after going to the bar, and she is told she'll be given some time to figure out what she wants, but if she doesn't want to go to college, her mother doesn't see why should she spend the money with it, though she still has to go to the college course.
  • "Well Done, Daughter!" Girl: She's spent her whole life trying to please her mother, and it's finally getting to her. She initially comes to the bar because she wants to get drunk, hoping that it will hurt her mother. Jill calls this out as a bad reason to go through it with, and the best thing to do is to just talk to her mother instead.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: Thinks that if she comes home smelling like alcohol her mother will be disappointed enough to give up on her and back off. Jill talks her out of it.



A biker/delivery boy, who appears to have a real attitude problem.

  • Be Yourself: Jill can tell him to stop acting the way he thinks bikers act and just be himself.
  • Drink-Based Characterization: Picks girly drinks, and then quickly catches himself and orders something more manly. Jill can oblige this, or go with what he really wants.
  • Expy: Visually he looks like Kaneda from AKIRA.
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Inverted. He's very quick to mention that he's not into girls... not that there's anything wrong with being straight!
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Tries to put up a tough-guy image, but he is very nice and meek, Jill can coax this side out of him.
  • Manly Gay: Tries to invoke it by being quiet and forcing himself to order manly drinks, but Jill can get him to drop the act by giving him the girly drinks he offhandedly mentions instead.
  • Shipper on Deck: In the sense that he thinks Gil's hot and that Jill's an idiot for not dragging him into a closet somewhere.
  • Straight Gay: Apart from his drink orders, he's not even slightly camp.


The BTC Regional Manager who oversees Glitch City's drinking establishments. He's up to his eyeballs in problems surrounding the city's bar scene, some of which are threatening to get VA-11 Hall-A shuttered.

  • Benevolent Boss: He seems to have a good working relationship with Dana, since they spend most of the time that Brian is there catching up in her office. He's also polite to Jill, tells her a lot more about what's going on behind the scenes than he needs to, and gives her a bonus for her good service at the end of the day if she does well.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: His uniform has the B.T.C's logo on it, which is the first clue to his identity. He properly introduces himself immediately afterward.
  • Mr. Exposition: His primary purpose in the story is to explain why the bar's facing closure in the near future.
  • One-Shot Character: He only shows up on Day 7, where he'll provide some insight concerning the threat of closure VA-11 is facing.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He comments that Valhalla is one of the only bars in Glitch City that he never gets serious complaints about, commends Jill on her bartending skills if she does well, and is apologetic about the possibility of having to close the bar. He also goes out of his way to explain exactly why it's happening and how he's trying to save Valhalla from closing, but he can only do so much because his hands are tied. Jill is not supposed to be aware of any of this since it's above her pay grade, but Brian lets her in on it anyway.




Jill's pet cat. She adopted him after rescuing him from being attacked by dogs and has been her constant companion at home since.

  • Cuteness Proximity: Dana is ecstatic when Jill brings him to work.
  • Talking Animal: Averted. What appears in the home dialogue as Fore and Jill conversing is actually Jill practicing her ventriloquism, which is shown when Fore "speaks" during Dana's visit and asks Jill why she's talking to the cat.

Spoiler Characters

WARNING: Each of these characters is a Walking Spoiler. All spoilers will be unmarked.

    The Ghost 

Anna Graem

"I'm not an unfathomable sense of dread. You can't just ignore me, you know?"

Anna Graem is a young woman who looks like a high schooler. She wears a sailor outfit top but with jeans.

  • Ambiguously Gay: Mentions how close she was to a girl in the hospital, and orders a Piano Man and a Piano Woman then asks Jill which one she prefers. When Jill says she doesn't have a preference, Anna takes the Piano Woman. Confirmed to be gay in the epilogue where she says she likes girls and "boys are icky", and theorizes the whole reason Jill can see her is because Anna thought Jill was cute and wanted to talk to her.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Lost her right arm thanks to nanomachine rejection.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She's the girl you can occasionally see in the TV.
  • Closet Key: Discussed. In the conversation that Anna has with Jill, Anna asks that who Jill would have sex with if she could have sex with them, no strings attached. Jill mentions a celebrity named Glo-ri-a, which Anna also likes as "hot as hell".
  • Everyone Has Standards: Anna openly is The Gadfly, trolling Jill and generally acting like a pest on purpose. However, Anna acknowledges that "there's a difference between pestering and being an asshole", a line that Anna deliberately tries not to cross. She mentions this in the context of pranks — Anna likes pulling pranks on people to see their reactions. But she won't do a prank if it's going to make the subject cry, physically hurt them, or involve outsiders. Any of those three things, and it's "out of the question" for Anna.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: She's aware that she's in a video game, and constantly brings up things like the tutorials and game mechanics. At one point, Anna even changes how the HUD looks, which Jill has no idea about since she can't see the game's HUD. She also can read Jill's thoughts by reading the in-game text.
  • The Gadfly: States that she's always trying to get a reaction from people, and messes with Jill while she's talking with other clients who can't perceive Anna's presence. Also, when talking to her in the post-game, Anna deliberately draws out her answers or gives a Non-Answer most of the time when Jill asks Anna something about herself. Having said that, Anna knows there's a difference between being a pest and being an asshole, and at the very least tries not to cross too many boundaries with Jill.
  • Interface Screw: Anna claims to be able to interact with the environment despite her nature. What she does to prove it is change the texture of the bartending interface.
  • Medium Awareness: She openly acknowledges gameplay elements, and is the one who enables New Game Plus. At one point, Anna even changes the HUD, which Jill doesn't see because Jill doesn't know she's in a video game.
  • Ominous Visual Glitch: At times she will seem to glitch out, hinting at her true nature.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different:
    • It was initially unknown whether or not Anna is actually dead during the events of the story, or that her treatment had just rendered her invisible to most people with nanomachines. She's also intangible, as all the drinks that Jill serves her end up on the floor, and people walk through her.
    • The Girls' Frontline crossover, of all things, asserts that her primary nature, as we know her, is that of a sentient nanomachine colony. The crossover basically could not have happened the way it did otherwise. This appears to be intended as canon with the original game.
  • Outside-Context Problem: She has nothing to do with Jill's life, Lenore's death, or the goings-on of Glitch City. She's just a spirit who shows up from time to time to be The Gadfly. She's also the only even vaguely supernatural thing in the entire game.
  • Punny Name: Anna Graem sounds like the word "Anagram".
  • Riddle for the Ages: In a game that is grounded in reality (albeit with a few cyberpunk elements), Anna is the only thing that can be considered even remotely supernatural. She's essentially a ghost, haunting Jill for reasons unknown, and even comments that she has no idea how she got to be the way she is. In any case, the game makes it clear that what Anna is and how she got that way are questions that will not be answered.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk about Anna without mentioning her nature as a ghost (or something akin to one; even she's not sure what she is).

    The Former Lover 

Lenore Kurow

Lenore was Jill's ex-girlfriend. Their relationship dates back to when Jill was still a college student, with Lenore being a student-teacher. A few years before the game begins, Lenore and Jill got into a heated argument concerning an opportunity to work for a prestigious research facility, leading to their unofficial breakup.

Lenore's younger sister Gabrielle eventually informs Jill that Lenore is dead, leading to a lot of heartache and self-reflection on Jill's part.

  • Cannot Spit It Out: Neither Jill nor Lenore could face each other after their last argument. Unfortunately, they never get the chance to make up because of Lenore's untimely death, which Jill berates herself for once Gaby tells Jill that Lenore is dead.
  • Control Freak: She was a sweet woman, but she could be very overbearing sometimes. At one point, Lenore kept trying to shape Jill's life into something she wanted, even if it was with the best of intentions. This led to a very heated argument and a break-up between the two of them when Lenore went over Jill's head and accepted a chance to work at a prestigious research facility for Jill, despite the fact that Jill didn't want to.
  • Dead All Along: Downplayed. Lenore dies from a heart attack on Day 5. But Jill doesn't know that until Lenore's sister Gabrielle shows up in Valhalla to be the Bearer of Bad News on Day 9. This fuels Jill's Heroic BSoD, because she could have called earlier to talk with Lenore again, but didn't.
  • Death by Despair: Subverted. Gaby accuses Jill of this, but Lenore had heart problems her whole life that she was hiding from Jill while they were an item. The nanomachines in Lenore's body eventually caused a heart attack, though Gaby accuses Jill of making the problem worse with their last argument.
  • Differing Priorities Breakup: This is why Jill left her. From the way Jill tells it, Lenore kept trying to turn Jill into something she wasn't, even if it was with good intentions. At some point after graduating from college, Jill received an invitation to work at a prestigious research facility based on her college degree. But Jill, who hadn't really had any time to herself since first going to college, was worried about being stuck in a job she hated. However, Lenore ended up accepting the offer for Jill, without even asking her first. This led to a huge fight between Jill and Lenore, leading to Jill unofficially breaking up with Lenore in the name of "freedom" for herself. For the last few years, Jill has constantly had Lenore in the back of her mind, but never called her. And by the time Gaby shows up to be the Bearer of Bad News, it's too late.
  • Gayngst: While Lenore and Gaby's father had no problem with Lenore being gay, their mother had to reject Lenore. Even then, it wasn't because Lenore's mother was homophobic; it was because the Upper Class Twits that Lenore's mother hung around with were homophobic. In the end, Lenore's mother chose the high society over her daughter, which Gaby is still mad about.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: According to Gaby, Lenore was jealous that Jill got the chance to work at a big-scale research facility and she didn't. This led Lenore to try and project herself into the life she wanted through Lenore, which Lenore only realized after Jill had stormed out and broken up with her.
  • The Lost Lenore: Literally. Her name is Lenore, and she is the lost love interest of Jill. This is at first because they broke up, but then it's because she's died, and Jill Never Got to Say Goodbye.
  • Meaningful Name: She's Jill's Lost Lenore.
  • Secretly Dying: She had a heart condition that she hid from Jill and Gaby. It only came up after Jill and Lenore had broken up, as Lenore dies of a nanomachine rejection disease which gave her a heart attack. Her heart was already relatively weak, which leads Gaby to accusing Jill of causing a Death by Despair. Apparently, she had to take shots for her heart condition every three days, injecting herself below her left breast, hiding this from Jill by saying that it was a birth mark. However, during the conversation between Jill and Gaby on Day 19, Gaby can vent her frustration that Lenore never told her own sister that she was dying of the heart disease.
  • Soap Opera Disease: She dies of a nanomachine rejection disease that gave her a heart attack. It's also mentioned by Gabrielle that Lenore's heart was weak for her whole life, which makes Gaby accuse Jill of Lenore's demise via Death by Despair over their last argument. Jill throws it back in Gaby's face that she didn't even know Lenore was sick.
  • Unintentional Final Message: The last communication she ever sent to Jill was a letter in the mail. Jill doesn't open it until the finale with Gaby, as Jill dreads what the letter might contain. But when Jill opens it, the letter just consists of a single word: "Sorry." It becomes far more poignant now that she's dead, and Jill and Gaby spend a good part of the conversation lamenting that they both were just too stubborn to admit their mistakes and talk things out.
  • Walking Spoiler: The fact that Lenore was Dead All Along and The Lost Lenore completely changes the course of the narrative once Jill finds out.

    The Bearer of Bad News 

Gabrielle "Gaby" Kurow

Gabrielle, known to Jill as "Gaby", is the sister of Lenore, Jill's ex-girlfriend. Gaby was closest to her sister and does not understand why Jill left Lenore.

  • Bearer of Bad News: She comes to the bar looking for Jill to tell her that Lenore died from a localized nanomachine rejection which caused a fatal heart attack. Gaby thus accuses Jill of inadvertenly killing Lenore through Death by Despair.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Gabrielle shows up at Vahalla far earlier than the scene where she drops the Drama Bomb. She enters the bar, glares at Jill for a moment, then leaves without further comment. Jill just shrugs it off as another weirdo, and it's easy to forget about Gaby until she comes back again near Mega Christmas.
  • Due to the Dead: The final toast with Jill sees Gaby needing to be talked into speaking to Lenore directly instead of about her. It takes Gaby a minute, but she goes through with it. And while she calls her sister an "idiot" for hiding her heart condition from everyone, Gaby still loved Lenore, and comes close to tears a few times recalling the good times she had.
  • Knight of Cerebus: VA-11 HALL-A is a relatively carefree game for the most part about mixing drinks and changing lives regardless of its Post-Cyberpunk setting. But from the moment Gabrielle appears, the plot concerning Jill takes a very swift direction for the dramatic that affects Jill and her interactions with her patrons for the rest of the game.
  • Moving Beyond Bereavement: Much like Jill, the story focuses on how Gabrielle is dealing with Lenore's death. If you play your cards right, Jill will start telling Gaby to celebrate the life that Lenore had instead of focusing on how it ended. It's possible to have the two of them start to reconnect and bond again, even after the animosity between them.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Gaby eventually begins to feel bad about what she said to Jill, sending her a note that she wants to talk to her on New Year's Eve. Other characters encourage Jill to go through with it; as Alma puts it, it's "a day of fear versus a lifetime of regret" that Jill is facing. Eventually, Jill does just that, and the two can reconcile over their shared affection for Lenore. During this conversation, Gaby also admits that she made up the notion that Lenore's chest pains flared up after Jill dumped her, only saying so because Gaby wanted to hurt Jill.
  • Theory Tunnel Vision: Played for drama. She paints a very idealized picture of Lenore in her head, as shown by her "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Jill. Gaby says that Lenore and Jill had a great three-year relationship, and that Lenore's death is at least partially Jill's fault for having a fight with her. Gaby doesn't catch that she's saying both that the relationship between Jill and Lenore was great, and also that it ended after the two of them got into a big fight. She also ignores that Lenore was something of a Control Freak that was trying to turn Jill into something she wasn't, even if it was with good intentions. Gaby's mentality is justified by the fact that she's still in middle school, and that Gaby is dealing with the grief of losing her sister to an untimely death.
  • They Died Because of You: Gaby blames Jill entirely for the death of Lenore with a "The Reason You Suck" Speech. She even comes close to calling it a Failure-to-Save Murder, since Lenore's heart problems flared up after a big fight between Jill and Lenore, and this flare-up ended up giving Lenore a fatal heart attack. Gaby also puts Jill on blast for trading a secure relationship for "freedom", despite having a steady girlfriend.
  • Tranquil Fury: When Gaby first talks to Jill to tell her that Lenore is dead, Gaby is frequently close to tears during the following "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Jill. After Jill throws it back in Gaby's face that she had no idea that Lenore was even sick, all Gaby can muster is a quiet "... Idiot." before leaving the bar, though it's clear throughout the interaction that Gaby despises Jill.
  • Walking Spoiler: The fact she shows up at all in the story to be the Bearer of Bad News about Lenore's death completely turns the narrative on its head, becoming more about Jill Moving Beyond Bereavement. It's hard to talk about Gabrielle without mentioning her role in the story and what happened to her sister.
  • Wham Line: "She's dead." Gaby tells Jill that Lenore has become The Lost Lenore, which starts the story into a much more dramatic direction.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Both Jill and Lenore used to tell Gabrielle that she was far more mature than they were. In the present day, while Gaby is just in middle school, she's still got more wisdom than would be expected for someone her age.
