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Characters / Amphibia: Toads

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Southern Toad Tower

    In General
The rulers of The Valley.

An army of toads headquartered in Toad Tower. They're the dominant military force in the valley, and expect everyone to pay them tribute.

  • Anti-Villain: Putting aside the blatant speciesism the organization stands for, most of the toads have shown to be decent people who just happen to work for the Big Bad. Even more traditionally evil characters like Grime and Sasha have quite a few redeeming qualities.
  • Armies Are Evil: They're only standing army shown in the valley, and they exploit their subjects and violently crush perceived rebellion.
  • Bread and Circuses: As long as the frogs pay tribute and accept the toads as their protectors, then they'll be protected from external threats. However, the people of Wartwood believe the toads are just exploiting and fleecing them. In Hop-Pop's case, they'll crush any perceived resistance to their rule.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Toad Tower itself is a fortress at the edge of a cliff. Creepy lightning even flashes in the background the first time we see it.
  • Fascist, but Inefficient: The toads may be tough, but until Sasha joined them, all they did was exploit the people under their rule or be abused by a leader who lacks all charisma.
  • Furry Female Mane: A majority of female toads have a hairstyle to showcase their gender, while most, if not all, male toads are bald.
  • Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: The averages mooks wear helmets, but almost none of the named characters do.
  • Master Race: They think toads should rule every part of the valley. A frog even running for mayor is considered an act of rebellion, even in a town with almost no toads in it.
  • Protection Racket: They levy "taxes" on a number of towns, which is clearly an extortion scheme. If taxes are not paid, they level the unfortunate victim's home and take their most valuable possessions. Nominally, they could be considered a legitimate military force for the valley, but they're never shown actually defending civilians from anyone else. And, based on Grime's own dislike for King Andrias, it's heavily implied Grime went rogue by not giving any of the tax money to Newtopia like he was supposed to.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Regular toad troopers have red eyes that inexplicably glow.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After Grime is labelled a traitor for losing the Tower, everyone but Sasha, Percy, and Braddock abandons him.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Grime reveals that toads are taught from a young age to use their rage as a weapon in battle. However, he states that it's only useful when channeled, implying that they don't use it to fly into a mindless fury.
  • What the Romans Have Done for Us: They may be dour and brutal, but the soldiers sincerely believe they are protecting the valley and that their problems are because of their abusive captain. Sasha even joins them because she sees them as the most effective means of getting home.
  • White Man's Burden: They believe toads are the superior species with a right to control frogs.

    Captain Grimothy "Grime"
His Season 1 design
Click here to see his bearded design
Click here to see him as a dignitary
"To get this valley under control, I need warriors who are fierce, cunning, and above all, ruthless!''"
Voiced by: Troy Baker

A very large and menacing militant toad who will stop at nothing to keep Toad authority in the valley. While he first treats the humans with a healthy bit of suspicion, it doesn't take long for him to see the advantage of having them on his side.

  • 0% Approval Rating: The soldiers of Toad Tower are completely horrified of him due to his mistreatment of them. It takes Sasha convincing him that he can win their loyalty with empty flattery to turn them into a dedicated and impressive fighting force.
  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: While he doesn't use them in combat, preferring to fight using his sword, prehensile tongue, and later warhammer, Grime's claws are sharp enough to gouge furrows into stone without breaking or dulling.
  • Accidental Hero: As he himself points out, his and Sasha's coup of Newtopia ended up accidentally screwing up King Andrias' evil plans. Afterwards, he and Sasha try to keep the Plantars from freeing Andrias, but are unsuccessful.
  • Acrofatic: Toads are generally broader and squatter than frogs, but Grime is a nimble and ferocious fighter capable of taking on giant monsters with the best of them. Subverted and justified in Season 2, since losing Toad Tower and his entire army has caused him to stop caring, and thus let himself go out of shape.
  • Affably Evil: He becomes much more jovial and personable thanks to his friendship with Sasha, but still retains much of his brutal, amoral warrior mindset. The evil part is dropped completely by Season 3 with his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Sasha likes calling him Grimesy. At first, when she was his prisoner, it was just to piss him off, but she still calls him that even after becoming his second-in-command. Note that she is the only one who dares call him this.
  • An Arm and a Leg: He gets his left arm cut off by Darcy in "All In" as a result of saving Sasha from suffering the same fate.
  • Arc Villain: The main antagonist of Season 1. His ultimate aim is to rule the valley, which he accomplishes by extorting various towns and sending toad soldiers to enforce "taxes", which if no one pays, the town gets leveled. "Toadcatcher" has him setting out to reclaim the position for Season 2, but he ultimately loses it to King Andrias.
  • Bad Boss: He mistreats the toads serving him to the point where they have become somewhat incompetent. He even has a place called the Pain Room, which he sentences soldiers to when they don't meet his expectations, like one soldier who he caught wearing his breastplate as pants. He keeps up this attitude, at least until Sasha decides to help out. But, if tax-collecting toads return to him empty-handed, they will suffer really dire consequences.
  • Beard of Sorrow: He grows a reverse skunk stripe beard during his time Wandering the Earth after the fall of Toad Tower and the loss of his army (minus Sasha, Percy, and Braddock). He eventually shaves it when he and Sasha start plotting to take over Newtopia.
  • Berserk Button: Calling him by his actual name of Grimothy is one for him. Beatrix addressing him by name annoys him, but Sprig calling him Grimothy prompts Grime to calmly threaten to eat him alive (accompanied by Voice of the Legion) if he ever does so again.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: In Season 2, his main goal is to overthrow King Andrias and rule Amphibia alongside Sasha. Meanwhile, Andrias himself is plotting to restart his family's tradition of conquering worlds for the sake of his master, the Core's, plans; making Grime's whole plot look like peanuts in comparison, and while Grime is able to temporarily subdue Andrias through a sneak attack, he ends thoroughly trounced once he fights the King in a fair fight and kicked out of the villain status for good in the next season.
  • Big Brother Bully: He admits that he used to pick on his sister when they were kids. He kind of regrets it in the present, given how she ended up as a toad lord while he became a fugitive.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: From "Barrel's Warhammer" onwards, Grime wields the titular Legendary Weapon.
  • Character Development:
    • His first major appearance emphasizes him as a brute who constantly threatens to punish his men for their failures and has a dim opinion of Sasha (who keeps swaying his henchmen to leave). He shows some respect for Sasha once she shows some surprising combat proficiency, and at Sasha's insistence, he stops demeaning his troops for every failure, since Sasha rightly points out their low morale is impacting their combat performance and will likely get them killed. Going forward, he shows greater attachment to not only Sasha but his troops as well.
    • He is also shown to grow out of his Fantastic Racism against frogs and grows to respect them when he's in the resistance with Wartwood in Season 3.
  • The Comically Serious: The majority of any humor that comes from Grime derives from the fact that he's dedicated to maintaining his serious and intimidating demeanor while having to deal with buffoonish lackeys, a teenage captive (and later second-in-command/partner) who constantly sasses him, goofy frogs, and irreverent humans.
  • Death Glare: He gives one to Anne in "Reunion", along with a growl after he sees how badly wounded Sasha is.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Grime's ambush in Newtopia seems to be the major conflict of the S2 finale, but once King Andrias' true nature is discovered, then that becomes the true conflict.
  • Disney Villain Death: Subverted. In "Reunion", his plan to execute Hop Pop is foiled when Toad Tower collapses and he falls off the edge, but he is later shown to have survived and even saves Sasha from befalling a similar fate.
  • The Dreaded: Grime has a reputation as the cruelest toad to ever live.
  • Embarrassing First Name: "Barrel's Warhammer" reveals that "Grime" is actually short for "Grimothy", which he is clearly embarrassed about and which Sasha wastes no time making fun of.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • At the climax of "Reunion", Grime risks his life to save Sasha, even after she lost her duel, and is visibly angered at her being injured. It strongly suggests he cares about Sasha in more than a self-serving sense. "Toadcatcher" confirms that he sees Sasha as a reliable friend, and later episodes showcase that he considers and treats her as his equal, rather than a servant or minion.
    • For all the times he's picked on his sister Beatrix and even if she's bitter about it, she's still his sister, and he's eager to take up her offer to rejoin her.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even when he was an antagonist during the first two seasons, Grime still had lines even he wouldn't cross.
    • He's an aggressive warrior with toad supremacist tendencies, but even he calls General Yunan's Blood Knight personality "psychotic".
    • He begs Sasha in "Barrel's Warhammer" to just forget about the hammer and escape from the monster rather than risk the lives of Sasha, Percy, and Braddock over it. Sadly, his plea for her to stop and see sense falls on deaf ears.
    • He is shown to be shocked and disturbed by King Andrias when he throws Sprig out the window to let him fall to his possible death in "True Colors" and kills Marcy in "Turning Point".
  • Evil Brit: He's a toad warlord with a vaguely English accent though he sheds the evil part by Season 3.
  • Evil Counterpart: He can be seen as such to Hop-Pop. Both are parental figures to a human girl who have traditionalist values but often end up forced to adapt when the human girl points out the problems with their approach, but whereas Hop-Pop is mostly set in the old ways of farming and cooking, Grime tries to keep the status quo of the toads ruling over the frogs, and is a seasoned warrior.
  • Evil Overlord: He lives in a foreboding tower, commands warriors feared by the common frog, and rules over the entire valley with an iron fist. This is dropped after season 1 due to the events of "Reunion" and the evil part is dropped by season 3 with his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He has a deep, menacing voice which contrasts with the lighter and more comical voices of the other Amphibians.
  • Fantastic Racism:
    • Grime is motivated by a desire to enforce the status quo where frogs are subservient to toads. When Hop Pop inadvertently becomes a figurehead for the frog rebellion due to standing up to Grime's tax collectors and running for mayor against a toad, Grime decides to publicly execute him as an example for any other prospective rebellious spirits. He eventually grows out of this by Season 3, even teaming up with the frogs in Wartwood for the resistance against Andrias and learning to respect Sprig in "Grime's Pupil".
    • Similar to how the inhabitants of Wartwood initially view Anne as a "creature", Grime has the same opinion on Sasha. He seems to have grown a genuine soft spot for Sasha, accepting her human nature, although he continues using such terminology to refer to Anne for a while.
  • A Father to His Men: He gradually learns to appreciate the limits and emotional issues of his troops, primarily in his friendship with Sasha. While he spends his early Season 1 appearances angrily abusing his troops for soft behavior, Sasha's presence helps him understand when his strictness is counterintuitive. By late Season 2, he's the one who has to explain to Sasha that Percy and Braddock have hit their limit and she needs to let them go.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Played with. As with most versions of the trope, his pleasantries are an obvious facade. But he's also never been affable, and Sasha has to actively train him to put on a show of kindness. He drops this aspect in Season 2.
  • Foil: To King Andrias. Both are the Arc Villain of their respective debut seasons (Grime in Season 1, Andrias in Season 2, with both part of a Big Bad Ensemble in the second season), and they both end up with one of the three girls under their wing and befriend them. But, while Grime legitimately cares about Sasha and goes as far as saving her life, Andrias cares little for Marcy beyond what she can provide to him and only as long as she complies to his plan, fatally stabbing her when she tries to stop him. Furthermore, while Grime mistreated his servants and used to lack any kindness, Sasha's advice helps him become a more Benevolent Boss overall, whereas Andrias acts like a caring, compassionate king, but ultimately desires only to control everything, and only treats his servants kindly out of pragmatism, showing no care for their lives when he starts achieving his goals.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Going from the shot of him holding Anne's shoe, he averts this, having five fingers, at least until he is shown to have four fingers in his next appearance.
  • Gladiator Games: Before his military career, Grime was an extremely famous gladiator known for being the fiercest warrior the Colosseum had ever seen.
  • Glowing Eyes: It hasn't yet been explained why, but Grime's eyes glow two different colors.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has a rather spooky scar that's slashed down his right eye, making it blind.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After learning King Andrias' true nature and being inspired by Anne's own bravery, he turns to the side of good and joins the Plantars in defeating him. While he initially intends to abandon Wartwood to its fate, Sasha staying behind to defend the town provokes him into doing so as well.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: As of "Best Fronds", it is unknown why he wants to find more humans like Sasha. It's implied in "Prison Break" he simply assumes they're a threat, though that's not necessarily the end of things. "Reunion" makes it clear his main goal is to maintain the status quo of toads being dominant over frogs, who've been growing more rebellious of late.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • In "Toadcatcher", he's able to tell that Sasha's obsessive training is due to her trying to cope with her defeat at Anne's hands and the fact that their relationship will never be the same.
    • For a rough, bloodthirsty toad, he is a stellar harpist, easily bringing his audience to tears.
  • High-Class Glass: His blinded eye is always wide open and glows a glassy light blue, making it look like he's wearing a monocle.
  • I Lied: He says he'll spare Hop Pop and let the populace of Wartwood go home "no harm, no foul" if Anne can defeat Sasha in a trial by combat. Even though Anne wins, Grime still tries to feed Hop Pop to his man-eating plant.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He grows into this by Season 2, as while he is still hostile and harsh, he does have his moments of compassion, primarily with Sasha, and even aids Anne, Sasha, and the citizens of Wartwood in the resistance against Andrias.
  • Love Redeems: The biggest factor in Grime's change of heart throughout the series is his friendship with Sasha giving him someone else to care for besides himself, and eventually inspiring him to become a better toad. He later acknowledges this in the episode "All In", after he's just taken a figurative bullet for her.
  • Make an Example of Them: In "Reunion", his plan is to publicly execute Hop Pop, who's become a figurehead in the frog rebellion against toads due to his actions in "Toad Tax" and "Hop-Popular".
  • Mentor Archetype: To Sasha, having trained her and started her on the path of becoming the second best fighter in Amphibia.
  • Mighty Roar: After he and Sasha defeat General Yunan in "Toadcatcher", Grime lets out a victorious roar. He also lets out another impressive one in "True Colors" when he summons the toad army to the siege of Newtopia.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: A guy named "Grime" is probably not going to be the most pleasant and wholesome person to hang around.
  • Non-Mammalian Hair: In "Toadcatcher", we see him having grown a large Beard of Sorrow in his depressed funk. He grows it again in the finale after nine months pass in Amphibia.
  • Not So Stoic: When saying goodbye to Sasha, they at first try to act like professional soldiers... and then both break down crying.
  • Obviously Evil: He's a large, warty toad with asymmetrical, glowing eyes, sharp teeth, and a large scar across his face. However, his design remains the same even after he performs a Heel–Face Turn in Season 3.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • In "Reunion", he saves Sasha's life by jumping up and catching her as she's falling to her death. The distraught look he gives her as he holds her unconscious body in his arms shows that his Villainous Friendship with her is sincere.
    • In "True Colors", after Andrias blows up North Toad Tower and all of its occupants, he lets out a Big "NO!" at the loss of his people.
    • In "The Hardest Thing", he is shown to be devastated and teary eyed over Anne's temporary death and joins the Plantars, Sasha, and Marcy in the Group Hug to Anne when she is revived.
  • Playful Cat Smile: He has a playful cat smile expression several times throughout the series, which is ironic given his role as The Comically Serious.
  • Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: Downplayed. In the pilot, Sprig calls Anne a monster and an "ugly hero". Grime's only saving grace before he Took a Level in Kindness is that he calls Sasha by her name.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: He is given a spot in Season 3's opening sequence.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: Grime is an aristocrat and the captain of the soldiers at Toad Tower. He's also their fiercest and most capable fighter.
  • Redemption Equals Affliction: Grime officially has a Heel–Face Turn at the start of Season 3, when he decides to stay by Sasha's side during her redemption arc and help her protect Wartwood against King Andrias' forces. In the penultimate episode of the series, "All In", he pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to save Sasha from being killed by Darcy and loses an arm in the process, cementing his transformation into a more selfless toad.
  • Scary Teeth: Grime has needlepoint fangs for teeth, making him even more terrifying than the average toad. While initially a case of Fangs Are Evil, even after he starts undergoing a Heel–Face Turn they're still emphasized to make him unsettling and intimidating.
  • Slasher Smile: On account of him having yellowed fangs for teeth and being a warrior renowned for his cruelty, the vast majority of Grime's attempts to grin come across as bloodthirsty and terrifying.
  • So Proud of You: After Darcy cuts his arm off, he uses his last words before passing out from bloodloss to express his unwavering faith in Sasha, telling her that without her he would be nothing but a bully in a tower.
  • Spanner in the Works: His and Sasha's coup nearly ends King Andrias' plans before they even take off, which he himself lampshades.
  • Stout Strength: He's a squat toad who's strong enough to beat up giant herons and break a stone pillar with a single punch.
  • Super Spit: His spit can reach long distances and is acidic.
  • Super-Strength: He casually punches dents in stone walls and bends metal bars with his bare hands.
  • Super-Toughness: He falls off the top of his tower without any visible injury.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: In the beginning of "Prison Break", his soldiers are all morons that he holds in contempt. By the end, though, Sasha convincing him to earn their affection through compliments has turned them into a far more competent army, enough so that in Season 2 they're able to temporarily take over Newtopia with only a small force, and would have fully taken it over if the full army had marched into the city.
  • Taking the Bullet: In "All In", he pushes Sasha out of the way of Darcy's attack, losing his left arm in the process.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: In "Grime's Pupil", Anne and Sasha order Grime and Sprig to put aside their differences and work together so Grime can prepare Sprig for an upcoming fight with his sister, Beatrix. The frog and the toad both find this to be an utterly loathsome task, and they spend half the episode bickering until they finally manage to find some common ground, fending off a hive of hybeenas.
  • Time-Passage Beard:
    • In Season 2, he's grown an old Dutch beard some time after the fall of Toad Tower.
    • He grows another one in the finale, which is longer and braided, to symbolize his new role as a dignitary.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Grime's friendship with Sasha slowly causes him to mellow out and expose a softer side of his personality over the course of the series, especially after his Heel–Face Turn in Season 3. He starts to prioritize Sasha's needs over his own, and grows to respect the frogs he previously looked down upon by admitting they have their own share of strengths. In contrast to the fake change of heart he feigned in Season 2 to manipulate them, Grime buries the hatchet with the Plantar family for real and becomes more friendly with them in the latter half of Season 3, when they fight on the same side against King Andrias.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Zig-Zagged, as Grime is probably the only person who Sasha will listen to and heed advice from, meaning he is often responsible for bringing both the best out of Sasha and the worst. Ironically enough, Sasha only begins analyzing herself with help from Grime's advice.
  • Villainous Friendship: He ends up developing one with Sasha. He takes her advice and gives her some in return, compliments her intelligence, and is willing to do things that go against his serious nature for her. The biggest indicator he might actually genuinely care about her is when he saves her from falling to her death in "Reunion" and looks genuinely distraught at her injuries, shooting Anne a Death Glare for her part in it. In Season 2, the two show they legitimately care for one another, and spend the season treating each other as equals in their plot to take over Newtopia. The villainous part is eventually removed in Season 3 with both of them making a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Villainous Rescue: A villain on anti-villain example. After Sasha tries to sacrifice herself to save Anne and the Plantars, Grime is the one who leaps out of nowhere and saves her from falling to her death.
  • Villainous Valor: Grime may be an evil aristocrat, but he's also strong and brave. When he sees Sasha taking on a kaiju-sized heron, he immediately reassesses her potential worth, and literally leaps into danger fighting the thing so they can defeat it together. In "Reunion", he also saves Sasha from falling to her death.
  • We Can Rule Together: Knowing he can't force Sasha to stay, he offers her an ultimatum. Either he fulfills their original bargain and lets her leave into a world full of deadly hazards and giant monsters, or she stays at Toad Tower and serves as his right-hand woman. Sasha chooses the latter.
  • Xanatos Gambit: He pulls a light one on Sasha in "Prison Break". He knows full well that he can't stop her from just leaving, so he offers her two choices: to leave with little supplies, or for her to stay as his lieutenant. If she does the former, she'll most likely die in the wilderness, so he doesn't have to worry about her becoming a threat in the future. If she stays, she can improve his army in both strength and morale, while also being in a location where she can be easily monitored. Either way, he wins. She chooses to stay.

    1st Lieutenant Sasha Waybright 

Sasha Elizabeth Waybright
"Hold on for a little longer, girls. I'm coming for you. And when I find you, we're gonna get home. But first, I think we're gonna have some fun with this place."
Click here for her appearance in season 3B
Click here for her Calamity form
Click here for her appearance in the epilogue

Voiced by: Anna Akana

One of Anne's classmates, and her close friend. On Anne's 13th birthday, she and Marcy got Anne to steal a magic music box, which sent all of them to Amphibia. Shortly after arriving, Sasha was captured and imprisoned by Grime. She quickly earns Grime's favor and becomes appointed as his second-in-command, working alongside him to find her lost friends and bring them back home, even if it means putting the Plantars at risk. She represents the pink gem of strength on the Calamity Box.

  • 11th-Hour Superpower: In the Grand Finale, Sasha and Marcy regain their connections with their respective Calamity Gems, allowing them to fight alongside Anne to battle the Core in space.
  • Accidental Hero: As Grime points out, the duo's coup on Newtopia ends up accidentally screwing up King Andrias' evil plans of conquering every dimension with the Calamity Box. Afterwards, they try to keep the Plantars from freeing Andrias, with Sasha trying to warn them of the king's true intentions, but are unsuccessful.
  • Ace Custom: Her twin heron swords, made of pink and green metal, are only used by her. Grime implies that he bought them somewhere that presumably sells similar weapons, but given that no similar sword appears in the entire show it's possible that he had them commissioned.
  • Action Survivor: She was perfectly capable of carrying her own weight even before Grime made her his second-in-command, as she not only plays the toads like a fiddle, but even drives back a heron attack with gymnastics from her cheer routines.
  • Aesop Amnesia: In "Reunion" it becomes apparent to her that she's been a bad friend, and as such she lets Anne go. By her reappearance in "Toadcatching," she's back to her old ways and has to be taught this lesson again in "True Colors" in order to begin her Heel–Face Turn. Word of God justifies this; she does take her lesson in, but she's repressing this fact since it's easier than accepting the reality and striving to improve herself. Anne telling her this again in "True Colors" isn't so much as her forgetting this lesson beforehand, but rather finally having to face the facts.
  • Affably Evil: She is a genuinely manipulative person and the first lieutenant of the toad army, but she does deeply care for her friends and can be very genial.
  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • She's called "Sash" by Anne and Marcy. A few of the toads she gets close to also call her this.
    • Marcy calls her "Sashy", as heard in "Olivia & Yunan".
  • Alpha Bitch: Apparently, she was this back at home, being the popular girl who is apparently rich enough to throw parties, and she clearly has the snobby manipulative attitude of one. She even says she ruled the whole school — and held the best sleepovers. She has no qualms with willingly taking part in Grime's campaign, relishing in the idea of "having some fun" with her new power as second-in-command, as it will give her the glory she had back in school. Unlike most traditional examples, she secretly partook in delinquent behavior, however. This is deconstructed over time. Sasha's desire to rule over and control others ultimately drives others away, and leaves her with no one who really cares about her.
  • Animal Motifs:
    • Herons. They're presented as a dangerous, natural predators, fighting them kickstarts her climb in the toad army ranks, and the handle of her pink sword resembles one. It was a pair of herons that killed Sprig and Polly's parents, which echoes Sasha's dislike of Sprig. In season 3B, Sasha sports a tiara in the shape of a heron and a clawed glove in her left hand, which only furthers the similarities.
    • Moths, the theme of the outfit Anne prepares for her for the Battle of the Bands. Moths represent change, transformation, and the natural bond between darkness and light, integrated as co-creative life forces. As moths always seem to seek the light, Sasha spends most of the series as a deeply flawed individual who, at her core, wants to do good, but her means are warped by her worldview, and she usually ends up hurting her loved ones instead of protecting them.
    • A tad more on the nose, but she is strongly associated with toads. Despite having the roughest start out of all her friends in Amphibia, she eventually comes to fit right in with their emphasis on strength and determination, traits she has in spades.
  • Anti-Villain: Sasha wants her and her friends to go home, but doesn't really care if she hurts a bunch of "slimy frogs" in the process. Her Character Development eventually causes her to drop the villain part, becoming an Anti-Hero.
  • The Atoner: She becomes this in "Turning Point". After fully coming to terms with the consequences of her actions, Sasha pledges to protect Wartwood and try to become the kind of person Anne (and subsequently Marcy) deserves to have for a friend.
  • Bad Boss: In season 2. She forces Percy and Braddock to participate in a Suicide Mission, despite promising to back out if things get out of hand. They decide they've had it with her, and leave her side permanently.
  • Badass Normal: Sasha has no supernatural powers to speak of after her Calamity powers were drained in the third temple, but she is a very skilled fighter who can keep up with the best. Throughout season 3, she single-handedly organizes and leads a rebellion against king Andrias, taking on his robotic soldiers with nothing but her own strength and weapons, and in the penultimate episode she not only has the upper hand, but dominates in her duel against the millennia-old Darcy, only being temporarily beaten back due to dirty tricks.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brawn to Marcy's Brains and Anne's Beauty. This trope is reinforced by the revelations about the Calamity Box in "A Day at the Aquarium", where the pink gemstone represents the body and is represented by the rapier.
  • Be Careful What You Say: In one of the flashbacks in "Marcy at the Gates", as Marcy shows her clumsiness, Sasha mumbles, "One of these days, she's gonna get herself killed," which Anne finds offensive. Sure enough, Marcy does get (almost) killed by Andrias literally stabbing her in the back in "True Colors".
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: At the end of season 2, Sasha reveals she doesn't want to go home, but to stay in Amphibia as a ruthless tyrant. She gets her wish when King Andrias takes the music box, stabs Marcy, and Anne and the Plantars barely escape through a portal back to her world, leaving Sasha stranded in Amphibia... with an even bigger tyrant.
  • Becoming the Mask: In season 2, there are hints Sasha seems to genuinely enjoy being nicer to Anne, as even though she's just pretending to get Anne and Marcy to help her infiltrate Newtopia, she seems to not want to hurt her. She still goes through with the coup, but the subsequent fallout with Anne breaking off their friendship and Marcy getting stabbed through the chest causes her to have a Heel Realization.
  • Berserk Button: As revealed in the episode "Olm Town Road", nothing sets Sasha's berserk button off more than dealing with stubborn olms who don't know how to do their job properly.
  • Beyond Redemption: Sprig doesn’t believe Sasha is worth saving after all she's done to Anne and his family. Anne, however, refuses to give up on Sasha. Until "True Colors", when Sasha reveals she faked having changed to manipulate Anne into helping her and Grime stage a coup over King Andrias and Newtopia, and Anne declares Sasha to be a horrible person and their friendship over. In season 3, Sasha realizes she's become this, and as far as she knows, Anne and Marcy are as good as dead because of her. Nonetheless, she pledges to look after Wartwood for Anne and become a better person. Anne, for her part, makes it a priority to find a way back to Amphibia to save Sasha and Marcy and repair their friendship, so not all hope is lost.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Doubling down on villainy costs Sasha more than she'd like to admit. By the end of season 2, Sasha has alienated everyone who cares about her aside from Grime, and all she has to show for it is being right back where she started on the food chain. She begins to realize this as basically everyone Sasha knows decides that putting up with her abuse is not worth it. Even after ascending the ranks to the top of the toad army and briefly overthrowing King Andrias, Sasha's still miserable and lonely, and realizes she never really wanted the things she burned all her bridges to get. And this is before she discovers that Andrias is evil at the worst possible moment and Anne is justifiably unwilling to listen to her until it's too late, leading to much of the toad army being massacred, Anne barely escaping and having to harbor the Plantars as refugees a world away on Earth, and Marcy being mortally wounded and only surviving because she is subsequently imprisoned in a People Jar to be puppeteered by a greater enemy.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Zig-zagged. Sasha's kindness is usually a means to an end of getting what she wants, and even her friendship with Anne is pretty exploitative. However, she does genuinely care for Anne and Marcy as friends, but wants that friendship on her terms, not theirs. In "True Colors", she gloats that she only pretended to change to manipulate Anne into helping her conquer Newtopia for Toad Tower, demonstrating that she isn't willing to change. However, the events of that episode help to shock her into a Heel Realization, and she becomes genuinely nice from season 3 on.
  • Body Motifs: Eyes, like Marcy, meaning there's more to her than what we simply see at surface level. The times we see her manipulating Anne in season 1 are punctuated by her eyes hardening and the frame darkening as it narrows inward. She's Grime's right hand, and in season 2 she sports a stylized eye — the symbol of his rebellion — on her right pauldron. Her resolution to become a better person and act as the protector of Wartwood is marked by her eyes opening wide and the frame becoming clearer, in an inversion of her original, toxic mindset.
  • Bratty Teenage Daughter: She acts like one around Grime when she doesn't get her way and the best example of this is when he tells her to be on her best behavior around the Plantars when invited over for dinner.
  • Break the Haughty: Her time in Amphibia forces Sasha to learn that she can't always be in control of her friendships. The two times she attempts to control it ruins her relationship with Anne. She's also learned of Marcy's secret that gives her a taste of being backstabbed. These experiences allow her to humble herself and becomes a better and healthier friend by the end of the series.
  • Broken Tears: Sasha appears to be on the verge of this after Grime tells Sasha that her intense training is a coping mechanism to deal with how her relationship with Anne has irreversibly changed.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Like Marcy, she loses her connection with her Calamity Gem when it charges up, and therefore she's useless against Andrias and his army, rendering her unable to fulfill the prophecy in Andrias' book. She regains the powers, along with an immense boost, in the final episode, but willingly gives them up to Anne when her inexperience with wielding such power holds her back.
  • Bully Hunter: She's been this since kindergarten, and she first met Anne and Marcy when she relentlessly defended them against two older girls. It's kind of ironic that she ended up becoming a bully in her own right, though her love for Anne and Marcy is genuine, and she seems to think she's doing them a favor by assuming control of their friendship.
  • The Caligula: Sasha veers dangerously close to this territory after becoming Grime's Dragon-in-Chief. Losing to Anne at Toad Tower is the standout example, but her paranoia, anger, and overall abuse towards her friends and underlings does not do her any favors. After losing Anne, she single-handedly drives at least two more people (Percy and Braddock) out of the toad army.
  • Cape Snag: During their final battle in Newtopia, Anne defeats Sasha by making her get tangled in her own cape and then knocking her out with a punch.
  • Cassandra Truth:
    • It takes a while for Grime to start believing her when she says that no one sent her to spy on him and that she just wants to find her friends and go home.
    • This happens again in "True Colors" when she and Grime discover a tapestry revealing King Andrias' true intentions. Unfortunately, she only discovers this after she betrayed the group and deliberately tried to send them away with the Calamity Box, which contributes to Anne brushing off her words when she tries to tell them.
  • Character Catchphrase: "End. Of. Discussion."
  • Character Development: In season 3, she finally realizes how badly she screwed up with Anne and what her Control Freak tendencies have cost her after reading Anne's journal at the Plantar house in "Turning Point", and when she appears in season 3B she's shown to be genuinely working on getting past her issues. In "All In", when Darcy mocks her for her past actions, she shouts out how she's not the person who she was anymore as she cuts Darcy's Achilles' Power Cord.
  • The Chessmaster: Sasha is highly skilled at playing events to her advantage, being both a skilled military commander and a dangerous manipulator who can trick people into doing whatever she wants. Her cleverness is shown as early as her second appearance, where she coaxes several of Grime's own guards into abandoning him, then manages to turn things around and rally them to his side by giving Grime some advice.
  • Childhood Friend: She, Anne, and Marcy have been friends since kindergarten. However, Anne's personal anecdotes about Sasha don't paint the most flattering picture of their dynamic, even before flashbacks show just how toxic their relationship was. Despite this, she does deeply care about her friends.
  • The Chosen One: Of the pink Calamity Gem, which represents strength.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Has this before her Heel–Face Turn. She lures the Wartwood citizens and Anne to the Toad Tower to execute Hop Pop in "Reunion". Then turn back her promise on Perca and Braddock on aboarding a dangerous mission. In "Ture Colors", she uses her earned trust with Anne to gain access to Newtopia so that the toads can enter the capital and conquer it, while claiming to regain control after promising Anne to become better.
  • Color Motif: Has a connection with the pink Calamity Gem, which overlaps with Psycho Pink due to her (initial) status as an Anti-Villain. Plus, her Super Mode has her manifest a reddish-pink aura.
  • Combat Pragmatist: During their duel, she surprises Anne with a dagger after being disarmed of her sword, and later throws her cape over Anne's face to blind her.
  • The Comically Serious: Sasha may be the smug, domineering Alpha Bitch, but as seen in flashbacks, she often finds herself being haplessly and dumbfoundedly thrust into Anne's and Marcy's antics in the most hilarious way possible.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: "The Third Temple" implies that Sasha feels torn between rekindling her old friendship with Anne, and her current allegiance to Grime. She has a Good Feels Good look on her face whenever Anne compliments her for being nicer to her, only to claim she was just acting in front of Grime. "True Colors" reveals that, ultimately, she chose Grime, and it costs her friendship with Anne.
  • Control Freak:
    • Back on Earth, Sasha acted very possessive of Anne, monopolizing her time at the cost of school and even her family. When Anne tried to refuse her, Sasha would pressure Anne with the implied threat that their "friendship" would be over if Anne didn't comply. However, Sasha genuinely does care for Anne, and sees her as a friend, even being willing to die to save her after realizing how awfully she treated Anne in the past.
    • Discussed thoroughly in season 2, where Sasha continuously grapples with her need for control and needing to accept that Anne Grew a Spine. Sasha is furious to learn that Anne and Marcy seem to be getting along without her, but tries to stay focused on getting along so they can get home. Only for Sasha to reveal in "True Colors" that she lied about changing for the better to manipulate Anne into helping her and Grime invade Newtopia, just so Sasha could retake control.
    • In "All In", Darcy explicitly says "From one control freak to another," to her.
  • Cool Kid-and-Loser Friendship: This is possibly the biggest indicator of Sasha's Hidden Heart of Gold. She was captain of the cheerleading squad at school and had the entire student body under her thumb, and still chose to hang out with sweet but naive Anne and clumsy Marcy, never once even seeming to consider spending her time with someone else and actively defending them from bullies. It's pretty likely that the two were her first and only true friends. Putting aside the obvious drawbacks and complications that Sasha's Control Freak tendencies brought to the trio's dynamic, it's clear that once she loves someone, she'll stick by them no matter what.
  • Costume Evolution: After becoming the Commander of the Resistance, her outfit changes to an almost Viking-inspired one. It echoes aspects of both the other Calamity girls' designs, with blue accents to represent Anne and a shorter chestplate combined with a fur cape to represent Marcy.
  • Cruel Cheerleader: "Prison Break" reveals that Sasha was a cheerleader back home, which explains her athletic ability. She also fits into the "mean cheerleader" stereotype.
  • Crying Wolf: In "True Colors", Anne refuses to believe Sasha about King Andrias because of the latter's constant lies and manipulations ever since they arrived in Amphibia.
  • Cute Little Fangs: In her calamity form, she gains fangs that the other girls do not.
  • Dark Action Girl: She is one, doubling as the Thief to Anne's Fighter and Marcy's Mage. Sasha's combat abilities are strong enough to impress even Grime, and while she's not as skilled as Anne is in a straight fight during season 1, she makes up for it by being cunning and willing to fight dirty. In season 2, Sasha puts herself through a strict training regimen, and is now skilled enough to hold her own against General Yunan and outfight Anne. However, Anne still ultimately defeats her when they come to blows in the season finale, as Sasha is holding back at the time to try and convince Anne that Andrias is a bigger threat than Grime, whereas Anne is completely done with Sasha's previous lies and fighting more ruthlessly, to the point of employing Combat Pragmatism herself.
  • Dark Is Not Evil:
    • Fits this after her Heel–Face Turn, wearing the same dark brown and red armour while leading the resistance against Andreas and having become much kinder.
    • In The Hardest Thing her Calamity form has spikes and claws, giving it a more sinister appearance than her friends despite being heroic at that point.
  • Dark Shepherd: Sasha believes she's nobly helping Anne and Marcy return home, and believes she's the only one of three who's actually trying to fix the mess they've found themselves in. In reality, she bullies her friends and emotionally blackmails Anne into doing things she doesn't want to. In the season 1 finale, Sasha captures the frogs and almost executes Hop Pop to keep herself and the toads in power, which forces Anne to stand up for herself and defend the frogs from her. Sasha does seem to understand Anne's choice, beginning to realize she wasn't the friend she should have been, and chooses to let go of Anne's hand so at least one of them can escape the tower, though she backslides in season 2. Even Captain Grime, the dour and brutal leader of the toads, gets lessons in manipulation and ruthlessness from Sasha.
  • Deal with the Devil: Sasha agrees to be Grime's right-hand woman in exchange for him helping her find her friends. Initially, their deal is that Hop Pop dies, Grime helps her, and Anne will be persuaded to join her side. It turns out she's as bad as he is, though, so it's a question of who the devil really is.
  • Death Glare: She shoots one of these at Grime when he asks her if there are other humans in Amphibia. She also has a history of doing this towards Anne whenever she begins to seriously question her actions or commands.
  • Declaration of Protection: Her page quote, where she swears to save Anne and Marcy from Amphibia.
  • Defiant Captive: When held as a prisoner of Grime, she just responds to him by shooting him a dirty look. In "Prison Break", she responds to all of his standard questions flippantly, and is revealed to be so well-liked by her prison guards that she's convinced five of them to quit.
  • Determinator: Sasha doesn't know how to give up. No matter how hurt or tired she is, she will get back up on her feet.
  • Detrimental Determination: Her aforementioned Determinating is a double-edged sword for her, since while her stubborn and forthright behaviour is what Marcy and Anne were drawn to in the first place, she'll keep going even when putting others in danger. It also means she has a hard time admitting she was wrong and tends to double down on toxic behavior. Examples include Sasha's complete inability to withdraw when retrieving Barrel's warhammer at great personal risk to herself and her group causing Percy and Braddock to leave her after she didn't put their lives first, and Sasha's commitment to feigning her initial Heel–Face Turn and exploiting Anne's trust once again in an erroneous effort to get her friends back under control ultimately almost annihilating her friendship with Anne completely and scuppering any chance she had of convincing Anne that Andrias is untrustworthy. Likewise, after Sasha genuinely changes for the better in Season 3, she's so focused on moving the position of Wartwood Resistance leader over to Anne in her conviction that Anne is more worthy (despite all pointers to the contrary) that it does their party more harm than good.
  • Disney Villain Death: Subverted. In "Reunion", she falls from Toad Tower, but Anne manages to catch her, while Anne's new friends prevent both of them from falling off the crumbling Tower. However, Sasha, realizing both that Anne is putting her life at risk and how badly she treated Anne, chooses to fall to her death instead, and lets go. This time, Grime saves her, catching her mid-fall.
  • The Dragon: Her skills at manipulation along with combat impress (and frighten) Grime enough for him to actually appoint her to be his second-in-command.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: In many ways, she's more dangerous than Grime, due to how manipulative she is. She gives Grime plenty of advice that works, and she's more proactive than him when it comes to the frogs, especially with coming up with the plan to trap the Wartwood populace so that Hop Pop can be executed. Of course, in season 2, Grime makes her a genuine friend.
  • Dual Wielding: Her weapons of choice are two swords (red and green respectively) with heron-shaped crossguards. When Grime gifts her a second sword, she's ecstatic of finally getting to dual-wield.
  • Dumb Blonde: Inverted. Sasha is a blonde who is cunning, smart, and observant, and out of herself, Anne, and Marcy, she seems to be the most mentally competent of them allnote .
  • Emotion Suppression: Like Anne, she has been doing this since their fight at Toad Tower.
    • In season 3, while Anne has had the chance to mull over Marcy's betrayal, Sasha ignores her own emotional turmoil about the matter and struggles to see a way to repair their fractured friendship. A pep talk from Anne helps her sort it out.
  • Ensign Newbie: She's a newly-minted lieutenant in Grime's militia at just 13 years old.
  • Entitled Bitch: After betraying Anne and her friends once again and sending King Andrias to the dungeon, Sasha acts nonchalant and friendly with Anne and Marcy immediately afterwards. When Anne is gobsmacked about this and voices her protests, Sasha says she's just being a Sore Loser and acts as if she should have seen this coming. This causes Anne to finally snap and give her a major "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: Even after their encounter in the season 1 finale, Anne still cares about Sasha, even as she continues down her downward spiral, and then still offers Sasha another chance when they meet again in season 2, despite the fact that Sasha tried to kill her. It's a major "Oh Shit" moment when Anne finally concludes that trying to redeem Sasha is just wasting her time and dulling her edge, and it takes Sasha betraying Anne by attempting a hostile takeover of Amphibia and trying to send her and Marcy away out of spite to push Anne that far. And then things get worse when Sasha discovers the horrible truth about King Andrias, and Anne doubts her because how many lies she's told. After spending some time on Earth and cooling down, Anne just can't bring herself to hate Sasha, even after everything she has done.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • She may have chosen to willingly help Grime take over the valley, but her main motivation to become Grime's lieutenant is so she can have the means to look for her two human friends and find them so they can safely return home. This is especially proven in "Reunion", where when it appears that Anne is going to die with her, she willingly lets go so Anne and the Plantars will be safe.
    • In "Toadcatcher", she confesses that she cares about Captain Grime.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Underhanded and manipulative as she may be, even she isn't willing to leave Grime to die.
    • She's also outright horrified when she sees the tapestry showing Andrias using the box to commit mass murder, to the point that her priorities change to stopping him.
    • When it is revealed that Marcy knew what the music box was from the beginning, Sasha (who had intended to stay and rule Amphibia) is horrified that she and the others were stranded in Amphibia intentionally.
  • Evil Costume Switch: After becoming Grime's second-in-command, she switches from her colorful school uniform to a muted bronze toad officer uniform.
  • Evil Is Petty: In "True Colors", Sasha reveals that she faked having changed for the better to manipulate Anne into helping her conquer Newtopia for Toad Tower, for no other reason than to regain control over the situation and their friendship. Sasha refused to accept that Anne Grew a Spine, or that Anne and Marcy found a way home without Sasha's input. This ends up biting her in the ass, big time.
  • Evil Virtues: Determination. As "The Third Temple" explicitly points out, one of Sasha's greatest strengths is her persistence and refusal to ever give up. It's what allowed her to befriend Anne and Marcy in the first place, since she kept trying to take on the bullies who took their swings until they gave up and left, and it allows her to overcome the final trial in the Temple of Strength. This crosses over into Fatal Flaw in "True Colors", when Sasha's refusal to ever give up causes her to follow through with the coup of Newtopia and double down on her toxic and domineering tendencies toward Anne.
  • Eye Color Change: Her eyes turn pink in "Barrel's Warhammer" out of anger that Anne and Marcy are doing just fine without her. It grants her the strength to lift said warhammer out of the hide of a narwhal worm when previously she, Grime, Percy and Braddock could barely budge it working as a team. This is a hint at her Calamity Gem powers, and when she finally accesses her full Super Mode in the series finale, her eyes glow pink once again.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Downplayed. Sasha was once Anne's best friend, and then she joined Grime for power. However, she did initially join because he could potentially get her and her friends home. Ultimately, after being called out on how much of a bad influence she was, she still continues to serve Grime, not so much out of belief in his ideology, but because she and Anne have grown apart and have different interests.
  • False Friend: Played With. Sasha was a delinquent back home, and incredibly manipulative to everyone up to and including even Anne, who's her oldest friend. However, she truly does care about both Anne and Marcy, telling Grime on multiple occasions that finding them is her top priority. The end of "Prison Break" even has that be the main reason she agrees to stay on as his second-in-command, with her reiterating this in private while looking at her own copy of the BFF photo. "Reunion" has her view attempting to kill Hop Pop and subjugating the frogs as a necessary evil to accomplish this. This is played straight in "True Colors", where Sasha herself confirms that she only pretended to change for the better to manipulate Anne into helping her conquer Newtopia for the toads. This does change, however, when Sasha has a true Heel Realization upon seeing the consequences of her actions, even holding off King Andrias to help Anne and the Plantars get to safety.
  • Fantastic Racism: Sasha is openly dismissive about frogs, and doesn't get why Anne would care about any of them. It's ambiguous whether this attitude is just towards the frogs, as influenced by Toad Tower, or if it extends towards all the natives of Amphibia. Leaning towards influence is the fact that while she will manipulate them, she does not have the same dismissive attitude towards toads she does toward frogs. She lets go of this mindset after deciding to protect Wartwood and becomes close with the townspeople after fighting alongside them for weeks.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: Sasha is very much the Scorpion to Anne's Frog. While in Amphibia, Sasha continually uses Anne's trust and friendship to manipulate her into helping Sasha conquer first Wartwood and then Newtopia for Grime's totalitarian regime. In "True Colors", Anne finally has enough, and calls Sasha out on being a horrible person who lies and uses people, and declares their friendship over.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: She wears a glove on one hand and wrappings on the other, and has a shoulder pad on one shoulder and none on the other.
  • Fatal Flaw:
    • Selfishness, with the worst part being that Sasha doesn't realize she is selfish. She genuinely cares for the people she considers her friends, but in the end she will always choose what she wants over what her friends want and justify it to herself and them as what's best. Sasha genuinely thinks that her Control Freak tendencies push whatever group she is in to bigger heights, and in her eyes guaranteeing success and safety to the whole team equals being a good friend.
    • Her Control Freak tendencies. In "True Colors", Sasha reveals she'll take back control of their situation in Amphibia, their way home, and their friendship by any means necessary, including manipulating Anne into helping her stage a coup of Newtopia for Toad Tower, all because Sasha refuses to accept that Anne Grew a Spine. This not only costs her friendship with Anne, but causes Anne to help King Andrias regain power while refusing to listen to Sasha's warnings against trusting him.
  • Foil:
    • She and Anne contrast quite nicely with each other:
      • Anne initially had a hard time fitting in with the populace of Wartwood, while Sasha easily charmed the toad soldiers into loving her.
      • She and Sasha both have a distorted view of friendship, despite genuinely caring for one another. Sasha believes that friends are people who will do whatever you want as long as you get them to love you, and only cares about ensuring power and stability for herself and her loved ones with little regard for the means by which she does it, while Anne believes that she has to do whatever her friends want to "earn" their friendship. This means, however, that for all their differences, they both see love as something conditional that must be continuously earned by making sure the people you care about see either how strong or useful you can be. In short, they need to be needed.
      • Regarding their arrogance and mistakes, Sasha practices Never My Fault, while Anne engages in My God, What Have I Done?. Whereas Anne is always horrified and apologetic on realizing she's done wrong to the Plantars or other frogs, Sasha is Obliviously Evil to the point that Sprig calling her out leads to her trying to kill him. Sasha is also blindsided when her wanting to "rescue" Anne and find a way home is not enough to make up for her playing the scorpion to advance Captain Grime's agenda to the innocent frogs that have housed Anne for several months.
    • Her reunion with Anne compared to Anne reuniting with Marcy couldn't be more night and day — literally and metaphorically — all because of Fantastic Racism and Hop-Pop being on Captain Grime's most-wanted list.
    • Sasha's motivation and attitude in what she's willing to do runs counter to both Anne and Marcy; her willingness to hurt frogs conflicts with Anne's morality, while forcing them all to leave together conflicts with Marcy's love of the world and how she has made it her home.
    • Much like Marcy, Sasha can be blinded by her desires, but unlike Marcy, Sasha will always justify her behavior as what's best for everyone, when in reality it's just what she, and she alone, wants. "True Colors" reveals she and Marcy are actually similar in this respect, though Marcy at least has the capacity for self-reflection when her actions are revealed.
    • She's one to Sprig: Both were Anne's best friend at one point in time, both are represented by the color pink, both have the intense desire to be needed by the people around them, often going to extreme measures to make that happen, and both want to protect the people around them (compare Sasha acting like a superhero to fend off bullies, and Sprig literally becoming one in "Spider-Sprig"). They can be impulsive and headstrong, often refusing to listen to other people's pleas to fulfill their personal goals. The main difference is that Sprig is much more open with his emotions, while Sasha struggles with communication and is much more forceful.
  • Freudian Excuse:
    • Implied. "Froggy Little Christmas" suggests Sasha's parents are divorced or at least separated, which would explain quite a lot of Sasha's behavior towards her friends. Not only does it explain Sasha's more antisocial tendencies on Earth and Amphibia and suggest that Sasha places more value on friendship than blood relations, it also suggests that her obsessive and controlling behavior towards Anne and Marcy likely stems from a deep-seated fear that their friendship will go the same way Sasha's parents' marriage did if she isn't on top of the girls with full control of the reins. It's also implied to be the reason why Sasha initially says in "True Colors" that she'd rather stay and rule Amphibia than return to Earth: her family life may be just so unstable that she feels there's nothing left for her back on Earth anymore.
    • In an interview, Matt Braly actually shed some light onto this: Sasha found herself split between two families when her parents divorced, and didn't belong to either, which is why she feels the need to keep Anne and Marcy close to herself by any means necessary.
      "We talked a lot about Sasha’s parents and how there was this split and now there are two families and how this is when she felt she lost control, and that’s why she’s all about control."
  • Freudian Trio: She's the Id to Marcy's Superego and Anne's Ego, as reflected by toadkind being the Id to Newtopians' Superego and the Wartwood frogs' Ego. Sasha often plays the Alpha Bitch out of selfish self-interest; from the merely corrupt politician Mayor Toadstool to the downright devious tyrant Captain Grime, toadkind is similarly power-hungry and self-centered.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: She was originally nothing more than a captive at Toad Tower. One foiled heron attack later, and she's promoted to lieutenant, to the point that by "Reunion", she's the most dangerous fighter in Toad Tower besides Grime himself.
  • Girly Bruiser: She's an Alpha Bitch ex-cheerleader in a pink skirt who can take down herons that are hundreds of times her size, and later becomes an exceptional fighter as Grime's lieutenant. Her combat skills even come from her feminine hobby.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: She's fairly traditionally feminine (especially when compared to her more tomboyish friends) as she likes fashion, has a pink color motif, once imagined herself as a princess, and was an Alpha Bitch type of cheerleader back home, but also willingly became Grime's soldier, and has proved to be quite feisty and combative with a physically brutal side to her, even gaining a Tomboyness Upgrade during her time in Amphibia. She also has the longest hair out of the three girls which until her new look in season 3B is styled in a ponytail, and a little kid attempted to deal with bullies the violent way, the last one being the reason why she's the "brawn" in the Beauty, Brains, and Brawn trio.
  • Given Name Reveal: Her last name isn't revealed until "Toadcatcher".
  • Going Native: By her third appearance (counting "Best Fronds" as the first), Sasha has more or less assimilated completely to toad culture, wearing toad-forged armor and being perfectly comfortable as a lieutenant in the toad army.
  • Gold-Colored Superiority: In ''The Hardest Thing her Calamity form gives her armour with gold accents, and is noted to be more powerful than the one Anne used prior.
  • Good Costume Switch: In Season 3B, after becoming the leader of the Resistance, her outfit looks more Viking-barbarian inspired. There are blue details along the gloves, pauldron, and bootsnote , a shorter chestplate and a fur capenote , and she has a pink tiara to keep her hair away from her face in the shape of a heron. There's also far less red in her palette, as a way to symbolize her growth and the lessening of her more violent impulses.
  • Good Feels Good: In season 2's "The Third Temple", Sasha looks pleasantly surprised by Anne complimenting her for being nice. Ditto for "Battle of the Bands", where she finds that supporting Anne's musical choices rather than taking over feels wonderful. Given that their friendship was built on Sasha bossing Anne around, being forced to actually listen and try to make Anne happy turns out not to be as bad as Sasha thought. Too bad she doubles down on retaking control by any means necessary in "True Colors". However, in "Turning Point", she protected Wartwood from Andrias' robot army. Because of the townsfolk gratitude, she swears to protect them from the dark king alongside with Grime, and train them to fight back for the upcoming war.
  • Guile Heroine: Sasha exploits her captors' poor morale to charm them into treating her better. Seeing all of her skills in practice convinces Grime to make her an ally rather than let her go free.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: The entire show pretty much starts because she ignored Marcy's interest and she pressured Anne to steal the Calamity Box.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Downplayed. While Sasha isn't outright aggressive, she is prone to giving into her anger in several occasions throughout the show.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After taking Anne's words about being a horrible person to heart and discovering King Andrias' true nature, Sasha decides to fix her mistakes by fighting alongside Anne and helping her escape back to Earth by holding Andrias at bay.
  • Heel Realization:
    • In "Reunion", upon realizing that Anne is risking her own life to save her from falling off the tower, and seeing that the frog family she dismissed are doing the same, Sasha admits that Anne would be better off without her and lets go of Anne's hand, willing to fall to her death rather than endanger Anne.
    • In "True Colors", she has another one after Anne calls her a "horrible person". She actually starts to consider that Anne could be right about her. By the time she really needs Anne by her side, Anne isn't having it, and with the example of a tyrant worse than her in King Andrias, she's probably starting to see what she might become if she continues like the way she has been.
    • In "Turning Point", she fully realizes her faults and decides to try and become a better person.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • In "Reunion", Sasha falls off a crumbling Toad Tower, only for Anne to grab her hand and the Plantars to grab Anne. Unfortunately, as the Plantars are trying to pull Anne and Sasha back to safety, Sasha sees that cracks are appearing where they're standing. Realizing she's been a terrible friend to Anne and unwilling to endanger her anymore, she lets go of Anne's hand, willing to fall to her own death to save her. Fortunately, Grime saves her at the last minute. Unfortunately, she's unconscious by then, and Grime takes her with his army when he leaves.
    • In "True Colors", Sasha agrees to Hold the Line against King Andrias so Marcy and Anne can take the Calamity Box and escape back home, knowing full well it could leave her stranded in Amphibia with a ruthless tyrant whom she can't hope to outmatch in straight up combat.
  • Hero of Another Story: In "Turning Point", she gets a full Heel–Face Turn, as not only does she, with Grime’s help, defend Wartwood from a small robot army Andrias sends to them, but she also plans to train the citizens to fight back for the upcoming war.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Throughout season 3B, after her Heel–Face Turn, she usually questions herself about whether she’s really changed as a better person and friend. Indeed, once Anne returns to Amphibia, the first thing Sasha does is to give her command of the entire resistance, both as a way of atonement and because she’s afraid of relapsing back to her Control Freak habits.
  • Her Own Worst Enemy: Much of Sasha's worst problems stem from her refusal to take blame, her ego, her Lack of Empathy, her Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, and her inability to get out of her own way. One by one, her behavior drives away anyone who cares about her.
    • In "Reunion", Sasha's willingness to not only help the toads conquer Wartwood, but execute the frog family who took Anne in (over Anne's protests) just gives Anne the strength to stand up to Sasha and take down Toad Tower. This also irreparably changes Sasha's friendship with Anne.
    • In "Barrel's Warhammer", Sasha's willingness to endanger her followers just to get what she wants (after explicitly promising to respect their feelings and turn back if things got too harrowing) causes Percy and Braddock to decide Sasha is too selfish and ruthless to follow, and they go home.
    • In "True Colors", Sasha's willingness to go through with her and Grime's plan to use Anne to conquer Newtopia causes Anne to finally snap, declare Sasha a horrible person, and end their friendship. Worse, after Sasha discovers King Andrias' true nature as a genocidal warmongering tyrant and tries to warn Anne against putting him back in power, Anne refuses to listen to Sasha due to the latter's lies and manipulations. This causes disastrous consequences for everyone involved.
    • In "Turning Point", she fully acknowledges that her need to constantly stay in control has cost her her best friends.
  • Hypocrite: In "True Colors", Sasha singles out Marcy for betraying her and Anne by taking them to Amphibia against their will so she could spend more time with them. While Sasha isn't wrong, it still doesn't change the fact that, moments earlier, she betrayed Anne and Marcy with far more malicious intent.
  • Hypocrite Has a Point: In "True Colors", Sasha rightfully calls out Marcy on betraying her and Anne, not only separating them from their families and livelihoods but also endangering their lives in the process, even if Sasha was just as guilty of this herself. Even Marcy herself agrees with her on it, calling her own actions "super dumb" later on.
  • I Choose to Stay: In "True Colors", after she and Grime pull off their coup, Sasha says that she actually wants to stay in Amphibia and rule it alongside Grime, which may or may not have been a bluff. She displays a more heroic variant at the end of the episode, holding off Andrias with Grime so Anne and the others can get through the portal.
  • Ignored Epiphany:
    • You would think that the whole "getting trapped in another world where everything is trying to eat you" would motivate her to treat her friends better, since they could have been dead or maimed by the wildlife. While Sasha happily greets Anne on reuniting and her relief is sincere, she still tries to bully her and belittle her. When Sprig calls her out for her behavior and says Anne deserves better, she tries to kill the little frog.
    • In "Reunion", she lets go of Anne's hand rather than risk Anne falling off Toad Tower with her, telling Anne, "Maybe you're better off without me." By the time of her return in "Toadcatcher", Sasha is shown to have completely disregarded this, deeply resenting Anne for turning against her.
    • In season 2, Sasha refuses to accept that Anne Grew a Spine, and in "True Colors", Sasha tells Anne she lied about having changed for the better to retake control of the situation and their friendship. Anne calls her out on this big time.
  • I Hate Past Me: By the time of the third season, when Sasha is trying to make amends for all that she has done wrong by protecting the frogs of Wartwood who looked after Anne, she really has come to have serious guilt issues she's trying to work off. When Anne returns, she immediately chooses to give up her role as commander of the resistance to Anne, not just because she feels unworthy after all she's done to her and Marcy, but because she's so terrified of going back to her old ways and losing Anne all over again if she's put in a position of power. Fortunately, Anne has wised up and can see that Sasha is this. She puts her full faith in her this time, and Sasha proves herself worthy of being a good friend and leader. This ultimately leads her to declare in "All In" that she is done being who she was.
    Sasha: I am NOT that person anymore!
  • Imposed Handicap Training: In the third temple, Sasha reveals that she's used to moving around with weighted armour that is heavy enough to dent the floor once it's dropped. While part of this is definitely due to the increased gravitational field of the room at the time, it's pretty clear that all that training she pushed herself through has more than paid off.
  • Inconsistent Coloring: Sasha has brown eyes in "Barrel's Warhammer", but blue eyes in "Commander Anne".
  • It's Personal: There's an element of this to her and Sprig's interactions, since Sprig effectively replaces Sasha as Anne's best friend and proves to be a far better one. Plus, it's him calling her out for her treatment of Anne and not knowing how amazing a person Anne actually is that causes Anne to fight back against Sasha atop Toad Tower. Throughout season 2, Sprig refers to Sasha as 'evil', and the two butt heads a lot during "The Dinner", with Sprig being (rightfully) skeptical about Sasha's Heel–Face Turn. Sasha's general animosity seems to extend to the Plantars as a whole, due to them being the main reason Anne won't reestablish their 'friendship', but Sprig and her in particular have problems with each other. Vlogs from the Bog makes it pretty clear that she still held a grudge against him for quite some time.
    Sasha: (talking about how awesome her life in Amphibia has been) And best of all, I have my own sword! Which I use to subjugate villagers, especially little pink frogs who steal best friends...
    Sprig: I have the weirdest feeling somebody was just talking about me.
  • I Know Madden Kombat: Her fighting skills come from the athleticism required for cheerleading.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Sasha is very bossy and controlling toward her friends, but is shown to care for them and value her friendship with Anne and Marcy deep down. She's defended Anne and Marcy from various bullies, and has her own Villainous Friendship with Grime. She also shows noticeable disgust at King Andrias' plans, and aids Anne and the Plantars in trying to stop him. The "heart of gold" side becomes more emphasized after her Heel–Face Turn.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: In "True Colors," after a lifetime of pushing Anne around, and lying to and manipulating her, Anne finally snaps and attacks Sasha. Anne refuses to believe Sasha about King Andrias being evil, due to having no reason to trust Sasha, since the latter has done nothing but lie, manipulate, use, and betray Anne every second they've been together since they arrived in Amphibia. Sasha can only watch helplessly as Anne bests her in combat and hands the box over to the evil king; she has no one to blame but herself for Anne no longer believing or trusting her.
  • Kick the Dog: It takes a certain amount of jerk level to convince your "best friend" to skip her own birthday party to shoplift a box, then attempt to execute Hop Pop, the same frog that took in Anne out of the goodness of his heart and adopted her as one of his grandkids.
  • Kick the Morality Pet: Although Sasha can act controlling toward Anne, she ultimately treats her kindly. When she manipulates Anne to help her conquer Newtopia as she fakes her Heel–Face Turn, Anne doesn't take it; their relationship gets severely damaged as a result. She sees the error of her ways for real afterwards, though.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Sasha and Marcy peer-pressured Anne into shoplifting a strange music box, which transported all three of them into Amphibia. Sasha was also the one who got the idea of stealing the music box in the first place (and possibly manipulated Marcy into letting Anne steal the box) and winds up a prisoner of Grime shortly after her arrival in Amphibia.
    • In "Reunion", Sasha is deadset on helping Grime to execute Hop Pop; she tries to force Anne to be compliant with the murder of one of her friends; and she even tries to kill Sprig as well out of spite, once the little frog humiliates her. Ultimately however, it's Sasha herself who has the closest shave with death in that episode, when the assassination attempt backfires and she and Grime both tumble over the side of Toad Tower. It's made abundantly clear that Sasha would have fallen to her death, if Grime hadn't managed to catch her in time.
    • In "True Colors", she discovers Marcy tricked her into getting stranded in an alternate dimension on purpose (with no intention of ever returning to their old lives) because of her own codependency issues; she would have done the same thing all over again if Andrias hadn't turned against her. Sasha is finally given a taste of her own medicine when it comes to being backstabbed by someone who she thought was her friend for their own selfish purposes; she's clearly not happy about it in the slightest bit.
  • The Leader:
    • Sasha is implied to have been this for the trio of girls back on Earth, with Anne and Marcy noting that she was the one who would always come up with plans and direct the bulk of their activities.
    • In season 3, she becomes the Commander of the Wartwood Resistance. She tries to hand over the title to Anne as soon as she makes it back to Wartwood, out of fear of slipping back into her controlling habits, but Anne insists they share the role, and from then on they settle into a pretty seamless partnership.
  • Lean and Mean: Sasha is quite lean in stature, and she's a manipulative villainess.
  • Leitmotif: "Sasha's Theme", which has a dark, ominous feel to it, befitting her manipulative nature. It gets expanded in the latter half of Season 2, which contains an excerpt of her song "Heartstomper" and holds brighter tones to showcase her hidden potential to be a better person.
  • Like a Duck Takes to Water: Once she's put on equal footing with Grime, Sasha adapts to the toads even faster than Anne did with the frogs, becoming the lieutenant of the army that imprisoned her within the course of a month.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: Downplayed. She's bisexual as revealed by a car sticker in the Distant Finale, and is fairly traditionally feminine, being a cheerleader, having a pink color motif, and imagines herself as a princess, but she is also a delinquent who fully embraces a warrior lifestyle.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Due to spending so much time out in the wilderness with Grime, Sasha wasn't even aware that Anne has reunited with Marcy in Newtopia. By the time she finds out in "Barrel's Warhammer", Sasha doesn't take it very well.
  • Lonely at the Top: In season 2, she gets almost everything that she's worked for, becoming Grime's only trusted advisor and equal, and she briefly succeeds in conquering Amphibia. However, the more she climbs up the ranks, the more she loses her soul and her sense of self, admitting out loud that she thought winning would feel better, and she doesn't know what she wants anymore.
  • Magic Skirt: She has one similar to Anne's, which never obeys gravity if it would be inappropriate to do so.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She's a natural at manipulating others to do whatever she wants. This is one of the reasons Grime appoints her to become his second-in-command.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Her last name is "Waybright", she's very smart for her age, and at her best she's effectively a truly inspiring individual thanks to her unbreakable will. It's also an Americanized form of German Weibrecht or Weybrecht, from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements "wig", meaning "battle" or "war" and "berht", meaning "bright". This fits Sasha, seeing as she is a warrior/soldier.
    • Her given name "Sasha" comes from the name Alexander, which means "defender of man". She first met Anne and Marcy when she defended them from bullies as a little kid, and it's strongly implied part of the reason she's so domineering is that she feels like she needs to be strong to protect them, which in return will make sticking around her worthwhile.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: She's extremely skinny, but can smack around monsters multiple stories tall. Zig-zagged in season 2, where she's still as skinny as you'd expect a thirteen year old girl to be, but her arms have put on noticeable muscle mass. She's even more so in the latter half of season 3 after Anne and the Planters return to Amphibia from the human world.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Sasha has a moment during season 2, when she realizes that she put Percy and Braddock in danger just to get a warhammer for her and Grime's invasion plans. Also, Sasha becomes filled with guilt when she realizes that her actions nearly cost her friendship with Anne and Marcy.
    • She goes through this trope in season 3's "Turning Point". After returning to Wartwood, she finds Anne's journal, and reads the entry for the night of the Battle of the Bands. She sees that Anne truly believed she could trust her again after everything that happened, leading Sasha to realize how badly she betrayed Anne's trust.
  • Near-Death Experience: In Season 1 Finale, she let herself fall from the crumbling tower, so she wouldn’t drag Anne with her. Fortunately, Grime manages to catch her in mid fall and saves her life at the last moment.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The mean to Marcy's nice and Anne's in-between. She always wants Anne to do whatever she wants her to do, even if it means missing out on the most important parts of her life, like her own birthday party, for example.
  • No-Sell: In their duel, Darcy tries to Break Them by Talking, calling out all of Sasha's worst traits and telling her what Marcy really thought about her. Sasha ignores it completely, keeping her eyes firmly on the goal of killing the Core and freeing Marcy.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: She claims that working with Grime is a necessary evil to find her friends and stay alive in Amphibia. However, she reveals that the plan to execute Hop Pop was her idea and expects an understandably horrified and rebellious Anne to abide by it.
  • Obliviously Evil: Sasha thinks she knows best, so it has to be her way or the highway. Because of this, Anne has no idea what a best friend is like and is an Extreme Doormat.
  • Parental Neglect: Implied. Sasha never mentions her parents, and her insistence that Anne should spend time with her friends who love her rather than her family implies that she has a rather poor relationship with them. Word of God and Marcy's Journal indicates that they separated and remarried when Sasha was very young, and both have families with their new partners, leaving Sasha torn between two families neither of which she is truly part of.
  • Pet the Dog: To her credit, she would at least stick up for Anne and Marcy to other bullies in school.
  • Psycho Knife Nut: She has grown a fondness for sharp weapons — so much so, in fact, that when she's invited to dinner and ordered by Grime to not bring her sword with her, she begrudgingly does so. When he also asks for her to leave behind her hidden daggers — which involves her removing one of her boots and dumping out a large pile of daggers, to Grime's incredulity — she whines to him that she might need them. Even then, she still brings one by hiding it behind her ponytail.
  • Psycho Supporter: Sasha combines her controlling attitude toward Anne with a ruthless protectiveness. She used her school status to defend Anne from bullying, and believes Anne would be better off if she joined Toad Tower.
  • Raised by Orcs: The Toads of Toad Tower were essentially Amphibia's equivalent to orcs and Sasha has gradually embraced their warrior culture and supporting their dominance over other Amphibians more and more the longer she stayed in Amphibia.
  • Redemption Rejection: In season 2, Sasha makes an effort to be a better friend to Anne. In "True Colors," she reveals she only pretended to accept that Anne Grew a Spine to manipulate her into helping Sasha and Grime conquer Newtopia for Toad Tower, all so Sasha could retake control of the situation and their friendship.
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: Downplayed, but even after her full Heel–Face Turn in season 3B, where she starts moving past her Control Freak issues, she still has a bit of a temper at some points, and in the Distant Finale of "The Hardest Thing" her talk about how rewarding it is to help troubled kids with their issues is immediately followed by her angrily honking her horn at another driver for not using their turn signal.
  • Rich Bitch: The pre-Amphibia flashbacks imply Sasha has a wealthy background, for example claiming her house has a pool big enough for her whole class. This would go a long way in explaining her spoiled behavior, selfishness, and lack of concern for the consequences of her actions.
  • Rotten Rock & Roll: Sasha is frequently accompanied by electric guitar melodies to assert her gruff and villainous nature. Similarly, in "Battle of the Bands", while Anne and Marcy want to play the peppy pop song "No Big Deal", Sasha wants to play her song "Heartstomper", a rock song about how much of a badass she is.
  • Scars Are Forever: She gets one after Anne knocks the sword and dagger out of her hands, cutting her just below her right eye in the process, symbolizing that things have changed between her and Anne such they won't go back to what they had prior. The Distant Finale shows that, even ten years later, she still has it.
  • Secret Test of Character: To charge her gem at the third temple, she perseveres to succeed for the sake of her friends by using the mental strength within her.
  • Self-Serving Memory: Part of why Sasha is such a domineering friend is she selectively remembers when her peer-pressuring led to fun, and forgets when it got her friends in trouble. At one point, Sasha reminisces about how she pressured Anne and Marcy into sneaking up to the school roof to have a loud dance party, and wonders why they never did anything like that again. Marcy points out that they got caught, and Anne took the fall and got grounded for over a month. Sasha awkwardly replies she didn't remember that part.
  • The Shrink: In "The Hardest Thing", the Distant Finale reveals that she's become a psychologist, apparently specializing in helping troubled kids overcome their issues, which she has personal experience in.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: When she reappears in the second half of season 3, she is shown to be more muscular with more pronounced biceps, wearing heavier, almost Viking-like armor, with her single glove replaced with a new, clawed one and her old cape replaced with a fur one. Her hair is also longer and messier, with the ends having gone back to her natural, dark-blonde hair color. This is justified, considering she’s been leading the Wartwood resistance.
  • The Social Expert: To the point where her ability to charm her way into other people's graces makes her dangerous. Grime quickly realizes that he needs to exploit this if he wants to properly command the toad army. She was more of The Charmer proper as a kid, when her steadfast stubbornness and refusal to let bullies get their way were the qualities that Anne and Marcy always admired the most in her. In the Where Are They Now epilogue, she has become a psychiatrist.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her and Grime's coup and takeover of Newtopia nearly ruins Andrias' evil plans, which Grime lampshades when they find Andrias' tapestry depicting his goals.
  • Spikes of Villainy: Inverted. Sasha's armor doesn't get spikes until she gets her Calamity powers, which happens long after her Heel–Face Turn.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Per Word of God, Sasha's bond with Marcy back on Earth was very much one of pragmatic understanding. Like Sasha, Marcy had no problem with bending the rules to the trio's favour and was fine with going along with whatever Sasha said, and they both saw Anne as being a bit too sweet-natured for her own good.
  • The Strategist: This is fully showcased after she becomes the commander of the Frog Resistance. Sasha is, in Stumpy's own words, a tactical wizard, and everyone relies on her guidance, from organizing battle plans to coordinating attacks.
  • Strong and Skilled: Along with becoming a skilled swordswoman, she’s shown to be very physically strong, being able to effortlessly lift heavy weapons. Her armor is also shown to be extremely heavy, and yet she's still able to move around in it with ease. It's unclear how much of this is her natural ability and how much is due to her connection to the strength gem of the Calamity Box, but at the very least, when she taps into the power unconsciously, she's able to dislodge Barrel's Warhammer from its resting place, something no other toad had been physically capable of before.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Sasha's skill in swordfighting is more reliant on her Character Development and Rule of Symbolism than realistic skill. She loses her first duel to Anne, despite Anne having barely ever held a sword. She loses her second duel to Anne, despite having spent months doing nothing but training. She wins her training spar with Anne, since she at this point has made amends and is no longer trying to defeat Anne. Finally, she dominates in her duel with Darcy, to the point where they need to resort to dirty tricks to win.
  • Sudden Eye Colour: A closeup in "Commander Anne" reveals that her eyes are blue.
  • Suddenly Speaking: After first appearing in "Best Fronds" with no lines, Sasha speaks for the first time in "Prison Break".
  • Super Mode: The Hardest Thing has her gain her own Calamity form with armour and a pink aura to fight The Core controlled moon.
  • Tears of Remorse: While reading Anne's journal, she weeps over the fact that Anne had genuinely started trusting her again, well aware that she betrayed that trust barely a day later.
  • Teens Are Monsters: Sasha is a thirteen-year-old Manipulative Bitch who delights in commanding people around and being in charge. She drops this trope after her Character Development.
  • There Is Another: Her being Grime's prisoner at the end of "Best Fronds" confirms that Anne isn't the only human in Amphibia.
  • Token Human: Mirroring Anne and Marcy as the only human in Wartwood and Newtopia respectively, Sasha is the only human in Toad Tower.
  • Token Competent Minion: Sasha is the only member of Grime's forces who manages to help him make headway in his plans for conquest, and they do succeed — only briefly, though.
  • Token White: Anne and Marcy are of Asian descent, while Sasha is the only one of the three who is of European heritage.
  • Tomboyness Upgrade: She was originally a manipulative Alpha Bitch who wears a Catholic schoolgirl outfit and mostly uses combat moves derived from cheerleading. But now, as a comrade to Grime, she acts more brashly, wears more masculine clothing, and is more prone to enjoying violence.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Similar to Anne and Marcy, she seems to possess superhuman strength, which manifests as the pink gem's glow in her eyes, though she doesn't use it until "Barrel's Warhammer".
  • Toxic Friend Influence:
    • To Anne, big time. The day they left Earth, Sasha convinced Anne to ditch school, steal money from arcade machines, spray graffiti, and cause chaos in a local park. And that's before uncomfortably pressuring Anne into forgetting about the birthday party her parents were throwing for her in lieu of swiping the music box Marcy found at the thrift store.
    • She ends up being one to Grime, encouraging him to be more manipulative and cutthroat. He, in turn, becomes one to her, encouraging her to assert her dominance in her friendship with Anne.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After her loss to Anne in the season 1 finale, we next see Sasha training hard in the woods, and she's even able to go toe-to-toe with one of Newtopia's greatest warriors.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: At the start of Season 3, she finally overcome with huge remorse over her past actions and decide to pull a Heel–Face Turn by helping the Wartwood citizens fighting against the Frobots and forming a Wartwood Resistance to fight against King Andrias and his army. As the leader of the Resistance, she became a Benevolent Boss to the rest of the members and began to treat them very well, no longer relying in toxic manipulation and control.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Matt Braly revealed in his Reddit AMA that hers is orange chicken.
  • Trapped in Another World: The music box brings her, Marcy, and Anne to the frogs' world. She's held prisoner by Grime, but manages to earn his favor, which she wants to use to find her friends and go home.
  • True Companions: She gradually develops this dynamic with Grime, with the two growing from captain and lieutenant to best friends. In "Turning Point", Grime, despite feeling like defending Wartwood is a waste of time, chooses to stay, solely because of his loyalty to Sasha. When it's finally time for Sasha to leave Amphipia for good in "The Hardest Thing", the two try to have a dignified sendoff with each other, before breaking down in tears and hugging, promising to never forget each other. Their goodbye is just as hard as Anne's farewell to the Plantars, showing just how much the two love each other.
  • Tsurime Eyes: Unlike Anne and Marcy, who both have rounded eyes, Sasha's have a sharp point. It serves to highlight her aggressive and manipulative personality while feeding into Evil Is Angular.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Sasha was the one who convinced Anne to shoplift the music box, after Marcy suggested it as a birthday present, having no idea what it could do. The Reveal that Marcy knew what the box could do makes her more of an Unwitting Pawn instead.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: The flashback in "The Third Temple" shows she wasn't always controlling and willing to fend off bullies for Anne and Marcy without expecting anything in return. Her parents' divorce is what shaped her into the controlling and toxic friend she was in the start of the series.
  • Villain Ball: She knew ever since "Prison Break" where Anne was, since Bog told Commander Grime about the unrest in Wartwood and the guard he nearly recruited. It would have been very easy to go there first and coerce Anne into joining her, since it was way before Hop Pop caused unrest, and Mayor Toadstool was the one causing trouble. Anne would have come along, since only one dislikable toad that tried to kill Sprig would have been targeted. Instead, she waited long enough for Hop Pop to run for mayor, making him a target, and Anne instead fought for him and Sprig.
  • Villainous Friendship: She and Grime are about as close as Anne and Sprig. "Toadcatcher" shows that after her fight with Anne, Sasha has become extremely protective of Grime as her only friend.
  • Villains Blend in Better: She adapts to the hierarchy of Toad Tower faster than Anne does with the country life of Wartwood. It's kind of justified because she was the Alpha Bitch of her school, and the toads' military and force-focused approach fit in extremely well with her prior skillset, not to mention Anne, even at her worst, never forcibly bullied others into submission and going along with her like Sasha does with her subordinates.
  • Virtuous Character Copy: She ends up being this to Princess Azula. Both of them are teenage girls that were respected and feared in their home towns, are highly skilled in technical strategies and manipulation, have two childhood friends, one of them being a cynical girl with a heart of gold that eventually stood up to them (Mai and Anne), and the other being a sweet girl that just went along with their plans until they decided to follow their other friend (Ty Lee and Marcy) and both of them managed to take over an entire kingdom at the end of their shows' second seasons. However, while Azula pretty much lost Mai and Ty Lee forever, severed any personal connections she might have had and ended up succumbing to her own hatred and insanity, Sasha managed to learn from her mistakes, become a better person and leader, made a genuinely strong connection with Captain Grime, managed to rekindle her friendship with Anne and Marcy, and ended the series a better, mentally healthy person (occasional anger issues aside).
  • Vocal Evolution: In the episode where she first speaks, "Prison Break", her voice was a bit more higher-pitched compared to later episodes.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?:
    • Doubles as Evil Cannot Comprehend Good. It's clear that Sasha doesn't place as much value on the lives of the inhabitants of Amphibia as she does herself and her human friends. She doesn't understand why Anne is willing to stand up to her and defend Hop Pop from being sacrificed, because he and the rest of Wartwood are "just a bunch of slimy frogs" who don't matter.
    • Subverted in season 2. She tells Grime that he's one of the few people left that she cares about, now that she and Anne have grown apart.
  • Woman Scorned: In "True Colors," Sasha tries to send Anne home to separate her from the Plantars out of spite for Anne ending their friendship.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Despite having had several months to do nothing but train, Sasha loses her rematch with Anne in True Colors. That said, Sasha was trying to reason with Anne the whole time, and didn't actually want to hurt her, while Anne was far beyond the point of caring and was going in for the kill. If Sasha had been a less skilled warrior, the duel would have likely ended far messier.
  • Would Hurt a Child: After Sprig calls her out on how she's not a real friend to Anne, just a bully who uses her, Sasha draws her sword on him, and would've cut him down if Anne hadn't blocked her.
    Sasha: I think I've had enough of you, squeaky toy.
  • Would Rather Suffer: More specifically, Sasha would have rather died than live with the fact that Anne and Marcy were doing fine without her. This is why she refused to stop going after the Warhammer rather than listen to reason and flee to safety with Grime, Braddock, and Percy, endangering not only herself and them, but innocent people within Toad Tower too. By only thinking about herself, she loses the friendship of Braddock and Percy.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Her word-for-word response upon learning Marcy purposely intended to bring her and Anne to Amphibia.
  • Young Conqueror: Sasha is a 13-year-old teen who planned to conquer Newtopia and take over Amphibia. She would've succeeded if not discovering Andrias' invasion plan with the Calamity Box
  • Younger Than They Look: Sasha is 13 but is the oldest-looking of the Calamity Trio and looks her intended age of 15-16, especially when she transports to Amphibia and transitions from her schoolgirl attire into her armor.

"Sorry, creature. It's just business."
Voiced by: Darin De Paul

A tax collector from Toad Tower working alongside Fens and Mire.

  • Blood Knight: His reaction when Anne blindsides Fens with her tennis racket? To laugh in admiration at her fiery spirit.
  • Carry a Big Stick: Bog's weapon of choice is a hammer.
  • Dragon Ascendant: He's promoted to Captain of Toad Tower upon returning to Wartwood and demonstrating his ruthlessness.
  • Enemy Mine: He isn't happy that Mayor Toadstool was stealing the tax money — Grime's tax money, to be exact. He helps take part in busting the mayor for this deed, knowing Grime would have his head if he came back empty-handed.
  • Evil Debt Collector: He's a tax collector for Toad Tower who gleefully robs people of everything they own if they won't — or can't — pay their taxes.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Naturally, given his voice actor.
  • Eviler than Thou: He promises to make Grime look like a softie. We never see him do anything after his declaration, though, and nine months after the girls leave Amphibia for good he's reformed.
  • Greed: Bog only cares about gold, and it's evident Grime doesn't pay him enough to do his job. That being said, he's grown so dissatisfied with Grime's leadership that he unhesitatingly takes the promotion to become the new head of Toad Tower once he realizes how much Newtopia will pay him for it.
  • Heel–Face Turn: "The Hardest Thing" reveals through a billboard that he, Fens, and Mire have started a legitimate moving service called "Bog & the Boys".
  • Horns of Villainy: He has horn-like, spiky brows, giving him a menacing look.
  • Knight of Cerebus: His patrol's arrival in Wartwood is the official introduction of the Toad Tower and how they operate. Needless to say, he doesn't paint a pretty picture for things to come, especially since he and Fens prove to be some of the only Toad Tower soldiers who are seriously malicious and threatening, while the rest shown so far are more laughably incompetent.
  • Nothing Personal:
    • He tries playing this angle regarding his patrol's brutal approach to tax collection, though he's clearly enjoying himself way too much for this to be the case.
      Anne: Bog, this seems a little extreme.
      Bog: It's just the way we do things here. Plus, it's not like we enjoy it. Now, who wants to race to the next house?! Hahahahah!
    • Later on, he pulls the "it's just business" version of the trope as he prepares to murder Anne for standing up to him.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He does not look pleased when the truth about Toadstool's tax fraud scheme comes to light. Given the glee he takes in robbing the townspeople, it's most likely due to not liking how it would've reflected on him if Grime found out Toadstool had conned him.
  • Shout-Out: Visually, he bears some resemblance to Frieza's henchman Dodoria.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He tells Grime about Wartwood's defiance and that another human is present there. Cue Sasha and Grime's army showing up there to "rescue" Anne and execute Hop Pop for running against Mayor Toadstool.
  • Villain Respect: Defied. Though he admires Anne's nerve, her standing up to his brutish behavior sours his perception of her quite firmly.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Would he ever. He's more than ready to literally flatten Anne's face beneath his maul the moment she stands up for the townsfolk.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He tries to kill a 13-year-old girl for trying to protect her Found Family.

"Is that a challenge?!"
Voiced by: April Winchell

A member of Bog's patrol.

Click here to see him with his hatch door open

A member of Bog's patrol.

"Hey, I've been working on my act. Do you wanna see it?"
Voiced by: Matt Jones

One of the guards at Toad Tower who guards Sasha's cell.

  • Bumbling Henchmen Duo: With Braddock.
  • Court Jester: He'd really rather be a jester or a comedian than a henchman. He likes to wear a stereotypical jester hat with bells.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: When it looks like they're about to be eaten by giant herons, Percy tells Braddock that he loves her. She responds by slapping him, then passionately kissing him.
  • Foil: He ultimately becomes a microcosmic parallel of Sasha's relationship with Anne and Marcy. While she supports his interests and indicates that she cared about him, she goes back on her promises and still expects to control him after the fact.
  • Irony: Grime once says he could find more loyal soldiers than Percy, but once Toad Tower falls and the lot of Grime's men jumped ship, Percy and Braddock are the only soldiers left by his side.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: He guards Sasha's cell, but he'd much rather be a comedian than a soldier in an evil army. He initially quits to pursue his dreams, only to be forced back under Grime's control by an attack on Toad Tower as he's leaving. He rejoins Grime's ranks officially, but only after Sasha teaches Grime about how to use flattery to influence others.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!:
    • He would've quit working for Grime completely at Sasha's urging if an attack by giant herons didn't force him to go running back to Toad Tower for protection.
    • He, along with Braddock, eventually do leave Grime and Sasha's side in "Barrel's Warhammer" when she goes back on her promise to leave if the mission turned out to be too much for them and nearly gets them killed in the process.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: He and Braddock leave Grime's army after Sasha goes back on her word in "Barrel's Warhammer", shortly before the last three episodes of Season 2, which culminate in "True Colors".
  • The So-Called Coward: He comes off as an ineffective fighter, given his preferred line of work, but Percy has a not-inconsiderable amount of courage. Immediately after quitting to become a performer, he's attacked by flesh-hungry herons, but keeps his nerve enough to try and cheer up his compatriots with humor, then (with some encouragement from Grime) leads the counterattack. This was, of course, possibly instilled in him by Sasha buttering him up.
  • Token Good Teammate: He and Braddock are, by far, the only soldiers in the toad army who show any amount of compassion.
  • Undying Loyalty: Despite the fact he was one of the toads who showed the least interest in being a soldier, he is one of only two to remain loyal to Grime after he is branded a traitor by Newtopia.

"Oh, [the garden's] gorgeous! You should see the squash..."
Voiced by: Kristen Johnston (season 1), April Winchell (season 2)

Another guard at Toad Tower.

  • Bad Liar: She sweats a lot when she lies.
  • Bumbling Henchmen Duo: With Percy.
  • Farm Girl: She has her own garden, and openly gushes about it.
  • Foil: She ultimately becomes a microcosmic parallel of Sasha's relationship with Anne and Marcy. While Sasha supports her interests and indicates that she cared about her, she goes back on her promises and still expects to control her after the fact.
  • Now or Never Kiss: After a giant heron is about to kill them, and Percy admits he loves her, she slaps him, then passionately kisses him.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Like the majority of Grime's soldiers, she works for an evil dictator, but she's a perfectly nice person despite that, being friendly with Sasha and preferring gardening to terrorizing her boss's subjects.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: She and Percy leave Grime and Sasha in "Barrel's Warhammer" when Sasha goes back on her promise to leave if their mission turns out to be too much for the two and almost gets them killed in the process.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: She and Percy leave Grime's army after Sasha goes back on her word in "Barrel's Warhammer", shortly before the last three episodes of Season 2, which culminate in "True Colors".
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: She has braided blonde hair, pink skin, and eyelashes to show that she's a girl.
  • Token Good Teammate: She and Percy are nicer than the other toad soldiers.
  • Undying Loyalty: She's one of only two toads to stay with Grime after he's branded a traitor by Newtopia.

Other Toads

    The Toad Lords
Beatrix voiced by: Aisling Bea
Bufo voiced by: Daisuke Tsuji
Aldo voiced by: Ron Cephas Jones

The captains from the other three towers in different regions of Amphibia, one of whom is Grime's sister.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It's rather hard to say if Aldo is an animated corpse, seeing that he has no eyes and looks like he's rotting. Since dark magic exists in Amphibia, this is quite possible.
  • Evil Old Folks: Aldo is so old and lethargic that he's literally rooted to his chair by plant growth, and his eyes have sunken to the point that bugs can crawl between the sockets. The others aren't sure if he's dead or not before he moves, and he looks like a rotting corpse when he does. As for the 'Evil' part, he agrees to Sasha and Grime's world domination proposal only after they prove themselves worthy.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: When Aldo finally speaks, his voice is extremely deep.
  • Furry Female Mane: Inverted with Bufo, who stands out as the only male toad with hair.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Beatrix has a scar across her eye just like Grime, except it's the opposite eye.
  • Meaningful Name: Captain Bufo is named after the Latin word for "toad".
  • Not So Stoic: Aldo seems to never change his facial expression, but a quick Freeze-Frame Bonus shows him looking around in shock with Bufo and Beatrix when the narwhal worm's horn smashes through the window behind them.

    Barrel the Brave (Unmarked Spoilers)

Barrel the Brave is an ancestral hero of the Toads, famed for his courage and strength and for wielding a mighty warhammer. According to legend, he died heroically defending outerlying settlements against a monster, leaving behind his hammer to be claimed by those brave or stupid enough to try.

While the above is true, it also leaves out a significant part of the story. Barrel was originally a guard in Newtopia during the reign of King Aldrich, and a close friend of then-prince Andrias, forming a trio alongside the gardener Leif. When Leif received a vision of Amphibia's doom, however, she stole the Music Box that powered Newtopia's empire with the intent of getting it away from Amphibia. Andrias ordered Barrel to stop her, but he hesitated, unwilling to attack his friend. Because of Barrel's hesitation, Leif escaped, never to be seen again, and the Music Box ended up on Earth for the "Three Stars" of Olm prophecy to discover centuries later. Andrias, in his grief and fury, exiled Barrel to the outer settlements. Barrel died there, and never saw either of his friends again.

For tropes on him, see this page under Andrias' Former Friends.

Alternative Title(s): Amphibia Toad Tower, Amphibia Sasha Waybright
