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Characters / Dudley Do-Right

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The titular character, and an officer in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, opting to marry Nell, and capture Snidely Whiplash.
  • Alliterative Name: Dudley Do-Right
  • Breakout Character: Originally from Rocky and Bullwinkle. He had his own compilation show in the '60s and his own movie in the '90s.
  • Distressed Dude: Has been taken captive by Snidely Whiplash a few times, though it doesn't last.
  • Dudley Do-Right Stops to Help: The Trope Namer himself. He always stops to help someone in need, even if he's on his way to help someone else. Snidely tends to exploit it (not that it ever works out for him).
  • Good Is Dumb: To an extent, Whiplash is the only intelligent character.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has blond hair and is a conscientious mountie.
  • Horseback Heroism: As part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police... though the horse is usually more of a hero than he is.
  • Idiot Hero: He is, to put it mildly, a moron. But he's regarded as one of Canada's finest all the same.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Although it's not shown, he's mentioned a few times to have blue eyes. Played straight, however, in the Rocky and Bullwinkle (2014) short.
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice: Dudley has an extremely prominent cleft chin.
  • Lawful Stupid: He will uphold the law, just because it's the law. Even if it means locking up an innocent person while letting a known criminal get away. Because of the law, you see.
  • Meaningful Name: Considering his morally upright nature, Do-Right is a fitting surname for him.
  • Police Are Useless: Even when Dudley does intercept Snidely Whiplash, it's usually after his current scheme has succeeded, and he never stays caught for long.
  • Primary-Color Champion: In addition to his blond hair, his uniform is mainly red and blue with yellow accents.

Nell Fenwick

The beautiful daughter of Inspector Fenwick, and the target of the affections of Snidely Whiplash and Dudley Do-Right.
  • All Girls Like Ponies: She likes Dudley's horse more than she likes him.
  • Brainless Beauty: She's not the brightest bulb, but she can still outshine Dudley.
  • Daddy's Girl: Her father is Inspector Fenwick, whom she adores.
  • Damsel in Distress: All the time.
  • Dreadful Musician: Her singing is so bad, most people who hear it fall asleep in "The Masked Ginny Lynne". However, she seems to have gotten better in "Lure of the Footlights", as her performance of "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" at the end doesn't have this effect.
  • Fiery Redhead: When pushed too far, she can be pretty dangerous.
  • Hidden Depths: Is great at arm wrestling, as revealed in "Snidely's Vic Whiplash Gym".
  • Interspecies Romance: With Horse.
  • Living Macguffin: At times, since she parodies the damsels of old film serials who were just something for the hero to rescue and the villain to kidnap. She's been known to break out of that role and save the day herself, though.
  • Missing Mom: Her mother never appears. Inspector Fenwick mentions having a wife in a few episodes, though never in the context of her being Nell's mother.
  • True Blue Femininity: Usually wears a light blue dress and matching hair ribbons.

Snidely Whiplash

The main antagonist of the episodes, an archetypal villain, acting evil generally because he is evil, and wanting to marry Nell.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is a very pale shade of green.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He occasionally gets a clear victory. One example is "Recruiting Campaign", where he creates a monster named Finster that destroys the RCMP fort and beats Dudley so badly the episode ends with him in a wheelchair.
  • Chained to a Railway: One episode shows this as an obsession for him: he does it to all characters, up and to including himself.
  • Dastardly Whiplash: Half of the Trope Namer
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Felt genuinely sorry and tried to right his wrong when he gave Dudley severe head trauma by dropping a rock on his head. As he put it, he only wanted to flatten him, not make him crazy.
  • Evil Gloating: In every episode.
  • Evil Is Hammy: He chews the scenery like no other.
  • Evil Laugh: Ditto.
  • Evil Plan: Always has one, and some of them run for years on end before the Mounties get around to stopping him.
  • Evil Wears Black: This guy's entire attire.
    • Even poked at in the movie where Snidely found out he was actually wearing dark blue instead of black and was incredibly upset at this notion because dark blue wasn't evil enough.
  • Good Hair, Evil Hair: Has a handlebar moustache.
  • Scarpia Ultimatum: To Nell.
  • Voice Changeling: Can perfectly imitate Dudley's voice, as revealed in "Matinee Idol".

Inspector Nathaniel Fenwick

The inspector of Dudleys police force, and the father of Nell.
  • Lawful Stupid: He has his own daughter incarcerated for destroying government property.


The horse of Dudley-Do-Right, and the one who always saves Nell, though Do-Right takes credit.


The most recurring henchman of Snidely Whiplash, introduced when he makes a fake musical band for smuggling furs.

Faithful Dog

The faithful canine companion of Dudley-Do-Right. Despite the name, he's a timber wolf originally deployed by Snidely Whiplash.
