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Characters / Life SMP Players: A–M

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Due to the death-centric nature of the series, only spoilers involving the series' backstory in Martyn's continuity will be marked.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, all tropes pertain to the characters, not the content creators that play them.

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IGN: BdoubleO100
Preferred name: Bdubs
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Bdubs is a very talented builder, with a big heart and a short fuse. He's loud and very easy to rile up, but also fiercely loyal to those he cares about, and determined in everything he does.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder:
    • In the finale of 3rd Life, he kills Impulse, the other remaining member of the Crastle faction and Day 1 Crew, after being bribed with a clock by Scar.
    • In Last Life, on Day 6, he kills Tango right after getting a life from him as his Boogeyman kill, which Tango never forgives him for. On Day 7, he becomes a Red Life and almost immediately kills Lizzie as the Survivors promised to give him a life if he took out another Red Life. Unfortunately for him, this turns out to be All for Nothing as the remaining Red Lives fire upon him for his betrayal and quickly kill him, as Lizzie had weakened him with firework rockets launched from crossbows.
    • On Day 1 of Limited Life, he makes an agreement with Cleo, Scar, and Skizzleman that they would tell each other if one of them was the Boogeyman. Bdubs tells the others it's not him… only to murder Skizzleman seconds later.
  • Large Ham: Bdubs is generally very loud, and tends to shout a lot when he's angry, which is… often.

3rd Life

Click here to see his Red Life skin
Faction: The Village People (formerly), The Crastle
Bdubs initially joined the Village People, but later split off with Cleo to form his own faction. His strategy for survival was to build a massive castle, and barricade himself and Cleo inside as soon as people started to turn Red. This strategy didn't really work out however, as the conflict between Dogwarts and the Red Desert soon made its way into the Crastle as well.
Day Cause Lives remaining
2 Knocked off the Crastle by a Phantom 2
5 Trapped in lava by Grian and Scar 1
8 Betrayed and killed by Scar 0

  • Book Ends: Near the start of Day 1, he's given a clock by Scar. In the finale, Scar once again offers him a clock, this time to get him on his side and convince him to kill Impulse.
  • Didn't Think This Through: After adding a few layers to the castle's walls (while Cleo was poking fun at how small they still were), Bdubs decides that he was going to just build a framework to showcase how tall the walls would actually be. It's only when he's nineteen blocks in the air that he realizes he has no way to get down — something that costs him dearly when a flock of Phantoms spawn and knock him off the tower to his death.
  • Irony: Bdubs decided to make a castle to keep himself safe, but his first two deaths happen within the castle's borders.
  • A Molten Date with Death: How he loses his second life, by trying out the castle's newly-installed bubble elevator, which Grian trapped by blocking in the top with obsidian and filling that area with lava, killing him and destroying all of his items.
  • Put on a Bus: He was not present for Day 6 as it was his daughter's birthday at the time.

Last Life
Click here to see his Red Life skin
Faction: Team B.E.S.T.
Bdubs joined Etho on Day 1 in an alliance to secure a safe spot to live. He was assigned Boogeyman on Day 1 however, and took one of Grian's lives, putting him in immediate conflict with the Southlands.

By the end of Day 2 he had joined with Etho, Skizz and Tango in an alliance named B.E.S.T., and on Day 3 they began living together in a snow fortress. However, continued squabbles between them, the Southlands, and the growing number of Reds didn't do the strength of their alliance any favors.
Starting lives: 4
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
1 -1 Wagered one in "You Bet Your Life" 3
4 -1 Traded one with Scar for the enchanter 2
4 -1 Fell off the Nether Fortress 1
5 +1 Etho bought one for him from Scar 2
6 -1 Blown up by Mumbo with an End crystal (Boogeyman) 1
6 +1 Given one by Tango 2
7 -1 Fell to his death during the Wither fight 1
7 -1 Shot by Grian as revenge for killing Lizzie 0

  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: He is the Boogeyman on Day 1, he turns Red on Day 4, turns Yellow on Day 5, turns Red and then goes back to Yellow on Day 6, and turns Red again on Day 7. He's the only member of the server to have become a Red Life three times.
  • Improbable Weapon User: When he attacks Lizzie at the end of Day 7, he starts by using a Wither rose he collected from the carnage of the Wither battle to weaken her.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: While Lizzie loses her final life to Bdubs, her firework rockets weaken him enough that he's killed by his fellow Red Names when he tries to run.

Double Life

Paired with: Impulse
Day Cause Lives remaining
4 Died when his partner died from fall damage 2
4 Killed by Ren at his pool party 1
6 Killed by Pearl 0

  • Bad Liar: He and Impulse decide to purposefully spread baseless gossip to cause chaos (with Bdubs usually being the instigator). Naturally, their lies are found out and no one believes a word Bdubs says, but that still doesn't stop him from continuing to lie throughout the entire season. Even when they're running for their lives during Day 6, Bdubs writes this in the chat:
    Bdouble0100: (in the in-game chat) scott! why would you say that about pearl!?
    impulsesv: (in the in-game chat) we heard that!
    Pearl: (laughing) I'm right next to him!
  • Happily Married: Immediately after finding out he and Impulse are soulmates, this trope comes into play, despite the fact that both of them are straight and married in real life.

Limited Life

Faction: Clockers / Entertainment Mountain
Day Change Cause Time remaining
1 +1:00:00 Boogeyman-killed Skizz 24:43:18
2 -1:00:00 Killed by Skizz in a duel 20:04:22
4 -1:00:00 Killed by Martyn 15:36:19
5 -2:00:00 Blown up by Tango's Nether TNT minecart trap (Boogeyman) 12:00:16
5 -1:00:00 Blown up while playing "catch" with TNT minecarts 10:37:47
6 -1:00:00 Killed by Skizz 8:05:10
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Jimmy at his own request to give him more life-time 5:10:02
7 -1:00:00 Shot by Impulse 3:21:46
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Grian with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 2.0 2:15:39
8 -1:00:00 Accidentally fell off the Clockers' ladder to Skynet 0:45:44
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Impulse with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet -0:25:12

  • Chekhov's Gun: The Clockers collect several horses on Day 1 and keep them in their base for the duration of the series. On Day 8, while taking their horses out for a ride, they set off a trap at the Nosy Neighbours' base, killing Bdubs' horse Clompers instead of him, thus prolonging his life for a while longer.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: On Day 7, after hearing Jimmy has mere minutes (in single digits) of life-time left as a result of a recent death, Bdubs practically throws himself on Jimmy's sword, being willing to give up an hour of his own life-time if it means delaying the death enough to stave off Jimmy's first-to-be-Killed Off for Real recurrence.note  In the end, it almost definitely contributes to Bdubs being the fourth to go out overall in the season.
  • The Un-Favourite: Cleo (particularly when she was really Gem) declares Scar her favorite, often in front of him. Inverted in his relationship with Etho, who considers him the only member of the Clockers that he likes.

Secret Life

Faction: The Mounders, the Infected (Day 7)

  1. On Day 1, Bdubs' assigned task is to make his base "deeply uncomfortable to use and look at". He succeeds in this task by the end of the session by building an upside-down house.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to tell a story and get someone to leave before he finishes it. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, with Joel getting too bored and confused to stick around to the ending.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to say the words 'bet', 'poggers', 'dab', 'yeet', 'drip', 'slay', 'vibing', 'valid', 'rizz' and 'sheesh' in the correct context in conversations. If someone else questions or says the same word, that whole conversation becomes invalid for the task. While he hits the 'Succeed' button at the end of the session, his failure to read the fine print of the task means he has failed it in retrospect.
  4. On Day 4, he is instructed to reroll for a harder task as punishment for "declaring himself incorrectly successful" the previous session, and winds up having to kill the Ender Dragon. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned task, submitted by obscureSwan, is to be in a game of tag with Impulse, Tango, and Scott, with whoever still being "it" at the session break and the end of the session failing; Yellow Names have to guess all four people involved for them to fail that way. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  6. On Day 6, his assigned task is to compete with Impulse and Scar in games of chicken, completing it if he wins three games. He succeeds at this task by the end of the session, having won three games of chicken… along with Impulse and Scar, since the task never said that they couldn't keep playing games until all three of them won three.
  7. On Day 7, his initial assigned task is that every time someone tells him to do something, he has to repeat it back to them in a high-pitched, sassy voice for the entire session without being called out by a Yellow Name halfway through the session. This is negated when Gem infects him with the Boogeyman curse early into the session, causing him to adopt Gem's secret task of spreading the infection across the server. He fails at this task by the end of the session, failing to infect Cleo, Grian, and Scott in the end.
  8. On Day 8, his assigned tasks vary as a Red Life:
    • His first task is to kill a Green Name with a trap of any kind.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
6 Pushed into Joel's zombie farm by Scar 2
7 Killed by Gem's spawned zombies for the Infection 1
9 Shot by Scott 0

  • Devoured by the Horde: His first two deaths of the session both involve being eaten alive by a horde of spawned-in zombies.
  • Eye Scream: Invoked. Starting from Day 5, Bdubs changes his skin to wear the Ender Dragon's purple eye on his shirt, claiming to have carved it out in the Dragon fight at the end of Day 4.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Bdubs presses the success button after 'completing' his task on Day 3 despite missing the words 'sheesh' and 'slay'. In editing, he explains that he usually says 'sheesh' a lot anyways so it counts, and 'slay' counts as well because he said it four times despite those times being invalid, and four fails equals a win according to him. He then adds that he just said 'sheesh' and 'slay' to the viewers, which he counts as a conversation, and it can't be rendered invalid because the viewers can't talk back to him.
  • Stylistic Suck: Bdubs builds his base on Day 1 to fit the requirements of his assigned task, by making it out of a mishmash of mostly birch and acacia wood, cobblestone, and unpolished granite. He ends up adding to the base starting from Day 2 to make it look less unpleasant to look at.
  • Totally Radical: Invoked. His Day 3 task gives him a list of stereotypical Gen Z slang to try to shoehorn into conversations.

Click here to see his Red Life skin
Click here to see his Shadow Alliance skins
Click here to see "Terry"
IGN: bigbst4tz2
Preferred name: Big B
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

BigB is a soft-spoken and kind player with a love for cookies. He's continuously supportive of his teammates and is resistant to turn his back on them. He's unlikely to go on the offensive unless put in desperate situations.

  • Trademark Favourite Food: Cookies. In Double Life, he has a cookie on his sweater, and cookies are a major part of his branding.

3rd Life

Faction: None, Dogwarts (Day 6 onward)
Big B mostly keeps to himself, barely interacting with any of the other players. He is eventually recruited to fight on Dogwarts' side once the fight between them and the Red Desert erupts into full-scale war.
Day Cause Lives remaining
8 Shot by Scott 2
8 Shot by Grian 1
8 Shot by Bdubs after trying to kill Grian 0

  • The Hermit: He's the most detached from the wars and other server events, even spending an entire day without interacting with anyone, although he aligns with Dogwarts for the Day 8 and is the last one of them to fall.
  • Last of His Kind: He was the last green life and the last surviving member of Dogwarts.
  • Put on a Bus: He was not present on Day 7 for undisclosed reasons.

Last Life

Faction: Castle Alliance/Shadow Alliance
Big B is part of the Castle Alliance with Lizzie, Cleo and Ren. After becoming the Boogeyman on Day 4, he kills Cleo out of desperation, causing her to leave the Castle Alliance and torch the Fairy Fort. Big B, fearing she'll take revenge, goes into witness protection in the Shadow Fort, changing his name to 'Terry'.
Starting lives: 3
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
7 -1 Killed by Lizzie as revenge for killing Cleo 2
7 -1 Blown up by one of Pearl's trapped chests 1
8 -1 Shot by Cleo 0

  • Foil: With Ren; both are assigned as Boogeymen on Day 4 and were from the same alliance, but their paths diverge from there. Ren tells his allies about his curse, swears to never hurt them, and gains their trust as well as help in his mission; when he's cured, he pays reparations to his victim and ends on good terms with everybody. On the other hand, Big B stays quiet, growing more desperate as time runs out, and doesn't see any other solution than killing his closest ally; this leads to him being ridden with guilt and his actions eventually haunt him and the splintered remains of the Shadow Alliance for the rest of the season.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: As fans have noted, all three of his deaths are related to his betrayal of Cleo.
    • Lizzie kills him, directly citing his betrayal of Cleo as the beginning of her downfall.
    • Immediately after, he dies after opening the chest he put Cleo's items in after he killed her, believing Lizzie had done the same. Unfortunately for him, Pearl had trapped the chest.
    • Most obviously, Cleo kills him after Ren baits him and Scar into an ambush at spawn, with Cleo directly targeting BigB.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: As Terry, while he's in "Witness Protection" after killing Cleo.
  • Pass the Popcorn: His reaction to Joel being killed by Mumbo on Day 2 goes as such:
    bigbst4tz2: (in the in-game chat) Eats popcorn oh my

Double Life

Paired with: Rendog
Day Cause Lives remaining
2 Fell off a ladder when his partner was killed by an Enderman 2
3 Blown up after Bdubs failed to defend him from a Creeper 1
5 Died when his partner was hit by a stalactite 0

Limited Life

Faction: Nosy Neighbors
Day Change Cause Time remaining
1 -2:00:00 Boogeyman-killed by Martyn 19:58:17
4 -1:00:00 Blew up in Scar's trap 13:22:57
6 -1:00:00 Ambushed and killed by Scar 8:12:33
7 -1:00:00 Accidentally killed by Joel with a TNT minecart 4:35:09
8 +0:30:00 Killed Scott using Pearl's minigame-trap 3:43:40
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Impulse with an End crystal 2:12:54
8 -1:00:00 Shot off a ladder by either Cleo or Scar 1:39:13
8 -1:00:00 Shot by Martyn from the other side of the world border 0:01:03
8 +0:30:00 Killed Pearl at her own request to give him life-time 0:30:34
8 +0:30:00 Killed Scott for breaking into Froggy Tower 0:56:59
8 -1:00:00 Shot by Scott -0:10:22

  • Didn't Think This Through: He goes underground to gather resources early in Day 1, completely forgetting to grab any food on his way down. As a result of this, he gets bit by a cave spider and spends several hectic minutes on half-a-heart of health. Luckily for him, he finds a plentiful food source once he gets to the surface, and his first death is delayed for another couple of hours.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Being too preoccupied with mining, he completely misses the first death message of the season, and it takes him almost a minute to realize Skizz died at all.
  • Foreseeing My Death: On Day 1, he makes a joke about tricking everyone into thinking he's the Boogeyman until he gets murdered by the real Boogeyman. While the prediction is completely unintentional, this is exactly what happens later in the day.
  • Jump Scare: After escaping from Joel and Jimmy on Day 6, Big B hides in the treetops of the dark oak forest to catch a breath... only for very loud background music to blare in the episode when Scar ambushes and kills him.
  • Red Herring: Recurring rumours are spread on Day 1 that Big B is the (third) Boogeyman. These rumours are proven wrong when he gets murdered by the actual Boogeyman near the end of the day.
    Big B: The thing is, I can almost trick everyone into thinking I'm the actual Boogeyman, until the Boogeyman actually does, like, end up killing me. That's where it's gonna be like the sudden surprise there, it's like, "Wait a second, I thought Big B was the Boogeyman!"

Secret Life

Faction: None, the Heart Foundation (Day 3 onward), Big Dogs (Day 5, temporarily), Warm-Bloods/Survivors (Day 7, formerly), the Infected (Day 7)

  1. On Day 1, Big B's assigned task is to dig a big (at least 3×3) hole "all the way down". He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to not call mobs by their real names for 30 minutes. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to listen in to a conversation, reiterate the same conversation with one of those person, and have them claim déjà vu. He fails at this task by the end of the session.
  4. On Day 4, his assigned task is to compliment people whenever he sees them take damage.
  5. On Day 5, he is assigned to be the Red Names' secret lackey and to follow their instructions to betray, cause damage, and make traps while not arousing suspicion from non-Reds; the Red Names are allowed to know about this.
  6. On Day 6, his assigned task, submitted by ethanschille2203, is to always be too late in telling people how they could have avoided damage. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  7. On Day 7, his initial assigned task, submitted by jarnoo7154, is to convince everyone else that he has failed his task, but when asked, he has to make something up without repeats; he cannot be called out and can only pass if he tells each player a fake task. This is negated when Joel infects him with the Boogeyman curse late into the session, causing him to adopt Gem's secret task of spreading the infection across the server. He fails at this task by the end of the session, failing to infect Cleo, Grian, and Scott in the end.
  8. On Day 8, his assigned tasks vary as a Red Life:
    • His first task is to summon a mob using a spawn egg to deal any damage to a Green Name.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
6 Accidentally knocked off a ledge by Scar while fighting the Wither 2
7 Killed by Joel and Impulse for the Infection 1
9 Killed by Scott and Scar 0

  • Creepy Basement: After digging out his deep pit for his Day 1 task, Big B dedicates himself to making an underground, Backrooms-style base that weirds out anyone who has stumbled across it.
  • Forced into Evil: Has to betray the Heart Foundation to the Big Dogs (AKA the only Red Lives on the server at the time) to complete his task on Day 5. Fortunately for him this season, no one, and especially not Skizz, holds it against him.
  • Gaslighting: On Day 1, even after completing his assigned task, Big B remains strangely elusive about the nature of said task and constantly lies to everyone about what it is. First, he tells Grian that his task was to dig a tunnel to the Secret Keeper, initially forbidding Grian to check for himself then later allowing him to. Then, when Scar asks, he denies the hole existing at all (despite several people having already seen it) or his involvement in its "construction". He doesn't let up on this during Day 2.
    Grian: He's trying– He's trying to tell me he built a tunnel, and then I asked if I could see the tunnel and he said no, and then he changes his mind and says I can see the tunnel. I don't know what he's trying to do?
    Big B: I never said about– what? Okay. Okay. I see what's going on here, Grian. I-I see.
    Grian: What's going on?! I would love to know what's going on!
    Big B: You told me about a tunnel and now you're saying I– Okay. Okay.
    Grian: I'm being gaslit. In front of my friends.
  • Shout-Out: On Day 2, Grian compares Big B's base to The Backrooms.

Real Life

Faction: ??
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Killed by Ren for being Green and insulting him 2
1 ?? 1
1 Killed by Pearl and Scott 0

IGN: Etho
Preferred name: Etho
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A talented redstoner, Etho lives to cause chaos on the SMP. He makes alliances with whoever he thinks will benefit him the most, and in his own words, goes to where the chaos is.
  • Wild Card: The biggest one on the server, even being referred to with the name of this trope by Cleo. Etho lives for causing chaos, and will ally with and betray anyone who helps him fill that need.

3rd Life

Faction: The Village People, The Wool Castle
Etho initially joined the Village People, but after that alliance falls apart, creates a wool castle in the middle of a swamp, in order to protect it from burning. He tries to stoke both sides of the Desert-Dogwarts conflict, and eventually joined forces with Dogwarts once both sides go to war with one another.

Day Cause Lives remaining
5 Executed by Bdubs, Cleo and Tango 2
6 Shot by Scar for stealing gunpowder from him 1
8 Burned to death while running from Impulse (Battle of Dogwarts) 0

  • Elemental Motifs: Fire, in a strange way. His dark oak tree is burned by Scar in the first episode, his castle is repeatedly set on fire, all three of his deaths involve fire in some way (being executed behind a wall of fire, being shot with arrows from a Flame-enchanted bow, and finally burning to death during the Battle of Dogwarts), and the titles of his last four episodes all allude to fire in some way.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Two of his deaths were by getting shot.

Last Life

Faction: Team B.E.S.T, Survivors, Larger Red Alliance
Etho joins with Bdubs, Skizz and Tango in an alliance named B.E.S.T., and on Day 3 they begin living together in a snow fortress. He remains loyal to all of them, Bdubs especially, who he remains close to even when Bdubs himself turns Red. After B.E.S.T falls apart and the Snow Fortress is attacked by Grian with a Wither, Etho joins the Survivors, but is killed when the rest of his allies turn Red. He joins the Larger Red Alliance, and helps hunt down Grian and Joel, but is killed in the ensuing chase.
Starting lives: 4
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
1 -1 Wagered one in "You Bet Your Life" 3
8 -1 Blown up by a creeper 2
9 -1 Killed by Pearl 1
9 -1 Killed by Joel 0

  • The Dreaded: To Grian and Joel, at least. They are terrified of him, and target him relentlessly to take him out of the game as soon as possible.

Double Life

Paired with: Joel
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Died when his partner was killed by an Enderman 2
4 Died when his partner died from fall damage in a fishing rod game 1
6 Burnt to death in a lava-trapped Nether portal with his partner 0

  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When two Wardens emerge during the mission to the Ancient City, Etho doesn't stick around for long.
    Etho: (in chat) impulse I think I am leaving

Limited Life

Faction: The T.I.E.S.
Day Change Cause Time remaining
3 -1:00:00 Ambushed and blown up by a Creeper 16:03:48
4 +0:30:00 Killed Joel 16:07:00
6 -1:00:00 Ender-pearled on low health while escaping from Joel and Jimmy ???
6 -1:00:00 Shot by Scar for allegedly trying to trap the Clockers 9:20:15
6 -1:00:00 Blew up in his own TNT minecart trap 8:17:57
6 -1:00:00 Killed by Gem-as-Cleo 6:48:14
6 -1:00:00 Killed by Gem-as-Cleo 5:46:58
6 +0:30:00 Killed Scar with fall damage and a fishing rod 6:08:00
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Grian 4:08:45
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Grian with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 2.0 3:05:55
7 +1:00:00 Shot Jimmy with a firework-loaded crossbow (Boogeyman) 4:04:55
7 -1:00:00 Shot by Scott 2:33:09
7 -1:00:00 Shot by a Skeleton and fell while escaping from Scar 1:23:44
7 +0:30:00 Killed Skizz at his own request (final) 1:50:21
8 +0:30:00 Killed Grian with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 1:29:29
8 +0:30:00 Shot Grian with a firework-loaded crossbow 1:39:40
8 +0:30:00 Killed Grian by proxy 1:30:36
8 +0:30:00 Knocked Pearl off of Skynet 1:35:34
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Pearl in a duel 0:32:03
8 -1:00:00 Knocked off of Bread Bridge by Martyn -0:43:22

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: On Day 1, Etho pledges his loyalty to Grian after being given a diamond sword. While their respective factions have gotten into various conflicts over the course of the season, their prior agreement kicks in on Day 8, leading to the Nosy Neighbours having a semi-alliance with the T.I.E.S. (or what remains of it) against the Mean Gills, thus setting up the dynamics of the final battle.
  • Disappeared Dad: Parodied. Even though he isn't even part of the faction, Etho is treated as the Team Dad of Entertainment Mountain who went to the store to get milk and never came back. Cleo describes him as more of a Disneyland Dad on Day 4.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: On Day 6, Etho sets up a trap for the Clockers by inviting them to a "family outing" site rigged with TNT. After Scar mistakes the ender pearl stasis chamber nearby for the trap and kills Etho over it, Etho winds up triggering his own trap, leaving himself as the two-time casualty of the ordeal.
  • Kill Steal: On Day 4, Etho hunts down Joel with Martyn and delivers the killing blow on him. Since Martyn had died by Joel on the previous day, Martyn accuses Etho of stealing his life-time and starts attacking him. This kicks off a chain of events that ends with Tango claiming his Boogeyman kill for the session.

Secret Life

Faction: The Roomies, Warm-Bloods/Survivors (Day 7, formerly), the Infected (Day 7)

  1. On Day 1, Etho's assigned task is to collect four beds without being caught and place them on a shrine. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, by distributing beds for everyone to sleep in at night, then sneaking off to collect them for the shrine; he does so for Grian, Mumbo, Bdubs, and Cleo.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to jumpscare another player. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session by pretending to attempt murder on multiple occasions.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to convince someone they have the same task as them, but he chooses to reroll to figure out another player's secret task and try to stop them from completing it. He fails at this task by the end of the session, having figured out Tango's secret task easily but is unable to call him out on it as a Green Name, and Martyn later beats him to the punch.
  4. On Day 4, chris522ty instructs him to ask another person what they think a good task may be, and that person's response becomes his task — in this case, Martyn assigns him with convincing two or three people that something fake happened in a past Life series. Etho, however, interprets this as taking a moment from a past season to convince other players his task is to reference that moment.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned task, submitted by shreeshruup7058 and suggested by Joel out-of-universe, is to never move when someone is directly looking at him, like a Weeping Angel. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  6. On Day 6, he was forced to reroll for a hard task due to losing Pearl's Hot Potato task at the end of Day 5, and ends up having to bring a Warden to the surface to fight a Wither summoned by Grian in a central part of the map. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, though not without causing multiple casualties.
  7. On Day 7, his initial assigned task is to act as the "devil" on Cleo's shoulder and convince her to do evil instead of listening to the "angel", i.e. Skizz; he passes if Cleo acts more on his advice than she does Skizz. This is negated when Scar infects him with the Boogeyman curse, causing him to adopt Gem's secret task of spreading the infection across the server. He fails at this task by the end of the session, failing to infect Cleo, Grian, and Scott in the end.
  8. On Day 8, the formula shakes up after circumstances force his hand.
    • His initial assigned task is to protect other Yellow players from traps and damage, succeeding if he can save a player from more than 2 hearts of damage at least thrice. He gives up on this task early into the session, and chooses to forfeit it after dying and going Red.
    • His first Red task is to get another player to look at an Enderman. He immediately chooses to forfeit this task.
    • His second Red task is to create a damaging trap in another person's base, succeeding if it is triggered unintentionally but having to restart if it is discovered. He immediately chooses to forfeit this task as well.
    • His third Red task is to cause damage to another player using dripstone. He succeeds in this task by convincing Scar to jump on some dripstone for him after failing at his initial attempts due to Scar's game lag.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
7 Killed by Scar and Gem for the Infection 2
8 Shot by Scar 1
9 Killed by Scar 0

  • Can't Move While Being Watched: On Day 5, Etho's secret task requires him to never move when someone is directly looking at him, like a Weeping Angel. Although he succeeds in this task by the end of the session, his movement limitations make him an easy target for Pearl's Hot Potato task, resulting in him having to reroll for a hard task on Day 6.
  • Cassandra Truth: On Day 9, Etho accurately points out that the alliance between the Mounders and Gem and the Scotts are far more powerful than the rest of the server. However, no one chooses to take the initiative and deal with this problem until it's too late for anyone not a part of the alliance to survive.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Etho spends nearly all of Day 6 carrying a bucket of milk with him, and downs it after being hit with the Wither effect at the end of the battle. Because of this, combined with receiving 20 hearts from the Secret Keeper for completing his hard task, he ends the session with all 30 hearts intact again with items to spare. In contrast, for instance, Scott starts the session with 30 hearts (similar to Etho, who had just shy of 30) and ends it on half a heart because he couldn't negate the Wither effect.
  • Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: On Day 6, Etho and Grian receive the shared task of staging a Warden and Wither fight in the middle of the map. By the time it's over, two players are permanently dead and the land is heavily damaged.
  • Undying Loyalty: For someone who is typically a Wild Card, Etho stands out in Secret Life for his loyalty to the Roomies; notably on Day 7, he refuses to rat out or kill Cleo and Grian even after being infected, and defends them even when they're not present. Him covering for his two main allies causes nearly the entire server, all infected at this point and including himself, to fail their joint secret task.



IGN: GeminiTay, ZombieCleo (as "Cleo", Limited Life only)
Preferred name: Gem, Cleo (as "Cleo", Limited Life only)
First Joined: Secret Life
Active Seasons: 4 (guest; as "Cleo"), 5

  • Early-Bird Cameo: Gem makes her first appearance in Limited Life, swapping in for Cleo for Day 6, and later makes her formal debut in the the fifth season, Secret Life. cc!Martyn's lore explanation for this is that the Listeners brought Gem in as a stand-in so Cleo can recover, but the Watchers grabbed her for Secret Life and other ensuing seasons to make an example of her over the Listeners' interference while the Listeners were trying to help Martyn post-Limited Life.

Limited Life

Faction: Clockers / Entertainment Mountain (by proxy)
Day Change Cause Time remaining
6note  +0:30:00 Killed Etho 8:18:15
6note  +0:30:00 Killed Etho 8:46:58
6note  -1:00:00 Killed by the T.I.E.S. with a TNT minecart 7:29:44

Gem starts the 6th session of Limited Life to find herself — to her own confusion — having somehow possessed ZombieCleo, along with all that entails. In actuality, Cleo's computer died at the last minute and Gem agreed to substitute as her for a session, since Cleo seemed fairly certain that nobody would notice.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Gem is incredibly perky and cheerful in vocal tone, and friendly to much of the server, in spite of having little to no idea what's going on. Nevertheless, she is considerably more trigger-happy than Cleo, seamlessly murdering Etho twice in her only appearance.
  • Easy Amnesia: Discussed. Her possession of Cleo is explained to everyone else as Cleo having an "amnesia-cold".
  • Parental Favoritism: Gem-as-Cleo repeatedly refers to Scar as her "favourite son", often in front of Bdubs. Regular-Cleo seems to favour Scar over Bdubs as well, due to Bdubs' apparently fluctuating loyalty between the Clockers and the T.I.E.S, but is much more subtle about it.

Secret Life

Faction: Gem and the Scotts / the Cherry Blossoms, the Infected (Day 7)

  1. On Day 1, Gem's assigned task is to convince someone to take a leap of faith, while ensuring they take no damage. She succeeds in this task by the end of the session by constructing a diving board at her faction's base.
  2. On Day 2, her assigned task, submitted by CherriFire, is to fill four people's inventory or chests with light grey stained glass without getting caught. She seemingly succeeds in this task by the end of the session, targeting Jimmy (while he's lagged out), the Heart Foundation (via its communal chest), and Pearl; however, the next session reveals only targeting the Heart Foundation when Skizz is present only counts as one player.
  3. On Day 3, she is instructed to reroll for a harder task as punishment for "declaring herself incorrectly successful" the previous session, and winds up having to open the End portal. She succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  4. On Day 4, her assigned task is that she cannot be truthful to another player for the entire session. She fails at this task by the end of the session, having given up on it after the first ten or so minutes.
  5. On Day 5, her assigned task, submitted by skypig, is to compete against another player on the server in a race to obtain five front doors from other server-members; this is accompanied with a warning to beware of Yellow Names. She fails at this task by the end of the session, losing the race against Cleo.
  6. On Day 6, her assigned task is that she cannot say anything true for 30 minutes; if she tells the truth, she must start again. She succeeds in this task by the end of the session, spending most of the 30 minutes grinding XP and mining to avoid other players.
  7. On Day 7, Gem's assigned task takes a different turn in that she's denoted as Patient Zero, infected with the Boogeyman curse, who must kill a non-Red Name to infect them and spread the curse until everyone is either infected or on Red. She fails at this task by the end of the session, failing to infect Cleo, Grian, and Scott in the end, with Martyn on Red and everyone else dead.
  8. On Day 8, her tasks begin to vary as a Red Life:
  9. On Day 9, her assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. She fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
3 Killed by an Enderman 2
7 Accidentally shot by Scar in Friendly Fire 1
9 Killed by Scar 0

  • Compulsive Liar: Invoked and later defied. Gem's Day 4 and Day 6 tasks require her to be this, causing her to have problems with any form of social interaction even when it's otherwise beneficial for her to tell the truth.
    • On Day 4, after about ten minutes of such difficulty, Gem decides it would be much easier for her if she preemptively hits the 'Fail' button, thus defying the need to be this.
    • On Day 6, she spends most of her required 30 minutes avoiding social interaction altogether by grinding XP for Thorns in the faction's zombie farm; she mainly relies on Blatant Lies or sarcasm whenever she has to speak to anyone at all, including the viewers.
  • Easily Forgiven: Scott and Impulse end up forgiving Gem for spearheading the Zombie Apocalypse on Day 7, even though she actively hunted them both down. It's justified as they both know it was her secret task for the day, hence she didn't really have a choice.
  • Eye Scream: Implied. After opening the End portal on Day 3, Gem's skin changes to her having one dark bluish green left eye (and arm) similar in colour to the Void, and her right eye remaining reflective of her life-colour. She also has an eye of Ender hanging from her hip… which she was supposed to have used to open the End portal.
  • Face–Heel Turn: As Patient Zero of the Boogeyman curse Apocalypse, Gem's attempt to complete her secret task on Day 7 causes her to become the main antagonist of the Zombie Apocalypse arc and turn against both her faction and the entire server, while amassing the rest of the server to join her in her endeavors.
  • Genre Savvy: At the start of Day 6, Impulse proposes an alliance loyalty pact for Gem and the Scotts to always have each other's backs, no matter what. Gem's response?
    Gem: God, that sounds like a recipe for angst. Yeah, I'm in.
  • I Call It "Vera": Her enchanted bow is named 'Skill Issue'.
  • Murder by Mistake: On Day 7, Gem primes a TNT minecart trap to go off in Scar's base in an attempt to kill him and recruit him into the Infected, but Pearl ends up triggering the trap and dies instead. It still works out for Gem, given her objective to effectively kill the entire server.
  • Patient Zero: Gem's Day 7 secret task assigns her as this for an outbreak of the Boogeyman curse, i.e. the Zombie Apocalypse, and instructs her to spread it until either the session ends, every non-Red Name is infected, or she goes Red and chooses to forfeit the task.

Real Life

Faction: ?? (formerly), Three Gs 2.0
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Killed by Martyn for being Green and insulting him 2
1 Killed by Scott in preparation for the final battle royale 1
1 Killed by Cleo and Scott 0

  • Sixth Ranger: After spending the first half of the game with Joel and then Big B, Gem joins up with Cleo, Pearl, and Scott in the later half, who had formed an established alliance back in Last Life (before Gem joined the cast) and fell back into their dynamic earlier in Real Life.

IGN: GoodTimeWithScar
Preferred Name: Scar
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scar is an enthusiastic, charismatic, but clumsy businessman, and a very talented builder. In every season so far, he's attempted to create a business venture bartering both in legitimate resources and useless garbage, and spends a lot of effort ensuring he's got a monopoly on everything he can possibly get his hands on.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Scar's legitimately an odd person (e.g. dragging around a pet bee on a lead named Bubbles in Third Life or selling worthless magical crystals as a wizard in Last Life), but is also the most skilled smooth-talker on the server, able to work as an Escort Distraction when conspiring with Grian (Third Life), swindling people in his favor through getting them to sign contracts (Last Life), or talking the Red Lives after him to exchange his life and his horse back for twelve pieces of sand (Double Life).
  • Grayscale of Evil: In every season he's in so far, whenever he loses his second life and turns Red, Scar changes his skin's outfit (or even his actual skin in 3rd Life) to have this motif going on, usually with the addition of his red eyes and a little amount of color… mostly with the color red.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: In the seasons where he has few to no long-term allies, Scar tries to reach out to others to form new alliances, but this generally fails, leaving him more desperate and lonely in the end.
    • In Last Life, most alliances Scar gets into don't work out, as people tend to immediately leave as soon as he's sold them what they need. Scar gets more desperate for company over time, to the point where, midway through the season, he starts selling away his lives in exchange for contracts declaring that the receiver has to be his ally.
    • Scar spends the majority of Secret Life on his lonesome, but whenever he tries to go out of his way to secure alliances, something always seems to go wrong, whether it be him trying and failing to resist "becoming unhinged" (Day 6) or a secret task that requires him to go against the majority (Days 4 and 7).
  • Pyromaniac: He possesses the inexplicable urge to watch things go up in flames.
    • In Double Life, he gleefully sets fire to the Ranchers' ranch for stealing his horse. He also provides Scott the flint and steel to burn down Etho and Joel's Relation-Ship.
      Scar: (in a sing-song voice) We're gonna burn, burn, burn! The Jolly Ranchers to the ground… in a ring of fire.
    • In Limited Life, he expresses the desire to burn down the Woodland Mansion as early as Day 1, which would inevitably end up burning the dark oak forest surrounding it. Eventually, he cheers Cleo on when she does.
    • One of his acts of villainy per the task he gets in Day 7 of Secret Life is to set anything flammable on fire, whether it'd be players, bookshelves around enchanters, or even entire bases like the Heart Foundation's base.
  • Running Gag: His tendency to steal enchanting tables as opposed to crafting them.
    • In 3rd Life, he steals Dogwarts' enchanter in the war.
    • In Last Life and Double Life, stealing the enchanter is a necessity as there is a rule against crafting one's own in those seasons, and keeping a monopoly has always been one of his more common ulterior motives.
    • He has no excuse in Limited Life other than to do it for the bit.
      Scar: (in Limited Life) […] And Cleo just asked me to make an enchanting table. Silly, silly Cleo, I don't make enchanting tables, I borrow them.
    • In Secret Life, Scar makes his own enchantment set-up at the start of the series… only for him to roll the task of becoming the villain of the server on Day 7, and one of the acts of villainy he chooses to commit is to steal every enchanter he can get his hands on, then burn down or otherwise take away their accompanying bookcases.

3rd Life
Click here to see his Red Life skin
Faction: The Red Desert
Scar makes it his mission to create a monopoly on the finite resources within the world. He recruits Grian after his attempt at a prank backfired horribly, and lays claim to the only desert on the map, where they plan to collect and sell the limited amount of sand. They also try to monopolize dark oak wood, which ends up failing as they didn't realize there was a second dark oak forest on the map.

After Scar turns Red, however, their faction became a lot more threatening. Scar begins selling Friendship Passes, essentially a written promise not to kill the buyer. This, ironically, doesn't make him very popular with the other factions around him, and especially not Dogwarts, whose Enchanting Table Scar has been trying to steal for ages. Relations with Dogwarts continue to sour as Ren turns Red as well, and eventually breaks out into all-out war. During this war, Dogwarts is entirely eliminated in the end, but all the other factions suffer massive casualties, and the Red Desert's base was completely destroyed in the process. Scar and Grian resort to wandering the server, picking off the few remaining survivors.

Scar winds up betraying Grian for Bdubs, then betrays Bdubs in turn once Grian, now Red himself, tries to kill both of them in a screaming fury. He then tells Grian to just kill him, eventually agreeing to have an honorable fist fight by the ruins of their old home. He eventually loses this fight, making Grian the winner of 3rd Life.

Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Blown up by the creeper Grian baited into the crowd 2
3 Fell into a ravine 1
8 Killed by Grian in their final fistfight 0

  • Affably Evil: Scar is undeniably a self-serving businessman, even at Red life. He's scammed multiple people out of their items, tried to establish a monopoly on finite resources like dark oak wood and sand, and tries to kill those who turn down his deals. However, he's also a clumsy, ditzy, charming guy, who names his pet llama "Pizza" and tones down the intimidation factor of his Red life skin by bringing a bee named "Mr. Bubbles" on a lead with him everywhere he goes.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Nobody thought he'd make it past the halfway mark. He ends up not only being the penultimate person to die, but he personally kills both of Dogwarts' leaders (Ren and Martyn) in the final battle, back-to-back.
  • Bookends: Not counting Grian's season-ending suicide, Scar is both the first and last person to die, and both of these deaths were because of Grian.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Scar has zero qualms about betraying or abandoning people as soon as they do something he doesn't like. Grian even points out to Jimmy and Scott that he's betrayed everyone he's ever met. This comes back to bite him when Skizz, who previously had his friend pass revoked after refusing to help kill Ren, decides to side with Renchanting when Ren turns Red, and gets understandably pretty angry when Scar turns back up to his door to try and get him to change his mind. Once he's one of the last three people alive, he manages to betray both of them in the span of about ten minutes.
  • Escort Distraction: Scar and Grian's modus operandi. Scar goes in to distract their target by talking about random things, or trying to sell them stuff, while Grian sneaks around behind them to set up their actual trap.
  • Exact Words: On the last day, Scar is allied with Grian and Bdubs, and Big B is the only other player left. Big B does not hesitate to whip out the No Kill Pass he had received from Scar earlier, which prevents Scar from killing Big B. However, the No Kill Pass does not protect from Scar's allies and he instantly sics Bdubs on Big B.
  • Flower Motifs: Poppies and lilacs. Scar gives Grian several of these when he asks if he and Grian can still be friends during their alliance. Poppies symbolize remembrance, peace, and death; the latter two fit the fact he gives out "friendship certificate" when trading, and ends up making his own coffin on Day 8 when he permamently dies as a Red name. Lilacs, on the other hand, symbolize confidence, reflected in the fact that he and Grian make it all the way up to Day 8.
  • Forced Prize Fight: When it's only the three of them left, he throws a piece of paper between Bdubs and Grian, saying that he wouldn't kill the one who picks it up. They both had their inventories full, and couldn't pick it up at first, but Bdubs is able to empty a slot first, resulting in the two of them teaming up to take Grian's second life.
  • The Kingslayer: During the Battle for Dogwarts, Scar ambushes and kills Ren, the self-proclaimed Red King.
  • The Klutz: Scar is notoriously clumsy, to the point that nobody even doubted the fact that he'd be the first to turn Red. Case in point, he loses his second life by accidentally sprint-jumping off a cliff.
  • Mythology Gag: Scar's Red life skin is an edited version of his Greyskin attire from Demise, in Season 6 of Hermitcraft.
  • Not Me This Time: On Day 7, Etho accuses Scar of burning down his woolen base again in the in-game chat, which Scar denies doing. It's actually Scott on his Roaring Rampage of Revenge, trying to avenge his own death as Etho was the one to take his first life.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: Scar is on the receiving end of being told to put a shirt on throughout this season, especially Grian, who was in a life debt to Scar because of the creeper incident very early on.
  • Protection Racket: On Day 3, Scar goes around to various people to trade their items for "friendship certificates", pieces of paper that promise that, if Scar were to go Red, they wouldn't be targeted. Etho accepts, but Ren and Joel both refuse. When Scar does go Red later that same day, he goes around to Ren and Joel again to barter for an enchantment table, and while Ren refuses again, Joel caves and hands him his enchantment table in exchange for protection.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: After going around scamming people out of their items for two days, Cleo kidnaps Scar's llama, Pizza, and gets him to trade all of his armor, his weapons and his shield in exchange for Pizza's location.
  • Too Dumb to Live: It's clear that Grian's debt to him is the only reason he made it to the final day. Case in point, on Day 6, he learns that Grian set a TNT trap in the Red Desert and spends half the day thinking about detonating it despite Grian making it very clear that the trap will very likely instakill whoever sets it off. He eventually does set it off (granted, it was to try and kill his enemies), and nearly gets himself and Tango killed in the process.
  • Tranquil Fury: On Day 2, when Scott, Martyn, Joel and Jimmy show up to taunt them with the fact that they have their own supply of dark oak saplings and Scar never had a monopoly, Scar initially panics, but falls into this as soon as they leaves.
    Scar: (calmly) I will murder them.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Scar's skin is entirely shirtless throughout the entire season. Because his server-mates keep telling him to Please Put Some Clothes On, he often keeps the armor on. However, because of the heatwave from living in the desert, which in turn causes him to become sweaty, Scar would then take his chestplate off, resulting in Grian telling him to put the chestplate back on.

Last Life
Click here to see his Yellow and Red Life skins
Click here to see his fake diamond armor skin
Faction: Magical Mountain
Scar founds Magical Mountain, a place where people can barter with him for useful goods and services, like his own lives, use of the enchantment table, and magical crystals with… debatable effectiveness. However, despite his mercantile efforts, Scar consistently finds himself short of allies.

Scar then teams up with Joel, both donning wizard outfits and vowing to run Magical Mountain together. However, this alliance almost immediately falls apart as soon as Joel turns Red on Day 2, leaving Scar alone once again. Further attempts to gain allies don't work out either, as most people see him as a scam artist by this point, and have no interest in working with him more than strictly necessary. In the end, Scar creates contracts that he make people sign whenever they came to buy a life from him, ensuring they aren't allowed to kill him and have to be his allies. This, however, proves fruitless.
Starting lives: 6
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
1 -1 Tricked by Grian into giving him one 5
3 +1 Traded to him by Ren 6
4 +1 Bought one from Bdubs for the enchanter 7
5 -1 Sold one to Etho (on behalf of Bdubs) for the enchanter 6
5 -1 Boogeyman-killed by Etho 5
5 -3 Forced to give one to each of the Reds 2
5 -1 Fell into a trap at the Southlands 1
6 +1 Given one by Tango to stop him from attacking B.E.S.T.'s base 2
6 -1 Drowned in Scott's water elevator 1
8 -1 Shot by Ren 0

  • Affably Evil: As the Boogeyman, and arguably when he's normal as well. He's generally polite and amicable, and even after killing Mumbo in front of them, cheerily asks the Southlands if they want to buy an Enchantment Pass.
  • Brandishment Bluff: On Day 1, he edits his skin to make it appear that he's wearing full diamond armor so he'll be more intimidating as he claims to be the Boogeyman for a scam. A few people see through it, though, mainly due to the six-pack he added to the chestplate, which real armor doesn't have.
  • Coincidental Dodge: Partially occurs when Joel and Grian (both Red at the time) try to trap his spawn point to take all his lives. Scar doesn't realize he's being threatened until the end, and does eventually give Grian and Joel a life each, bringing them up to Yellow.
  • Con Man: He pretends to be the Boogeyman on Day 1 in order to scam people out of their valuables, like he did as the first Red Name in 3rd Life. He succeeds in obtaining a diamond and a spyglass from Big B and Jimmy, respectively, but Cleo is unintimidated and one-ups his threats with a lava bucket. Mumbo sees through his lies but he manages to get a fair trade. He later tricks Grian into getting off his horse and leads him away before running back and stealing it as payback for scamming him out of a life. He also sells magical crystals in his shop, which are really just renamed pieces of colored glass.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Scar is clumsy, goofy, and his antics rarely work out in his favor. However, hidden underneath that veneer of incompetence is an extremely skilled businessman and manipulator, and the fact that everyone underestimates him only makes him more effective. There are very few people who see through him, like Scott (who refuses to make any sort of deal with him for fear of it blowing up in his face), and Martyn (who is more than happy to goof off with him, but never turns his back).
  • A Molten Date with Death: Drops down to his last life falling into a lava trap.
  • Moment Killer: Walks in on Lizzie flirting with her husband Joel near the end of Day 6, resulting in this.
  • Our Liches Are Different: Takes on shades of this as a Red life. He's a wizard who starts selling away his own lives via use of Soul Crystals that are broken when a life is given away, which is referred to as the other player "receiving a soul" from him. He's left on Yellow, before dying and respawning on Red; Red Lives are often treated as a form of undead.
  • Paper Tiger: He edits his skin on Day 1 to make it appear that he's wearing full diamond armor.
  • Put on a Bus: He was absent during Day 7 due to hospitalization.
  • Skewed Priorities: Grian and Joel threaten Scar to give them lives or else they will kill him and he will continually respawn in a box that they can open to drop Scar in lava, essentially eliminating him from the series. Scar's concern, however, is that the redstone they're using may have been stolen from his shop. Grian lampshades this.
  • Toilet Humour: He steals a horse from Grian and names it "Yellow Snow" due to its white coat and golden armor.

Double Life

Paired with: Grian
Day Cause Lives Remaining
5 Killed by Ren and BigB's Zombie army 2
5 Blown up by the Boat Boys' TNT trap 1
6 Died when Grian was killed by a Warden 0

  • Big "NO!": Scar lets one out when Joel and Etho try to set his Jellie Pandas on fire. While water-bucket clutching.
  • Crazy-Prepared: In spite of his sillier moments, Scar shows he knows how to think ahead by scattering multiple bunkers and secret stashes of items around the map, allowing him to gear up (with enchantments to boot) even after his and Grian's second death cost them some of their best armor and weapons.
  • Failed a Spot Check:
    • Despite all the hints that Grian dropped on him, he had no idea that the latter was his soulmate until he has a dripstone stalactite dropped on him at the end of Day 1. The Stinger of the episode has Scar lampshade it out-of-universe.
    • He also has a bad habit of hyper-focusing on the panda reserve next to their base, allowing people to come around and steal resources under the guise of looking at the pandas. During Day 3, he completely missed that he had set the base on fire, as well as the fact that there were three other people tearing up their foundations in order to steal their sugarcane.
  • Hated by All: By the end of Day 4, he and Grian have become this — in part due to Grian playing a part in two of the Red Life teams becoming Red Lives, and partially due to hoarding all the resources needed to make TNT, but mostly because of Scar stealing the enchanting table from the Deep Dark.
  • No Shirt, Long Jacket: On his Red life, he changes his skin to replace his beige shirt with a black jacket, already opened to expose his chest.
  • Papa Wolf: The sight of Joel and Etho threatening and attempting to burn his Jellie Pandas is enough to motivate Scar into jumping down from a tall platform. And surviving with the water bucket trick. Joel and Etho actually left Scar alone for the rest of the siege on Day 4.
  • Rapid-Fire "No!": Scar lets one out after he figures out he set off the TNT to the Boat Boys' sound-triggered trap, realizing what's about to happen.
  • Skewed Priorities: In a Deadly Game of a series where his partner is dedicated to building bases, getting good gear, and monopolizing server resources, Scar is more preoccupied with building a reservation and petting zoo for his retextured Jellie Pandas.
  • Too Dumb to Live: The cause of his second death on Day 5, albeit with Grian pointing it out to him — Scar's instinct upon seeing a huge pile of TNT in front of Cleo's base is to try to steal it. Surely a pile of explosives that conspicuously placed isn't trapped to kill whoever tries to take it, right?
  • Tricked-Out Shoes: Throughout the season, Scar wears a pair of enchanted chainmail boots. While they are only chainmail (a lower-tier of armor), they have a high-level Feather Falling enchantment, and Scar frequently boasts that he got them by killing a child (read: a Baby Zombie, which are just as tough as, if not more so than, their adult counterparts). These boots wind up contributing to Scar's (and by extension, Grian's) survival for the first five days, by preventing them from dying to fall damage.
  • You Are Already Dead: Other than the sizzling of the explosives, the actual explosion that took Scar's (and thus Grian's) second life had two sources of TNT, a TNT minecart and regular TNT blocks. Consequently, the first blast brought Scar down to 2 hearts of health, with a split-second delay before the second blast took away those last 2 hearts.

Limited Life

Faction: Clockers / Entertainment Mountain
Day Change Cause Time remaining
1 -1:00:00 Jumped off a hill and died of fall damage 22:38:34
2 -2:00:00 Boogeyman-killed by Joel with a TNT minecart 17:22:49
3 +0:30:00 Killed Jimmy with a TNT minecart 15:45:33
3 +0:30:00 Killed Pearl by spleefing her from the Bread Bridge 16:12:19
3 -1:00:00 Knocked off the Bread Bridge by Joel in revenge for bombing Jimmy 15:12:17
4 -1:00:00 Accidentally skewered by a falling stalactite dropped by Martyn 13:03:48
4 -1:00:00 Bombed by Grian with a TNT minecart 12:01:54
5 -1:00:00 Blown up while playing "catch" with TNT minecarts 8:09:07
6 +0:30:00 Ambushed and killed Big B 7:49:26
6 +0:30:00 Shot Etho for allegedly trying to trap the Clockers 7:57:25
6 -1:00:00 Died from fall damage after Etho flung him in the air with a fishing rod 6:15:10
6 -1:00:00 Killed by Impulse with a TNT minecart 5:06:54
7 +0:30:00 Killed Scott at his own request 5:07:41
7 +0:30:00 Killed Skizz 4:40:09
7 +0:30:00 Killed Skizz 5:09:26
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Bdubs' wolves after accidentally shooting him 3:59:49
7 -1:00:00 Shot by Grian with a crossbow for trying to sneak onto Skynet 2.0 2:51:06
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Joel as revenge for hunting and ambushing him 1:40:16
8 +0:30:00 Shot Scott with his consent to get more life-time 1:52:11
8 -1:00:00 Spleefed by Martyn for trying to sell him a nautilus shell for life-time 0:26:53
8 +0:30:00 Ambushed and killed Tango at the T.I.E.S. base 0:50:37
8 -1:00:00 Backstabbed and killed by Grian -0:14:03

  • Accidental Murder: His bombing of Cleo on Day 3 is completely unintentional and he apologizes for it, though not without a lack of trying — he gets Bdubs to call her up to safety beforehand, but she doesn't listen. To Cleo's credit, she thinks it's Actually Pretty Funny that he killed Grian while he's AFK.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Meta; Scar has requested Mojang for waterloggable leaf blocks for years, but it winds up being his downfall as he's unable to save himself with Soft Water after being spleefed by Martyn.
    Scar: I dropped the water but it waterlogged! Mojang, I know I've cried from the hilltops of needing waterlogged leaves for years upon years! But I really didn't need it. We didn't need it! We never needed it!
  • Big Brother Instinct: While it's unknown who's older in the family dynamic and despite their contentious relationship, when Bdubs gets perma-killed with a TNT minecart, Scar nearly goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against Grian (whom the Clockers were fighting at the time), assuming he set up a trap that killed his "brother".
  • Death from Above:
    • Scar gets 4 kills on Day 3 by dropping TNT minecarts on various individuals from above.note  Unfortunately, he doesn't get any life-time added for his triple kill because every single one of his victims happened to be Yellow, and the sole Green Name he was targetting survived.
    • On Day 4, Scar also ends up on the receiving end of this, via a stalactite and a TNT minecart. The intended target for both murders is Impulse, who only dies in the TNT minecart explosion where Scar happens to be collateral damage.
  • Freudian Slip: His faction's original name was the "Clockers", and he often dropped the 'L' when saying it.
  • In the Back: Scar's final death is caused by Grian attacking him from behind, who calls this "the ultimate betrayal" just before doing so.
  • Kick the Dog: The T.I.E.S. alliance privately accuse Scar of being a "heartless monster" for killing Grian, who's AFK for Day 3 and couldn't even defend himself.
  • Kill Steal: On Day 6, when Joel and Jimmy are preparing to attack Big B, Scar spleefs them from their skybridge and targets Big B himself upon realising their intentions, ultimately managing the kill as Big B hid from the two Bad Boys.
  • Misplaced Retribution: After Bdubs is killed by Martyn on Day 4, Scar puts a pause on his plans for a peaceful day to attack T.I.E.S. as revenge, even though Martyn isn't part of that faction. When Cleo points this out, he justifies it, saying that he's not allowed to kill Martyn, who's also Yellow at the time.
  • Momma's Boy: In the Clockers' "family dynamic", Scar is much closer to Cleo and strongly dislikes Etho, and holds some degree of distrust to Bdubs for being "neutral" and implicitly siding with Etho during familial conflicts.
  • Murder by Mistake: On Day 3, Scar intends to kill Joel by dropping a TNT minecart on him from Entertainment Mountain, while he's trying to transport Grian back to the Bad Boys' base. This fails as Joel is on the outskirts of the blast radius at the time, but it nets Scar three kills — Jimmy, an AFK Grian (whom he apologizes to and "uses as a confession booth" later in the day), and Cleo.
  • Noodle Incident: When one of his wolves randomly attacks Etho on Day 2, he brings up how he's always getting into arguments with ChatGPT.
  • Properly Paranoid: Zig-zagged. On Day 5, when Etho for some reason suggests for the Clockers to play "catch" with TNT minecarts, Scar is initially very jumpy and hesitant that someone's trying to kill him through this. While Etho asserts that what happens is an accident, the game goes just as well as you might expect.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons:
    • Scar, Cleo, Skizz and Bdubs are in a group when the second Boogeyman was being chosen on Day 1. Scar exclaims that he knew that Bdubs was the Boogeyman when he is suddenly launched through the air by an attack, seemingly confirming his suspicions. As it turns out, Bdubs was the Boogeyman and immediately starts to kill Skizz, but Scar's aggressor was really a goat which happened to be nearby.
    • On Day 6, the Clockers attend a family outing hosted by Etho. Upon finding a "trap" set for them, Scar kills Etho. Etho indeed had set up a TNT trap for the Clockers, but what Scar found was actually just a harmless ender pearl stasis chamber.
  • Smarter Than You Look: As standard of the Life series, Scar shows a clever and perspective streak, especially in contrast with his silly demeanor. On Day 2, he instantly suspects that the Bad Boys Bread Bridge is a "Trojan bridge" and figures out the nature of the Bad Boys' trap minutes before it's set off. It doesn't stop him from dying in the blast, though.
    Scar: (immediately after respawning) I told you it was a TNT cannon!

Secret Life

Faction: Trader Scar's / Sunflower Valley, the Infected (Day 7), the Mounders (Day 9)

  1. On Day 1, Scar's initial assigned task is to call people anything but their username for at least 30 minutes, but has to reroll to coming up with a nickname for another player and convincing two other people to use it. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, referring to Grian as "the light of the server".
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to be Pearl's hype man for 30 minutes and not get called out for it. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to remove all light sources from around 5 people's bases, but have to return them if anyone questions him. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, targeting the Big Dogs (Jimmy and Martyn), Grian, Joel, Lizzie, the Heart Foundation (Skizz and Tango), and Gem and the Scotts, while bribing Mumbo and Cleo to not tell the bases' occupants when they see him doing so.
  4. On Day 4, his assigned task is to do the opposite of what everyone tells him to do. He fails at this task by the end of the session, having come across a Morton's Fork in the road.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned task, submitted by wallacehunters9218, is to make at least four trades up to a golden apple, starting with wheat seeds. He succeeds at this task by the end of the session, having traded four wheat seeds for a camel, the camel for a zombie spawn egg, the zombie spawn egg (and a spawner) for five diamonds, and finally the five diamonds for a golden apple.
  6. On Day 6, his assigned task is to compete with Bdubs and Impulse in games of chicken, completing it if he wins three games. He succeeds at this task by the end of the session, having won three games of chicken… along with Bdubs and Impulse, since the task never said that they couldn't keep playing games until all three of them won three.
  7. On Day 7, his initial assigned task is to become the villain of the server and have the majority of the server dislike him via stealing, griefing and other such actions. This is negated when Pearl infects him with the Boogeyman curse, causing him to adopt Gem's secret task of spreading the infection across the server. He fails at this task by the end of the session, failing to infect Cleo, Grian, and Scott in the end.
  8. On Day 8, his task is to sabotage the bases of three Red Lives without getting caught, which he chooses to keep even after becoming a Red Life himself.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
7 Shot and infected by Pearl for the Infection 2
8 Blown up by Skizz as revenge for burning down the Heart Foundation 1

  • Accidental Murder: On Day 7, Gem walks in front of him when he is attempting to shoot Tango.
  • Apologetic Attacker: On Day 4, due to his secret task requiring him to do the opposite of anything he's asked or told to do, when Impulse comes up to him early in the day requesting that he give his free heart of the session to Skizz, Scar is forced to attack Skizz and take a heart from him, apologizing while doing so.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: As much of a villain he tries to be on Day 7 as stipulated by his secret task requirements, Scar's theft and griefing pales in comparison with Gem, the Patient Zero of a Zombie Apocalypse who is out to infect everyone on the server to fulfill her own secret task.
  • Bookends: Scar is both the first and the last person to successfully turn in a task.
  • Chain of Deals: His task on Day 5 is this, having to go from some wheat seeds to a golden apple with at least four trades. He notes how appropriate this task is for him.
  • Death by Irony: He winds up suffering this on Day 8, as he traded Skizz some gunpowder to leave him alone, with Skizz soon using that same gunpowder to blow Scar up.
  • Exact Words: His task in Day 6 was likely envisioned with only one of the three players involved in it being able to complete it. Thanks to the precise wording of the task — notably that there's nothing saying that they have to stop playing once someone wins three games, however, all three of them are able to complete it by simply playing chicken games until all three of them have won three.
  • Failed a Spot Check: When locked in combat with Pearl on Day 9, he fails to notice the bolt of lightning signifying her death, only realizing that he has won the season thanks to Grian telling him in the in-game chat.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Martyn confirms post-canonically that at least in his continuity, Scar is kept alive by the Watchers in the ruined Secret Life world, left to Go Mad from the Isolation to "win Secret Life" over and over again, and being respawned on half a heart if he ever tries to go through with a Last Survivor Suicide, until he's fully drained and sent to the Plane to "recover" for the next season.
  • Flower Motifs: Sunflowers. Grian gives him a bunch of these, asking if he wants to be friends. Not only Scar planted said flowers around his base, but he also changes his skin to feature them in his attire on Day 6. Sunflowers radiates positivity, hope, devotion, and faith, which fits his personality at best whenever he's in a good mood, and also fits his username as Mr. Goodtimes.
  • Forced into Evil: Downplayed on Day 7, where his task requires him to become Hated by All as the "villain" of the server. Before striking out to complete this task, he makes a preemptive apology that "Chaos Scar" is about to be unleashed and that it's the Secret Keeper's fault… but just the previous session, he talked about his internal conflict between trying to stay "hinged" but wanting to become "unhinged", making it questionable to what degree he's actually willing to indulge in destructive behaviour when on his own volition.
  • Game of Chicken: His task on Day 6. Specifically, he has to play against Impulse and Bdubs, with success requiring him to win three games. It's made a bit complicated by the fact that Scar has no idea what a chicken game is at first, thinking the task is referring to games revolving around chickens.
  • Grave Robbing: On Day 7, he breaks open Lizzie's grave and takes one of the bones, allegedly her spine, there. Why? So he can sell it Joel, of course! At the very least, he admits he's not proud of this course of action.
  • Hated by All: His task on Day 7 is to become this and he makes a pretty good effort by stealing anything he can get his hands on and burning down several bases and constructs. Fortunately for the remainder of the server's bases, however, he gets infected by Pearl, and his task changes.
  • Irony: His tasks on Days 4, 7, and 8 all countered his plans for those days, as Days 4 and 7 forced him to be a villain when he wanted to make alliances, while on Day 8, he had planned to suck up to the Red Lives but his task forced him to sabotage them.
  • Kick the Dog: Invoked. Being tasked with becoming the "villain" of the server, Scar burns down the Heart Foundation on Day 7, a peaceful organization dedicated to providing hearts to people at no charge and whose members are generally nice and friendly.
  • Last Survivor Suicide: Subverted; while there has usually been a tradition for winners to do this to create an "Everybody Dies" Ending, directly or by proxy, Scar ends his series very much alive. In the "Eyes and Ears" continuity, the Watchers ensure this is defied by making him respawn on half a heart if he ever tries to go through with this, all to draw out and feast on his suffering.
  • Look, a Distraction!: Scar has to use this a few times to complete his task on Day 3, getting people to look away just long enough for him to break a torch.
  • Look Behind You: Both he and Pearl try to use this on each other during their Final Battle. When Scar notices that Pearl was actually pointing out a zombie coming up behind him, he fails to realize that he knocked Pearl off a cliff, killing her and winning Secret Life.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Halfway through Scar's Ahsoka lecture on Day 1, he takes six hearts of suffocation damage from riding around on his camel. His response? Immediately continue said lecture, completely unfazed.
  • Morton's Fork: Faces this on Day 4 when Martyn asks him to stand still for a moment; since his task requires him to go against all instructions, Scar's options are (a) stand still as told and fail the task, and (b) not stand still and get sussed out by Martyn (who's on Yellow at the time), which will also result in task failure. He goes with the first option.
  • The Nicknamer: Invoked on Day 1; both of his tasks require him to refer to other players by a different name. He overcompensates in his initial task by nicknaming everyone — even those whose preferred names aren't part of their username, but ultimately has to restart his timer around Grian and Mumbo and fails it altogether by revealing the nature of the task to them after realizing this.
  • One of Us: On Day 1, Tango's assigned task is to get Scar to talk about Star Wars for over 60 seconds; just about everyone who hears of it laughs about how easy it is to do so.
  • Opposite Day: Scar's Day 4 secret task is to do the opposite of everything someone tells him to do. When Impulse and Pearl come to him asking for a favor to gift a heart towards Skizz (who had lost a lot of hearts the previous session), he hits Skizz twice instead to take a heart. When Joel and Martyn ask him to "come over here and take that helmet off" (because helmets are against the rules of the series, which he briefly forgot), he runs away and keeps it on.
  • Protection Racket: Invoked and inverted as he's the one willingly going up to Red Names and offering them equipment like TNT in exchange for not targeting him.
  • Rebellious Spirit: Invoked by the nature of his Day 4 task, where Scar has to do the opposite of everything anyone says… which is then deconstructed when this starts to take a toll on his alliances with others (which he genuinely feels bad about).
  • Self-Made Orphan: In a weirdly meta way. The previous season, Cleo and Etho were his "parents". This season, he takes both of their final lives.
    Scar: Goodbye, Mom. This is for you telling Bdubs, "You're my favorite."
  • Sole Survivor: The winner of Secret Life leaves him as this by default, but he also ends his series alive, unlike the winners of all the other series. cc!Martyn later confirms in a lore discussion stream that the Watchers eventually keep him alive after the series in the ruined world to torment him to Go Mad from the Isolation.
  • Tempting Fate: On Day 8, when confronted by the Heart Foundation, Scar tells them to go pick on someone with more hearts like Grian — especially after his terrible luck all day, having less than ten hearts and rerolling to Bane of Arthropods (a famously "useless" enchantment) on his sword, and says that it "can't go any worse" for him. Mere seconds later, Skizz blows him up in his own base, dropping him down to Red.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: On Day 9, Scar decides that since the Secret Keeper has forced him to be "the villain of the server" for so many sessions, he may as well lean into it for the final episode. This is best exhibited in his unprovoked final kill on Tango which he accomplishes by spleefing him, and his merciless final kill on his "mother" Cleo, having secretly held a grudge against her for calling Bdubs her favorite once on Day 8.

Real Life

Faction: None (formerly), Red Lives Club
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Killed by a Zombie after falling into a shallow hole in the ground 2
1 Killed by Grian and Jimmy as initiation for joining their Red Lives Club 1
1 Killed by Martyn, Ren, and Skizz 0

  • People Fall Off Chairs: Scar comes close to falling out of his wheelchair several times throughout the season, and actually ends up doing so after being ambushed by Martyn, Ren, and Skizz, resulting him being unable to defend himself in-game and losing his final life.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Despite watching two other people being murdered in front of him by the Reds in the name of "joining the Club", Scar somehow doesn't pick up what "joining the Club" entails until he enthusiastically declares wanting to do so and immediately being attacked by Red Lives in response.

IGN: Grian
Preferred Name: Grian
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Grian is the creator of the SMP, a talented builder with a love for pranks and an even bigger love for chaos and destruction. Martyn's Last Life finale episode reveals that Grian is a Watcher, and was never supposed to be a participant at all, but has chosen to take an active role on the server.
  • Black Bead Eyes: Grian's "slightly soulless" eyes, as Mumbo puts it in Secret Life, cause his Minecraft skin to stand out among the other players.
  • Defector from Decadence: According to cc!Martyn's post-Limited Life lore stream on the "Eyes and Ears" continuity, instead of just Watching the action, Grian has taken an active role in the server to cause chaos of the fun sort, in an attempt to lessen the emotional turmoil his friends go through, essentially trying to protect them from the Watchers while having no idea how to free his friends or use his own Watcher powers as a relatively new recruit.
  • Mad Bomber: Grian is the cause of two of the three deadliest traps in the series (his triple kill in 3rd Life and quad kill in Limited Life), both of which involve TNT minecarts and are followed by positively unhinged laughter.
  • Resign in Protest: In Martyn's "Eyes and Ears" continuity, after the Watchers decided to start feeding on his friends' negative emotions and purposely make them suffer to gain more of it, Grian has estranged himself from them and decided against just Watching events unfold.

3rd Life

Faction: The Red Desert
After he accidentally gets Scar killed by baiting a creeper into a crowd, Grian decides to make it up to Scar by promising to help him out with whatever he wanted to do until the loss of Grian's first life. When Scar turns Red, Grian took this as an opportunity to cause chaos and started laying traps that quickly give him the highest kill count on the entire server.

Grian stays Green until very late in the game when faction politics have begun to collapse and all-out war had broken out. He decides to stay with Scar despite the requirements of their deal being fulfilled, and helps him take revenge and eliminate Dogwarts. Despite being betrayed by him in the final moments of the season, Grian has an honorable battle with Scar by the ruins of their home. He wins this battle and the season as a result.
Day Cause Lives remaining
7 Killed by Martyn (Battle of the Red Desert) 2
8 Betrayed and killed by Scar and Bdubs after losing a Heads or Tails? decision 1
8 Suicide by throwing himself off of Monopoly Mountain 0

  • Action Survivor: He only loses his first life on Day 7 and is one of the last three people alive while still having his second life; he's also the ultimate winner of the season, killing Scar in an unarmored fistfight between them in the Red Desert.
  • Big "YES!": After his TNT trap goes off, taking out three people.
  • Changed My Mind, Kid: Although he initially did plan on ditching Scar after his first death, by the time that first death actually happened, he is past the Point of No Return regarding the collapsing politics of the server, and thus decides to stick around with Scar.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: While he can't exactly tell Scar "no" due to being indebted to him, Grian frantically warns anyone who comes near of Scar's attempts to scam them out of their items, and is generally the voice of reason in their duo. However, it's subverted because while Grian is less inclined to backstabbing and similar forms of chaos, he is more than happy to cause death, having set at least one potentially deadly trap a recording session from Day 4 to Day 6.
  • The Dragon: To Scar, as a result of Grian being the cause of Scar's first death. Grian remains indebted to Scar, at least until he dies once.
  • Dragon Ascendant: On Day 8, he takes command of the Red Desert from Scar, and is one of his side's primary leaders in the battle with Dogwarts.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Scar's his boss, but it's pretty clear that Grian is more powerful — it's him who comes up with the plans to kill people, he's often the one to negotiate, he gets the most kills, and the entire partnership is based around Grian's first life (the instant he dies, it ends). Scar just points him at people.
  • Evil Laugh: After his TNT minecart trap kills three people, Grian starts cackling with joy.
  • Fission Mailed: Grian's traps have a habit of only working the second time around.
    • His TNT trap by Renchanting initially fails (it was meant to explode as soon as the enchanting table was broken, but it somehow failed to trigger). However, while attempting to figure out what to do about it, Jimmy accidentally nudges the live TNT minecarts, setting off the bomb and killing himself, Skizz and Ren.
    • While making the bubble elevator trap in the Crastle, Grian initially gets caught by Bdubs right when he is setting up the lava trap at the top. He is able to play it off as him doing a nice thing for them, and after a little while, ropes Etho into helping distract Bdubs and Cleo while he sets up the trap, which then catches Bdubs completely by surprise.
  • Foil: To Martyn. While they're both the Green right-hand man to their respective Reds, Grian is only loyal to Scar because he accidentally got him killed on Day 1, and has made it clear that as soon as he loses his first life, he's out. Martyn, meanwhile, remains on Ren's side of his own accord, and though he took one of Ren's lives, it was on purpose, and at Ren's own request. Eventually, both even lose their lives on the same day as a result of the same event — and both lost their first lives because of each other (Grian was directly killed by Martyn; Martyn died in the counterattack that Grian spearheaded).
  • Forced into Evil: Subverted. As of Day 3, Martyn regards him as a member of the Blue Sword Boys from Day 1note  who's only The Dragon to Scar because of his debt, and makes plans to "rescue" Grian from the situation or at least wait for him to rejoin them; though by Day 6, Martyn concludes that Grian has a severe case of Stockhom syndrome. In actuality, Grian is much more in control of the situation than Martyn thinks, and the Day 1 "alliance" isn't even an afterthought in his mind past Day 1.
  • Last Survivor Suicide: After dwelling on his status as the Sole Survivor of the season, Grian ends the season by jumping off a mountain within the Red Desert.
  • Mad Bomber: TNT traps are his forte while under Scar's employ, to the point where he even rigs the entire desert to explode in the Battle of the Red Desert. He's killed four people (Scar with a creeper on Day 1 and Ren, Jimmy, and Skizz with a TNT minecart on Day 4) with explosions.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: In his eyes, at least. He's the Sole Survivor and the winner of the series, but to make it that far, he had to not only watch everyone die but personally kill his closest friend. When he realizes he's won, he's not at all happy.
  • Sole Survivor: Grian was the last man standing after winning his death-match with Scar, making him the winner of 3rd Life. It doesn't last.

Last Life

Faction: The Southlands
After gaining and then immediately losing a life, Grian goes to a mountaintop to sulk, before realizing that the location would make a pretty good spot for a base. He recruits whoever he can find into his new faction, becoming the de-facto leader of the Southlands. He is briefly exiled after he turns Red, then re-introduced when he manages to threaten Scar into giving him another life, but by that point, so many Southlanders have turned Red that he declares the faction over, burning down the walls and leaving for good.

Shortly after that, Grian turns Red again, this time formally teaming up with Joel to rain hell onto the server. However, as more and more people turn Red, a rift forms, splitting the Reds up into two factions, Grian and Joel on one side, Pearl, Scott, Cleo, and Etho on the other. After Martyn, the last Yellow Life, drops to red, the two Red factions go to war against one another, a battle that Grian and Joel lose.
Starting lives: 2
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
1 +1 Tricked Scar into giving him one 3
1 -1 Boogeyman-killed by Bdubs 2
4 -1 Shot and doomed to fall by Joel from the Ghast farm 1
5 +1 Forced Scar to give him one 2
7 -1 Killed by Martyn (Boogeyman) and Joel 1
9 -1 Killed by Scott 0

  • Beware the Nice Ones: While he may have started a large group for the sake of making friends and is often caught in or the source of silly shenanigans, Grian is undoubtedly effective, having survived until the last episode despite starting with two lives and allying with the other holders of the Wither Skulls to summon a Wither. His team of Red Lives, despite being only two members large, is also able to rival the Larger Red Alliance, which has had up to five members. He's also the person to take the first two final lives in the season, permanently killing Jimmy and Mumbo in short order after they try to kill him.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: On Day 6, he tries to manipulate the Red Names into fighting each other so that he doesn't have to deal with a unified Red Team.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: After Jimmy goes Red, he attempts to return to the Southlands to collect his chest full of items. The Southlanders, obviously not trusting him, threaten that if he goes any closer to their territory, "the boys" (Grian's wolf army) are gonna get him. The following exchange ensues:
    Jimmy: Who are "the boys"?
    Grian: Well, let me introduce you. (punches Jimmy, immediately causing five of Grian's wolves to start attacking him)
  • Surrounded by Idiots: On Day 3, he's the only one to notice that Joel has set fire to their fort walls as the other four Southlands members are too busy playing with Mumbo's latest contraption… just around the corner from said fire.
  • We Can Rule Together: After he turns Red for the first time, he attacks Mumbo (who was on two lives at the time) while saying "We can still be friends!", with Mumbo escaping by the skin of his teeth.

Double Life

Paired with: Scar
Day Cause Lives Remaining
5 Died when Scar was killed by a Zombie 2
5 Died when Scar was blown up by a trap 1
6 Obliterated by a Warden's sonic shriek while trying to escape the Deep Dark 0

  • Big "NO!": Upon realizing that he's paired with Scar.
  • Chekhov's Gun: At the start of Day 5, Grian attempts to prank Scar using a falling dripstone stalactite, which almost kills the both of them. At the end of the episode, he skewers Ren with a falling stalactite and causes him and BigB to be Killed Off for Real with the same trick.
  • Death by Irony: He forbids Scar from going to the Deep Dark due to how dangerous the Warden is. Naturally, he loses his final life to a Warden.
  • Five Stages of Grief: He goes through the five stages upon finding out the identity of his soulmate, initially denying when he takes damage after hitting Scar, anger when Joel hits Scar to test it out, bargaining as he tries (and fails) to convince Etho and/or Joel to swap soulmates with him, and gradually acceptance sometime by the end of the episode, though he still considers himself a Resentful Guardian after all of that.
  • Hated by All: By the end of Day 4, he and Scar have become this — in part due to Grian playing a part in two of the Red Life teams becoming Red Lives, and partially due to hoarding all the resources needed to make TNT, but mostly because of Scar stealing the enchanting table from the Deep Dark.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: While ecstatic over his success in killing Ren with pointed dripstone, he quickly realizes that he's also eliminated his "secret soulmate" Big B from the series and frantically apologizes, even creating a grave for him at the end of the episode.
  • Resentful Guardian: Grian often compares his relationship with Scar to that of a parent and toddler, and is quickly tired of dealing with Scar's antics to the point of wanting to abandon him in favor of Big B.
  • Say My Name: His reaction to Scar being in various life-threatening situations, from running too close to a Creeper and triggering its fuse to diving down from their sky-base to defend his Jellie Pandas. Thankfully, Scar survives the latter. Not so much for the Zombie pit or the TNT trap.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: On Day 1, while trying to convince Etho and/or Joel to swap soulmates with him, Grian says, "I can change the rules! This is my series!" This ultimately doesn't happen, even with his "secret soulmate" thing with BigB going on.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Grian reacts this way when he sees Joel tunnel into his underground sugarcane farm and harvest a good chunk of the current crop.
    Grian: How about I sell you some sugarcane? How does that sound? Joel, I'll sell you some sugarcane-
    Joel: (digs into Grian's sugarcane farm and starts harvesting the crop) Okay-
    Grian: Joel, I will sell YOU SOME SUGARCANE! (Joel runs through the farm and digs out on the other side) JOEL, I WILL SELL YOU SOME SUGARCANE!
  • There's No Kill like Overkill: After monopolizing all of the sand on the server, he leaves only a few pieces of sand left in the valley beside his base, and then drops a Warden in the valley to abjure anyone trying to make TNT without going through Grian.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Subverted in that it never leads to his death, but Grian has outright stated that he builds too much of his stuff out of flammable materials — namely, wood. When under siege in Episode 4, he, Tango, and Jimmy are forced to quickly replace the wood blocks that get destroyed by fire with dirt and cobblestone.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: At the start of the season, Grian is able to nab the only pieces of sugarcane on the map, which are incredibly important due to the server's modded recipe for TNT requiring four paper. Foreseeing the way that other teams would tear up his base to get some sugarcane of their own and inevitably break his monopoly, he quickly steals all of the sand on the server — a much easier task thanks to the map's lack of a desert — and only leaving behind enough pieces of sand for one or two pieces of TNT, thereby creating a second monopoly on explosives, this time with a non-renewable resource.

Limited Life
Cick here to see his mourning skin
Faction: Bad Boys, Nosy Neighbors
Day Change Cause Time remaining
2 -1:00:00 Killed by a Vex 20:19:17
3 -1:00:00 Bombed by Scar with a TNT minecart 15:44:07
3 -1:00:00 Killed by a Pufferfish set down by Martyn 14:22:13
4 -1:00:00 Fell off the Skynet trying to kill Impulse 12:35:36
4 +0:30:00 Bombed Impulse (and Scar and Martyn) with a TNT minecart 12:55:25
6 -2:00:00 Shoved into a lava trap by Lizzie-as-Pearl (Boogeyman) 6:01:36
6 +0:30:00 Killed Jimmy with his Ravager 6:14:02
6 +0:30:00 Killed Tango by proxy 6:38:07
7 -1:00:00 Fell off the ladder to Skynet 2.0 5:20:05
7 -1:00:00 Accidentally shot off the ladder to Skynet 2.0 by Jimmy 4:18:34
7 +0:30:00 Accidentally killed Jimmy 4:48:04
7 +0:30:00 Killed Etho 4:09:10
7 -1:00:00 Shot by Scott 3:09:21
7 +2:00:00 Killed Impulse, Scott, Tango, and Etho with a TNT minecart 5:36:20
7 +0:30:00 Killed Tango with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 2.0 5:56:59
7 +0:30:00 Shot Scar with a crossbow for trying to sneak onto Skynet 2.0 5:44:27
7 +1:00:00 Killed Cleo and Bdubs with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 2.0 6:40:10
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Joel at his own request to give him more life-time 5:33:32
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Etho with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 4:00:16
8 +0:30:00 Killed Cleo in self-defense 4:29:45
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Cleo immediately after she respawned 3:29:30
8 +0:30:00 Killed Tango with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 2.0 3:16:20
8 -1:00:00 Shot by Etho with a firework-loaded crossbow 2:10:07
8 +0:30:00 Backstabbed and killed Scar (final) 2:39:14
8 -1:00:00 Drowned while escaping from the T.I.E.S. and the Mean Gills 1:31:03
8 -1:00:00 Walked off of Skynet and died of fall damage on Bread Bridge -0:01:16

  • Accidental Murder:
    • On Day 6, he randomly pushes all the buttons he sees at the Nosy Neighbors' base, accidentally activating a Pit Trap that kills both Jimmy and Lizzie-as-Pearl.
    • He kills Jimmy again on Day 7 when he jokingly whacks him with a sword, not realizing that his health was low.
  • Action Survivor: Despite being AFK, thanks to Jimmy's frantic wall placements and his own enchanted diamond armour, Grian manages to survive a barrage of about half a dozen TNT minecarts dropped by Scar from the Bread Bridge. Even Scar is surprised by his survival in spite of being clocked out for the entire session.
  • Bait-and-Switch: When Jimmy and Joel invite him to join their faction, he describes the name 'Bad Boys' to be the kind of name seven-year-olds would think as "cool"… only to say he insulted the name because he's a bad boy. He's recruited on the spot.
  • Big "WHAT?!": His reaction to Skizzleman's second death in the series, due to him dying to two different Boogeymen twice in the span of about five minutes… in the first 20 minutes of the series. Understandably, the Boogeyman is rerolled for the third time on Day 1, and fortunately for (what remains of) Grian's sanity, the third and final Boogeyman of the day doesn't get a kill instantly after the announcement.
  • Big "YES!": He screams several in pure, unadulterated glee on Day 7 after getting his quadruple kill. Sadly for him, no one's around to hear him high above the ground on Skynet 2.0.
  • Commuting on a Bus: On Day 3, Grian spends almost the entire session AFK while sitting on a llama; the Bad Boys have tasked themselves to protect him at all costs. The real-life reason for this is because he's feeling unwell, but due to the nature of the series, it would be unfair if he skips the session and retains his life-time. The "Eyes and Ears" lore reason is that the Watchers are trying to interfere with him trying to protect his friends from them. This leads to… shenanigans.
  • Declaration of Protection: After the third Boogeyman is chosen on Day 1, Grian and the rest of the T.I.E.S. faction swear to protect Skizz from dying to the Boogeyman for the third time that day. Unfortunately for them, Skizz manages to die a third time that day... but to a Creeper ambush as opposed to the Boogeyman, who didn't have the heart to kill Skizz this time.
    Scott: What kind of Secret Service [to protect Skizz] was that?!
    Grian: I– How could I protect him from that stupidity?
  • Genre Savvy: The last three seasons have caused Grian to change his playstyle.
    • Since he knows livestock tend to be eradicated fast, he is quick to sequester off a supply of chickens so he can have a good food source late in the season.
    • Grian also declines to attempt for a monopoly on sugarcane, since he has never once been able to keep a monopoly.
  • Last of His Kind: After Day 7, Grian remains the last of the Bad Boys. He officially dissolves the faction by joining the Nosy Neighbours at the end of the episode, though he sets up an alliance with them earlier and informs Joel of it beforehand.
  • Living MacGuffin: Played for Laughs. On Day 3, due to being AFK, the other Bad Boys spend the vast majority of the session trying to keep Grian safe, while every other faction on the server has partaken in "stealing" him and putting him in random holes on the server, or at least considered doing so. Grian somehow dies twice in the process of everyone on the server fighting over him.
  • No Sympathy: Whenever Jimmy barges in to update the other Bad Boys on what's going with Judge Judy And Executioner, Grian repeatedly dismisses him, saying no one cares about the frog sub-plot. During Day 7, Grian admits that he knows nothing about that sub-plot but agrees with Joel to have their late faction-mate's funeral at the hole in the wall where he kept the frog.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: Arguable downplayed case; even though the Boogeyman is supposed to be chosen at the start of the session and could only be rerolled under extraordinary circumstances, Grian ultimately rerolls the mechanism twice in Day 1 with the support of multiple server-members, due to the first two Boogeymen getting their kills minutes if not seconds after the announcement.
  • Tempting Fate: Just after passing the one-hour mark on Day 8, Grian narrates that one more death and he will be out of the game. About ten seconds later, he missteps off of Skynet and plunges to his perma-death.
  • Uranus Is Showing: On Day 7, while climbing up to Skynet 2.0, Grian wonders if one can stand on a gas giant and not fall innote , and lists Uranus as an example… and then bursts into a fit of laughter.
  • What Does This Button Do?: On Day 6, while Jimmy is interrogating Lizzie-as-Pearl about Judge Judy And Executioner, Grian presses the button which triggers Pearl's Pit Trap on which both of them were standing, killing them both — while Jimmy dies yelling at Grian for being an idiot.
    Jimmy: You can't just kill me like that, dude!
    Grian: I didn't kill you on purpose; they left buttons on the floor, Jimmy!
    Jimmy: And why did you press them?!
    Grian: (with gritted teeth) BECAUSE I'M ME!

Secret Life

Faction: The Roomies (Day 4 onward), Warm-Bloods/Survivors (Day 7)

  1. On Day 1, Grian's assigned task is to make three bad jokes and get no laughs. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to move five people's front doors at least twice and not be called out for it. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, successfully targeting Scar, Big B, Lizzie, Impulse, Gem, and Joel.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to match the amount of damage Joel takes throughout the session; Joel is allowed to know about this. He fails at this task by the end of the session because Joel died trying to complete his task, which equates to immediate failure for Grian.
  4. On Day 4, his assigned task is to bait a Yellow into believing his task is to sing everything he says. He succeeds in this task at the end of the session.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned task is to mimic and join in any bit that is being played out at the time. Although he hits the 'Succeed' button by the end of the session, his failure to go along with Martyn and Mumbo jumping over the spawn campfire out of self-preservation results in him failing his task in retrospect.
  6. On Day 6, he is instructed to reroll for a harder task as punishment for "declaring himself incorrectly successful" the previous session, and winds up having to summon the Wither to fight a Warden Etho brings to the surface in a central part of the map. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, but is killed by his own Wither just after hitting the 'Success' button.
  7. On Day 7, his assigned task is to care for the next mob he sees, whether it is neutral or aggressive, as a pet. He decides to enter the Nether and spots a medium-sized Magma Cube, which he names "Etho's Dishwasher" after the Warden from Day 6. The original was killed by Tango while trying to fulfill his own secret task, but one of the two smaller ones split from it lived. By the time Day 8 rolled around, the group ruled it as a success. He is one of the three survivors of the Infected Apocalypse, along with Scott and Cleo.
  8. On Day 8, he is visited by a fallen player who will guide him throughout the episode, and he must do exactly as they say for the duration, and fails if anyone asks if he's talking to someone else. His guide is Jimmy, who returns to the server in spectator mode. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
6 Shot by a skull from his own 1 Stick Wither 2
8 Shot by Pearl 1
9 Killed by Gem and the Scotts for trapping their Nether portal 0

  • Accidental Murder: Indirectly. On Day 7, when trying to fight against the Infected, he plops down an Enderman egg. Unfortunately, his ally Etho accidentally looks at it, which gives the Infected the opening to kill him.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • Grian's Day 4 secret task requires him to pull one off, having to bait a Yellow Name into believing his task is to sing everything he says. He sells the ruse by doing so around other Green Names as well, convincing said Green Names to send a Yellow after him to guess his task.
    • On Day 9, Grian tricks Gem and the Scotts into following him into the Nether, only to trap their portal back with TNT minecarts. The ensuing 3v1 fight claims his life, but he single-handedly takes a large chunk of their health and their chances at winning the season down with him in the process.
  • Big "NO!": His reaction when he hears that one of the two Magma Cubes split from the original "Etho's Dishwasher" (on Day 7) was accidentally killed by Etho.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Exploited. Grian manages to escape the Infected Apocalypse on Day 7 by hiding in a direction no one cares to look: up, on the platform built on top of Joel's Day 3 pillar near spawn. Not even his fellow Survivors are aware of his location for the latter half of the session; the only one who is remotely aware of his position for the entire ordeal is Etho, who refuses to rat his ally out despite becoming infected.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Throughout the first three sessions, Grian spends the series alone in a makeshift birch base, trying to seek out a stable alliance. When he gets this alliance and is able to move in with Etho and Cleo on Day 4, he happily burns his old base to ashes.
  • Kansas City Shuffle: Grian's Day 4 task revolves around trying to convince another person to believe his task is something that it isn't. After a conversation with Mumbo, Etho, and Cleo to successfully convince them about the nature of his task, the three send Joel after him, where he manages to convincingly play his part. There are a few failed attempts at this before that, though — for instance, when trying to convince Scar (Green at the time), Scar just starts singing with him instead.
  • Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: On Day 6, Etho and Grian receive the shared task of staging a Warden and Wither fight in the middle of the map. By the time it's over, two players are permanently dead and the land is heavily damaged.
  • Sanity Slippage: His attempts to build a base for himself alone sees him slowly fall off the edge mentally, causing him to make a nonsensical stair helix and an egg out of slabs along the way, all while feeling dissatisfied with what he's making.
  • Synchronization: Grian's Day 3 secret task boils down to this with Joel, à la Double Life. However, he refuses to go through with the Can't Live Without You aspect of that season.
  • You Fool!: At the end of Day 5, editor-Grian subtitles him pressing the 'Succeed' button after unintentionally failing his assigned task with this.
  • You're Insane!: He lets out a "You are mad!" in reaction to Etho's plan to lure the Warden to the heart of the map via "multitasking" after getting it to the surface on Day 6.

Real Life

Faction: Red Lives Club
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Shot by a Skeleton trying to fight it 2
1 Shot by the same Skeleton while trying to get his stuff back 1
1 ?? 0

IGN: impulseSV
Preferred name: Impulse
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The closest thing the server has to an everyman. Impulse prefers to keep himself away from conflict, and tries to stay out of fights as much as he can.

3rd Life

Faction: The Village People, The Crastle, Dogwarts (as a spy)
Impulse was one of the members of the Village People, and the one who retains control over the villagers once his alliance with Tango and Etho falls apart. He initially keeps them in a converted house in the village itself, but later moves them to the basement of the Crastle once the wars made the area too unsafe.

Later, Impulse takes it upon himself to spy on Dogwarts for the Crastle-Desert alliance, though his constant popping back and forth has made him suspicious in the eyes of both factions.
Day Cause Lives remaining
7 Killed by Scott 2
8 Killed by Martyn 1
8 Betrayed and killed by Bdubs 0

  • Double Agent: He is one between Dogwarts and the Crastle, and ultimately sides with the Crastle. The rest of Dogwarts has had a dim view on him since, calling him a traitor many times throughout Day 8.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Impulse doesn't take being final-killed by his "ride or die" Day 1 ally well.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: He dies yelling at Bdubs for his betrayal.

Last Life

Faction: The Southlands
Impulse joins the Southlands on Day 1, mostly gathering resources and leading scouting missions. He stays with Grian after the Southlands are dissolved, and rejoins him after both of them turn Red. Impulse helps Grian to gather the necessary supplies for a Wither and helps sic it on Team B.E.S.T., but he is killed in the resulting war.
Starting lives: 3
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
6 -1 Pushed into his own trap by Scott (Boogeyman) 2
7 -1 Pushed off the Ghast farm by Mumbo 1
7 -1 Shot by Scott during the Wither Fight 0

  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: Impulse made a Pit Trap in the Southlands's basement, in an attempt to kill any intruders. While standing on the edge of it, Scott — one of that day's Boogeymen — sneaks up behind him and simply shoves him in to kill him.

Double Life

Paired with: Bdubs
Day Cause Lives remaining
4 Shot off a ledge by a Skeleton and died from fall damage 2
4 Died when his partner was killed by Ren 1
6 Died when his partner was killed by Pearl 0

Limited Life

Faction: The T.I.E.S.
Day Change Cause Time remaining
1 -1:00:00 Blown up by a Creeper 21:06:55
3 +1:00:00 Boogeyman-killed Pearl by spleefing her from the Skynet 18:02:16
4 -1:00:00 Bombed by Grian with a TNT minecart 15:25:28
6 -1:00:00 Killed by Joel with a TNT minecart from the Skynet 9:23:04
6 -1:00:00 Killed by Martyn with a TNT minecart from the Skynet 8:12:20
6 +1:00:00 Killed Scar and Gem-as-Cleo with a TNT minecart from the Skynet 7:59:56
7 +0:30:00 Shot Scott with a firework-loaded crossbow 8:14:10
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Grian with a TNT minecart dropped from Skynet 2.0 7:06:04
7 -1:00:00 Fell off of Bread Bridge and Ender-pearled into a mushroom on half a heart 6:04:37
7 -1:00:00 Shot off a ledge in the Clock Tower by Scott 4:34:36
7 +0:30:00 Shot Bdubs 4:46:01
7 -1:00:00 Jumped off a 4-block ledge after Ender-pearling to escape from Cleo 3:15:28
8 +1:00:00 Killed Cleo and Bdubs (final) with a TNT minecart 3:59:02
8 +1:00:00 Killed Pearl and Big B with an End crystal 4:42:46
8 +0:30:00 Killed Pearl by proxy using the world border 4:30:43
8 +0:30:00 Shot Martyn in self-defense 4:31:56
8 -1:00:00 Ender-pearled on 2 hearts while escaping from Scott 3:24:12
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Scott ???
8 -1:00:00 Killed by Scott ???
8 -1:00:00 Fell off a short ledge fighting Scott 0:08:30
8 +0:30:00 Killed Scott with his consent ???
8 -1:00:00 Died in lava in preparation for the proposed final duel 0:33:09
8 -1:00:00 Betrayed and killed by Martyn -0:27:49

  • Killed Offscreen: In Impulse's perspective of events, the screen has already faded to black by the time the thunderbolt signifying his final death is heard.
  • Teleportation: Impulse carries a stash of Ender pearls on him from Day 3 and onward. They come in handy on Day 4 when Ender-pearling in mid-air to the ground saves his life a few times. However, the Teleportation Sickness that ensues has resulted in him dying a few times over the course of the series.

Secret Life

Faction: Gem and the Scotts / the Cherry Blossoms, the Infected (Day 7)

  1. On Day 1, Impulse's assigned task is to "make cherry wood [his] entire identity". He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, by allying with the two cottagecore champions and spreading cherry saplings and petals to everyone else on the server.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to replace a block in someone's base every few minutes, and change six blocks without that person noticing. While he technically succeeds in the task by targeting Bdubs' already cluttered starter base, he blabs it to Tango during the break before pressing the button, ultimately resulting in a fail.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to "accidentally" take five hearts off of any player with over 25 hearts by any means possible. He fails at this task by the end of the session, as Skizz calls him out on it and questions if that's his task, resulting in instant failure.
  4. On Day 4, his assigned task is that he's not allowed to kill anything throughout the entire session. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned task, submitted by obscureSwan, is to be in a game of tag with Scott, Tango, and Bdubs, with whoever still being "it" at the session break and the end of the session failing; Yellow Names have to guess all four people involved for them to fail that way. He fails at this task by the end of the session, being "it" when the session ends.
  6. On Day 6, his assigned task is to compete with Bdubs and Scar in games of chicken, completing it if he wins three games. He succeeds at this task by the end of the session, having won three games of chicken… along with Bdubs and Scar, since the task never said that they couldn't keep playing games until all three of them won three.
  7. On Day 7, his initial assigned task, submitted by Jazzaniahtennyson1009, is to pretend to be the Boogeyman and have at least three people accuse him of being this. This is negated when Bdubs infects him with the actual Boogeyman curse early into the session, causing him to adopt Gem's secret task of spreading the infection across the server. He fails at this task by the end of the session, failing to infect Cleo, Grian, Scott in the end.
  8. On Day 8, his assigned task is to enter eight conversations or encounters in a different, unique way.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
7 Killed by Bdubs at his own request for the Infection 2
8 Killed by Gem with his consent to give her more hearts 1
9 Ambushed and shot by Scar from behind 0

  • Becoming the Mask: On Day 7, Impulse's original secret task is to pretend to be the Boogeyman and fake trying to do damage to others until at least three people accuse him of being that. This quickly comes to an end when he volunteers and is infected with the actual Boogeyman curse himself to help spread the Zombie Apocalypse.
    Gem: (throwing aside Impulse's initial secret task book after reading it) Well, that's useless now; now, it's real.
  • Big "NO!": He lets out a glorious one after accidentally spilling the beans on his Day 2 task before hitting the Success button, as Loose Lips mean task failure regardless of one's progress on it; his episode even edits his voice to be echoing across the entire map.
  • Easily Forgiven: Impulse's stint at "accidentally" breaking a boat containing an angry Enderman to target Skizz loses the latter nearly 20 hearts. Skizz, having been Impulse's best friend in real life for years, isn't even mad about it and just says Impulse did a good job at completing his task, and feels bad for calling him out because it means both of them take Ls that day.
  • One-Steve Limit: Discussed and invoked. By the time of the recording of Secret Life, Impulse has openly revealed on the podcast he hosts with Skizz that his own real-life given name name is Scott, and in the first week, the mining session between himself, Gem and Scott Smajor had them jokingly refer to their group as "Gem and the Scotts". However, they also emphasise that he is strictly Impulse and Scott can remain as such to avoid confusion, and due to creator familiarity as well.

Real Life

Faction: Red Lives Club
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 Shot by a Skeleton 2
1 Killed by Grian and Jimmy to join their Red Lives Club 1
1 ?? 0

IGN: InTheLittleWood
Preferred name: Martyn
First Joined: 3rd Life
Active Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Martyn is a pragmatic player, and endlessly loyal to those he allies himself with. However, a mysterious entity appears to have made contact with him in his own mind, pushing him to sow discord and chaos across the entire server.
  • Better than a Bare Bulb: He has a tendency to lampshade how he predicted certain events or various instances of foreshadowing.
  • Hearing Voices: Starting from Day 6 of 3rd Life, Martyn can sometimes hear a mysterious voice speaking to him in his mind.
  • My Nayme Is: Martyn's name is spelt with a 'Y', but even other players in the Life series misspell it as the more common variant with an 'I'.
  • Pungeon Master: Martyn is infamous for his punny sense of humour. It's most evident in Last Life due to the ubiquity of the 'aha' puns in the Southlands faction.

3rd Life
Click here to see his Red Life skin
Faction: Dogwarts
After drifting around for a while, Martyn settles in Dogwarts and becomes Ren's right-hand man, backing him up in every situation. As hostilities between Dogwarts and the Red Desert grow, Martyn grows closer and closer to Ren. He kills Ren at his own request on Day 5, and became The Dragon to Ren's Red King to wage war against the Desert.

Day Cause Lives remaining
7 Killed by a skeleton after fleeing the Red Desert 2
8 Shot by Impulse (Battle of Skizz Point) 1
8 Killed by Scar (Battle of Dogwarts) 0

  • Broken Tears: Reportedly, Ren "falling" ends up breaking Martyn so much that the tears he shed remain as the Fragment in his soul formed by 3rd Life's events.
  • The Creon: He's quite content with his position as "the Hand of the King", showing loyalty to repay Ren for giving him purpose in life. It is double subverted in that he later alleges to have plans to betray Ren, but has still remained very attached to him and never gets around to doing so.
  • Dragon Their Feet: It's not for long, but Martyn actually outlives his boss, Ren, before Scar takes him out.
  • Flashback Effects: His video for Day 6 uses them when Ren reminisces about important lessons his mother taught him.
  • Foil: To Grian. While they're both the Green right hand man to their respective Reds, Grian is only loyal to Scar because he accidentally got him killed on Day 1, and has made it clear that as soon as he loses his first life, he's out. Martyn, meanwhile, remains on Ren's side of his own accord, and though he took one of Ren's lives, it was on purpose, and at Ren's own request. Eventually, both even lose their first lives on the same day as a result of the same event — and both lost their first lives because of each other (Grian is directly killed by Martyn; Martyn dies in the counterattack that Grian spearheads).
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Downplayed; while Ren handles much of the negotiation for Dogwarts in its earlier, more benevolent days, Martyn's the one at hand with supplies and defense during the negotiation, which often double with attempted robberies from other factions.
  • It Amused Me: Much of Martyn's antics throughout Day 2, from helping to bust the Desert's monopoly on dark oak, to jokingly trying to kill the last Pillager to unleash a second wave in the Village's raid, to dropping gravel on Big B while they're digging their way up from the caves, are done because he's bored and wants to cause drama for the goofs and giggles.
  • Loophole Abuse: When playing Tango's "Dare To Flare" game, Martyn carefully reads the rules, which prohibit placing blocks, water buckets, and consumables... but not ender pearls, which Martyn immediately uses to jump right to the reward chest and back out without having to risk the lava.
  • My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: On Day 6, after Scar detonates the rigged TNT at Monopoly Mountain, Martyn is caught in the explosion while searching for the Red Army banner in their storage room and experiences a few flashbacks to earlier points in the series, including the establishment of Renchanting, Yellow Life Scar threatening Renchanting, Grian's TNT minecart triple kill, Ren's gory "crowning" as the Red King, and his own declaration of loyalty to Ren. However, he manages to get a shield up in time and thus No-Sell the explosion damage, though it's implied that external forces contributed to his survival.
    "????": It is not yet your time… green one…

Last Life
Click here to see his Shadow Alliance skins

Faction: The Southlands, the Shadow Alliance
Martyn joins the Southlands on Day 1, and stays loyal throughout the entire season, never letting go of it even after it is officially dissolved by Grian. Though he is immensely loyal to his home faction, he also secretly works with the Shadow Alliance, keeping them supplied with information and resources.

Martyn also starts hearing a mysterious voice in his head, beckoning him to kill his allies and create rifts within other factions. Initially, he follows the voice's instructions without question, but slowly grows more defiant as his allies started dropping like flies…

Starting lives: 4
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
5 -1 Stolen by Jimmy during life pass 3
5 +1 Tricked Jimmy into giving it back 4
5 -1 Gave one to Ren 3
8 -1 Blown up by Grian and Joel 2
9 -1 Thrown off Magical Mountain by Scott and Pearl 1
9 -1 End Crystal backfired while fighting Scott (Final Battle) 0

  • Call-Back: Martyn makes reference to starting up the Property Police, their shared faction, from Evo SMP again while trying to convince Jimmy to give his stolen life back on Day 5.
  • Double Agent: Although he's a part of the Southlands, he has also forged a secret partnership with the Shadow Alliance.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: By Day 8, Martyn is the only surviving member of the Southlands, as Mumbo, Impulse and Jimmy had died permanently and Grian had turned Red. His episode opens with Martyn imitating Mumbo's intro again, except Mumbo and Jimmy are replaced with armor stands with pumpkins for faces, spyglasses poorly propped up next to them. Martyn does imitations of all of their voices as he plays out Jimmy laughing at his imitation of Mumbo's intro, as well as Mumbo coming up to scold him… and then the screen glitches, the armor stands are gone, and Martyn is completely alone once again.
    Martyn: Aw man, aw, dude… so funny… so– (screen glitches, armor stands disappear) …wait, Timmy? Mumbo? Any-anyone?! HELLO?!
  • I Lied: After Jimmy runs off with his life on Day 5, Martyn chases him down and promises that if he gives it back, they can run away together. Jimmy is hesitant at first, but Martyn insists they can figure things out together, like trying to seek refuge with Scar or with the Fairy Fort. Jimmy is convinced and gives him the life back, and Martyn instantly turns around and walks back to the Southlands.
    Martyn: I didn't mean a word I just said. You're an idiot.
  • Pungeon Master: Makes so many "aha" puns on Day 1 that from Day 2 onward, the Southlands implements an "Aha Ja-har".
  • Sole Survivor: This was temporary. Martyn is the final non-Red player and makes his final stand atop Magical Mountain (Scar's base), pouring lava down the sides as a beacon and protection. In the end, Pearl knocks him off the remains of Scar's base, causing him to die of fall damage and become a Red Name.
  • Troll: Zig-Zagging Trope. Late in Day 8 after Big B and Scar's deaths, Martyn places an End crystal where he and the other Survivors are gathering, in the middle of a conversation about how there has to be a Boogeyman among the group. Martyn says he did so to see if the Boogeyman would go for it and to see everyone's reactions. However, the former reason is rooted in how he's an acolyte for the Shadow, i.e. the Watcher, who is trying to see if Scott is going to take the bait and turn the entire server Red for a Boogeyman kill (he doesn't), making this only partially troll behaviour.
    "????": Taken for fools, we are never,
    Make Red the sea and work together,
    Provide the means, fear not the blast,
    For if he chooses, the test is passed

Double Life

Paired with: Cleo
Day Cause Lives remaining
3 Died when he accidentally punched Cleo off a cliff 2
6 Died when his partner drowned in a water pillar while hiding* 1
6 Died when his partner was killed by Pearl 0

  • Working with the Ex: Cleo breaks off being soulmates with Martyn to partner with Scott instead, but she and Scott team with their ex-soulmates on Day 5 after turning Yellow because they need allies. Cleo and Martyn ultimately work together upon turning Red.

Limited Life

Faction: Coral Isles/Mean Gills

Day Change Cause Time remaining
1 +1:00:00 Boogeyman-killed Big B 22:58:17
1 -1:00:00 Accidentally fell into the holes Etho dug 21:48:36
3 -1:00:00 Blown up by a Creeper while protecting Grian 17:02:12
3 -1:00:00 Killed by Joel and Jimmy for kidnapping Grian 15:22:19
4 -2:00:00 Ender-pearled on half a heart while escaping from Tango (the Boogeyman) 13:05:45
4 +0:30:00 Killed Bdubs 13:31:05
4 -1:00:00 Bombed by Grian with a TNT minecart 12:25:21
4 +0:30:00 Killed Scott with his consent 12:48:54
5 -1:00:00 Accidentally fell from the water stream to the Sub Sandwich Bakery 8:26:02
6 +0:30:00 Killed Impulse with a TNT minecart from the Skynet 7:17:05
6 +0:30:00 Killed Tango 7:37:56
6 +0:30:00 Knocked Tango off the Skynet with a Knockback-enchanted wooden sword 8:00:38
7 -1:00:00 Killed by Joel with a TNT minecart dropped from the Skynet 5:57:31
7 +0:30:00 Was fighting Skizz when he fell off the Mansion and into a tree 6:18:02
7 +0:30:00 Killed Joel with his blue glass panes trap on the Mansion roof 6:46:40
7 -1:00:00 TNT minecart trap backfired while trying to kill Joel 5:37:29
8 +0:30:00 Spleefed Scar off of Skynet for trying to sell him a nautilus shell 4:54:38
8 +0:30:00 Shot Big B from the other side of the world border 4:35:41
8 -1:00:00 Died from fall damage after falling from a hole in Skynet 3:08:44
8 -1:00:00 Shot by Impulse 2:06:42
8 +0:30:00 Knocked Etho off of Bread Bridge (final) 2:21:33
8 -1:00:00 Died in lava in preparation for the proposed final duel 0:37:47
8 +0:30:00 Betrayed and killed Scott (final) 1:07:33
8 +0:30:00 Betrayed and killed Impulse (final) 1:37:27
8 N/A Ran out of time / Killed by Grian using commands after winning the season 0:00:00

  • Accidental Murder: Martyn apologizes to an AFK Grian for accidentally killing him with a pufferfish he set down, as he was using it in self-defense against the other Bad Boys trying to murder him at the time. He then attempts to atone by digging Grian down another hole out of everyone's line of sight so he doesn't get killed again.
  • Affably Evil: Even as the third Boogeyman of Day 1, he manages to resist the urge to kill Skizz for the third time that day because he didn't have the heart to do so. Even after he makes the kill, he takes the time to compensate his victim for the loss in life-time with diamonds.
  • A Birthday, Not a Break: Martyn spends the first half of Day 6 setting up his birthday party, rigged TNT to get some life-time back included, as the episode is released on his birthday. Despite this, the Bad Boys bomb the party from above, resulting in no one getting any life-time back at the party.
  • Combat Pragmatist: When he, Scott, and Impulse are setting up the final deathmatch between the three of them, he strikes while their guards are down, killing Scott and making quick work of the unarmored Impulse afterward, winning the series.
  • Epic Fail: When surrounded by a group of attackers on Day 7, he plops down a TNT minecart and laughs maniacally before… accidentally blowing himself up with it. The blast doesn't even take any of his attackers down with him, and ends up adding to Pearl's life-time as she was the last combatant to engage with him.
  • History Repeats: Let it be said that this isn't the first time Martyn has killed his ally at their own request.
  • Hurricane of Puns: Come Day 2 and Martyn is back on the punning game, variously referring to his faction as the "Mean Gills" (chosen in the end), the "H2Bros", "Santa's Little Kelpers", the "Sons of Beaches", the "Big Buoys", "LGBSea" (both content creators are queer), "the Shelldons", "Beauty and the Beach", and "the Salmen" (vetoed).
  • Kill Steal: On Day 6, while Grian and Joel are attacking Tango for being Yellow and at what's clearly the wrong place at the wrong time, Martyn leaps in and takes the kill instead, upsetting the two Bad Boys.
  • Murder by Mistake: On Day 4, Martyn accidentally kills Scar by dropping a stalactite on him; the kill was made with Impulse in mind as the victim. This is immediately followed by frantic apologies that he hit the wrong target.
  • Teleportation Sickness: While Tango claims his Boogeyman kill, Martyn's death is more accurately caused by him ender-pearling on half a heart. Since ender-pearling results in the loss of 2.5 hearts of health, his escape ultimately kills him.
  • Undying Loyalty: Played with. After settling on the Coral Isles with Scott on Day 2, Martyn has, for the most part, stayed loyal to and at times protective of his faction-mate; even if they have ended up on opposite sides of the Clockers vs. T.I.E.S. conflicts occasionally, he still refuses to kill Scott unless it's at his own request. However, Martyn does wind up taking Scott out of the season entirely in the final duel that never came to be under the influence of the Watchers… though considering Scott is ultimately content with how he went out post-mortem, it's not really much of a betrayal in the end.

Secret Life

Faction: Big Dogs

  1. On Day 1, Martyn's assigned task is to build an identical base to another player. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session by reconstructing Lizzie's half-completed base.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to convince someone to burn down his house and not get called out. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session by tricking Jimmy into thinking Scar built it and to burn it for him.
  3. On Day 3, he is informed by olavivarrud4180 that someone else on the server has the same task as him, and he has to find out who they are; he is explicitly directed to not reroll his task. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, using 'twins' as the code word and eventually sussing out Skizz for using a similar tactic.
  4. On Day 4, his assigned task is to "snitch" on a Green Name by telling a Yellow Name that they're doing a task they aren't doing, and can only succeed if the Yellow Name guesses the Green Name's task incorrectly. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session, convincing Joel that Etho's task is to make "aha" puns.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned tasks begin to vary as a Red Life:
    • His first task is create a damging trap in another person's base, succeeding if it is triggered unintentionally but having to restart if it is discovered. He succeeds in this task with a dripstone stalagmite pit in Big B's stairs to his Backrooms base.
    • His second task is to go invisible and hit at least five people with a sword in a minute, without being hit back. He succeeds in this task.
    • His third task is to find a Green Name with at least 20 hearts of health and take approximately 10 hearts off of them in any way. He does not complete this task by the end of the session.
  6. On Day 6, his assigned tasks continue to vary as a Red Life:
    • His first task is to hit a Green Name with a sword until they either block with a shield or die. He succeeds in this task by attacking Impulse while they're alone with each other.
    • His second task is to deal any amount of damage to a non-Red Name using an anvil. He succeeds in this task by dropping one on Ren-as-Tango just after the Heart Foundation rolls their lottery winner.
    • His third task is to make a deal with a non-Red Name to cause at least three hearts of damage to another non-Red Name. He succeeds in this task by exploiting Bdubs' existing grudge against Scar to convince him to take the deal.
    • His fourth task is to summon a mob using a spawn egg to deal any amount of damage to any Green Name. He does not complete this task by the end of the session.
  7. On Day 7, his assigned tasks continue to vary as a Red Life:
    • His first task is to punch another player into lava. He succeeds in this task by planting lava on Etho while recruiting Joel to distract him.
    • His second task is to cause any amount of damage to a non-Red Name using an anvil. He succeeds in this task by dropping one on Skizz from the roof of the Heart Foundation base, dealing 13.5 hearts of damage in one go.
    • His third task is to summon a mob using a spawn egg to deal any amount of damage to any Green Name. He succeeds in this task by spawning two Zombies on Cleo while their back is turned.
    • His fourth task is to strike a deal with a non-Red Name to cause at least three hearts of damage to another non-Red Name. He succeeds in this task by making a deal with Tango in his revenge against Scar for burning down the Heart Foundation base.
    • His fifth task is to mine a big hole underground and spleef another player into it so that they take damage. While he attempts trapping multiple bases and even utilizing Big B's Day 1 hole, he does not complete this task by the end of the session.
  8. On Day 8, his assigned tasks continue to vary as a Red Life:
    • His first task is to take about 10 hearts off of a non-Red with at least 20 hearts, and if not that, deal at least 5 hearts of damage to any player.
  9. On Day 9, his assigned task as a Red Life is the same as everybody else: to win Secret Life. He fails at this task by the end of the session.

Day Cause Lives remaining
2 Killed by a Piglin Brute 2
4 Accidentally walked off the End spawn platform 1
9 Shot by Grian while trying to sneak into his platform-base 0

  • Animal Gender-Bender: Martyn's Day 2 YouTube thumbnail depicts him as a calico Cat Boy as a nod to him having so much "pathetic wet cat" energy from being the first to die in the season. Unfortunately for CherriFire the thumbnail artist, as pointed out in the fan community, male calico cats are extremely rare and usually only exist due to genetic anomalies.
  • Big, Stupid Doodoo-Head: Discussed on Day 6; when Jimmy questions Martyn on how he's managed to complete two tasks early into the session, he lies and replies his tasks were sneezing and calling someone a "stinky poo-poo head".
  • Cursed with Awesome: Being on his Red life leaves him quite vulnerable, but Martyn having only one life left by Day 7 spares him from the greater conflict of the server due to his resultant immunity to the Boogeyman curse.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: While Martyn has always had a reckless streak, the Anti-Regeneration mechanism of the season highlights and deconstructs it, as exemplified by him taking tremendous amounts of damage on Day 1 and being the first to go Yellow on the server on Day 2.
  • Playing Both Sides: Throughout the latter half of Day 7, Martyn alternates between helping and going against both the Infected and the Survivors so that he can cause more chaos and deal damage across the server to complete his Red tasks, since being a Red Name allows him immunity from being infected and by extension, the conflict.
  • You Are Already Dead: After accidentally walking into the Void, it eats away at Martyn's full 30 hearts while he can only futily try to heal up in a bluescreened state of mind.

Real Life

Faction: ??
Day Cause Lives remaining
1 ?? 2
1 ?? 1
1 Killed by Scott 0

Click here to see her Shadow Alliance skin
IGN: LDShadowLady
Preferred name: Lizzie
First Joined: Last Life
Active Seasons: 2, 4 (guest; as "Pearl"), 5
Lizzie is a talented builder, and a strong leader. She's kind, though you'd do best not to make her angry. In real life, she's married to Joel.

Last Life

Faction: Fairy Fort, Castle Alliance/Shadow Alliance
Lizzie builds the Fairy Fort and creates the Castle Alliance with Cleo, Big B and Ren. Her original intention was to stay peaceful, and the people she gathered looked up to her as their leader. However, after Cleo's death at Big B's hands, Cleo retaliates by burning the Fairy Fort down to the ground, forcing Lizzie to flee to the Shadow Tower and make a new home there. However, this doesn't last long, as soon after, she drops to Red and is then killed by Bdubs.
Starting lives: 4
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
2 -1 Killed by a zombie after escaping Joel's trap 3
2 +3 Won "You Bet Your Life" 6
2 -1 Traded one with Ren for protection 5
2 -2 Traded two with Scott and Pearl for the enchanter 3
6 -1 Boogeyman-killed by Joel 2
6 -1 Boogeyman-killed by Jimmy with a lava trap 1
7 -1 Betrayed and pushed off a cliff by Bdubs 0

  • Accidental Murder: Her trap against Boogeymen on Day 6 is set off by Jimmy, who dies in the blast of 7 TNT-minecarts; although since he was a Boogeyman, the trap really did fulfill its purpose.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: After becoming a Red Name, Lizzie seeks out her husband in the Red alliance, who is a renowned Mad Bomber and has attempted to murder her on two occasions before this, and claims to have always had a thing for Red Names and bad boys… only for Scar to walk in on their moment together.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: She tames three wolves on Day 1 and names them after things that scare people — "Dragon", "Ogre", and "Taxes".
  • Break the Cutie: Day 6 is this to her — she has her items stolen/destroyed, her dogs all die at various points in the day, she loses two lives and becomes a Red Name, and is forced to leave her allies as a result. Considering the events of Last Life are apparently traumatic enough for her to leave the series for a good couple of seasons…
  • Fatal Fireworks: Her preferred weapon as a Red Name is a firework-loaded crossbow, which she uses to weaken her victims before going in for the kill.
  • First-Name Basis: Lizzie's full given name is Elizabeth, but no one on the server has called her that other than Joel in a case of O.O.C. Is Serious Business.
  • Flowers of Nature: She wears a flower crown as a founding member of the alliance based in the dark oak forest.
  • Hope Spot: On Day 2, after escaping from Joel and his Boogeyman's trap, Lizzie flees out of the mountain on half a heart, only to die from a zombie right after that.
  • In-Series Nickname: Ren calls her the "Queen of Shadows" up until she becomes a Red Name.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: Inverted. On Day 2, upon noticing that Joel was down to two lives, Lizzie goes to Tango to bet one of her lives on Joel being the first Red Name on the server, believing that Joel would get himself killed in trying to kill others as the Boogeyman. After placing her bet and contemplating her decision on the way home, Joel manages to rid himself of the Boogeyman curse after killing Scott, but is killed by Pearl right afterward, proving Lizzie's prediction that he would get himself killed while trying to kill others right, and earning Lizzie four lives from the gamble.
  • A Molten Date with Death: How she loses her second-to-last life on Day 6, in a trap set by Jimmy.
  • Start of Darkness: She sees Big B's Boogeyman kill against Cleo as this for herself due to it shattering their alliance, and cites it as her reason for targeting and killing Big B first upon her turn to Red.
  • That Woman Is Dead: Ren catches her looting the Shadow Tower after her turn to Red and calls out to her by the name "Shadow Queen". Lizzie replies that she doesn't know who that is.

Limited Life

Faction: Nosy Neighbors (by proxy)
While Lizzie doesn't officially appear in Limited Life, she substitutes in for Pearl on Day 6 since Pearl couldn't make it to the recording session.

Day Change Cause Time remaining
6note  -1:00:00 Grian triggered Pearl's Pit Trap 7:26:39
6note  +1:00:00 Shoved Grian into a lava trap (Boogeyman) 7:32:07

  • Hoist by His Own Petard: In an attempt to score a Boogeyman kill, Lizzie-as-Pearl lures the Bad Boys to real-Pearl's Pit Trap. But Grian, being Grian, decides to press all the buttons he saw, accidentally catching both her and Jimmy with the trap.
  • Lured into a Trap: Lizzie-as-Pearl obtains her Boogeyman kill on Grian this way, by tricking him into a rigged "minigame" triggered by buttons. When he doesn't fall for it, she just shoves him into the lava pit.
  • Sticky Fingers: She has no qualms stealing random enchanters in the wild or the Entertainment Mountain doormat for its item frame.

Secret Life

Faction: None
Lizzie spends most of the season alone, intent on living out a relatively peaceful life making a pretty base and beautifying the server in general. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse on Day 5 when she rerolls an Impossible Task — to get the entire server to sleep through the night. In an attempt to pull this off, she hurriedly tries to invite the entire server to parties to either get everyone to sleep or out of the way so she can sleep, but no one comes to the End for her and only Joel comes to her slumber party, with Scar showing up terribly late for the latter.

Feeling betrayed, Lizzie decides to take an invisible ride on her skeletal horse, only to be whacked down to her Red life by Jimmy, wondering who she is. Her anger at the server eventually blows over in a desperately attempted Roaring Rampage of Revenge to kill everyone as a Red Name; while her loyalty to Joel prevails, her attempt to help him kill Scott for his Day 6 secret task backfires on her, sending her tumbling into the Void to her final death — and the first final death in the season, against all odds.

  1. On Day 1, Lizzie's assigned task is to write a poem about another player and read it to them. She succeeds in this task by the end of the session, with a very confused Joel as her target.
  2. On Day 2, her assigned task is to get accused of doing three fictional secret tasks. She fails at this task by the end of the session.
  3. On Day 3, her assigned task is to never deny any requests or questions from another player. She deliberately chooses to fail at this task by the end of the session, refusing to risk her life abiding by Joel's suggestion to attempt his secret task after just turning Yellow.
  4. On Day 4, her assigned task is to connect her base to everyone else's. She succeeds in this task by the end of the session with help from Scott.
  5. On Day 5, her assigned task is that every time someone tells her to do something, she has to repeat it back to them in a quieter, whiny voice for the entire session; she chooses to reroll it to getting the entire server to sleep through the night. The Life series being the Life series, she fails at this task by the end of the session.
  6. On Day 6, her assigned tasks vary as a Red Life:
    • Her first task is to damage a non-Red player using a redstone machine or trap. She succeeds by trapping Joel's base as a last resort.
    • Her second task is to summon a mob using a spawn egg to deal any amount of damage to any Green Name. She succeeds by luring Skizz into her house under the pretense of an alliance and spawning a Zombie inside while she blocks off the door, but never gets around to declaring her success by pressing the button at the Secret Keeper's, on account of dying before she can do so.

Day Cause Lives remaining
3 Shot by a Skeleton trying to leave Joel's base 2
5 Accidentally killed by Jimmy 1
6 Knocked into the Void by an Enderman while trying to kill Scott 0

  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: Zig-zagged. After her final death, Jimmy's first reaction after comprehending it is celebrating because it's the first season he doesn't perma-die first… while everyone else is saddened and Joel is at least in part offended by Jimmy celebrating his own survival.
  • Breaking Old Trends: Becomes the first to kick the final bucket in Secret Life, before Jimmy does like he did every season prior.
  • Extreme Doormat:
    • Invoked on Day 3, where her task forbids her from saying "no" to any suggestion from another player. This goes awry by the end of the session: Joel suggesting she leave his base in the dead of night by going down the water slide ends up causing her first death of the season.
      Lizzie: (just after trying to leave the base) Oh, there's a Skeleton out here! (retreats back into the base) I think I'll wait till daytime.
      Joel: You can use the Helter Skelter again.
      Lizzie: Yes, I think I will. (goes up to the Helter Skelter) Yes, I shall. I would love to. (goes down the water slide) Nothing I'd love more… than this… stupid water slide… Nothing can go wrong. (sees a Skeleton at the base of the slide) EVERYTHING'S GOING WRONG!
      LDShadowLady was shot by Skeleton
    • After joining her husband as a Yellow Life, she refuses to take any further risks, like trying to pull a 100-block water bucket clutch as Joel said she could do earlier in the conversation.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: On Day 6, Joel enlists her in helping to take 10 hearts off Scott. Lizzie lures Scott to a cliff in the End and tries to knock him over the edge, but she doesn't manage to do it before she looks at an Enderman, which promptly sends her off into the Void instead, to her permanent death of the season.
  • Kansas City Shuffle: The essence of Lizzie's Day 2 task is to convince other players she's doing a certain secret task and accuse her, when her actual secret task is to do that three times. Unfortunately for her, while everyone she encounters notices that she's acting weird, the entire server is acting weird and don't think too much of it anymore, and without anyone directly accusing her of doing a secret task, she fails the task in the end.
    • First, she collects honeycomb by directly shearing bee hives and nests without placing a campfire underneath them, risking certain damage from angry bees with poison-inflicting stings, in order to trick people into thinking it's part of her task.
    • Then, she places a random block of red glazed terracotta in Joel's Helter Skelter, Bdubs' new house, and Mumbo's house.
    • After that, she tries decorating Big B's entrance hall with dripstone stalactites and sneaking away; she only succeeds in being weirded out by Big B's antics in return.
    • Finally, she tries speaking in a Totally Radical manner to Etho and Cleo, referring them by various different words for 'friends'.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After no one (other than Joel) comes to her server-wide party on Day 5 so she can complete her assigned secret task, Lizzie plots to kill everyone that caused her to fail her task (i.e. just about the entire server) when she turns Red later the same day.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: While making a path near the Heart Foundation on Day 4, Lizzie stumbles across Jimmy and Skizz hanging out, with the latter crouching very close next to the former, to the point it appears they're in a highly compromising position from her perspective in-universe. She awkwardly looks away and keeps building her path without saying anything to them.
  • Skewed Priorities: On Day 2, Lizzie gives away her three ancient debris to Grian in exchange for orange dye so she can build a pretty house… in the middle of a Deadly Game.

IGN: MumboJumbo (Last Life); Mumbo (Secret Life)
Preferred name: Mumbo
First Joined: Last Life
Active Seasons: 2, 5
Mumbo is an incredibly talented redstoner and strategist. Despite his outward polite appearance, Mumbo takes a surprising amount of glee in designing traps and weaponizing anything he can get his hands on.

Last Life

Faction: The Southlands
After being offered a place to live by both Grian and Scar, Mumbo winds up going with Grian when he learns that Grian had sugarcane, and helps him establish the Southlands.

Mumbo remains a member of the Southlands, creating most of their defensive traps, their sugar cane farm, and a Ghast farm to supply him with the materials to make End Crystals. However, after turning Red, he goes back to the Southlands in an attempt to kill his former allies and destroy the sugarcane farm he'd built them.

After the remaining factions fall apart, Mumbo and Jimmy tried unsuccessfully lure Grian and Martyn into a trap at the remains of the Southlands. Grian and Martyn don't buy it, and the two duos remained in a tense stalemate, until Jimmy punchs Grian and triggers a fight. Mumbo tries to defend Jimmy, but Grian starts hunting him down too, and his attempt to run ends in failure as Grian kills him.
Starting lives: 4
Day Change Cause Lives remaining
2 -1 Shoved into lava by a Piglin Brute 3
2 -1 Boogeyman-killed by Scar 2
6 -1 Boogeyman-killed by Etho 1
7 -1 Killed by Grian 0

  • Awesome, but Impractical: His preferred weapon, End Crystals. They are immensely powerful when used right, capable of killing anyone standing near it in an instant, and all you need to do to set it off is either punch it or shoot it. However, if used wrong it's pretty much guaranteed to backfire and kill the user instead of their target, and making them is so expensive and time-consuming (including the construction and use of a Ghast farm that has gotten two people killed) that nobody has more than just a few of them in their inventory at one time, requiring them to use them incredibly sparingly.
  • Genius Ditz: Mumbo is one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to redstone, not just on the server but in the entire Minecraft community. He is also terrible at pretty much every other aspect of the game, to the point where he lost a gold block on Day 1 when he mined it with a stone pickaxe, not realizing he'd need an iron one.
  • A Molten Date with Death: Mumbo loses his first two lives this way, first by backing away from a Piglin Brute and falling through a hole in the floor to the lava below, and second by Scar dumping lava on him and then attacking with his sword for his Boogeyman kill.
  • Weapon Specialization: Mumbo isn't great at hand-to-hand combat, so instead, he prefers to fight using End crystals. He even builds a ghast farm specifically to obtain the supplies needed to make them.

Secret Life

Faction: The Mounders (formerly), Big Dogs (Day 6)

After finding Bdubs building his upside-down house on a mound on Day 1, Mumbo decides to emulate him by building his base sideways, founding the Mounders faction. He proceeds to spend most of the season adding to the faction's base besides completing his secret tasks, but this quickly goes awry when he goes Red at the start of Day 6 from attempting his task of the day.

Mumbo's mental state immediately takes a turn for the worse, causing him to go rogue against the Mounders and join up with the Big Dogs, even setting up traps in their base to try and deal damage to them. However, this all comes to a halt when Grian and Etho unleash a Wither and a Warden onto the map, causing a fight he has the misfortune to get caught up in.

  1. On Day 1, Mumbo's assigned task is to work at least three successful puns into a five-minute conversation. He succeeds almost immediately when Grian shows up telling puns as part of his own task.
  2. On Day 2, his assigned task is to "be best friends with Etho" for 15 minutes of the session and not get called out. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  3. On Day 3, his assigned task is to stop Scar from taking more than three hearts of damage. Scar being Scar, he fails at this task by the end of the session.
  4. On Day 4, his assigned task is to "flee in active terror" whenever he's in a one-on-one conversation with another player. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  5. On Day 5, his assigned task is to turn a minimum of three collaborative efforts with another player into a competition and win. However, if he's called out, he can no longer compete with that player. He succeeds in this task by the end of the session.
  6. On Day 6, the formula shakes up after circumstances force his hand.
    • His initial assigned task is to be Grian's "terrible" butler, where he has to do anything Grian says but always screw something up. He forfeits this task after dying and going Red.
    • His first Red task is to deal any amount of damage to a non-Red Name using an anvil. He succeeds in this task by dropping one on Ren-as-Tango while he's distracted by his redstone contraption just after the session break.
    • His second Red task is to build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks away. He forfeits this task after Scar shoots and destroys his first attempt, and lacks the resources to try again after the second attempt.
    • His third Red task is to replace the water under Gem's diving board with blue glass without getting caught, succeeding if someone takes damage from it and failing if they find the glass or refuse to jump.
    • His fourth Red task is to make a deal with a non-Red Name to cause at least three hearts of damage to another non-Red Name. He is unable to complete this task on account of dying before he can successfully negotiate such a deal.

Day Cause Lives remaining
5 Accidentally walked off the side of Gem's diving board 2
6 Accidentally fell into lava while getting off a Strider 1
6 Killed by Etho's Warden 0

  • Chekhov's Gag: Two of the bits Mumbo pulls off at the end of Day 5 end up leading to him being Killed Off for Real in the season.
    • After Mumbo starts a competition with Martyn to jump over the spawn campfire without taking damage, Grian is supposed to join in on the bit, but doesn't in part due to being on 1 heart at the time, leading him to declare a false success for his Day 5 secret task. On Day 6, Grian's forcibly rerolled hard task requires collaboration with Etho to have a Warden vs. Wither fight at the centre of the map, in which Mumbo quickly gets in the crossfire… while on his Red life.
    • At the end of Day 5, Mumbo jokingly places down a couple of fences to make Martyn, one of the only Red Names on the server at the time, stop in his tracks. At the end of Day 6, he is Hoist by His Own Petard when the fence posts block his own path of escape from the dual boss fight near spawn, resulting in his final death by Etho's Warden.
      Mumbo: (posthumously) I got stuck on my own fence posts… The joke fence posts that I placed for Martyn have sent me out of the game. What the heck…
  • Face–Heel Turn: Goes rogue against the Mounders as a Red Name, going as far as to target them in their own base for his Red tasks. It makes sense, though, since he has only ever been in Last Life before this season, which had a rule forcing Red Lives to leave their factions.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Twice on Day 6. His task as a Yellow of being Grian's horrible butler causes him to purposefully get on a Strider with no means of controlling it and no means of safely dismounting. He miraculously shifts off it in a way that causes him to land on Grian's hastily-placed netherrack rather than the lava, only to walk too far and immediately fall off into the lava to his death anyway. Later in the session, he's eliminated by his own fence posts preventing him from escaping the Warden.
  • Sanity Slippage: After turning Red, Mumbo becomes noticeably unhinged for the remainder of the session, possibly as a consequence of the means by which he turned Red in the first place.
  • Self-Imposed Challenge: Invoked and played with.
    • On Day 1, Mumbo is inspired by Bdubs' upside-down house to build his own base sideways, i.e. rotated clockwise by 90 degrees. What makes this a challenge is that the reason Bdubs did so in the first place is because he did so to fulfill a requirement of his assigned secret task for the day, which he couldn't tell Mumbo about.
    • On Day 3, he does his best to kill Scar's camel in the most discreet way possible — trying to get it through the world border, testing if camels could drown, and riding it through berry bushes and fire, all while vehemently claiming he was keeping the camel safe. Other players questioned if that was his actual secret task.
