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Recap / Luz Clawthorne Two Worlds One Family Chapter 30

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Chapter 70: Tragedy at Eclipse Lake
Art by Crash X Fusion: Shouldn't have made Amity angry. You won't like her when she's angry.

Several parties search for Titan's Blood. With Luz sick from the Common Mold, Amity leads Eda, King and Lilith into tracking some down for her.

Tropes that appear in this Chapter:

  • Adaptational Explanation: Once again, Lilith is shown to have been influenced by people to do things she now regrets. It turns out she was ordered to throw away her glasses and dye her hair by her mentor, the previous Emperor Coven Head.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Somehow, Belos shows symptoms of the Common Mold without catching the illness at the same time Luz is sick in bed with it, like they're in sync with each other.
  • Ambiguously Gay: While he had no Love Interest in canon but is implied to look down on non-heteronormative relationships, Emperor Belos seems to be gay in Luz Clawthorne, having dated a man named Adam when he was Philip.
  • And I Must Scream: While Boscha's body is paralyzed, she's still conscious as evident by her eyes moving.
  • Armor-Piercing Question
  • Bait-and-Switch: At first, it seems that Ford had been stuck in the Demon Realm all this time, staying at the Knee and had been surviving on griffin eggs. But as Lilith discovers the hard way, it's an imposter.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Played for Drama twice.
    • Hunter wanted to prove he was useful to Belos and didn't care what he had to do in order to make that happen. This causes him to betray Amity twice to get his hands on any Titan's Blood he could, and she nearly kills him when he fights her to claim the portal key from the strange witch.
    • Amity is pretty much burned out from all her chaotic adventures on the Boiling Isles and longs to return to the Human Realm, desiring to travel there and maybe live on Earth with Luz one day. The stranger grants her wish in the worst way possible; by stranding her there alone with Ghost and no way back.
  • Berserk Button
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Vina turns out to have been this. The Media Coven advertised her as a graceful leader, but in reality, she was a Child Hater who smoked behind closed doors to deal with the stress of her job. Additionally, her first order to Lilith after she was forced to take her as an apprentice was to change her appearance to look more suitable to her.
  • Broken Pedestal: It's implied that Lilith stopped holding Vina in high regard after rethinking everything, but it's averted with Hunter since Lilith doesn't want his image of Vina to be tainted by who she really was.
  • Call-Back:
    • Eda brings up how everyone was unsure about Amity staying at the Owl House back at the beginning of the season; now, she tells Amity they can't picture it without her.
    • Eda brings up to Camila about Luz lying about being in a special class, when she was actually in the Detention track.
    • Amity notes that Belos is a Master of Illusion based on her experiences from when he put her under one.
    • While talking with Lilith, Hunter mentions what Amity told him about their strained relationship in "Deserve Nothing".
    • Steve reminds Amity of how he helped her and Lilith before, referring to when Lilith made him Amity's bodyguard in "Back to Hexside".
    • Both Amity and Lilith describe their relationship to Hunter as being about Amity not wanting to disappoint Lilith and being willing to do anything for her approval, which ultimately led to her hurting Luz by playing "Spy" for Lilith.
  • The Cameo:
    • Simon, Beck and Samwitch show up at the Healing Coven with Athena to check on Boscha. Hogarth is shown by his owner's side worrying about her.
    • Abel is seen leading the expedition at the Knee.
  • Combat Compliment: Alburno gives King credit where it's due for lasting as long as he did in their fight.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • References to the previous chapter feature the plan to go to Eclipse Lake, Camila distancing herself from Luz due to what she said to her, Boscha's condition, Gus telling his friends about his failed talk with Hunter and Amity's medication.
    • Hunter's talk with Lilith about his father is brought up by the boy when he asks about his mother.
    • Amity tells Steve what she knows about the Human Realm from her previous visit there.
    • Luz experiences one of Philip's memories again.
  • Crazy-Prepared: For some reason, Eda has a quarantine hazmat suit. Good thing, because it protects Camila from potential infection of the Common Mold.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Once Hunter shows how desperate he is to complete his mission, Amity hits her Rage Breaking Point and the increase her Fae power gives her magic leads to a near-fatal win for her.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Hunter just can't stop doing this. His devotion to proving himself to Belos leads him to abandoning Amity after Eda, King and Lilith fall down a hole in the fool's blood room and he fights her to get the portal key, not caring that she's at a disadvantage. Amity snaps and nearly ends up killing him while she chews him out for his Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, bringing him to tears.
  • Disappointed in You: Amity's What the Hell, Hero? / "Reason You Suck" Speech to Hunter about his backstabbing oozes that she feels this way towards him.
  • Double Meaning: An intentional Meta example. After seeing Amity checking up on Luz, Eda tells Amity that everyone doubted her living at the Owl House would work out, but now they can't picture the place without her. This ends up foreshadowing how things would change drastically for the witchling.
  • Downer Ending: Lilith is nearly killed by someone impersonating Ford who forces Amity and Hunter to fight each other for the portal key and when Amity refuses to finish Hunter off, he just leaves her and Ghost on the other side of the portal and disappears, possibly leaving Hunter to take the blame. Worst of all, Luz (who had been suffering from the Common Mold with Maya and admits that she loves Amity) recovers only to find everyone gathered in the living room and knowing something happened to her girlfriend since she's not with them.
  • Expy:
    • Original Character Emperor's Coven scouts Venoma Heathens and Alburno Striker are based off of Heather and Alejandro respectively from Total Drama. There's also Zebiel, who's based off of Feral Ezekiel.
    • Kikimora's new sidekick, Pugsley, is based off of Rocky's sidekick Mugsy from Looney Tunes.
  • Forgiveness: Lilith, though surprised, forgives Hunter for nearly killing her when he apologizes for it.
  • The Ghost:
    • Willow mentions Principal Faust letting her, Amity and Gus skip school to make sure Luz was really sick and not causing trouble.
    • Gus mentions that Mattholomule told him about the operation at the Knee and that Steve was part of it.
    • When Amity, Eda and King come to the old Clawthorne home to get Lilith, Eda asks where their parents are: Lilith says Gwendolyn's out and she hasn't seen Dell at all.
  • Ghost Memory: Luz relives another memory of Philip's while dreaming near the end of the chapter. This time, she sees a young girl watching over Philip while he's sick with the Common Mold, waking up when Adam stops by for a visit.
  • Given Name Reveal:
    • Vina's last name is revealed to be "Charmspell".
    • Belos's Lost Lenore was a man named Adam, the same Adam whose blade Amity now wields.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Kikimora getting sawed in half during her third (failed) attempt at bugging the Owl House.
  • Harmful to Touch: Making contact with Venoma's abomination will burn a person.
  • Heartfelt Apology: Hunter finally apologizes to Lilith for killing her and she forgives him.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Averted. Amity seems to offer Hunter the chance to have a Heel–Face Turn and bring him back to the Owl House to find out the truth behind the visions and come up with an alternative way to protect everyone if they're true. Unfortunately, the stranger shows up and offers them the portal key before he could even consider his choice.
  • Ignored Epiphany
  • In Spite of a Nail: Luz catches the Common Mold and has to stay home with her friends watching over her, the trip to Eclipse Lake is a bust since it's dried up, Hunter fights Amity to claim the portal key, and Ghost becomes Amity's palisman.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • Gus told his friends about his talk with Hunter last chapter, along with his actions in the school war.
    • Hunter lets Lilith know that the last Golden Guard and Vina are his parents.
    • Ghost reveals to Amity that she knew Philip and his boyfriend, the man who used the Sword of Adam as his weapon.
    • Ghost learns that Flapjack has bonded with Hunter.
    • Amity tells Hunter about how Lilith hurt her and that she killed Camila.
  • Kick the Dog: When Venoma's mockery of Amity doesn't bug her, she summons a poisonous abomination to intimidate her while she's restrained. It causes Amity to panic and Steve orders Venoma to knock it off because she's Just a Kid.
  • Lampshade Hanging:
    • Eda is surprised that Luz never had the Common Mold until this point, guessing that she was just lucky.
    • Kikimora is left wondering how she survived being impaled with needles and sawed in half by King and Hooty.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Zebiel shoves Alburno and Venoma down the same crevice the Clawthornes fell down into for attacking said family.
    • Hunter is subjected to a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown at the hands of a pissed-off Amity going through a power boost that nearly ends with him dead.
  • Let Me at Him!: Amity and Eda restrain King while he's teaching Hunter a lesson and he actually says this.
  • Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: As the stranger prepares to throw Amity through the portal, she loses a boot while he lifts her off the ground. Eda, King and Lilith find the boot and come to realize it's the only thing left of her in the Demon Realm, bringing it back home to show Luz.
  • Love Confession: While delirious and tied up in vines after Maya took over, went berserk, and tried to eat Hooty, Luz reveals to Camila that she loves Amity, that she's the only person she's ever truly loved and Luz wants the chance to say it to her. Camila assures her she'll have it, but then things go From Bad to Worse...
  • Meaningful Name: The so-called "Tragedy at Eclipse Lake"? Amity getting trapped in the Human Realm with her family believing she's disappeared and Hunter had something to do with it.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The moment he sees Hunter at the Knee, King pounces and proceeds to claw and beat him for being there at the same time he and his family are. Hunter later gets another one at Amity's hands when she almost kills him during their fight.
  • Noodle Incident: Kikimora made three attempts to plant another bug in the Owl House and each time ended in pain and failure.
  • Point of Divergence: There's a lot of changes to "Eclipse Lake": Lilith is recruited to join Amity, Eda and King on the trip to Eclipse Lake, Cat and Viney stop by the Owl House to help Willow, Gus and Hooty (and Camila) with making sure Luz recovered from the Common Mold (of which Belos falls ill from without having the actual disease), Steve gets a larger role (actually, he appears onscreen), Kikimora's attempts to acquire the Titan's Blood gets her even more severely injured, Amity gains Ghost as her palisman during her fight with Hunter, and Amity & Ghost ends up trapped in the Human Realm.
  • Poisonous Person: Venoma can create abominations made out of venom which can burn someone if it comes into contact with them.
  • Rage Breaking Point:
    • Kikimora's lack of respect for her authority leads to Captain Wolffe standing up to her and telling her off for her reckless actions.
    • Hunter's betrayals and his last-ditch attempt to claim the portal key, combined with all the stress everything else has given her, Amity goes all out and would've killed Hunter had she not come to her senses.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech
  • The Reveal:
    • Boscha was paralyzed by some unknown demon when she was talking to Hunter.
    • Luz has never had the Common Mold before.
    • It was a school day when Luz caught the Common Mold, yet Faust allows Amity, Willow, Gus and Cat the day off to nurse her back to health/make sure she wasn't faking.
    • Gus came clean to his friends about his talk with Hunter, and told them about his visions.
    • Belos/Philip's lost love was a man named Adam, who Ghost confirms is the same Adam that once used Amity's Sword.
  • Rule of Three: Kikimora's total of attempts to bug the Owl House. First, she tried the direct approach only to be eaten by Hooty. Second, she attempted to sneak in the house as a home inspector, but Amity saw right through it and punched her away. Finally, she hid in a present box, but King and Hooty were suspicious and impaled her with pins before sawing the box in half.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Snakes Are Sinister: Venoma Heathens is a white cobra-biped demon with a twisted sense of humor.
  • Take That!: In her delusional state, Luz asks Amity if she wants to "go to the Human world, dress up, and travel together", a nod to the Taiwanese dub's infamous censorship of the Lumity scenes in "Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hooty's Door".
  • Tastes Like Feet: Because of her illness, Luz believes that grape-flavored medicine tastes like bleach.
  • Tempting Fate: Amity was convinced she would see Luz and Kay again when she returns from Eclipse Lake before she left with Eda and King.
  • Trapped in Another World: The chapter ends with Amity and Ghost being thrown into the Human Realm with no way back and Hunter being the only witness to the event.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Venoma and Alburno both underestimate Eda and King while fighting them (though Alburno at least acknowledges King's strength regarding his roar); they both lose and get injuries that'll permanently remind them not to make that mistake again.
  • The Un-Reveal:
    • Ghost expresses more surprise at the Sword of Adam "working" for Amity than expected, saying she'll figure it out eventually when she questions it.
    • How did the stranger make a portal without the door?
  • Villains Want Mercy: The second Eda suggests leaving Hunter tied up for the Emperor's Coven to find, Hunter (having come to the Knee to complete the Titan Blood mission in secret) begs for the Clawthornes to not do that. Amity calls him pathetic for resorting to this, but decides to bring him with them if only to learn about his visions.
  • Wham Episode: Amity is stranded in the Human Realm with Ghost, with only Hunter knowing what happened regarding the stranger. By this point, Luz has declared her love for Amity while sick and recovers to find her family about to tell her the outcome of their mission.
  • Wham Line: Ghost tells Amity she doesn't stand a chance against Hunter... at least, without a staff.
  • Wham Shot:
    • While watching over Steve, Lilith is confronted by Ford of all people.
    • Ghost bonding to Amity and turning into a staff for her to use against Hunter, becoming her palisman.
    • The stranger activates the portal with the key, before throwing Amity through and closing it before she can get back through.
  • What the Hell, Hero?
  • Wrong-Name Outburst: Downplayed. While beginning to fall ill, Belos refers to Hunter as "William" in a soft tone.
