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Recap / Breath of the Wild Chapter 6: Ancient Weaponry

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The Myth of Link & Zelda: Breath of the Wild Chapter Index
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Ancient Weaponry

Link seeks out Robbie in Akkala to stock up on weaponry to allow him to combat the corrupted Guardians.


  • Age-Gap Romance: Link suspects that he had one with Zelda, who looking at her through his few moments of remembering her was clearly at least ten years younger than himself.
  • Adaptation Deviation: Lynels are described as very dangerous and threatening, but also that they're the only monsters that give their victims a chance to leave well enough alone...unless you don't, at which point they won't let you leave alive. It's truer to their gameplay characterization which is conflicted with their stated behavior in the compendium of attacking on sight.
  • At the Crossroads: Link has to choose the safe or dangerous path. He chooses the latter.
  • Bad Moon Rising: Link witnesses a Blood Moon for the first time, and Zelda warns him of what it does.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Robbie as eccentric as Purah, and just as knowledgeable and useful just the same to him.
  • Dramatic Irony: Lana and Rina have no idea that the legendary knight said to share a passionate and powerful love with the princess is Link himself, which catches him off guard a little.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: An immediate example. Link's nightmare has him witnessing a dark demonic sky, and when he wakes up, he sees a red glow outside, and goes outside to witness the same sky form around the blobby Blood Moon and Malice floating all across the land. Link openly wonders if his dream was even a dream, given how Zelda has communicated with him through telepathic magic.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Ganondorf appears in this chapter, though not named, long before he's officially revealed by name to Link and the reader. He also mentions Demise by name.
  • Fiction 500: Bolson gives Link 2000 rupees as a down payment for bringing in other people in like it was nothing.
  • Foreshadowing: A male Gerudo reaches to Link in a strange dream, tells him to "destroy the curse of Demise", and transforms into a giant Eldritch Abomination boar.
  • Healing Hands: Link already knew about the Spirit Orbs' restorative effect on him, so he exploited this trope to take down the Guardians and then make his way to Katosa Aug Shrine so that he can receive another Spirit Orb to heal himself.
  • Last Stand: Hyrulean Army survivors retreated to Akkala Citadel after the fall of Hyrule Castle, where they fought off the Guardians as valiantly as they could until they were all wiped out by the Guardian invasion.
  • May–December Romance: Link learns that Robbie and the much younger Jerrin are an item. Link realizes he'd be a hypocrite for judging them given that he likely had an Age-Gap Romance with the younger Zelda.
  • Ms. Exposition: Lana and Rina reveal to Link the history of Akkala Citadel Ruins, and also hint at Link and Zelda having possibly had a romance.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Link has a nightmare where he finds himself getting destroyed by a laser from a giant boar.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Link goes through the Torin Wetland where two Guardians are patrolling. In the next scene, he comes out victorious, with there being some signs of his fight with the Guardians, and he's a bit wounded.
  • Quest for Identity: Link's quest to begin his memory-retrieving quest officially begins at the very end of this chapter.
  • Red Sky, Take Warning: Link's Nightmare Sequence is marked with a red cloudy sky. Gamers will recognize it as a Blood Moon sky, and sure enough, when he wakes up, he outright witnesses a Blood Moon rising.
  • Sidequest: The "From the Ground Up" side quest is present in this story as a lesser important mission in Link's overall mission to recover his memories.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: Not Robbie himself, but his ancient oven is capable of producing weaponry that finally allows Link to fight Guardian enemies with much greater ease.
