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Characters / Full Metal Daemon Muramasa General Headquarters

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    General Charles Willow 

Charles Willow

The Commander of the Allied Powers who invaded Yamato before the events of the game.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: While he is in charge of the American revolutionaries and plotting things to for their independence from Britain, at the end of the day he just ends up a puppet for pretty much everyone else and his hopes and dreams end up dashed.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He was pretty much dancing to Wolf's tune whenever they were together to the point that he even started to ignore Clive's despite the latter's growing realization that something wasn't right.
  • Villainous Breakdown: As it becomes clear that all of his plans around America's independence have fallen apart thanks to Ruby Sarchant he thoroughly breaks down and even tries to shoot Ruby despite a Crux being present.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: While he started to become more and more extreme in trying see his goals to their end, even goin so far as to start a war and to legitimize the use of a nuke, it was all for the freedom and independence of his kinsmen.

    Colonel Clive Cannon 

Clive Cannon

A Colonel who works directly under the orders of Willow. Despite being of lower rank, he has more actual power than his superior and is the one making the most decisions when it comes to politics in Yamato. Unlike most of his allies, he's more pragmatic about Yamatoans and has a certain amount of respect for them.

  • Achievements in Ignorance: In Nemesis he actually manages to effectively kill Ginseigo by pure chance. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when he dropped the nuke, not being powerful enough to contain its explosive might.
  • A Father to His Men: He very much cares for his men and is horrified when Wolf suggests dropping the Forged Bomb while there are still some of them left on the battlefield, even though many of them have already been lost thanks to Ginseigo's song.
  • Affably Evil: He's usually very polite with everyone, even towards his enemies as seen in Nemesis.
  • Anti-Villain: His main goal is to give America its independence from the British Empire, and unlike most characters of the setting, is set on playing the Long Game rather than invading Yamato.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: As a Colonel, he's under the commands of Willow, but acts as his main advisor and is usually the one who does the heavy lifting when it comes to local politics.
  • Meaningless Villain Victory: He succeeds in dropping the nuke on top of Fudaraku Fortress, however it fails in its intended purpose as thanks to an inside source, Shishiku knew what was coming and thus had his own forces and the young prince evacuated ahead of time while leaving the other generals to burn in the bombs hellfire.
  • MockGuffin: When Kageaki and Kanae reach his nuke, it is already ready to be dropped with what they found just being its containment chamber. However he plays along letting them think it is the real thing to buy time until they are above Fudaraku Fortress.
  • My Country Tis of Thee That I Sting: While being part of the occupying forces of GHQ, he also wants to make America independent again, seeing Yamato as a way to help his countrymen.
  • Nothing Personal: He's got nothing against the citizens of Yamato. Unlike many of his compatriots, he's not remotely racist, nor does he bear a grudge from the War. It's just that one of the steps in his plan for American independence involves blowing up the Yamato's seat of government and throwing society into turmoil. They're not "yellow apes" in his eyes, just pawns.
  • Nuke 'em: His plan for taking down the Rokuhara involved something called the Forged Bomb created by Wolf which is basically a black hole-inducing nuke.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Half of the things he does are usually done out of pragmatism, and also because he doesn't see any point in harming Yamatoans.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Zigzagged. On paper, His department, Data Management, is an Antarctica for "problematic" GHQ soldiers. In practice it really should be called Data Collection and Management. Quite a peculiar oversight. Oh, there's also Data Disposal.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: He and Kanae both turn out to have a similar sense of humor and they both crack wise about the job and superiors.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: The Wise Guy to George's Straight Man.
  • We Can Rule Together: He attempts to pull a variation of this on Kageaki by having him act as a native hero for the Yamatoan people under the name of the GHQ to legitimize their conquest in their eyes. Kageaki shoots it down as there are things about the plan that doesn't sit right with him.
  • You Are Too Late: As it turns out, when Kageaki and Kanae found the nuke, it was already ready to be dropped. What they thought was the nuke was actually just its containment chamber.
  • You're Insane!: When it becomes clear to him that Wolf cares little for what happens when the Forged Bomb is dropped to wake god he straight up calls him insane.

    Major George Gargett 

George Gargett

One of GHQ's field commanders, who also happens to have extremely prejudiced views towards Yamatoans.

  • A Father to His Men: In stark contrast to how he treats his Yamatoan subordinates, his actual countrymen he treats with the utmost respect and is left in blind anger when Ginseigo drives them all to lunacy, with the breaking point being when he is forced to kill one of his own men.
  • Bad Boss: Due to his clear racism towards Yamatoans, he is not one would want to work under with receiving constant insults being the mildest things he will do to you.
  • Bait the Dog: Chapter 4 opens with a beautifully-written letter from a man to his beloved wife in America, speaking about family matters and how he longs to see her. Then it talks about taming the savage barbarians where he's stationed, and the writer turns out, of course, to be Gargett, who's interrupted by his scheduled meeting with Sorimachi. As you might expect, Gargett is a racist jerk toward him.
  • BFS: His crux, Ascalon VII, takes this form when inactive. George wears it on his back when anticipating combat.
  • Deadly Euphemism: "Your data has been marked for disposal".
  • Didn't See That Coming: The trap he'd set for Muramasa and Kageaki had them dead to rights, too damaged to fight or flee. And then Ginseigo showed up.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He has a wife and son at home, whom he loves dearly and wishes he could return to every day. He's also a horrid racist taking part in a False Flag Operation.
  • False Flag Operation: GHQ's plan is to have Yamatoan tsuguri being seen committing atrocities so the people of Yamato will come to the GHQ pleading for help.
  • Historical Domain Character: His name and role as a film director in the Omake are based on an American military filmmaker called George Gercke, who was once in charge of postwar Japanese film censorship and briefly worked with Akira Kurosawa.
  • Irony: He used rumors of a "silver monster" to get the attention of Kageaki and lead him into a trap, where the giant silver tsurugi Aharabaki waited to destroy him and Muramasa. When all seemed lost, though, the real Ginseigo showed up. And George is the one who got destroyed.
  • Leave Him to Me!: In an unusual twist on the trope, he decides to go after Kegaki personally. Not out of any respect or anything, but rather cause he is so racist that doesn't want his men having to dirty themselves with Yamatoan blood.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Clearly quite racist towards Yamatoans. Kageaki even compares him to the whole Manifest Destiny kind of people.
  • Religious Bruiser: He fights for God and Country, and though we don't exactly get to see just how good he is, it's clear that he'd've given Kageaki and Muramasa a run for their money even if they weren't badly injured.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: The Straight Man to Clive's Wise Guy.
  • Tragic Villain: Yes, he's a nuclear-grade douche-canoe, but he's just another person whose life (and probably attitudes) the war irrevocably shaped. He goes insane from horror and grief after seeing terrors no one should experience, and ends up so kookypants he would never be able to return to his old life and family even if he had survived. Still no good? Well, he left behind a mourning wife and child, so feel sorry for them.
  • Villainous Breakdown: While he was protected from Ginseigo's Hate Plague inside his crux, he might as well have been without given the effect witnessing his men slaughtering each other had on his mind. He goes from a calm commander to a raving madman driven by pure hate.
  • You Are in Command Now: After killing the Rokuhara Scientist he promotes another one nearby to the former's role.
  • "You!" Exclamation: His men have gone insane and started shooting each other down and tearing each other apart! They even tried to shoot him when he attempted to restore order! And then he sees the shining silver tsurugi who caused it all and there's only one thing he can say.
  • You Have Failed Me: When the Rokuhara Scientist refuses to install new "batteries" into Arahabaki, he simply shoots him right then and there and then promotes another scientist present into his former role.

    Colonel Thomas Cobden 

Thomas Cobden

A Colonel who has close ties with the Rokuhara Shogunate, and whose influence allows him to circumvent GHQ's autority.

  • Cigar Chomper: Always seen with his cigar.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He's mentioned by Sorimachi Ichizo as the GHQ officer who allowed Nagasaka Ukyo to invade his own village for his own personal gain, using his connections to prevent his superiors from finding out. He's also suggested to be powerful enough to make Otori Kanae back down when she intervenes, and has also connections with the Prince Haruhiro himself.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: He gets reassigned away from Civil Affairs when his side business of selling favors comes to light. Shouldn't've been using the base telephone to make his deals.
  • Shot at Dawn: Is executed by firing squad for treason.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: The guy was very incautious when carrying out his attempts at sabotage thinking it would something easy to do making it very easy for Cannon to track him and put a stop to his attempts.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Not long after his proper introduction in Nemesis, he's quickly arrested by Clive as a rogue agent for Prince Haruhiro.

    Dr. Wolfram von Sievers 

Wolfram von Sievers

A professor from Germany who works closely with GHQ for an unknown goal.

  • Dirty Old Man: The man has an utter single-minded obsession with panties and their removal. In fact, it is to the point that most in the GHQ base have simply gotten used to it.
  • Laughably Evil: A strange old man obsessed with panties. Ha ha ha! Also a sincere Nazi. Ha ha-huh!?
  • Large Ham: He really likes to be both loud and bombastic in just about everything he does.
  • Mad Scientist: To him, drawing out god and dooming the world is for nothing more than to prove he could and to prove Adolf right.
  • Serious Business: Panties. To him, discussions of panties is as common as breathing and questions about them can be likened to the questions pondered by the greatest philosophers.
  • Taken for Granite: His final fate was to be turned into a statue made of metallic crystals as the God of the Earth, Konjin, awakens.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: He's a Nazi and Mad Scientist who also seems to have been a close associate of Hitler himself.

    Little Girl

A mute, mysterious girl living in the office of Wolfram von Sievers.

  • Emotionless Girl: She is so lacking in emotions that when Kageaki first spots her he starts thinking that she might be a statue.
  • Human Weapon: She is a Judea who has been specifically remade into the detonator for the Forged Bomb.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name given her purpose is an obvious play on Little Boy, the infamous nuke dropped over Hiroshima. Her Japanese name is Nayuta, with kanji reading "That Uranium Bomb".
  • Person of Mass Destruction: She is one half, the detonator, for the Forged Bomb.
  • The Power of Hate: She is the detonator for the Forged Bomb and powers all of this through a hatred that goes beyond anything comprehensible into what can best be described as a force of nature.
  • Pure Is Not Good: Her heart is empty but still has one component. Pure hatred. One so pure it is less of an emotion and more of an element of nature.
  • Slasher Smile: She only ever made one expression apart from her usual vacant stare. A manic grin of utter hate induced madness as she is about to detonate the Forged Bomb.
