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Special Fire Force Company 1


    Leonard Burns 

Captain Leonard Burns

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Phil Parsons (English), Sebastian Llapur (Latin American Spanish)

Captain of the illustrious and religious Company 1, Burns is a highly respected and powerful member of the Fire Force. He's also the one who saved Shinra's life 12 years ago.

  • Animal Motifs: He's linked to lions, being noble, majestic and powerful, but aloof and passive. In terms of power and reputation, he is top of the food chain.
  • Badass Arm-Fold: His normal stance outside of combat. He sometimes even does this in combat depending on how much he is overpowering his opposition.
  • Badass Preacher: He doesn't look the part nowadays, but much like his lieutenants, he's a full blown priest and was raised as one since childhood. He prefers religious gestures over military salutes and can dish out damage like nobody's business.
  • Battle Aura: He creates one strong enough that it can stop attacks and knock people away from him.
  • Beneath the Mask: Underneath his stoicism and conviction, Burns has his doubts over the very institution he dedicated his life to serving and his purpose in life. Getting him to act on them is another thing altogether.
  • Blatant Lies: He acts like he has no memory of saving Shinra, saying he's stopped hundreds of fires over the past 12 years and can't remember a specific one. Shinra knows he is lying through his teeth though. This is justified later on, however, as Burns is trying to keep Shinra as far away from the Fire Force and its conspiracy as much as he can, hiding what he knows about his family's death to try and scare him away.
  • Bring It: He opens his fights and sparing matches with this as an order. Given his power, Burns often turns this into a Pre Ass Kicking One Liner within a few seconds.
  • Broken Ace: He's the captain of the most respected unit in the Special Fire Force, a respected priest of the Church, and one of the most powerful officers around. He's also suffering from an extreme Crisis of Faith after finding out the church he serves worships a God of Evil and is behind spontaneous human combustion and planning to start an apocalypse. He is mentally torn between doing his duty as Servant of God and stopping the insane zealots.
  • Broken Pedestal: His faith in the church was destroyed when he encountered the Evangelist and learnt the entire faith was built on lies and manipulation. However, he is still willing to protect it because the Church isn't knowingly lying to people about its origins.
  • Climax Boss: Burns is the strongest enemy Shinra faces before his encounters with the White Clad kick into Darker and Edgier. His last and serious fight with Shinra also starts the moment where Company 8 would directly act in opposition to the White Clad, gain their status as renegades to the uncovered as corrupt Church of the Holy Sol, and mark the reveal of the White Clad's most powerful fighters in their final stages to start the Second Great Cataclysm.
  • Coat Cape: Wear his Bunker Gear jacket over his shoulders. No matter what happens, it just billows in the wind. He dresses like this casually as well, sometimes combining this with Coat Over the Shoulder.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's 50 and Tamaki certainly thinks he's cool. He's also one of the most powerful character in the series. He's also well aware that Karim is secretly helping Company 8. Because Burns can't offer support directly because of bureaucracy in the church, he lets it slide. He also sent Tamaki to Company 8 as "punishment" to give them some additional manpower.
  • Death Glare: He's really good at these. It's not that hard when your glare emits fire.
  • Everyone Has Standards: When Joker and Benimaru infiltrate the Holy Sol Temple to find truth to a potential conspiracy and Joker brutally kills the Holy Sol Shadow's captain, Burns goes out of his way to give the pair a pardon for the crimes seeing as they didn't actually do all that much damage or go on a murder spree. Considering said captain was a sociopathic sadist that is strongly implied to have raped a young Joker, and even murdered innocents just to spite him for leaving, it's entirely likely Burns was silently glad they did it.
  • Extremity Extremist: His fighting style is all based around punches, grabs and anything to do with his hands while standing firmly in place.
  • Eye Scream: Something happened to his eye and the results really isn't pretty. He looked into the light of Hell and his right eye was horrifically burned.
  • Eyepatch After Time Skip: Burns is shown without an eye patch during Shinra's past, implying he lost his eye during the past 12 years. It's eventually revealed he lost his eye much earlier. Burns took off his eye patch when the fire inside his eye socket began burning out of control.
  • Eyepatch of Power: He covers his right eye with one. It appears to be fireproof, as the socket it is hiding emits fire whenever he uses his power without destroying it.
  • Fatal Flaw: Stubbornness and pride. He is unable to make compromises, accept the help of others, or be swayed from his path of action once he's made a decision. This ends up making most of his efforts to defeat the Evangelist ineffective as she has her minions use his apparent betrayal and murder to defame the heroes he was trying to galvanize against him. The heroes do eventually pull out of it and unite, but Burns' refusal to tell anyone his real plan made it much more difficult than it needed to be.
  • Foil: Played with. Burns and Joker reflect each other in many ways and it seems Burns is the good one. They both have eye patches covering different eyes and knowledge of the fire 12 years ago. The thing is that Burns is much colder and hides the truth from everyone. Joker is willing to give Shinra information to serve his own ends and is very friendly towards him from the beginning. Although it's hard to tell which one of them is "good" given their circumstances and the series approach to design and character.
  • Face–Heel Turn: When the White Clad takes full control of the church, Burns' broken faith leads him to willing follow orders of the White Clad. This is subverted later on when it's revealed that he was faking so as to pull a Zero-Approval Gambit and unite the rest of the good natured Fire Force against the Evangelist.
  • The Fettered: It's near impossible to persuade Burns from his beliefs and he will act accordingly in spite of his rank or superiors. Deconstructed in that his adherence to upholding the authority of the Church despite his own misgivings forces him to fight the very people he wants to help.
  • Hot-Blooded: Surprisingly. Once Burns decides on a course of action, he doesn't turn back. On one occasion, his desire to fight causes him to briefly forget his actual plan.
  • In a Single Bound: He can use his ignition ability to high jump into the air and land safely. But it's not flight, so he can't change direction in mid-air.
  • Kick the Dog: He orders the white hood under his command to turn Obi into an Infernal while Shinra watches.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Burns often ends a fight once he's proven his point or gotten the information he needs. This is Played for Laughs, when he stares down Joker, having seemingly forgotten that Benimaru, is on the other side and willing to fight as well. Burns then remembers he is meant to be helping Joker and Beni in the first place. Burns turns around and decides that talking might be the best solution.
  • Lying to Protect Your Feelings: He really doesn't what to tell Shinra the truth around his family's murder for this reason. This understandably does not sit well with Shinra.
  • Magic Enhancement: Part of his mysterious firepower is that it enhances his normal strength and resistance.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Burns has his issues with his superiors but having spent 50 years in total devotion to his beliefs and protecting the Theocratic Tokyo Empire makes him about as loyal to the government. Sort of a problem when The Evangelist exists and is evil to the core. This leads to Burns serving the Evangelist and fighting to protect the Empire while secretly hoping that someone would be able to defeat him and destroy everything he holds dear because he knows it's all wrong but he can't change his ways. This is subverted later on. He knows the Evangelist is evil but believes the Church isn't, since the Church is still ultimately doing good, its just the system behind it is corrupt. So he created a Zero-Approval Gambit in the hopes it would lead others to tear the old system down and create a new and better one.
  • Not So Above It All: He partakes in the Fire Force's male modeling photo shoot.
  • Not So Stoic: Burns is a little softer and fierier than he lets on.
  • Personality Powers: Burns' power is a direct parallel to his personality. He compresses his fire inside his body and creates an unapproachable aura of heat. Burns also hides all of his passion and most of his emotions to create a stoic and unapproachable persona.
  • The Stoic: He's probably the most unflinchingly confident and calm person in the Fire Force.
  • The Stool Pigeon: Of a sort. He gives Joker information hidden by the Church, putting him in the Whistleblower role.
  • Symbolic Mutilation: The loss of his eye caries certain weight based on his circumstances. Seeing the truth behind the world and how his religion was false cost him an eye and destroyed his faith.
  • Tautological Templar: At least Shinra thinks he is. Burns has a habit of refusing to compromise his ideals or discuss his actions with anyone because he's convinced it's for the best. He allowed two brothers to suffer for 12 years because he genuinely believed that secrecy would spare them suffering. So despite respecting Burns, Shinra hates his stubbornness.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: It's not a stable partnership, but Burns and Joker have known each other for years and can work together.
  • Uncertain Doom: After losing his fight with Shinra, he's attacked by his Demon Double and forced to hold him back while Shinra and Joker escape. The two soon disappear into a portal, with the Empire declaring him dead and calling Shinra his killer. While a coffin was prepared for him, it remains empty and his body is noted to be missing, leaving his actual fate currently unknown. As it turns out, he fused with his Doppelganger but still retained his consciousness when he destroys Joker's Doppelganger.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • Benimaru thinks so. He's also the only person Joker takes completely seriously.
    • Shinra's willingness to do anything to protect his loved ones and refusal to bend to the system causes Burns to see him the way. Believing that the boy's idealism is something to be welcomed through open arms (and a brutal beating).
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: His decision to ally with the Evangelist was solely in the hopes that those truly good natured amidst the Fire Force would ally with each other, turning himself into a martyr to destroy the system he claimed to support even if it meant going against the Empire itself.

The Lieutenants

Burns' direct subordinates and the Lieutenants of Company 1: Karim Flam, Rekka Hoshimiya, and Huo Yan Li. When investigating The Conspiracy, Company 8 realize that one of three is deliberately creating Infernals for a mysterious purpose and investigate. Onyango returns to Company 1 after the investigation closes to support his old friend.
  • Ambiguous Situation: When the killer is revealed, Shinra speculates that they were responsible for burning down the nunnery Iris and Hibana grew up in. It's never been confirmed but it is still a possibility.
  • Badass Preacher: Every single one of them is a priest of the Sol Temple. Seems to be a requirement in Company 1.
  • Bash Brothers: Foien and Rekka can fight back to back perfectly.
  • Balance, Speed, Strength Trio: Karim, Rekka, and Foien form an effective working relationship.
  • Color-Coded Characters: They each have a different primary color for a hair color in the anime.
  • It Has Only Just Begun: The Killer and their actions kickstart the major plotline of the entire series. And their psychological influence over their victims is a major point of the Sixth Pillar arc.
  • Light Is Good: Downplayed. They all wear white robes, but one of them is a serial killer who mainly targets children; the rest of them are pretty cool.
  • Walking Spoiler: Which one of them is the killer redefines a lot of their relationship and radically changes their role within the story.

    Karim Flam 

Karim Flam

Voiced by: Kazuyuki Okitsu (Japanese), Ricco Fajardo (English),

One of the Company 1 Lieutenants. He is serious and takes Shinra under his wing. Using a horn-like weapon, he is able to turn heat into cold.

  • Department of Redundancy Department: Karim is almost incapable of being concise. He talks in circles over and over, often using the same words. For instance, he says this when first meeting Shinra and Arthur:
    Karim: You pieces of crap are such pieces of crap I bet even your crap is crap.
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: Subverted. Karim is always wearing headphones, but is friends with the others and is quite sociable.
  • An Ice Person: Karim can manipulate temperatures and turn heat into cold, creating ice in the process. He is very insistent that this isn't an ice ability. It's just an application of his second-gen flame control. This becomes useful in immobilizing Rekka, as his powers are fueled by heat and Rekka attempting to thaw the ice just gets him covered in ice.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Uses a saxophone and bell to manipulate fire and air.
  • Irony: Karim always has his ally's back and can protect them from surprise attacks. He sneaks up on Rekka and freezes him solid.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his judgemental attitude, Karin does corporate well with the rest of Company 4 and fully believes in the group's motto: Never leave a man behind and protect the survivors. He was even willing to protect Shinra from the White Hoods, despite his reluctance, simply because of this motto and his friend Ogun insisting on it.
  • Nightmare Face: Sports a pretty bizarre one when confronted by Shinra and Arthur.
  • Red Herring: Shinra and the audience think he's the killer after the next incident happened minutes after he told the boys to stay put. He's not, but Karim admits they were on the right track since Rekka has the same uniform.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the Blue to Rekka's Red and acted as his cool-headed counterpart to reign in his crazy behavior.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Why he turned on Rekka and froze him — he was disgusted with Rekka's crimes despite the latter being a fellow Lieutenant, and acted accordingly.
  • The Stoic: He is almost completely in control of his feelings.
  • Tattoo as Character Type: He actually has a large tattoo on his right shoulder and upper arm but the significance of this marking is not immediately apparent.

    Rekka Hoshimiya 

Rekka Hoshimiya

Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (Japanese), Kellen Goff (English)

The extremely upbeat Lieutenant of Company 1 who helped train Tamaki.

  • Arc Villain: Eventually revealed to be the one causing the sudden cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion in the VS. Special Fire Force Company 1 arc, with the arc ending in a climatic battle of him against Shinra.
  • Ax-Crazy: He's a mentally deranged man with a psychotic streak due to his Knight Templar ways.
  • Back from the Dead: By end of the series, Rekka makes a return when Shirna brings everybody back to life, friend and foe alike.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He's introduced as the standard Hot-Blooded officer amidst Company 1. He's really an insane Knight Templar working with the Knights of the Ashen Flame, as well as the one responsible for turning many people into Infernals and kidnapping children to serve as possible vessels for the Pilot Light.
  • Catchphrase: Really loves saying "My stars!" as loud as he can.
  • Determinator: Rekka just won't stay down. No matter how outgunned he is, he'll always fight.
  • Easily Forgiven: Despite the grief he caused others and his passionate madness, his past actions are swept under the rug in the finale; he joins his old company again as if nothing has happened.
  • Elemental Punch: Using his Third Gen powers, Rekka combines his powers with karate for devastating physical attacks with increased range.
  • Evil Counterpart: One to Shinra, as well as a foil. Shinra and Rekka are both powerful fire users, except Shinra is a Dance Battler who channels his fire through his feet, while Rekka relies on punches and stays in one place. Both are Hot-Blooded men with unique quirks, except Shinra has a scary sharp-toothed grin and a tendency to laugh in stress, while Rekka has stars in his eyes and acts like a Stock Shōnen Hero, down to having his own Catchphrase. And finally, both are undeniably passionate in their beliefs and goals... except Rekka is everything that Shinra could've been if he was raised in a toxic environment by servants of a fanatical cult. The result is a dangerously psychotic sociopath who believes so completely in his cause that he's willing to experiment on innocent people to bring about the Great Cataclysm. While Shinra does remake the world as Rekka intended to, it's for the purpose of saving everyone from the Evangelist and giving them hope — leading to the birth of Soul Eater.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's cheerful, bombastic, encouraging, chummy with others, and enthusiastic through and through, and, disturbing enough, this demeanor stays even when's out to cause The End of the World as We Know It and essentially kill innocent people with his bare hands. He's essentially the product of a shonen protagonist being raised to be a psychotic lunatic.
  • Fiery Redhead: Has dark red hair and is a very hammy individual with a very Hot-Blooded and passionate personality. This even remains after he's revealed to being evil, which arguably makes him even scarier.
  • Foil: Shinra and Rekka have a lot in common as people with boundless hope and a desire to save people, always smiling. The former is seen as a demon despite being very heroic and focuses on kicks, while the later focuses on punches, looks like a priest, and gleefully would kill children and his own subordinate for his own ends.
  • He Knows Too Much: He's killed by Arrow after he's captured so that he can't reveal anything.
  • Hot-Blooded: Rekka tries to be professional, but he's really excitable. This is deconstructed when it's revealed he's the killer. His excitable nature serves to highlight how unstable he is as well.
  • Hunk: None of them look bad, but Rekka is considered the most handsome man in Company 1 by the public and is in the front of the male firefighter calendar.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Rekka entering the story is when things get darker. He's the first truly evil human antagonist compared to Hibana or Joker, he's the first real link to the true corruption in the Fire Force, and with his death comes the Knights of the Ashen Flames.
  • Knight Templar: He's extremely dogmatic in his beliefs, and is willing to kill innocent people by turning them into Infernals so long as he can locate a suitable host for the Pilot Light. The entire time he'll continue to see what he's doing as justice, and won't hesitate to even manipulate Tamaki into being The Fall Guy so long as he can do so.
  • Large Ham: He's incredibly bombastic and fond of giving some grandiose speeches fitting of the shounen genre. Also a case of Evil Is Hammy.
  • Logical Weakness: He is an amazing martial artist and that makes him unbeatable in a fistfight. But karate is reliant on stable footing so changing the landscape can limit his ability. And if you can shut down his fire then his attack strength drops.
  • Pure Is Not Good: A dark example. He's endlessly naïve and has complete simple-minded faith in the righteousness of his cause to start the next Great Cataclysm. He's so devoted to his goal, even when he came back as a Doppelganger in Chapter 256, the Doppelganger was an exact duplicate instead of an Evil Counterpart or Good Counterpart like the norm, meaning he was completely devoted to his ideals and personality in life and death.
  • Red Is Heroic: Has red hair and is a life-saving priest who leads the front line to victory. Eventually subverted when it's revealed he's the exact opposite.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Is the hardheaded passionate guy with Flam being the cooler levelheaded one. Bonus points because of their contrasting colors.
  • Say It with Hearts: Some of his lines have a star inside them to highlight his cheerful attitude.
  • Shout-Out: He has the same star-shaped pupils as the Star Clan from Soul Eater, the mangaka's previous work.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: While he's killed in the same arc he debuts, his actions end revealing the existence of the White Clad to the world and motivate Company 8 to go after them, thus setting the foundations for the eventual meeting of Shinra and Sho in the present time. Even after that, he ends having influence later in the manga during the Haijima arc where he left Nataku (now the Sixth Pillar) very traumatized after he forced the kid to awake his powers with the Infernal Bugs, with Nataku viewing an hallucination of Rekka constantly motivating and cheering him to improve himself, thing that ends making him incredibly unstable (along with some "help" from Haumea) towards the end of the arc. Even after Kurono saves the day, it's revealed Rekka's influence is not totally gone, making Nataku still a potential threat for the world.
  • The Sociopath: Rekka is a textbook case of sociopathy. He's able to act nice and helpful in public, but in reality he sees other people as mere tools to accomplish his goals.
  • The Unfettered: He will stop at nothing to bring about the Great Cataclysm, even weaponizing children and turning them into Infernals.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He responds to Tamaki's defiance by beating her up and berating her for failing to be the perfect fall-guy as he intended her to. Then his sanity takes a nosedive after Shinra shows up to save Tamaki and retaliate in kind, becoming a screaming, psychotically deranged man who plans to burn down the entire building just to kill his enemies (himself included), all while ranting about the White Clad's grand ambitions and how the world's children will be indoctrinated by them. When Karim shows up and freezes him in a sneak attack, he screams as he suicidally tries to melt the ice, not knowing or caring that Karim's ice is fueled by heat.
  • Walking Spoiler: A given considering he's the killer in Company 1, as well as an ally of the Knights of the Ashen Flame.
  • Wingding Eyes: Stars in this case. And they're permanent.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He gives Tamaki a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown right after turning an innocent woman into an Infernal.
  • Would Hurt a Child: By the time he's found out, he's guilty of having turned several kids into Infernals in his quest to find a vessel for the Pilot Light.

    Huo Yan Li 

Huo Yan Li

Voiced by: Satoshi Hino (Japanese), Josh Bangle (English)

The third of the three lieutenants under Burns in Company 1.

  • An Arm and a Leg: He loses his arm when attacked by the cult. He doesn't let it keep him down through.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: He can take Infernals down with his bare hands.
  • Brick Joke: When The Bus Came Back, Shinra greets him with a salute but corrects himself to not cause offense.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He avoids getting involved in a training exercise with other Companies because he dislikes fights.
  • Crisis of Faith: Subverted. He refuses to give up in his religion, even if the foundation of it is corrupt because he believes that people need to have faith in things. And if he can't believe in a higher power, he chooses to believe in his comrades.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Foien has this going on. It makes him seem deceitful.
  • Flat Character: Li begins as the least developed member of the initial trio when they are introduced. He gets brief asides to show off more of his character before getting a serious heart to heart with Shinra.
  • Good Shepherd: This is a role he plays for Shinra when he is having doubts. Making him one of the few priests in this series to do this.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Almost always smiling unless things go wrong.
  • Serious Business: He takes offense to the other Fire Force officers visiting cathedrals in military uniform.
  • Taking the Bullet: He loses his arm saving Karim from Arrow.



Voiced by: Katsuhisa Houki (Japanese), Rick Keeling (English), Esteban Desco (Latin American Spanish)

A former member of the Company that was brought back from retirement when the Company one was in need of more lieutenants

  • 10-Minute Retirement: Onyango was retired, but certain events force him back into active service partway through the story.
  • The Confidant: Onyango is this to Burns, as they have known each other for over a decade and understand each other.
  • Cool Old Guy: Onyango might be old, but everyone respects him. He's willing to try to get back in shape to better support his Company.
  • Secret-Keeper: Onyango was with Burns 12 years ago, meaning he knows that Burns is hiding something from Shinra and won't push him into talking about it.

Company 2

    Gustav Honda 

Captain Gustav Honda

Voiced by: Takaya Hashi (Japanese), Brian Mathis (English), Humberto VĂ©lez (Latin American Spanish)

Captain of the military focused Company 2. Captain Honda is a loud, direct and very loyal agent of the Tokyo Empire. He uses his Third Generation Flames to grant himself the power to blast things away and open with his forehead.

  • Beleaguered Bureaucrat: He seems genuinely furious that he couldn't send more men to help Company 8 during the Fifth Pillar crisis because it was an informal request.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Like Burns, he rushes in to save his subordinate when the rookie tournament falls apart.
  • Captain Oblivious: Of a sort. He and Company 2 seem obvious to the conspiracies, counter-conspiracies, and corruption happening around them. Once he gets involved though, he is more than willing to use his military connections (and hapless followers) if it means speeding up the investigation into the Infernal matter by arranging a military ship for a joint operation.
  • Father to His Men: He uses a Tough Love approach to mentorship. As annoying as he finds Juggernaut's panicked antics, Gustav protects him and always pushes him to improve.
  • Hard Head: His scalp is so strong he can head-butt Infernals to death. A common guessing game in Company 2 is whether or not he lost his hair before gaining his powers or if it was a side-effect of his power. Either way, he makes it work.
  • Nice Guy: Despite being fanatically loyal to the empire and the military, Gustav seems to have avoided getting involved with basically every conspiracy in the series and just does his job.
  • No Indoor Voice: He yells all of his lines, regardless of context.
  • One-Hit Kill: He can crush a man's rib cage by head-butting him.
  • Use Your Head: He can kill an Infernal with his skull and uses headbutts to attack enemies of all sorts.



Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (Japanese), Billy Kametz (English)

Juggernaut's senior and the platoon chief of Company 2 and participated in the raid on the Nether.

His skill allows him to see and locate anyone's heat signature within a building.

  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Since the scene of the Giant Infernals in Chapter 31 (where he debuts) was cut in the anime, he doesn't appears in the first season.
  • Badass Normal: He won the unpowered Rookie Games five years pre-series due to his incredible non-special fire soldier skills. Except he's not really unpowered. He sincerely forgot that he has a power when he entered the competition (and apparently every one else did too).
  • Back from the Dead: He's one of the many characters brought back to life in the finale.
  • Body Horror: He's brought back to life with his old injury; if he moves around hard enough, the top half of his head is jolted off his body, with his tongue and lower teeth exposed. Somehow, he can still talk...
  • Fights Like a Normal: Since his Ignition Ability is support based, he fights carrying fire weapons, though he manages use them in a very impressive way.
  • Forgetful Jones: He constantly forgets important things, like Maki's Lucky Leecher ablitiy... Or that his own power is a power. Or that he ran into Orochi and she killed him when he's brought back.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: He's very skilled with the machine guns he carries, being able to shoot it in many different, over-the-top ways and (thanks to his ability to detect thermal activity with his eyes) always aiming for his target, while also being skillful enough to not hit his allies.
  • Official Couple: Hooks up with his killer no less! Though it looks like he and Orochi are going to be happy together.
  • Off with His Head!: Orochi cuts the upper half of his head, instantly killing him and leaving the lower half intact. This injury hasn't healed when he's brought back to life.
  • Pair the Spares: In the closing chapters of the manga where everyone is hooking up left and right, he hooks up with Orochi of all people.
  • Sacrificial Lion: He is killed right after establishing his strength. After destroying an entire army of Infernals by himself, he is killed off in one hit by Orochi. He's brought back later.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He only has a single chapter of spotlight where some of his feats are revealed before being unceremoniously assassinated by Orochi.
  • The Worf Effect: After showing how skillful and awesome he is killing the zombie Infernals who attacked his squad, he's decapitated in one hit by Orochi to show how strong are the Knights of the Purple Smoke.
  • The Unfettered: Treats his own death as an afterthought and agrees to go out with Orochi, the one who killed him in the first place.


Takeru Noto / Juggernaut

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Cris George (English), Jesus Gonzalez Guadarrama (Latin American Spanish)

A new recruit to Company 2. Despite being massive and having an extremely dangerous ability to create explosives, Noto is a meek person with a crippling fear of fire and major nerve issues.

  • An Arm and a Leg: While he successfully blows Orochi up, he loses his right arm and his left leg in the fight.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Noto is a gentle sweatheart of a guy, and given the proper motivation, he becomes a dangerous force.
  • Blowing Stuff Up: Noto's flames take the form of missiles and bombs instead of pure fire. In terms of raw explosive power, he's impressive to every level of the Fire Force upper brass. It's his self-esteem that causes them some headaches.
  • Cowardly Lion: He's usually terrified by default, but can step up prove himself as a real Fire Soldier when things get serious enough.
  • Dressed in Layers: He wears what must be dozens of Fire Force uniforms on top of each other. This means that if you stab him, you might not hit his real body. He quickly replaces what is caught off or shredded (somehow) so it looks as though he is regenerating instead of simply replacing clothes. Shinra lampshades this by mentioning it makes him near immortal.
  • Farm Boy: He was actually a potato farmer from China before becoming a Fire Soldier. As such, he has a deep knowledge of potato crops.
  • Gentle Giant: He's huge, but would much rather be back growing potatoes than fighting fire monsters and deranged cultists.
  • Happily Ever After: In the penultimate chapter, Juggernaut finally gets to go on his date with Tamaki and it looks like its going really well, with prospects that they will become a couple being rather high.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Noto has a crippling fear of fire and wants to be far away from it. So he joined the Fire Force to be surrounded by people who can put out fires. Even though the Fire Force is made of people who create fire and also rush into burning buildings to fight monsters that can also create fire. And as a pyrokinetic, Noto is already immune to most burns anyway.
  • Ironic Nickname: Besides his sheer size, Juggernaught is very timid and is more likely to cower in terror than fight. The rare times he's motivated enough, he can show that the nickname isn't as ironic as it seems.
  • The Juggernaut: It's his nickname made to poke fun at his shyness and scale. But he lives up to it in his defensive ability (Shinra says he's basically immortal), and in his pure destructive power. So, yes, he is really difficult to stop once he gets moving:
    Orochi: I don't understand. Why can't I stop him?!
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Juggernaut is a shy boy, but when he decides to man up he is one of the most driven and dangerous fighters around. Most of the White Clad he fights end up dead.
  • Mighty Glacier: His speed and agility are practically nonexistent, but his sheer firepower and unusual defenses more than make up for it.
  • Momma's Boy: He is very close to his mother and wants to make her proud.
  • Not Drawn to Scale: Noto's body shifts size from "pretty tall" to "hulking monster" depending on his mood.
  • Punny Name: One that gets Lost in Translation. Juggernaut is not only in equals parts an Ironic Nickname (a joke on his panicky temperament) and a Meaningful Name (due to his skills and the "armor" his layers give him), it's also a pun on the Japanese word for potato (jagaimo + Noto), a spin on his family's attachment to potatoes.
  • Shrinking Violet: Massively shy and easily scared.
  • Unrequited Love: Juggernaut clearly has a thing for Tamaki. Though, it's clear it's mostly one-sided when she does a complete one eighty on giving Shinra her phone number when she finds out it's on Juggernaut's behalf. This is subverted after the battle with Assault's Doppelganger, as he works up the courage to ask her out on date after everything is finished, and she accepts.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: He's bigger than basically every other recruit and can create multiple fire missiles but his spirit is weak and easily rattled, not to mention he rarely fights to his full potential. Beyond his ridiculous number of layered uniforms, he shows no capacity for defense and has only rudimentary close combat ability.

Company 3

    Captain Giovanni 

Captain Giovanni

Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (Japanese), Marcus D. Stimac (English), René García (Latin American Spanish)

Captain of Company 3 and one of the Fire Force's most capable scientists. He's also a Second Gen pyrokinetic who uses his abilities and his technology to combat his foes.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Vulcan and Akitura. Having a long, complex history with the former and being everything the later hates.
  • Body Double: He used one to get out of the Fire Force calendar shoot. For added hilarity, the double was a muscular titan of a man while Giovanni looks more like a stick insect.
  • Crazy-Prepared: The man is not only three steps ahead when he's in a fight, give him enough time and he'll have the equipment to tackle any problem.
  • Deceptive Disciple: An ambiguous example to Vulcan's grandfather. Vulcan himself fully believes that Giovanni is evil but it's not clear if he was from the beginning or if this is a case of A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil.
  • Discard and Draw: Being a cyborg and a pyrokinetic wasn't working out for him. So Giovanni focused his efforts in the Fire Bugs and has become a fusion of man and a giant bug with natural abilities of insects as his new style of fighting.
  • Evil Genius: Undeniably. He builds a lot of technology and modifies his own body. He's also extremely evil.
  • For Science!: Or at least "For Knowledge". Giovanni seems to have accepted that some things can't be understood with science, but he endeavors to at least understand the more mystical state of things.
  • Foreshadowing: He says that other members of the Fire Force have made it "this far" when talking about his knowledge. After escaping from the Nether, Shinra finds out that Burns has a clear understanding of the White Clad situation and the Adolla. How Giovanni knows this is anyone's guess.
  • Hollywood Cyborg: Both of his hands are detachable. What he's done to the rest of his body is unclear and seemingly terrible.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Giovanni has clearly been constantly modifying his body with different results. Including having what might be a second face. Once he starts to become more like the insects, he's in full-on Worm That Walks territory. You probably don't want to look under that mask any time soon...
  • Kick the Dog:
    • Literally knocks over Vulcan's robot dog by jabbing it with his cane.
    • After giving up on subtlety, Giovanni basically follows up every evil act with something worse for the entire arc. Including a Shoot the Dog moment when he shoots Yu in the chest.
  • Lack of Empathy: On her darkest day, Hibana could at least care for some people in her life. Giovanni is marked by both his refusal to care for the problems of others and putting people in a terrible situation to aid his plans.
  • Lean and Mean: Giovanni's body is very strange, but he is near consistently shown to be extremely thin.
  • Made of Iron: Even when he's been smashed through a wall, Giovanni calmly assesses his current situation.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: He's a Deadly Doctor and all, but it's not clear what he is a doctor of. His skills seem to vary from engineering to biology.
  • More Dakka: For all his genius, Giovanni ultimately relies on as much heavy weaponry as he can carry when strategy fails him.
  • Nightmare Face: Despite wearing a plague doctor-like mask at all times, he's capable of some pretty horrifying ones. At one point, he peels back his coat to reveal an absolutely massive secondary head in the shape of his mask with a fanged maw. This is made scarier by the fact that it's not there the next time he pulls back his coat.
  • Not So Stoic: Most of the time his demeanor is very calm, but when he's frustrated, Giovanni is prone to extreme emotional outbursts.
  • Obviously Evil: Nobody is that shocked he's up to no good. Him being part of an evil cult was a shock though.
  • Oh, Crap!: Pretty much the only moment he's panicked was realizing just how strong Akitura is.
  • Plague Doctor: His motif on top of being a fire fighter.
  • Sadistic Choice: forces Vulcan to choose between killing his comrade or save the girl. Luckily, they saw this coming and managed to out-gambit him.
  • Static Stun Gun: Has a taser built into his wrist.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: He makes a habit of running away and fading into the darkness.

Company 4

    Sōichirō Hague 

Captain Sōichirō Hague

Voiced by: Chō (Japanese), Philip Weber (English), Eduardo Tejedo (Latin American Spanish)

Company 4's commanding officer, a former firefighter and current headmaster of the Fire Force academy. While he's getting on in years by now, he is still a force to be reckoned with due to his frankly ridiculous skill with fire fighting equipment.

  • Badass Normal: He either doesn't have powers or just doesn't use them. Given how strong he is, he really doesn't need to, he simply uses firefighting tools to duel with monsters. The fact he has lived into old age proves that he is no slouch.
  • Broken Pedestal: Company 4 respects him greatly, but his sudden interest in a borderline masochistic approach to battle seems to put a dent in that image.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: After Asakusa is ravaged by giant Infernal outbreak and received no help from the Fire Force, Hague and his men stroll in calmly a few hours after the crisis is over. It's obvious that either Company 4 or the Empire are taking advantage of the town's weakened state to pressure their people into becoming Company 7. But a lot of events happened in that time period. So it's possible that Hague and his men were dealing with the giant catastrophe that scared his face that night and that they simply couldn't spare the manpower.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: In a fight, he responds with religious ecstasy to being struck by flames to the point he has to constantly get heat resistance buffs from his lieutenant to not die from letting himself be hit so many times.
  • Cool Old Guy: He was the first firefighter to become a soldier in the Fire Force. Making him one of the oldest captains and he's probably the most athletic next to Obi despite his age. Driving out of second-story windows and landing with grace.
  • Dirty Old Man: His first meeting with Shinra drips with this even if it is unintentional.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: During his near-death training, Shinra unknowingly forges an Adolla Link with Hague. Through it, he witnesses Hague's murder and sees his soul being pulled screaming into a portal to Adolla.
  • Four Is Death: He is the first of the White-Clad's victims in their hunt for Fire Soldiers bearing Adolla Stigmas. The cultists murder him before he can properly fight back and crucify his corpse.
  • Heel Realization: After years of crushing regrets about the lives he couldn't save, Hague came to a religious awakening. He no longer feels weighed down by grief, but his beliefs on life and death clash with the Church.
  • The Heretic: Again, his beliefs clash with the church. He believes the Adolla Realm is the root of human belief in gods and devils. He keeps his beliefs to himself but is open to the idea of starting a cult.
  • Hidden Eyes: His glasses occasionally causes this effect, making him look untrustworthy.
  • Identical Grandson: Well, granddaughter. They wear identical glasses and have similar faces, which Shinra promptly notices.
  • Mouth of Sauron: He plays this role a couple of years ago for the Tokyo emperor by speaking on his behalf. At least, form Benimaru's perspective when Hague formally welcomes Asakusa's fire department to become Fire Force Company 7. While he does list all the benefits of joining the Empire's forces through creating Company 7 and The Empire itself isn't necessarily evil, the whole deal he represents reeks of An Offer You Can't Refuse to the weakened and anti-imperial Benimaru. Hague himself seems to realize this and basically excepts them to come around in a few days.
  • Multi-Melee Master: His use of firefighting equipment as weaponry is frankly remarkable.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Hague is an odd fellow but he is still a sensible leader who will weigh the odds quickly and carefully both acting.
  • Scars Are Forever: He has had a set of scars across his face from an encounter two years ago. It's implied that they were inflicted by Shinra's mother. This scar linked him to Adolla despite his lack of powers.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: He often has this going on, especially in his first major appearance.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Burning Hague brings him to spiritual ecstasy, so fighting against fire-powered threats is a pleasant experience for him.
  • Weak, but Skilled: He relies on his skill with firefighting tools in combat, instead of raw strength or fire powers.

    Pan Ko Paat 

Lieutenant Pan Ko Paat

Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (Japanese), Robert McCollum (English), Edson Matus (Latin American Spanish)

A commanding officer in Company 4 and an instructor at the Fire Force Academy. He was one of Shinra and Arthur's teachers back in the day. When he isn't running training exercises or playing with his whistle, Pan is leading operations for the Fire Force.

  • Character Tics: He often blows into his whistle. He sometimes either gives entire orders through these sounds alone or interrupts his own explanations.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: Pan originally had dark irises and light pupils. He later appears with light irises that match his pupils.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Shinra seems perfectly capable of understanding Pan when he's just blowing his whistle. Everyone else is just confused.
  • Shout-Out: He's named after a song by Prem Raja Mahat, a Nepali folk singer.
  • Status Buff: Using his (presumably Third Generation) ability, Pan can increase a person's resistance to flames. He can also use this power to somehow strengthen people's muscles and general toughness.
  • Support Party Member: Arthur even imagines him as a Bard. Pan doesn't get involved in direct combat, but he makes it easier for others to fight safely and ensures his captain is well armed.

    Ogun Montgomery 

Ogun Montgomery

Voiced by: Makoto Furukawa (Japanese), Zeno Robinson (English)

An officer from Company 4 and an old friend of both Shinra and Arthur. Ogun has an alarming amount of Third Gen abilities and other tools in his arsenal that allow anything from increased mobility to massive firepower. Friendly and responsible, Montgomery proves himself to be a valuable member of any team.

  • Always Someone Better: He was the top of the class above both Arthur and Shinra. Even in the current day, he is more mature, versatile and powerful than them as well.
  • Bash Brothers: He can work well with either Shinra or Arthur.
  • The Blacksmith: He makes weapons out of his flames. Ogun can use anything from knives to lances with incredible skill.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: "Flamy Ink". It massively boosts his strength by wrapping his body in the fire. It's rumored in-universe that in this state, he rivals Captain Burns in raw destructive power. The problem is that it risks turning him to charcoal very quickly.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Has spirals in his eyes.
  • Hover Board: He uses one fueled by his fire abilities extremely well.
  • Meaningful Name: He's named after a Yoruba spirit of metal work and names many of his attacks after the religion itself. Ogun creates weapons with his abilities.
  • Not So Above It All: He doesn't have Shinra's Dark and Troubled Past and Arthur's Cloudcuckoolander nature, but Ogun can still get involved in their wackiness if he gets excited enough.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: His powered up form lets him do this.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Creates basically any weapon he needs through his powers.
  • This Means Warpaint: Flamy Ink gives him white-hot markings across his entire body that look like warpaint.
  • Token Black Friend: He's a good friend of Shinra and Arthur's.

Company 5

    Princess Hibana 

Captain "Princess" Hibana

Voiced by: Lynn (Japanese), Colleen Clinkenbeard (English), Georgina Sanchez (Latin American Spanish)

The narcissistic and cruel captain of Company 5. She used her scientific genius to strong-arm her way to the top of the Fire Force. Hibana serves as the first real Arc Villain of the series and remains a constant figure in the series. Her fire control normally takes the form of flowers and she can overwhelm opponents in a storm of petals.

  • Ambiguously Brown: She has a darker skin tone than most of the cast; it seems to be her natural complexion, which highlights and adds to her beauty.
  • The Baroness: She's a very commanding lady with a love of causing pain and a position of authority. She's very much the Sexpot variant.
  • Character Tics: She refers to people as either worms or gravel.
  • Combat Hand Fan: She carries a fan which she uses to channel her fire powers.
  • Cool Big Sis: She used to be this to the younger sisters at the orphanage, dazzlingly them with her fire flowers in their favorite colors and encouraging Iris to overcome her shyness. Eventually, Iris stopped stops calling Hibana "sister" in the ecclesiastical sense and begins to call her "Nee-san".
  • Dark Action Girl: She's the first arc villain in the series and is quite nasty. Even after her Heel–Face Turn, she still carries this attitude.
  • Defeat by Modesty: When she first meets Shinra, she uses her powers to immobilize him, walks up to him, puts her boot right next to his face and orders him to lick it, but he, maybe on purpose, looks up her skirt, gets a full view of her underwear and starts grinning and even whistling, which embarasses her and makes her put one or two meters (about three to six ft) between him and her.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After Shinra trounces her, she becomes an ally to Company 8.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: After her defeat, she begins to act more like the good-natured older sister towards Iris and a few others. She doesn't lend the same courtesy towards others though.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Hibana crossed it after she and Iris' nunnery burned down and became twisted and mad for money and power, the only things that matter in the world.
  • Driven to Villainy: Her Dark and Troubled Past pushed her into becoming a cruel and ruthless woman obsessed with revenge.
  • Evil Is Hammy: She's extremely expressive in her boasts of mad science and in her distaste for the church. Once she softens up a little, she begins to rein it in a little.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: One of the most extreme examples in the series. She has blue eyes with pink flower-shaped pupils.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: She can make a good meal. This is justified as it is implied she raised Iris herself after leaving the church.
  • Flower Motifs: Her eyes have a flower shape in them and she likes shaping her flames into colorful flowers. Most of her attacks incorporate flowers in some way, and one even creates a massive sakura tree made of flame and embers.
  • Glass Cannon: Hibana's skill set is focused on ranged attacks and ensuring her foes can't hit her. If they do, she goes down real easy.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After realizing how much her sister looks up to her and finding a hero she can rely on, Hibana becomes a useful ally to Company 8.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite all her bluster, she does still attend church service and visits the grave of her sisters often. Sometimes cleaning it by herself.
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Fear and authority. Some of them enjoy this.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: She knows her limits and will accept defeat pretty gracefully when she realizes that it's her best option.
  • Lady of War: She's feminine, graceful, and deadly.
  • Long-Range Fighter: She has a move that causes most opponents to collapse without a fight, a fireball spam attack, a rain of scorching embers that makes an entire area hazardous (and makes it harder to reach her), and an attack that traps an opponent in a tornado of fire. Every single one of these moves aims to keep opponents as far away from her as possible. At close range, if her Heat Syncope fails, she has zero options and can be knocked out with a single punch.
  • Morality Pet: Even before her Heel–Face Turn, Obi noted that Iris would be an ace-in-the-hole in regards to dealing with her. Hibana's pout in response implies he was right. On a more humorous note, she really likes Shinra and tends to wholeheartedly support whatever he's up to.
  • Ms. Fanservice: One of the most blatant examples in the series. Pretty in Mink, showering with other girls, dominating and a flashy dresser.
  • Nun Too Holy: Originally raised as part of the church, but never really had any faith in anything. Once she dives into science and villainy, Hibana abandons all pretense but she is still technically part of the church.
  • Pet the Dog: She might not like Viktor but she warns him that he is in danger when Haijima realize they don't need him. Likewise, her crush on Shinra is genuine and she helps Company 8 out for his sake more than once.
  • Petal Power: Princess Hibana's flames are flower-shaped and she burns people by using petal-shaped flames.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: She has a slender frame and fights in high-heeled shoes, and it's not an unrealistic example of her kicking ass despite that, she legitimately doesn't need to actually put any effort in. Her entire combat style is standing in place and occasionally doing a light sidestep while her enemies die. The most physical effort she ever puts into a battle is waving her fan in the direction of an opponent to send a volley of fireballs at them. The least? She just glares at her foe, and they fall over.
  • Pretty in Mink: Her uniform has a fur-trim. Yes, she is surrounded by fire all the time.
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: While she stops opposing Company 8 after her Heel–Face Turn, she does not stop calling people weaker than her "gravel" nor does she lose her love for the pain of others.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: This happens a lot for Hibana. She thinks Giovanni is a danger to Shinra, and while she is correct, it's not because of his corporate loyalties. Her constant mistrust for Viktor isn't irrational, but she's completely wrong about who he actually works for.
  • Running Gag: She always insists she has a secondary motive when helping others. She never helps out on missions or brings lunch or stops by to chat just because she cares about Company 8.
  • Sadist: She enjoys inflicting pain. Even after becoming more heroic, she is quite indifferent to the pain she puts her allies through. It's Played for Laughs at that point.
  • Ship Tease: She has developed feelings for Shinra and doesn't mind being mistaken for his girlfriend. Shinra basically has no idea how to handle this.
  • Shout-Out: Her Blue Eyes with pink flower-shaped pupils are a direct reference to Nia's own eyes from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Only has eyes for Shinra. Every other male can either burn or serve her as a masochistic slave.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Shinra reignited her belief in ideal heroes by acting like one himself, and she may even think of him as "her hero", but says such a concept is too trite.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Her relationship with Ōbi eventually becomes this. She'll sometimes abuse her power to annoy him like having his desk moved down several flights of stairs while he's absent.
  • Squishy Wizard: Has lots of tricks to disable an enemy completely and utterly, but falls down like a sack of potatoes to a single punch from Shinra once he finally manages to break through all her tricks.
  • Starter Villain: She's the first major threat Company 8 have to combat and the first stepping stone in uncovering the mysteries behind Spontaneous Human Combustion.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: She eventually lands on this. She's sugar to Iris, Maki, and especially Shinra and ice to almost everyone else. Obi gets the worse of her ice, with Hibana constantly screwing with his personal belongings in an effort to get him to promote Shinra's standing in the company or just because.
  • Survivor Guilt: The root of her anger and her Start of Darkness. Hibana wasn't a devout believer or an obedient child. Yet she was spared while the rest of her sisters burned to death in front of her. Abandoning whatever faith she had, she paced all her focus on science and revenge.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: She hangs around Company 8 despite having a company of her own to run. Ōbi calls her out on this several times.
  • Throne Made of X: Her subordinates. They're still alive, just uncomfortable.
  • Underboobs: When in the shower with Iris and Maki, Hibana covers both of her breasts by putting an arm across them. Because they are so large, they still spill out above and below her arm, resulting in her showing both extremely deep cleavage and massive underboobs.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: She's willing to step aside and let Iris have Shinra by the end of the series, content with admiring Shinra from afar as the hero who saved the world. Iris doubts this, however, thinking that if given the chance, she would still pursue Shinra wholeheartedly.
  • Weak, but Skilled: All of her combat skill comes from her knowledge of thermodynamics and her long-ranged attacks. She has no actual training and is quite weak compared to other Captains.



Voiced by: Ryou Sugisaki (Japanese), Barry Yandell (English)

An elderly scientist working under Princess Hibana in Company 5.
  • Evil Laugh: He has a sinister chuckle.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: He comes up to Hibana's hip at the most.
  • Mr. Exposition: He often just gives Hibana a status update on some reading or scan.
  • The Unfought: The guy's just a creepy old scientist at the end of the day. When trouble (named Arthur) blows his plan up, he seems to just give up.

    Tōru Kishiri 

Tōru Kishiri

Voiced by: Kengo Kawanishi (Japanese), Kyle Phillips (English), Luis Navarro (Latin American Spanish)

A fresh recruit to Company 5, Tōru has the Third Generation ability to manipulate a flammable gas within his bubblegum that explodes when popped.

  • Action Duo: When The Bus Came Back, Tōru makes a dangerous combination with Juggernaut by using their different explosive powers to cover each other.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Just because he has powers Tōru thinks he's better than everyone without them, even if they outrank him. The thing is that his power is one of the least impressive and practical in the entire series and other people have beat him in hand-to-hand fights quite easily.

Company 6

    Kayoko Huang 

Captain Kayoko Huang

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (Japanese), Brianna Roberts (English), Carola Vazquez (Latin American Spanish)

Director of Medicine and Captain of Company 6, Huang triples as a firefighting exorcist doctor. Company 6 is in charge of medical care for pyrokinetics among the Fire Force, meaning when she isn't cutting down Infernals Captain Huang is performing surgery. Often in the span of the same hour.

  • Anime Chinese Girl: Implied. Her surname is Chinese but she herself doesn't conform to this.
  • Badass Preacher: Company 6 is almost completely made of members of the Holy Sol Temple because the empire's laws state that only the Church can perform medicine. Kayoko herself views the Adolla Burst as sacred and is worried about the Sun God striking down Company 8 for their nonsense.
  • Combat Medic: Huang treats fighting Infernals like handling medical patients. Cutting them down with surgical tools and treating every single stage of the fight as calmly as humanly possible, and even refers to defeating them using surgical and medical terms. Outside of that, she also works as a normal doctor and is trusted with risky surgeries thanks to her powers and skill.
  • Heal It With Fire: Magic fire at least. She uses her fire to accelerate cell division to boost the self-healing process. If the patient is a Third Gen than her ability is even more effective.
  • Lady in a Power Suit: She arrives at the Captain meeting wearing a suit and tie like most of her male peers (naturally Benimaru showed up in a kimono).
  • Super Doc: She has superpowers she uses to be a surgeon when she isn't fighting in the street. Huang also manages to perfectly predict when a comatose patient is going to wake up.

    Asako Hague 

Lieutenant Asako Hague

Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese), Sarah Wiedenheft (English)

A Lieutenant in Company 6 and nurse. Asako is also the granddaughter of Company 4's captain.

  • Catchphrase: "Shock!" whenever anything takes her by surprise.
  • Identical Grandson: She and her grandfather have the same eyebrows and wear extremely similar glasses.
  • The Medic: Arthur imagines her as one during an Imagine Spot. She is also an actual nurse.

Special Fire Force Company 7

    Benimaru Shinmon 

Captain Benimaru Shinmon

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (Japanese), Aaron Roberts (English), Arturo Cataño (Latin American Spanish)

Quite possibly the strongest person in the entire Fire Force, Shinmon is one of the least reliable members of the organization due to his distaste for the Empire and its methods. These opinions are common with Company 7 and their hometown of Asakusa. He exists as an oddity within the cast as a Composite Fire Soldier, someone who has Second Generation flame control and Third Generation fire creation.

  • The Ace: The only character in the series shown to have composite powers - with 2nd Generation Flame Control and 3rd Generation Flame Creation. He defeated all of Company 8 on his own, took down a squad of hitmen single-handedly and even killed a Demon Infernal without taking any damage. For reference, it took several Company squads full of Fire Soldiers working together to kill another demon. Benimaru is widely accepted as the strongest member of the Fire Force, possibly the strongest person, in the entire series.
  • Achilles in His Tent: Benimaru is the strongest person in the Fire Force but refuses to get involved with the Empire's affairs because he opposes the government. It takes an oath of brotherhood between him and the Captain of Company 8 for him to begin helping the investigation.
  • Affectionate Nickname: He's called either "Waka" ("Young Master") or "Beni" by his townsfolk.
  • Aloof Ally: He's officially listed as a servant of the Empire, but unless the situation directly impacts Asakusa or the few outsiders he respects, he couldn't care less and won't lift a finger to help.
  • Anti-Hero: Benimaru is short-tempered, would rather work alone or solely with his brigade, and can be somewhat disrespectful to many of his seniors. He also doesn't concern himself with any part of Tokyo other than Asakusa, not caring about the rules that the emperor has created, and proudly acts on his own agenda along with his brigade.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: He is the captain of Company 7 because he is the strongest in town (and possibly the empire as a whole). Although he'd prefer Konro was in charge.
  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Benimaru wanted to stay out of the Empire's affairs and conflicts. He didn't even want to be Captain. But when trouble comes to his town, nothing can stand in his way.
  • Badass Teacher: Having recruits fight Benimaru over and over again until they learn how to take a beating and how to fight back is a viable training method.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: He's much shorter than Konro and his commanding officer. Unlike most examples of this, Benimaru is extremely uncomfortable with this. He thinks Konro is much more intelligent than he is and should be in charge, but Konro's injuries prevent this.
  • Blood Knight: An interesting example because Benimaru loves violence and brawling but avoids killing. He explicitly tells some of his more determinate foes that he just wants a good time and not a death match.
  • Comically Serious: He's so grumpy that his interactions with the locals of Asakusa come across as this.
  • Destructive Saviour: He'll protect his hometown and its people, but he tends to cause massive damage while doing so. It's stated to be a ritual to send Infernals off. The people actually adore him for this. It helps that he assists with the rebuilding of the destroyed building and gives them a place to stay for the time being.
  • Detect Evil: Beni teaches others to sense when an attack or movement carries Killing Intent as part of situational awareness training. He also personally dislikes the Amaterasu because he can feel that something is wrong with it.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: His right eye has a white circle inside it and his left eye has a white cross marking.
  • Godzilla Threshold:
    • When fighting the demon in Akasuka, Benimaru rams it into the sky before resorting to using the technique that almost killed Konro two years ago. However, Benimaru was less worn out than Konro was at the time so it just overheats him temporarily.
    • Benimaru himself is the Godzilla Threshold called in when situations get real bad. The problem is that he sometimes doesn't answer the phone when other Companies call him for help. Joker makes certain to visit Benimaru in-person to ask his help when he goes after the Church's hidden scriptures. Joker could have been killed if Benimaru wasn't convinced but the risk was worth it. This is subverted when Captain Burns appears - on the one hand, Joker and Beni acknowledge Burns as the biggest obstacle they have to overcome, suggesting that Benimaru is so strong that nobody else would have stood a chance. On the other hand, Burns ultimately decides to aid them instead of confronting them.
  • Heroic Neutral: He'll aid Company 8 if things get dire enough, but mostly doesn't care and will ignore their requests for aid if a situation doesn't threaten Asakusa. That’s an improvement over his association with the rest of the Empire which is mutually antagonistic at best.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Nobody understands how Benimaru is so strong or how he won the Superpower Lottery as well as he did. And nobody in Asakusa cares. They most they offer is that he is a child blessed by the gods, but even then they say he's powerful because he's Benimaru.
  • Insane Troll Logic: When furious, he can use some of this to justify his actions:
    Akitaru: "Wait, please!! We're not here to fight you!!"
    Benimaru: "Then beat me and prove it!! In this town, might makes right!! If you don't want to fight me, then fight me and prove it!!"
  • It Amused Me: He tends to be impulsive in his decision making and rarely considers the consequences as he's usually powerful enough to not need to worry. He lays siege to one of the most important places in the empire because he was mildly interested in what was happening there. He didn't seem to realize that this might cause Company 7 a lot of trouble until he'd already kicked down the door.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Benimaru is rude and lazy but he really does care about his crew and the civilians around him, even if he blows up their buildings every time an Infernal appears.
  • Last-Name Basis: He prefers to be called "Shinmon Benimaru" by the people he doesn't like, which is basically everyone loyal to the Tokyo Empire. It's part of his traditionalist lifestyle.
  • The Leader: A mix of levelheaded and charismatic, albeit very reluctantly. He eventually grows past it and embraces his position after he realizes that the people of Asakusa look up to him.
  • Might Makes Right: He is the ruler of his town because he is monstrously strong. However, Benimaru rarely spouts this belief. In fact, he feels that because his fighting ability is all he has, he is unfit to lead and would prefer the physically frail Konro to be in charge. He overcomes his doubts when he realizes the people look up to him for his charisma and embraces his position.
  • Mr. Fanservice: He's definitely good-looking and has an ostensibly muscular build, which gets shown off when he's in the hot spring. Special mention to him for also being the only man in the male nude calendar who gets a butt shot.
  • Name Order Confusion: As an adherent to old Japanese traditions ("proto-nationalist", in contrast to the current Tokyo Empire national identity), he insists on being addressed using the Japanese Name Order Conventions (family name first).
  • One-Man Army: He can fight Company 8 and other teams of warriors single handily. Just drawing blood from the guy is a huge milestone.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Beni spends a lot of time blasting houses apart with his incredible power. So when he deliberately takes a fight away from the Asakusa out of concern for the public's safety: his battle plan is going to be horrifically destructive.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: His "Moonlight Mask" disguise is simply his normal clothes with a mask covering his head. And his distinctive eye symbols on the face.
  • Perpetual Frowner: He normally has a grumpy frown on his face. The times that he does smile are both shocking and disturbing, which is why many people don't like him smiling.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Every time he fights, he rips buildings apart. It's the reason he's known as "Asakusa's King of Destruction".
  • Playing with Fire: It deserves a special mention because he can both manipulate fire and create his own. This is possible because Benimaru is (somehow) a cross between and Second and Third Generation ability user.
  • Red Baron: Benimaru is known as "Asakusa's King of Destruction".
  • Religion is Magic: He uses mudras as part of his pyrokinetics because they help him channel his body's life force. He teaches this to Shinra to focus the boy's devil's footsteps ability, and he did this at the suggestion of Viktor and Joker, which suggests that the mudra-chi-channeling are legitimately useful.
  • Solar and Lunar: He and Konro used to form a pair like this. Konro used moon themed attacks while his strongest moves are themed after the Sun. Beniamru actually has notable hangups around using his Sun Wheel ability as it was something he learnt from his foster father but didn't perfect it until after his death. When given a chance to show it off, Benimaru takes it a step further by combining Crimson Moon and Sun Wheel into one overwhelming attack, effectively declaring that he will rule before the day and night and surpass all others.
  • Street Urchin: He was adopted of the street when the pervious Fire Captain needed a successor.
  • Strong and Skilled: He has incredible firepower due to his combination of Second Generation and Third Generation abilities, as well as immense skill in martial arts due to his intense training.
  • Superior Successor: Benimaru is much stronger than his father ever was but more importantly he has better people skills. While Hibachi Shinmon was respected he was never loved by the people of Asukusa. While Benimaru has the reputation of a destroyer god, he's still able to connect with his people and ease their grief in times of crisis.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: He never had the chance to prove himself to his father when he was alive. While he's mostly past it, Benimaru still wishes he had some more closure.
  • When He Smiles: He has a rather adorable smile when he's drunk. Unfortunately, nobody likes it because of how odd it looks on his face.
  • World's Strongest Man: He can use both types of abilities to an expert level and has an amazing skill for martial arts. It's believed that characters like Burns and Kurono could rival him but he's still roundly accepted as the strongest. Though both Burns and Kurono like to act with restraint, Benimaru makes big displays of power all the time. He's also aware of his possible rivals and looks forward to fighting them if he gets the chance. The introduction of Dragon throws further fuel on the fire, as not only has Dragon roundly surpassed the strongest attacks Benimaru has shown while fighting Arthur, but the one time they did encounter each other, Benimaru attacked Dragon with a Nichirin but failed to harm him. However, considering his 2nd Generation abilities give him much better defense than most others on his level, there is still an argument to be made for Benimaru being the strongest, though it is much less likely at this point in the series. His Doppelganger is what people thought of Benimaru as the strongest in the world that his own people thought his Doppelganger might be even stronger than the original due to how they believe Benimaru is. However when his Doppelganger uses Nichurin that is big enough to encircle the entire Earth to destroy him and the world, Benimaru defeats him in a SINGLE STROKE which definitely makes him this.
  • Wrong Context Magic: Benimaru is a rare case of being both a Second and Third Generation pyrokinetic, letting him ignite his own flames as well as control flames from other sources. It's a reason why he's renowned as the strongest Fire Soldier.

    Konro Sagamiya 

Lieutenant Konro Sagamiya

Voiced by: Tomoaki Maeno (Japanese), Jeff Plunk (English), Octavio Rojas (Latin American Spanish)

The Lieutenant of Company 7 and Benimaru's advisor. Although he is a Third Generation fighter, a brutal fight two years before the series began left him permanently scarred and sickly. As a result, his body and firepower are incredibly weak. In spite of this, Konro is extremely friendly and noble.

  • Ambadassador: He's very diplomatic by Asakusan standards, especially when compared to Benimaru. He usually has to handle affairs outside of Asakusa because Benimaru hates nearly everything outside the town.Even when near death, he was able to negotiate the foundation of Company 7 and ensure his town's safety.
  • Badass Teacher: He handled a chunk of Arthur's training by himself. He managed to teach him focus and traditional Japanese sword skills despite his physical frailty, which helped Arthur greatly. Benimaru mentions that Konro was involved in his own training when he was a younger, implying Konro has always taken this role.
  • Bash Brothers: He and Benimaru fought side by side in the past.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Konro is much taller than Benimaru, but is also The Smart Guy of the duo and has Benimaru's eternal respect.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Demon Infernals are near-invincible machines of death and power. Konro had to cripple himself for life, but he won against a Demon singlehandedly. He had to turn most of his arms into fuel for his flames and burned them to charcoal to do it which has left him sickly ever since.
  • Career-Ending Injury: He can still use his powers for a few seconds, but after they activate, Konro collapses in pain. In Asakusa, where the strongest get to lead, this means Konro taking charge in nigh-impossible.
  • Heroic RRoD: He suffered this after overusing his fire to defeat his Infernal doppelgänger, literally burning himself out. Attempting to use his powers now, even for a few seconds,only worsens his tephrosis condition and risks painfully killing him each time.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: When he thought some of the local children were endangered by the Ash Knights, he was willing to force an answer from a cultist. He might not be able to use his arms well, so he makes use of his boot heel and threats instead.
  • Mirror Match: In a bizarre turn of events, the Infernal he almost died stopping mimicked his abilities and every movement. Konro still won in the end but it appears that he fought against some type of doppelgänger. Later revealed to be a more literal instance. The infernal Konro fought was his doppelgänger, having somehow manifested on it's own, and the fact he was copying Konro's moves was because it was using a mirrored version of Konro's fighting style.
  • Morality Chain: To Benimaru. He's able to calm his captain down such as when White Clad members disguise themselves as Obi and Hinawa talking about how they deliberately caused Infernals to appear in his town. Benimaru may likely have walked down a Might Makes Right path had Konro not been there to talk some sense into him.
  • Nice Guy: He's friendly and diplomatic, especially compared to Benimaru.
  • Not So Above It All: When Shinra loses his cool and challenges Benimaru to fight, Konro is just impressed that Company 8 is teaching the kids properly. Yes, the man might be nice and diplomatic but Konro is still from Asakusa.
  • Number Two: The Lieutenant to Benimaru's Captain.
  • Off Screen Moment Of Awesome: While his final fight isn't shown, the sheer damage he caused to the area was enough to convince Company 4 that making friends with him and Benimaru (who is even stronger) was a great idea.
  • Old Retainer: He severed as the right-hand to Beniamru's father and continued his service into his successor's time.
  • One-Hit Kill:
    • In Konro's prime, he was considered close to Benimaru's equal and his biggest attacks could level entire blocks even when exhausted.
    • Even though he's mostly powerless, his swordsmanship is so good that he can still kill a foe with a single slash.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: A lot more level-headed than his Captain.
  • Retired Badass: He used to be second only to Benimaru on the frontlines. His current condition forced him out of action permanently, but he hasn't forgotten his sword combat skills, as a White-Clad assassin learned the hard way.
  • Scars Are Forever: Clashing with a demon two years ago left him with a scar across his nose. There is also everything wrong with his arms.
  • Solar and Lunar: He and Benimaru formerly had this duo motif. While Benimaru's stronger attacks were Sun-themed, his ultimate move was Crimson Moon: a moon-shaped ball of red fire that enveloped an area the size of a city block.
    • This dynamic is also true when he served under Hibachi, with Konro specialising in there Crimson Moon while Hibachi's ultimate skill was his Sun Wheel. They also had conflicting personalities and approaches to raising Benimaru. Notably, Benimaru tells Konro he prefers the moon to the sun. Heavily implying he preferred his relationship to Konro to his dramatically more rocky relationship with his father.
  • Older Than They Look: While a little haggard, Konro still looks good for a sickly man in his late 30s.
  • Worf Had the Flu: He did cripple himself beating a Demon Infernal, but it was after extended combat with multiple lesser Infernals had already pushed him close to his limit. Had he not already been overheated, it's implied he could have killed it without doing serious harm to himself.
  • Yakuza: He called himself and his associates "Yakuza" in the 18th episode (only in the Japanese original audio track and the German dub, though), although a fansubs and scanlations interpreted that as "tough punks", "useless thugs", and so on.

    Hinata and Hikage 

Hinata and Hikage

Hianta's voiced by: Hikaru Akao (Japanese), Jennifer Alyx (English), Melissa Hernandez (Latin American Spanish)

Hikage's voiced by: Hikaru Akao (Japanese), Meg McClain (English), Melissa Hernandez (Latin American Spanish)

Two twin little girls that live with Benimaru. Although they are not really members of Company 7, they are extremely strong combatants that give support to them.

  • Animal Battle Aura: They can mold their flames into fox-shaped cloaks in a fight.
  • Creepy Twins: They praise an old lady's sweets as "her swan song" and are excited to see Shinra's flame dancing after saying it's going to be stupid-looking. They are also extremely dangerous fighters. People think that they are copying Benimaru's rudeness and bad behavior, but Benimaru insists he isn't that rude.
  • Fusion Dance: If they're really getting serious, they can combine their cloaks into one giant fox to more than double their power and durability.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: They aren't officially Fire Soldiers, but both are extremely powerful and skilled fighters. Tamaki has to make a personal breakthrough just to last a minute of the two "playing" with her.

Alternative Title(s): Fire Force Companies
