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Characters / American Dragon: Jake Long - Magical Creatures

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One of the most powerful of magical creatures, charged with guarding the magical world from being discovered by humans and any other threats to it.

  • Achilles' Heel: According to the Huntsclan dragons have a “soft, squishy underbelly” which is easily targeted, but the real weak spot is behind the left ear. If struck there, a dragon is instantly slain.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Dragons come in all sorts of colors, red, pink, green and blue being the most often seen variations. This also applies to the spikes and spines on their backs which usually contrasts the rest of their bodies.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Dragons are held to be the most powerful magical creatures in the world, perhaps as a result, they’re the designated guardians of the magical community. Their status within the community means that they’re looked up to as leaders of it.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Most dragons refrain from using weapons, as their natural abilities are enough to deal with most threats. This doesn’t’ stop them from improvising when needed though.
  • Big Good: Through the Dragon Council, all dragons are designated protectors of the magical community defending it from threats from within and without. It’s to the point that only two dragons throughout history have gone evil.
  • Combo Platter Powers: Dragons have quite the handful of powers by birth: Flying, toughness, natural weapons and their breath attack, but they also have some unrelated abilities, like being able to create clones of themselves using their chi, touch ghosts, or optionally boost their senses.
  • Contortionist: Downplayed, but dragons are quite flexible in their dragon forms due to their serpentine bodies, case in point: Lao-shi once tied himself into a knot trying to fight Rose.
  • Delightful Dragon: Depends fully on the dragon and the circumstances, but given their magical protector status, they’re generally benevolent, except to those that cause trouble.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: Averted, Dragons are not related to dinosaurs, although Rotwood believes that they’re an magical offshoot.
  • The Dreaded: Played with, several magical creatures are afraid of facing dragons and will sometimes back down immediately. Justified, given what dragons are capable of. Others treat dragons with indifference and or makes a point of fighting them because of their strength. Occasionally it can cross into TerrorHero territory, but it’s not the dragons’ main way of dealing with opponents.
  • Fangs Are Evil: Averted, dragons have fangs, they’re just not evil by nature. Played straight with the Dark Dragon and Chang though.
  • Flight: All dragons, with or without wings, can fly, no exception.
  • Giant Flyer: Downplayed, dragons aren’t necessarily humongous in size, although they can easily be about 8-10 feet in height.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Considering dragons are basically a magical police force or rather Secret Service, this is sometimes a given. They’re expected to either thwart, disrupt, prevent, fight, or if necessary, kill, any and all threats to the Magical Community. This can be defeating the Huntsclan, destroy a magical monster or mindwiping their closest friends simply for knowing about magic.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Averted, Dragons come with different types of wings for flight, bat, bird or even butterfly wings, but they’re not indicative of their moral alignment, which is, with very few exceptions, good.
  • Interspecies Romance: Dragons are capable of having children with humans, without Half-Human Hybrid offspring because their magic is dominant. Interestingly, the ethnicity of the non-magical human can affect the child's appearance, as with Jonathan being American of European descent, his son and daughter appear as Western Heraldic dragons instead of Eastern ones like their maternal grandfather. The fact that no one even bats an eyelid at Jake's parentage indicates Dragons have been doing this for a very long time.
  • Kryptonite Factor: A textbook example: Dragons are weakened by sphinx hair in the same fashion as Superman is to kryptonite. This is however a strange case, as in season one, Dragons were only weakened when in physical contact with the sphinx hair. This changed in season two where the they were weakened to the point that they reverted to human form, even at a distance.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Dragons are fast and powerful, basically flying tanks. They can fly up to about 179 miles pr. hour when exerting themselves.
  • Magical Eye: A surprisingly versatile part of the dragons' SuperSenses, all dragons can activate this ability at will, whereupon their eyes glow red or yellow and they gain several useful abilities. These include the ability to see in the dark, being able to see things over great distances in minute detail or spot specific tracks, such as footprints or even what another person has touched, like a piece of paper with handwriting.
  • Magic Pants: Whenever a dragon shifts from their human form to their dragon form, whatever they're wearing disappears leaving them to be only covered by scales. The moment they return to being human, whatever clothes they were previously wearing reappears. The exception to this comes from dragons inexperienced with shapeshifting, shown by Jake in Old School Training by having his boxers appear without his pants.
  • Natural Weapon: They have several:
    • Dragons have very sharp claws; Jake once cut through a rope simply by stepping on it. Aside from battle, they’re also useful for digging or slicing vegetables.
    • Their dragon breath is a given, and comes in the usual fire breath form, but can also diversify into electric and ice flavors. Their breath seems to originate in their stomachs and can as such be used as Fartillery as well.
    • Jake has shown to extend his tongue to be as long as his own height in human form, perhaps longer. It’s both dexterous and versatile, essentially an extra hand kept in their mouths. In combat, Jake used his tongue to twirl and deflect the Huntsman's net back at him.
    • Dragons utilize their tails in a variety of ways: for balance, an effective weapon to pummel/sneak attack on their enemies, and an extra limb to access objects beyond normal reach.
  • The Order: All dragons are members of the Dragon order which is charged with safekeeping the magical community and have done so for thousands of years. The Order is ruled by the Dragon Council, which consists of five members from across the world. The council delegates assignments and task to the world dragons, provides their members with various information, send agents that help the local dragons, assigns masters to all dragons and tests the orders members in various ways, which is all on top of doing their own magical duties. They also judge the individual dragon and can take away their powers if the individual commits a crime or fails the Order in any way, this can be for good or temporarily depending on the offence. The order even has a private base, Draco Island, to use for summits, training ground and council meetings. On a number of points, the Dragon order is inspired by the Jedi Order from Star Wars.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Aside from blending both western and eastern variants, these dragons have several unique traits and powers. An example where they differ is the appearance of their wings, which range from normal bat-like, to those of birds or even butterfly wings and whether they have any or not, or even have a double pair of them. They also sometimes resemble different animals, such as fish, lizards, snakes or deer. In addition to this, their lifespan doesn’t appear to be lengthened like other fictional dragons, instead aging like normal humans do. However, elderly dragons can still be physically powerful opponents, as exemplified by Lao-shi and Chang.
  • Partial Transformation: Dragons are able to shapeshift only specific parts of their bodies for when it would be be inconvenient to be in full dragon form. This is how dragons first harness their shapeshifting abilities before they are able to fully transform their body at once.
  • Power at a Price: Downplayed, being dragons comes at a cost, but the price isn’t constant and can at times be more of a nuisance than truly detrimental in the long run. That isn’t to say that it can’t be dangerous depending on the coping methods.
    • As dragons mature the glands in their mouths that enable their breathweapon starts to stink horribly, which as mentioned is only a temporary thing and recedes after a while. Until then, they might as well have a sewer in the mouth.
    • A dragon's skin needs to molt every ten years or so, which looks extremely disgusting and isn't comfortable either. Though by using Spud and Trixies' 100 uses-cream, the molting might be a downgraded problem in the future.
    • Dragons who take up guardian duty naturally become stressed due to the massive pressure they’re under, both physically and mentally. Being responsible for guarding a hidden magical world, constantly being on the lookout for threats, serving the community in different ways, in addition to dragon training, while also leading normal lives as humans, is an immense workload and extremely stressful. Naturally, dragons can find it hard to cope with that side of the job. Haley nearly cracked under the pressure when she had to cover Jake's responsibilites as American Dragon in two weeks!
  • Self-Duplication: Dragons can make physical doppelgängers out of their chi for diversions or chores.
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: Dragons tend to be taller in their dragon form compared to their human form. How big the difference in height depends on the dragon, with Haley Long and Sun Park having both forms around similar heights while Luong Lao-Shi's height as a dragon is triple that of his human form.
  • Super-Senses: Dragons can amplify certain senses, such as hearing, enabling them to pick up individual sounds for eavesdropping and espionage or enhance their eyesight to enable night vision or tracking objects and people.
  • Super-Strength: All of them are extremely strong, Jake has been seen lifting a giant (and several other magical creatures at once), while Haley have bitten through thick cables without much problem.
  • Super-Toughness: Justified, as they’re magical in nature. Besides their scales being extremely tough, dragons have taken being slammed into brick walls and gotten up like it was nothing. This also manifests in a resistance to heat and cold, as they don’t appear to take damage from other dragons’ fire breathing and can move with minimal discomfort during cold weather, like a snowstorm or even in arctic regions like Greenland.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: According to Lao-shi, dragons are natural shapeshifters, but usually only from human to dragon form. They can transform fully or partially, granting them great versatility without being discovered by humans in the process. The ability to shapeshift into other individuals or creatures can be accessed by using a magical potion, but for the 24 hours it lasts, their normal dragon powers aren’t accessible and they’re thus vulnerable to enemies.

    Aztec Guardian Serpent

This large snake guards one of the missing Aztec Skulls and has an innate ability to get the skull back if it is taken.

  • Anti-Villain: Type IV. Its job is to guard an Aztec Crystal Skull, and so to it, Jake is just as much a threat as the Huntsclan is.
  • Cool Crown: It has a golden one, which used to be topped by one of the Aztec Crystal Skulls.
  • Feathered Serpent: Quite possibly, it's hard to tell though due to the animation style.
  • Healing Factor: The serpent can regenerate lost parts of its’ body, such as the rattle at the end of its’ tail that waas ripped off by Jake.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Huge as it is, the serpent is also very fast, keeping up with a flying Jake.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Huntsman uses the serpent to track down both the missing Aztec Skull and Jake, then cuts it down with his staff.

    The Jersey Devil

A magical creature that is terrorizing a village of sprites. While on a camping trip with his dad and friends, Jake has to defend the village from it.

  • Animalistic Abomination: It’s a mixture of different animals, it got moose antlers, wings, a doglike head, eagle wings and a lions’ tail.
  • Disney Villain Death: Mr. Long drives it off a cliff. Possibly subverted, though, 'cause it can fly.
  • It Can Think: While it’s not capable of speech, it’s smart enough to lure someone into their own traps.


A magical creature that escaped from its prison in Mermaid City so it could drain all of Jake's strength. The #2 threat to the magical community.

  • All Your Powers Combined: Can feed off of a multitude of magical creatures to gain their abilities, including dragons.
  • The Dreaded: After hearing its shriek in the middle of the night and going out to investigate, Jake finds some magical creatures running away in abject terror. Justified, as the Kelpie is both the #2 greatest threat to the magical community and eats other magical beings.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: A fish person who steals others' magical powers is a far cry from the man-eating horse of British folklore.
  • Serial Killer: Essentially, considering it's fed on plenty of magical creatures based on how often it shapeshifts and Silver's dialogue pretty much confirms that the victim dies if the Kelpie finishes feeding, although Lao-Shi himself survives the Kelpie feeding on him enough to shapeshift into him.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: It's pretty much a horror movie monster, stuck in an episode about the wacky hijinks that ensue from Lao-Shi dating Principal Derceto.


An evil sorcerer that is masquerading as a puppet-like star of a children's show called "Pooka Pooka Fun-Fun Farm". All children that watch are hypnotized into becoming trouble makers. Jonathan Long knew there was something he didn't like about him. The #13 threat to the Magical Community.

  • Cut Short: An in-universe example, after getting into a painful alteration with a furious Hailey, the Pooka Pooka Fun-Fun farm stops airing.
  • Depraved Dwarf: Under three feet tall and a manipulator bent on anarchy.
  • Depraved Kids' Show Host: His show hypnotizes small children into doing amoral acts.
  • For the Evulz: According to Sun, the Pooka hypnotizes children because he craves mayhem and chaos.
  • Hand Puppet: The Pooka poses as this on his TV show, given that there appear to be stitches on his skin when viewed up-close, he might actually be an evil living puppet.
  • Mass Hypnosis: Through his gibberish song, broadcast through the TV show, the Pooka hypnotizes his victims, young children, into becoming rebellious and wild, often in stark contrast to the regular behavior.
  • Oh, Crap!: Gets one when Jake breaks Hailey out of his brainwashing AND her supremely pissed at him. Quite comprehensible, given it was a Woman Scorned with super strength and fire breath...
  • Purple Is Powerful: Clad in purple and capable of hypnotizing the masses into a rioting mob.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: He was last seen when he was just about to be attacked by Haley. Haley said in the end credit scene that his show was cancelled, but we never see what she does to him.

    The Krylock Demon

A magical creature that has the head of a snake and the body of a scorpion. It is very venomous, and if its venom is consumed, it will transform the eater into a Krylock Demon. The #3 threat to the magical community.

  • Eldritch Abomination: It's a terrifying, venomous creature with the head of a cobra and the body of a scorpion that lives in another dimension which is only accessible via a magical potion.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Its own venom is what destroys it.
  • Scary Scorpions: This is half of its’ body, the other half is that of a cobra.
  • Technicolor Toxin: Its poison is a vibrant glowing green.
  • Viral Transformation: If one consumes a Krylock's venom, they become a Krylock themselves. Oh, and Haley reveals that dragons aren't immune to this.

    The Avimitrius

An ancient magical creature that sucks the life out of its victims to stay young. The #10 threat to the magical community. In the episode "Young At Heart", Jake, Trixie and Spud are its unfortunate victims.


A dark magical creature that sucks out people's souls.

  • Lunacy: The cycle of the moon forces a Nix to shapeshift, see below.
  • Fangs Are Evil: They get these and are inherently dangerous because of their Horror Hunger.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: They have a pair of dark frayed ones.
  • Horror Hunger: Nixes can drain the souls of people and leave them in a zombified state. This can however be undone by knocking them unconscious.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Nixes are forced to transform from human into their Nix form, gaining wings, claws, fangs, snakebodies and general axe-craziness. The process is by no means pleasant for them.
  • Lightning Bruiser: They’re both fast and strong enough to go up against dragons, at least for a short while.
  • Natural Weapon: Claws and tail.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: At least with Jasmine, it seems that Nix are not evil by nature, but rather are compelled to drain human souls when the moon reaches the center of the sky.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Their eyes flash like this when either agitated, in a downright berserker mood, get photographed or are affected by the moon.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: A human looking creature that transforms into a winged snake-person when under the influence of the fullmoon and devours others’ souls, are a bit of a far cry from a water dwelling creature that lured young people to the water with their enchanting music.
  • Snake People: Nixes have scales and the lower body of a snake.

    Shade Demons

A race of creatures that resemble skeletal bipeds that are in service to the Dark Dragon. The #11 greatest threat to the magical community.


Voiced by: Tress MacNeille (Queen Liliana), Dee Bradley Baker

A type of Romanian vampire that feeds upon dragons. Four appeared in the series, Queen Liliana and her three sons, hunting Jake.

  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: Strigoi have them and they’re sharp and strong enough to rake dragon scales!
  • Abusive Parents: Played with, Liliana doesn’t shy away from insulting her sons and slamming her coffin lid in their faces, but due to their horror hunger, they’re in a hurry. That, and her sons aren’t the best at understanding her instructions.
  • Affably Evil: Downplayed, the three sons can be civil, to the point of appearing in a photo for a child, but that’s about it. When it comes to possible prey, the civility is just pretending in order to lure the dragon to lower their guard.
  • The Brute: The large Strigoi with the shades definitely qualifies: he’s big, silent and violent.
  • The Dragon Slayer: Offscreen, but they’ve managed to take down at least three World Dragons, possibly many more given the huge casefile Fu had on them. Given the nature of dragons in this setting, this doubles as a case of HeroKiller.
  • The Dreaded: Fu Dog is instantly scared when he hears they’re in New York and so is Jake after hearing of their accomplishments.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The Strigoi are constantly catering to their mothers’ needs, aside from small stuff like pushing her wheelchair and drive her around, they’re actively searching for food for her. Justifed on a practical level as they’ll have a hard time finding dragons without her.
  • Evil Redhead: All Strigoi have carrot red hair and hunts dragons, they’re pretty bad.
  • Family Extermination: Jake subjects the four Strigoi to this via magical solar sand. Justified, since it was self-defense.
  • The Family That Slays Together: They are a mother and three sons who hunt down dragons to kill them for their blood, although due to Horror Hunger they kind of have to do it to survive.
  • Fangs Are Evil: Naturally, they have fangs, but unlike other vampires where only the canines are actual fangs, their other teeth sharpen significantly when they’re moving in for the kill.
  • Fantastic Racism: They freely refers to dragons as beasts and doesn’t seem think of them as more than that, despite seeing Jake transform into humanform and even having some banter with him.
  • Freudian Trio: Downplayed, the three brothers doesn’t show much personality, but they do have shades of one that’s giving the orders (the one with the spear, AKA the Ego), one that’s slightly silly (the adorkable one, AKA the super Ego) and the brute (the big one, AKA the Id).
  • Flight: It’s implied that they can do this, as Fu Dogs’ book shows them attacking a dragon in flight.
  • Hero Killer: They survive and prosper drinking dragon blood and since dragons are the magical protectors of the world, killing them counts as this by default. The fact that they seem to enjoy the bloodletting helps cement their status.
  • Horror Hunger: Their thirst for blood is bad enough for the victims, but when they haven’t fed for a while, they’re weakened to the point that they become lethargic and frail, to the point where they can be confined to wheelchairs or feel like it’s 200 degrees in the shade for them.
  • I Call It "Vera": One of the Strigoi brothers calls his fangs “Lefty and Bitey”.
  • Lean and Mean: All Strigoi are on the skinny side and are open to being cruel to their prey.
  • Missing Reflection: They cast no reflection in the ceiling mirror of the restaurant booth they sit at.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Justified as they’re a different type of vampire, stakes and garlic doesn’t work on them, the only way to kill them is exposure to direct sunlight. They also don’t seem to reproduce by turning their victims but are instead born like normal people, since they have a regular family structure. This aside, they still lack reflections.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: Queen Liliana can track dragons through her psychic abilities. Her sons aren’t as gifted.
  • Sinister Shades: The most brutish of the Strigoi sports a pair.
  • Vampires Are Rich: Implied at least, they drive a limo and have no problem convincing Jonathan that they represent a foreign company.
  • Vampire Monarch: Queen Liliana is a literal case over her three sons, but she seems to keep her position because she’s the groups’ mother, not because she’s more powerful.
  • Vampires Sleep in Coffins: Queen Liliana does this when travelling due to her condition.
  • Vampire Vords: They have a distinguished eastern European accent and claims to have their own language, they do not, however, engage in FangSpeak.
  • Would Hurt a Child: If the child happens to be a dragon, then you bet they’ll hurt a child. Kinda Justified as a dragon can fight back and it’s their HorrorHunger that requires them to do the killing. But kicking them when they’re down is overdoing it.

A type of magical creature from Scandinavian folklore that tends to live in sewers. Often turn up as background characters.
  • All Bikers are Hells Angels: A gang of Biker trolls appeared in “Keeping Shop” terrorizing Magus Bazaar for the hell of it.
  • Art Shift: In season one, they were green and stout, while in season two, their appearance tends to be muscular, topheavy, hairy and simian.
  • Dumb Muscle: Exaggerated, Strong enough to restrain dragons and not that bright, they can’t even tell two dragons apart and doesn’t take offence to Changs’ summarization of them:
    Chang: "The great thing about Trolls: Dumb as custard and yet so helpful at the little things, like the will to domination, and slaying dragons!"
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The biker trolls take good care of their mama when she’s turned to stone. And though they are scared of dragons, will actually fight if their mom is insulted.
  • Insubstantial Ingredients: Played with, Troll Belches are a reagent in some potions such as the shapeshifting-potion and the portal-potion. This, however, is a strange case of the art evolution between seasons, as in season ones’ “Shapeshifter” the belches were a slimy liquid (and sounded like a belch), but by seasons two, the ingredient had become immaterial (but still with sound intact).
  • Mooks: Pandarus employed a group of them in season one. In season two, Jake paid a few to join him against the Huntsclan in “Fools Gold” and in “Nobody’s Fu” Chang convinced a group to work for her.
  • Our Trolls Are Different: Some trolls, like Stan Lipkowski, have only one eye and their fur turns into monsters when burnt, either by fire or sunlight instead of turning to stone. This type of troll can also live several hundred years.
  • Taken for Granite: What happens when regular trolls are exposed to sunlight: Instant ugly statue.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: They get turned to stone by sunlight.

A race of magical creatures that are notorious for their criminal activities and sneaky character.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Goblins come in various shades of green and blue.
  • Becoming the Mask: Happens to a goblin that was sent to infiltrate a middle school disguised as teenage girls (it makes sense in context). His boss Herbert wasn’t amused afterwards.
  • Black Market: Goblins run the magical counterpart of this.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Fairly regular opponents and background characters in season one, come season two, they’re gone without a trace, largely supplanted by Hobgoblins and Leprechauns.
  • Depraved Dwarf: About the height of a child-teenager and devoid of morals, goblins are a race of this. This is however downplayed, as they can act in a civil and even friendly manner, such as during the party in “Halloween Bash” and later joining the fight against the Huntsclan.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Averted. There is absolutely nothing goblins won't do, dealing with the Huntsclan, hustling a dog for treats they owe, kidnapping people and force them into working for them is all fair game, so long as there’s a profit to be made. Lampshaded by Fu:
    Fu Dog: “Using a magical gift to try and turn a profit. Will those Goblins stop at nothing?”
  • Face of a Thug: Squashed features, heavy brows/sloping foreheads and fanged mouths, goblins got this one down.
  • The Mafia: Befitting a G-rated cartoon, it’s a downplayed case. Goblins mainly run illegal gambling operations, black market or money/dog biscuit lending (with some subsequent ogre-assisted depth collecting). Though they will stray into the realm of kidnapping and enforced servitude if it’s profitable.
  • The Nose Knows: They can track other creatures based on their scents, such as Dragons and oracles. This makes them notoriously hard to sneak up on, but can also be used against them, as their noses are also very sensitive to strong odors or stench.
  • Benevolent Precursors: Goblins are stated to have been around for 2 million years. It’s implied that they were a lot more righteous back then, as well as magically attuned, such as imprisoning a malevolent Djinn and letting a magical spell be passed down through the ages, making it was possible to reseal the Djinn again if it was ever freed.
  • Our Goblins Are Different: These goblins usually have tails, are a bit reptilian, and have a very good sense of smell. But similar to goblins in other settings, they’re still criminals, hustlers and rogues. A subspecies, the Mountain Goblins, are nearly identical to Hobgoblins with their grey skin, armor and sharp features, but they also have batwings on their backs which they use to fly.


A race of magical creatures that dress in armor and resemble grey skinned orcs. The #7 biggest threat to the magical community.

  • Bullying a Dragon: A literal case, as they’ve done this with both Jake and Hailey on separate occasions. In Jakes’ case, he was in human form, so it built up from MuggingTheMonster.
  • Carry a Big Stick: Hobgoblins seems to prefer big clubs.
  • Dumb Muscle: Unintelligent and brutish, they’re basically magical hooligans.
  • Fantastic Racism: Some have shades of this towards humans.
  • For the Evulz: Destroys cars and the like with bullyish laughter. Also takes on dragons for the same reason.
  • Lean and Mean: Hobgoblins are all on the skinny side and as mean as vipers.
  • Looks Like Orlok: Aside from the medieval armor and not being vampires, Hobgoblins exhibit this trope, as they have grey skin (pale), are lean, have freakishly long noses, pointed bat-like ears and some has fangs as well.
  • Might Makes Right: Readily uses threats to get what they want.
  • Mooks: They’ve been used in this fashion by both Jake and the magical authorities.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: While not called orcs, Hobgoblins have multiple similarities to Tolkiens’ classic version of them, as they’re shown to be largely unintelligent, belligerent, grey skinned, ugly, hunchbacked mooks that are smaller than adult humans. Unlike the classic version, they’re not AlwaysChaoticEvil, as they’re at the least capable of living alongside other magical creatures and be (somewhat) productive members of society (See “Mooks” above).


Large and powerful magical creatures.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: They come in shades of green, blue and grey.
  • The Big Guy: They tower over most other creatures and are extremely strong, which means they often find employment as thugs, bouncers, gladiators, guards and sports’ stars.
  • Fictional Sport: The ogre signature sport is called Boulderball and revolves around scoring a goal using a giant boulder as the ball, thrown between the contesters. It’s the favorite sporting event in the magical world, despite how violent it is on the field, how dangerous it can be for the spectators (sometimes the boulders gets thrown into the crowd) and how long it can take (one match had 17 rounds before it entered quadruple overtime).
  • Green and Mean: Many are greenskinned and the vast majority have a penchant for violence.
  • Long-Lived: If Maximinus (who fought as a gladiator in ancient Rome) is anything to go by, ogres can live for hundreds, if not thousands of years without aging significantly or going past their physical prime.
  • Opposing Sports Team: Whatever teams are playing Boulderball are this to each other, it’s that violent!
  • Unnecessary Roughness: The ogres’ signature sport, Boulderball, is filled with this, and not just the players, sometimes the spectators get in on the fighting too. Even the referees aren’t guaranteed to not be enveloped in the brawls that occurs between contestants.
  • Stout Strength: Ogres are largely big around the waist and strong enough to hurl boulders that are larger than themselves at high speeds (up to 180 miles pr. Hour).

Huge, strong and stupid magical creatures.
  • The Ditz: They’re not terribly bright and are easy to trick.
  • Characterization Marches On: In season one, giants were noted to be surprisingly gentle and benevolent, bordering on SuicidalPacifism at times, as a whole community of giants got enslaved by a group of normal human wrestlers in “Ring Around The Dragon”. A few, such as Bertha, does not follow this entirely though. In season two, giants are more violent and remarkably dumber. Additionally, in the first Season, aside from their size, they were indistinguishable from normal humans. In the next season, courtesy of ArtShift, they’ve gained coarser and sharper features (including ears), underbites and have grey or green skin tones.
  • Gentle Giant: Averted in season two both because the giants are ignorant about their surroundings (causing heavy structural damage simply by hopping along) and increased aggression.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: A literal case as these giants come on different sizes, some being only twice to trice the size of a normal human, while others tower over buildings.
  • Practical Currency: Some secluded giant communities in the wilderness have a currency based on fish. Though it seems, more urban giants prefer leprechaun gold.
  • Super-Strength: An eight-year old giant can match strength with a dragon, that can lift a giant! The adults are even stronger!

    Shark People 
A race of magical creatures that are half-shark and half-human; although this allows them to walk on land, they mainly live in the oceans. They will eat anything. Anything!
  • Extreme Omnivore: With a dash of HorrorHunger, normal food aside, they’ll eat anything, ANYTHING, be it couches, rubberboats, chainsaws, anchors, license plates, ancient artifacts, people, at a moment’s notice without warning. A small part of this is TruthInTelevision since some shark species will indeed eat anything or examine things by biting them.
    Jake: "You hid it (Neptunes’ trident) in your stomach?"
    Shark Woman: "I told you; We’ll eat anything!"
  • Hidden Depths: At least according to Sharkwoman, the race is far better than their first impressions.
    Shark Woman: "Despite our multiple rows of flesh tearing jagged teeth, we’re really a tender, loving race."
    • This statement itself is immediately afterwards undermined by her biting into a rubberboat or later when she gorges herself on a dinner table in front of a very surprised family of dragons.
  • Informed Ability: Tiburon boasts that the Sharkpeople are naturally attuned to the sea and its’ powers or objects associated with them, like Neptunes’ trident. This is not elaborated upon, however.
  • Prefer Jail to the Protagonist: They apparently have their own “Sharkprison”. One of Tiburons goons’ reaction is this trope after listening to Susans’ family bickering (and fist fighting) for a few seconds.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: Played with, Tiburons’ Sharkmada managed to find Jake, Fu and the Sharkwoman without much trouble. Downplayed as it did take them a while and Justified as sharks indeed have a very good sense of smell.
    Tiburon: "We’re sharks, we followed our noses"
  • Shark Finof Doom: Tiburon and his Sharkmada’s first appearance is this.
  • Shark Man: Naturally. And they come in different types too, such as Bullsharks, Hammerheads and Reefsharks. Unlike other examples of this trope, in addition to the fin on their back, some sharkpeople sport an extra fin coming out the back of their heads. They also have webbed four fingered hands.
  • Threatening Shark: Naturally given their Extreme Omnivore nature and sharp flesh tearing teeth, but also the setting of the episode “Feeding Frenzy”, which is a private island off the coast of Florida Keys.

A magical creature from north European folklore.
  • Cute Little Fangs: The diminutive type of elves have them, and they’re adorable.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: The human looking elves can walk amongst humans without getting detected, which mean they can attend human schools or have normal jobs (Three are employed by Susan as part of her catering company).
  • Magitek: Paired with The Engineer, Elves have their own scientific organization that produces innovative magical devices which are based on present day technology. The organization is called “N.E.R.D”, which stands for New Elven Research in Development. Fu dogs’ description/summarization of them isn’t flattering:
    Fu Dog: Bunch of tech dweeb elves working on inventing new magical objects, talk about putting the Eek in Geek!
    • One of their more dangerous devices was the reality warping game controller from “Game On” which had to be destroyed.
    • According to Lao Shi, a group of elves were allegedly also the creators of the Taranushi Chalice which held a Djinn trapped, but this was false, and the true creators were actually goblins.
  • Mind over Matter: The human looking elves seemingly have the power of telekinesis as they can make objects float.
  • Our Elves Are Different: They come in at least two different kinds, one that’s the stereotypical diminutive Santa’s elf, but with fangs and tails that make them resemble little monkeys, while the other type is almost indistinguishable from humans except for the ears.
  • Pointy Ears: All elves have these regardless of what type they are.


A magical race of lucky little people from Ireland. They run a secret stock exchange in New York City.

  • The Clan: Leprechauns are divided into different clans, such as the Arrergood, which is the clan Brocomus belongs to.
  • Cheap Gold Coins: Completely inverted and then taken up to eleven, in season one, a single leprechaun gold coin is worth about six hundred dollars.
  • Fictional Currency: Their gold coins in season two are perhaps even more valuable than in season one since they come with magical effects, such as Simoleans with a soundtrack and light show! Naturally, the coins are highly valued by other magical creatures too.
  • Greed: Implied in season one as they run their own secret stock exchange. Very prominent in season two with Brocomus and his clan; they'll even deal with the Huntsclan if they offer enough!
  • Leprechaun: No one saw this one coming, naturally, leprechauns are this trope and all the stereotypes are present, the Irish accent, short stature, red hair, and beard (although they can also be blonde), the gold, luck, the shamrock, rainbows and the green clothes.
  • Gold Makes Everything Shiny: They manufacture a lot of things out of gold, clothes (all kinds, including shoes and undies), shades, skateboards and scooters (and even little carts for them with accompanying helmets), not to forget their famous gold coins.
  • Good Luck Charm: Subverted, it’s not the four-leaf clovers that give the leprechauns their famous otherworldly luck, the ones in NY have an enchanted pot of gold that provides it. This also means that the luck can be passed onto whoever possesses it. When the Leprechauns aren't in possession of the pot of gold, as seen in "The Heist", they're pretty much doomed with lethal misfortune.


The classical mermaids and mermen. They have an underwater city in the East River.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Didn’t get hit as hard with the Art Shift as others, in season 1, they all had Caucasian skintones, but in season 2 most merfolk has gotten a green tint to their hide, similar to seaweed, but can also be borderline brown in color.
  • Bathtub Mermaid: Merfolk are fully capable of breathing on land, so it’s optional for them to be submerged. They do on occasion swim around in huge fishbowls though.
  • Long-Lived: Implied, since one of the contesters for the beauty pageant in “Eye of The Beholder” is said to have designed the pyramids, which were built about 4000 years ago.
  • Making a Splash: Subverted, the merfolk seemingly combines water with technology to maintain their cities and make them accessibly to landwalkers. However, they can also use their swimming abilities to create small tidal waves if they have a body of water large enough.
  • Seashell Bra: Averted, they wear normal clothes on their upper bodies, while the tails go uncovered.
  • Underwater City: The Merfolk have a hidden city in the East River, which implies that they have several more around the world. Several things have come to light about these submerged cities and some of their different governmental institutions:
    • Universities (Particularly Silver attended Atlantis University).
    • A police force, which can work independently from the dragons, but can also cooperate with them on cases when required. The police force includes an undercover subdivision of which Derceto is a member, which deals with escapees from the prison, see below, and other dangers that might erupt from their watery domain (like the petrified Gorgon sisters).
    • Prisons, like the one the Kelpie escaped from.
    • “Merfolk-landwalkers relations” (where Silver works) which manages communication between the city and the landwalking magical creatures.
  • Tailfin Walking: Several Merfolk has no problem with “walking” on land using their tails.


Though only seen once in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo, sphinxes are often alluded to and mentioned as their hair is the only substance that can render a dragon powerless.
  • Achilles' Heel: Sphinx hair is the only thing that can weaken a dragon, so many of the bad guys have a net or two made from the stuff on-hand.
  • The Ghost: Sphinxes are frequently mentioned but rarely seen. The one exception is in a flashback to one of Fu and Yan-Yan's historical fights, wherein we see the Sphinx cover its face in mortification when the pair accidentally break off its nose.
  • Our Sphinxes Are Different: Based on the sole appearance of one, the species follows the usual depiction of a lion-like monster with the head of an androgynous human. It would also appear that the Egyptian Sphinx statue is actually a real, living Sphinx, and the fact that its nose was able to be broken off suggests its body is made of stone.
