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Sandbox / One Liner Wick Check

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A wick check for One-Liner, Name... One-Liner.

The issue: The trope has some tropeworthiness concerns; being a Stock Phrase is not helping.

This wick check will see if there is anything to save.

Wick count: 50/50

     Emphasis, troper. Emphasis. (9/ 50 = 18%) 
If it's clear the repeated one-liner is being emphasized.
  1. Film.Doctor Sleep: Dan while giving a prep talk to Abra in the epilogue:
    "Shine on, Abra Stone. (Beat, gives her a sad but hopeful smile) You shine on."
  2. Funny.Intertwined:
  3. GrandTheftAutoSanAndreas.Tropes O To Z: Said when you fail Zero's "Supply Lines": "Curse you, Berkley! CURSE YOOOOOUUUUU!"
  4. Recap.Doctor Who S 27 E 10 The Doctor Dances: "Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, EVERYBODY LIVES!" Plus a pothole in another related example, though that other example is borderline ZCE.
  5. Recap.Sherlock S 04 E 03 The Final Problem: John when reminding Mycroft that they have to save the girl on the plane.
    "Today, we have to be soldiers, Mycroft. Soldiers."
  6. Recap.Warrior Cats A Clan In Need: Barley says to Jumper and Hoot: "Go away, brothers. Just go away."
  7. SelfDemonstrating.Bantering Baddie Buddies:"Why, so it appears, Mister Liche, so it appears."
  8. VideoGame.Highborn: Trillian tells Foglio "Walk away, four eyes. Walk away very quickly or I will stab you."
  9. WebAnimation.Oxhorn Short Shorts: Mr. Evil in "Mister Evil Runs For Office" says "One day, Quintus... one.... day" in the bar at the end right before he becomes Lieutenant Colonel Virtue.
     Just a phrase, troper. Just a phrase.(36/ 50 = 72%) 
No New Stock Phrases exist for a reason.
  1. Dude, Not Funny!:
  2. Switch to English:
    Kruge: (in English) Well done, Valkris. Well done. (in Klingonese) Disengage cloaking device.
  3. Awesome.Coryx Kenshin (caption): We know, Cory. We know
  4. Characters.Hollow Knight Bosses: This is how he greets the Knight for the first time:
    Well met, my friend. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe.
  5. Film.Captain Phillips: Muse's response to Phillips' suggestion that he must have another career choice: "Maybe in America, Irish, maybe in America."
  6. Film.Fury 1936: Joe in his prison cell to his dog when the fire starts: "Looks bad, Rainbow. Looks bad."
  7. Film.Major League: After manager Lou Brown sees his Ragtag Bunch of Misfits arrive at spring training and is amused:
    Lou Brown: "My kind of team, Charlie, my kind of team."
  8. Film.Sicario: Matt when announcing the rules of engagement before they enter the tunnel.
    Matt: Weapons free, my friend. Weapons free.
  9. Film.The Goonies (re: How Much Did You Hear?)
  10. Funny.The Emperors New School: "Empress Malina." Yzma disguises herself as Kronk and Kronk is so freaked out by this that he flees school and hides inside a cave. "Make it didn't happen, monkey. Make it didn't happen."
  11. ImprobableAimingSkills.Live Action TV:Captain Pellew: You may, Mr Bowles. You may.
  12. Literature.From The Earth To The Moon: "White all, Barbicane, white all!" (they are playing domino)
  13. Radio.The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy 1978: Majikthise and Vroomfondel, two philosophers, threaten to go on strike if Deep Thought proceeds with his program on finding the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything. When Deep Thought asks who a strike of philosophers would inconvenience, Majikthise counters "It'll hurt, buster. It'll hurt!"
  14. Recap.Adventure Time S 4 E 3 Web Weirdos: As Barb and Ed's spider babies crawl all over him and Finn, Jake quips "Circle of life, Finn. Circle of life."
  15. Recap.Avatar The Last Airbender The Southern Air Temple: Aang to Appa when reaching the Southern Air Temple.
    Aang: We're home, buddy. We're home.
  16. Recap.Futurama S 6 E 17 Benderama: Bender in the end when he is suspected to have folded the sweaters: "Maybe I did, Fry, maybe I did."
  17. Recap.Ready Jet Go S 1 E 18 Comet Fever Asteroid Patrol: Dr. Bergs to Sean: "An army of one, my friend, an army of one".
  18. Recap.Rick And Morty S 1 E 2 Lawnmower Dog: Rick's final line.
    "What do you know, Morty, what do you know?"
  19. Recap.Rick And Morty S 3 E 9 The AB Cs Of Beth: Summer: That's you, dad! That's you!
  20. Recap.Rick And Morty S 4 E 6 Never Ricking Morty: In the story where Rick sheds a tear about Summer leaving for college, he calls it "A human moment, Morty, a human moment."
  21. Recap.Sense 8 S 1 E 02 I Am Also A We: Will's father when warning him about bring up the Sara Patrell case.
    "Let her go, Will. Let her go."
  22. Recap.Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 06 E 15 Honor Among Thieves:
    Sisko: The Chief can take care of himself as well as anyone I know.
    Bashir: You're right about that, sir. You're right about that.
  23. Roleplay.The Ballad Of Edgardo
    Squid: So what do we do now?
    Edgardo: We train, Squid. We train.
  24. SelfDemonstrating.In Medias Res: Until now, old friend, until now...
  25. Series.Mayday: Two survivors from First Air 6560:
    Gabrielle: This is my first plane crash.
    Nicole: Me too, sweetie. Me too.
  26. Series.Modern Family:Lampshaded;
    Mitchell: You love scrapbooking.
    Cameron: Do I, Mitchell? Do I? [exits]
    Mitchell: No, stop. Don't do the double question thing to prove a point. I hate it when people do that.
    Cameron: [holding baby Lily around the door, speaking falsetto] Do you, Mitchell? Do you?
    Mitchell: Lily! Other example is a See X
  27. Theatre.Pygmalion: Higgins to Nepomuck when the latter insists on Eliza being Hungarian.
    "Have it your own way, maestro. Have it your own way."
  28. Theatre.Ride The Cyclone: Done (though featuring an insult rather than the subject's name) by Noel after Ocean supposedly uses up the group's three questions for the entire event.
    Noel: Ugh- even in death I can't escape her! She's followed me into the afterlife! Well played, Satan, well played.
  29. VideoGame.Devil May Cry 3 Dantes Awakening: Vergil says this after winning against Dante in their first fight:
    Vergil: Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness.
  30. VideoGame.Injustice Gods Among Us: When Shazam takes out Black Adam with the magic lightning bolt.
    Green Arrow: Thunder of the gods, Flash, thunder of the gods.
  31. VideoGame.Primordia 2012 (re: "Pan Up to the Sky" Ending)
  32. VideoGame.The Elder Scrolls Online: In the Markarth storyline, when Sai Sahan summons his Shehai for the first time, Lyris asks him what he thought of while doing it. Sai responds, "I thought of you, Snow Lily. I thought of you."
  33. WebAnimation.Knights Of The Old Republic Cinematic Universe: When Captain Mitchell sees that the Jedi have arrived to reinforce the Onderonian resistance against the Mandalorians like his fallen lover Commander Lurna said they would, he's pulled out of his Despair Event Horizon and remarks "You were right, my love. You were right."
  34. WebVideo.The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: Lizzie to Charlotte in Episode 55: "Low blow, Lu. Low blow."
  35. WesternAnimation.The Cattanooga Cats: "What's The Motor With You?" concludes with Autocat, having had his butt literally kicked in a foiled plan, getting a lift home from Motormouse. Autocat is standing on the exhaust pipe of Motormouse's motorcycle and he has a pillow tied to his bottom. When Motormouse asks why he doesn't sit down:
    Autocat: I've got my reasons, Motormouse. I've got my reasons.
  36. WesternAnimation.The Iron Giant: Mansley's line "Something big, Marv. Something big.", upon the question what they are looking for.
     No context, troper. No context. (3/ 50 = 6%) 
  1. Characters.CSI Miami: Making a drinking game out of the amount of times Caine does this in the show is just asking for alcohol poisoning. Boils down to "this person does it a lot"
  2. Franchise.Rambo: Just the trope name
  3. Series.CSI Miami (re: Punctuated! For! Emphasis!): Just about every line out of Horatio's mouth. The other lines are One-Liner, Name... One-Liner. No context
     Unsortable, troper. Unsortable. (2/ 50 = 4%) 
