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Nightmare Fuel / The Lost Element

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Even though The Lost Element stays very true to the source material's original tone and message, that does not mean things don't ever get dark. Really dark.

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    Before Time Began to Flow 

The Lost Element

    Volume 1 

    Volume 2 

    Volume 3 

  • Mortal Chaos, full stop. Easily the most controversial chapter in the entire story, the sheer horrors James forces Discord through are numerous and exceedingly graphic.
    • The moment when James encounters the discorded projections of the Mane Six in his subconscious during "Sudden Death" where they merge together to form a horrifying chimera creature is so fucked up that it provides the page image above.

     Volume 4 

    Volume 4. 5 

  • James gets shanghaied off a train by Celaeno and her crew. Granted, they meant no harm, but going into that scenario blind the first time is jarring.

    Volume 5 
