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  • "Cooking Bad":
    • In spite of Walt never becoming a meth cook here, Gus is still blown up. Spontaneously.
    • Freaked out at Gus' demise, Jesse rambles that it "must have been, like, a predetermined event in the natural flow of time, yo." Makes sense to the viewers familiar with Breaking Bad canon timeline, not so much to Walt.
      Walt: Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
    • After Jesse calls it quit, Walt wonders whether things would have been better if they became drug dealers instead.
  • "Riddle Me This, Batman":
    • Batman figures out Riddler's riddles simply by googling them, much to Riddler's displeasure.
    • Riddler complains that Batman makes all his hard work pointless, said hard work being, in his own words, "putting like five bombs across the city wearing green spandex". Batman snarks that maybe Riddler simply shouldn't do such thing.
    • Riddler then states that Batman is ruining it for him.
      Batman: Okay I hear you, but counterpoint: You're a terrorist.
      Riddler: Oh so all of a sudden that justifies you cheating?
      Batman: In every conceivable way.
      Riddler: Oh. *cue the No-Holds-Barred Beatdown*
  • "Superman VS. The Economy": The fact that the police officer has an extremely sophisticated understanding of inflation yet believes that Superman has an inflation-lowering laser beam.
  • "Back to the Future in 5 Seconds": Doc Brown uses the DeLorean so he and Marty can escape the hostile Libyans... only to arrive 5 seconds ago when the Libyans arrived and started shooting.
  • "Batman DESTROYS the Justice League with FACTS and LOGIC": Batman making his case against Superman.
    Superman: Here we go again with the Kryptonite. Bruce, it's a very rare stone.
    Batman: Rare my ass! Everyone has one, Clark! A purse snatcher I stopped the other day had like three of them on him.
    Superman: Well, I admit it's become a bit of a problem.
    Batman: It used to be just the green one, but now there's all these other ones. There's the red one, the black one... [smiles smugly] The pink one.
    Superman: We don't talk about the pink one...
  • "The Avengers Interview Hulk":
    • Thor spends the whole video speaking in flowery Early Modern English. His voice also always echoes for some reason.
      Hulk: Thor needs thesaurus.
    • At the end of the video, Hulk gets rejected, and he seems about ready to go on a rampage... only to instead declare that he will sue the Avengers for unfair hiring practices. Everyone is so shocked to the point Thor drops his quirky speech style.
      Thor: Well, that was pretty unexpected.
  • "Doctor Strange and Multiverse of Stooges":
    • Upon first arriving in the Stooges universe, Doctor Strange mentions that the last universe he and Wong was in had Tony Stark wearing blackface.
    • When asked about whether the Stooges are multiversal too, Curly claims that the Stooges are "versed" and the "bestest there is" in English.
    • Doctor Strange seemingly avoids a Who's on First? situation regarding his name by telling them his full name after Larry asks what is so strange about his name. Then, the Stooges doesn't believe him when he tells them Wong's name, not even when Wong says it himself.
      Curly: Now, look what you did to his self-esteem. For shame, Dr. Weird!
      Doctor Strange: It's Strange!
    • Even though he said he doesn't know what's the deal with Strange and Wong, Larry somehow manages to figure out the whole plot of Multiverse of Madness.
  • "Batman Meets Bizarro":
    • Batman being introduced to Bizarro.
      Batman: What is that, some kind of evil version of you?
      Superman: Yeah, what gave it away, was it the matching outfits or what?
    • Bizarro dropping the "loves being beaten into submission" completely out of nowhere.
    • Batman offers Bizarro the role of "honorary Robin"... only to immediately be (presumably) punched through a building.
  • "Papa Smurf's Final Solution" has the eponymous character become radicalized and start espousing Nazi talking points. Usually, this wouldn't be funny, but the simple fact that this is happening in the Smurf world makes it work. And as it turns out, Papa acquired those over at certain forums/imageboards...
    Brainy: Papa Smurf, you've been on those Smurf-Anon forums haven't you!?
    Papa: John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive and he will be vice president!
    Brainy: Who's John F. Kennedy!?
    Papa: I DON'T KNOW!
    [Cut to Sugar Apocalypse, complete with the trope image]
  • "The Justice League Remembers Hawkman Exists":
    • The rest of the League actually being fairly impressed by Hawkman's resurrection ability, until he elaborates on it and they realize that he literally has to be born again rather than just come back to life.
    • Hawkman gives a speech about how the League should be more respectful, which they take to heart. By deciding to be nicer to Aquaman.
  • "Batman's Contingency Plans": Batman insists that his blatantly Looney-Tunes-inspired plans are totally original and he even ran simulations for them. When Flash asks what if Painted Tunnel, Real Train happens, Batman in a completely serious tone says that it was mentioned by the simulation.
  • "Yu-Gi-Oh Logic": Kaiba getting frustrated by Yugi's blatant ignorance of the game rules in favor of Yugi's own logic is funny enough. The moment Kaiba decides to play along, it degenerates swiftly into a game of Calvinball.
    Kaiba: Well, Yugi. I'm sure you know of Big Shield Gardna's peanut allergy!
    Yugi: His what?!
    Kaiba: Well, guess what Lord of D had for lunch today!
  • In "Vegeta's Big Wish", absolutely nobody is all that impressed that Vegeta gained immortality, if only because they've all foreseen scenarios where Vegeta might find himself wanting to die. Even Freeza had second thoughts about wishing for immortality and decided to just wish for a growth spurt.
  • "Culturally Insensitive Captain America": Iron Man volunteers to help the Captain acclimate to the modern telling him how giving women the right to vote caused a slippery slope where they're now treated like people. He also offers to tell Captain America all the words that have now been deemed racist, but deflects any accusations of being racist himself because he has a black friend. Adding to the humor is that Iron Man's electronically filtered voice makes him sound like a total dweeb.
    • Additionally, Cap himself, despite coming from the 1940s, is completely accepting of others and horrified by Iron Man's assumption that he was bigoted, even asking him worriedly if Tony was hoping Cap would be racist...though this doesn't stop him from brutally beating a fan named Max Schneider in a blind rage by the end.
  • "Daredevil's Bad Day": Daredevil mentions that he fought Galactus so casually that it's hard to tell whether it was Blatant Lies or an Offscreen Moment of Awesome.
  • "Spider Sensitivity": Spider-Man's spidey sense goes off and he singles out the most suspicious-looking person in his sights...who just happens to be an innocent black man. When Spider-Man tries to explain how his spider-sense works, he makes it sound like his superpower is racism, to which he feebly says he voted for Obama like that makes it okay. He then directs his paranoia at two muscular white men, only to find out they're Manly Gay men. Finally Spider-Man locks onto a white guy...only to learn the hard way he's mute. As soon as Spider-Man runs away in shame, the mute man blows up the city.
  • "Hawkman Actually Does Something":
  • "Ash Says Goodbye":
    • After winning the Pokemon League, it turns out the series ended and Ash gets frustrated over it ending. Especially after being told about no more room to grow:
      Professor Oak: There's not really much room for you to grow
      Ash: No room to grow? How about vertically motherfucker! I've been 5'4 my entire life!
    • After he leaves, Oak admits that Tracey Sketchit is a stupid name.
    • James also asks about how there's nothing left, with Professor Oak agreeing. Then he asks something:
      James: Meowth, what do you wanna do? I mean if Ash is still out there, we can capture his Pikachu or something.
      Meowth: Eh, nah. I think I'm just gonna become one with the force.
      James: One with the what?
      (Meowth disappears into the void)
      James: What the fu-?
  • "Taskmaster's Task":
    • How does Taskmaster "copy" Reed Richards' power? By snapping his own arm and swinging it limply around. The heroes are too horrified by this to even attempt to fight him anymore, they just plead for him to stop doing it.
    • Why were they even fighting Taskmaster to begin with?
      Captain America: I don't understand, we just caught you jaywalking!
      Taskmaster: AND I'D DO IT AGAIN!
    • Human Torch activates his flame powers, seemingly after contemplating doing so just to see if Taskmaster would attempt to copy it. Taskmaster's eyes widen momentarily, but then he puts his Game Face on and the video abruptly ends as he prepares to pour gasoline over himself.
  • "Batman Joins the Justice League": After meeting a number of obscure characters that Batman wasn't aware of, and already getting annoyed at Superman because of that, he really got himself into a state of despair when seeing that Gleek got in before he did.
  • "Darth Vader does an Oopsie": Palpatine's response to Vader's defense that he was never asked not to kill the younglings during his attack of the Jedi Temple.
    Vader: "Well next time, You just need to be a bit more clear!"
    Palpatine: "Oh Yeah, Don't worry I'll remember that! "Hey Vader, Can you pick up some milk? Also don't kill all the children!"."
    • After learning that Vader force choked his pregnant wife and seemingly killed any chance of Palpatine having more Siths under his thrall, Palpatine say he hates his apprentice while Vader tries to salvage the situation:
    Vader: "He, Wait, Wait, Wait! I just had a great Idea!"
    Palpatine: "What? Are you going to burn down a space orphanage?!"
    Vader: "NO!...(Under his breath) But write that down..."
  • "Speed Racer and the 2nd Amendment": This video takes the titular character's Memetic Psychopath status and just goes whole hog with it, with him constantly gunning down other racers with sadistic glee. And yes, Motor Mouth is still in effect.
    • One moment of hilarity particularly stands out:
      Sparky: Speed, where the fuck are you going?! The race is back there!
      Speed: Sparky, dude, just chill the fuck out, alright? It's a shortcut, I take it every time.
      Officer: Hey, stop right there! This is a school zon-(gets ran over)
      Sparky: Oh my God, you hit him!
  • "Spider-Man and his Annoying Friends": Peter channels his inner New Yorker and completely loses his shit when he finds out that Bobby Drake (Iceman) installed a bunch of concealed tracking equipment technology in their apartment when they're about to leave to fight a giant fire monster rampaging through the city.
    Peter: What does it even do?
    Bobby: W-well...
    Peter: What does it even do?!
    Bobby: Okay, okay, well, i-it tells you, y'know, it tracks whe-wh-where the trouble is, y'know, wh-where the bad guys are.
    Peter: Oh, it tells you where the monster is? Well thank God for that or else I wouldn't have seen the GIANT FIRE MONSTER RAMPAGING THROUGH THE CITY!
  • "Scooby-Doo and the mystery of the dead guy" :
    • How the gang finds out what the case is.
    Shaggy: Like, is it a spooky pirate ghost?
    Scooby: Or maybe a creepy evil clown?
    Detective Ruby: What? No, no, no. Heh heh heh... Uh, triple homicide.
    Velma: Jinkies!
    Shaggy: Zoinks!
    Fred: Holy shit.
    • The concept alone : because they're the only detectives available, the Scooby Gang is called to investigate... On a mass murder case. To say they're out of their league is an understatement.
    Fred: Jesus Christ, it's all so real now...
  • "Public Domain Mickey"
    • Now that Steamboat Willie is public domain, Mickey can finally share some of his secrets :
    Steamboat Mickey: Did I ever tell you the time I killed that taiwanese hooker ?
    Steamboat Pete: Nope, but now it's canon ! Officially canon !
    • Just after that, Steamboat Mickey tells Steamboat Pete that they can now travel anywhere they want, including in tropical islands... And in a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, they end up on Jeffrey Epstein's island. Pete has barely enough time to realize something's amiss before the scene quickly shifts.
    • This rather... Interesting lesson :
    Steamboat Mickey: Remember kids: your votes will always come second to the people who made Baby Yoda!
  • "Green Goblin Tries His Best"
    • At the climax of the sketch, Peter turns the tables on Osborn by swiping his weapon right from under his nose while joking around.
    Spider-Man: What was the last thing we did?
    Green Goblin: I'd just thrown Mary Jane off the George Washington Bridge!
    Spider-Man: (web zips the Goblin's gadget to himself) Yeah, then you sent her into oblivion with this.
    Green Goblin: Yep, that's what I used!
    Realization sets in.
    Green Goblin: You know, in hindsight, the whole limbo thing wasn't that great an idea.
    Cut to the Goblin being sucked into a vortex.
    Green Goblin: FUUUUUU-
