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Funny / Horizon Forbidden West

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

In General

  • When Aloy takes a dip in water:
    Aloy: (sarcastically) Refreshing...I guess.
  • If Aloy sets a large machine on fire:
    Aloy: Now it's a burning angry machine!
    • And another one:
    Aloy: One hot roasted machine coming up!
  • Sometimes when Aloy is sneaking away from suspicious enemies:
    Aloy: I'm just a blade of grass. A very red blade of grass.
    • Alternately, sometimes she'll just whisper "shoo!"
    • And in the water:
      Aloy: I'm just a fish.
  • The Running Gag throughout the game's storyline is NPCs referring to Aloy by some fancy, glamorous titles she gained from her extraordinary achievements, to which Aloy simply replies with: "Just Aloy".
  • The surprisingly common occurrence of running over an animal on a mount. Chances are you won't even notice a peccary or a raccoon in your path and suddenly SPLAT! …And you get a small bit of XP for your troubles.

Main Story

  • Aloy comments on Varl's new beard.
    Varl: [chuckles] Well, I didn't exactly have time to shave while I was chasing after you. Don't worry, it's not permanent.
    Aloy: Good.
    Varl: [laughs] Sorry my whiskers offend you, Anointed.
    • The fact that Aloy of all people (a person who rarely puts value on attractiveness) comments on this is all the more hilarious. Even more so that Aloy's preference for Varl's beard is an unpopular one (fans loved his beard).
  • At the start of the game, it looks as though Aloy has found a working (and stolen) backup of GAIA in a Far Zenith data center. Unfortunately, a recording of Travis Tate plays revealing that Far Zenith's mole was found out, and instead of a copy of GAIA, they got "the mother of all logic bombs" and their data was wiped. While this certainly isn't funny for Aloy, Travis Tate's hilariously over-the-top delivery certainly will be for the player.
    • Said recording includes Bible quotations, an over the top graphic reading THOU SHALT NOT STEAL a super advanced terraforming system, and concludes with Tate giving Far Zenith a dual-middle-fingered salute.
    • Also, the version of "GAIA" they have is version 6.9.
  • During an optional conversation with Vanasha and Uthid, Uthid claims that as rough as Vanasha's exterior is, inside she's "as soft as a silk pillow." Vanasha responds by looking at him flirtatiously and saying that Uthid "has no idea." It takes him a moment to catch the innuendo.

Act I

  • Aloy meets the Sun Priest in charge of the Embassy, Studious Vuadis, who is very annoyed at being delayed due to the whole "murderous machines overrunning the Daunt" thing. Aloy is clearly tired of his shit ten seconds after meeting him. His poor escort has it much worse.
    Guard: I need to get Vuadis—
    Vuadis: Studious Vuadis!
    Guard: [sighs]
    • Vuadis feels insulted that the elevator operator brought Aloy, an apparent random Nora, down but refused to take him, a Sun Priest, back up. When told that Aloy is the Savior of Meridian, he sounds genuinely grateful that he was ignored in favor of someone actually important.
      Vuadis: Well, that lessens the insult, I suppose.
    • Within two minutes of meeting him, talking to his bodyguard:
      Vuadis: (reading from a scroll, interrupting) "And so, at daybreak-"
      Aloy: Hey! (Not Now, Kiddo gesture) Ssh!
  • The conversation with Ulvund is a gold mine of funny as Aloy keeps exposing all of Ulvund's hypocrisy. But his quest line ends with him proudly declaring that the strike will end when Aloy adds:
    Aloy: And Ulvund has agreed to personally pay every worker their lost wages.
  • When Aloy starts demanding to pass through the gate and the commander of the fort tries to stop her, Varl and Erend just stand nearby, watching the show.
    Varl: What's going on?
    Erend: The usual. Aloy's trying to do something impossible, someone's trying to stop her. It's not going to work.
    • If you look closely at the timing of the whole thing, it's clear that the reason why Aloy is trying to force her way through the gate is because she's trying to leave Varl behind again. She also makes a rather pained face when Varl finally catches up with her.
    • While Varl and Erend are talking, you can hear Aloy demanding the guard to open the gates. The guard is absolutely flustered by this and seems torn over obeying direct orders from his superior and from the 'Savior of Meridian', someone he admires and respects.
    Guard: S-Sir! It's the savior!
  • At Barren Light, the border between the east and west is marked by two statues of an unnamed Sun-King (possibly Iriv, Basadid, or Ranan). The one on the eastern side is still whole, while the one on the western side has been disfigured and graffitied by Tenakth markings.
  • Aloy gets rather snarky with the dying HADES. He says, in the whispery version of his knives-in-gears voice, "sarcasm detected."
    • Also, during this conversation: HADES has a distinctive audio cue before he's about to say some version of "memory corrupted; I don't know." to answer a question. Aloy comes to roll her eyes or get visibly frustrated when she hears it.
  • Varl is clearly smitten with Zo. Even Aloy notices. This culminates in Varl awkwardly trying to explain why he can't leave with Zo, only for Zo to grab him and kiss him.
    • When Varl insists on looking over Aloy, Zo says she doesn't need him to do that. Varl says he's concerned she'll run off: cue Aloy rolling her eyes with a grimace to say "Dammit, he thought of that".

Act II

  • When Aloy comments to GAIA's backup that she hates Ted Faro, the response is:
    • And this is coming from the AI specifically designed to be compassionate towards all life on Earth, so that's saying something! Though, if there's one person in the world that GAIA would be inclined to dislike, given all his monumental failures and near-destruction of the human race twice over, Ted Faro would deserve that 'honour'.
  • Upon returning to the base with one of the subordinate programs, Aloy finds Varl teaching Erend how to use a Focus. After a bit of a struggle with the interface, Erend accesses Concrete Beach Party's music track . And he loves it. Doubly hilarious as he mis-names the band as the still-appropriately titled "Concussion Beat Party".
  • When Aloy has to talk Kotallo into going along with her plan to take down the Bulwark, she reminds him that his chief ordered him to help her, and asks if he’s going to defy him like the arrogant clan leader they just talked to. Kotallo is flummoxed, and clearly desperately wants to deny both her plan and the accusation of disloyalty. In the end, all he can do is petulantly grumble.
    Kotallo: [miserably following] That was an unkind comparison.
    • The player gets the feeling that this is a Tenakth warrior's way of saying, "That was meeeaaan…"
  • The three Oseram showmen in Las Vegas, delving for hologram projectors. One has a habit of Narrating the Present (Aloy quickly decides not to deal with him), one spends all his time complaining (he's the accountant), and Morlund is clearly smitten with Aloy the second he sees her, having found a kindred spirit.
  • Oseram depth measurements.
    Morlund: You could stack fifty kegs in that shaft.
    Aloy: Leave it to the Oseram to measure something in kegs.
    Morlund: We're talking liquid depth. I'd say it's apt.
  • When the delvers show up for the final battle of the POSEIDON quest, Abadund turns to quietly walk away without a word. Morlund grabs his arm without even looking.
  • When Aloy meets Alva for the first time, Alva just stares at her, completely speechless, for a full minute, while Aloy assures her she's not there to hurt her. Mildly funny at the time, but hilarious following the conclusion of the quest: She immediately recognized her as Elisabet Sobeck, and had no idea how to deal with one of her honored Ancestors who has been dead for a thousand years walking up dressed like a barbarian.
    • Alva launches into a lengthy ramble about the Legacy, the Quen, her role as a Diviner, and other things she clearly thinks are important. Meanwhile, Aloy is walking around the room and taking a look at the Quen scrolls on a table while Alva stumbles after her.
    • When Aloy asks why her tribesmen attacked her, Alva explains that their duty is to protect the "legacy" from the ignorant and unworthy. Aloy shoots her a dirty look and Alva quickly adds that Aloy seems very learned and worthy.
  • The absolute dumbfounded face Aloy makes when Alva introduces her as the 'Living Ancestor' to the other Quen. She just says nothing as Alva continues to play it up, even calling her 'Dr. Sobeck' to allow Aloy to leave.
  • The Quen struggle with an apex thunderjaw who have their people pinned. While an apex thunderjaw is a formidable opponent, Aloy would have had to pass by two Slaughterspine spots on the way there, meaning that she could easily have killed two even larger and more dangerous machines for fun. Not bad for a primitive infidel, eh?
    • Another thing of note is that thunderjaws are the kind of machines the Hunter's Lodge fight for sport. For all of the Quen's cultural posturing, they seem to struggle to keep up with the savages they look down on.
  • During the Thebes quest, Aloy gets the door open for the Quen only to find Ceo missing. Then he walks out wearing some... familiar clothing.
  • He also makes Aloy dress up as close as they can approximate to Faro's "assistant," Elisabet Sobek. She complains about them constantly, and the first thing she does after the mission is over is say she needs to change.
    Aloy: I can't believe the Ceo made me play dress-up.
    • The funny part is the player can choose to keep the raiment on as it's a decent 'Very Rare' quality armor piece with great resistance to fire and decent stats.
  • Alva plasters on a fake smile as she and Aloy are forced at bow-point into the tomb, reminding Aloy that she tried to warn her the Quen were crazy.
  • A bit about Thebes itself, the bunker that Ted retreated to. The part Aloy gets to explore first is the living quarters, which are surprisingly modest, around the same size as the habitable parts of the Base but laid out in a less interesting way. Even Ted's bedroom isn't any bigger or nicer than the office Aloy moves into and doesn't show any signs of personal flair, hardly something you'd expect from a trillionaire. That's because he poured every ounce of interior decorating into the several massive cathedral-scale rooms connected to the living quarters, including an absurdly ostentatious giant statue of himself posed like a pharaoh and flanked by obelisks.
  • Aloy coyly comments that the Ceo really is like Ted Faro, which is a very backhanded comment coming from Aloy, but the Ceo takes it as a huge compliment and all it does is stroke his ego.
    • How does the Ceo die? Getting crushed by Ted Faro's head. Not a fun away to go, but boy was it hilariously poetic.
  • At the end of the HEPHAESTUS quest, Beta and Aloy have to purge the malware using a holographic interface. It's some sort of puzzle, the kind of Hacking Minigame that action games like this use all the time... but it's a minigame that Aloy hasn't played, so she's clearly far more hesitant than Beta. She keeps glancing over at Beta as if to make sure she's doing it right.


  • "Well, Sylens. Looks like you finally found a door you could open without me."
  • In the final mission, Erend is carrying around the heavy weapon while Aloy leaps around the seaside cliffs. He does not appreciate this.
    Erend: Aloy... in case we don't make it... I just have one regret.
    Aloy: What is it?
    Erend: That we had to do all this climbing.
    • Earlier in the mission, Aloy and Erend enter a cave as they're making way to the Zenith base. Erend comments how creepy it was and Aloy replies with a cheeky 'I'll protect you'.
      Erend: It's creepy in here.
      Aloy: Don't worry, (In a teasing voice) I'll protect you.
    • "Remember the good old days when our only worry was whether Meridian would be destroyed?"
      • It's pretty funny to realize that it has always about saving the whole world for Aloy, even back then.
      Aloy: Oh, yeah. Good times.
    • Sometimes, Erend will shout this while fighting Specters:
      Erend: Yeah! Take it like a man!... Or a woman - Sorry, Aloy!
  • When HEPHAESTUS is loosed into the Far Zenith systems and commandeers their machine printer, it begins pumping out so many huge combat machines that the battlefield gets a bit crowded. Slaughterspines end up bumping into each other a couple times as they rampage through the horde of Specter drones.
  • Kotallo calls up Aloy to let her know about his and Alva's progress. He attempts to start a sentence but is immediately interrupted by an attacking machine, his war cry is caught over the comms:
    Kotallo: Aloy, we're - (angry war cry) DIE MACHINE FILTH! (pause) Apologies for that.


  • The Errand Quest "A Bigger Boom" is started by talking to a pair of Oseram sisters in Chainscrape, Delah and Boomer, the latter of whom is a big fan of Stuff Blowing Up and rarely lets a sentence pass without talking about explosions. Aloy is initially disinterested in Delah's sales pitch for a new weapon prototype the sisters are building... until Boomer makes a comment to herself about how she's thought of a way of boosting the weapon's power to the point that it can blow a Strider sky-high.
  • Petra explains to Aloy that Ulvund is blaming the Carja for all of the city's problems. It's working, despite the complete lack of evidence to back up his claims, because Oseram will take any excuse to hate Carja. A random drunk Oseram nearby yells out that everything is the Carja's fault, then he passes out.
  • In the sidequest "Drowned Hopes", Aloy runs into a pair of Carja scavengers who've mistaken an old harddrive for a serving tray, which one of them admires for the "decorations". They offer Aloy to take a look at it, who proceeds to scan it and scroll through the stored data. While the scavengers are still right in front of her, one of them walking behind her to see if he can spot what she's looking at and the other asking if he should get the healer.
  • The second and final part of Talanah's sidequest, "Need To Know", has her and Aloy meeting Talanah's love interest Amadis, who is trying to find out what happened to his old lover Nessa. When they finally track the woman down, she's joined the Tenakth, as unlike the Carja they have no bias against women serving in the military, and taken a new name, Ritakka. When Amadis says he's been looking for her for five years, Ritakka replies that she had no idea, but even if she had known , she's already moved on. Aloy and Talanah are in the background for this conversation, and the look on Talanah's face is basically "Ouch."
  • In one otherwise heartwarming side mission, Aloy encounters an elderly Tenakth women dreamily reminiscing about her past love affair with an Utaru tribesman. Her granddaughter, however, is less than enthusiastic about the potential implications:
    Granddaughter: (quietly horrified) Please tell me I'm not descended from an Utaru farmer.
    Grandmother: (cheerfully) Almost. Almost.
  • When going out to test Kotallo's new arm, he refuses to explain how they're going to test it, or why here, or anything at all.
    Aloy: You're being awfully secretive.
    Kotallo: As I recall, you took your sweet time telling me what you planned for the Bulwark. Consider this... my revenge.
    Aloy: Fair enough.
  • When Erend and Aloy go to confront the Sons of Prometheus, they briefly attempt to try a fake prisoner gambit. Emphasis on "briefly;" the guard bluntly states he doesn't recognize Erend, so he just punches the guard out.
    • Erend is very excited to try it:
    Aloy: Your armor. It's almost the same as theirs.
    Erend: Yeah? (grins in realization) Yeah.
  • When Aloy enters Tenakth territory for the first time, a woman nearby demands that they talk, becoming increasingly angry and intimidating if Aloy ignores the "business" she claims they have. It turns out she just wants to gossip.
  • The second balloon ride with Morlund is filled with his Seinfeldian monologues about (unknowingly) recreating Old One culture, like airplane food and pilot uniforms.
  • After getting Ulvund kicked out of Chainscrape, Javad the Willing is going through his possessions. He estimates that it's half stolen goods and half garbage as Ulvund seemed to have a hoarding problem. As he's explaining this to Aloy, he gets distracted and finds his lucky strike piece that he thought he lost and wonders what else of his Ulvund stole.
  • Runda's salvage expedition is an unmitigated disaster; a sandstorm hits the caravan, a Sunwing steals their gear, and they're stranded out in the desert. That's not the funny part. The funny part is that, after Aloy helps them get back on their feet, a worker laments that they're leaving the area... because he was getting used to the crappy camp where they almost died.
    • And after the quest epilogue, they do go back to it!
  • Sylens' knowledge of Aloy has reached the point where he leaves an angry recording in a terrorist camp, knowing she's going to assault the camp at some point and find it.
  • A shop in Bleeding Mark is built into the wreckage of an old plane, including an ancient vent Aloy can pull open to get access to a Black Box on the inside. If she does...
    Herbalist: Woah! You do that everywhere you go?
    Aloy: Sorry.
  • Aloy calls out Sylens for orchestrating a civil war...again after finding a Focus from the Sons of Prometheus.
  • After all the hype around 'The Enduring', Aloy finds her to be just a grizzled old eccentric woman. She tries to offer Aloy a lizard and claims that she should 'eat more'. On the way to the arena, Aloy comments on the climb and she tells her that she should be grateful that she didn't make Aloy carry her on her back to the pit.
    • During the Arena Fight:
      The Enduring: You should have eaten that lizard!
  • During the end of Alva's sidequest, they end up at the top of a very tall old skyscraper. Aloy cheerfully remarks that she's going to glide off, much to Alva's surprise.
    • If the player does decide to glide all the way down, Alva calls again to ask if Aloy made it in a curious tone.
  • Upon returning the pieces of the Gyrocompass in the quest The Way Home, Kristia is so happy to finally have a way to return home that she hugs Aloy...who just stands there and awkwardly takes it, looking clearly uncomfortable when it finally ends.
  • On the southern end of No Man's Land are some Carja engaged in hapless research on the local Old One ruins. One of them has found an ancient hard drive holding military secrets, which he happily identifies as an elegantly-designed serving tray. If you revisit the area after solving the related side-quest, he's managed to find an actual serving tray, which he's just as excited about and holds up in a jubilant Item Get! pose.


  • A book of glyphs left behind in Chainscrape by a wandering scholar describes how he went to Barren Light looking to cross into Tenakth territory to learn more about them, but the guards told him that it was too dangerous and began going on about all sorts of horror stories about the Tenakth, so he reluctantly turned back. An Oseram delver gives a completely different account, however: he describes how the guards were trolling the scholar by telling the previously mentioned horror stories, causing him to turn pale in fear. When the guards offered to open the gates for him, he ran away in terror and was sent back to Meridian after the guard captain got annoyed by his screaming.
  • In Sylen's notes on how he extracted HADES's reservoir of knowledge, it's revealed that he is such an Omnicidal Maniac, simply showing HADES pictures and footage of Earthly life thriving was torture to it. Special mention goes to one particular thread of footage that he would play on repeat because of how effective it was: footage of rabbits running through a flowery meadow.
  • One of the thing's Tate lists as his favorite things left over from Farro's creations in the facility he hijacked to create HADES is a program called MEME-r. That's right, the omnicidal AI shares a birthplace with malicious software called MEME-r.
  • The dying soldiers recorded in Salt Bite's black box are amazingly cavalier about their situation, sharing a drink and complaining that it's too warm.
    • Similarly, one of the subjects of the Promontory's box snarks, "I guess the pencil-pusher that replaced us meatbags with robots is feeling real proud of themselves today."
  • The Tower of London was flooded and stood abandoned due to various climate crises. Ted Faro offered to relocate and "re-purpose it" free of charge... at his company's headquarters in Utah. Everyone hated this, a rare display of pre-Swarm animosity towards Ted. A British MP said, "I'd rather have my own head mounted on a spike atop the Tower than have our heritage purloined by a [DATA CORRUPTED]"
  • Another Ted-critical datapoint has a man mentioning that his FAS-brand household robot malfunctioned, destroying some property and putting a hole in the wall, including that his husband or boyfriend calls FAS-brand household robots "Farosites".
    • Given that there was a datapoint in the previous game about a glitchy or hacked FAS customer service AI, and... well, the Glitch that caused the Swarm to go rogue, you get the impression that for all the company's success its quality control is inconsistent.
  • There's a datapoint about a father obtaining tickets to a holo-show his daughter is wildly excited about and refusing to say he won't embarrass her in front of her friends, using slang like "dread flick".
  • In Alva's datapoint in the Base, she calls Ted Faro a 'SHITHEAD' in all caps.
  • One datapoint in San Francisco features two programmers realizing that they forgot to include a character in their most recent build of their game, and can only hope (likely in vain) that no one will notice. However, the contents of the datapoint are a meta reference to the fact that Guerilla forgot to include the original datapoint that was supposed to occupy this slot in their initial release of the game. This replacement datapoint was only patched in several months later.


  • Erend accidentally crushed the first Focus he was given, which he blames on the device's "daintiness". He also found Concrete Beach Party's music and became quite a fan.
    Varl: [shouting over the music] DO YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THAT?
  • After the ELEUTHIA mission, Aloy can ask if Erend is okay.
    Erend: (slightly crazed) Why wouldn't I be okay?
    Aloy: 'Cause there's two of me now?
  • Zo tried to get Varl to take up vegetarianism, which is similar to Utaru food culture being comprised of food from the fields, not animals. GAIA suggests that they have agreed to disagree on the subject.
  • Varl asked Gaia for information about Old World dating customs, and is disturbed to learn about stuffed animals, believing them to be actual taxidermied animals rather than plush replicas.
    • Later, after he and Zo have a small fight and then make up, he worries to Aloy (possibly the least equipped person to ask) what to do if it happens again. She suggests a stuffed animal.
    Varl: You're the worst, you know that?
    • When talking to Zo about their argument, it's within earshot of Varl, who even says outright
  • GAIA warns Aloy that Erend has discovered how the Old Ones celebrated birthdays; he's confused by the idea of giving people a cake instead of an ale (yes, including the children). He decided to throw Aloy a surprise party, but thankfully GAIA talked him out of it.
  • Kotallo discovers mention of "sea shells" and of hearing the ocean in them. Unfortunately, apparently he's never actually seen a sea shell, so he's under the impression that the Old Ones hauled around the carcass of a dead sea animal to listen to - which is true, but to put it like that!
    Aloy: (horrified) That sounds gross.
  • Kotallo discovers chocolate frosting and says, in his usual deadly serious and stony way, that it's a ration all soldiers should have access to.
    • Even funnier, he's absolutely right! Chocolate rations for soldiers are a real thing—it's where either Tootsie Rolls or M&Ms (depending on who you ask) came from.
  • Some of the things Varl learns and is baffled about include pizza, dinosaurs, and soft drinks.
  • How did Zo get all the soil for her gardens? She made Erend carry it.
  • Modern communications are pondered:
    Erend: I wouldn't want my Aunt Alga knowing she can just talk to me every second of the day.
  • After listening to Zo and Varl flirting too much, an annoyed Erend tells them to go to an inn and rent a room.


  • Thanks to the still-functional holograms their ancestors found at an old military-focused museum, Tenakh have both a unique veneration for related aspects of the Old World, and a series-typical lack of understanding about them. Consequently, one of the most valued and difficult to source dishes Aloy can buy from one of their settlements is known as The Great MRE. They have no concept of how despised Meals Ready To Eat were. "Steamed shellfish and roasted bird wings, packed into a small box with grains and greens" does sound pretty great, actually.
  • A Quen guard commenting on Aloy can very awkwardly tell this "Living Ancestor" that the images of her as Elisabet Sobek don't do her justice.
  • The trophies gathered in the Base range from awesome to petty.
    • Kotallo collects a bit of the Bulwark Aloy destroyed when she was intimidating his Bad Boss. And somehow, he lugged it all the way back to base. It's not a very small rock either.
    • Varl collects the lantern previously used to harbor a omnicidal monster.
    • Aloy somehow lugged an entire Metal Flower there from the Greenhouse, which has to be hundreds of miles away.
  • The Desert Clan has a little pet vulture named Meat.

Burning Shores

  • Aloy's reaction to Sylens' explanation of "tabloids".
    Aloy: Tabloids...?
    Sylens: A type of news outlet that tracked the personal lives of celebrities...allowing legions of fans to live vicariously through the rich and famous.
    Aloy: Oh. Yuck.
  • When you give a Love Interest to a girl as awkward and unused to affection as Aloy, the results are bound to be a mix of sweet and chuckle-worthy. Most of the DLC's campaign has Aloy dealing with realizing she's actually fallen for someone unlike all the other times she's been hit on and had to turn down advances, and watching her stumble through it can be pretty amusing.
  • Okay, Londra's cult is horrifying, but the fact that he's managed to rope in a bunch of Quen with some absolutely basic managerial techniques ("Make them feel important! Make them feel like you care! We're all one big family here!") is at least worth a chuckle.
  • A datapoint mentions that the reason Londra and his wife got a divorce was because he suspected she was cheating on him, so he sent his best friend/bodyguard to spy on her... and she slept with him.
  • Aloy and Seyka advance through Londra's headquarters, a decayed amusement park based on his wife's most successful holo series. It's about human soldiers fighting dinosaurs ("Sounds weird. And awesome"). Seyka actually knows what dinosaurs are (apparently a Diviner taught her), and Aloy understands the basic concept of selling stuff based on an entertainment series, but they are still both so confused.
    Seyka: that dinosaur wearing a hat?
    Aloy: I-I think the closer to human something was, the... better it sold stuff.
    Seyka: ...interesting tactic.
  • One of the datapoints in the park is actually a recent one. Londra grumbles that the producers insisting on a "kid-friendly" character resulted in "Reggie Rex." A thousand years later, Londra still hates the damn thing.
    Londra: Even after the end of the world, Reggie feels like a total disaster.
  • Compliance Officer Rheng's journal can be found in his quarters, with profiles and notes on various individuals throughout the settlement. While some are serious, others are downright petty.
    • He confiscated illicitly distilled Bilge Blaze (moonshine) from the supervisor, then changed his mind on charging him after tasting it.
    • He is convinced that the cook is disrespecting him because she served him a crab leg instead of a claw, and reminds himself to come up with a charge "that will stick."
    • His notes on Seyka grow increasingly unhinged, especially after she gets her Focus, culminating in him considering charging Admiral Gerrit with treason for tolerating Seyka's violations of Quen law.
  • Gildun is back! And he's just as hilarious as he was before.
    • He got trapped in the ruin because he just couldn't resist pulling a lever. Aloy sees this coming a mile away.
      Aloy: So you pulled the lever?
      Gildun: So I pulled the lever!
    • She is flabbergasted that he wandered all the way from Banuk territory down to the Forbidden West. Apparently he's just been delving into random ruins ever since he met Aloy, looking for friends and adventure.
    • She ends up joining him in the search for his friend explicitly because she's sure he'd get trapped again without her.
