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Funny / Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger

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Even Humongous Mecha can have Ho Yay moments.

Zenkaiger embraces the full-on absurdity of Super Sentai to new heights, with plenty of outlandish characters, bizarre MOTW plots, and screwball comedy all around.

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  • The Dancing Theme opening in general, which features the Kikainoids each joining in the dance as they are introduced in the credits, but Juran and Magine don't follow the actual dance, instead doing their own freestyle. Meanwhile Gaon and Vroon do follow Kaito in doing the actual dance, the former with a lot of gusto and the latter falling down clumsily as he does it.
  • Every single team roll-call is distinct from one another in various ways, whether it's through visual gags, wordplay, or straight-up absurdity. So far, there has been only one case of a "straight" roll-call, and that was all the way back in episode 4.
  • Setchan tends to be a goldmine for hilarity during the Previously on… segments, often doing something that relates to the previous episode.
  • There's just something adorable of the Kudaitests' catchphrase being "You called, sir?", and the like. They sound caught off-guard when they are summoned and hurriedly scramble to the scene despite their size, almost like they're secretly Gentle Giant Punch-Clock Villains just doing their best underneath the cold Humongous Mecha exterior. This gets hilariously lampshaded in episode 24 when they're summoned while still in a holiday mood.
    Kudaitests: Yo! You need somethin', Boss?
  • The first few episodes featured a Running Gag in which most of the Zenkaigers would shoot something before Kaito (and eventually the rest of the team) have to teach them how to use the Geartlinger through Buffy Speak. To boot, both Juran and Gaon shot a Kudack and Magine accidentally almost shot herself. Vroon fully averts this by simply asking the team how to use the changer rather than shoot anybody.
  • It's easy to miss, but the editors occasionally screw with the scene where the team is hanging out in the cafe during the opening. This can range from playing and rewinding the same half-second clip over and over, to playing the whole thing in slow motion, to multiplying the segment into 4, then 16, then 64, all the way to 256, and so on.
  • The Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon has so much recoil that whenever Zenkaizer uses it, he has to call the others to brace him against it by forming a line behind him. The few times he fired the weapon solo ended with him being sent flying backwards!


    No. 1-kai! The Crazy Cool Kikai World-kai! 
  • How do we get introduced to Kaito? He's on the top floor of the Skytree with a giant rope on him. When the authorities come by, they naturally ask him what he's about to do. His response: bungee-jump off of the Skytree. The policemen naturally kick him out. Adding to the hilarity is when the policemen ask Kaito if he's doing it for Youtube, to which he denies. His actor, on the other hand, has a fairly active Youtube channel.
  • Boccowaus is set-up to be the intimidating leader of the Tozitend, with the size and voice to match. As soon as Gege gets his attention, his tone and demeanor instantly change to something of a fawning parent.
  • Vroon gets an Early-Bird Cameo, introduced to be working in the Tozitend's base as a janitor.
  • During a serious moment where the Tozitend are invading the merged Kikai-human world, the Kudaiter decides to comfort Juran after he gets alienated by his "friends". Juran accepts it at first... before realizing that he's talking to a Kudaiter, aka the enemy.
  • After Kaito accidentally activates Secchan's programming, the robot bird immediately sets him and Yatsude down on a bench... and sends the both of them overboard to the secret base with zero care in the world.
  • Kaito decides to recruit Yatsude into his crusade against the Tozitend. His grandmother immediately turns him down, citing her age. Kaito has a Imagine Spot that has him and Yatsude posing with the Geartlingers while a giant explosion occurs behind them, leading him to believe that Yatsude will be convinced if she looks cool while doing it. She nearly considers it... before refusing again.
  • Juran's first instinct is to immediately shoot one of the Kudacks, to Kaito's horror and the rest of the Tozitend army's confusion. Kaito gives Juran Sentai Gear #16 and has to teach him on the spot on what to do with it, which only leads to more confusion by the army. Crosses over with Awesome.
    • Better yet, it silences the Tozitend elite Kudaiter mid-speech.
      Kudaiter: You there, commoner! This time, you're scr— (BLAM!!)
    • Additionally, that confusion manifests in the Tozitend army just kinda standing there with their heads tilted while Kaito teaches Juran how to use the Geartlinger offscreen, as if saying "We should stop them, but we also kinda wanna see where this goes."
  • In stark contrast to many Sentai mentors, it's clear that Yatsude has zero idea what the hell is going on, leaving her in a complete daze for most of the fight.
  • Using Sentai gear #39 (that one being Shuriken Sentai Ninninger), Juran's first instinct is to dance to the beat before actually using it.
  • Kaito was so taken aback by the appearance of a Kudaitest he completely forgot he was still fighting a Kudaiter.
    Kudaiter: (Attacking Kaito) Don't forget about me!
    Kaito: (Getting carried away) I completely forgot~!
  • Kaito was prompted to interrupt the fight between him and the Kudaiter to show the robot how much damage the Kudaitest is doing to the city when the Kudaiter chastised him for bashing him in the knee with his Geartlinger. How does he do this? By turning the Kudaiter's face on the city before refocusing him on the battle.
    Kudaiter: You-! Guns aren't for striking!
    Kaito: Oh yeah? (turns Kudaiter's head to Juran and the Kudaitest's fight) Well, cities aren't for wrecking!
  • Zenkai Juran's finisher is a hip drop. As JuranTyranno. With the tail blade.
    Kudaitest: With your butt, of all things?!
  • The end of the episode has Yatsude, Juran and Kaito do a Big "WHAT?!" when they see the multitude of humans and Kikanoids with mushrooms on their head. What really makes this hilarious is rather than do it on the spot, Juran and Kaito run up to Yatsude first before doing it for some reason.

    No. 2-kai! The Roaring Wild Beast is a Huge Pain-kai! 
  • Juran and Kaito find Ijirude and Kinoko Wald on a rooftop.
    Ijirude: So you found us. Kinoko Wald, get them!
    Ijirude: (Smacks Kinoko Wald) That's you!
    Kinoko Wald: Ah! Me?
    • Following up on this, Kinoko Wald later on makes "kinoko" his Verbal Tic, as a self-reminder that his name is Kinoko Wald. Ijirude actually commends him on his dilligence.
  • Juran and Kaito decide to play jump-rope with Kinoko Wald with the ribbons provided by Sentai Gear #6 (Dai Sentai Goggle Five). The MOTW does get in... and ends up faceplanting into the ground, leading the two to shock him.
  • Gaon is introduced to be a massive Boomerang Bigot. He'd do everything possible to avoid having to interact with other Kikainoids and robots.
    • He completely ignores Juran whenever the latter tries to speak to him, and only interacts with Kaito.
    • When the transformation happens, Juran's screen slowly shrinks, while Kaito's stays the same.
    • During the Team Hand-Stack after everyone's transformed, ZenkaiGaon's hand overlaps onto ZenkaiJuran's. He immediately retracts his hand and puts it underneath Zenkaizer's.
    • When Zenkaizer was flung away by Kinoko Wald, ZenkaiGaon immediately runs off to save him. When ZenkaiJuran got flung too however, he doesn't get the same treatment, and is completely ignored as ZenkaiGaon instead goes in for an attack on Kinoko Wald.
    • During the Behemoth Battle against Dai-Kinoko Wald, he clashed and bickers with Juran, blaming him and referring to him as Kikainoid instead of by name.
    • After being introduced to Secchan (who is modelled after a bird), he immediately tosses the latter aside for being a robot; even robot animals are no exception to his bigotry. Secchan luckily gets his revenge by hitting the Kikanoid on the head.
  • Continuing from Juran dancing to the melody from the Geartlinger last episode, he dances along with it again as they're about to transform, bringing to mind a certain other dinosaur Sentai.
  • Just the sight of both Kikanoids and humans with mushrooms on their heads. It even stays on Gaon's head after he's transformed.
  • Kaito and Juran embark on a quest to recruit more Zenkaigers. So, they appear in the middle of the city (with Juran in as JuranTyranno) while Kaito holds up a sign that says "Zenkaiger Member Recruitment!", proudly announcing that joining them comes with a free gift of ten candy from Colorful. While it gets the attention of the people (even a newscaster!), it quickly becomes apparent that no one in the crowd actually wants to fight, citing that it's too scary. The only reason that they got the attention of Gaon is that he wants to be friends with Kaito, and only Kaito.
  • While played mostly seriously, there is something hilarious about Gaon trying to pull off the mushrooms again and again, not realizing that they'll just pop up right after it's pulled off.
  • Just like Juran the previous episode, Gaon immediately shoots a Kudack the moment he received his Geartlinger, before Kaito gives him his Sentai Gear to fight properly. Juran even makes a comment lampshading the incident from last episode. And just like with Juran, while Kaito teaches Gaon how to use the Geartlinger correctly, the Tozitend army and Kinoko Wald can be seen tilting their heads to the side, as if wondering what the hell is going on.
  • The Kudaitest absorbing Kinoko Wald's Toziru Gear completely by accident by stepping on it. Everyone on the scene just falls into a Stunned Silence witnessing this.
  • Just as Zenkaizer triggers the Zenkai Gattai function to combine JuranTyranno and GaonLion, BOTH MECHAS ACCIDENTALLY SHARED A KISS (with a flying heart effect to boot). They do NOT take it well. AT ALL.
    • How about the fact the transformation takes place in a baseball field with a projection of Zenkaizer gesturing the union of the two and the announcer's voice makes it sound like they are announcing players in a baseball game?
  • ZenkaiOh splitting apart as soon as Gaon and Juran realize what's going on, completely at odds with each other. The screams of sheer agony they give really add to the hilarity. Fortunately, the fight soon switches to absolute awesomeness.

    No. 3-kai! The Seriously Anxious Witch-kai! 
  • Koori Wald's powers are a major source of comedy:
  • Magine's fumbling fortune-telling to find Koori Wald leads the gang on a wild goose chase.
  • Crossing over with Awesome, Magine snaps when Gaon mocks her fortune-telling hobby, going at it as to why it means so much to her. Gaon instantly backs down in utter bewilderment.
  • After a heartwarming moment where Magine shares a bit of her past with the trio and Kaito saying that they had fun despite her fortunes leading them in the wrong direction, Gaon decides to chime in with "I don't know if I'd go that far...". Juran's response is to punch him in the gut.
  • Finally finding Koori Wald and Barashitara (through a news broadcast), Barashitara tells the Zenkaigers of his plan.
    Barashitara: This world is headed straight for an Ice Age!
    Kaito: An Ice Age!? ...What's that?!
    Juran: Seriously?
    Gaon: Kaito...
    Koori Wald: He doesn't know what an Ice Age is...?
    Juran: Hang on a sec! If you'd ask me to explain, it's like... Gaon, you tell him.
    Gaon: M-Me?! It's, uh... if you could elaborate for us, Juran?
    Juran: Don't pass it back to me! How do you explain an Ice Age...?
    Barashitara: Um, regardless! With the power of the Koori Gear, we will be wiping all of you out!
  • In an amusing twist of the Running Gag, Magine accidentally almost shoots herself trying to figure out how to use the Geartlinger. Cue the usual tutorial from the rest of the gang while the Tozitend watch again.
  • When Magine settles on calling the team by their names without honorifics, Gaon gets annoyed when she calls him by his name - stating that he didn't even say anything. Juran and Yatsude tell him to chill out.
  • After Great Koori Wald is defeated, Barashitara is so furious that he vents (literally, steam comes out of the pipes on his back) and his forehead barrel turns red hot.

    No. 4-kai! The Trembling Huge Busybody-kai! 
  • Boxing Wald's brainwashing is apparently so potent; anyone infected by his gongs will keep on boxing until their opponent is defeated. While this is mostly Played for Drama, there are some funny moments such as Kaito getting punched right in the face by the elderly Su-san, a bride taking down her soon-to-be husband, an idol taking out her fan, and people being sent flying out of houses.
  • When the team confronts Boxing Wald, Kaito decides to shame him for making Su-san punch Yatsude. Gaon points out that it was Kaito himself who was just punched in the face by Su-san.
  • Just as the team is about to transform, Vroon manages to conveniently come by the scene, running away from the Kudacks. The team and Boxing Wald are left in Stunned Silence after the fact, before taking a while to recall where they stopped and resuming from there.
  • How does the team save Vroon? First, Magine casts a Banana Peel (with a pink witch hat no less) for Boxing Wald to slip on. Then the boys decide to carry him off on their shoulders to run away, Magine ringing a church bell along the way.
    "Full strength! Run away!"
  • When the Zenkaigers try to ask Vroon what's going on, he unfortunately gets distracted by the world around him: balloon animals, stockings, desserts, books, etc. The team (sans Kaito) understandably get continually frustrated to the point where Gaon and Juran resort to taking off his glasses for him to finally focus.
  • When the boxing mob has their sights set on Vroon (as a wanted target), Magine knocks them away with a cart of plushies on sale.
    Magine: Ahh! Here you go! They're on discount! (Rams into the mob)
  • As a way to distract the citizens affected by Boxing Wald's Hate Plague, Magine summons a bunch of boxing cornermen (also with pink witch's hats) to put them on an "interval".
  • In an amusing aversion to the Running Gag with the new members, Vroon instead asks how to use the Geartlinger.
    • Vroon, being the Constantly Curious figure that he is, starts to ask a bunch of questions about what his powers are. In the middle of battle. Understandably, the rest of the team has had enough.
      Gaon: You need to shut up!
      Juran: Questions later!
  • Kaito decides to do Daigo's infamous Groin Attack when the team gains the Dairen Rods from Sentai Gear #17.
  • When ZenkaiOh JuraGaon takes on Great Boxing Wald, he tells them that using a sword in a boxing match is against the rules. The mecha notably hesitates at this revelation, which unsurprisingly leads to Boxing Wald instantly taking a hit at them.
  • The second Kudaitest overconfidentally leans against the wires of it's boxing ring after beating down ZenkaiOh VrooMagine... only to comedically flail once the mecha brings out the pyrotechnics.

    No. 5-kai! The Grip-and-Grasp Sushi Tournament-kai! 
  • Kaito is so desperate to get to the Tozitend base he tries a variety of methods:
    • He uses Gaon and Juran as a lift off point to jump up towards the sky to reach a portal that Vroon previously fell out of. Naturally, no portal opens and he immediately falls flat on his face. He attempts to charge straight in after that, but Juran and Gaon stop him.
    • He attempts to piggyback on Sushi Wald to force him return with him to the Tozitend base. Sushi Wald gets annoyed by this and knocks him off with a smack to his butt, allowing him and Juran, who tried Taking the Bullet, to fall victim and become one giant sushi.
    • He later on attempts to piggyback on Barashitara. Barashitara doesn't bother with this because he knows it won't work and proceeds to casually return through a portal, which knocks Kaito off in the process.
  • Gaon's plan to lure Sushi Wald out? Baiting him out with the smell of fresh sushi. With Vroon and Magine, they set up an entire sushi booth in the middle of a remote quarry, fanning the smell of heaps of rice they have prepared. Sure enough, it works, and what seals the deal is Magine kicking him square in the ass and sending him flying before they transform.
  • Just the sheer hilarity of Gaon getting too wrapped up in his role as a sushi chef. You can just feel Yuki Kaji's utter glee from the screen.
  • Kaito accidentally activating Gear #41 (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger) sends him and Juran on a journey that ends with them arriving at the scene in the nick of time, out of the sheer luck it grants.
    • A fire hydrant breaks, washing the wasabi off them and sending them rolling onto a moving truck.
    • The truck swerving at a corner sends them rolling off into a bunch of balloons, that miraculously hooks onto them and takes off with them.
    • Chancing upon the battle from the skies, Kaito wishes there was a way to get down. Cue a random bird, depicted in a very cartoonish style, popping all of their balloons, sending them crashing onto Sushi Wald and saving the others in the nick of time.
  • Sushi Wald forces Kaito and Juran to get off him, saying that he's not a geta. Yatsude cuts in at this scene, explaining to the audience what a geta is.note 
  • Kaito and Juran transform and do their rolecalls while still stuck as a sushi.
    Together we are, the Zenkaiger Nigiri! Thanks for waiting!
  • Great Sushi Wald manages to stop the Kikai Transformation by tearing the scene off the screen and shaping it into 4 distinct sushi. The Fourth Wall couldn't protect the heroes this time.

    No. 6-kai! The Disturbingly Mysterious Garbage Handling-kai! 
  • Yatsude reveals to the team that Magine is a horrific slob. The next shot shows Magine surrounded by piles of trash, covering every single corner of Yatsude's room. Magine then frantically wipes away Gaon and Juran's flashback of the cafe in her care, and promptly trips over some of the clutter afterwards... while trying to prove them wrong.
  • When Barashitara tells Boccowaus of his current scheme, the latter angrily states that he does not want to physically conquer a dirty, garbage-laden world (this despite having previously sealed Gomitopia, the source of Gomi Wald's garbage powers). Barashitara tries to calm him down by suggesting he'll just have Ijirude invent something to clear the garbage once the invasion is complete.
  • Magine has an epic Screw This, I'm Outta Here moment when she hits Vroon's Rage Breaking Point over her messiness causing even more messes, being sent all the way to Colorful just to sob over her uncleanliness (if you are wondering how this played out, Vroon passes her unknowingly as she sinks into a pile of garbage almost as if she's drowning... only to do a fast-forward Double Take the moment he notices, screaming his catchphrase to the high heavens doing so).
  • The Zenkaigers perform a garbage-based rolecall.
    Zenkaizer: The Raw Garbage Power! Zenkaizer!
    Zenkai Juran: The Oversized Garbage Power! Zenkai Juran!
    Zenkai Gaon: The Uncombustable Garbage Power! Zenkai Gaon!
    Zenkai Magine: The Untidy Power! Zenkai Magine!
    Zenkai Vroon: The Cleanup Power! Zenkai Vroon!
    Zenkaizer: The five warriors, assembled!
    All: Kikai Sentai, Zenkaiger! (A washtub falls onto Zenkaizer's head)
  • As their rollcall declare them as the first trash-themed sentai, Secchan goes to a search engine to double-check.
  • Magine and Vroon decide to invoke a magic show in the middle of their fight with Gomi Wald as a way to draw him out. It somehow works despite the sheer Refuge in Audacity.
  • How did they stop the giant version from hurling trash at them? Magine turns all the junk into recycled materials!
    Gomi Wald: The trash has been recycled and now I can't control them anymore!
  • After the mecha fight, the two Zenkai-Ohs are shown to be cleaning up the mess they made... complete with giant straw broomsticks.

    No. 7-kai! The Demon Prince has a Short Fuse-kai! 
  • As Magine apologizes to Mr. Su over Juran and Gaon's bickering, she accidentally butt-checks Vroon, who was right behind her, as she bows.
  • Kaito's second meeting with Stacy has him attempting to guess who the latter is. Stacy looks like he honestly doesn't know what to make of Kaito.
  • While responding to Juran's call, Kaito runs into Stacy again. It ends with the two jostling each other as they both rush to the scene.
    Stacy: Why are you following me?!
    Kaito: I'm just going in the same direction as you!
  • This exchange:
    Stacaesar summons mecha from the past
    Zenkaizer: Wow, Ijirude is a genius!
    said mecha blasts them
    Zenkai Juran: That's what you get for admiring!
  • Stacaesar calls out old robots... by summoning their DX box!
  • Unable to defeat the puppet Sentai mechas, Zenkai Vroon suggests the team get even bigger to face them. What came out of using the Geartlinger one more time, was instead a gigantic Geartlinger, which the team aptly names the Geartlinger Bazooka, and used it to perform a team cannon finisher to defeat their enemies.

    No. 8-kai! The Other Worlds, From Door to Door-kai?! 
  • Barashitara clarifies that Stacy is indeed his son, mothered by a human woman...out of many wives.
    Barashitara: This kid's mother is human. My 398th — no, my 483rd wife, I believe.
    Stacy: Wrong! She was your 893rd.
    Magine: Wow, what a creep.
    • Stacy's tone makes it clear that this is far from the first time he's had this conversation with Barashitara.
  • Door Wald's ability transports the Zenkaigers into various places around Japan and eventually the whole world. Hilarity Ensues:
    • Kaito ends up at a random family's home. Making his exit, he quickly finds himself in a men's restroom. His various attempts to get back to the battlefield leave him in a writer's room, a manhole (mistakenly thinking that a window would help get back), Hyogo's Himeji Castle, London (with a hello! at that), and so on and so forth. It takes a door on a construction vehicle for him to finally return to the battlefield.
    • Juran ends up in a ryokan of sorts. He exits and finds him in a restaurant... awkwardly witnessing a Love Triangle in action. He makes his awkward exit into a lion's den, getting suddenly reminded of Gaon. Jumping out a window before trying to miserably fly his way up somehow, he lands somewhere in Okinawa with the Shiisa statue, and India, specifically where the Taj Mahal is.
    • Gaon first lands in an office, then landing in the back of a person's car. He then ends up in a piano performance, playing a few notes before making his exit after playing a wrong note. He sees and admires a statue of Date Masamune at Aoba Castle, Sendai, before landing near Paris's Arc de Triomphe.
    • Magine gets placed in an elevator. Pressing the exit button, she ends up in a the men's section of the bathhouse. She then ends up at a wedding as the groom (to which the bride gives her the bouquet and Magine excitedly fist bumps the air that she's getting married next), the Gion District in Kyoto, and the pyramids of Egypt before long.
    • Vroon lands outside of a building, resolving that using the automatic door should work. He then ends up in a karate dojo, bailing on the teacher, only to stumble in an interrogation room. He then proceeds to land on a set covered in green screen, the Sapporo Clock Tower in Hokkaido, and finally Antarctica!
    • Yatsude ends up in a movie theatre, watching a Toei movie no less!
  • When the Kikanoid Zenkaigers transform into their large forms, we see Juran jumping over the Great Wall of China, Gaon admiring the Merlion statue in Singapore, Magine flying past the Statue of Liberty... and Vroon struggling to swim in Sydney Harbor before realizing that he can simply stand up and walk his way to Kaito.
  • Following the joke from the last episode, the Fiveman and Maskman clones were eliminated by the Kikainoid Zenkaigers stomping on them while being big.
  • Kaito celebrates the team's victory over Great Door Wald, and accidentally punches Stacy off-screen. Stacy gets his payback by decking Kaito in the face.
  • Kaito and Stacy's utter bewilderment once the Battleship CrocoDaiOh makes its appearance:
    Kaito: What is that?!
    Stacy: What is that...?
    *Both Kaito and Stacy exchange looks*
  • How does our sixth ranger introduce himself? By singing a jaunty pirate song of course!
    • On top of that, Kaito is enjoying every second of it, humming and dancing to it even after the song ends!
    • Zocks follows this up with his transformation... which involves an elaborate dance routine that makes the Kyoryugers look downright lethargic.
    • Apparently, the Geardalinger is also a tambourine.
  • Zocks targets Stacy because he thinks he has plenty of Gears in his possession. Kaito initially believes he's being targeted, but when he realizes he's not, he immediately backs off and walks off-screen.
    • During their duel, when he realizes Stacy's Dark Gears aren't Toziru Gears, he laments the results and proceeds to shoot all of them to pieces:
      Zocks: What a buzzkill.
      Stacy: The only one whose buzz is dead now, is mine!
  • After a tense moment, Zocks asks the Zenkaigers what's their deal. The team asks the same question to him in exasperation.

    No. 9-kai! The World-Traveling Pirates' Two-Cool Tour-kai! 
  • The episode seemingly starts with no Previously on… segment. But then suddenly Secchan opens the sliding panel and yells his catchphrase at the camera!
    • And when he actually describes what happened? He just says "a bunch of stuff happened until this flashy pirate came and stole our victory."
  • This episode didn't even hesitate to admit that Twokaizer's design was a Gokaiger-ripoff. When Secchan confronts Flint and Zocks about the resemblance, Flint only had this to say.
    Flint: Oh, that whole thing? I just stole their design.
    Secchan: You stole it!?
  • The Goldtsuikers hold the team at gunpoint so that they can outright plunder all of Colorful's candy. Vroon tries to push Flint's gun away with a tray, only for her to fire a warning shot that scares him into dropping it. The next scene has Yatsude return home to find them tied up with all of the shelves completely empty.
  • Kaito challenges Zocks to a duel to get payment and stop his unruly ways... via Rock–Paper–Scissors. Zocks refuses to take this and relentlessly force changes it into a dirty pirate-style Duel to the Death.
  • When Boccowaus slams the platform (multiple times) to demand Ijirude to clarify the presence of Twokaizer, both Barashitara and Ijirude are sent flying off about nine feet into the air, while Stacy is only sent up about 6 feet at most. Just how Stacy, part human, is much heavier than Kikainoids makes this all more funny.
  • Twokaizer's fighting style is practically a full-on pragmatism. Shooting people as they jump, their backs turned, or whatever dirty trick is fine by him as long as it gives him an upper hand.
  • Zocks's transformation dance took so long that Kaito managed to talk for a bit before transforming himself yet still caught up with Zocks.
  • When Zocks concedes to losing to Kaito, he pays back the candy his crew stole a stack of cash... a stack made of Ponggi (the currency of Kaizokutopia) bills that is absolutely worthless on Earth.
    Yatsude: You could've at least paid in dollars!
  • Kashiwa Mochi Wald's shtick is to make everyone who has eaten the delicacy within the last day or so obsessed with eating it. It's surprisingly effective to the point where everyone gets into a sudden craze about it.
    • Flint straight up threatens a kashiwa mochi maker to give her some even though he tells her he ran out of it.
    • Magine practically begged a person to give her his mochi... only to end up realizing afterward that it was actually sakura mochinote  instead.
    • Gaon meets a shady vender who offers him a kashiwa mochi at a price. Gaon pulls out all of the stops: begging, offering him all of his money, and trying to straight up grab it from the box - all for the mochi. He even pulls out his personal cash card and check (themed with animals to boot!), which raises further questions.
      • The way the guy smooth-talks Gaon looks like he was some sort of drug dealer.
      • During this, Gaon admits to having a comically small saving of only 2500 yen.
      • Becomes a Funny Background Event as after Juran tackles him, he gets swarmed by the people who are obsessed with the mochi with Gaon joining the crowd. He manages to slip out and run away without anyone noticing.
  • Juran notes of the rather specific gimmick of the Monster of the Week.
  • Kashiwa Mochi Wald stops Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Vroon by offering to reward kashiwa mochi to anyone who would defeat them. The crazed mob starts to give chase as the both of them run away.
    Juran: People aren't going to fall for that- *gets chased*
  • Kashiwa Mochi Wald has this secret technique that involves clapping his leaf hands to create a massive shockwave. When he first did it, Kaito was holding onto the monster's head and the blowback peeled off the leaf covering his mochi head. Furious, he tries it again (with Kaito using the peeled-off leaf as a shield), only for nothing to occur. The Wald just confusingly claps while Kaito awkwardly watches.
  • Freed from Kashiwa Mochi Wald, Gaon had Zenkai Juran in a wrestling lock, asking him what was he doing. A displeased Zenkai Juran asks him back in response.
    • Shortly after, Gaon gives Great Kashiwa Mochi Wald a "Reason You Suck" Speech just as Zenkai Juran approaches Zenkaizer with an aching hip. Zenkaizer gives him an encouraging slap to the back that somehow cracks it back into place and fixes him.
    • During all of that above, Gaon is doing the roll call offscreen.
  • Kashiwa mochi jokes were positively soaring after this episode.
    • Following Kashiwa Mochi Wald's appearance in episode 9, the Zenkaiger and Super Sentai Twitter emulated the characters' obsession with it by putting out a tweet that literally just says "kashiwa mochi" over and over again... with one "sakura mochi".
    • This was then followed up by Kashiwa Mochi Wald's VA Atsushi Abe retweeting said tweet with an important addition:
      "Kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi kashiwa mochi"
    • The kashiwa mochi craze caught up to Yuki Kaji as well!
    • Even Bandai gets in on the joke! The Televi-Kun Magazine gets in on the action as well.
    • Takuya Sato and Joji Nakata find themselves inexplicably craving kashiwa mochi after this episode.

    No. 10-kai! The Skies are Blue, Be It Day or Night-kai! 
  • The opening has Flint buying bubble tea... and paying in genuine jewelry. Not that the vendor's complaining.
  • While running away from Twokaizer, Mahiru Wald passes by a couple on a bench. The couple doesn't even react to Twokaizer's gunshots hitting the ground near them.
    • Mahiru Wald attempts to take the guy hostage (with the girl actually running off)... only for Twokaizer to fire at them anyway. What should be a grim moment is made hilarious by the incredulous look the Wald and guy exchange before screaming and running around like headless chickens.
  • While the team discusses what to do with the Goldtsuikers, Gaon admits that he can relate to Zocks's feelings, especially. When Juran decides to snark at Gaon for the admission, the following exchange occurs.
    Juran: Yeah, I can see why! You get all lovey-dovey with humans, but you can't stand Kikainoids!
    Gaon: Right!
    (Magine and Secchan flinch in shock)
    Juran: H-hey! At least try to pretend I'm wrong!
  • Secchan is seemingly dead after Magine knocks him off. Turns out Kaito simply forgot to charge his batteries.
  • Yatsude comments that Brazil is on the other side of the world; if it's daytime in Japan, then it should be nighttime in Brazil. The others are confused for a minute... before realizing a little bit later something is indeed very wrong and that it's all because of Mahiru Wald. The imagery depicting their thought process during this scene really takes the cake.
    • This is followed up by the Goldtsuiker family being shocked at the sight of four suns lighting up Earth at different parts.
  • The very fact that the Monster of the Week can summon suns out of nowhere is insane. And then there's the second layer of the gag above where they bothered explaining how noon lasts indefinitely, but brushing off the implications of having four suns heating the planet, let alone dozens of them.
  • The mecha battle really amps up the zaniness, and it is glorious.
  • After the fight ends, ZenkaiOh falls asleep. A giant mech just sits down against a building to catch some Zs.
    • Of course, all the Zenkaigers also takes a well-deserved rest without undoing their transformation.

    No. 11-kai! The Encroaching World Is One of Tag-kai?! 
  • To save Kaito from the oni-fied Vroon, Gaon just shoots him down. Magine produces a slingshot that flings the Goldtsuiker twins away, before calling out Gaon for his actions.
    Magine: How about showing him some mercy?!
    Gaon: Vroon will be fine! He's a Kikainoid, after all.
  • The gang decides to hide out in Colorful after running away from a tagged Vroon. However, he catches up to them. Before tagging Magine, he chastises them.
    Vroon: And might I ask, why are you hanging out here like there's nothing going on? This is obviously the first place I would look!
  • Gaon tries to help Vroon without making him touch... by forcing a vacuum cleaner onto the blue Kikainoid. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
    Vroon: I'm afraid that suction is inefficient for cleaning this up!
  • Today's roll call is Kaito, Juran, and Gaon running away from Vroon and Magine as they transform. They shout their respective titles haphazardly and quickly while dodging each other, and the team logo is thrown away just as soon as it arrives. Said logo also has an oni mask on the right side where Vroon and Magine's colors are placed.
  • Tagged people get in the way when the Zenkaigers (sans Magine and Vroon) try to attack the wald. The solution? Zenkaizer uses Sentai Gear 34 and activates a Windrive to summon a tornado to suck them away. Even Magine and Vroon exclaim how utterly dangerous the plan is. Somehow they managed to land on their feet fine despite being up in the air.
  • Onigokko Wald suddenly reveals that he has ROCKET TAG!
  • When the Zenkaigers realize that the Wald is open for an attack, they scramble around to get into formation, with Zenkai Vroon even stumbling and Zenkai Gaon being pushed away.
  • The way that Great Onigokko Wald goes out is a riot. Instead of going out in a blaze of glory, or something similar to that, the Goldtsuikers go about the pragmatic route, having Cutanner and Ricky stage an argument to go all around the world. From there, CrossKaiOh is able to get behind the Wald to plant his Time Bomb on him with no warning. Both the Goldtsuikers and Zenkaigers (well, Flint, Twokaizer and Zenkaizer, at least) slowly cover their ears and turn away from the incoming explosion. No Finishing Move, no awesome speech, no creative battle maneuvers - just one simple explosion to finish him off. Kaito even lets out a confused "Sekai Zenkai, All Okay...?" at the whole debacle.
  • The moment they realize that their Sentai Gears have been pirated.

    No. 12-kai! The Slowest Snail Has The Toughest Shell-kai! 
  • The Turboranger Gear granting Super-Speed... even though the Turborangers never displayed such an ability. Even Secchan remarks as such.
  • Barashitara is holding a large megaphone to talk to Katatsumuri Wald while being far away. When he shouts to the Monster of the Week to double-time, he immediately throws his megaphone, which is then followed by a Kudak beside him placing a mouthpiece to his face while carrying another megaphone. And to close the gag, he mutters to himself while still being close to the mouthpiece - to which he chastises the Kudak for placing the thing on his mouth.
    • In a follow-up gag, he observes Zocks from afar with binoculars, claiming how crafty he is while handing the binoculars to said Kudak. After seeing the Kudak peek through them, he angrily pulls them back, claiming that he is not allowed to look.
  • When the gang does the "jump to form a line" segment, Zenkaizer and Twokaizer do spinning jumps while the Kikainoids just do a simple leaning jump. Something's just hilarious about trying to be acrobatic with bulky suits.
  • Zocks complaining about the others including them in the roll call, even though he was the one that jumped in line.
    Zenkaizer: The five of us are... uh, wait, six...? The six of us are —
    Twokaizer: Don't count me in.
    Zenkai Juran: Then don't get in line!
  • When Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Gaon are combining into ZenkaiOh JuraGaon, the former comments that they should speed things up. Cue the whole sequence and the announcer fastforwarding.
  • Twokai-Oh is formed by CrocoDaiOh swallowing one of the SD brothers.
  • When Snail Wald becomes large, all of the weapons of ZenkaiOh JuraGaon break upon hitting his shell to their shock. His response?
    Snail Wald: I am technically not a snail. I am a Giant Snail Wald!
    Zenkai Juran: You just added one word!
    Zenkai Gaon: That's a load!

    No. 13-kai! The Attempt at Recycling Once Again-kai! 
  • When Kaito and Gaon tell Zocks that he's fighting Kudack-ified humans (and civilian Kikainoids), the latter immediately holds back one of his punches... and then just curb stomps them.
  • Zocks gets cuffed with the D-Wapper and escorted by Magine and Vroon, after the two (along with Juran) are affected by Gear #28 (Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger). Zocks is positively baffled by this development.
    • Juran announces that Zocks has the right to remain silent, but then immediately adds "You don't have the right to katsudon, though!"note 
  • The Zenkaigers' plan (sans Gaon) to try and safely remove the Toziru Gears from the Kudack-ified humans? Put on a bunch of feathers akin to samba dancers and tickle them, after learning from Gaon that Kikainoids are very weak to tickling at the beginning of the episode. Gaon, Flint, and the Goldtsuiker twins are absolutely baffled by this while Zocks just thinks that it's hilarious.
    • And later, Magine casts a spell to incapacitate the human Kudacks by summoning a giant duster to tickle them all into submission at once. A giant duster with a pink witch hat!
  • Crossing over with Awesome, the Zenkaigers stealing Zocks's thunder and going after Recycle Wald, fueled by Gaon's rage. Zocks is rather impressed by it, while Flint is stunned by Gaon's anger.
  • Recycle Wald summons previously defeated monsters (he says he recycled them) to form their own Psycho Rangers rollcall. The team calls them out on how they manage to do a rollcall out of the blue without rehersal.
  • The giant fight themselves becomes a meta joke on how it recycles footage from old episodes while mixing in new ones... because it's a recycle-themed episode.
    • And towards the end of the fight the enemy team summons their own team cannon that blasts the heroes off, with the heroes stating that even their attacks are being recycled for them too!
  • One of Twokai-Oh Ricky's finishers is literally eating the enemy with its gator arm!

    No. 14-kai! The Decisive Duel! Zenkai Versus Twokai! 
  • Sentai Gear #3 (Battle Fever J) allows its perform the team's dances. Zocks gets annoyed when Kaito starts dancing (complaining that dancing is his thing) and decides to enact a mini dance battle in the middle of their duel. The rest of the Zenkaigers and Goldtsuikers can only look on in sheer confusion.
    Juran: If they're going that way I wanna join in too...
  • When Kaito used the Hikari Sentai Maskman gear to use "Aura Power" against a giant Twokaizer, he just stands there doing nothing. Later on he makes a comeback floating with the mandala on his back based on the show's opening segment with Commander Sugata.
  • When they actually execute the plan for Kaito to lose, the Kikainoids ham it up so much, complete with Vroon throwing tantrums on the floor.
  • A fake poster of the Zenkaigers as a theatre company pops up when they revealed the plan, with some fun notes about the "actors".
  • The reason the Goldtsuikers side with Kaito? He's way more fun than Stacy could ever be.
  • When Stacy enters the fight, he summons replicas of the original members of J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai. In response, Twokaizer uses his own JAKQ gear to grant himself Big One's Staff of Authority... and his command over the team, causing the fake JAKQ members to turn on Stacy. Basically, Zocks weaponized the power of the Spotlight-Stealing Squad. (As a bonus, when he first uses the gear, everything grinds to a halt so that the projection of Big One can slowly walk over to Twokaizer to grant him the powers.)
    • Before that, the fake JAKQ did their JAKQ Covack on Zenkaizer. Normally this would have killed him but instead they blast him off in a hilarious fashion.

    No. 15-kai! The Tubular and Sudden Retro Rewind-kai! 
  • The whole plot was conceived because the staff saw an old telephone box in Toei Studios! They based the Monster of the Week from that and soon made the plot idea.
  • The fact the Monster of the Week is based around "retro" is already off the kilter. He can fire "retro waves" that turns anything into something from the past, like a smartphone becoming a rotary phone. But his era is so wonky that Yatsude describes it as a "mish-mash of eras". He weaponizes the Nostalgia Filter by making people reminisce the past so much that they lose the will to fight!
  • Boccowaus yells at Ijirude and Barashitara, thinking that they came up with the dumb plan of making Earth retro. Gege then states that it was his idea, and Boccowaus does a complete 180, praising him for coming up with such a brilliant plan.
  • The Zenkaigers got hit by Retro Wald's retro waves, causing them to have a costume change into a mish-mash of The '70s. Juran especially likes his outfit.
    • When Retro Wald uses his retro waves towards Twokaizer, they change Zocks's outfit into some sort of disco dancer and his Geardalinger into a normal ship's wheel made of wood... and he keeps dancing without noticing until the end, especially when CrocoDaiOh turns into a normal pirate ship and starts to crash. Even the Zenkaigers comment on how he never noticed the lack of music.
  • Retro Wald maximizes the Nostalgia Filter to weaken everyone. It comes with a visual effect of removing the color from the show, adding wrinkles and static, and squishing the aspect ratio to 4:3! Naturally, Over-Time got in this too by changing to old school fansub yellow subtitles.
  • How did the Kikainoid quartet free themselves from the Nostalgia Filter rut? They realized that their "past" sucks compared to what they have now! They even got up and kick the black borders to bring back the proper aspect ratio for good measure.
  • Retro Wald can suddenly rewind the fight so that the attacks done to him are healed. To counter this, Zenkai Juran uses the Mirai Sentai Timeranger Gear, causing them to rewind the rewind, undoing the whole recovery.
    • Retro Wald's face also gets changed, as now he has Instant Bandages and a different expression after receiving attacks.
  • Great Retro Wald has an attack on his shield shaped like an LP player, the Nostal-shield, that somehow makes Zenkaizer, ZenkaiOh JuraGaon, Twokaizer, and TwoKaiOh Cuttaner blabber into retro-themed Non Sequiturs. They got over this by relating their retro-isms into their attacks.
    • Vroon and Magine panicking over this whole debacle is a whole moment all on its own, especially the moment where Secchan tells them that they could just incorporate the slang into their attacks.

    No. 16-kai! The Magnetic Magnetism Has Hit Its Limit-kai! 
  • The Monster of the Week, Jishakunote  Wald, has an absurd design reminiscent of a traditional samurai. The usual horns of the samurai helmet are replaced with horseshoe magnets (with the one on the top slightly crooked), his katanas are actually magnet sticks, one north pole and one south pole, and the samurai moustache mask is instead made of iron fillings.
  • Gege's plan last week failed, but rather than get angry, Boccowaus instead asks his pet if he had fun from the outing. Barashitara and Ijirude are clearly annoyed at the preferential treatment, though the latter gets flattered when Gege complements thegear system.
  • Jishaku Wald's powers turn the Zenkaigers (and various other citizens) into living magnets. While Kaito, and various other humans, only get small items stuck to them; the Kikanoids are a completely different story...
    • When the team tries to transform, they find that the Geartilingers instantly get stuck to each other. They still manage to transform anyway. Even the special effects get affected by the magnetism.
    • The Zenkaigers find themselves stuck under a bunch of metal towers that Jishaku Wald summoned. Zocks tries to help them by blasting the rods, only for the rods to eventually crush them once again.
      • And before that, he does his "Yohohoi!" entrance... except this time he is late to the party.
    • While running out of Colorful, Magine eventually gets crushed under a vending machine, of all things.
    • Vroon finds himself stuck between a car and a friggin' truck after attempting to transform into his dump truck mode, only for said car to drift towards him (Juran and Gaon were able to dodge it). The duo decide to eulogize him right then and there.
      Gaon: We'll never forget you, Vroon!
      Juran: You were a nerd, but at least you were a good one!
      • And at the end, Vroon bids farewell to the two as he gives them a thumbs up while saying "I'll be back." Later on, Zocks arrives to assess the situation and monologue. Vroon calls out to him but he is promptly ignored.
    • It escalates to the point where the pirates' CrocoDaiOh is attracted to Juran and Gaon. As they try to run away from the ship, Flint decides to hit the control console repeatedly in order to activate the reverse thrusters. When it's close to burning them alive, her response is to just hit it harder while yelling.
      • Mixes with Awesome Moment as Juran and Gaon lead the CrocoDaiOh towards Jishaku Wald in an All or Nothing attack, forcing the monster to cancel his magnetism. This causes the CrocoDaiOh to get practically catapulted off while the two Kikainoids leap forward to punch him right in the face.
    • TwoKaiOh Ricky readies itself to fight Great Jishaku Wald... only to fall victim to his magnetism, leading to the mecha breaking apart into a bunch of pieces and flinging to who knows where. Atsuki clarified on his Twitter that the Goldtsuikers were somehow fine after all of this.
    • After failing to combine as ZenkaiOh, the Kikanoid Zenkaigers try to fight Great Jishaku Wald in their giant forms for the time being. Despite falling victim to his magnetism once again, they use to their advantage by using the polarity to start flinging Juran into the Wald. The Wald eventually decides to reverse the polarity, only to be quickly defeated by a swift combination attack from the quartet. Crosses over with Awesome.
      • Made more hilarious by the fact that all four of them shouted their Finishing Moves at the same time, much to the confusion of both Zenkaizer, Secchan, and Great Jishaku Wald. Even Over-Time got in on the fun and plastered the subs on top of each other!
        Great Jishaku Wald: Eh, what?!? I couldn’t hear, jishaku! Guaaaaaaāh!!!
  • Stacy - or Satoshi for that matter, coming all the way from the Tozitend palace to Colorful just to talk to Yatsude. While the team instantly recognizes him, Yatsude clearly does not, leading to plenty of attempts to try and cover up the truth. They try to act as if everything's normal, but as soon as Yatsude leaves to go get a plastic spoon for Stacy; they instantly prepare themselves for a fight.
  • Secchan tells Zenkaizer to use Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman. He suddenly becomes a genius, figuring out Jishaku Wald's weakness, because Five Red is a science teacher. Juran and Gaon are incredulous at this.
    Juran and Gaon: Kaito got smart?!
    • Another funny thing is how the Fiveman power enters Zenkaizer. The gear summons the whole team, and then they make way like they are in a stage show for Five Red to jump into Zenkaizer.
  • Upon realizing that Jishaku Wald's weakness is heat, Zenkai Juran sets his sword on fire, prompting him to set Zenkai Gaon's claw on fire as well despite said claw being attached to his hand. There's also the fact he just remembered that he could breathe fire from his dinosaur part.note 
  • The episode ends with the Kikainoids run ragged from all the running in the episode.

    No. 17-kai! The Anxiously Mumbling Occult Club-kai! 
  • Toumeinote  Wald's power is turning things invisible. This practically causes a ruckus for anyone, making them smack into objects or people all the time.
  • The Goldtsuikers don't know the name of the Monster of the Week nor his power. They figure this out easily by his Verbal Tic.
  • As Zocks does his song-and dance for this episode, Flint joins in.
  • Twokaizer's fighting style is no match for invisible obstacles getting in the way. Even later, the invisible Kudacks pose such a problem for him to the point he actually sits out of the fight.
  • When Toumei Wald uses his Invisible Beam on the rangers, Zenkai Gaon immediately uses Zenkai Juran as a Meat Shield, turning the latter invisible. Of course, Zenkai Juran will have none of it as he chastises Zenkai Gaon about it. It later becomes a recurring thing between the two throughout the episode, as Juran and Gaon will take turns hitting each other out of annoyance. Eventually, after being turned invisible by Great Toumei Wald, Zenkai Juran decombines from ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and casually ditches Zenkai Gaon in the middle of the fight.
  • When Juran and Kaito decide to head to the school to cheer up the occult club, the former lags behind the latter and is ran over by a truck, sending him flying into a lake and creating a massive splash in front of two Kikainoids who are about to kiss. He then haphazardly moves out while groggy from the landing, hitting against various stalls and people while invisible, causing them to understandably freak out.
  • Magine, all fed up with the Tozitend attacks ruining her time with the occult club, goes apeshit in the creepiest way possible. She even makes a longwinded rant on the enemy as the team assembles.
  • As usual, this week's roll call brings all of the hilarity.
    • The Zenkaigers perform their usual roll call while Juran is invisible, with his section of the rollcall empty outside of the background effects.
    • In Zenkai Magine's segment, rather than her usual line, it instead goes full-on horror with black background and eerie pyres floating, with her coming out of a well while holding a straw doll. She replaces "Magic Power" with "Cursed Power" and emphasizes "Ma" on Magine to denote "demonic". Even the usual energetic BGM abruptly stops during Magine's segment, and only returns during Vroon's segment.
      Zenkai Vroon: Could you please not?
      Zenkai Juran: Terrifying.
    • Right after the roll call, Toumei Wald asks why they call themselves five when there are four of them. They hastily point out the invisible Zenkai Juran. Even the team's arrow logo from the background turns small and red to help.
  • An Invisible Zenkai Juran hits Toumei Wald so easily.
    Toumei Wald: Ah! I can't attack him! He's invisible!
  • Annoyed by the invisible Kudacks, Zenkai Magine casts a literal Japanese cursenote  by hammering nails on the ground, causing said nails to erupt and hit all of the Kudacks as though she cursed them all. To top it all off, she pulls off one hell of a wicked laugh.
  • After using the Sun Vulcan Gear, Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Majine attack with Sun Vulcan puns, causing the Wald to return back with a pun too.
    Zenkai Juran and Zenkai Magine: Otsukare-san Vulcan!note 
    Toumei Wald: Itaiyou sentai!!note 
  • When the Toziru Gear of Toumei Wald pops out after being defeated, it suddenly flies off into the sky, much to the surprise of the gang. Turns out there's an invisible Kudaitest who plucked it off.
  • Great Toumei Wald fires the Invisible Beam at Zenkai-Oh JuraGaon, hitting Zenkai Juran once again. The segment then proceeds to use toy props to magnify this effect.
  • Turns out the ghost that the kids allegedly "saw" was real, as it comes to attack Juran by the end of the episode. Understandable, he freaks out at this.

    No. 18-kai! The Times in Life are Short, so Fall in Love-Zenkai! 
  • Renainote  Wald's power revolves around The Power of Love, obviously. His face is literally Cupid's bow and arrow for good measure. As such, his love arrow causes the team, and various other citizens, to fall in and out of love with plenty of things.
    • Juran and Gaon ironically fall in love with each other, with many of their scenes evoking many a yaoi manga.
      • When Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Juran are first affected by the love arrow, all of their initial scenes are on a flowery meadow as though they are not in the battlefield. The others practically forget their existence in midst of the fight!
    • Flint and Magine get their own yuri moments throughout the episode, with their relationship somehow being fine despite Renai Wald reversing the effects of his curse.
    • Zocks falls for the Kikanoid Melodia, who particularly loves his voice.
      • When Zocks gets tackled by Melodia and they proceed with their romantic gestures, everyone gets fixated. The Geardalinger even yells out "REVOLUTION!" and Flint comes running (while knocking Renai Wald's head) to chase them. It's not until Flint left the scene that everyone finally remembered they were in a fight.
        Zenkaigers: Wait, what about the Tozitend? (they turn around and proceed to fight the similarly baffled Renai Wald)
      • When fighting with Melodia, Zocks unfortunately gets a gigantic slap on the face, complete with a red hand mark ripped straight out an anime. And it sticks throughout the rest of the episode!
    • It seems like Kaito is about to be head-over-heels for Yatsude...only for it to be revealed that he's actually in love with the sundae she created.
      • When Renai Wald starts making all the couples fight amongst each other, Kaito's fight is... him crying over the sundae melting.
      • Hell, even after the effects of Renai Wald are removed, he's still miserable over the melted sundae.
    • Karen becomes enamored with Vroon, who seems to return the favor...until Vroon's utter misery sets in.
      • A rather funny moment about this is how she gets enamored in the first place - she saw an image of Vroon promoting the books in the library. The Zenkaigers' civilian identity is known publicly, so the library used Vroon, who often visits there, as some kind of "famous people" ambassador to promote their books!
      • One of the things Vroon and Karen did during their outing was Vroon and Karen riding a blue car. The director even called this out during the behind-the-scenes report.
      • Vroon's heart is utterly crushed when he believes that Karen is actually attracted to Kaito instead, despite having been told that they are just friends. The hilarity comes in when Secchan calls him, ironically revealing that his ringtone is a rendition of "Here Comes the Bride".
    • One of the random civilians affected by the love arrow does the cliched Toast of Tardiness scene before falling in love to the person she bumps into.
  • Renai Wald escapes the first fight by tossing his rose to the remaining unaffected Zenkaigers. Zenkaizer and Zenkai Magine immediately hides behind Zenkai Vroon, thinking it is a bomb. After a Beat, they realize it's a plain rose, and that the Wald was able to get away because of their paranoia.
  • Vroon's "maximum overdrive" reaction involves him gasping loudly with repeated echo. And they use this a lot.
  • Stacy, as usual, makes an entrance by doing a needlessly elaborate backflip over the wall behind Colorful and ominiously landing right behind Yatsude with a menacing expression. Then he drops the charade as soon as she turns around and adresses him by his alias.
  • This week's roll-call is a lot more macabre than usual. The team creates catchphrases that relate to heartbreak in some way, and when completing the roll-call they shift to a rocky terrain with crashing waves, sobbing through their words while a giant heart breaks in half and inverts to green behind them and giant subtitles reading "LOVE IS OVER" fades in in front of them.
    (with Melodia) Broken Heart Power, Twokaizer!
    (with his sundae) Unrequited Love Power, Zenkaizer!
    Bickering Power, Zenkai Juran!
    (after knocking over Juran) Jealousy Power, Zenkai Gaon! I will never, ever forgive you!
    (with Flint) Verge-of-a-Break-Up Power, Zenkai Magine!
    (after rubbing away Karen's thoughts) I-Will-Never-Love-Again Power, Zenkai Vroon!
    And the five of us... and you are...
    Shitsurennote  Sentai... Zenkaiger... (music winds out)
  • Zenkai Vroon no sells every attack done to him out of sheer heartbreak, before destroying the concrete Renai Wald is standing on. O.O.C. Is Serious Business indeed.
  • Renai Wald's defeat is filled with much Black Comedy and meta humor, cultivating some of the series' most hilarious moments to date.
    • Using the Sentai Gear #15 (Choujin Sentai Jetman) allows them to straight-up parody Jetman's infamous Bittersweet Ending shot-by-shot. With Kaito, Magine, Juran, Gaon, Flint, Melodia, Zocks, Vroon, and Renai Wald playing the parts of Ryu, Kaori, Raita, Ako, Satsuki, the priest, the woman, the thief, and Gai respectively. Kaito and Magine get married with the others watching, while Renai Wald gets to play protagonist when Vroon steals Zocks's purse, only for Vroon to get his revenge by stabbing him with his pick-axe (that somehow goes from mini to regular-sized in the span of a couple of seconds). As if that wasn't enough, he has One Last Smoke with a rose when Zenkaizer and Twokaizer finally blast him to oblivion on the ever-iconic bench. Kaito is left wondering what the heck that was, and not even Secchan, the one who knew what each Sentai team was capable of, is able to answer him!
      • What's more, as a Freeze-Frame Bonus, notice who Black Condor's imagery flies into when Zenkaizer uses the Jetman Gear. They want to defeat Renai Wald, so the Black Condor imagery flies into him instead of Zenkai Vroon, as Gai was the one who died in the Jetman ending!
      • Another layer of hilarity is that due to Zocks playing the woman that gets her purse stolen, Zocks speaks in a hilariously high-pitched feminine voice as Vroon steals his purse and makes his getaway.
      • Before Renai Wald gets blown up, Twokaizer goes meta and complains that he is getting few chances to show off, as with every Sixth Ranger after their toy debuts are finished.
    • Then, Great Renai Wald gets both ZenkaiOh mechs and TwoKaiOh Cutanner to love him, akin to a harem...until Kaito asks the question of who does he love the most. They then lash out at him for cheating on them, destroying him for real. Cutanner lampshades the utter ridiculousness of it all.
    • When Great Renai Wald causes all of the mechs to fall in love with him, Zenkaizer, VrooMagine and JuraGaon all emotionally declare their love. Then cut to TwoKaiOh Cutanner and Twokaizer, who give a smooth and perfectly-enunciated "I love you". Zenkaizer and Twokaizer even get hearts pasted over their helmets where their eyes would normally be, which extends to the mecha as well.
  • Meta: The Ryusoulger Twitter actually went out of their way to warn Vroon of using Sentai Gear #43 in the episode, being clearly reminded of Canalo. They further explain that Karen might actually be Wiserue in disguise and that he should check her ring finger just in case. They then end their warning with a simple "good luck" to Okadanote .

    No. 19-kai! The Renewed Zenkai, is a Super Zenkai! 
  • When Mr. Su abruptly enters Colorful in a bug-catching spree, he performs a really good rod swing as a nod to Gosei Sentai Dairanger. Everyone stops being afraid and applauses at him, to which he thanks them before slamming his net onto Kaito's head, much to the latter's dismay.
  • Kabutomushinote  Wald's opening antics involve hitting civilians with a beam that makes them hallucinate a bug catching trip. Among them were a group of business people on pedestrian crossing, because The Beatles.
  • During the fight with the Kudacks, hypnotized civilians keep getting in the way. The Zenkaigers and Kudacks somehow treat their intrusion nonchalantly as though they were merely bothered.
  • In order to avoid the Beetles Truce beam, Twokaizer grabs a hold of Vroon and uses him as a Meat Shield (again). He later dodges the beams while letting others get hit, including random civilians! As a form of karma, upon Kabutomushi Wald's escape, all the hallucinating victims scooped their nets onto him as though he's a golden beetle. It elicits only an unusually tired "What's wrong with you people?" from him.
  • Bokkuwaus' reaction to Barashitara's plan wasn't exactly positive. It took Gege asking if the illusion could be broken for him to relax.
    Bokkowaus: Why are you entertaining them?! (slams fist)
  • When Secchan heads out to fetch the Zenkaigers, everyone sees him instead as a large beetle and thus starts a chase.
  • Stacy sees Kaito's parents somehow trapped in some stasis. What does he do to wake them up after saying a bunch of familiar names to them? He performs Zenkaizer's rollcall, complete with the ominous background music stopping and posing sound effects taking over. He, of course, shrugs it off like a chuuni that he is and claims that it's a waste of time before they seemingly wake up.
  • How does Zocks lure out the Monster of the Week? By using Abare Killer's pen via the Abaranger Gear, drawing a massive bottle of maple syrup and slathering a building with it. The scene then segues to Kabutomushi Wald, who spends his time climbing on a pole like a beetle... right beside Zocks the whole time.
  • Super Zenkaizer tanks Kabutomushi Wald's attacks, to the point where he considers rapid fire a form of super massage.
  • When the Kikainoids recover from the hallucination, they immediately rush to Kaito... while leaving the trash to Vroon.
  • The Kikainoid Zenkaigers, while giant size, are so busy admiring Super Zenkaizer that they leave themselves open to attack.
  • As the gang thanks Flint for developing the Kaiju Gear, she gleefully says it was no sweat. She then proceeds to show off the pirated copy of said power-up and hands it over to her brother.
    Flint: Did you think I'd help you guys out for free?

    No. 20-kai! The Swordsmen and Pirates, a Brother's Vow-kai! 
  • Hikoboshi Wald was sent out to capture Flint as payback to Zocks for ruining the Tozitend's plan to take over the Kamen Rider World. His plan to find her was to just capture every girl he could find with a ponytail instead, due to resembling Orihime. Unfortunately for him, Flint never left home that day and Zocks was able to secure her safety before anything happened to her.
  • The Zenkaigers' plan to lure out Hikoboshi Wald? Dress up as girls with ponytails. Even Ryoga participates in that plan, though not without complaints.
    • In Saber's context, this is probably the weirdest thing to ever happen. In Zenkaiger's context, it's business as usual.
  • Following their own roll call, the male Zenkaigers and the Zenkaiger logo glance at Kamen Rider Durendal who's not doing anything. Eventually, the Zenkaiger logo bounces out of the scene as if clocking out of work.
  • The Zenkaigers try to convince Ryoga to do an official introduction and roll call. He’s not too keen on the idea at first. He ends up doing so anyway to the glee of the others.
  • Zenkai Juran's Combat Clairvoyance shows him getting shot In the Back before just cowering in a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from the Kudacks and begging them to stop.
  • After seeing his comrades use the powers of Zi-O, Zero-One and Saber, Vroon bemoans how he wasn’t given a Rider Gear and pratically bawls like a pouting child, allowing Hikoboshi Wald to get away.
  • Crossing over with Awesome, Zocks has a new dance routine for transforming into Super Twokaizer, which happens to be the most complex, rapid, and downright insane one yet. It's as if Toei is actively daring fans to try repeating them!

    No. 21-kai! The Great Kaiju's Destructive Rampage-kai! 
  • Gege and Ijirude have two different Imagine Spots regarding Flint - the former sees her as a cute pirate while the other pictures her as a brute wielding a hammer.
  • Copy Wald's power is scanning people and producing Evil Doppelgangers of them. The clones are hilariously over-the-top evil rather than being a simple "evil reflection" that usually plays on the trope.
  • In contrast to Kaito and Zocks who never really get along, Copy Kaito and Copy Zocks are quite chummy with each other!
  • The news report of Copy Kaito and Copy Zocks' notorious crimes include:
    • Dressing up as wolves and kidnapping cattle.
    • Illegally stealing food from an orchard.
    • A Pit Trap prank.
    • Illegal trespassing as ninjas.
    • Stealing gold while cosplaying as variations of Lupin III.
    • Cosplaying as the phantom thieves of Cat's Eye while posing as actual ones stealing a painting of Hoshi Minato, and even sending out a calling card done in the style of the Lupinrangers, complete with the same sound effect.
    • Not to mention how it's implied all of this is implied to have happened just within a few hours of their creation, including the nighttime heists.
  • Yatsude's heavy denial of Kaito doing such crimes has her outright repeatedly calling her grandson an idiot.
    Yatsude: Kaito's an idiot. An idiot! He's an idiot! A huge idiot, but there no way he'd do something as idiotic as this!!
  • Kaito earlier gets jailed because of his duplicate's crime spree. He gets out however thanks to Zocks... who blows up his holding cell after kicking the door down in a dramatic fashion. He is a pirate after all.
    • The reason Kaito gets jailed is a rather amusing one as well - normally, in other Toku series, Police Are Useless will apply, which would make the police arrest Kaito insisting he's the evil copy. Even the police initially acts like it. But then once they're in the office, it's revealed the police actually believes him, actually aware that the one running around is an evil copy, and actually wants him to stay in the office just to keep him safe. The policeman even makes a small benevolent joke with Kaito while they chat.
  • The Copy Zenkaizer and Copy Twokaizer hijack the roll call, butting in and stealing the background, with an obviously-annoyed Juran having to force his way back into the roll call when Copy Zenkaizer butts in. Copy Zenkaizer even poses with the Zenkaigers, which results in Real Zenkaizer, Juran and even the team logo smacking the copy around. In the end, Copy Zenkaizer and Copy Twokaizer pose with Copy Wald, now sporting evil eyes.
    • As usual, Twokaizer doesn't want to join in on the rollcall. Even when Zenkaizer is near him, he immediately walks away.
  • Zenkai Magine finally stops Copy Wald by causing a toner error.
  • When Copy Zenkaizer and Copy Twokaizer are about to be hit by Super Zenkaizer and Super Twokaizer's finishing moves, the former quickly grabs the latter as a Meat Shield, Broly-style. It doesn't even help!
  • During the mecha battle, Great Copy Wald releases buildings and bridges that he copied to use as minions, resulting in a bunch of structures with evil eyes drawn on them and containing firearms in them, much to the shock of the Zenkaigers. This also leads in a scene of ZenKaijuOh destroying buildings that many assumed from previews was hinting at the mecha being uncontrollable.
    • There's even an inside joke where they made "evil" buildings for the sole purpose of the "good" kaiju to go freely on a rampage without feeling guilty about it.
  • Why is Zocks’s giant form Super-Deformed? There was a design flaw with his Gear. And the fact that he even expected to go giant as well only to shrink down, much to his chagrin and the delight of Cutanner and Ricky.
    Zocks: Hey! What's the point of me shrinking?!
    Cutanner and Ricky: We all now look the same!

    No. 22-kai! The Snickeringly Spicy Bullfighting Party-kai! 
  • Togyunote  Wald's shtick is making everyone become bulls, attacking anybody based on their color. While the team thinks that it's only red, they quickly find out that it can be any color of his choosing, as seen when Zenkai Vroon gets instantly attacked.
  • Zenkai Juran finds himself on the receiving end of one of the citizen's horns, letting out a gigantic "ouch!" along with it. Better, the opening kicks in immediately after with the usual zenkai, zenkai, underscoring that Juran just got full power poked in the butt.
  • Zocks decides to call Juran "red dude", which really sets him off. Cutanner points out that he is red, with Juran retorting that he's the same color.
  • Flint consumed a whole bowl of shaved ice at a lightning-quick pace, barely registering her brain freeze in the middle of it. Juran even points it out to her ignorance.
  • Kaito walks in on Stacy enjoying a parfait in Colorful and quickly hides outside before he is spotted by anyone.
  • Setcchan dares Stacy to try anything traditionally villainous as they are locked in a staring contest. It gets broken up only when Yatsude walks in and Stacy inquires about the bird, offending Setcchan.
  • Gear #22 (Seijuu Sentai Gingaman) grants Twokaizer Hyuga's ability to tame bulls, which seems to work on Togyu Wald's crowd for a while. However, Twokaizer becomes gradually more annoyed at how they coddle up to him, smacks one of them, the Gear's effect wears off and chaos resumes.
  • Great Togyu Wald turns the area around him into a barbecue, explaining that all Japanese fighting bulls are all black-haired wagyu, much to the confusion of the team.

    No. 24-kai! The Invasion is Complete! Can It Be Taken Back-kai?! 
  • Vacancenote  Wald's powers revolve around vacation, which doesn't seem that powerful. Then the trio of Zenkaizer, Zenkai Juran, and Zenkai Vroon use Sentai Gear #09 (Dengeki Sentai Changeman) to enact Change Griffon's "Magma Galaxy Attack", which causes him to shoot straight up into the air... that allows him to put the whole world on vacation. This includes the team, businesses, stay-at-home moms, and the fucking National Diet.
  • The team's antics under the trance of Vacance Wald provide a couple of gems.
    • Kaito enacts the world's first "Ultra Super Full Power Miracle Super Dive", gradually getting more sped-up. Secchan notices that he uses "super" twice for some reason.
    • Vroon's reading on a farm with goats, with said goats trying to eat his books. He reasons with them that they'll be able to eat them after he's done with them.
  • The Kudaiter and his Kudacks come by Earth to see what purpose it serves now that Vacance Wald has done his job. After gawking at what it has become, the Kudaiter suddenly comes to realize what Earth's purpose is after talking with Vacance Wald... which is to be a resort. Barashitara is appalled by this when he comes by.
  • The team challenges Vacance Wald to a series of games to gain dominance over the beach. Naturally, Zenkaiger's zaniness takes charge.
    • Beach volleyball is the first event, which quickly devolves into a game of who can out-cheat the other. Vacance Wald brings in "Muscle Kudack" (which is really just a more padded Kudack), who manages to throw out Juran's back with the sheer force of its spike. Gaon then subs in, allowing the Zenkaigers the upper hand when he uses his cat-like instincts to go after the ball. To finish the match off, Kaito uses Gear #05 (Sun Vulcan) to use the Vulcan Ball to finish the Tozitend duo off.
      • Secchan epically breaks the fourth wall to skip forward to match point. Juran questions if he's pressed for time.
    • The second event is an inflatable floatie ring toss, with Kaito, a random Kudack, and Flint serving as the "poles". Zocks easily wins the game, with the Tozitend only getting one ring in.
    • The third and final event is a watermelon splitting contest (which the team 'actually transforms for). The rules are simple: you must split the watermelon that has your team's face on it, you cannot smash the watermelon, and you can steal another team's watermelon. What follows is utter chaos as each team chases to split their watermelon first, which unfortunately gets interrupted by an enraged Barashitara.
    • Flint uses her revolver to start blasting at everyone, not caring for who she hits.
    • Magine decides to summon a bunch of fake watermelons to deter the Goldtsuikers. Zocks quickly points out that she's holding the real one anyway, rendering her entire scheme useless.
  • Barashitara can only be described as stark raving mad at his forces going on vacation before him. What does he do? One-shot Vacance Wald straight to hell. He then goes on to berate the Kudacks for slacking off.
    • Apparently during the scene where everyone yells out Vacance Wald's name, Taku Yashiro could barely hold in his laughter at how utterly melodramatic it was.
  • Vroon asks Magine what her favorite shaved ice flavor is when they combine. She responds that she likes strawberry. He mentions that he's partial to ujikintokinote .
  • Cutanner suddenly mentions during TwokaiOh Cuttaner's combination sequence that they forgot to do the homework Zocks gave them. Rikki says he'll push it off to tomorrow, which Cuttaner agrees to.
  • Yatsude comes back with souvenirs for everyone, only to find that Colorful is utterly trashed. She decides to withhold their presents, stating that she doesn't care at everyone's pleading.

    No. 25-kai! The Great Reset! It's the Revamped Zenkaigers-kai! 
  • While in the past, Hidokei Wald tries to warn the Tozitend of the Zenkaigers, only to get beaten up every time. Secchan calls out the lack of communication skills of the Tozitend as a result.
  • Secchan menacingly tells Hidokei Wald that his biggest mistake was underestimating him, which would be awesome if it wasn't for how over-the-top he is.
  • The Goldtsuikers somehow manage to get word of the party at Colorful in record time, baffling the team.
    • Despite the happiness, Secchan, (a robotic bird) finds himself a little put-out at all the poultry everyone is eating.

    No. 26-kai! The Remodeled Prince and the Demon Surgeon-kai! 
  • Stacy makes his entry in a properly ominous fashion to challenge Kaito to another duel... and then has it all ruined by Kaito's overly excited reaction to seeing him again. Nothing steals one's dramatic entry as much being glomped by their ArchEnemy. To Stacy's even greater embarrassment, Kaito then proceeds to gush over how cool his new outfit is and how great it is to see him alive and well.
  • While having lunch with the Zenkaigers, Yatsude wonders who injured Kaito and the entire team tries hide Satoshi's true identity to her, except Vroom which prompt the others to silence him.
    • Yatsude doesn't connect the dots, so she thinks that Stacy is some annoyingly persistent Totzitend soldier that the Zenkaigers just can't get rid off, even threatening to clobber him herself for all the trouble he caused next time they fight him.
  • Mitsuko is established as a competent and resourceful person by being able to orientate herself in the situation immediatelly after waking up from cold sleep, identifying that she is sitting in a cold sleep capsule and immediately scrambling to the control board to find Isao. Then her first reaction to seeing Ijirude is to scream and punch him, which obviously has no effect, even if she still manages to ran away.

    No. 27-kai! The Great Voyage Across the Seven Worlds-kai! 
  • Vroon is dejected at being left behind, to which Gaon explains is because otherwise he’d annoyed them with his curiosity. Vroon then gets curious about being annoying, much to Gaon’s chagrin.
  • There’s a doppelgänger of Mr. Su in every parallel world visited.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome hits the gang hard, to Zocks's bemusement.
    • Juran gets mistaken for being a pervert when he tries to ask some citizens of Kashiwamochitopia if they had seen Mitsuko, all because his head is bare and lacks a kashiwamochi.
    • Mr. Su of Retrotopia instantly draws his sword against the mechanical members of the gang, questioning who they really are. This then apparently led to a whole police chase off-screen.
    • Mr. Su of Kinoko World had the time to comment to the gang that his name is not Mr. Su, all the while running away from the Kudaiters.
  • When using their walkie-talkies, the Tozitend actually make "beep-beep-boop" sounds. Stacy is the only one that doesn't do this.
  • At the end of the episode, the World Pirates' vow to keep helping he Zenkaigers save their world… on the condition their tab at Colorful is on the house. Kaito then tries bartering to give them a discount.

    No. 28-kai! The Weekly Shonen Manga Wald's Grand Library-kai! 
  • Along with Juran and Magine, the Vroon Picker was somehow caught up in Manga Wald's "Writing Splash" instead of it's user.
  • Over-Time gets in on the fun by transcribing Manga-fied Juran and Magine's speech in Wild Words font.
  • Flint and Vroon scare the crap out of the Manga-fied Juran and Magine by talking about tearing their manga and burning them.
    Flint: If these get ripped, that's game over!
    Juran: Woah!
    Vroon: Fire would also be bad.
    Magine: HUH?!
    (Flint and Vroon chuckle evilly while Flint prepares to rip the paper as a suspenseful piece of music plays and Magine makes frightened noises)
    Juran: (as Flint prepares to rip the paper) Quit laughing, man! Whoa, hold up, no tearing! No fire, either!
    Magine: Game over...
    (The music cuts as Kaito grabs the pages from them and slaps their hands)
    Kaito: Hey! Cut that out, you two!
  • The team tries to lure out Manga Wald by purchasing a bunch of popular manga and placing it conveniently where he walks. It seems to work to, with the Wald being distracted enough for Kaito to comedically sneak around to get his manga... only to get blasted with his "Writing Splash", instantly getting manga-fied. Manga Wald has to point out that he's not that dumb.
  • The Reveal that Vroon was collecting all of Zocks's manga pages while the rest of the Kikanoid Zenkaigers were fighting off Stacy. After a quick scuffle, Yatsude orders him to return it back to Mangatopia, which he refuses to do. He tries to make his escape... only to trip and lose all of the pages in short order.

    No. 29-kai! The Prince's Ambitions, Do You Know Them-kai? 
  • After ushering the passers-by to safety, Yatsude prepares to face off against Tennis Wald, reaching to her side and pulling out... nothing. She then remembers that she doesn't actually have a Geartlinger.
    • In a way this is a hilarious Call-Back to the first episode where Kaito tried to recruit her and give her a Geartlinger but she refuses due to her age.
  • During their fight with Stacy, Kaito, Juran, Gaon and Vroon hear from Magine about Yatsude being turned into a tennis ball. They immediately call for a time-out, with Stacy actually going along with it.
  • Boccowaus slams his fist on the platform, sending Barashitara into the air as usual... and then proceeds to use him as the ball in a game of ping-pong with Gege, while Barashitara continues to nonchalantly give his report.
  • Part of the tennis Training Montage involves the usual getting-into-shape segments, but then there's Vroon meditating under the waterfall and Juran practicing the racket like a samurai for some reason.
  • Stacy, in all of his chuuni glory, decides to jump over the net for some reason to make his grand entrance.
  • In this episode's rollcall, the Zenkaigers try to announce their names at the same time. This causes them to complain at each other on how awkward it is, allowing the villain to actually stand back up.
  • This exchange:
    Zocks: Hey... Y'know... You're pretty fun sometimes.
    Stacy: Shut up.
  • Turns out using Zenkaiju-Oh was a bad idea because it doesn't have any hands to hold a tennis racket.
  • Zenkai-Oh VrooMagin keeps smashing the tennis balls back at the Wald, only to keep hitting the net. Great Tennis Wald mocks them, but it turns out to be a ploy to combine them into a tennis ball meteor.
  • This episode's production notes are an absolute riot, consisting of many references to the ever-infamous The Prince of Tennis, blaming Junko Komura for inciting even more chaos because of her fangirling over said manga, calling out Atsuki Mashiko for his previous connections to the The Prince of Tennis musicals, and some very deadpan reactions to creature designer Tamotsu Shinohara's MOTW design due to how similar it looks to Madama Butterfly.
    • The writer even had some time to call out Wataru Komada's intriguing connection to Shintaro Asanuma, particular zooming in on 45 for some totally insignificant reason...

    No. 30-kai! The Kikai Next Door is a Kaki-Eating Ravager-kai?! 
  • Hakaizer is incredibly casual during his fights with the Zenkaigers, despite being tasked to destroy them.
  • Hakaizer's greeting to Boccowaus during his introduction? A casual "Nice to meetcha!"
  • Hoshikaki Wald reveals his true identity by simply peeling off the sides of his face. Vroon lampshades at how simple the disguise is.
  • The Goldtsuikers' solution to combating Hoshikaki Wald's dehydration sound waves? Set up a hydration station where Flint and the Goldtsuiker twins rapidly fill up small cups with water, allowing the team to drink whenever possible. It somehow manages to work until Hakaizer gets there.
  • The Zenryoku Zenkai Finale Buster is absolutely jaw-dropping, make no mistake, but at the same time, there's something hilarious about the projectile fired being projections of all of the Red Rangers' helmets... which then combine into an image of Zenkaizer's face, which flies at the monster and explodes. With Toei's "waves crashing against the rocks" Vanity Plate in the background! Can you say "Boom, Headshot"?
  • During their combination sequence into ZenkaiOh VrooMagine, Magine pulls a kaki-based Tongue Twister and challenges Vroon to do the same, much to his bewilderment, but they run out of time before he can even begin.
    Magine: Tonari no kyaku wa yoku kaki kuu kyaku da! ("The customer next to me is a customer that often eats persimmons!")note  Tonari no kyaku wa yoku kaki kuu kyaku da! Now, you go!
    Vroon: Wait, what...?!
  • Great Hoshigaki Wald pulls out all of the stops when it comes to kaki puns, attacking the team with oysters, flower pots and fire. Twokaizer has had enough of it, and decides pull out a powerful kaki of their own - which is just ZenkaijuOh.

    No. 31-kai! The Full Combination! It's a New Release-kai! 

    No. 32-kai! The Topsy-Turvy Tantrum! Are You a Monkey-kai? 
  • The sight of The Stoic and no-nonsense Stacy (who is actually Kaito in his body) acting cheerful and happy-go-lucky, even joining the team during roll call and doing the usual pose. Conversely, we also see the normally happy-go-lucky and optimistic Kaito acting dead serious and stoic.
    • It's even funnier when you recall that Ryo Sekoguchi originally auditioned for Kaito.
  • How does Kaito!Stacy attempt to reverse the switch? By headbutting Stacy!Kaito.
  • Stacy!Kaito intends to return to the Tozitend base, and walks off... only for no portal to appear. He then tries walking in different directions, to no avail.
  • After Kaito!Stacy is outed by Gege as an imposter, Boccowaus commands Barashitara to go after him... except that the latter is unable to due to still bouncing up and down from Boccowaus's fist-slamming the platform.
  • Upon the team taking their usual pose, the Tozitend Dynasty emblem takes centre stage when the team logo shows up which prompts the yellow-red and pink-blue portions of the logo to start attacking it.
  • Zocks transforming into Twokaizer in Flint's body and Flint as usual acting like a cheerleader in Zocks's body.
  • When Kaito!Stacy unleashes the Finale Buster, the Red Rangers' helms all combine into Stacaesar's face.

    No. 33-kai! The Great Teacher Is a Demon Master-kai! 
  • Kaito and Vroon are sent running by Gakuennote  Wald's chalk and transform inside of a truck bed... and right after they get up and talk about fighting back, Hakaizer suddenly jumps into the bed, landing behind the two with a jolly "Ho!". This causes the music to instantly stop as Kaito and Vroon slowly turn and look at Hakaizer, who then performs his roll call before the two Zenkaigers leap out of the truck bed in surprise.
  • The Kudaiter teacher harasses Gaon on the grounds on having "something funny" on his butt. Gaon appropriately tells him that it's "attached to his body".
  • When Gakuen Wald uses its power, it turns the whole world into a school and the people into students. In turn, Colorful becomes the Candy Club. It also turns Yatsude into a student in a sailor uniform (much to her delight) and Secchan into a delinquent, complete with cap and twig in his beak.
  • The punishment for getting an answer wrong on the "Tozitend Quiz"? The answer comically exploding in the participant's face.
  • One of the questions of the Tozitend Quiz involves showing a picture of Gomi Wald and Recycle Wald and asking to identify the former. Even Stacy is stumped.
    • Even funnier, rather than admit that he doesn't know the answer, Stacy declares the "correct" answer to be the opposite of the one Vroon gave.
  • How do the team make Gakuen Wald notice them? Simple: they become punks. And it's just so over the top that it must be seen to be believed.
    • And given that it was Yatsude who suggested it, it is implied she was wild in her younger years.
  • Gakuen Wald's "old college way" of handling the delinquent Zenkaigers? Begging them to stop and telling them that they'll be great Kudacks one day. The team responds with delightfully ham-fisted comments about how they'll be better students.
  • Great Gakuen Wald decides to defend himself with calculus. Kaito and Zocks have no idea what to do with it, so they just flail around helplessly. ZenkaiOh VrooMagin helps out by changing the test into a simple question about what the picture is. The picture? An absolutely adorable drawing of a dog.
    Great Gakuen Wald: That's a little too simple!

    No. 34-kai! The Pumpkin Trick-or-Treat Competition-kai! 
  • Halloween Wald is practically dense and so accident-prone that he barely fights effectively. In fact, the bulk of the episode happened because his jack-o-lantern head got misplaced from an attack.
  • While asking the Goldtsuikers to help search for Halloween Wald's jack-o-lantern, Kaito decides to draw a picture for reference. Thing is, he's... not exactly the best of artists.
    Ricky: Is that supposed to be some sort of grape...?
  • When Boccowaus yells at Ijirude for making a defective Wald, the latter gets knocked to the side from a fist slam. Barashitara then adds that they still don't know the Wald's true power, causing Boccowaus and Gege to do a collective gasp. Ijirude tells him to shut up before Boccowaus once more yells at him again, but this time his hand smash flips Barashitara on his back while Ijirude ends up right-side up.
  • Hakaizer is so polite when looking for pumpkins, excusing himself on a random neighbor!
  • Halloween Wald is hiding on a pile of scrap when the Goldtsuiker siblings pass by. He tries to hide poorly, feigning ignorance, but of course he immediately gets spotted. He tries to make a run for it while Zox dances to transform. He then thinks he has gotten a head start upon exiting the tunnel, only for Twokaizer to pop up on the sidewalk, waiting for him. What sells it is the sound effect.
  • When Halloween Wald is approached by Stacy and Hakaizer, they present the jack-o-lanterns like someone giving a gift to their crush. The Halloween Wald runs towards them in dramatic slow motion and Love Bubbles, before picking Hakaizer's pumpkin, much to Stacy's despair.
  • During the scuffle, Halloween Wald tries to hide his jack-o-lantern, only for Twokaizer to nonchalantly shoot it.
  • But then it turns out, he can use practically any pumpkin by using what Stacy brought. This pisses Zox off.
    Twokaizer: Anyone wanna tell me why I wasted my entire day?!
    • Hakaizer praises Stacy for finding a decent pumpkin, but like a tsundere he scoffs it off despite yearning for it in his monologue.
  • The ghosts Great Halloween Wald summon are too spooky for ZenkaijuOh. The solution? Go trick-or-treating by putting on a bedsheet! The ghosts are now their friends!

    No. 35-kai! The Brightness of ◇ a Diamond-kai?! 
  • Daiya Wald's whole thing is making things harder to be done, apparently based on what the victim wants to do the most. That results in someone's takoyaki becoming extremely hard, or a car's door refusing to open, or a marriage proposal never coming out. But what it does to the Kikai quartet is simply make it impossible for them to say anything at all, except "Daiya" ("Diamond"), and even writing, drawing or gesturing will always yield the same result, to their shock and the frustration of Zocks.
  • As a side-effect of using the Zyuohger gear, Zox ends up getting depressed just like Misao.
    • Before that, Flint and their brothers were excited to see Zocks combine with Kaito to form Zenkaijyuuoh, and both Cutanner And Ricky float upwards and off screen, before slowly floating back down and the three wondering where Zocks is, and voicing their disbelief when he states he is not in the mood.

    No. 36-kai! The Surprising Prank-fest's Great Kidnapping-kai! 
  • The Zenkaiger's solution to Bikkuribako Wald's spring flowers preventing them from using the Geartlingers properly? They simply gather around in a circle and hold the main mechanism down just long enough for them to transform. Zocks gets on this as well, with the added bonus of him doing his entire transformation dance despite Zenkaizer holding his Geardalinger down.
    • On another note, seeing the Twokai Twins glomping on the Geartlinger with the Go Go V gear is bound to elicit a few chuckles
  • When using the Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon, Zenkai Juran quickly passes it off to Zenkai Vroon, rightfully worried about the massive recoil. Unfortunately, the rest of the Kikanoid Zenkaigers only hold to Vroon's legs, and fail to realize that Zenkai Vroon has a Detachable Lower Half, so his top half ends up getting blasted back a good couple of meters or so. As a bonus, Juran just completely ignores it while Gaon and Magine freak the heck out.
  • ZenkaiOh VrooMagin decide to play a prank on Great Bikkuribako Wald to throw him off guard. What ends up happening is that the mecha puts him to sleep, only to quickly wake him back up by throwing a pot on his head. He then ends up continuously falling out of his bed (and onto a powder packet, no less) so many times that he doesn't get a chance to defend himself against ZenkaijuOh.

    No. 37-kai! The Revenge of the Resentful Radishes-kai! 
  • The way "Daikon" is pronounced during the opening theme's summary of the episode sounds incredibly wrong.
  • Daikon Wald's schtick is animating things that have been "wasted" (i.e., thrown away) and siccing them on those who have discarded them. Vroon, being a neat-freak, gets the worst of it.
    • Vroon spends most of the episode stuck under a garbage pile after being hit with Daikon Wald's "Grudge's Great Confusion".
  • While swarmed by the Kudacks they just defeated, Juran and Gaon are informed to use the Magiranger Zenkai Gear and the spell Power Up... On the Kudacks. By making them stronger rather than fighting or destroying them, the now-Kudaiters are no longer a waste; they express their gratitude and chant "Namu" before departing into what is presumed to be the afterlife, leaving the Zenkaigers and the Wald confused.
  • How do they defeat the Great Daikon Wald? By summoning a giant Yatsude who delivers freshly cooked food that attracts the ground daikon, because it would rather be in a dish than stuck to a mech.

    No. 38-kai! The Ancestors are Here! Behold the Spirit World-kai! 
  • When Bon Wald and Shogatsu Wald try to combine their powers, the combined attack promptly dissipates. Turns out only one Wald can use their powers at once, leading to Shogatsu Wald to bow out of the episode rather quickly.
  • While talking about how dangerous the Tozitend are, Sanjo reveals that he was executed by them. Why? For farting during a royal procession.
  • During the fight with Bon Wald, Vroon's top half gets knocked away... only for his bottom half to continue fighting.
  • The roll-call features the team doing what they usually do... except that the brainwashed Sanjo completely ruins the flow of the roll-call by persistently attacking Juran. By the end, he ends up right in front of Juran, stepping on Kaito's foot for some reason.

    No. 39-kai! The Neverending Happy New Year-Birthday Party-kai! 
  • Shogatsu Wald's gimmick is simply the power of New Year's Day, causing everyone affected by his bell to forget about their current concerns to celebrate the new year. It really shouldn't be as effective as it is, but it somehow works to his favor.
  • The team getting all up in Shogatsu Wald's face for ruining Kaito's birthday.
  • While discussing what to do with Shogatsu Wald, Kaito questions how many birthdays he's had. Yatsude immediately reminds him that it only feels like it's been a few years.
  • The team runs themselves ragged all the way to the beach trying to find Shogatsu Wald before his bell tolls, with them obviously failing. The things they yell during their run are hilarious all on their own.
  • How does the team get back at Shogatsu Wald? By making the fight a joyous occasion instead of an immediate concern, so the team doesn't forget anything that they're doing. How do they do this? They dress up in party garb and blast him to bits.
    • During their explanation, Gaon and Magine suddenly rap. Juran opts to sing while Vroon alters his voice to a narration-style.
  • Sentai Gear #37 (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger) utilizes the power of samba to defeat the Kudacks. Naturally, many explosions start randomly occurring.
  • Kaito comments in a dejected tone that he's the odd one out when the team switches their weapons due to Sentai Gear #35's (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) powers.
  • Using his otashidama (New Year's money), Great Shogatsu Wald summons a shishimai (lion dance) and a tiger costumenote ; both of which relate to the Chinese New Year.
  • ZenkaiOh JuraGaon finds themselves stuck in a flippin' kagami mochi midway through the mecha battle.

    No. 40-kai! The One-shot Off-chance Dad Rescue-kai! 
  • The big plan to break the brainwashing on Isao involves showing him his entire life history. It should normally be a Heartwarming Moment instead, except it's in a show like this...

    No. 41-kai! The Slippery Depths of the Noodle Swamp-kai! 
  • Isao still needs to be recharged, even as a human. Setchan lampshades the absurdity of this:
    Setchan: Those modifications have made him less user friendly than me!
  • How is Men's Wald causing chaos within the city? By making a mass fight about which one's better, Udon vs Soba. Not only create chaos within civilians. Then it's implied, the effect was spread through Japan, as shown within National Diets who also fought concerning udon vs soba.
  • How does Kaito makes everyone follow him where Men Wald is? He calls off the Udon VS Soba contest by literally taking a third option.
    Kaito: Sorry everyone, I like ramen the best!
  • To pit everyone against Men Wald, Kaito uses the Jetman Sentai Gear to have Yellow Owl cover him with tomato sauce, and then accuses him of actually preferring Pasta and using the whole Soba VS Udon war to weaken the Wald and make it into Pasta Wald. Surprisingly, it works.
  • This time, the Zenkaigers perform a noodle-based roll call.
    Zenkaizer: The Ramen Power! Slurp-slurp! Zenkaizer!
    Zenkai Juran: The Curry Udon Power! Might wanna avoid wearing white! Zenkai Juran!
    Zenkai Gaon: The Wanko Soba Power! Woof! Zenkai Gaon!
    Zenkai Magine: The Tororo Soba Power! Mix it up! Zenkai Magine!
    Zenkai Vroon: The Chikara Udon Power! Dosukoi! Zenkai Vroon!
    Zenkaizer: The five warriors, assembled!
    All: Kikai Sentai, Zenkaiger!
    Twokaizer: The Tempura Soba Power! With that crunchy yo-ho-hoi! Twokaizer!
  • Once again, a Wald Kudaitest is Hoist by His Own Petard. He brainwashed everyone into splitting up to very specific flavors and seasonings of noodles, but because he mocked their inability to combine, they all teamed up and pelted him with food, overloading him and causing his head to comically burst. No great finisher nor anything, he just collapses from overeating and explodes.
    Zenkai Vroon: Phooooooooooo!

    No. 42-kai! The Mew Hero Appears! A Covert Kotatsu Meeting-kai! 
  • With everyone stuck sitting under a kotatsu, it looks like all is lost, until the heat-hating, sweat-soaked Juran just... casually gets out.
  • Juran attempts to keep everyone awake by getting them to dance to the opening theme.
  • Zocks attempts his usual dance to transform, except since he's stuck sitting under a kotatsu like everyone else, all he can really do is is wriggle around, with a shot of his feet shuffling pathetically under the kotatsu for good measure.
  • For the second time in a row, a Sentai roll call gets cattified, with everyone (minus Juran) having their phrases twisted with cat puns, dancing cats flanking their names, and everyone feebly trying to pose while still under their respective kotatsu.
  • Vroon is somehow later able to get up and fight with the kotatsu stuck to his back like the world's most ridiculous-looking turtle.

    No. 43-kai! The Weathercock's Head Faces Against the Wind-kai! 
  • The episode actually has Kaito continuing from Secchan’s Previously on…, commenting on how the cold won’t let them down.
    • Not to mention Secchan sitting under a kotatsu and having cat ears and a bell being a really funny sight to see.
      Secchan: Previously on… Zenkai-nya~
  • There’s something funny who after the last episode built up Gege possessing Stacy as a major twist, the trailer makes it clear that Kaito isn’t fooled by his blatantly different behaviour.
  • Kaito's brilliant idea to get to fight against Mukaikaze Wald involves running there backwards. It works, but yields a confused look from Flint and a remark from Barashitara.
  • Secchan gets Red Racer and Go-On Red confused with each other since he can only see their backs. The reds and accompaying sound effects even call him out for it and then congratulate him for getting it right.
  • The Zenkaigers have to fire the Zenryoku Zenkai Finale Buster facing away from Mukaikaze Wald, which results in the helmets of the past Red Rangers flying forwards, then backwards before combining into Zenkaizer's face and hitting the monster like normal. Only one problem: the whole time, the projectiles are facing the wrong way.
  • The Kikainoid Zenkaigers attempt to combine like normal, but the incredibly strong headwinds end up stopping them, complete with the combination announcement stuttering before a sudden explosion sends them all to the ground.
    GA... GA... GA-GA... GA-GA-GA, GA-GA-GA... *BOOM*

    No. 44-kai! The SD Stands For Small and Daunting-kai?! 
  • After Flint makes small Sentai Gears for the now-shrunk Geardalinger, Zocks takes it for a spin... And the weapon now produces high-pitched and squeaky sound effects. Over-Time even gets in on the fun by having the subtitles be in lowercase rather than its usual caps.

    No. 45-kai! The Worst Luck Ever Could Only Be Super Bad-kai?! 

    No. 46-kai! The Godly Intervention That Leaves You Gege-ing-kai! 
  • Ninjin Wald’s plan? To turn Zenkaizer into a carrot so the kids will turn on him.
    Ninjin Wald: Nothing destroys popularity with kids quite like carrots.
  • After Ninjin Wald is defeated near instantaneously, the Kudaitest is annoyed.
    Kudaitest: Oi, Ninjin Wald! You couldn’t have lasted a little longer?!
  • The episode recycles so much that would likely make Recycle Wald proud:
    • Rather than making a visual gag by replacing Zenkaizer with a carrot, they have him in Zenkai Red's suit with carrot leaves on top of his helmet. He also wears Twokaizer's buckle while in this state.
    • Ninjin Wald is just recycled from Daikon Wald with Halloween Wald's tonfa.
    • Sapphire Wald is a 100% recycle of Daiya Wald.
    • Koumori Wald tops it all as a recycle of Sakasama Wald with Hoshigaki Wald's suit and Rider Wald's golden nail bat.
  • Zenkaizer hitting a homerun by using a Koumori Wald's Bat against said Bat.

    No. 47-kai! The Palace Assault! Stand Tall Before the Boss-kai! 
  • While storming the Tozitend Palace, a Kudaiter tries to stop them with some familiar words:
    Kudaiter: You shall not pa--
    Gaon: (bowls Kudaiter over) Aw, stuff it!
  • Kaito and the others arrive to Boccowaus a bit too soon than he intended:
    Gaon: We're gonna hit you so hard, they're gonna have to call you Bonkowa—
    Boccowaus: You're here too soon! (hammers the platform they are on, causing it to flip and drop them outside the palace)
  • Stacy's flabbergasted reaction at learning that Vroon used to work for the Tozitend. This then crosses over to Heartwarming with him realizing that he had nothing to worry about after all.
  • Mr. Ta and another Kikaitopian tries to use the Geartlinger with a disastrous performance not unlike when Magine tried to use it the first time.

    No. 48-kai! The Heavens' Judgement, Fall of the Dynasty-kai! 
  • After the Creator possesses Gege and blurts out that the key to fighting Boccowaus is to attacking his weak spot (which is his back), Boccowaus responds by crushing Gege to death in a fit of rage, and then grieving over him while blaming the Zenkaigers.
  • After absorbing Gege's remains, Boccowaus begins to unveil his true form, shedding off his "wall" armor... only to turn out to be even smaller than Setchan's normal size, much to the Zenkaigers' bewilderment. Though this is subverted a moment later as Boccowaus absorbs his wall pieces.
  • In a Black Comedy moment, Boccowaus's rendition of the Goranger Hurricane has it transform into copies of Yatsude, Isao and Mitsuko that punch through Kaito.
    Boccowaus: Tozitend Hurricane — Family!

    Final-kai! The World that is Mine, the Worlds that are Ours-kai! 
  • Kaito once again wants to bungee jump from the Skytree.
  • The entire fight between Kaito and the Creator of Worlds takes place inside of Kaito's mind, so outside he changes personalities and mimics whatever is happening in there, leaving everyone out of the loop extremely confused.
    • Kaito's final clash against the Creator... is through Rock-Paper-Scissors. And he wins.

Movies and Specials

    Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger vs. Kiramager vs. Senpaiger 
  • After the Zenkaigers do their roll call, this time themed after Yakiniku, the Kiramagers join in, doing their roll call also Yakiniku themed. With the plates on their heads.
  • Stacaesar and Twokaizer finally join in on the "Super Sentai" Stance… except Stacy just has his hand on his hip and doesn't pose with the others.
  • At then end, the Goldtsuiker Siblings wish they could have had yakiniku too... causing the Kanaema stones to grant the wish and scatter again. The others are not amused.
    • Despite the fact they now have to look for the stones again, the Crystalia siblings join the pirates on their feasting.
    • Kaito and Juru on the other hand both declare they never want to have yakiniku for a long time.

    Twokaizer x Gokaiger: The June Bride is a Tanuki 
  • Marvelous' solution to baiting Doetamu: have Gai dress up as Luka.
    • And before that, they try having the twins decked out in lipstick and fancy clothes fill the same purpose.
      • Apparently, when Doetamu is eventually deceived into Gai's disguise. Just right after Zocks and Marvelous chase after them, the twins didn't accept the fact, that Gai was chosen by him, even questioning each other if their disguise wasn't convincing enough.
    • And the in universe reason they make Gai crossdress instead of just asking the actual Luka to do it (the out of universe reason being that Mao was too busy to film the special)? Because Marvelous after being suspicious of Doetamu had Gai trail him and after bragging how competent and reliable his crew was to Zox, Gai sheepishly admits he completely lost track of him not longer after he left. So Marvelous makes him do it as payback for making them look bad in front of Zox.
  • Between funny and awesome but after assuming there was some kind of sinister plot going on, Zox's berserk reaction to finding out Doetamu just had a fetish for being abused by pirate girls is great right down to doing the whole Twokaiser henshin dance with a look of stoic rage on his face and then rushing straight into Doetamu's guards screaming about how stupid the whole situation is.
    • Speaking of the Twokaiser dance, Marvelous just kind of awkwardly stares at him from the background while he does it. When Flint does it later on though, Gai joins in on the dance and takes Flint's usual role of hyping Twokaiser up to the villain for her.
      Marvelous: Seriously?


  • According to Ikue Sakakibara (Yatsude), she was simply given the Geartlinger and was told to strike a cool pose on set on the first day, not knowing what it was for. The eventual Imagine Spot on the first episode was apparently the first thing that the crew ever filmed.
  • Due to his schedule, Yuki Kaji (Gaon) wasn't able to see the first episode until much later. When he was able to see it, his reaction is nothing short of adorable and hilarious.
  • In Showa-era Sentai and Kamen Rider, the leader of the evil organization would often be symbolized on a wall to talk to subordinates. Zenkaiger cuts out the middle man and makes the wall the Big Bad.
  • One enterprising fan manipulated the Geartlinger's sound card and found a very surprising inclusion. Akibaranger.
    • Even better? The gear actually got used in Super Hero Senki! Its power? To make enemies throw up death flags!
      "Let me tell you something to take to the other side!"
      "You go on ahead! I promise I'll catch up!"
      "Once this fight is over I'm gonna get married!"
  • Following the announcement that the Magiranger-themed Magine would be appearing in episode 3, Ayumi Beppu (the actress who played Houka in the eponymous series) took the opportunity to get the Obligatory Joke out on Twitter.
    “Maji de nununu!” note 
  • On the day Episode 2 aired, a certain mushroom-like slime tweeted themselves, citing the Kudaitest's catchphrase "You called?" What's more hilarious are the replies, with some even citing that it was Kleon's doing for the events in Episode 2.
    "They're not a mushroom."
    "Get back here, you're supposed to be on Power Rangers Dino Fury right now."
    "There it is, a Kinokotopian"
  • When the show was first unveiled, many were against it due to the non-Red leader and lack of human Rangers. It seems Toei anticipated this, as the show’s first spin-off involves a Red Zenkaiger appearing to usurp leadership from Kaito and turn the Kikainoids into humans.
  • Episode 5 features a Wald based on sushi, leading to the team making sushi in order to defeat the MOTW. Not long after, jokes started to fly about a certain sushi chef who was also a gold ranger whose actor plays the Big Bad on its sister show.
  • Apparently Zocks has been called "Yohohoi" so much on the internet, Atsuki Mashiko went out of his way to make a video requesting fans to properly call Zocks by his name. Kiita Komagine (Kaito) followed it up with a "Yoho...hoi?", with Atsuki shutting him down shortly after.
  • On Kamen Radiranger, Shintarō Asanuma explained that when he got the audition call for the show; he instantly thought that he was going to voice a villain as most Sentai voice roles are primarily villainous in nature. His manager then told him that it was actually for the Red ranger, and that he was going to be a robot. His response was a Flat "What".
  • In the promotional material for “Super Hero Senki”, Kaito tells Magine that he met someone who reminds him of her - a man named Ohmagine, and suggests that he could be Magine's future self. Magine grows ecstatic at the thought of possibly becoming a "king" in the future.
    Magine: OH-Magine~!
    • The fact that this is about Oma Zi-O, of all people, makes this even funnier.
    • In a later video, Magine professes to having met with him behind the scenes and suggested they collaborate on a special.
    • In the same video, Magine says that if the viewer doesn’t take her out to see the movie, then she’ll curse them. Vroon’s response is hilariously nonchalant.
      Vroon: Stop that, you’ll make Boss Shirakura mad.
  • In response to Zenkaiger having a tennis episode that is very inspired by The Prince of Tennis, Ryo Aoki (Kento in Kamen Rider Saber) tweeted that he wanted to appear, even just for a little bitnote . Atsuki playfully told "Aoki Phantom" that he'll just have to waitnote .
  • When episode 35’s title was confirmed to consists of “Diamond Yukai” (Diamond Delight), singer Diamond Yukai had this response.
    Yukai: What the?
  • The announcement tweet for the Zenkaiger vs. Kiramager vs. Senpaiger movie has Zenkaizer and Kiramai Red fighting over... a large juicy cut of steak on a small grill, followed by a mysterious Red Hero reaching over to grab it from under them.
  • After Zenkaiger's conclusion, a gravure photoset (Which are normally fanservice-y in nature) of Magine was announced. The absurdity of making the mechanical Magine the star of her own gravure photos is difficult to not laugh at.
