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Fanfic / Hivefled

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Hivefled is an in-progress Homestuck fanfic by Fovos and Chel, originally spawned from a Kink Meme entry. Hivefled contains some Not Safe for Work content, but all adult content is marked and the main storyline is not pornographic. Be warned that the Tumblr account overall is still excessively violent, though. It is strongly recommended that you check out the warnings page first. The fic can also be found at Archive Of Our Own.

Now has an in-progress character page.

Provides examples of:

  • A Love to Dismember: GH still has the Handmaid's skull, as well as the painting.
  • Abusive Parents: GH and Condesce apparently went out of their way to have kids specifically so they could do horrible things to them. Dave and Bro's parents were apparently no prizes either.
  • Affably Evil: The Grand Highblood is actually very polite when readers ask him questions, and he's been very willing to expound upon all kinds of topics.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Condesce refers to Gamzee as 'Gammy', and it's later revealed that GH always called the Handmaid "Pooka" (as in a vicious shapeshifting spirit). Meanwhile, Mom Lalonde becomes the "luscestor" and Bec the "not-lusus".
  • Ain't No Rule: According to Gamzee, there isn't any law in the church which says GH can't rape teenagers to death and bind their souls to himself, though even the murder-happy Church of the Mirthful Messiahs would consider it extreme.
  • All There in the Manual: The authors kindly provide answers to questions asked on the Tumblr (and provide some very lovely art works as well), which have revealed background information, like details on some of the Kin.
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: Variation; Equius is a poorly-closeted masochist and really wants his mentor to bully him into doing better. Said mentor picks up on this, and decides to mentally torment him by being ridiculously nice to him. Equius is terribly confused. This also probably contributed to his assumption that Gamzee was happy about GH touching him.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Some of the Kin; Ukuthe's arm floats beside her shoulder stump, and Keskay's is missing completely.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The warnings page lists death, rape, torture, body horror, cannibalism, necrophilia, and "dubious use of buckets".
  • Ass Shove: Bringing a pointy-barrelled gun to a confrontation with GH does not end well.
  • Autocannibalism: Poor Psii is forced to self-cannibalize.
  • Baddie Flattery: GH has the rebels' communication system hacked and takes the opportunity to tell Gamzee how impressive the latter's escape was.
  • Bastard Bastard: Threatening Eridan and Equius with rape as "punishment" for not helping him was really not Gamzee's proudest moment. Gamzee is convinced he's tainted by both his parentage and what they did to him, and is only holding himself back for Karkat's sake.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Sort of. Being a highblooded troll, Gamzee would naturally have been a bit off-kilter to begin with if he hadn't been perpetually stoned. The combination of horrible tortures and developing immunity to sopor slime made him snap, though not quite as severely as in canon (in which he was instrumental in the destruction of his entire planet and is being influenced by an Eldritch Abomination, so the type of mental duress is different). Karkat still manages to stop him rampaging.
  • Berserk Button: Aside from the obvious ones, neither Gamzee nor Eridan react well to the "Flying Purple People Eater" song.
  • Bizarre Alien Sexes: Trolls appear at first glance to be Hermaphrodites, but Word of God is that chromosomally they're actually all male except for the Mother Grub. "Female" trolls were the primary carriers of genetic material in the days before buckets, and have bigger internal pouches for carrying fluids and venom sacs for self-defence during their pilgrimages. Female bulges are used to aim at the bucket or to direct genetic fluid into their own nook for storage. Male nooks are more or less vestigial and it's considered taboo to stick stuff in them; most male trolls aren't keen to do so anyway because they tend to be over- or under-sensitive.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: The Grand Highblood operates on an entirely different level of culture to humans.
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Gamzee was overjoyed to meet his ancestor at first. That didn't last.
    • After some Character Development and a bit more knowledge of what Dualscar was actually like, Eridan no longer thinks nearly as highly of his ancestor as he used to and has even admitted that he was an asshole.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Condesce and GH have plans to "persuade" Gamzee and Feferi into this. Gamzee's also exchanged flirtatious comments with Laneen, his deceased half-sister.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Feferi's Battle Song.
  • The Can Kicked Him: Vanate died from drinking the Trap's water supply, which comes from a sewer pipe.
  • Child by Rape: As revealed in a sidestory, Karkat is the result of the Condesce and the Grand Highblood raping the Signless before his execution though it's implied that this is several generations removed.
  • Child Soldiers: The Sufferists are mostly kids and youths who skipped conscription.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: A natural feature of any fic containing Gamzee Makara. GHB combines it with Sophisticated as Hell since he has the same Verbal Tic but is actually quite eloquent.
  • Compliment Backfire: Telling a torture survivor that his scars are "hardcore" is a bad, bad idea.
  • Confirmation Bias: Lereal takes the appearance of Karkat, Tavros, Kanaya, Sollux and Nepeta as a sign that the time for a Sufferist revolution is coming. He takes everything he can as a sign that Karkat will lead them to victory, and doesn't stop to wonder if maybe Karkat isn't being modest, he's being honest- and gets nearly the entire cult wiped out. invoked
  • Conlang: Bits of the Alternian language are left untranslated. Most of the words we've seen in it so far have been slurs (see Slave Brand below), except for the ship Naelenurenna (Mindscar, because Eridan and Vriska couldn't decide which of their ancestors to name it after, and 'Mindscar' sounded better than 'Dualfang'). Later on we get "lupa pevuhi ja lotenjaneyak xineeru" ("I am unable to read this tattoo").
  • Country Matters: The c-word is dropped a few times, applied to both men and women; anatomically and culturally appropriate as all trolls have the organ in question.
  • Creepy Child: GH was pretty horrifying even as a baby and didn't improve in his toddler days.
  • Cross-Cultural Kerfluffle: The Earth kids have taken it upon themselves to find out what the brand on Gamzee's arm means by cross-referencing it with troll pornography, unfortunately their conclusion (that he's a rapist) turns out to be the opposite of what actually happened, since he's actually a victim.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: GH and Condesce are pretty inventive.
  • Crying Wolf: According to Karkat, Gamzee "messages us all to brag when he successfully uses the fucking toaster", which probably didn't help to contradict Equius and Eridan's assumptions when he messaged them.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The previous Empress, a grown and skilled adult, versus the young Condesce, the Grand Highblood and the Handmaid, who she presented as weapons. Everyone thought it was hilarious… except for the bit where the Condesce had the world's most powerful psychic on her side. It wasn't much of a fight.
  • Cute Ghost Girl: Sort of. Laneen retains the savaged appearance she had at the time of her death, but Gamzee notes that despite this and her missing teeth, "her smile wasn’t any less beautiful."
  • Cuteness Proximity: Condesce towards her "wittle wigwers", in about the most horrifying way possible.
  • Darker and Edgier: Well, on one hand their entire universe isn't being destroyed and there is no Eldritch Abomination involved, unlike canon. On the other... yeah.
  • The Dead Have Names: The Kin carved their names into the walls of their cell, and Gamzee reads them off. Later, he meets them, and we actually get a few faces and identities to put to the names.
  • Dead Man Writing: Aside from the blood, all that remains of the Highblood and Condesce's prisoners are the words of advice and encouragement they scratched into the walls.
  • Deadpan Snarker: GH has his moments.
    "'Aargh' isn't much of a joke."
  • Defiant to the End: In her first appearance in Reprise, Laneen relates how she provoked Condesce into killing her by clawing out her own tongue.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: To the human audience, aside from the rape, the Parental Incest is disturbing. Gamzee is less concerned about that than about the fact that his parents are moirails and thus supposed to be Platonic Life-Partners. He's also disturbed by the idea that humans don't leave their dead out in the open, as to a troll death is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Meanwhile, the other trolls upset the humans by asking why humans don't eat babies. It also turns out that Alternian lacks a word for rape, their nearest equivalent being a patronisingly-pronounced version of the word for consensual kismesissic mating.
  • Disguised in Drag: Gamzee managed to navigate the subjugglator ship while disguised in clothes stolen from a female recruit. The female and male subjugglator uniforms look very similar, but obviously they didn't fit him very well. It's also not helping his self-esteem; part of the emotional abuse was about him being effeminate.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: Gamzee's conversation with Equius and Eridan. Lereal totally misses the point of everything the Signless ever taught about equality and thinks the hemospectrum ranking should be reversed instead of removed.
  • Eats Babies: Trolls have to consume grubs for food, as grubs are born millions at a time and would strip the planet bare of all other food if their numbers weren't reduced.
  • Ethical Slut: In the prologue featuring the human cast, Bro insists Dave carry condoms. He offers to share, and Jade takes some. As for the trolls, Preosh and Gartel don't mind Eridan's promiscuity so much as his Un-ethical Slut nature; he allegedly stole from them, didn't bother to remember his partner's names, and shamed Preosh for having multiple partners.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: For all the horrifying, revolting things they do and have done, the Grand Highblood and the Condesce seem to care for each other a great deal, and are sincerely affectionate toward one another. Which makes what they do even more disturbing.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Horrible blood sacrifices come with the territory for the Mirthful Messiahs' followers, but ideally they are supposed to perform rites to free the sacrifices' souls and let them become honoured guests of the Dark Carnival. Gamzee is horrified to find GH has been keeping the ghosts of his victims and tries to free them. So far all he's managed to do is bring them with him, but that's a small improvement. According to him, binding the ghosts of victims is disapproved of but not technically forbidden, especially as he thinks GH's actual intention is to take the ghosts with him and offer them to the spirits all at once after his own death.
  • Evil Is Petty: Condesce picks her follower's pockets.
  • Fantastic Racism: Many of the Kin despise any and all of them with indigo blood, even if said indigobloods had nothing to do with or opposed the Church.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Ganmed Lomust's lusus was a troll-eating seagoat, which he named "Snowball".
  • Forced to Watch: GH and Condesce don't take chances on getting the point across to Gamzee that yes, he is theirs, and no, they never did quadrant-flip.
  • Foreshadowing: Tsukey Morney gets a character bio despite never being seen in canon. Her importance in the story rapidly grows when it's revealed that she's Tavros' Gwen Stacy, and not only was she captured and tortured alongside Lereal, she's now one of the Kin, and likely to become one of the more well-known Kin.
  • Freudian Slip: Jade nervously produces candy and offers the trolls some "Lawbreakers".
  • Funetik Aksent: Eridan's wweird wwawy thing, Tholluckth'th lithp, and Tavros', uhh, stutter are all translated from their canon typing quirks. Eridan's former classmate Gartel zpeakz like thiz.
  • Generation Xerox: Averted: Gamzee does not want to be anything like his ancestor. Lereal is not happy that Karkat and Nepeta aren't in a relationship like the Signless and Disciple were, but they tell him to stick it.
  • Genre Roulette: Reprise started out as a 'guy meets his long-lost father and gets to know him' story, before rapidly descending into a gorn horror story. When Karkat and co rescue him, it becomes an action story about a PTSD-ridden victim of horrific crimes trying to adjust to freedom. Hivefled started out with the kids in a happy Enid Blyton-like story about four kids who go camping, then it became a sci-fi story where the know-nothing kids establish first contact with aliens. For the trolls, it started as an action story where a small group of rebels try to manage a revolution without getting anyone else killed. When it all goes wrong, it becomes a thriller as the trolls try to escape. Then they meet the kids, and it becomes a wacky 'aliens and humans try to learn about each others' cultures, with all the hilarious hijinks' story, mixed with the action as the troll fleet descends on Earth- but now it's becoming a dramedy as the kids start to investigate the trolls in depth.
  • Gilligan Cut: Unfunny variation; Gamzee declares he won't "hand a bunch of wrigglers over to him", and the next chapter shows the gang failing to persuade Lereal not to drag the cult into attacking the fleet.
  • Glasgow Grin: Gamzee, inflicted during his torture as a punishment for not smiling when instructed.
  • Gosh Darn It to Heck!: The trolls know they're about to die horribly when Equius utters the word "crud".
  • Gratuitous Rape: Not entirely gratuitous as the original was a Kink Meme fill which specifically wanted it, but there certainly is an awful lot of rape.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: At one point during his rages Gamzee rips off Vriska's mechanical arm and beats her with it.
  • Headbutting Heroes: Karkat is pissed off at Equius and Eridan. Even while realising and being lectured for the huge mistake they made, they argue with each other. And then they keep arguing while Gamzee is chasing them down the hallway with intent to kill them.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Lereal really should have seen that coming. May or may not end up applying to GH and Condesce as well, since the bastard offspring they produced for the specific purpose of killing horribly are now working with the rebellion against them.
  • Hope Spot: Gamzee gets called out for being a tool by the Kin. He agrees, promises to do better, and it looks like things are starting to calm down... unfortunately, he's still suffering from PTSD, and Eridan being a really big tool does not help in the slightest.
  • Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action: Observe the height chart. Think about that. Then remember that Gamzee is actually noticeably bigger than most of the other trolls, and be very relieved that they haven't been caught.
  • Human Sacrifice: Normal part of the Mirthful Messiahs' worship. GH is breaking the rules by keeping the ghosts.
  • Humiliation Conga: Both the Makaras inflict one on their respective Amporas in their own ways.
  • Hypocrite: GH claims he would "never harm" the Handmaid after we already found out he killed her.
  • Identical Stranger: The Grand Highblood and the Condesce never found a descendent of the Handmaid apart from Aradia; instead, they found Ukuthe, one of the Kin, who looked enough like the Handmaid that for a while, the Grand Highblood actually thought she was the Handmaid.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Gamzee just wanted to be a subjugglator. Karkat isn't terribly happy about being a cult figure, even though it saved the gang's lives. Equius was perfectly happy with the fleet until Nepeta kidnapped him, and Eridan was fucking everyone who looked at him twice in an attempt to make them like him.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Tavros had a strong palecrush for a Sufferist called Tsukey. Unfortunately, he couldn't get her to come with them, and she wasn't on the one ship that escaped. It's been revealed that she was taken captive with Lereal, tortured for information and became one of the Kin.
  • I'm a Humanitarian:
    • GH and Condesce casually converse about eating Gamzee when they're done with him, not even specifically intending to freak him out. They've also made victims eat each other before, and there's a dose of this with Carnivore Confusion when they plan to make the gang eat Terezi's lusus - species aside, this is essentially her mother they're talking about.
    • It's also said in the story that trolls have to eat grubs because grubs are born in such overwhelming numbers that if they didn't, the planet would be overrun and they'd all run out of food.
    • Keskay, one of the Kin, died from being eaten alive.
  • Important Haircut: Kid Dave in the sidechapters. Slight variation in the main fic; Gamzee is relieved to look less like GH when Jade puts his hair in a ponytail.
  • In My Language, That Sounds Like...: The first time Gamzee is sincerely amused since his escape is when John points out that in English a declaration of ashen feelings would be "I club you", which doesn't quite sound how the trolls intend it.
  • Innocent Innuendo: Lereal's trollian handle is 'testimonySixtynine', and he has no idea why everyone thinks it's so funny.
  • Irony: Gamzee has always been known for effectively using the word "motherfucker" as a punctuation mark. Condesce is, technically, his "mother".
    • Dramatic Irony: Shortly after Karkat promises to kill Gamzee's bloodlink, Medine casually reveals who Gamzee's bloodlink actually is, specifically the terrifying General of the Imperial Army. Karkat hopes his more obsessive followers didn't take it for a prophecy.
      • Sollux is under the impression his bloodlink died with the Sufferer. He didn't, and they have conversed; Sollux, for want of a better name to call him, is now referring to him as Helmsman Chaton, as he knows Laneen Chaton of the Kin has a connection to him.
      • When Nepeta shows the humans the reaction videos the trolls made to the moirail porn, pubescent stoned Gamzee is unaware why it is supposed to be so offensive.
      • Inadvertent version on this side of the fourth wall; the chapter in which Eridan lost an eye was published just before the authors saw the Homestuck update in which Terezi regained hers. Also, in canon, Kurloz (the Grand Highblood's alternate-timeline self) sewed his own mouth shut; in Hivefled, GH tears Gamzee's open.
  • It's All About Me: Eridan, to the point that he managed to convince himself that sex was supposed to be horrible rather than acknowledge that he might not be perfectly normal.
  • Jerkass: Lereal Belsai and, to a much lesser extent, Shuran Harkol.
  • Karmic Death: Sadly non-canon.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: Dualscar dies in the middle of speaking a sentence.
  • Lame Comeback: "Equ, if you're gettin' off on this, you're fuckin' dead." / "Trust me, Ampora, none of my personal fantasies will ever involve you in any capacity." / "...Yeah wwell you suck."
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: The Q & A sessions with the characters, and occasionally the characters themselves will lean- for example, when Vanate, one of the Kin, was explaining why drinking the water in the Trap was a Very Bad Idea, he ended the explanation with 'there is a reason why the artist has not depicted me from the waist down'.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Lereal plans for two-hundred-and-fifty cultists to attack the thousands-strong fleet, relying on protection from the magical powers Karkat does not actually have. Unfortunately for him, it's much too early in the story for a battle against overwhelming odds to work.
  • Life-or-Limb Decision: Summoner, according to GH.
  • Loophole Abuse: The Condesce went up against the Empress of the time with two weapons- the Handmaid and the Grand Highblood. Both were technically 'weapons', while several of the Condesce's cronies objected, having the universe's most powerful psychic on your side is a good way to withstand any complaints.
  • Messianic Archetype: Karkat and Tavros are regarded as the second coming of the Sufferer and the Summoner, respectively.
  • Mundane Utility: Readers of the blog can ask the characters any question they'd like (though answers aren't guaranteed). This has been used to, among other things, ask for hair-care tips, dating advice and questions about getting past creative block.
  • Mind Rape: Before Gamzee was outright imprisoned, the Grand Highblood spent a month or so pretending to keep him as an apprentice and treating him 'normally', while drugging him and randomly hurting him just enough to keep him confused. Gamzee has a natural resistance to his chucklevoodoos, but that didn't help much.
  • Mixed Metaphor: Nepeta's "don’t be such sticks in the mud after the rain on the parade."
  • Mistaken for Prostitute: Trolls don't make a gender distinction in the stigma related to being an Extreme Omnisexual, and rumours of Eridan committing theft got mixed up with his promiscuity, resulting in this.
  • Morality Pet: This is what moirails are supposed to be. Neither Condesce nor GH is sure which of them is supposed to be pacifying the other, but since they actually both make each other worse it doesn't really matter. They do argue that they keep each others' actual body count down, though.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: The Condesce told the Grand Highblood that the Handmaid was cheating on him so he'd kill her and get rid of the competition. It worked.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The trolls are intentionally feeding the kids a mixture of truths and half-truths, while carefully not revealing what happened to Gamzee. This would be completely understandable, but now the kids believe that Gamzee is an escaped criminal who was punished justly by the Grand Highblood.
  • Nose Shove: John walks in on Terezi trying to teach Dave her smelling talent by shoving crayons up his nose.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Condesce's leak skin-melting venom.
  • Noodle Incident: Somehow, Nepeta manages to successfully drag Equius into an escape pod to kidnap him. We're not entirely sure how. (She did have the help of Sollux and Vriska, so psychic powers may or may not have been involved.)
  • Not Me This Time: When Rose tells Karkat to "tell your purple friend [Gamzee] to stay away from my mother" Karkat immediately demands to know what Eridan did now, despite his protestations.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Vriska just wants to be a pirate.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Gamzee does not deal well with his behaviour being compared to his ancestor's.
  • The Not-So-Harmless Punishment: "Shall we immortalise the moment?"
  • Offing the Offspring: Some characters kill their children.
  • Oh, Crap!: Gamzee upon realising what's about to happen, Eridan and Equius upon realising what actually did happen, and Karkat on realising who Gamzee's bloodlink actually is.
  • One-Word Title: The title of this story is one word. It's also a Portmantitle.
  • Only Sane Man: John is quite possibly the nearest thing to a normal person in the group.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Equius threatens to kill Gamzee, shit is hitting the fan.
  • Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Despite being fed almost nothing during his imprisonment, Gamzee survives a hell of a lot of blood loss, at least until the Glasgow Grin pushes him over the edge and he requires actual medical attention.
  • Painting the Medium: When a reader asked Dyemene and Dyemar a question, the question had a pair of purple hands drawn on it, grasping the names.
  • Pants-Free: Poor Vanate. At least most of the rest of the Kin got their clothes back when they died.
  • Papa Wolf: Lieutenant Gritch is painfully nervous and harmless-seeming most of the time, but do not bother his students.
  • Pardon My Klingon: The words carved on Gamzee are given in the original Alternian.
  • Parental Incest: As well as what they did to Gamzee, Condesce introduced Laneen to Psiioniic. And they forced Gamzee to provide a genetic sample, and have every intention of doing the same things to the kids they may have with him.
  • Pedophile Priest: GH to Gamzee. Gamzee is actually the troll equivalent of an eighteen-year-old, but his captors enjoy treating him like a child.
  • Planning with Props: Eridan uses the salt and pepper shakers to demonstrate how he lost his eye in a fight to the death with a dragon.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: The trolls are now eight sweeps old, the equivalent of eighteen-year-old humans, and therefore old enough to be conscripted, for both plot reasons and avoiding authorial Squick. The humans, seen in the prologue, have also aged proportionally; it's the summer between their high school and university attendance.
  • Poor Communication Kills:
    • Before he was imprisoned, Gamzee messaged Equius and Eridan, begging for help because his bloodlink was creeping him out. They mistook it for bragging.
    • The trolls haven't told the kids what happened to Gamzee, but what they have explained has led the kids to believe that Gamzee is an escaped criminal who was convicted of rape and justly punished by his ancestor.
  • Portmanteau: Eridan and Vriska can't agree on whose ancestor (Dualscar or Mindfang) to name the ship after, and settle on "Mindscar". It sounds slightly better in Alternian.
  • Prehensile Hair: Tyrian trolls. Condesce can wield knives precisely enough to carve words with hers, and Feferi's hair brushes itself.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "Do. Not. Talk. That. Way. About. My. Students."
  • Rape and Switch: Referenced but not accurate; Gamzee wonders if what happened to him caused his gender identity issues. It didn't, he just hadn't thought about it much before.
  • Really Gets Around: Eridan's bio describes him as having become his ship's "twwo-wwheeled devvice" before the Sufferists kidnapped him. It resulted in his potential matesprit Preosh dumping him, and got him arrested on charges of "unlawful prostitution".
  • Really 700 Years Old: Highblooded trolls normally live for centuries or millennia, but GH takes this to extremes thanks to a life-extending kiss from Condesce. Icatus Gritch is a blood caste above GH, was a toddler at the time of the Sufferer's death, and is now old; GH was born centuries before that and has remained in his prime throughout all that time.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Dyemene and Dyemar speak this way. They both switch from rhyming the end of each two lines to rhyming the first/third and second/fourth lines.
  • Running Gag: Vanate does not have any pants, nor is he likely to acquire any in the near future.
  • Sadistic Choice: The signing of the Sul; Gamzee has to choose between the possibility of his friends being captured and similarly tortured or his own soul being bound forever to the Highblood, and it's probable that this is standard practice for the binding of new Kin.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Being as wealthy as the Lalondes is useful for persuading people not to notice the trolls.
  • Self-Deprecation: Gamzee Makara expresses annoyance about his name "because the AUTHORS of this fanfic are a pair of SADISTS."
  • Self-Made Orphan: The Grand Highblood killed his own lusus and gave it to the Condesce for Gl’bgolyb, and also killed his own ancestor, the previous Grand Highblood.
  • She Is All Grown Up: Tavros now has functioning robolegs and big sparkly wings, and mention is made of John having been a fat kid before he started weightlifting and cut down on cake.
  • Shipper on Deck: The Sufferists ship Nepeta/Karkat, and want her to follow in the Disciple's footsteps. Since she dated and broke up with him before the gang ran away, she's not best pleased, particularly when Lereal expects her to abandon all her other quadrants for him.
    • Gamzee has become one with regards to Sollux and Feferi's moirallegiance, because he fears himself and Feferi being stuck in a Pair the Spares situation and repeating their parents' relationship.
  • Shock Site: This is where one would usually find "'rails-with-pails" pornography in troll society. The Condesce lets some stay up because it's her favourite kink, but the makers tend to get executed for giving the population ideas. We actually see one, and by human standards it's nothing worse than confusing but the trolls are horrified.
  • Shout-Out: Heavy musical influence is noticeable, particularly if one is familiar with the fanmix, and the sidechapters are titled with song lyrics.
  • Shower of Angst: When Gamzee is still allowed to shower.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: The Grand Highblood and the Condesce seem to be a borderline example of this; they're very loving with each other with pet names and everything, but nothing over the top. It becomes less borderline and a bit more disturbing when you take into account that they're supposed to be moirails.
  • Slasher Smile: Gamzee is traumatised enough to interpret Feferi's normal smile as one of these, because of an unfortunate family resemblance.
  • Slap-Slap-Kiss: Eridan and Feferi switch quadrants on a regular basis, but she dumps him from all of them after hearing what he said to Gamzee.
  • Slave Brand: The Makara and Peixes symbols were carved into the back of Gamzee's neck in the style of the now-obsolete traditional slave marks (troll slavery was banned when enough other species were conquered to be used instead), along with words translated from the Conlang Alternian as "slut", "pet", "rape toy", "pail", and "worthless". The final brand, "namoha", translates as "one who is owned by a higher", and binds him forever to the Highblood; should he die, he will end up as one of the Kin.
  • Slipping a Mickey: Gamzee was drugged to prevent his natural indigoblood rages and to slow his mind enough to stop him escaping. Luckily, he'd been taking sopor slime all his life and built up a resistance, so it didn't work for long.
  • Stealth Pun: Preosh's trolltag is OnewingedAngelfish.
  • Stepford Smiler: The Condesce. She giggles and coos over Gamzee like he's a puppy, when we all know exactly what she intends to do with him. It's incredibly creepy. She also demands he become one; see above for what happens when he doesn't.
  • Stop Worshipping Me: Karkat and company do not like being thought of as messiahs, particularly when Lereal takes their protestations as modesty rather than truth.
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: Karkat and Kanaya are both mildly freaked out to realise they're bordering on caliginous flirting when arguing about Gamzee and Eridan.
  • Stylistic Suck: Ganmed's ConscriptionFiction works.
  • Surprise Incest: It takes at least two trolls to make offspring. Gamzee knew the Grand Highblood was related to him, but didn't know the Condesce probably was as well. He was not happy when he found out.
  • Tamer and Chaster: The original Reprise was basically nothing but horribly violent pornography. Hivefled proper is non-sexual and plot-based, though it does have X-rated sidechapters kept separately.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: Equius and Eridan think this is what's going on with Gamzee; trolls don't have an incest taboo, so the fact that said teacher is his biological father doesn't matter. Meanwhile, Equius is oblivious to the fact that his own teacher has plans to attempt a kismesissitude with him, and Eridan's attempts to seduce his own teacher went unnoticed.
  • That Man Is Dead: Sollux knows that his ancestor is the Psiioniic, but not that the Psiioniic is actually the Helmsman he's been talking to. The Helmsman 'helpfully' tells him that the Psiioniic is dead and that he (the Helmsman) saw him die. Which is technically true, but still kind of dickish.
  • Tickle Torture: Inflicted on Gamzee in the guise of a game during the "normal" phase of his life with the Highblood, in order to both render him more susceptible to a random Groin Attack and make him feel too stupid to complain. He made the mistake of mentioning it to Equius and Eridan, killing their ability to take his complaints seriously.
  • To the Pain: "You want to know what it was like? How about I tear your MOTHERFUCKING HORN out of your MOTHERFUCKING SKULL and SHOVE IT up your MOTHERFUCKING SEEDFLAP so you can FIND OUT?"
    • Karkat threatens that if he meets Gamzee's bloodlink he will "rip his bulge out with my fucking teeth and nail it to his forehead", and tells Equius and Eridan that if they upset Gamzee again he's "handing you over to Her Imperious Bitchness with shiny Twelfth Perigee's Eve bows on your horns".
    • If Gamzee or Eridan hurt Nepeta again, Equius will "skin them both with the claw side of his hammer".
  • Toilet Humor: "Haha, you said flush."
  • Token Mini-Moe: Pyeran, the youngest Trap victim.
  • The Tooth Hurts: A particularly unpleasant scene involving a file.
  • Torture Technician: The Big Bad couple like to do their own wet work.
  • Two-Faced: Sennir has all the flesh on one side of his face and neck ripped off, as it was at the point of his death. Aradia, in this 'verse, was injured less severely in the roleplaying accident, with only one side of her body damaged, and is now a cyborg.
  • Tyke Bomb: GH and the Handmaid were only about six sweeps old when they teamed up with Condesce to battle her ancestor.
  • Undignified Death: Poor, poor Vanate. Dualscar doesn't come out too well either.
  • Unsettling Gender-Reveal: Gamzee to himself; GH's offhanded comments about how effeminate Gamzee is set him off thinking about it. He actually is nonbinary, but currently unaware there's a word for it.
  • Unusual Euphemism: "Bucketdrinker" as an insult, and "gutbucket" as a Country Matters equivalent. Dave refers to bone bulges as "dayglo banana slugs".
  • Very Special Episode: No, really.
  • Villain Song: Two so far.
  • Waxing Lyrical: The titles of the sidestories:
    • The story where the Grand Highblood kills the Handmaid after the Condesce manipulates him is called 'Road To Ruin Paved With Pins', a direct lyric from Angelspit's song "Paint Hell Red". Doubles as Fridge Brilliance, because with all the deaths the Handmaid caused in the new Alternia, she was certainly painting hell (with blood), and after she dies, the Grand Highblood paints with her blood, which is red(ish). In addition, the first line of the chorus is 'beat at the head 'til you run red, girl'. And the Grand Highblood does exactly that... well, after breaking her neck, but still.
    • The story telling Redglare's story as Mindfang kills her is called 'Be Reticent Of Fortunes They Foretell', a line from Seether's song "No Jesus Christ".
    • The story where the Grand Highblood and the Condesce talk, in great detail, about the tortures they plan to inflict on Karkat and friends is called 'Give Good Hands To Trashy Tricks', a line from the Vocaloid song 'Hold, Release; Rakshasa and Carcasses'.
    • The story where Karkat and friends meet and join the Sufferists is called 'By The Dim And Flaring Lamps', a line from the hymn "Battle Hymn Of The Republic".
    • The story where Dualscar tries to betray Mindfang is called '5 AM Friday Morning', a lyric from Tori Amos' song "Me And A Gun".
    • The story where Eridan is accused of prostitution and falls out with Preosh is called "Aisuru Koto O Shiranai", a line from Kamui Gakupo's song 'SPICE!' (It translates as "I don't know a thing about love").
    • The story where Eridan has a nightmare is called "I Guess Karma Comes Back Around", a line from Jessie J's song "Nobody's Perfect".
    • The story where The Condesce cuts the Psiioniic's superfluous organs out and makes him eat them is called "What Perfection, What Precision", lines from "Legal Assassin", from Repo! The Genetic Opera.
    • The story where Dawn becomes Dave is called "Spend Ages Taking Hairpins From My Hair", a line from The Who's song "I'm A Boy".
    • The story where Nepeta, Sollux and Vriska rescue Equius is called 'Please Don't Bet That You'll Ever Escape Me', a line from Gladys Knight's song "License To Kill".
    • The story where Rose and Jade pretend to date and end up dating for real is called "Ah, You Make Me Happy", a line from "PonPonPon" by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
    • The story where Mindfang gets the Grand Highblood to persuade Dualscar into giving her the Dolorosa is called "Slip Her A Smile", a line from 'Girl With One Eye', by Florence + the Machine.
    • The story where Darkleer meets the Disciple is called "My Black Eye Casts No Shadow", a line from 'Kiss With A Fist' by Florence + the Machine.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 49, as the unfortunate result of Out-of-Context Eavesdropping.
  • Wham Line: "Perhaps we'll get him a moirail, so he can carry it on properly." (More of one for Gamzee than the audience.)
    • Eridan, when accused of being incapable of understanding why someone wouldn't want sex: "Don't be fuckin' stupid, a' course I didn't wwant to!"
    • "Tamisevocaenu"note 
  • What the Hell, Hero?: The Kin chew Gamzee out for his abuse of Equius and Eridan.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Also sadly non-canon.
  • Wig, Dress, Accent: The four trolls with the smallest horns dress up as humans, with hats, facepaint, and gloves (in June).
  • Yandere: The Condesce had flushed feelings for the Psiioniic, and decided her best course of action was to wire him into her ship's engine forever and rape him repeatedly over the course of several hundred years. Not to mention kidnapping and raping Laneen, who looked like Psiioniic and may or may not have been their daughter, and surgically installing a second pair of horns on her to increase the resemblance. Similarly, GH killed the Handmaid when things didn't work out, and did things with the corpse. A case of Insane Troll Logic from actual insane trolls.
