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Character list for The Undetectable Strongest Job

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Hikaru's party

This gear is well worth the purchase price.
Introduced in chapter 1
  • Almighty Janitor: In terms of sheer combat prowess and talent, he's probably the mightiest adventurer the guild's got, but as of the most recent update, he's only managed to get to Rank E. Justified by the fact that he's a newbie and hasn't passed all the requisite tests and screening yet.
  • And Then What?: After he returns home and has a chat with Paula and Lavia, he admits that he really didn't have any long-term plans for Paula after toying with her soul-board and then strong-arming her into his party. Fortunately, Paula is also a Supreme Chef, so she's still very, very valuable to the household as neither Hikaru nor Lavia have any cooking skill.
  • Atrocious Alias: "Silver face" due to the mask he wears when he's doing his cloak and dagger stuff.
  • Berserk Button: Messing with Lavia is a big no-no. He doesn't even care if you're royalty, he will come after you if you do it and will find a way to make you suffer.
    • This later expands to his small but significant group of friends with Paula taking second place only to Lavia herself.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: Although Sophie's assertion, as hypocritical as it is, that denying healing magic to an adventurer can mean the difference between life and death has merit, Hikaru's assertion that healing mages are people with their own wants and needs, and adventurers take on the job fully aware that they can die at any time, and should be self-sufficient as much as possible is at least as valid. Especially since Hikaru and Lavia are rich precisely because they took on risky, but lucrative, options and were fully prepared to face the consequences if things went wrong, not expecting anyone to come along and save them.
  • Brutal Honesty: He does not mince words, ever. He will call you out on your flaws to your face, and expects to be treated the same way. He will get annoyed and suspicious when people are polite to him.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: One cup of booze lays him out flat.
  • Chekhov's Hobby: Back on Earth, he loved to research alcoholic drinks, planning to peruse a few when he turned 20. In this new world, it allows him to moonlight as a bartender, providing an excellent cover-story in Forestria's academy arc as he's trying to put together a multi-national alliance among the students, by having them be his "customers."
  • The Chessmaster: Though he was a little clumsy at first and still occasionally makes mistakes, he is a cunning and dangerous little schemer who always has plans within plans going and is very, very difficult to blindside.
  • Common Law Marriage: While he and Lavia haven't undergone a marriage ceremony, yet, he considers her his life-partner, and doesn't even think of other women romantically.
  • Debt Detester: If he feels that he owes you a favor, he will bend over backwards to repay you. He was annoyed by the incompetence of the party including Priscilla, Paula, and Pia, due to the fact that they kept foolishly getting in over their heads, to the point that their lives are threatened, but still helps them, for free, because he suspects that they're suffering from the collateral damage of his own antics. He likewise comes to Lavia's rescue, not for reward, but because he feels responsible for her being sentenced to charges of murder, because he's the one who killed her Abusive Dad, not her.
  • The Dreaded: For the academy staff at Scholarzard. When the staff sees him One-Hit KO Mickhail, barehanded, to keep from accidentally killing him, they don't dare to annoy or upset him again.
  • False Flag Operation: He initially planned to temporarily swipe the trump card of Prince Austrin's faction to protect Pond, intending to return it when things have cooled down. When this went poorly, and he realized this tool was being tracked, he went with his backup plan to take the tool to Einbeast, and fractured the already strained relationship between Austrin's human supremacist faction and Einbeast's troops, which are all predominantly beast men. It works like a charm since both sides didn't have much faith in each other to begin with.
  • Fatal Flaw: Overconfidence. While he is studious and meticulous, doing everything humanly possible to be prepared for what life throws his way, he has an annoying tendency to put too much stock in his abilities. Fortunately, he is aware of this and attempts to address it.
  • Forced into Evil: He's forced to put points into the [Evil] section of his soul board when he comes across a nest of dragons that has been mind-controlled by an accidental mana overdose affecting an almost literal mountain of gold in the area, after finding out that the only cure for this affliction is to infect the dragons in question with cancer. (It Makes Sense in Context). Lavia responds "I'll raise you up to be the best Evil Overlord ever, bwahahahaha!"
  • Good Is Not Nice: It doesn't translate well, but he tends to use "rude" terms and phrases when he speaks. He is otherwise a good and upstanding individual who helps the helpless when he can.
  • Happily Married: Though there's no ceremony or fanfare, he considers Lavia his life partner, and the two of them are indeed very much in love.
  • Hobbes Was Right: He warned Paula that if he gave her the power to save her friends, she'd immediately become a Living MacGuffin that people would fight to the death over, resulting in enough death to make rivers of blood. She didn't want to believe him, even after sensing his words were true. Immediately after using her newly granted power to save the lives of Pia and Priscilla, not only does the Adventurer's Guild start to hunt her down to take into custody, her two friends need to be restrained by the threat of deadly force to keep from drawing weapons and harming her themselves, blinded by greed and delusions of glory.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: He's very suspicious of people, and in this new world it's justified by the fact most people aren't very trustworthy. If someone manages to gain his trust, however, he trusts them without reservation.
  • Just a Kid: People tend to grossly underestimate and insult him because he's only 15 years old. He is, in fact, powerful enough to fight Knight Captain Lawrence and win, though the battle is not easy.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Treat him well, and usually, but not always, things will go well for you. Treat him badly and your comeuppance is just a matter of time.
  • Logical Weakness: When he's in stealth mode, his allies can't see him either, so he's still vulnerable to friendly fire.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: He's aloof and haughty, but he does care about the well being of his friends, family, and the innocent. He once went to war against the knight order to keep the knight East from being executed for the "crime" of losing a fight with himself as he was rescuing Lavia.
  • Moral Pragmatist: He's good and heroic simply because it pays better and has fewer risks or drawbacks. The fact that he's got a gorgeous girlfriend -who happily jumps him like a rabbit in heat- doesn't hurt.
  • Necessary Drawback: His [Power Burst] skill briefly boosts his strength and speed, but at the cost of cramping and muscle pain soon after the effect ends.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Several times.
    • Killing Count Morgstad completely destroyed the balance of power in Ponsonia, though he didn't have a choice there.
    • Clearing the Underground Dungeon Labyrinth the way he did caused the whole place to collapse, destroying the income of the nearby village, specifically built by the adventurer's guild for the purpose of sending adventurers into the dungeon.
    • Selling the magic scroll with proof of the true royal bloodline of Ponsonia brought the country to the brink of civil war after the country is already at war with Quinbland.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Repeatedly.
    • He spares East's life, at Lavia's behest, while freeing her, just to learn that the punishment handed down to knights for the "crime" of losing a fight is execution, so then he has to go to war with the top brass of the Knight Order to show them how stupid such a policy is.
    • He rescues Paula's party more than once, and each time, they make him regret it by outing him.
    • He tinkers with Paula's soul board, at her darkest hour, so she can save her friends, and winds up regretting it because the moment Paula joins the party, BAM, there's Ponsonia's Black-Ops unit trying to kidnap Lavia!
  • One-Hit Kill: His fighting "style."
  • Rags to Riches: Starts the story with nothing to his name but the torn and bloody clothes he inherited from Roland but after a couple of months adventuring becomes wealthy enough to lease a mansion within walking distance of the university in Scholarzard, for a year, and still have plenty of money left over.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Hikaru steals Claddie's staff to strip prince Austrin of his trump card in order to protect Pond, planning to return the staff later, once things settle down. While it's in his custody, his [Instinct] warns him that he should use his wakizashi on the orb full of holy mana. He does and causes the orb to shatter, rendering the staff useless. He is soon after informed by the freed drakon, Drake, that the orb was nearing critical mass and was going to blow. If Hikaru hadn't taken the staff and Claddie used its might, an explosion that could level a small city would have been unleashed, with the staff at the epicenter. Hikaru can only thank his ridiculous luck when he finds out.
  • Secret Test of Character: He gives Paula a Deal with the Devil to see if she could be trusted before he modified her soul board so she can save the lives of her friends. She passes the test and saves their lives and then sees with her own eyes that Hikaru was absolutely correct in predicting how the two would respond, ie, seeing her as a walking money bag and trying to monopolize her.
  • Selective Obliviousness: He at least pretends very convincingly that he doesn't notice the numerous ladies not named Lavia who act as though they're smitten with him, because he's faithful to his sweetheart and doesn't want to hurt her or make her mad.
  • Seven Heavenly Virtues:
    • Charity: He helps the downtrodden whenever he can, even though this one tends to turn around and bite him.
    • Honesty: He is honest to a fault, even if it is abrasive.
    • Diligence: He never gives up on his assigned task.
    • Chastity: He is entirely faithful to Lavia.
    • Kindness: He is kind, after a fashion, and does care for the fate of the people around him.
  • Showy Invincible Hero: The enjoyment in the story doesn't come from wondering if he'll save the day, but how. In chapter 128, he wasn't even present, yet saved Luka's life from her own Fantasy-Forbidding Mother who tried to kill her for daring to try and marry Claude.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: While the ladies in his sphere of influence, including Lavia herself, accuse him of being the typical denser-than-a-quantum-singularity Japanese harem romantic-comedy male protagonist, the truth of the matter is that he's well aware that numerous women are or have thrown themselves at him romantically, for a wide variety of motives, wholesome or otherwise, but chooses to explicitly ignore them because he's only got eyes for Lavia and doesn't want to make her mad.
  • Skilled, but Naive: He is a powerful adventurer with enormous talent, but he doesn't fully grasp the local politics, so he grossly underestimates the lengths to which King Ponsonia will go to engage in his hedonistic villainy...
  • Spanner in the Works: If you have evil plans going and he happens to be within a mile of you, kiss any hope of success goodbye!
  • Stealth Expert: Since his first task in this new world was assassinating a count in his own mansion, and surrounded by guards, Hikaru dumps all his points into stealth-based skills and assassination techniques.
  • Technical Pacifist: He takes every possible effort to avoid killing, if he can help it. He fears becoming an Omnicidal Maniac who goes around killing for trivial reasons, unable to stop. Now if someone gives him damn good reason to kill them, like Count Morgstad, or it's a life and death situation where he has no choice...
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: The first canonical time he took up an invitation he was suspicious of was Roland summoning him to this new world because he was being chased by the ghosts of three confessed murders. Of course, that's when he learns he needs to kill a Count in an hour or less, or his soul will be permanently destroyed.
  • Unluckily Lucky: He keeps having the ill-fortune to wind up in bizarre and difficult situations, yet he also has the good fortune to have them play out in the manner that is the best-case scenario.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: He's almost completely undetectable in full-stealth mode, but he lacks the skill to open locked doors or windows without physically breaking them, which often defeats the point of stealth in the first place.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Combined with Doom Magnet. He just can't go for any extended period of time without strange things happening to him or the people around him. For example, he goes to Forestria to try and find a stealth or "short sword" specialist to improve his skills and winds up being dragged into multiple national level difficulties.
    • Especially once he acquires the [Job] "Eye of the Storm." Strange things tend to come for him, whether he wants it or not.
  • Wild Card: His loyalties and motives are almost entirely unpredictable, even to himself.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: His plans never survive contact with reality, much as he might try, so he always has to modify them on the fly. So far, he hasn't done too badly, at least in the short-term. His long term consequences, on the other hand, is a mixed bag.

Hikaru! How do I look?!
Joins in chapter 20, part 2.
  • Abusive Parents: While her mother's actions in raising her are not mentioned, her father responds to learning of her unparalleled magical power by locking her up in the mansion, terrified and disgusted, and scheming to sell her off as a Living Weapon.
  • Accomplice by Inaction: After Hikaru has killed her father, Count Morgstad, she did nothing to stop or confront him, in fact, she pointed at the open window and allowed him to escape, unchallenged.
  • Almighty Janitor: She's walking artillery, capable of obliterating entire goblin villages with a single blow, but she's rank G, the lowest rank. Justified by the fact she couldn't register for the guild in her home country, being a fugitive and all. So she's been adventuring for over a month as Hikaru's "escort" until she was able to register in another country.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: A rare heroic example. She hates her father for locking her up most of her life and literally selling her off to shady individuals to be used as a Living Weapon.
  • Atrocious Alias: For a while, Hikaru takes to calling her "Renclaw" to keep her anonymous.
  • Badass Adorable: She looks like a porcelain doll, and has enough literal fire-power to destroy an entire goblin village, solo. For context, goblin villages have sizes and populations comparable to human villages.
  • Badass Book Worm: She devours every book she gets her hands on, and she's a force of nature.
  • Badass in Distress: Due to her Squishy Wizard nature, a trio of Ponssonia's Special Forces Operatives manage to corner her, using Paula as a hostage, one of them literally kicking her around, and promising "to punish her later" for spitting in his face after he leered at her. Fortunately, her interrupted spell served as a signal flare, calling in Hikaru and the Four Stars of the East!
  • Birds of a Feather: She and Hikaru have a surprising amount of stuff in common, especially in their personalities. They both have issues with their respective parents, have fierce and domineering personalities that won't take crap from anyone, and they both suffer from Crippling Overspecialization, as well as being picky eaters, with Lavia saying Hikaru is even pickier than she is. They will still eat the meal that's provided to them, but they will complain if they had to pay for it.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She is very, very possessive of Hikaru and does not like it when other women try to get close to him. Strangely, she has no problems welcoming Paula to the party, even coming to the latter's rescue when her former party turns on her. After a bit of Character Development, and she becomes aware that Hikaru's not going to stray, this all but disappears.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: When picked up by Hikaru, all her points were placed by the gods into mana and fire magic. Being locked up in the house by her father, and her servants fired, at best, for the "crime" of teaching her to read and write has also left her with a pitiful lack of stamina.
  • Expy: She's the human equivalent of a Romulan Bird of Prey from Star Trek, The Original Series, especially once Hikaru gives her a few points in stealth. She can march right up to her enemies, completely unnoticed, prepare a powerful fireball based attack, only being noticed moments before the attack is launched, and then sneaks away...
  • Fantastic Nuke: In fighting off a massive wave of monsters in chapter 100, her fire spell is described as being hotter and brighter than the sun! And she casts this spell repeatedly!
  • First Girl Wins: She's the first girl Hikaru met when getting to this new world and can rest assured that she will always be his primary love interest.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: She's described with silver hair, but is illustrated with blue.
  • Hope Is Scary: She had long ago given up any hope of a normal life, thanks to her father's machinations. She was resigned to her fate in being treated as a disposable weapon of mass destruction, labeled as a murderer and forced to kill until she dies, her name buried in the darkness of history, then Hikaru showed up and promised to rescue her. When that happened, she began to fret and panic that it was just a trick to get her hopes up just to dash them, until she saw Hikaru right next to her in her prison carriage, breaking her out.
  • I Gave My Word: When she said she'd give Hikaru her everything should he manage to rescue her, she meant it. It doesn't matter if he's cold and cruel, a rotten undead, or a monster disguised as a human, she will not go back on her word. Upon hearing a speech like that, Hikaru gives up all resistance to the idea of boinking her silly, and completely falls in love with her.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Her eyes are the color of sapphire and she's a good, kind woman.
  • I Owe You My Life: Literally. She signed over her "everything" to Hikaru as the reward for rescuing her from unjust imprisonment and Child Soldier exploitation.
  • Kangaroo Court: The king of the nation declared her guilty of her father's murder without trial. Even when the inquisitor is shown the logical fallacies involved in the arguments that paint her as the prime suspect, he doesn't even bother to write them down.
  • Living MacGuffin: Her home country is hunting her down and trying to hold her captive due to her immense talent with fire magic.
  • Mystical White Hair: Her hair is described as silver in color and she's a magical prodigy so powerful, the king seeks to use her as a siege cannon in war.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: No sooner does she welcome Paula to the party, and try to help her hide from her pursuers than she winds up in the cross-hairs of Ponsonia's Special Forces. What's worse, said special forces immediately use Paula as a hostage to keep her from fighting back.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: She can sequentially cast fireballs the size of buildings up to 30 times before she feels woozy, and can launch a fireball the size of a typical goblin village, reducing the place to ash, and only needs a nap afterwards.
  • Playing with Fire: She's a powerful fire mage.
  • Property of Love: She considers her very being as Hikaru's possession, even when he very pointedly wants to treat her as an equal.
  • Refuge in Audacity: When she and Hikaru return to Pond to help protect the town from the Ponsonia civil war, she identifies herself as Lavia, no last name. With King Ponsonia dead, few people either catch on or care that she's the daughter of Count Morgstad.
  • Romantic Wingman: Strangely enough. After adventuring with Paula for a good, long while, confirming that Paula has no ulterior motives, pushes for her and Hikaru to grow closer. While Paula's feelings are glaringly obvious and genunine, Hikaru is still uncertain, but admits he wants to monopilize her and is very protective as a result.
  • Sickening Sweethearts: With Hikaru. She and he dote on and flirt with each other so much that the reader better have a shot of insulin nearby.
  • Significant Birthdate: February 14, Valentine's Day.
  • Spiteful Spit: She spits in the face of one of her captors when the Ponsonia Special Forces show up in Borderzard to kidnap her. She gets kicked to the ground, face first.
  • Squishy Wizard: If someone can manage to get past her stealth and her defense perimeter, she's even weaker than the average human. This is justified by the fact that her father had her under house arrest for at least four years, and her muscles atrophied from lack of exercise.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: In the web-novel version, she comes up with the idea to disguise herself by cutting and dying her hair, in addition to wearing boy's clothes. Hikaru had the same thought, but had reservations about saying it aloud.
  • Their First Time: She and Hikaru trade virginities immediately after he rescues her from unjust imprisonment, and it was at her insistence.
  • True Blue Femininity: She is very effeminate, and her outfits are predominantly blue to match her eyes.

Joins in chapter 102
  • Cannot Keep a Secret: She's simply unable to keep things secret; she's just too honest and timid to succeed. When she tried to keep secret the fact that Hikaru did something to give her the magical power to heal her friends, they try to torture the secret out of her, only stopped by the threat of deadly force and "treason" with the cover-story that Paula is in an Arranged Marriage to an unidentified king.
  • Casual Kink: She admits that she outright likes it when Hikaru is verbally abusive to her. What's more, when Hikaru first punched her in the face after she lunged at him, she was rolling on the ground, smiling with perverted glee!
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Hair and eyes are the same color of green.
  • Dark Secret: She loves to write racy love novels.
  • Doom Magnet: Wherever she goes, catastrophe is soon to follow. It's so bad, Hikaru asks her if she's cursed. As he's rescuing her from Ponsonia's special forces who are trying to murder her.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her healing magic takes an even longer time to chant than Lavia's fire magic, and during the time that she's chanting, she can't move. So if she's trying to use a healing spell in combat, she's completely vulnerable to enemy attack.
  • The Glomp: Deconstructed. She jumps up and tries to glomp Hikaru while he's shielding her and her party from a goblin "family", ie, a battalion sized herd of them. He responds to this by punching her in the face because he's startled, and being grabbed can get him killed if a goblin seizes on the opportunity to attack.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She openly proclaims that she's jealous of Hikaru and Lavia's status as Sickening Sweethearts.
  • Guy on Guy Is Hot: When Hikaru introduced Lavia to her as "his partner" while Lavia was disguised as a guy, Paula got strangely excited...
  • Healing Hands: Specializes in healing magic.
  • Hero-Worshipper: She near idolizes Hikaru for rescuing her life, twice, and then for giving her the power she needs to save her two friends, who then turn on her in envy of her magical gift.
  • I Gave My Word: Regardless of the situation or context, she won't use her healing magic without Hikaru's permission. This is justified by the fact that the last time she did so, she set off a set of Disaster Dominoes that got Lavia kidnapped and nearly lost her own life to some scoundrels sent by King Ponsonia.
  • Living MacGuffin: As a direct result of Hikaru using her soul board to give her powerful healing magic to save the lives of her two friends, she becomes someone that people fight over. She even almost gets taken into custody for the "crime" of healing a badly crippled adventurer from a Game-Breaking Injury.
  • Love at First Sight: The moment she first laid eyes on Hikaru, she went full-tilt Self-Proclaimed Love Interest, and won't stop doing it even if he punches her in the face!
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Although she was warned by Hikaru, the moment Priscilla and Pia are healed from mortal wounds, they try to monopolize her and when she responds But Now I Must Go, Pia tries to draw a sword on her to strike her down if she won't stick around.
  • Only Sane Man: Back when she was a member of her original party, she's the only one who saw through the obviously false flattery of the senior adventurers. The two boys were morons who just wanted to go with the big, beefy, "cool" guys. Pia was blinded by greed. Priscilla... had her mind elsewhere and wasn't paying attention.
  • The Pollyanna: She lived her entire life trying to see the best in people and seeing humans as basically good. By chapter 102, this belief has been almost entirely shattered when her two "friends" Pia and Priscilla, turned on her and stopped seeing her as a person and started seeing her as a giant bag of money, due to the powers Hikaru awakened in her.
  • Promoted to Love Interest: With a bit of prompting from Lavia of all people, Hikaru admits that while he isn't sure it's "love," he is very, very protective and possessive of Paula, and wants her to stay by his side forever. Paula herself cries Tears of Joy in response.
  • Psychological Projection: Since she's a raging pervert who is into masochism, the first time she sees "Renclaw" as Lavia, no longer hiding her true gender, she immediately immediately accuses the latter of being a cross-dressing deviant beyond redemption. Lavia is not amused and quickly corrects this delusion.
  • Rape as Drama: When she was being thrown into an advancing goblin horde, the scoundrels who threw her pointed out that the goblins in question were going to see her as a seed bed, to her horror. Fortunately, Hikaru came along and put a stop to it all.
  • Romantic Wingman: Once she and Lavia become besties, she does everything in her power to have Lavia and Hikaru hook up as much as possible.
  • Self-Proclaimed Love Interest: She tries to claim Hikaru is her "fated encounter" when he saved her from being cast aside as bait for a goblin swarm, and then again from a Forest Guardian. He's not only completely uninterested, he responded to such a declaration the first time by punching her in the face.
  • Significant Birth Date: She was born on April 1, April Fool's. Hikaru finds that strangely fitting for some reason he can't quite put his finger on.
  • Stronger Than They Look: When Hikaru modifies her soul board to give her the power she needs to save Pia's life, and Pia's rescued, her gratitude gets the best of her and she grabs him in a bear hug with enough force to crush the breath out of him. And she would have stayed that way if Hikaru hadn't pointed out that Priscilla also needed healing from a deadly poison ravaging her system.
  • Supreme Chef: In addition to being the party healer, she was also the primary chef in her original party. So when she winds up with Hikaru, she becomes the live-in chef to the Hikaru household, to even Lavia's delight.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even at threat to her life, she will not turn on Hikaru nor use her healing magic without his permission, or Lavia's.
  • Wrong Assumption: She's always seen Lavia submissive to Hikaru, so presumes Lavia is naturally shy. NOPE! Lavia has a very fierce and domineering personality that constantly cows her as the two wind up travelling together back to Scholarzard.
  • You Are Too Late: Subverted. She runs off to her hotel room and back to get permission to heal a deathly ill child only to see priest Galen engaged in Evil Gloating about how he'd take custody of the little girl known as Flan in lieu of an exorbitant healing fee, for nefarious purposes. Fortunately for the little girl, she is able to identify that the priest's so-called healing was a sham and with both Hikaru and Lavia backing her up, manages to heal the child properly, free of charge.

Joined in chapter 162.
A drakon that was held captive in the orb of Claddie's staff.
  • Animal Companion: Tags along with Hikaru and Lavia after being freed.
  • Big Eater: When he came out of the orb, he was starving and ate enough food for eight people before he was sated.
  • Equippable Ally: He takes the form of a scarf. Normally he has Hikaru wear him, but has recently taken to Lavia, as a scarf, to extract Lavia's extra mana to heal himself.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Thanks to being locked up in the orb, he has a lot of catching up to do regarding the countries, politics, topography, etc.
  • Living Relic: He can answer questions regarding what life was like 300 years ago.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: He was trapped inside the orb for approximately 300 years.

The Four Stars of the East

A well-known B ranked adventuring party.

     Common to All 
  • 100% Completion: Every job or quest they undertake will be completed to perfection, no exceptions.
  • 100% Heroism Rating: Since they have many meritorious deeds and accomplishments under their belt, are B ranked, and never, ever fail a quest, the adventurer's guild bends over backwards to accommodate their needs. The fact that their timely arrival had a huge part in rescuing the border town Borderzard from an unprecedented monster wave doesn't hurt.
  • Hero of Another Story: They are all powerful adventurers who gained power and fame by many meritorious acts.
  • Honor Before Reason: Even though their quest to escort Lavia to the royal capital to stand trial was "stolen" by a C-rank party that decided to visit a brothel and get themselves drunk the night before, and then "took an interest in Lavia", even beating up the coachman to steal the keys to the carriage, the four stars still see it as a blemish to their record and hunt the girl down.
  • Lawful Stupid: They try to detain Hikaru while Lavia's being kidnapped because Hikaru beat up one of the kidnappers, the same kidnapper who tried to murder Paula. They do this even though Selica, one of their own, keeps harping about Lavia's distress signal! Fortunately, Hikaru gives them the slip and goes after Lavia and the rest of her kidnappers.
  • Loved by All: They are well-loved wherever they go, and it's well-deserved.
  • Theme Naming: Selica, Sylese, Sarah, and Sophie.

     Selica Tanoue
Oh, I get to taste hot-dogs again!
The first of the Four Stars that Hikaru meets, and a fellow transmigrator.
  • The Archmage: In the making. She has 5 points in all available elements, aside from [Holy] and [Dark]. For reference, Lavia has 6 points in fire and is a walking Fantastic Nuke. She also has a mana rating of 19, while Lavia has 11, and Lavia is considered a Living Weapon by King Ponsonia.
  • A-Cup Angst: She wants bigger breasts and is jealous of Sarah, who is quite busty despite being shorter.
  • Big Eater: She claims using magic makes her hungry, and she's almost always seen snacking on something.
  • Cassandra Truth: She repeatedly cried out that she's not the one who kept hitting monsters with Fantastic Nuke spells in Borderzard, but nobody believed her, until she pointed out Hikaru and Levia and gave them the credit for that and for taking down an Earth Dragon (subspecies).
  • Entertainingly Wrong: She spots the failed activation of Lavia's spell upon being grabbed by Ponsonia's Black-ops unit and concludes that it was a signal flare.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: One of the two mages for the party, Sylese being the Fighter, with Sarah as the thief with her [Scout] Class and the remaining member, Sophie, as the second mage, the Combat Medic priest.
  • Foil: To Hikaru. She was also transmigrated to this new world after dying in a traffic accident, but that's where the similarity stops. All her belongings were transmigrated with her, she had no talent in hiding her strength, so she got all the wrong kinds of attention. She started her adventure in the middle of a forest, all alone, while Hikaru started his career in a city. She had plenty of friends and family on Earth, while Hikaru was a loner. She coped by joining up with the rest of the Four stars, thus making herself part of a very, very powerful team that even royalty is hesitant to mess with. Hikaru preferred to make himself too powerful to mess with, and stealthy enough to get away if things get too hot, keeping his party as small as possible.
  • Gamer Chick: Back on Earth, she was a very hard-core MMO player. She applied her experience in that to her adventures in this new world, and it has served her very, very well.
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules!: She refused to take the rewards for all the monsters Levia actually defeated, searching for Lavia herself to give her the rewards and credit.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: She and Hikaru have the exact same taste in hot-dogs and say so when patronizing a certain street-side vendor.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: She's got a rank of over 100, but most of her points are left-over. This leaves her lacking in skill.

     Selyse Lande 
Hikaru sees her from a distance as she's leaving the Adventurer's Guild in Pond.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: The fighter of the party.
  • The Leader: Of the party.
  • Lightning Bruiser: As Hikaru's mentally comparing her stats to Lawrence, he notes that while Lawrence focuses on strength to end the battle in one blow, Selyse focuses on speed and agility, but still hits hard.
  • Master Swordsman: She has a rank and point set that rivals Knight Captain Lawrence!
  • Red Baron: She is known as "The Sun Maiden."

The scout of the party.
  • Blackmail: She tries to cow Hikaru, once she manages to surprise him in the carriage he, Lavia, and Paula were using to head back to Scholarzard, by stating that all she has to do is call for the guards and reveal Lavia's location if he won't cooperate with her party, to turn Lavia over to Ponsonia. His Killing Intent cows her instead, though Hikaru does still choose to meet The Four Stars in a hotel room, because he finds that less annoying than having to sleep with one eye open worrying that Sarah would once again sneak up on him.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Her busty figure is a constant source of A-Cup Angst to Selica.
  • Big-Breast Pride: She never hesitates to proclaim how being busty is better to Selica.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: The "thief" of the party.
  • Stealth Expert: She specializes in stealth, and while not as skilled as Hikaru, she does have more experience.

The cleric of the four members.
  • Cast from Lifespan: Discussed. She states that should her friends suffer a mortal injury and she's too drained, mana-wise, to cast the spell needed to heal them, she could use up her life-span as a substitute for the mana required. Hikaru does not think any genuine friend would be pleased at such a trade-off.
  • Condescending Compassion: She firmly refuses to accept the concept that adventurers have the responsibility to be self-sufficient as much as possible and insists that healers must use their healing magic, if at all possible, without asking for payment or any form of compensation. Anything else is basically just telling them to go off and die...
  • Entitled to Have You: Though the romantic subtext is ambiguous, she sees Paula as her property and loathes the fact that Paula chooses to party with Hikaru instead, secretly wishing for Hikaru's death and presuming that Paula would party with her when Hikaru dies.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Implied and exaggerated. When she spots Paula curing an adventurer who lost an arm and had a petrified leg, even growing back the missing arm, she orders the Adventurer's Guild to seize Paula and put her in custody!
  • Healing Hands: As the party's cleric, she's in charge of the healing magic.
  • Hypocrite: She preaches at Hikaru that healers must be willing to heal anyone in need, for free, if need be, but when she saw Paula healing an injury she would have a hard time dealing with, she demanded that the adventurer's guild should take Paula into custody! And Paula was healing said injury for free, since the patient was unconscious and did not offer payment or any kind of compensation, as far as she's aware.
  • Hypocrite Has a Point: While she is a hypocrite about trying to arrest Paula for healing an adventurer for free, only to later lecture Hikaru that healers should heal everyone for free, if necessary, her assertion that denying healing magic can be a matter of life or death is not wrong.
  • Workaholic: She is so addicted to the praise of being "heroic" that she will refuse requests to rest until she drops.

Pond Adventurer's Guild Branch

One of the two receptionists.
  • The Atoner: She repeatedly tries to make amends for giving Hikaru grief when he signed up for the guild, to the point he finds her annoying.
  • Blessed with Suck: She has the blood of a fox-spirit, which allows her to sense the motives of everyone who speaks to her. She hates it because all she can sense is the men of the Adventurer's Guild wanting to monopolize or exploit her, until she met Hikaru.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: One or two shots and she's on the floor. Ironically, she loves to drink.
  • Does Not Like Men: Since the men of the adventurer's guild just see her as pretty eye candy and try to manipulate them, she just sees them all as brutes and tries to manipulate them right back.
  • Jerkass Realization: She realizes she screwed up, big, when she gives Hikaru a Schmuck Bait quest and he doesn't come back, for days...
  • Misplaced Retribution: She takes out her grudges against the brutes of the Adventuer's Guild on Hikaru, and has the gall to be enraged when Hikaru calls her out on it.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: The fact that she sent off Hikaru on an herb collection quest, without warning him about the dangerous beasts in the area, hoping he'd come back in a stretcher, is something that her fellow guild employees and Hikaru never, ever hesitate on bringing up at every opportunity, to her tear-filled regret.
  • Sweet Tooth: She loves thing so sweet, they're too sweet for anyone else, including her booze.

One of the two receptionists.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Pleasant and cheerful in person, extremely malicious in private.
  • Femme Fatale: She uses her sex-appeal as a weapon.
  • Home Nudist: She strips nude the moment she gets home and shuts the door. She doesn't care that the window is wide open and people can see her.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Combined with Troll. She riles up her coworker Jill by pretending to be sick and leaving the poor tattered girl to work extended shifts, happily gives dangerous Schmuck Bait quests to rookie adventurers so she can swoop in and "rescue them" so they owe her a favor that she can exploit. Lastly, she responds to any and all accusations of such behavior with a nice Sarcastic Confession, rubbing it people's faces that they can't prove her malice. All just for her own amusement. Hikaru briefly considers that she might be an agent of a foreign power as a result of her "taking an interest" in him.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Granted, her apartment's on the third floor, but she still leaves her curtains open while she prances around nude in her home, not caring a whit if people see her. Hikaru has the uncomfortable task of trying to keep Lavia from finding out he got an eyeful after he tracked Gloria home to try and see who her backer(s) might be.

The guild-master.
  • Almighty Janitor: He once single-handedly stopped a war, but he's content to be a guild-master who is hands-on about dissecting any and all red-horned rabbits that are brought to him. In fact, he insists on it.
  • Brutal Honesty: He does not mince words on how amateurish Hikaru was when the latter dismantled a rabbit for the first time. Hikaru is actually grateful for it because it allowed him to learn from the experience and improve.
  • Grumpy Old Man: He's old and gruff, but a good and decent man and Benevolent Boss of the guild.
  • Killed Off for Real: Fell to Lawrence's blade on screen, but not before managing to kill of the hedonistic King Ponsonia.
  • The Mole: He's really an agent of Quinbland, not Ponsonia.
  • Retired Badass: Reputedly, he is a former assassin who took down The Caligula of a nearby hostile nation, stopping a war, but he's given up on the assassination business to run the guild.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: He only shows up to "train" his apprentices once a month, and if they don't measure up to his standards when he gets there...
  • Training from Hell: What he gives Quinbland special ops units he trains on behalf of his home nation.

     Zernenko Rigalow and gang 
The ringleader of a group of male adventurers that have a one-sided grudge with Hikaru because the 15-year-old managed to catch the eye of both Jill and Gloria, despite wanting the favor of neither because they both gave him a bad time on their first impression.
  • The Bully: He and his buddies all wanted to "socialize" with the 15-year-old Hikaru by tracking him down outside guild HQ, and the town walls, if possible, and then beating him up over, and over, and over until he's totally broken. By Jill's own testimony, they have a habit of doing this, even killing people who don't offer an "apology" of some cash. She has the gall to be enraged at Hikaru when he points out that she condoned this by suggesting he apologize to a gang of criminal extortionists.
  • Dumb Muscle: His soul-board, and that of his buddies, are all focused on combat related skills, and he can't solve a problem that doesn't involve going around and beating it to death.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: They loved to harass Jill and Gloria, insisting on dates and other sexual favors, beat up rookie adventurers on a whim, and robbing them. They try to hunt Hikaru and the guild turns on them, giving them off-screen punishment, in addition to going to jail.
  • Mugging the Monster: It's a good thing for them that they failed to catch up to Hikaru, because if he had had to fight them, they'd all be dead, and nobody would miss them.
  • So Much for Stealth: The city guard saw him and his gang acting suspiciously and tracked them to the forest, and when they heard a commotion, caught them red-handed loudly planning to hunt down Hikaru, who had unknowingly given them the slip by going into stealth to hunt the very skittish red-horned rabbits his quest required. They spent a few nights in jail and got reamed by the guildmaster shortly afterwards.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: On the receiving end, on-screen, from the town guard who lectures them that women don't like them precisely because they hunt down kids to beat up for daring to earn a lady's favor, and off-screen from the guild-master.

Ponsonia Royal Capital Adventurers

     The Distant Glittering Stars 
A three man party of adventurers who took over the Escort Mission that is Lavia from The Four Stars of the East.
  • Hookers and Blow: The night before they're to escort Lavia, they hit the taverns and brothels all night long, and launch the mission at noon, hungover.
  • Miles Gloriosus: They love to boast and brag about being better than The Four Stars, but they're chumps who go drinking and whoring the night before a big mission, especially their leader, Nogusa Garage.
  • Karma Houdini: The fact that they beat up the coach driver to steal the keys to Lavia's prison carriage is never brought against them. Considering how temperamental King Ponsonia is regarding failure, the fact that their incompetence robbed him of the "prize" he and Count Morgstad conspired, murdered, and schemed for years to procure, it's surprising they didn't find themselves in a torture dungeon, a graveyard, or left abandoned on a crucifix to feed some crows...
  • Rape as Drama: Nogusa "took an interest" in Lavia and beat up the coach-driver to steal the keys to the carriage with the intent to rape her. Fortunately, Lavia was already spirited away by Hikaru.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Their story that Lavia somehow magically disappeared from the escort coach is so outrageous that King Ponsonia takes it as the truth because fact is stranger than fiction. It is rumored that if they had spun a more believable story, their fates would have been much worse than whatever punishment the guild hands out for failed missions.
  • Schmuck Bait: Double subverted. When they chance upon a man, supposedly lost in the woods, begging for relief and succor, they do indeed treat it as if it is a prelude to an ambush, but when the expected ambush fails to materialize, they lower their guard, allowing Hikaru to sneak aboard the carriage and spirit Lavia away.
  • Snobs Vs Slobs: Since he and his crew came from the capital, he never hesitated to insult the back-water town of Pond, every chance he got. This makes everyone except the guild-master, and sub-guild-master overjoyed when he fails the escort mission, and the guild master is only upset because the guild's reputation was damaged. The sub-guild-master "took sick leave" rather than face the music for pushing and covering for this crew of fools.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: They treated the mission to escort Lavia to the capital like a milk-run. They screwed the pooch so badly, they humiliated not just themselves but the entire Adventurer's Guild.

Pond Village Residents

The dwarf owner of the armor and clothing shop.
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed, but he is a victim of it. People tend not to put much faith in his goods since he's a dwarf and dwarves are known for being proud blacksmiths, while he's a tailor. In addition, most adventurers, once they have the funds, prefer to deal with human tailors, leaving him behind. If it were not for the whole Wandering the Earth thing Hikaru's got going on, he'd patronize the guy much, much more than he does.
  • The Fashionista: He's a tailor with an eye for fashion, not a blacksmith. In fact, when Hikaru brings Lavia to get her custom gear, Dodorono doesn't even have to measure her to get her a perfectly fitting outfit that accentuates her beauty, in addition to being highly practical and protective.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: Perhaps a bit too honest. Hikaru finds the fee he charges for custom and rush orders is too low and doesn't hesitate to proclaim it, to his face.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Most dwarves in the setting are indeed the stereotypical liver made of orihalcum alcoholics who love to bang on metal in a smithy. He, however, has an eye for fashion and is a tailor who can custom craft gear for a price.

     Leniwood Mal Eiora 
The blacksmith and owner of the weapon's shop.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: His weapons are cheap because they are very "niche" and few would by them, since the buffs put on them seldom fit the intended use, for example, he displays a greatsword that boosts magic, and several staffs that boost strength. Fortunately, the "Dagger of Strength" and the "Staff of Stamina" Leinwood sells are indeed very useful for him and Lavia respectively.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: He's a complete oddball, but still a competent shop owner and smith.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: Good and honest merchant whose goods and prices can be trusted.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: He's an oddball for an elf, and in general, and crafts very niche weapons for his shop. His prices are low because few would want to buy them.

Hikaru: Be gentle with me, I am unarmed.
Master of the Thieve's guild.
  • The Cynic: He's gruff, grumpy, and has a very bleak view of humanity, but if you can get a face-to-face with him, he'll be happy to take your money for a favor or two.
  • Fallen Hero: He used to be an instructor and researcher in Forestria, until some Noodle Incident got him exiled. Now he runs the Thieves' Guild in Pond's sewers.
  • Fiery Redhead: He's got red hair and has a serious temper.
  • Friend in the Black Market: If there's something shady Hikaru needs, he's the guy to go to.
  • Honor Among Thieves: He may run the Thieve's Guild, but he won't betray a paying client, and Hikaru is a paying client.
  • Information Broker: Among the many things that can be purchased from him is information.
  • Tattooed Crook: He's got red tattoos all over his body.

Ponsonia Officials (Listed in order of appearance)

The knight in charge of Morgstad's bodyguards.
  • Being Good Sucks: Like most, he loathed Count Morgstad and the way the bastard treated his daughter, but being a knight bound by royal decree, was helpless to do anything about it. Then when sweet little Lavia was being railroaded into taking the blame for the count's death, there was nothing he could do to rescue her. Lastly, when she "mysteriously vanishes" from her prison carriage, he nearly gets executed for the "crime" of losing a fight to a self-proclaimed bandit who broke the bones in his hands and feet by sniping at him in the girl's disappearance, and stole the money in the pouch on his waist. It's only because Knight Captain Lawrence got his ass kicked by the same "bandit" that the execution was called off...
  • It's Probably Nothing: He notices the water stain Hikaru leaves on the carpet when he snuck into Count Morgstad's home, even suspecting it might be an intruder, but shrugs it off when one of his fellow guards notices that servants and messengers have been coming and going all day and night due to the same storm that soaked Hikaru.
  • Manly Tears: When he was informed by Knight Captain Lawrence that the execution was called off, with the Knight Captain openly apologizing for his short-sightedness in pushing for the execution in the first place, East breaks down and cries. It's not known if he's crying due to relief that he's not going to be executed, being bitter that he lost to Hikaru, seeing that the Captain himself in bad shape after losing his fight, or all of them together, but nobody criticizes him for being overcome with emotion at that moment.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: He is faithful to the country of Ponsonia, despite its many flaws, including the ridiculous "law" that knights who lose in battles to bandits must "atone for their dishonor" by being executed.
  • Properly Paranoid: He didn't trust the C-rank party that was escorting Lavia's prison carriage, at all. He races after them on horse-back and were it not for Hikaru having already spirited her away, he would have come upon them entering the coach to "have a bit of fun" raping her!
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: He chases after the carriage being used to transport Lavia because he thought the hung-over adventurers weren't taking their escort job seriously, and thinking she'd escape. While the louts did indeed take their job seriously, they were also planning to rape her, since she's a condemned criminal anyway, was bound in magic cuffs that prevented her from using her powers, and nobody would care about her complaints afterward. Say hello to an empty carriage with some bedding that was arranged to look like a sleeping occupant.

     Knight Captain Lawrence D. Falcon 
The top knight of the country.
  • 24-Hour Armor: After his little clash with Hikaru, he now spots head-to-toe chainmail wherever he goes, hoping he doesn't get a pin-prick to the carotid artery again. He has further commanded his entire knight regiment to be similarly equipped. The reaction from the citizens and nobles has been... mixed.
  • Badass Normal: He doesn't use magic, at all. He's so skilled with the sword and so strong, he doesn't need it. In fact, swinging his great-sword around causes shock-waves just from the air-pressure of the slice alone.
  • Covered in Scars: He's heavily scarred, all over his body.
  • A Father to His Men: He may be a harsh commander, but he does care for his men, thinking East lost only because he didn't take his duties seriously, until he himself lost a fight to Hikaru, at which point, he apologizes for his short-sightedness.
  • Honor-Related Abuse: He was pushing for East to be executed for the "crime" of staining the knight order with a loss to a "bandit kid." Then this "bandit kid" shows up and manages to outfight and nearly kill him. At this point, he openly admits how stupid and short-sighted this so-called "honor" is.
  • Ignored Expert: Immediately after learning someone was going around attacking the top members of the knight order, a national security level threat, he went to the king to inform him. The king's chamberlain did everything possible to shoo him away, including siccing the king's official bodyguards on him. In just about any other situation, this could easily have lead to the death of the king and his room full of living sex toys.
  • Jerkass Realization: He openly admits that ordering the execution of East for losing to an enemy he himself lost to was a real dick move, and asks for forgiveness.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: His muscles are so huge, he has difficulty sitting in a chair meant for average people, and he's insanely strong.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: He cares not one whit about the legitimacy or morality of the orders he's given by the king, he goes and carries them out to the best of his abilities. Subverted when chapter 117 rolls around and he's given orders to kill Margrave Grugschilt. Lawrence wants very much to avoid sparking a civil war, especially after King Ponsonia has already provoked Quinbland, but doesn't want the king to think he's a traitor when the Margrave himself offers a peaceful meeting to explain himself.
  • One-Man Army: He's on record wiping out entire battalions with sword swings, and even leveled the training area where he fought with Hikaru as the collateral damage to his strikes.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: The lead knight and the most powerful.
  • To Be Lawful or Good: He's torn between his duty to King Ponsonia and the fact that the king's own actions have set up a civil war because the king responded to Gafrasti's legal claims with violence and attacked his own citizens.

     Princess Kudyastoria Ponsonia 
The second princess.
  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: She sneaks out in the middle of the night to spy on Lawrence's fight with Hikaru, without informing Lawrence first. His attacks nearly kill her by accident, because she gets caught in the collateral damage. If Hikaru hadn't come to her rescue, she may well have died.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Presumed Hikaru was going around attacking knights primarily to test his skills. In reality, Hikaru was "hiding a tree in a forest" so that if East got killed for losing a fight, then the entire knight order would have to be executed too...
  • Heroic Bastard: She doesn't know it, but she's the daughter of the king's mistress. The queen adopted her as her own child, just to stick it to the mother.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: She's the one who runs the kingdom, and without aides! Her older brother, the crown prince, is a figurehead, and her father, the king, is a complete hedonist that simply can't be bothered to do his duties outside of the hours 10 am to 2 pm because he's "resting his mind."
  • I Never Told You My Name: She cries out "Roland" when she first spots Hikaru. Hikaru searches Roland's memories and determines that they were not friends and never met.
  • Malicious Slander: Many nobles are constantly sucking up to her elder brother, trying to win his favor. Part and parcel of that is "warning" him that she seeks to take the throne away from him. She works without aides deliberately so such rumors are constantly demonstrated as completely false, for fear of her life.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She's a princess and takes an active hand in investigating threats to the kingdom.

     King Ponsonia 
  • Blind Obedience: What he wants from his citizens, nobles, and subordinates. Any and all questions to his rule get met with murderous violence, one way or another.
  • The Caligula: Downplayed, but present. Not only has he launched a one-sided war against the kingdom of Quinbland, purely to expand his country's borders, but is a hedonist that is only available 10 am to 2 pm and responds with charges of treason, and attempting to murder anyone who questions his rule.
  • Dirty Business: He's left a huge diplomatic mess for whoever takes over to clean up. Kudyastoria found a hidden top-secret dungeon under the royal castle full of illegally detained prisoners, left unattended in their own waste. While she did manage to get the cells physically clean, the prisoners are now completely implacable and demand bloody vengeance.
  • The Hedonist: He is publicly available to engage in his royal duties only four hours a day, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The remaining 20 hours are spent sleeping, eating, and fucking, non-stop. It doesn't matter how urgent a matter is, he will abjectly refuse to address it if someone attempts to bring it to his attention outside those hours. His daughter had to address the issue of Hikaru going after the knight order because he couldn't be bothered.'
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Met his end with a dagger painted black to the heart, so the dagger wouldn't be easy to notice until morning.
  • Revealing Cover-Up: When his son, the crown prince, recommends luring Gafrasti back to the capital with a false promise of a public hearing to air out the supposed legitimacy of his claims that he's the legit ruler, the king loudly shuts it down and insists on sending Knight Captain Lawrence at the mountain territory of the duke supporting Gafrasti to hunt the man down and kill him. This tips off everyone that the king is fully aware that his rule is illegitimate, and he doesn't even want the suggestion of a hearing to challenge him. And when it's suggested that the special forces be sent as scouts first so Lawrence would know what he's getting into, when he proclaims that they're "unavailable", it tips off everyone that he's still obsessed with trying to capture and exploit Lavia.
  • Villainous Demotivator: He wrote laws that punish knights with death if they lose to a bandit in combat, or an assassin manages to sneak past them to kill corrupt and loathsome individuals that abuse their guards and are universally hated.
  • You Have Failed Me: When the special forces member who escaped Hikaru informed him of what transpired, and gave warning that messing with Lavia is a really bad idea, King Ponsonia beats him down so badly, the room where the beating took place looks like it was hit by a small tornado.

     Ponsonia Special Forces: Warning! SPOILERS! 
A trio of unnamed agents who somehow manage to track Lavia to Forestria, and try to kidnap her when they find her.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: When they catch up to Lavia and take Paula hostage, they all brag that they happily do all of King Ponsonia's Dirty Business. Whether that involves kidnapping, murder, arson, rape, whatever.
  • Combat Pragmatist: They fight dirty, and are well-trained in doing so.
  • Evil Gloating: When they have the upper hand, or think they have the upper hand, they don't hesitate to preen, gloat, and torment their intended prey. When one of them tries this on Hikaru, he loses both eyes and the hand that was holding a dagger.
  • I Lied: They promise to spare Paula if Lavia allows herself to be taken captive. The moment Lavia's out of sight, one of them tries to straight up murder Paula. Hikaru is not pleased when he comes upon the scene.
  • Implausible Deniability: Combined with Refuge in Audacity. Inside the Adventurer's Guild HQ in Borderzard of Forestria, in front of hundreds of adventurers who witnessed Lavia heroically fight off wave after wave of monsters, the captured agent, the same one who tried to murder Paula, loudly protests his innocence, stating he's an ordinary soldier of Ponsonia and Hikaru one-sidedly attacked him, and there was no kidnapping plot going on. He might even have got away with it, except for the fact that the Four Stars of the East were present, and recognized his Special Forces uniform and insignia, proving he's an elite that takes orders from, and answers to, King Ponsonia and only King Ponsonia.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: Their favorite tactic to get an enemy off-guard is to fake their surrender then come at them with a knife, explosive, or poison powder. Not being an idiot, Hikaru sees through all of them.
  • No Name Given: They are never named.
  • Secret-Keeper: Even under torture, they never reveal a secret that would compromise their mission.
  • Taking You with Me: They never hesitate to use lethal force, even if they're in the way of their own attacks.

     Margrave Grugschilt 
The strongest of Gafrasti's supporters.
  • Bat Deduction: Without laying out his reasoning, he correctly deduces that Lavia is not the one who killed Count Morgstad, but that Roland took him down at the cost of his own life.
  • It's Personal: He considers Count Morgstad's attack upon the Zaracia house, and Roland in particular, a personal affront, especially as he was the prime benefactor to Roland's cross-world magical research, and Roland was bringing him positive results in return. Since he can't go after Morgstad, he has to settle for going after Morgstad's backers, King Ponsonia and the Grand Marshal, especially now that he knows the king is nothing but a hedonistic pretender.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Played with. He is deeply loyal to the country of Ponsonia, but he is not blindly obedient, and this loyalty does not extend to the current king, who has been proven to be a Puppet King and a hedonistic pretender.
  • Revenge by Proxy: He wishes to strike out at Count Morgstad, to avenge the villainy he inflicted on the Zaracia house, but since the count is dead and has no heir, he has to settle for going after the Count's backers, and now that he knows the king's a fraud...

     Crown Prince Austrin 
  • Fantastic Racism: He's human supremacist.
  • Hypocrite: He's human supremacist, yet happily stretches his arm out to Einbeast, the beast country, for aid when he's in a civil war with his half-sister for the Ponsonia throne.
  • Like Father, Like Son: He takes after the worst traits of both his mother, the queen and his father, the king.
  • Moral Myopia: He forms an alliance with Einbeast, despite touting his racist "for the common good" policy then he and his noble supporters tut-tut his half-sister when Caddie's staff ends up stolen in the fortress where he chose to take refuge, accusing her of launching a black-ops operation with no proof whatsoever, and this is made even worse when the magic artifact tracing Caddie's weapon starts pointing at his "allies," the country of Einbeast.

Paula's former party

     As a whole 
  • Born Unlucky: One crisis after another puts them in situations way above their heads, and it's all a matter of bad luck, because even when the three senior adventurers had ulterior motives, those motives didn't involve clashing with a battalion sized number of goblins.
  • Childhood Friends: Paula, Pia, and Priscilla grew up together in their home village. The two unnamed boys of the party were from a neighboring village that was on friendly terms with them. This relationship ultimately proved itself rather shallow, as the boys ran off with three senior male adventurers that they know threw Paula into a swarm of goblins to save themselves, and both Pia and Priscilla would later turn on Paula as well, moments after she spent a full 24 hours at their bedside keeping them alive and then sold herself to Hikaru to save them!
  • Theme Naming: Paula, Priscila, Pia.
  • True Companions: Subverted. As mentioned above, the boys were morons who sided with three male adventurers after being warned that they had ulterior motives and were not trustworthy and still sided with said seniors after seeing them throw Paula at goblins to save their own skin. Pia and Priscilla fare better, going through thick and thin for months, risking their lives for each other more than once, but the moment Paula gets a boost from Hikaru that allows her to single-handedly bring them back from the brink of death, envy, greed, jealousy, and the expectation that they could treat her newfound healing powers like a walking bag of cash causes them to turn on her and try to kill her if she won't play along, and calling her the traitor!

  • Awesome by Analysis: She was able to deduce that Paula sold herself out to save her life and Pia's and that Paula's refusal to elaborate was part of the package in the deal, without having to be told.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: She has a huge chest and it's said that men have trouble keeping their eyes off them.
  • Dude Magnet: Due to her buxom figure she tends to attract male attention, such as all veteran mercenaries trying their hardest to impress her.
  • The Quiet One: She's described as a person of few words and doesn't talk much.
  • Token Good Teammate: Aside from Paula herself, she was the best of the party members, in terms of morality, and was horrified when Pia whipped out a sword to use on Paula because the latter was trying to say her goodbyes and Pia wouldn't take "good-bye" for an answer.
  • We Used to Be Friends: She looks away, disappointed, because Paula left their party after Pia came at her with a sword!

  • Cannot Keep a Secret: Even worse than Paula. Paula at least tries to keep confidential information confidential. Pia outright volunteers things that she was told to keep secret. The first time Hikaru came to the party's rescue, he asked the three of them to keep his involvement secret, since he was on the run with Lavia and was trying to keep a low profile. While Paula was using the outhouse, Pia ran up to Gloria and bragged about how Hikaru took down the Goblin Boss, which should have been way above his pay-grade. Hikaru chews the party out on it and advises them to stop adventuring because they're clearly not fit for it.
  • Did Not Think This Through: She pulls out a sword and goes after Paula, in the very heart of a camp with multiple adventurers, while the guild is chasing them down already! She has to be forced to listen at knife point before she realized how bad an idea that was.
  • Entitled Bitch: She not only physically dragged Paula away from the temple in their home village, ignoring her trepidation (which repeatedly proved correct), forcing her into the adventuring business in the first place, but after Paula spent a minimum of 24 hours casting healing magic well past the time her mana ran out, keeping the spell going through sheer force of will to keep her alive, she has the gall to act like the wounded party when Paula tries to say her goodbyes, per the agreement she signed to get the magic she needed to heal Priscilla and Pia back from the brink of death.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Exaggerated. In the span of a single paragraph, or a matter of in-universe minutes, she goes from being grateful that Paula saved her life, healing her from an injury that caused her to lose a significant part of her abdomen, and being worried that Paula got snookered into selling herself for a rare and expensive potion to make that all happen, to an Entitled Bitch who expected Paula to agree to be the party's Meal Ticket, without complaint, and never fearing injury again, to gain herself fame, glory, and unbridled wealth.
  • Fearless Fool: She always charges head-long into nests of monsters, and jumps in the way of blows directed at her teammates because she always expects Paula to heal her back up again. Initially, this was instrumental in keeping the party alive, as she had the best armor and gave the other two a chance to deal with whatever monster came along, or at least hold out for rescue. Once Paula got a boost from Hikaru, this trait made her go full-tilt Entitled Bitch, threatening Paula with a sword for trying to leave the party.
  • Stepford Smiler: Although she's energetic and a fearless fool by day, Paula testifies that she cries herself to sleep at night, hating having to take up adventuring to have her home village make ends meet.
  • You Owe Me: Because she shielded Paula from the same blow that took her abdomen instead, she expected Paula to wordlessly let herself be used as a Meal Ticket, even though the reason she's alive to complain is that Paula herself spent at least 24 hours keeping her alive, since the Adventurer's Guild considered Pia and Priscilla too far gone and refused to help them.

Forestria Officials

     Algaia Van Houtens 
Introduced as Gafrasti's bodyguard, but is actually the minster of defense for Forestria.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: To both Gaf Rasti and the queen of Forestria. She's not only the one who keeps him safe and does all the heavy lifting while he searches the ruins, but she's the best counter-intelligence officer that Forestria has. Without her around, spies in the Prime Minister's office and the Queen's royal chamber multiply like cock-roaches, with Hikaru wiping them out on a repeated basis as he sneaks in to meet the queen herself.
  • One Degree of Separation: She's Zofiria's cousin.

     Zofira Van Houtens 
The prime minister of Forestria
  • Beleaguered Assistant: She is often beside herself trying to keep up with the whims of Queen Marquedo.
  • Cloudcuckoo Landers Minder: She's constantly trying to keep Queen Marquedo's childish antics in check.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: She's fond of insulting Queen Marquedo, but someone else does it and she gets mad.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: She and Queen Marquedo hurl insults at each other all the time, but they're completely devoted to each other, through thick and thin.

     Queen Marquedo Kirihal 
The current queen of Forestria
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Due to the quirks of her race, she's very childish and immature. She does her best to suppress it for the sake of her ruling duties, but doesn't always succeed.
  • Elective Monarchy: The queen is chosen once every 10 years by election from the member countries of the Forestria alliance. She was chosen this time around and is about half-way into her term when she appears in the story.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Being a spirit elf, she looks like a child, and this frequently causes her to act like one too, despite being a full-grown adult.

Academy Staff

     Professor Mikhail Jarazack 
The greatsword instructor and the first member of faculty Hikaru meets, as a direct result of the cranky secretary in charge of admission copping an attitude and wanting to make an example of Hikaru.
  • An Aesop: "Overconfidence can lead to your downfall."
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: As is the tradition of his home country, he loves the greatsword and repeatedly tries to get Hikaru into his class, regardless of his complete disinterest.
  • Stalker without a Crush: He chases Hikaru around, trying to get him to join the Greatsword class, and refuses to take "the greatsword is too heavy and cumbersome for me to use" as an answer.

     Professor Kilnenko Ludancia 
The second of the named professors at the academy.
  • Dirty Coward: He comes at Claude, with two assistant professors, all sporting bows, even attacking Claude from behind while speaking with Mikhail, the greatsword teacher and referee, but when Claude retaliates, he shrieks and tries to hide behind being a professor to protect himself.
  • Dirty Old Man: He's an elderly professor and stares at any female academy student lewdly, intending to act on it, especially to the female students of his class.
  • Fantastic Racism: He openly calls everyone who hails from outside his native country an inferior species, even his students.
  • Hypocrite: He challenges Claude to a "friendly spar" along with two assistant professors, shooting at him with a bow before the appointed referee says "Go" and when Claude complains, smugly taunts back "I don't need to worry about the referee since you agreed to the duel!" Taking him at his word, Claude then retaliates. At that point he yells out "WAIT! The duel hasn't started yet!"
  • Jerkass: He's abrasive to everyone, even people from his home country, if they manage to find themselves in his class.
  • Original Position Fallacy: He insists on a duel with Claude, trying to humiliate him for "daring to leave his archery class in favor of swordsmanship" and then cries foul when Claude tears through him and his two assistants, single-handed, humiliating him instead.
  • Sadist Teacher: He loves to make his students suffer, especially if they're from other countries, and has the gall to be "offended" if they want to withdraw. The only reason Claude had anything to do with his class was because his sweetheart, Zuca, was a student and attending the class was the only excuse he could have to be near her.

     Professor Mille Crepes van Quad 
Hikaru's (and later Lavia's) short-sword/dagger teacher.
  • The Alcoholic: She has managed to amass a massive tab, that she can't repay, at every bar in the city of Borderzard and keeps going back for more. To protect herself from her debts, she became a professor at the academy in an unpopular field, so she'd never have to deal with students, until Hikaru came along and forced her to.
  • Blackmail: Hikaru forces her to teach him short-sword techniques by hunting her down, threatening her drinking buddies with her ginourmous bar tab(s), and constantly reminding her that if word reaches the academy's principal that she's neglecting her duties, she will lose the school's protection against her debtors.
  • Fetish Retardant: In universe. She is very aesthetically pleasing, but Hikaru finds nothing sexy about a woman who spends her day completely hung over, lying down in her underwear in a classroom that's trashed beyond recognition, and covered in several of her own bodily fluids.
  • Laborious Laziness: She spends so much time and energy trying to ditch Hikaru and go bar-hopping, that it would be easier to be a responsible adult and give him an hour a day swordsmandship class and then assign him some legit homework instead.
  • Nailed to the Wagon: As long as Hikaru insists on being her student, she's forced to have no more than three glasses of alcohol a day, and pay down her bar tabs, plural.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: She's a fine example of why a tenured professor is damn hard to get rid of, no matter how despicable. She completely ditches her school duties every chance she gets, she spends all night drinking, every night, sleeps in her classroom, and spends the day hung-over, unless she raids the medical facilities for elixir, which she uses as hang-over medicine. Despite all that, the school hasn't seen fit to so much as give her a notice of termination. It's not like she bothers to hide it either, as most of the other professors are well aware of how bad she is.
  • So Proud of You: When Hikaru implements what she was going to teach him before she actually taught it, in the "duel" with Roy, she openly sings his praises in front of Mikhail's entire great-sword class.
  • Womanchild: She may legally be an adult, but she's wildly irresponsible, spending far more in booze than she takes in as income as a professor, and doing everything in her power to blow off potential students, so she can laze around all day.

     Professor Katy Kotobi 
The top magical tool researcher.
  • For Science!: She wishes to produce magical relics for its own sake, not because she has any ultimate goal for them. This serves Hikaru very, very nicely because he gets to reload the magic revolver he found in the ruins, and that allowed him to take down an Earth Dragon (subspecies), in the defense of Borderzard.
  • Mad Scientist: Show her a magical relic and she goes nuts!
  • One Degree of Separation: She's Kelbeck's sister.
  • Stalker without a Crush: She follows Hikaru around, to his chagrin, in the hopes of getting more magic relic treasures out of him.


     Roy “Yellow Tiger” Rumania 
The first of the students Hikaru and Lavia meet.
  • Berserk Button: Implying he's a "good-for-nothing" drives him crazy. Justified by the fact that his family would frequently abuse him, while shouting that, and then threw him out of the clan, abandoning him.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Although Hikaru has to beat him up, twice, he does mellow considerably and becomes a good friend after realizing that Hikaru could have easily killed him, but chose not to.
  • Freudian Excuse: Nothing he ever did was "good enough" for his family, so they abused, berated, insulted, and cast him out, disowning him.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Because of his abusive childhood, he feels very inferior and insecure, so he overcompensates by being loud, pushy, and boasting of his supposed superiority. He tries this on Hikaru and easily gets his ass handed to him, repeatedly.
  • Jerkass Realization: It takes a few lessons at the school of hard knocks, but he does eventually come around to realizing that his antagonism to Hikaru is completely unwarranted.
  • Mugging the Monster: While Hikaru and Lavia are at the Scholarzard Adventuer's Guild, perusing the available quests, he repeatedly tries to get her attention and get her to join his party. Since he doesn't bother to learn her name, and she's already engaged in a conversation with Hikaru, she ignores him. Rather than take the hint, he tries to grab her. At this point, Hikaru grabs the offending hand, tramples his self-proclaimed superiority and knocks him out with the hilt of his dagger, telling his two buddies to carry him out of the guild before he really gets angry. Roy's two friends gladly do so.
    • Not learning his lesson, he challenges Hikaru to a sword-fight, unaware that Hikaru already beat up on his mentor, Mikhail. After getting curbstomped, a second time, he begins to mellow and realize that he's being needlessly antagonistic.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Hikaru doesn't point it out, but in addition to getting his clock cleaned, as a practical lesson to the greatsword class, he gets repeatedly mocked for the time he picked a fight with Hikaru at the adventurer's guild, lost, and had to be rendered unconscious and dragged out to make him stop.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He's got such a glaring inferiority complex that when League's father Billion hires him to a high prestige job, he never slows down to ponder that there may be some rather dangerous strings attached.

     League "Green Ogre" Rumania 
The Rumanian student who wants to build an international alliance among the student body, so that the Forestria Alliance isn't just an "alliance" in name only, seeing as his nation is in an incredibly vulnerable situation should either Ponsonia or Quinbland turn their attention to them.
  • Badass Pacifist: He may desire peace, but he's no pushover.
  • The Casanova: What he initially appears to be, surrounded by beautiful retainers. In truth, the ladies in question are all spies sent by his father, to keep an eye on him and rein him in, "to keep him from doing something stupid to shame the household."
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: He has no sense of taste, so when he cooks, he instinctively puts ingredients together and then prepares the meal, unknowing if it actually tastes good or not.
  • Honor-Related Abuse: What he's constantly threatened with by his father. If he's found doing anything that his father deems "dishonorable," he'll be afflicted with a Fate Worse than Death.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: He's decent, honorable, and pacifistic, wanting to unite the disparate countries of Forestria into a unified force through diplomacy, friendship, and trade. His father wants to unite the countries through conquest, and is trying to force League to follow in his footsteps.
  • Moving the Goalposts: On the receiving end. His father promises to leave him to his devices for two school years, then shifts that to the current year's winter vacation, then one month before forcing him to take the reins of the clan and the Rumanian war-machine.
  • Springtime for Hitler: Subverted. He knew that openly proposing his student union plan would displease his father, so he planned with Silvester that he would argue against the plan, with Silvester arguing for it. League came damn close to winning his case when the plan was for him to lose!

     Claude Kirihal 
A student Hikaru meets in the archery class, as one of the students being recruited for League's Student Union.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: After a two-week training period, with Hikaru secretly boosting his Soul Board, he defeats the king of Jarazack in a one on one duel, to secure Jarazack's support for the mass wedding ceremony, so Claude and Zuca can get married without their respective countries throwing a fit.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: Subverted. During the two-week "training" period, he did indeed train like crazy, but Hikaru was secretly fiddling with his Soul Board, subtly, so that it looks like the training's responsible for his sudden growth. However, Claude did indeed need that training so he and his body would get used to the boosts of strength Hikaru provided.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: He's talented with the long-sword.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: He and his sweetheart Zuca are from rival countries that, at best, get along like cats and dogs.

     Zuka Ludancia 
An archery student Hikaru meets as part of the quest to form League's Student Union.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: When she fights side-by-side with Claude, this is their dynamic, and it's a beautiful, well-oiled machine.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Mother: She's got one who will happily kill her for even thinking of marrying Claude Kirihal...
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: She and Claude are madly in love, but being the royalty of their respective countries, who hate each other, it would take a near miracle to allow them to marry, say hello to Hikaru's proposal of a mass wedding, where they lead couples in similar situations to marry too.

     Silvester Zubara 
A student Hikaru meets while getting the dragon-leaf flower the principal needed for an antidote to a poison the principal's nephew was afflicted with when he got caught in the cross-fire between Quinbland and Ponsonia.
  • Honor Before Reason: Although it might make his nation look vulnerable, he gives full credit to Hikaru for taking down a wyvern with a One-Hit Kill when his entire party could barely scratch it, even when they caught it napping.
  • Modest Royalty: He's the crown prince of Zubara, yet lives a very low-key life.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Even though his country's so far in decline, with more and more of his people leaving every day, his elders have given up as a lost cause, waiting for the nation to be assimilated into one of its neighbors, he still refuses to give up, hoping against hope that he can do something to turn the situation around.
  • Nice Guy: Pleasant, polite, decent, honorable, and kind.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Since he didn't know a Hikaru under [stealth] was in the area, he not only almost hit Hikaru with an arrow, but scuppered Hikaru's plan to swipe the dragon leaves plants from the wyvern's nest and sneak away. Hikaru bears him no grudge since it was a legitimate accident, and even gave the wyvern's corpse, most of it, to Silvester as loot. Hikaru just took the eyes for himself.


     Emperor Kaglai G. Quinbland 
The current emperor.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: It wasn't the king of Ponsonia who tasked Unken with assassinating his father, it was him! He did it because the man was a horrible tyrant who murdered everyone and everyone who could legally take the throne, and that was most of his other relatives.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: He provides Hikaru with what Hikaru wanted most on his journey at the start, an "item box", in this story, called a Different Dimension Dragon Lettercase. While, yes, they have unlimited storage, even being able to hold living things, they have huge demerits that make them hardly practical.
    • 1.) The price of one of them is equivalent to the GDP of an entire country, so the threat of theft (when empty) is a very real concern.
    • 2.) Placing items in this container does not magically remove their weight, so if it's too heavy to lift outside the container, you won't be able to carry the container if you put them in, somehow.
    • 3.) Related to number 2. The only known way to empty this container is to flip it over, and the contents flip over in the process too...
    • 4.) Time still flows normally inside this container, so putting perishables in there doesn't help.
  • Debt Detester: When Hikaru fills him in on the goings on in Ponsonia, namely the coming civil war between King Ponsonia's forces and Gafrasti's, he doesn't feel a simple "thank you" is enough, so after a bit of back and forth, gives Hikaru the Different Dimension Dragon Letterbox.
  • One Degree of Separation: He's a close relative of Unken.

Sweet Pleasure

The A-ranked party hired by Ponsonia to defend against crown prince Austrin's alliance with Einbland. In fact, they're Ponsonia's only A-ranked party.

     Common To All 
  • Might Makes Right: Their mindset is that if you want to call them out on something, you'd better be prepared to get beat up by them. Until they went and provoked Hikaru, they were justified because the people "calling them out" were a bunch of meat-heads who attacked them first.
  • Trap Master: They specialize in laying traps.
  • Vetinari Job Security: Because they're Ponsonia's only A-ranked party, the guild happily turns a blind eye to their less-pleasant traits and bends over backwards for them.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Their plan for dealing with the anticipated invasion of Pond by Prince Austrin's faction is to turn the entire town into a giant bomb and lure the army in, sacrificing some villagers who "won't be missed." Hikaru is really not keen on the idea, so takes some preemptive action.

The elf member of the party.
  • The Casanova: He's just a shameless skirt-chaser that "falls in love" with women, woos them and leaves them.
  • Elfeminate: He looks and acts almost feminine and uses this to try and seduce women.

The man-gnome member of the party.
  • Cast from Money: His traps are very effective, but also very expensive.
  • Compete for the Maiden's Hand: When he's informed that Hikaru is Selica's boyfriend, he demands a duel with Hikaru with Selica's virtue on the line. Hikaru planned to ignore him until he made it personal.
  • Entitled to Have You: He utterly refuses Selica rebuking his advances. She resorts to telling him she's spoken for, by Hikaru, to try and get him to back off. This results in him demanding a duel with Hikaru, with Hikaru not being allowed to refuse.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Whenever possible, he rigs his fights in advance with a bunch of traps.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Upon reading his soul-board, Hikaru notes not a single weapon proficiency, just a very high dexterity, meaning he's put all his skill into traps. Get past them and he's a pushover.
  • Hypocrite: He gets mad at Hikaru calling him short, after he called Hikaru a "weak ass kid."
  • Just a Kid: People mistake him for a child more often than not, but tend not to make that mistake a second time when they realize he's a member of an A-ranked adventurer party.
  • Love at First Sight: What he claims when he spots Selica and then makes moves on her. She's not amused.
  • The Napoleon: He hates being called out on his lack of height.
  • Sore Loser: After Hikaru has gone through all his traps with a bunch of common stones, he puts a massive amount of mana into his sword, and prepares to charge Hikaru, risking his own life. Then throws a tantrum when his team-mates restrain him.

The third and final member of the party.
  • Catchphrase: "True Dat[Sic]" whenever he agrees with something Senkun or Gilliam says.

Polar Tiger

One of the two A-Ranked parties brought by Einbland to help Prince Austrin's side of the Ponsonia civil war.

Rising Falls

The other A-ranked party brought by Einbland to help Prince Austrin's side of the Ponsonia civil war.

     Igloo Fullblood 
The first of the members introduced, and drinking himself silly in a bar at that.
  • The Alcoholic: He loves booze more than just about anything else.
  • Assumed Win: He talks as if he and his party have already beaten Ponsonia and it's already time to decide how to divide the spoils.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Maybe it's drunken bravado, but while he was drinking himself silly, he boasted of his plans to bed all the members of Four Stars of the East and princess Kudystoria.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: He and his party have racked up all their accomplishments thanks to some secret weapon he boasts of.
  • Miles Gloriosus: As of now, there's no mention of what he contributes to the party, at all, aside from being the big brother of Caddie, who owns the party's trump card, the weapon Igloo constantly boasts of being invincible.

     Caddie Fullblood 
The younger sibling of Igloo.
  • Big Brother Attraction: To seriously unhealthy levels. She wants very, very much to have brother-sister incest with Igloo.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: The weapon that the party depends on is Caddie's possession, and all Caddie's abilities are geared towards supporting the weapon's use.
  • Female Misogynist: She sees all other women as "sluts" and herself as vastly superior to them all, driving herself to a rage because Igloo isn't fond of incest and fantasizes about women he's not a close blood relative of.
  • Ignored Expert: She constantly tries to warn Igloo to stop drinking himself silly before a big battle and not rely on the party's trump card too much. Igloo pointedly brushes off the advice as coming from a "worry wart."
  • Serious Business: If she's separated from her staff, she goes totally bonkers and won't calm down until it's returned to her.
  • Yandere: She is extremely mentally unstable and has less-than-wholesome intentions towards her brother.

The member of the party who is relied upon to keep enemies from getting too close.
  • It's Probably Nothing: He briefly detects an extra presence on the hotel floor where he and the rest of his party sleeps, but after a short search goes "probably just my imagination."
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: A handsome man with long, red hair that he keeps in a pony tail.
  • The Mole: He constantly sends messages regarding the party's behavior and activities to the pope, but which god the pope serves has yet to be revealed.
  • Sensor Character: He has a high degree of [Detection] ability, almost managing to spot an in-stealth Hikaru.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He clearly does not like Igloo Fullblood but works with him because it's his job.

The fourth member of the party.

The Church

     Priest Galen 
A corrupt priest Paula, Lavia, and Hikaru encounter in the capital.
  • Abomination Accusation Attack: When his healing scam is exposed and Flan is healed, meaning he's not getting a single coin nor custody of the girl, he turns and tries to accuse Flan's father, as well as Paula and Lavia of heresy, a capital offense. Fortunately, Hikaru shows up, the church's knights in tow, to arrest the priest when Hikaru provided the local temple office with plenty of hard evidence of this priest's criminal extortion, among many scams.
  • Con Man: Using his official title as the local priest in the capital, he would charge extortionist rates for healing services, and even worse, would cast sub-standard or insufficient spells to treat the condition and then turn around and say the patient was "cured." When he tries this on Flan, Lavia, Paula, and Hikaru bring an end to this practice, once and for all, just for the sake of it.
  • Corrupt Church: His extortionist healing rates are actually criminal conduct more severe than heresy. The official charge is "breach of trust with the church." At a minimum, he's slated for excommunication and being stripped of all his possessions.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: After casting an insufficient healing spell on Flan, he's seen shouting "at last, Flan is mine, all mine, bwahahahaha!"
  • Pedophile Priest: According to Flan's father, he always made lewd gestures in Flan's direction, and was very, very insistent in trying to lay hands on the girl. This is confirmed when he tries to seize Flan in lieu of a healing charge he was expecting Flan's father would be unable to pay.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When he hears the march of temple knights coming, he turns to flee. Unfortunately for him, Hikaru uses pebbles and his [Throw] skill to kneecap him, forcing him to the ground, painfully, and keeping him from fleeing.
  • Smug Snake: Because he's a priest, he think's he's god's one and only mouthpiece, and completely untouchable. The higher ups in the church don't agree, at all.

     The Pope 
He's not only the leader of the church but the ruler of the country Bios, under which all the other countries are vassal states. As such, he can demand a mediation between warring factions at any time, a prerogative he abuses to try and force Kudyatoria's loss. He's not pleased when Hikaru delivers her response to his summons before his arbitrary deadline.
  • Corrupt Church: He doesn't believe his own preaching, or if he does, he sets it aside with ease when it conflicts with his goals.
  • Dystopia Justifies the Means: He will do anything to get the power of Poelnxia so he can enact his grand vision to make the world beautiful, by outlawing poverty and making everything all shiny with withering taxes for infrastructure projects and strict laws against litter or anything "unsightly" like slums. In fact, he's already banished slums and poverty in his country, forcing people below the poverty line into crime. But as long as everything he sees looks good, he doesn't care.
  • Deadly Euphemism: When he says "let Heaven decide," he means the subject of discussion is marked for death.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Everyone just calls him "Pope." His name has yet to be mentioned.
  • Pure Is Not Good: He's obsessed with "purity" and has sanctified the color white, making everything in his country as white as possible, and forced all business indoors, stalls or food-carts are strictly forbidden.
  • Tautological Templar: Since he sees his goal of a clean, neat, and well-ordered world as a virtue, then everything he does in pursuit of making the world that way is also a virtue, no matter how messy it actually is.

A bishop Hikaru and party encounter as they're completing the official request to deliver Kudyostoria's response to Bios church mediation in the civil war. He immediately tries to drag Paula off by force, for less than savory motives and has the gall to be offended when Hikaru responds with equal and appropriate force.
  • Corrupt Church: He uses his rank to bully his way around for everyone of rank below him.
  • Fat Bastard: He's described as overweight and is hated for being a prick and bully by the population of Bios.
  • Pedophile Priest: He's at least twice Paula's age, yet he tries to literally drag her off against her will to "educate" and has the gall to be offended both when she says "no" and when Hikaru pries his hands off her.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: Since he's a "gray" monk, of the third tier, he loves to throw his weight around and browbeat, bully, and physically attack anyone of a lower rank or who is not already affiliated with the church.
  • Self-Serving Memory: When The Pope gives orders to recruit Hikaru, he tries to physically drag Hikaru out of a hotel lobby as he's having breakfast, and refuses to explain himself, who wants Hikaru, or even the nature of the request, and when Hikaru retaliates with minimal force, he runs to the Red Priest in charge of the recruitment and says Hikaru hit him for no reason.


     Roland N. Zaracia 
The boy who summoned Hikaru to this new world.
  • Frame-Up: His entire family was framed for a capital offense by Count Morgstad. His parents were executed while he was stripped of his noble title and thrown into the slums, to be Left for Dead.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: Morgstad's assassin was given orders to take everything of value from around Roland to make the death look like a robbery gone wrong.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: "Grant my one wish and you can be reincarnated."
  • Plot-Triggering Death: His death is the reason Hikaru was summoned.
  • Revenge: His last wish was righteous vengeance on Count Morgstad who destroyed his entire family, purely for his own greed.
  • Spanner in the Works: Framing the Zaracia family with a capital offense and then sending assassins at Roland himself was the biggest mistake Count Morgstad made or could ever make in his whole life.
    • Roland's death allowed him to meet Hikaru in the afterlife, stolen "cheat" skill in hand, and summoning him to this new world.
    • Hikaru, forced to kill Morgstad for fear of losing his soul beyond recovery, allowed Hikaru to meet Lavia, thus scuppering Morgstad's plan to sell her off to King Ponsonia as the lout's personal Living Weapon.
    • Morgstad's death destroyed the balance of power in the kingdom, especially with how loathed Morgstad was —the king being one of the few who had a mutually beneficent relationship with him— has turned the vast majority of the noble houses against the crown, the obvious frame-up against the Zaracia house, along with their cruel deaths, has not helped matters, in the slightest.
    • Since Hikaru cleared the Underground Undead City Labyrinth dungeon, giving Gafrasti a magical scroll proving he's the rightful king with King Ponsonia being a pretender to the throne, and the public not liking the idea of war with Quinbland, that King Ponsonia instigated, his throne is now hanging by a thread, making him desperate for any advantage he can get, thus pissing off Hikaru by going after Lavia...

     Count D. Morgstad 
Lavia's father and the Count responsible for the destruction of Baron Zaracia's family, throwing the boy to the slums and leaving the parents crucified at the royal capital, bodies abandoned.
  • Abusive Dad: His idea of fostering Lavia's talent was having adventurers bring in monsters, bound to crucifixes and forcing her to torch them, then, in fear of her powers, locking her up in the mansion and selling her off as a Living Weapon.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: He was a count and there is no act of villainy he'd overlook in pursuit of his own prosperity.
  • Death by Irony: The dagger used by his hired assassin to kill Roland, and left there as "evidence of a robbery," is what results in his own death.
  • Evil Is Petty: He, in collusion with the king, framed and destroyed the Zaracia family just because he found them "annoying" for the crime of being honest, upright, and loved by the people while he was so loathed, even his guards didn't feel like doing their jobs properly.
  • Evil Old Folks: So old his hair is grey, and he's an evil sot who destroys entire families because he finds them "annoying."
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: He may have been powerful and connected, but nobody liked him.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: His machinations didn't just turn around to bite him, they continue to nibble at his corpse.
    • Sending assassins after Roland allows the latter to complete his plans to summon an otherworlder to his aid by granting him access to Earth's afterlife, thus bringing Hikaru into the story.
    • Ordering his assassins to leave behind a disposable weapon to make Roland's death look like a botched robbery provides Hikaru the very weapon he needs to kill him.
    • Hikaru, upon meeting Lavia, takes exception to the count's treatment of her and completely scuppers the plan to make her the king's personal Living Weapon.
    • Hikaru and Lavia exploring a dungeon, as part of her wish to have adventures like the novels she's fond of, results finding solid evidence that the king of Ponsonia is illegitimate, resulting in the scuppering of one war and the threat of starting a civil war in the country of Ponsonia because The Hedonist doesn't want to risk his throne and is perfectly willing to turn the national army against anyone who would dare complain against him.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Meets his death being stabbed in the heart, by the very dagger his hired assassin used on Roland.
  • Karmic Death: He destroyed Roland's family with glee, using assassins and government frame-up conspiracies. He dies by assassination.

     Gafrasti N. Vales 
An archaeologist interested in the Precursors who built the empire now named Ponsonia.
  • Did Not Think This Through: He manages to snooker the king into founding his expedition by pointing to the power of the former empire's magical tech and weapons, but what he really sought was a scroll proving the king and his bloodline were illegitimate usurpers to the throne. He does indeed get this scroll, thanks to Hikaru, and then goes to challenge the king in person in a court-room. Somehow, he is shocked that the hedonistic king responds by ordering his execution.
  • Meaningful Rename: To show that he's the legitimate ruler, he changes his name to Gafrasti Poelnxinia, the former name of the Ponsonia kingdom.
  • One Degree of Separation: He's a blood relative of Kudyastoria, and pushes for her to take the throne, so as to ensure a peaceful transition of power back to the proper ruling bloodline, away from the current warmongering hedonistic Puppet King.
  • Rightful King Returns: Once he has in his hand proof that his bloodline, not the current king's is the legitimate ruler, he goes to challenge the king's legitimacy in court. The king tries to have him summarily executed on the spot. Fortunately, he did have the backing of a powerful duke and their armies, allowing him to escape.

     Billion Rumania 
Legaue's father.
  • Ambition Is Evil: He doesn't just want his "Green Ogre" clan to completely take over his own country, he wants to take over the entire alliance by military conquest. League rightly suspects that his attempts at peaceful coexistence would be met with violent condemnation.
  • Archnemesis Dad: He's such a racist warmonger that if he were to know about League's Student Union, he would stop at nothing to squash it like a bug.
  • Clone by Conversion: What he's attempting to do with League. He doesn't want the boy to be his own person. He wants League to be a perfect carbon-copy of himself.
  • Fantastic Racism: His clan is the superior race on the entire continent, no exceptions. Disagree and military conquest is coming your way.
  • Moving the Goalposts: Every promise he makes with League comes with the caveat that he can change his side of the deal at any time. He starts out promising to leave League to his own devices for two academic school years at Scholarzard, then saddles him with a group of Bodyguard Babes, not to protect him from threats but to spy on him, then cuts the two years to the end of the current academic year, and finally plucks him out of the academy in the middle of summer and cajoles him into getting prepared for his coming of age debut!
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He may be a warmonger, but he's not stupid.
    • When League's student union comes to pass, rather than go ballistic and demand it be smashed to pieces, he instead insists, quietly, that League should do his best to take charge of it, so it brings him and his country of Rumania the most benefits. Which is better than League could have hoped for!'
    • When the mass wedding proposal is brought forward, he unashamedly casts a vote in favor on behalf of Rumania! He know such a big shin-dig is bound to have lax security and national secrets are far more easy to glean there.

Grand Dream:

Surivors of a group of colonists sent to the continent on the other side of the planet from which contact was lost thanks to powerful monsters 500 years ago.

     Commander Grucel 
  • Aggressive Negotiations: When he's got a kidnapped Paula in a cell, he demands she help heal their country's ill king in exchange for her life. It doesn't work. He then tries to offer payment, but a pissed off Paula almost literally spits on his offer, due to her Undying Loyalty to Hikaru.
  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Hikaru was little more than a hired bodyguard and wasn't really insterested in the confict between Grand Dream and Vireocrean, which Grucel's people attacked. Then he and his underling Gorja kidnap Paula and traumatize Lavia. Say hello to a Roaring Rampage of Rescue and powerful armed retaliation, and kiss the battleship you're riding goodbye, Commander.
  • Moral Myopia: Rather than ask for help to secure a healer for their ailing king, he and his people launch a one-sided armed invasion, conquering the port city of Dew Roake, lure one healing onto their battle-ship with false pretenses, kidnap another, and attempt to set sail without warning, but when Hikaru retaliates by their own standards, he has the gall to call Hikaru the aggressor, because he's "kidnapped" Deanna and brought her to the deck of the battleship, forcing her to act as a translator as he demands Paula be returned. Hikaru calls him out on it, and blows up the battleship after dumping Deanna, picking up Paula, and warning the other healer Luke.

The spy Hikaru catches attemping to eavesdrop on the high-level meeting between members of various nations, including his employer Emperor Kiglai.
  • Blatant Lies: When Luke, the healer of the Virocean delegation begins asking why the ship is underway without warning, and where the supposed ill and wounded crew he was tasked to heal is, Gorja starts spouting bullshit excuses to try and fool him into staying aboard until they're too far from shore to return, and en route back to the country of Grand Dream. It might have worked if Hikaru didn't just happen to be there and enlighten him on what's really going on.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: Which Hikaru points out. Paula, Hikaru, and Lavia wouldn't have minded helping the Grand Dream king with his illness if Gorja and crew had asked nicely, but because they kidnapped and threatened her and then her backer Hikaru himself, they wound up losing two battleships. One sunk by Hikaru, the other in reparation negotiations with Virecorean.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: While in custody after being caught trying to spy, he pretends to be incapable of understanding the local language.
  • Saying Too Much: He tips his hand when Hikaru was questioning him, and lets slip the fact that his people are desparate for a healer. He quickly realizes it and angrily accuses Hikaru of tricking him.

Captain Grucel's secretary.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: She responds to Paula healing her under Hikaru's command by pointing Paula out to Gorja, who proceeds to kidnap her with an armed squad, traumatizing Lavia in the process. This proceeds to piss off Hikaru, who proceeds to retaliate and show her how it feels to be kidnapped.
  • Mundane Object Amazement: While on a guided tour by Hikaru, Lavia, and Paula, she does a lot of "oohing" and "aahing" while seeing the local sights, including mundane magical use, as their home country, while very techonolgically advanced, can't use magic.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: She was fully prepared to face interrogation, torture, maybe even death, to cover for the Dirty Business that involves kidnapping healers to bring back to Grand Dream to deal with their ill king, but she wasn't ready for being kidnapped, dragged back to Grucel's flagship like a bag of potatoes, and forced to be an interpreter at gun-point.
  • Self-Harm: In order to expose the fact that Paula is a healer, and to see healing magic in use, she smashes her own hand with a rock, causing Paula to heal her.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By pointing out Paula to Gorja, to be kidnapped, she not only doomed the battle-ship Grucel was riding, but seriously soured relations between Virocean and Grand Dream, which were already pretty bad, thanks to Grand Dream's armed invasion and occupation of Dew Roake.
