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Dr. Irving Schlock

A time traveler from an alternate timeline where K'Z'K took over the world. Originally a scientist who worked in the same lab as Dr. Crabtree, Dr. Schlock first appeared as a walk-on character administering cosmetic tests on Bun-bun, where it appears he lost his left eye and now has to wear an eye patch (comfirmed in a Broken chapter when he faces Frog without his eyeglasses), He is an expert in inflatable technology and alternates between a cowardly Anti-Hero and (mostly) (sym)pathetic villain.

  • Arch-Enemy: With Riff, who he considers to be the greatest threat to himself personally to the point of absolute obsession. They once considered one another friends, but then Schlock stole Riff's inventions to do very unethical things with them. He is now going all out to kill him because he knows Riff's Mad Scientist expertise in his own inventions poses a serious threat to his plans.
  • Bad Future: Originates from one that was averted in part due to his efforts. And now seems to be sending the world on a path to a different one.
  • Big Bad: Pretty much evolved to this position after taking over Hereti-Corp, though he is also sharing the position and in conflict with an even more sinister Big Bad, K'Z'K.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Started off as The Chew Toy for an early Sunday strip where he was constantly put through abuse by Bun-Bun. A few years later, he, or a version of him from a Bad Future, became a recurring character, and then he eventually became the Big Bad.
  • Cornered Rattlesnake: As his Heroic Bastard son, Agent Rammer puts it, whenever he is backed into a corner, he always pulls through. His most brilliant exploits usually come when he can no longer flee.
  • Dead Hat Shot: When he gets blown up by missiles, the last panel shows his fragmented glasses.
  • Dirty Coward: He is a quivering coward that will not hesitate to sacrifice the main cast to increase the odds of his survival even slightly. In fact, his paranoia is so strong, that he ultimately aims to banish most of Earth's population to other dimensions with a series of Kill Sats in order to reduce it to something he can control, and therefore eliminate all possibility of anyone killing him.
  • Dirty Old Man: Gwynn DEFINITELY thinks so.
  • Elderly Immortal: While he's hardly in the centuries, he is much older than he looks thanks to the Nanomachines that have dramatically slowed down his aging.
  • Fatal Flaw: His paranoia. It prevents him from every truly trusting anyone, making dependable alliances, and it drives him into seeing everyone as a potential enemy. The main cast in particular set out to stop him precisely because he decided they were too great a threat to keep around and made moves to eliminate them. In the end, Schlock's paranoia becomes his own undoing when one of his backup security measures kills him by the protocols he programmed into it.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He is an Omnidisciplinary Scientist with a knack for inflatable technology.
  • Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: First introduced in the present with brown hair and beard, briefly glimpsed in the Bad Future as bald but still with a brown beard, and chronologically later on time travelled back to the present in his most familiar form, bald with a white beard.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: He is frequently either Forced into Evil or even intentionally antagonizes people out of paranoid fear for his own safety, but he also ends up helping the heroes quite a lot and ending up in alliances with them against mutual enemies.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: He becomes one with frog, the only being in the world that he actually trusts and is quite fond of.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Just in case Riff managed to get on board his escape vehicle, he set an AI to track him and kill him and everything around him if he doesn't keep sending it a password in order to ensure Taking You with Me. He dies when he loses the ability to transmit the passwords, and fails to take Riff with him because he had already separated from him via an escape pod.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: He does regret all the needless killing he has been involved in, but thanks to his incredible paranoia, he is willing to do anything to keep himself safe.
  • Idiot Ball: His paranoia and genius both show massive, gaping blind spots when it comes to realizing that Kusari has gone rogue on him.
  • It's All About Me: He may express regret for some of the things he's done, but at the end of the day, Schlock is an extremely self-centered person who's more than willing to throw millions of lives away just to keep himself alive a little longer, all the while blaming everyone else for pushing him in that direction.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: He has done many evil things in the past - some of which can be excused due to being forced by people or situations, but when he murders Feng in live video broadcast to Oasis, that's when he seals the deal. He even knows it himself. And it's only due to events outside his control that he didn't go further. Torg himself considers Schlock to be irredeemable after learning that his orders resulted in the death of his own son, Agent Rammer, though to be fair, Schlock had no idea of their relation. Schlock starts out disgusted at Kusari's Lack of Empathy, but eventually comes to find it hilarious.
  • Karmic Death: He gets killed by one of the same systems he intended to kill Riff, right in the middle of a Never My Fault rant saying he brought it on himself.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • He has Oasis's teacher, Feng, murdered in an attempt to make a point to Oasis.
    • He tries to arrange Zoe and Riff's deaths to prevent them from interfering in his plans. Riff survives, but Zoe does not. Thankfully, they end up in an Alternate Universe so advanced that Riff is eventually able to bring her back.
    • His paranoia is so powerful, that he plans to create a thoroughly dystopian city and use a Kill Sat against every part of the world he can't conquer to prevent any risk of anyone killing him.
  • Last-Name Basis: Almost everyone just calls him Schlock.
  • Last-Second Chance: Torg tries to give him one and is about to warn him that the digbots are ready to take their Revenge if he doesn't back down and compromise. But Schlock only sees victory right within his grasp and rejects it, choosing to try killing his former friends.
  • Majority-Share Dictator: Through various shell companies and by tricking Daedelus Hereti, Dr. Schlock manages to become majority share holder, allowing him to have Daedelus locked up. It helps that Hereti Corp is Evil, Inc., and a majority of shares gives you automatic control over the deadly assassin Kusari.
  • Mistaken for Own Murderer: The most important Dr. Schlock evacuated from an Alternate Timeline where K'Z'K slowly but inevitably wiped out the entire human race via Zombie Apocalypse. When the present day Dr. Schlock is murdered by Dr. Crabtree, the government's conclusion is that the future Dr. Schlock is actually someone else entirely who murdered the real Dr. Schlock to steal his identity.
  • Never My Fault: While they aren't completely blameless either, he largely refuses to accept responsibility for his evil deeds and blames the gang for driving him to this point.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Through a long series of backroom deals, he managed to take over Hereti-Corp in secret and is making more progress in their domination goal than the old management ever did.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: He specializes in inflatable tech, but he also knows how to build time machines, Nanomachines, AI, and portals.
  • Pragmatic Villain: When his paranoia isn't too badly out of control, he tends to be a lot more effective and pragmatic than other villains. This is a big contrast with Daedelus, a Card-Carrying Villain who was his predecessor in controlling Hereti Corp.
  • Properly Paranoid: His defining trait. He is extremely paranoid and leaves balloon doubles of himself all over. But not without good reason, as there have been a great number of bad guys that want to kill him. His paranoia is the only reason he is even still alive. Unfortunately, the efforts to which he is willing to go to protect himself can get out of hand.
  • Protagonist Journey to Villain: He started out as a Well-Intentioned Extremist who was hoping to prevent the Bad Future he came from and who served as an occasional, if reluctant, ally to the main cast. He always had his own agenda, though, and if he wasn't being forced to work for his enemies, then he was trying to avoid being killed by them. His attempts to preserve his own life led to him taking over Hereti-Corp. Now his enemies include his competitors all over the world and anyone else he suspects of conspiring against him, the main cast included. And now, he is no longer merely trying to preserve his life, but actively attempting to Take Over the World
  • Remote Body: Repeatedly escapes assassination or kidnap attempts through the use of inflatable decoys he can control.
  • Scars Are Forever: Bun-bun blinded him in one eye in his first appearance and Dr Schlock has appeared ever after with a black lens in his glasses. His Dimension of Lame counterpart has two good eyes due to the nonviolence of that dimension, while his 4U City counterpart has his eye repaired by the nanites.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: He sent back Berk to do this, then went back himself just to escape a Bad Future.
  • Take Over the World: After ensuring his own safety, this becomes his main motive.
  • Taking You with Me: After Hereti Corp is defeated and he has been cornered by Riff on his escape vehicle, he threatens to kill both of them with a self destruct button. He soon acknowledges that he doesn't have the guts to press the button, but had already set an AI to do the same if he doesn't keep sending it passwords.
  • Was It Really Worth It?: Seems to be wondering this at the end of bROKEN.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He has been running from threat after threat for his entire life and become extremely paranoid because of this. Ultimately, he is only trying to get enough power to make his enemies disappear so he can finally live in peace, but the extent to which he is willing to go to accomplish this has killed many innocents and endangers the entire world.
  • Wild Card: He regularly alternates between being an ally and enemy of the main cast.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After he considers himself on the brink of victory, he orders many of his own executives assassinated.

The Dimension of Pain

    The Dimension of Pain 

A dimension of pain loving demons.

    The Demon King 

The Demon King

The ruler of the Dimension of Pain.

  • God of Evil: He is this to the dimension he rules.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He has very little to do with the plot beyond the backstory. His only impact on the story is to fight Torg while Torg tries to escape the Dimension of Pain with the Goddess of Goodness.
  • Scars Are Forever: After receiving a graze from Torg's god killing sword, Chaz, the Demon King is left crippled, which is still a lot more than can be said for the sword's other victims.

    The Goddess of Goodness 

The Goddess of Goodness

The former ruler of what is now the Dimension of Pain, she was defeated and overthrown by the Demon King.

  • God Empress: She is a god and was once the ruler of what is now the Dimension of Pain. After getting stuck in the Dimension of Lame, its citizens vote her President.
  • God of Good: She was this to the dimension she once ruled. She is currently this to the Dimension of Lame, an extremely annoying plane she escaped to in order to recharge her power with the incredible innocence of its citizens.
  • Idiot Ball: Thanks to the brain freeze caused by being stuck in a freezer for so many centuries, she makes some bone-headed mistakes.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: The Demon King sealed her in a ziplock bag and stuffed her in his freezer. Torg eventually releases her in order to stop the Demonic Invaders of the Dimension of Pain and return him home.



A demon lord from the Dimension of Pain and a recurring villain in the strip.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: There are apparently only two ways to kill a Demon Lord: decapitation, or stabbing him through the center of his soul with an enchanted weapon.
  • Honor Before Reason: Torg's initial escape from the Dimension of Pain was the first black mark on his record as demon lord. He became obsessed with re-capturing Torg at any cost in hopes of regaining his perfect streak. This obsession costs the D o P their dimensional take-over, the Demon King a sizable chunk of power, and Horribus his demon lord powers alongside endless suffering at the hands of his boss.
    • Ironically his alternate self from the dimension of Sham-pain just decided to be more strict on Dine n Dashers than hunt the Torg that escaped his dimension (Which saves him from the Dimension of Pain Horribus' fate).
  • Kick the Dog:
    • He crushes Alt-Zoë with a building that was meant for Torg.
    • He also kills Mosp for getting in his way.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: After all the goofiness of the storylines he's in after his introduction (both in the main comic and in Ian Mcdonald's Meanwhile... Saturday strip), this trope bites hard when he leads the invasion of the Dimension of Lame in That Which Redeems.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Horribus' attempts to retrieve Torg involve sending his minions one by one, each Hallowe'en. Justified as dimensional transport gives him stomach problems, and the one time he goes after Torg himself he ends up spending that Hallowe'en... on a throne.
  • Playing with Fire
  • Spikes of Villainy: All over him.
  • Unexpected Successor: As revealed in his backstory Reak accidentally killed the previous Demon Lord, allowing Horribus to take his place.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Caused by his obsession with Torg. Didn't help that he was Uozin's assistant when he was exiled to the surface of the dimension of pain, case in point [1]
  • You Have Failed Me: Twice. The first time was the Demon King getting pissed that he failed to even be a bit of a threat in an attempted Halloween kidnapping of Torg, where at least Psyk, Mosp and even Reakk were threats, and he was banished to the surface of the Dimension of Pain for a while with Uozin (using a mystical camera to bind him to the demon hunter) till someone willingly takes it from him. His second You Have Failed Me was FAR more severe though.



A member of the Dimension of Pain's Quirky Miniboss Squad who eventually befriends and helps Torg.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Torg was the first person in a long time to acknowledge Mosp as her own person and apologizes when Isp and Osp don't even acknowledge her existence. She helps him out later.
  • Curse Escape Clause: As punishment for her betrayal, a wizard placed her under a curse, making it so that she would become a beast of burden, all would forget her name, and no one in this entire world would ever seek to remind her of who she was. Torg, a person from a different world, was not subject to the curse and ended up asking for her name, allowing her to start making her own decisions again.
  • Expressive Hair: Specifically, her hair talks.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Combined with a healthy dose of Good All Along.
  • Mook–Face Turn: Torg seems to have a Friend to All Living Things' charm in this regard.
    • Also, as he came from a different dimension than Mosp, he was able to trigger the Curse Escape Clause by asking Mosp's name.
  • Multiple Head Case: Mosp was fused with two snake demons as punishment for betraying her city. They speak for her, since she no longer can.
  • No Mouth: Isp and Osp eat, drink, and talk for her. Notably they aren't a Hive mind so Mosp often just goes along with what they say. They were surprised when Mosp was able to stop them from killing Torg.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad
  • Redemption Equals Death: In an arc named "That Which Redeems" no less.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Part of her back story. She betrayed her city to the demons and sealed the doom of her people in exchange for letting her and her lover flee. But instead, the demons tried to assassinate her and accidentally killed her lover.
  • Was Once a Man: Before their world was corrupted into the Dimension of Pain, she was a member of the humanoid race that lived upon it. As punishment for betraying her city, a wizard used his final dying moments to fuse her with two snake demons and make her become a Snake People demon herself.



A servant of Horribus who is not all that bright.



A servant of Horribus who eventually took his place on the Demon King's orders. With the promotion Psyk's name became Lord Psykosis, gaining all the powers of demonic aristocracy.

  • Cyclops
  • Evil Genius
  • Honest Advisor: Is the only one of the demons willing to argue with Horribus that his obsession with Torg is distracting them from conquering the Dimension of Lame. Though Horribus is in no mood to listen.
  • Rage Breaking Point: It was one thing to ruin their invasion of the Dimension of Lame. But killing Mosp was the last straw for Psyk who refused to follow Horribus any more in his obsessive revenge quest against Torg.
  • Red Right Hand: Horribus snaps off one of his horns in a fit of anger and it becomes infected. After Psyk becomes Psykosis, the black infection covers the entire side of his head and neck.

Hereti Corp

    Hereti Corp 

An extremely powerful villainous corporation with plans to Take Over the World. They were once one of the setting's most dangerous villains, though some members of Crushestro's group are starting to make them look sympathetic in comparison.

  • Evil, Inc.: Especially before Dr. Schlock took over.
  • Kill Sat: The superweapon an alternate version of Hereti Corp used to end the R&D wars in the 4UCityverse and a major goal of the Hereti Corp in the main universe.
  • Mad Scientist: Hereti Corp employs them.
  • N.G.O. Superpower: Hereti Corp has a great deal of influence in the government and even has a small army at its disposal.
  • Playing Both Sides: Using Sasha, Hereti Corp was able to get advanced info on Torg's attempts to sabotage their competitors and acquire their assets after he ruins them.
  • Punny Name: Hereti Corp (Just take the orp part remove the space between hereti and the c and you get Heretic. It might be just a Meaningful Name too.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: And they have no problems with a Conspicuously Public Assassination if you try it.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: At Hereti Corp, just about everything has a self destruct.

    Dr. Steve 

Dr. Steve Hereti

The founder of Hereti Corp. After his son, Daedelus, managed to take away control, Dr. Hereti made off with the Oasis project and hid himself away in a secret laboratory hidden in the woods.

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: His ultimate plan is to get revenge on his son, conquer the world, and to date Daphne Zuniga.
    Steve Hereti: Well once I rule the world, she'll have to say yes.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Enforced. When he decides he just wants to shoot Torg and be done with it, Torg convinces him to be more like a real villain. That is, by telling Torg his master plan and cutting him in half with a laser. Steve decides to settle for tying Torg to a chair and blinding him with a pen light.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: Dr. Steve developed AI before the Sluggyverse at large did, an information transfer system that can transmit entire intelligences via Quantum Entanglement, and plenty of other tech far ahead of his time. Dr. Chen thought it was because Dr. Steve was a genius, Dr. Schlock thinks he got a leg up from Time Travel or aliens.
  • Girl on Girl Is Hot: One of the perverted things he planned to take advantage of Oasis's nature for was sending her on a date with a lesbian and having her tell all.
  • It's Personal: He was NOT happy with his son for taking his company away from him and left Oasis with an order to kill every Hereti Corp employee she sees.
  • Mad Scientist: He shows more than a few signs of eccentricity and his experiments on Oasis can only be described as this. He also invented AI before the Sluggyverse at large did and created wireless communication technology that even modern Sluggyverse tech cannot match.
  • Truly Single Parent: Daedelus Hereti and Roberts Hereti are actually clones of Dr. Steve.
  • Uncertain Doom: He is supposedly killed by a self-destruct and Oasis's memory of the event suggests she may have snapped his neck. He is never seen again, but one of Oasis's fuzzier memories of him depicts him telling her that she only loves Torg because he told her to, despite that having been his very last order before his apparent demise.


Dade "Daedelus" Hereti

The son of Dr. Hereti. He lead Hereti Corp for a time.

  • Card-Carrying Villain: He likes to name his assets with titles like "the evil dark room".
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He was the CEO of an evil company named Hereti Corp. After Hereti Corp was investigated for murder and financial fraud, he pinned the blame on Dr. Chen and fled to BurgerMeister. He eventually took over by having the previous owner killed and used it to launch Hereti Corp's rebirth.
  • The Faceless: He is always covered in shadows. Even after he loses everything, his face is not seen. He is ultimately the last executive's face to be revealed.
  • Foreshadowing: Years before he was revealed to be Dr Steve's son, this strip contains a hidden message if you turn the third panel upside down: DR STEVE IS DA...
  • The Starscream: Took control of Hereti Corp away from his father.
  • Stupid Evil: He apparently revels in his evil.
    • He has the guy who designed Hereti Corp's logo assassinated to save five dollars in royalties.
    • He tries to have Dr. Schlock murdered as revenge for Schlock's role in destroying the previous incarnation of Hereti Corp, even though it was his own fault Dr. Schlock felt the need to do so and he wouldn't have otherwise been a threat this time. Dr. Schlock being very capable when a Cornered Rattlesnake, this ends up backfiring horribly.

    Dr. Marcus Chen 

Dr. Marcus Chen

A Mad Scientist who once worked for Orsintos labs and was directly involved in the Oasis Project. He is a former executive of Hereti Corp.

  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Joked about in one strip. When Marcus comes up with plans to betray Schlock and Torg, Daedelus accuses him of having this. Marcus points out that he served Daedelus loyally for years until Daedelus betrayed him and he only has "Betray M. All" as a tattoo because of his grandmother, who was a saint.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: He tortures Gwynn quite a bit in an incompetent attempt at interrogating Torg for the location of Dr. Steve's lab.
  • Enemy Mine: Due to being enemies with Schlock, the new CEO of Hereti Corp, and having blown his chance to get back in with a failed coup attempt, he makes a subtle offer to Torg, by not blowing Torg's cover and vaguely hinting about his work on the Oasis Project. Torg initially rejects it due to personal hatred. But when the war against Hereti Corp grows more desperate, Torg decides that bad guy or not, enemy of my enemy is more important and uses Chen as a spy. Nevertheless, Torg shows every intention of letting Chen continue rotting in a cell, which eventually results in Chen betraying Torg as well.
  • Kill It with Fire: Finally dies when Oasis is ordered to use her pyrokentic ability to burn up his tongue. This has the side-effect of taking out the rest of his head.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: When Torg calls him a monster, he replies that he's a pragmatist.
  • Promoted to Scapegoat: After Chen suffers from multiple failures, Daedelus makes him CEO of Hereti Corp, but only to take the fall when Hereti Corp is investigated for financial fraud, landing him in prison for years.


Roberts Hereti

One of Hereti Corp's executives and Daedelus's older brother. Likes to goof around a lot, much to Daedelus's annoyance.

  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • The Faceless: When we first saw him, like all Hereti-Corp's executives he was always in shadows. When we finally see him in light here, he's wearing a Groucho Marx-style mask.
  • Large Ham
    Roberts: Yes! I've returned from The Dimension of Sentient Cream Pies with Great Comic Timing! Now, my pets, strike while he's looking both pompous and incredulous!"
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He has spent the greater part of the comic's history being an ineffectual goof. Currently being the only person on Earth who can control Oasis directly and her pyrokinesis has made him a massive threat.
  • Out of Focus: After Dr. Schlock takes over, Roberts mostly disappears from the Hereti Corp scenes for a long time.
  • Plucky Comic Relief
  • Sole Survivor: Aside from Kusari (who likely can't die like Oasis), he's the only member of Hereti-Corp's board when we first see them in 2001 to still be on it in 2013. Particularly ironic when the first strip ended with Daedalus trying to order his execution.
  • Thrown Out the Airlock: Schlock orders him locked in the space station's airlock as punishment for unnecessarily killing Dr. Marcus Chen. Schlock never has any actual intention of throwing him through the airlock, but when he tries to retrieve him later, Kusari sabotages the airlock to open the outer door, sucking him into space.



Oasis's "sister". She was the end result of a project meant to mimic Oasis's abilities. Though far saner than her counterpart, she is also compelled to obey commands from the CEO of Hereti Corp, whoever it may be.

  • Ambiguously Human: As with Oasis, it is unclear exactly how human she even is.
  • Artificial Human: Just like Oasis, Kusari is a series of clones being remotely controlled by an artificial intelligence.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Especially after Schlock took over.
    Kusari: I shall inform him that if he fails I will sabotage his respiratory systems
    Doctor Schlock: ... I'm half-tempted to have you kill whoever finally taught you sarcasm but I fear it might be me.
  • Dramatic Unmask: Bunbun rips off Kusari's mask, revealing her to be Sasha.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: After Kusari experiences Grew Beyond Their Programming, she starts rebelling against Hereti Corp and eventually even sides back with the gang. While they begrudgingly accept her presence, Torg tells her its too soon for her to participate in the group hug, and Riff doesn't accept her back as a girlfriend for real.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Kusari being Sasha was actually shown as early as chapter 22 when Hereti Corp's name was first revealed. Sasha, Torg, and Oasis have just finished a conversation where Oasis tells them that she was instructed by her father to "know thyself", before Kusari bursts in and attacks. In the aftermath of the battle, Kusari scoffs at Oasis by remarking "Know thyself, indeed." as she walks away, despite how only Sasha and Torg heard that phrase from Oasis. However, without knowing that Kusari and Sasha can have multiple bodies in multiple places at once, there was no way for the reader to realize that Kusari's knowledge of that phrase meant Kusari and Sasha were the same.
    • Shlock expresses guilt over how "those kids" got entangled in his plans. Kusari then asks if he is referring to Torg, Zoe, Riff, and herself, which he confirms. As mentioned above, she is eventually revealed to have been a part time member of the gang in her alias as "Sasha".
  • Grammar Correction Gag: She does this to Schlock when he misuses this word.
    Kusari: No I mean your use of the word 'sabotage'. An engagement eliminating armed opposing troops is not 'sabotage' by any traditional definition that I...
  • Grew Beyond Their Programming: She is programmed to obey the orders of Hereti Corp's current CEO and has proven to be utterly loyal to them. But as Schlock reaches his endgame, she starts using Loophole Abuse to avoid killing Riff and sabotages Schlock's plans for Oasis in the hopes that he will use her instead out of jealousy. After Hereti Corp is terminated and she becomes able to determine her own orders, she tells Torg that she is experiencing a glitch and that despite her programming, she feels a need to apologize.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Whoo boy. Oasis tries to convince her to drop her petty rivalry and become a real family, or the best they can approximate to one. When she flatly rejects the idea, Oasis later incinerates what were believed to be her last two clone bodies along with all the remnants of Hereti-Corp who hadn't already decided to join up with the gang in revenge for Feng. Kusari turns out to survive, but from the last we see of her, her plans afterwards seem a lot less centered on reconciling with the gang and trying to become a better person than they were before that.
  • Immune to Mind Control: She proves immune to vampiric Mind Control, leading said vampire, Urja, to speculate that she isn't human.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When she gets confronted by Bunbun, she beats into an instant retreat, resulting in Bunbun remarking that she's way smarter than Oasis.
  • Loophole Abuse: She is an Artificial Human programmed to obey the CEO of Hereti Corp. Schlock orders Riff killed, but Kusari uses the fact that said orders were directed at specific units and counts herself out as one of them as a loophole to avoid killing Riff herself. When Schlock gives her a direct order to kill Riff, she manages to stall by making Schlock give her a time parameter, forcing him to order her to kill him now.
  • McNinja: Her name, job, and fighting style point at ninja. But she also wears a jester outfit and her body is a blond haired girl. While Hereti Corp R&D was focused on gymnastics, Daedelus specifically requested "ninja" for Rule of Cool.
  • Meaningful Name: The type of weapon she wields.
  • Meat-Sack Robot: Kusari is an artificial intelligence hosted by an old AOL satellite, controlling a series of cloned Remote Bodies.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Deconstructed. While she is loyal to Schlock for the moment, she is ultimately the puppet of whoever is currently CEO Hereti Corp. Schlock learns this hard way when he accidentally gives his title to Chen and barely escapes with his life as she starts to murder everyone in the building under Chen's orders.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: She apparently has red eyes, though this is really just an effect of her ninja mask.
  • Remote Body: As with Oasis, she is an artificial intelligence controlling a clone body. And one of the ways in which she is superior to Oasis is her ability to control multiple clone bodies at once, hence how Kusari and her alias, "Sasha", are able to appear in the same room at once.
  • Resurrective Immortality: She was killed by Oasis in a failed attempt to kill Zoë, but has come back to life (maybe even the same way as Oasis). However, it has been implied to be more difficult to arrange, and Shlock has said that she is a limited resource. In actuality, she isn't immortal at all. She's just controlling remote bodies.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Shows signs of it with Oasis. She remarks with exasperation that whenever Oasis comes up, Hereti Corp drops everything in priority of her despite Kusari being made in Oasis's image and improved. During a fight, she also gloats to Oasis about one of those ways in which she is superior. She says that her desire to prove herself better than Oasis is pretty much the only decision she has made that is truly her own and she eventually starts sabotaging Hereti Corp's projects to eliminate her.
  • The Stoic: While she does show signs of having emotions, they seem to work differently than that of a normal human. And in a big contrast to Oasis, the emotions she does have are always fairly controlled.
  • Superior Successor: She considers herself to be one to Oasis. She does tend to be more rational than Oasis and is also capable of controlling 3 bodies at a time. However, some disagree. She is less capable of emulating human emotion, and more importantly, and the one key advantage Oasis has over Kusari is her possession of an Invisibility device, which Schlock needs to prevent the world from simply shooting her down when he attempts to Take Over the World by using her as a Kill Sat.
  • Twin Threesome Fantasy: Offers this to Riff while trying to make up with him, presenting two of her bodies.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: She's Sasha (and as revealed in a couple off-hand mentions, a couple other aliases as well) - she takes advantage of the fact that she can control 3 Remote Bodies at once to keep her cover.
  • Uncanny Valley: She is actually an AI controlling a human body, and while she is surprisingly human in some ways, inhuman personality traits show. She actually finds it useful for going undercover, because the people she is spying on instinctively avoid the weirdo.



Gaining sapience from eating one of Clonegressive Inc's Project Mindswarm wasps, he was found by Hereti-Corp and became a member of their board. Schlock considers him a friend.

  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Over Corsica supposedly hooking up with Gennaro.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Just about everyone refers to him as "Frog".
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: He survives Hereti-Corp's destruction and tags along with the protagonists, but none of them really trust him.
  • Large Ham: He tends to be a tad dramatic.
  • Lonely at the Top: He was once little more than a simple non-sapient frog living with his mate, Corsica. Since then, he has gained sapience and become an executive of one of the mightiest companies in the world. But in his rise to power, he lost Corsica, who remained non-sapient and was attracted away by Gennaro, who held a grudge against Frog. After a Christmas party gone wrong, he comes to express this sentiment.
  • Only Friend: He is the only person in the entire world Schlock trusts enough to see in person. Likewise, Schlock is one of the few people Frog can get along with.
  • Powered Armour: FR-ech, an armoured suit that makes him look like Darth Vader.
    • Tecnically it should be a Mobile-Suit Human but yeah it looks like a power armor than human.
  • The Starscream: Not really, but the Frog of 4U city made himself out to be this, describing himself as "the ultimate betrayer!" due to shooting Schlock's already dead corpse.
  • Stranger Behind the Mask: Invoked and Played for Laughs when Zoe disguises herself as Kusari and Frog sees her take the mask off.
  • Talking Animal



A scientist and executive in the second incarnation of Hereti Corp.

  • Ambition Is Evil: He assassinated his boss and one of his coworkers to help Daedelus launch a coup on the previous owners of BurgerMeister, rising in the company as a reward.
  • Killed Off for Real: When Chen briefly tricks Dr. Schlock into naming him CEO, he ordered Kusari to kill everyone in the building save Daedelus. Gennaro is one of her first victims.
  • Mad Scientist: Not the craziest case, but it's doubtful an entirely sane scientist would be in his position.
  • Parrot Pet Position: Corsica, Frog's lady friend but otherwise a normal frog, gets attracted to all the flies on Gennaro's person. He proceeds to keep her on his shoulder and pretend Corsica's his new girlfriend to make Frog jealous as a way of getting back at Frog for the annoyance Frog caused him when Frog was his boss.


Dr. Shankraft

Was a evil scientist of his own till Torg and co ruined his company. Now works as director of Research and Development at Hereti-Corp. Crushestro stated that Dr. Shankraft was the only person he hated more than the Minion Master.

  • Arson, Murder, and Admiration: Tells Torg he crushed his hopes and dreams by destroying his base, points out the massive number of people Torg and Riff have directly and indirectly killed, and thanks them for causing the circumstances that allowed him hook up with Daiyu.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Seems very hesitant about building the D.F.A beam for the satellite due to having all the same dangers involved as a Fantastic Nuke.
  • I Choose to Stay: He decides to stay in the Anima dimension, due to the good he can do there with his wife and the fact that both of them are fugitives back on Earth. Seeing as the Anima arc involves time traveling further and further into the future of that world, he is presumably long deceased.
  • Mad Scientist: He specializes in portals, and once tried to sell a portal machine he advertised as being able to destroy the Earth should it reach the Earth's core.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: When Schlock reaches his endgame, Riff demands that Dr. Shankraft help them sabotage his plans, and Shankraft agrees so long as they save Daiyu, reassuring Riff that Schlock has been making his life a nightmare for years.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: He specializes in portals, but he has also built oversized Nanomachines and dabbled in the fields of Evilutionary Biologists with Daiyu's help.
  • The Starscream: His Alternate Self in the 4U City universe tried to kill Dr. Schlock in a coup. Needless to say, it didn't go very well for him and he ended up being the one killed. As a result, Dr. Schlock didn't have any portal experts aside from himself to fix the damage the DFA eventually caused.


Biyu Daiyu

Used to be a low ranking assistant in the Nofun company, but is now an executive of Hereti-Corp.

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: You have to see this comic, where she decides she should date Shankraft due to his relentless teasing of her fear of fire breathing ducks.
  • Evilutionary Biologist: Her speciality, though Dr. Schlock mostly just wants her to invent happiness drugs.
  • I Choose to Stay: She decides to stay in the Anima dimension, due to the good she can do there with her husband and the fact that both of them are fugitives back on Earth. Seeing as the Anima arc involves time traveling further and further into the future of that world, she is presumably long deceased.
  • Mad Scientist: A mild case.
  • Running Gag: Her referring to the village she grew up in as having whatever weird tradition or practice is necessary for the strip's punchline.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Has a great fear of firebreathing/fireproof ducks (as she thinks ducks are dangerous as it is, having mastery over 3 of the Greek alchemical elements.) Shankraft thinks she has lost her marbles. But the flashbacks in the 4U City universe prove her right, with fire breathing ducks being one of the many horrors that tore that Alternate Universe apart.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: While he doesn't specifically aim for Daiyu's death, Shlock has no problems making orders that will get her killed as collateral damage since he doesn't need her anymore.

The Cult of K'Z'K


Kozoaku, God of Destruction/K'Z'K the Vowelless/Poopy Pants

The first true Big Bad of the series, K'Z'K (often called Kiske, much to his chagrin) is the Mohkadun God of Destruction. He is introduced as an extremely powerful demon Torg, Riff, and Gwynn accidentally unleashed while playing with the Book of Evil. Although defeated by Torg and Zoë, he did not die, but instead his lingering will latched onto a depressed Gwynn and attempted to corrupt her into his new host before once again being vanished. Although his status as Big Bad has long since been passed over to Hereti Corp, he is still a constant presence in the comic, as his demonic servants have now formed a cult to free him from his banishment. And he is likely to prove Eviler than Thou, now that Hereti Corp and his cult are on the brink of war...

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of destruction.
  • Asteroids Monster: After getting destroyed by Zoe, he split apart into vast numbers of fragments, each latching on to the souls he had consumed. Most of them are mindless, but a few of these fragments retain his consciousness.
  • Batman Gambit: K'Z'K's plan to break free of his prison inside of Gwynn relied on her stupidly wearing the cursed camel necklace, developing a crush on Kron, and manipulating Tempest, things K'Z'K had been specifically waiting for her to do.
  • Berserk Button: Do not pronounce his name with vowels!
  • Big Bad: Not the first one to appear technically (Horribus and the Vampires predated him), but he was certainly the first one that was presented as a nigh-undefeatable threat and is the symbol of one of the two most dangerous organizations on the planet.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu:
    • Krohnus has attempted to stop Kozoaku many times, but has only ever succeeded in delaying him, and always at great cost.
    • When Torg asks Chaz if it is capable of killing K'Z'K when powered up, Chaz compares the theoretical result to ripping the ending out of a book. It is eventually revealed that though K'Z'K brings about extinction events, killing K'Z'K would cause a Reality-Breaking Paradox, destroying the world completely and permanently. And this is exactly what is fated to happen.
  • Complete Immortality: Kozoaku can be sealed, weakened, or even shattered. But everything has an end, and as the Anthropomorphic Personification of destruction, and part of the Vicious Cycle of creation and destruction, the power K'Z'K represents can never be completely gone and will always return eventually. Or at least, so Wilden thinks. It turns out K'Z'K can be destroyed, and the result would bring the universe to its final end.
  • The Corrupter: When he started off his end of the world scenario in the middle ages, he was able to turn the recent dead into demonic creatures under his control. When he was defeated by Zoe, a surviving piece of his being latched on to Gwynn's soul. This fragment tempted Gwynn with magic to solve her problems, increasing his power and using her petty nature to alienate her from her friends.
  • Demonic Possession: Obviously. He gained the power to possess mortals due to Krohnus changing his nature to that of a demon. Dunuloa realized that this was also a double edged sword, and that it would be possible to imprison him by having him possess a mortal and sealing said mortal into a scroll.
  • Destroyer Deity: His job description. Unfortunately, he is a little too enthusiastic about his job. While his role is necessary, he is extremely sadistic about it and brings extinction events well before he is actually supposed to.
  • The Dreaded
  • Embarrassing First Name: After being resealed within the book, Gwynn changes the Destroyer's true name from K'Z'K to Poopy Pants, much to his annoyance.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy:
    • In the ancient past, in the city of Mohkadun, the king ordered the execution of a pair of individuals as punishment for spying on his favorite queen. When they escaped, he had their entire families executed, enraging the city into rebellion. The king's paranoid measures eventually succeeded in suppressing the rebellion. According to the propaganda, the rebels began efforts to summon Kozoaku in an effort to destroy the king out of desperation, even though Kozoaku will inevitably destroy all of them as well. In actuality, the God of Justice turned traitor and persuaded the King to summon Kozoaku in an effort to destroy the other gods, especially Kron, a demigod who had wronged the king. The traitor god intended to use Kozoaku to destroy Krohnus so as to overthrow him, but Kozoaku reveals that he has his own plans, ruining the traitor's plans after a Humiliation Conga.
    • Gwynn summoned him to murder Riff as revenge for Riff's attempt to cheat on her. As a result, K'Z'K managed to steal her soul and possess her twice. In an Alternate Universe, this resulted in the end of the world. This one was only saved because a time traveller went into the past and caused K'Z'K's defeat, splitting off the timeline.
    • Too Dumb to Live mortals keep trying to summon him in return for lies of power. There is no chance K'Z'K will fulfill his promises and very little chance they will be spared his extinction event.
    • Wilcott Wilden thinks that since K'Z'K's eventual release is inevitable, he may as well agree to K'Z'K's bargain to spare the family of the one who releases him. K'Z'K has no intention of keeping his promise.
    • Tombsie is a Godhood Seeker. Due to a misinterpretation of Kozoaku's history, she expects him to give her godhood in return for his release. Any hope she might have had at that is dashed when she fails to recognize that Kozoaku is Just Toying with Them in his battle with Bunbun and messes up his fun by putting an early end to the fight. Kozoaku proceeds to beat her to a bloody pulp as punishment.
  • God of Evil: Technically, he is the God of Destruction, but he performs his duties with too much enthusiasm, enjoys hurting people, and destroys things well before he is actually supposed to do so.
  • Immortal Immaturity: He generally behaves like a Psychopathic Manchild, and his motives don't seem to have much depth beyond destroying the world.
  • In-Series Nickname: He is often referred to as "Bug".
  • Just Toying with Them: Despite having enough power to destroy the world, he tends to toy with his opponents and play along with the action around him for his entertainment instead of seizing his desires immediately.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: K'Z'K erases the future knowledge his past self, Kozoaku, obtained from him to ensure a Stable Time Loop instead of an Alternate Universe where K'Z'K would remain trapped. Kozoaku is quite grateful, since being betrayed by his own future self makes him really annoyed with himself.
  • Laughably Evil: For a demon who's bent on world domination and destruction, he's very clownish and jocular.
  • Laughing Mad: In the Mohkadun arc in an altered past, he possesses Gwynn!Siphaniana's body and indulges in hysterical laughter, because of the success of his Evil Plan.
  • Magic Is a Monster Magnet: This is why there was a Ban on Magic in the ancient city of Mohkadun. Kozoaku was sealed away by Chronos, but using magic weakens Kozoaku's prison, and certain rituals can be used to eventually summon him.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: His only motive is to enslave, terrify, and destroy the world. Which is unsurprising, given that he is in fact, the Anthropomorphic Personification of destruction.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Kozoaku was once one of the two pillars of existence, but using a massive amount of Prozoato's energy, Khronos was able to reduce him to "merely" an ultra-powerful demon.
  • Painting the Medium: As the Ultimate Demon Lord, he apparently has the ability to hear hyphens. Which makes sense, considering his own name has apostrophes in place of vowels, and he has no trouble pronouncing it.
  • People Puppets: Kozoaku has the power to control those who are both evil and weak of soul.
  • Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs: At least twice. He might have wiped out one batch with a Zombie Apocalypse, and probably did wipe out the last major batch with a meteor. Nevertheless, at least one population of dinosaurs remains alive in a cave. For now, though Khronus plans otherwise since they are a danger due to being Immune to Fate.
  • Punctuation Shaker: His new name K'Z'K has three characters and two apostrophes.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: He takes the skin of a human girl named Ti-Ti-Ti in order to trick Wyntiti into protecting a secret box over the generations.
  • Red Right Hand: At one point, Kozoaku steals the skin of a human girl to trick Wyntiti. When Wyntiti gazes upon Kozoaku, Kozoaku maintains the disguise and looks like a normal girl. But when she looks away, Kozoaku's extra eyes appear out of where the girl's diamond tattoos were.
  • Screw Destiny: Fate was literally created to stop him from destroying the world prematurely by putting a plan between pillars of creation and destruction. His main goal is to get around the Web of Fate and destroy the world permanently.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Many many times. God ascended Father Time into godhood to stop Kozoaku from bringing about the End of the World as We Know It before he is actually meant to do so. At first, Khronos just tried to block him with the Web of Fate, influencing events away from the world's destruction. But Kozoaku was very powerful and eventually managed to break through it. Then, Khronos tried to reduce him into a demon and imprison him in a pocket dimension called the Never. Kozoaku tricked mortals into releasing him. Khronos tried imprisoning him a second time and empowered new gods to serve as role models against Kozoaku's call. But the God of Justice turned traitor and arranged for Kozoaku to be summoned again. Kozoaku is then sealed into the Book of E-Ville, and his name is changed to K'Z'K to weaken his power. He gets released yet again by Gwynn, but is shattered into many pieces by Zoe. He eventually puts himself together with a gambit involving time travel, soul collecting, and Soul Jars, but ends up back in the Book of E-Ville. His followers destroy the Book of E-Ville using a powerful occult ritual, but his overconfidence makes it possible for Gwynn to seal him in the Book of E-Ville's backup, the Book of Ugly.
  • Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: After his outer body and physical bug body are destroyed by Zoe, his consciousness ends up trapped inside Gwynn.
  • Smug Snake: He is honestly more effective when he's sealed. Whenever he breaks free, he assumes that he is invincible with all subtlety and scheming going out the window. While he's tied for second strongest being on Earth, he has a number of critical supernatural weaknesses that his carelessness makes possible to exploit.
  • Speak of the Devil: Use of the God of Destruction's true name empowers him, and his name is also a component of the simplest ways of releasing him. As such, his enemies changed his true name from Kozoaku to K'Z'K, making it impossible to pronounce.
  • Stable Time Loop: Krohnus sealed him into the Never Dimension. But even though the present Kozoaku was unable to directly ensure his release, he was able to reach out through time. A free future incarnation of himself ultimately created the very past conditions that allowed said free incarnation to break out in the first place.
  • Third Eye: Is depicted as having this in his true demonic form and in his minuscule bug form.
  • The Unpronounceable: It turns out this was deliberate. His enemies changed Kozoaku's true name to K'Z'K to make it impossible to pronounce because the use of Kozoaku's name empowers him.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: In his own words, he is more of a concept than a creature and he can look as he likes
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Some of his cultists would prefer to kill Zoe, the Storm Breaker, before summoning him, because as The Chosen One, she is his greatest weakness, bending fate just enough to prevent him from destroying the world ahead of its time. K'Z'K would prefer the risk of keeping her alive so that he can punish her with a Fate Worse than Death.
  • You Can See Me?: In the altered timeline Gwynn ends up in, Kozoaku wanted to see the action. K'Z'K, Kozoaku's future self, warned him against it, because his enemies planned on sealing him away, but Kozoaku resisted. K'Z'K then offered to teach him a spell that would allow him to enter an invisible spirit form. But he later turns out to have been lying and gleefully watches as his past Alternate Self gets sealed away into King Farahn.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: He collects them from his victims. When Gwynn stupidly summons him in an attempt to murder Riff, he is able to steal hers, and when his physical form is destroyed, a piece of him latches on as her soul returns to her body. The very first victim of this was the supposed god of Justice, Lord Symachus.



A light blue, mucus (or bubble gum) like demon that worked with K'Z'K. He was summoned when a man named Bob attempted to read a Bazooka Joe comic after a printing error had caused its ink to run into runes of pure evil. Skippy can transform Bob into a sticky goo. The demon first appeared as K'Z'K's underling after Gwynn's second possession. Though he acted obsequious, it has been implied that Skippy was far more knowledgeable than he appeared. He is now the head of The Release, another cadre of humans and demons eagerly anticipating K'Z'K's return.

  • Blob Monster
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Despite being enemies, he bonds with Torg pretty quickly over their mutual love of eccentric behavior.
  • Demonic Possession
  • Flat Character: Not Skippy, but his host Bob. Bob is allegedly still there and Skippy is even fond of him, but he's never shown acting on his own with the possible exception of when he once said "Hi, I'm Bob!" before letting Skip take over. Even his name, "Bob", is flat.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Has a mentally retarded brother of whom he is very sensitive towards and protective of, in spite of the fact that, as stated by Chilus, he shouldn't feel any kind of sympathy to anyone since he is a demon.
    • He shouted "Bob NOOO!!" When his first host died and told Chilus he was rather fond of Bob.
    • When Chilius reminds him of Wilcott's death, he acknowledges it as a good point and loses interest in participating in the Cult of K'Z'K.
  • Noble Demon: He may want to bring about the end of the world, but he would prefer not to cause unnecessary suffering along the way and is willing to give his enemies a swift death.
  • Not So Above It All: Joins in on Torg "What the What!?!"
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: When he first meets K'z'k here he acts rather dumb and only eventually seems to recognise K'z'k's name. At the end of that storyline it seems he was planning something with K'z'k all along. Years later he reappears, smacks down Chilus and clearly has a better understanding of K'z'k than the leader of what is supposed to be a cult in his name.
  • Politically Correct Villain: He's very upset at Chilus for making a "retard" joke. Just because they're evil demons it doesn't mean they shouldn't have some class!
  • Shapeshifting: His main power is to turn his host into a form of Blob Monster like his own form so he can shapeshift his hands and arms.
  • Special Person, Normal Name
  • Sue Donym: His 'falsename' alias is "Skip" and his 'truename' is "Skippy". K'z'k has a Flat "What" reaction to this here.



The mysterious and mortal founder of the Cult of K'Z'K.

  • Ambition Is Evil: Unlike Riff's father, she is fully aware that K'Z'K's promise to spare the loved ones of the one to release him is a total lie, but she doesn't care about that. She has plans that will allow her to obtain enormous power from the process of humanity's destruction. Even a lot of demons find her willingness to betray and commit Genocide from the Inside against her own kind disturbing. When her godfather and coconspirator, Wilcott, has a Heel Realization and realizes that they have made a mistake, an enraged Tombsy decides to use him as the last offering. Notably, he wasn't her only option, she was simply that furious.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: When the Yandere, Kira, confesses to killing Tombsy senior in order to steal Wilcott Wilden's love, Tombsy junior is enraged and declares You Killed My Father.
  • Gender-Concealing Writing: The cult's leader has long been hinted to be a man, and there are photos of Wilden with a man implied to be Tombsy. But Skippy later learns that despite the rumors, she is actually a woman. Given that she mentions her late father in that same conversation, she likely inherited the leadership position without anyone but close confidants like Wilden knowing.
  • Godhood Seeker: Her goal is to release K'Z'K in return for godhood. Why she expects K'Z'K to give it to her without so much as a prior agreement is unclear, even K'Z'K himself expresses confusion when she demands it. She turns out to have misunderstood history. She correctly learned that the last survivors of the sixth spark received godhood, and one of them sided with Kozoaku. What she got wrong was the idea that Kozoaku gave them godhood, when it was actually Khronos. As to the god that sided with Kozoaku, he wasn't Kozoaku's agent, he performed his betrayal entirely on his own rather than as part of a deal, and Kozoaku cared nothing for him, even outright messing up the traitor god's plans.
  • Horrifying the Horror: She creeps out even demons.
  • Karmic Death: Gets killed by the very same demon she was hoping to betray her own kind to in return for godhood.
  • Playing Both Sides: She and Wilcott Wilden have been pitting the Cult of K'Z'K and The Release against one another to keep mortals in charge of the demons. This eventually backfires due to Chilus's ambitions.
  • Self-Made Orphan: To her godfather, Wilcott Wilden.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Sure, just summon a whimsical treacherous demon who causes extinction events for fun without so much as a Magically-Binding Contract or Betrayal Insurance, what could possibly go wrong?



A wasp-like demon and the leader of the demonic faction of the Cult of K'Z'K. She became part of the cult fifty years ago, which included several human members (who have the cult's symbol tattooed on them), but now believes the end of the world is her own task. Chilus possessed and subverted key elements of Clonegressive, LLC and engineered the brain-bug "accident." It was her intention that the bugs would escape into the world and turn humanity into an army of zombie-like antisocial geeks. She had intended Zoë, the legendary Storm Breaker, to be among her first victims. After her plot failed, she managed to escape the building by possessing Meander, sister of Clonegressive's head. Skippy is very angry with her for allowing Zoë to re-enter the equation.

She eventually takes part in K'Z'K's successful resurrection, but seems to have her own conflicting interests.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Never definitively stated. The female pronoun is used here because she is most often seen possessing a female host, Meander. This strip may imply she's female unless it's a Real Men Wear Pink joke.
  • Demonic Possession: Not only is Chilus this, she is the only demon known to have changed host bodies.
  • Fantastic Racism: Is contemptuous of mortals and underestimates their abilities, which was largely the reason why her Clonegressive plan failed.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: She was willing to kill her own people to see how to activate Chaz's "kill anything" ability. Luckily for everyone involved, none of the people she attacked were innocent (not even the hosts of the demons; they were volunteers), so Chaz was not empowered by their blood.
  • The Starscream: It is implied that she wants to use Zoe and the demon killing sword to kill K'Z'K so as to become top dog. And if Zoe ends up killed instead, then it will look like she is a devoted disciple. When K'Z'K ends up sealed away again, her face is actually smiling. She expresses a desire to claim the book into which he is sealed and lies about her progress to the mortal leader of the cult.


A female Demon that works with Chillus that work at human resources. Her demonic form looks like a lacewing.

  • Humans Are Special: Unlike Chillus who is ready to dismiss humans. Lacey views them on abit higher scale
    Chillus: You Give them too much credit.
    Lacey: And you give them too little! We were founded by an 'Ordinary mortal'.
  • Noble Demon: While it too early to say if it this or not, her stance that human deserve respect and that seems abit sad that N'aaaw mention stealing the book from Gwynn [2]. Of course that might have been more annoyance about how disorganize for stuff like security clearance.
  • The Paralyzer: is able to inject paralyzing venom via her antenna in this comic[3]
  • Sassy Secretary: She arguably this.
  • Villainous Rescue: Saves Zoe from Skip, due to her boss wanting to keep the option to eliminate K'Z'K on the table.



First introduced as part of the K'Z'K surveillance team keeping an eye on Gwynn, N'aaaw is a female demon with a deliberately cute human host, which she uses to her advantage more than once. Her demon form resembles a purple Hulk with More Teeth than the Osmond Family. She has demonstrated Super-Strength and an incredibly fast Healing Factor.

  • Big Eater: She eats a lot in general, especially humans. When the demon gets exorcised, the willing human host's stomach starts losing the enhanced capacity for everything she ate while possessed, causing her to vomit for a long time.
  • Cute Is Evil
  • Deliberately Cute Child: Her human form either falls under this...
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Or this. Sam dies due to this.
  • Eloquent in My Native Tongue: Inverted. She is significantly more eloquent as a human than as a Demon.
  • Healing Factor: Fast enough to regrow an arm almost instantly. Even a bullet through the head will not have any effect.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: While she isn't technically human, her host most certainly is. Not to mention the fact that her human host is both willing and fully cognizant. Almost every appearance ends up in her eating something. Usually the remains of whoever she has killed.
  • Interspecies Romance: Has an interest in Agent Reynold Strom and is heartbroken when he shoots her through the head.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: Seriously, just look at them.
  • Not Brainwashed: While most demons hosts in Sluggy are innocent people forced into domination by their demons and unable to stop their actions, that is if they don't outright have their souls destroyed, Gnarlene is eventually revealed to be a perfectly willing host who enjoyed every bit of it and is in a kind of symbiosis with her demon, with N'aww being a little bit of both of them.
  • Pokémon Speak: She is capable of speaking normally via her human host, but her Spirit form seems to only be able to repeat the words "A-NI-MAUL" with various degrees of emphasis.
  • Powers via Possession: Part of why the human host, Gnarlene, loves being possessed. When she loses her demon, she is annoyed with how weak she has become and jumps at the opportunity to bond with another demon.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: N'aww is childish and dimwitted, and only really thinks in terms of where she can get her next meals or fun from - mostly by inflicting that fun or hunger onto terrified people.
  • Super-Strength: She is super strong, especially when shifting to a hulk like form.
  • Transformation Is a Free Action: She can transform between Human and Demon form in the middle of a sword swing, and back again just as quickly.
  • Villainous Glutton


Introduced as the partner of N'aaaw, Whipser appears to be the more intelligent of the duo. She has the ability to turn Humans into large dogs that are subservient to her will, and she can travel through shadows. Her demon form resembles a small black snake.

    Wilcott Wilden 

Wilcott Wilden

Riff's father, an archaeologist specializing in the history of Mohkadun and a cultist of The Release.

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: He studies the civilization of Mohkadun and has had to dodge all sorts of monsters in his line of work.
  • Affably Evil: Even after his associations with K'Z'K were revealed, he still maintains a friendly demeanor, wanting Torg and Zoe to at least make their peace with each other before killing them.
  • Apologetic Attacker: He decides to murder Zoe and Torg to prevent Zoe from defeating K'Z'K. He says that he could have murdered them in their sleep, but felt he owed them a moment to make their peace. He also apologizes to one of his slaves before murdering him via backstabbing in order to remove a communication device he planted in his body via surgery.
  • Archnemesis Dad: He is Riff's father, and a cultist of The Release, who wants to unleash K'Z'K and destroy the world. He reveals his treachery by drugging Riff and his friends. He then tries to murder Zoe to stop her from continuing her destiny of stopping K'Z'K from ending the world prematurely.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He betrays Torg and company to Skippy's cult, The Release. He then betrays Skippy to the Cult of K'Z'K. He eventually reveals that he has been Playing Both Sides, which leaves Skippy rather irritated.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's a smart and resourceful archeologist who has what it takes to help the gang, and gets along quite swimmingly with everyone. Torg even refers to him as "Best 'Best Friends Dad Ever.'" Until it's revealed that he's really been trying to destroy the world.
  • Disappeared Dad: He's been absent from Riff's life for a long time.
  • Don't Make Me Destroy You: Skippy is highly irritated with the way Wilcott has been pulling his strings and starts trying to strangle him. Wilcott tells him these exact words.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He claims to Torg that helping his son, Riff, is the entire reason he is trying to destroy the world. Gwynn speculates that he fell for K'Z'K's lies about keeping the family of the one to release him safe. He is willing to kill as many people as necessary to keep his son alive, whether his son likes it or not.
  • Exact Words: He tells Riff that he has been unable to contact him for all these years because he spent all that time in a Tunisian prison. What he neglects to mention is that he was the warden, and his prisoners included kidnap victims.
  • Geometric Magic: He knows how to draw spell circles that prevent demons from noticing those inside.
  • Hereditary Curse: He inherited an ancient curse of blindness, but not to the same degree as his ancestor or his son, meaning that he does not have to wear Cool Shades all the time.
  • Heel Realization: He has a very sudden epiphany that he was an Unwitting Pawn and his attempts to protect his family were All for Nothing, only making things worse for them.
  • Human Sacrifice: After his Heel Realization, he sabotages K'Z'K's summoning ritual. Enraged that he would stand between her and ultimate power for petty morals, Tombsy betrays him and uses him as the new sacrifice to complete the ritual.
  • I'm Going to Hell for This: He expresses the hope to avoid the fate that he is fully aware that he deserves.
  • In the Back: He murders one of his slaves, Darryl, by backstabbing him.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: He is part of Skippy's K'Z'K cult, known as The Release, and aims to destroy the world on his own terms for what he describes as "very specific reasons".
  • Playing Both Sides: Wilcott Wilden and Tombsy have been pitting the Cult of K'Z'K and The Release against one another to keep mortals in charge of the demons. This eventually backfires due to Chilus's ambitions.
  • Redemption Equals Death: After his Heel Realization, he attempts to stop K'Z'K's summoning ritual. His goddaughter, Tombsie, enraged that he would mess up her plans to sacrifice humanity for godlike power, uses him as a substitute Human Sacrifice to repair the ritual.
