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Politically Correct Villain

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"Back off! I only bully Neil Tuesdays, Thursdays, and nondenominational holidays. I understand he celebrates the sabbath."
Nurf, Camp Camp

This odd counterpart to the more common Politically Incorrect Villain sees no problem with killing, plundering, double-crossing, and handing in their library books too late... but they're very concerned with it all being done in an enlightened, progressive manner, without falling prey to racism, sexism or other despicable attitudes. They will insist on Equal-Opportunity Evil, and sternly rebuke any of their fellow villains who fail to do the same.

The trope can be played in a few different ways:

  1. For horror/Black Comedy, showing that the villain has such Skewed Priorities that they honestly think that using a racial slur is far worse than the gross bodily harm they routinely inflict on people and that they're generally insane and unpredictable.
  2. For humour, portraying villains as behaving very much like regular people, with what they do for a living not being a hindrance to them having political opinions of whatever sort.
  3. In Lighter and Softer works, to highlight that Even Evil Has Standards, with the world-conquering supervillain being above such things as petty bigotry.
  4. Perhaps the conflict is one where there aren't real good or bad guys, and one side being somewhat shady but open-minded demonstrates that.
  5. The writers want to deliver their Aesop more straightforwardly that day — "Hey, kids! Racism is so evil that even the Card-Carrying Villain who gleefully slaughters innocent people by the dozen For the Evulz thinks it's unacceptable! So don't be racist!"
  6. To showcase that the antagonist is a Well-Intentioned Extremist, whose goal is to create a world where everyone is as open-minded as they are, no matter the cost.
  7. To showcase how hypocritical they are. Sure, they think calling someone with a racial slur is incredibly awful, but the fact still stands that they are willing and able to destroy their livelihoods (when they are not plotting outright murder) nevertheless, or think saying certain racial slur to some people is bad but acts racist against another group because on his mind it's not racist to discriminate on basis on race in that case.
  8. Cycle of Revenge, where the villain specifically targets bigots under the delusion they were born racist and sexist, making them not that different from the "monsters" they had sworn to fight.
  9. As escapism. Real world oppression is not fun, and sometimes writers prefer to write enjoyable villains who don't display true prejudices and thus can be admired without seemingly suggesting the audience should admire a bigot.

When played for laughs, will often be shown indulging in Political Overcorrectness. Polar opposite to the Politically Incorrect Hero and Noble Bigot, who don't give two craps about being sensitive, but are very firmly against more blatant and unambiguous acts of evil. Compare and contrast Enlightened Antagonist, who also combines "good" beliefs with "bad" actions, but whose "goodness" is of a more cosmic and timeless kind. See also Hate Crimes Are a Special Kind of Evil.

Note that a villain who simply isn't prejudiced does not qualify for this trope - that's just regular Equal-Opportunity Evil. The villain must actively take a stand against prejudice. Nor is it enough for someone to be politically correct and portrayed in a bad light for it - that's just a Straw Liberal. The definition of this trope is a character who is in some sense a villain, but who is still oddly concerned with being politically correct about it.

Since this is a villain trope, No Real Life Examples, Please!


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    Anime and Manga 
  • In Berserk Silat has the miracle distinction of being the only enemy soldier who isn’t rapey to Action Girl Casca and in fact Silat even applauds Casca’s skill as a warrior while fighting her, rather than being a drooling misogynistic prick to her like pretty much every other male foe in the setting. Justified, in that it’s shown Kushan assassins allow women into their ranks so from Silat’s perspective a female warrior isn’t as uncommon. Later on Silat even joins the heroes’s side and aids Guts, thanks to Ricket.
  • Dragon Ball:
    • Emperor Pilaf though he plans to take over the world, employs both a woman (Mai) and a dog man (Shu) as his trusted lieutenants and even admonishes Mai for her heightist remarks against Goku and Oolong. Not to mention when Pilaf had Bulma in his clutches and to torture her just blows her a kiss… at which Bulma questioned why he didn’t try to sexually assault or at least strip of her clothing. Her questions absolutely horrify Pilaf, Shu and Mai who give her “What the hell is wrong with you?” responses.
    • The tyrannical Red Ribbon Army surprisingly is this (with the big exceptions of General Blue and his men whom are misogynistic to Bulma) being overall quite accepting and non-discriminatory allowing women (Colonel Violet), people of colour (Staff Officer Black) and animal people (Captain Yellow) into their ranks. This contrasts to Frieza Force which is both racist and misogynistic with Cheelai from Dragon Ball Super: Broly being first female soldier we see and gets harassed by other soldiers for it. Doesn’t quite make up for the destruction and loss of life they have caused attempting to Take Over the World though nor the fact at least two of their soldiers attempted to assault Bulma (who’s 16 in the early series).
    • Android 13 from Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! in the Funimation dub as seen when Future Trunks calls him a pawn created to kill Goku with no free will of his own. 13 in a glorious rebuttal reminds Trunks of the war, segregation and hatred Dragon Ball’s humanity has displayed with their free will in a disgusted tone (also given Super reveals Universe 6 Earthlings nuked themselves into oblivion he’s right). 13 is just there as he puts “to kill Goku’s ass” and destroy anything in his way.
  • Moriarty the Patriot: The goal of the Moriarty Brothers, especially the criminal mastermind William, is to end the class division and the abuse of power by the nobility, all to protect the commoners and establish equality in Victorian England. In addition, they accept James Bond, a trans male Irene Adler, as a man and expect no one to argue against it.
  • The League of Villains from My Hero Academia have shades of this from time to time. Not only do they not discriminate by age, gender, or background when recruiting new members, they also have two LGBT members, Toga Himiko (who is openly bisexual) and Magne (who's a trans woman). All of the latter's comrades gender her properly and get really pissed when someone fails to do so. They even have a cute nickname for her: Magu-nee (Japanese)/Big Sis Mag (English dub). This of course ties into their rhetoric of accepting people who have been marginalized and forgotten by society because of different forms of bigotry, whether it be how destructive their powers are, physical deformities, felony records, psychological ableism, transphobia, homophobia, or good old fashioned sexism.
  • One Piece:
    • Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom’s great dream in life is to have a family made up of every single race in the world where they can all sit together and dine as one. She has gotten close but failed to bring giants and Lunarins into her family. Sadly despite this noble dream Linlin is still a Psychopathic Womanchild, thanks to the utter bastard pirate Streusen who raised her, and as an adult she hypocritically abuses her family and wants to rule the oceans as a tyrant. Not to mention it’s inferred that not all her 85 romantic conquests to get children were likely consensual, given she kidnapped all her husbands.
    • Kaido surprisingly for an Evil Overlord is largely politically correct, having rescued and protected Alber aka King a Lunarin (dark skinned angel-esque race) from a Final Solution, allowed women into his ranks and above all accepted his transgender son Yamato identifying as a man despite being born biologically as a woman and even refers to Yamato as his son. Then again, Kaido being a Wanted a Son Instead-type father isn’t out of the question given how disgustingly abusive he is to Yamato anyway.
    • Fujitora one of better Marines (who are sadly a minority) is despite his antagonistic role extremely respectful of other races and cultures and finds the slave trade the World Government employs abhorrent to the point where he helped several slaves escape Mary Geoise with the Revolutionaries, which earned him the wrath of Plant Person and Politically Incorrect Villain Aramaki.
  • The dub's version of ADAM in Sk8 the Infinity Zig-Zags this trope during one scene in which he greets a crowd with "HEY, BITCHES, BROS, AND NONBINARY HOES!" which is a crasser version of the greeting "guys, gals and nonbinary pals". Kudos to him for acknowledging the existence of nonbinary people, not so much for calling women 'bitches'.
  • Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle: Queen Raffi's goal is to create a nation where women are treated equally to men, and she's at odds with the sexist Old Empire faction. She also averts being a Straw Feminist, as shown by how she takes advice from Fugil and respects Lux despite his opposition to her methods. While her goals are noble, she intends to achieve them by having Fugil use <Endless> to manipulate everyone's perception so she can take out her political enemies with no repercussion.


    Comic Books 
  • Cavewoman: The Monster of the Week Troll states to the Jungle Princess that she’ll have to pay for crossing his bridge and when she says she doesn’t have any gold he states there’s other ways she can pay for the crossing — at which the heroine assumes the Troll insinuates some kind of sexual favour, a remark which horrifies the Troll along with the assumption that he’s a depraved pervert. He just wants to eat one of her well toned legs.
  • Kraven the Hunter for the most part, he has had a black lover Calypso, is extremely respectful to Black Panther considering T’Challa exceptional as a fellow Hunter and warrior (in contrast to other white villains BP has fought) and he finds other poachers disgusting. Then again Depending on the Writer Kraven has displayed misogynistic traits and even Fantastic Racism as upon his daughter Ana revealing she became an Inhuman he tried to kill her.
  • Empowered has a few.
    • Wet Blanket is so called for his ability to nullify the superpowers of heroes... and also for his habit of constantly whining about how his fellow supervillains are being too crude and sexist.
    • Mechamamba sees nothing wrong with literally buying a captured superheroine like a piece of meat and then killing as many civilians as it will take to make her go along with his demands, but he considers voting Republican to be beyond the pale. note  His Republican-voting partner Zappatista might be considered a libertarian version, as he tries to mollify Mechamamba by claiming that he's "not a social conservative" and also justifies his voting choice as a principled stand against high taxes.
    • Le Chevalier Blanc considers himself a Knight in Shining Armor trying to protect poor, innocent superheroines from a world that exploits and objectifies them... by putting them into suspended animation until the day when he's managed to completely eradicate sexism (which he's sure won't take him more than a few years or so!). After she manages to free herself, Emp makes it clear what she thinks of "allies" like him.
  • Oxymoron: When Oxymoron tries to find some contradiction in Nice Girl Agent Deborah's past as an excuse to murder her, all he could find was the rather lame "former small-town girl who is also a lesbian". He acknowledges that it takes a pretty backward mindset to declare her an oxymoron on that basis.
  • In Mockingbird #8 (2016), the Phantom Rider summons a horde of ghost pirates and tells them to kill the passengers on a cruise but leave Bobbi alive. The ghost pirates assert that they're not comfortable with this because they're progressive feminists, call the Rider out for stereotyping them, and leave.
  • In one famous Batman example, the Joker teams up with the Red Skull in Batman & Captain America. At first, Joker thinks that Red Skull's Nazi getup is just a prank, which he loves—but when it comes out that the Skull is an actual Nazi, well...
    Joker: That mask must be cutting off the oxygen to your brain. I may be a criminal lunatic, but I'm an AMERICAN criminal lunatic! Keep back, boys! This creep is MINE!
  • Speaking of Red Skull, Kingpin reveals himself this in Acts of Vengeance. Despite committing numerous crimes himself, as a patriot Kingpin explicitly finds Red Skull fascism’s repulsive and refuses to do business with the Nazi. Notably Fisk has a better track record of this than Doctor Doom who thanks to various writers has occasionally displayed misogynistic traits and general dislike of non-Europeans.
  • The Transformers Megaseries: Megatron straddles the line between this trope and Politically Incorrect Villain. The Decepticons are incredibly xenophobic especially against organic life and have driven several species to extinction. However, Megatron's original intentions for forming the Decepticons, combatting inequality within Cybertron, still remain in the faction and the Decepticons don't condone the Fantastic Caste System that pre-war Cybertronian society enforced.
  • Adrian Veidt aka Ozimandias from Watchmen the Hidden Villain, may or may not be this in brilliant contrast to Rorschach a Politically Incorrect Hero. He’s touted as a proud liberal and vegetarian among the mainly conservative other costumed heroes and is admonished In-Universe by right-wing articles as a “dilettante that dabs in national affairs that shouldn't concern him“ and he also employs Vietnamese workers in the 80s. However Veidt’s actions arguably paint a different picture as he has said Vietnamese employees poison themselves, callously lets his own secretary get gunned down during his scheme to fake an assassination attempt on himself and his reaction to Nite Owl II chivalrously calling him out for kicking Laurie in the womb after she shot him, is telling Dan to “Grow up”. Then again, you could argue Veidt is the one who was PC in that moment treating Laurie like any other attacker rather than a delicate flower like Dan is doing. There’s also the fact he killed three million people in New York in a successful bid to create peace between America and Russia through a common foe and create a False Utopia, so even if he is a liberal thinker, Veidt is regardless still as ruthless as a Nazi and even likened to Hitler.
  • X-Men:
    • Juggernaut no seriously despite his status as The Brute he’s a prime example of this, being probably the only Earth based X-Men villain who doesn’t hate mutants at all and never shows discrimination towards them. His reasons for antagonising the X-Men were purely rooted in his familial beef with his stepbrother Charles and after they sort their issues out Juggernaut starts helping mutantkind out in his Redemption Quest. In fact, his earned status as supportive Token Human among the X-Men has gotten to the point where he’s the most beloved human in Krakoa! Jean even officially asks him to join them in Hellfire Gala. It helps that unlike other Marvel villains Juggy isn’t misogynistic or bigoted, despite obviously still being violent and brutish. He punches everyone and everything equally.
    • Played With concerning Mystique in some respects she’s a PC exemplar being a bisexual extremely gender fluid woman who once a let a trans woman escape with enough gold to fund her transition surgery sympathising with her dysmorphia. Later comics also show Mystique willingly to work with humans such as SHIELD despite being a mutant. Yet regardless none of this changes the fact Mystique is a sadist, teen molestor and abusive mother who when she was introduced led evil mutants in an anti-human regime. It’s upsetting to think that if not for her Chronic Villainy Mystique could be truly be a champion of social justice and compassion (something AXIS confirms when her moral alignment is flipped).

  • Guys Being Dudes: Not only are all of the Team Rocket representatives we see completely accepting of Arlo being transgender and dating a man, their healthcare plan also covers gender-affirming surgeries and they support name changes.
  • SUN'S WRATH: While Gabriel Agreste is a terrorist and an abusive parent, he does not have any issues with Adrien dating another boy. He does call Adrien away from a hospitalized Luka to attend a photoshoot, but that's more Gabriel being a Jerkass in general (and a ploy to akumatize Adrien ).
  • Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged: Rufus Shinra may be willing to throw everything to the wolves in his quest to destroy AVALANCHE and continue exploiting the world's resources for profit, but he draws the line at mocking people for their lifestyle choices, such as crossdressing.
  • Resonance Days has the Incubators have no problem contracting with trans women as well as the non-binary and gender fluid. Being the Incubators however, this is not necessarily the sort of acceptance they'd want to be getting.

  • Speed: In the climax Howard the Mad Bomber Big Bad vehemently assures Love Interest Annie while kidnapping her and rigging her with explosives that he isn’t doing it because “She’s a woman”, he only needs a Human Shield that The Hero Jack deeply cares about. Still hard not to take his claims with massive grains of salt given he’s displayed petulant and psychotic behaviour as a mass murdering terrorist and the bus he was prevented from blowing up had plenty of minorities on it.
  • PCU features Ms. Garcia-Thompson, Port Chester University's Dean Bitterman, who has pushed a "cultural sensitivity" agenda that borders on extremism onto the campus and has pretty much run its effectiveness as an actual place to get an education into the ground (she discusses giving an entire building to the "Department of Bisexual Asian Studies." But, who goes? The Math Department or the Hockey team? As well, she has allowed protests willy-nilly, to the point that nearly all of the students seemingly do nothing but protest). An important plot point in the final act is that her bosses are so mad at her extremism that they are looking for an excuse to get rid of her, which the Pit exploits to get back at her for trying to get them expelled for "being disruptive". She also teams up with Rand, the right-wing leader of the underground "Balls and Shaft" society, to get rid of the Pit (though it's very obviously Teeth-Clenched Teamwork).
  • In the The Naked Gun 2 1/2, Hector Savage, The Dragon, while barricaded in a house, demands a plane ticket to Jamaica and "A nice hotel! Nothing touristy! Something really indicative of the people and their culture!"
  • Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers films is this, somewhat surprisingly — he doesn't ever seem to display racist or sexist behaviors against his underlings. He mostly cares about being a Card-Carrying Villain, though he is willing to dispose of his henchpeople when they fail him.
  • Dr. Cocteau, from Demolition Man has banned tobacco, alcohol, fatty and sugary foods including meat, non-educational toys, profanity, and sexual intercourse, with children being conceived through in-vitro fertilization. He brings back Simon Phoenix to murder-death-kill Edgar Friendly, because Friendly leads the sewer dwellers who found Cocteau's society stifled their lives too much.
  • Surprisingly, Shan Yu, the leader of the invading Huns in Mulan, is a lot less misogynistic than the Chinese nobility/military he's attacking. When he recognizes Mulan as the person responsible for destroying his army with a triggered avalanche, he doesn't go I Was Beaten by a Girl, he just sees her as yet another soldier and fights her just as fiercely as he'd fight any male soldier. It makes sense when you consider that the Xiongnu (who Shan Yu's people are based on, despite the film's narrative calling them "Huns") were willing to accept female soldiers into their hordes. Ironically, we never once see any female Huns fighting for Shan Yu on-screen.
  • Final Destination: Surprisingly, Death itself thinks racism is bad. When a guy on its list tries to burn a cross on a black guy's front porch in the fourth film, Death engineers things so that the racist will be set on fire himself and dragged behind his own car while the song "Why can't we be friends" plays on the radio. At the same time, Death is an entity that routinely kills off people in a Cruel and Unusual Death, including children.
  • The Hunt (2020): Several of the liberals are shown to be very politically correct as well as evil:
    • The gas store owners, Ma and Pop, have an argument over whether or not it's okay to refer to African-Americans as "black people", all while dragging away the corpse of a conservative they murdered.
    • One of the female hunters gets offended when one of the male hunters calls all of the other hunters "guys", accusing him of "genderizing".
    • However, they give the impression that they are basically only trying to be politically correct but don't have any real idea how to do it naturally. At one point they reject the idea of making a black man one of the targets of the hunt because some of them thought it would appear racist while others argued that it would be more racist not to include a person of colour (ultimately all the victims of the hunt were white). Even outside of the actual hunt, they are very prone to slipping up and engaging in racist language, causing their peers to complain about it.
  • In Everything Everywhere All at Once, Big Bad Jobu Tupaki is an Omnicidal Maniac who wants to destroy all of creation, including every universe in existence. As it happens, Jobu is an alternate-universe version of Joy, main character Evelyn's lesbian daughter, and can thus temporarily possess Joy in Evelyn's universe. When Evelyn first learns this, she accuses Jobu of being the cause of Joy's lesbianism—and Jobu, in all of her life-destroying rage, is genuinely shocked and upset that Evelyn thinks that homosexuality is "evil."
  • A Bronx Tale: Despite the strong racism of the time and within The Mafia, Sonny has no problem at all with C's relationship with a girl from a black neighborhood (Jane) and helps the boy in his endeavour by lending C his fancy car to impress her. As far as Sonny is concerned, life is too short to let the opinions of others interfere with your happiness.
  • In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos explains that his plan for eliminating half the population of the universe to save resources would be "random [and] fair." The Avengers, et al, realize that means the deaths of billions of billions. Also, Thanos never says "sapient life," meaning it includes all animals as well.
    • When Thanos's past self learns that this would still give the heroes a chance to undo his handiwork via time travel in Avengers End Game, he opts to simply wipe out all of creation and rebuild it from a blank slate.
  • Eddie Valentine and his gang from The Rocketeer are the typical 1930s style Punch-Clock Villain portrayal of The Mafia whose only interest in Cliff's rocket pack is acquiring it for Neville Sinclair so they can get paid. As soon as they learn Sinclair is working with the Nazis, they turn on him and they form an Enemy Mine with their archenemies, the Feds.
  • Star Wars: In the Star Wars Legends Expanded Universe, the Empire is segregated by species, gender, race, and orientation. The officers seen are typically all white human men (with British accents), with prejudice directed within ranks at the rare female and gay recruits such as Isila Drutch and Sarn Shild. This was contrasted with the Rebellion who were overall more diverse than the Imperials, though the majority of their protagonists still tended to be white. Following the rebooted Star Wars Expanded Universe, the Empire became more diverse, with a greater frequency of women and people of color among its ranks, including some who were openly queer such Rae Sloane, Magna Tolvan, and in one story of ambiguous canonicity, Grand Moff Tarkin himself. The Empire of the modern EU is still prejudiced, but its bigoted campaigns are directed upon nonhuman species or cultures made of mixed people groups such as Jedi and Mandalorians.
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: When Pavitr takes the Spot's comment about a "journey of self-improvement" the wrong way, the villain quickly gets flustered and tries to deescalate. Unfortunately, he ends up mentioning that he loves chai tea, setting off Pavitr's Berserk Button.

  • Kurtz from Dreamcatcher, upon learning that one of his soldiers has referred to The Grays as "space niggers," shoots the soldier in the leg and then gives him a passionate lecture — while the soldier is writhing in agony on the ground — about how while they are certainly going to exterminate the aliens, they are going to do so in accordance with the army's established standards of racial sensitivity.
  • At one point in Otherland, two minor villains — a General Ripper and a Corrupt Corporate Executive — are discussing their plans, and the general asks what the boys in the executive's tech branch has come up with to help them. The executive playfully berates the general for being so old-fashioned, pointing out that many of his techs are in fact girls.
  • Okuyyuki has an unsympathetic general who covers up the protagonist's heroism and destroys his CO's career for bringing attention to it, because this sort of red-blooded action will look bad for the Army with the media. Downplayed a little, in that he does not appear to personally care much for the ideology, but he still adheres scrupulously to it because this is what his political masters expect of him.
  • And Then There Were None: Emily Brent is the one who castigates Lombard for leaving his fellow soldiers to die just because they were natives. She holds puritanical religious ideas, but she does not view skin color as a reason to betray or kill somebody.
  • In the Left Behind series, Antichrist President Evil Nicolae Carpathia preaches against religious intolerance (in the sense of those mean Christians denigrating other religions, of course) and in favor of anti-racism, international understanding, and world peace, and works hard to make abortion more easily available. Yeah, bit of a Straw Liberal here, too, since it's presumed Carpathia is just doing this for show to enable his rule rather than out of genuine conviction. He's the main villain of a book series about the end times as predicted by two conservative Christians, so this sort of thing is to be expected.
  • Zigzagged in Worm during a supervillain sit-down at the Bad Guy Bar. Kaiser (who leads the openly Neo-Nazi group Empire Eighty-Eight) pointedly does not allow Skidmark a seat at the table. Skidmark angrily assumes it's because he's black, but Kaiser then clarifies that it's because he's a drug-addled halfwit who has no business sitting at the table with the other major players in Brockton Bay. The other villain bosses at the table (who are not racist and despise Kaiser, while grudgingly acknowledging his competence,) agree with him on this, including one of them who is black himself.

    Live-Action TV 
  • Bodies (2023): Elias may be the leader of a cult that will facilitate his own rise to power through the deaths of nearly a million people, but he assures Hillinghead in 1890 that being gay is no sin. This is justified by him being from 21st-century Britain.
  • General Grimm from The Wild Wild West episode "The Night of the Red-Eyed Madmen" manages to be this and a politically incorrect villain at the same time. He's A Nazi by Any Other Name who wants to take over the American Southwest and place it under strict military rule, but he believes in gender equality; his militia includes several women, one of whom is his dragon.
  • That Mitchell and Webb Look: General Drayfox, who's careful to specify that while other people have to kneel before him, he'll allow Orthodox Jews (and anyone else who objects for religious reasons) other means for making their obeisances. He's thus horrified by the Politically Incorrect Hero sent to oppose him, Captain Todger, whose emblem is a crude penis drawing and was in prison for statutory rape.
  • Audra Levine from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is an Amoral Attorney and Rebecca's Sitcom Archnemesis, but she's a liberal and a card-carrying member of the ACLU - even in the midst of viciously insulting each other, she and Rebecca agree that they're both "progressive as hell." If you consider Rebecca to be a Villain Protagonist, that makes her another example.
  • In the tv adaptation of American Gods, Technical Boy has the protagonist Shadow Moon beaten and nearly hanged by his henchmen. The other New Gods, Media and Mr. World, are furious with him and make him apologize...because a supernatural being with the appearance of a white man ordering a black man to be beaten and lynched is rife with Unfortunate Implications!
    Technical Boy: We're in a weird place racially in this country right now, and I don't want to add to that climate of hatred.
  • The Punisher (2017) has a rare example of a character who is both this trope and The Fundamentalist. John Pilgrim in Season 2 is genuinely contrite about his past as a white supremacist, at one point telling Curtis (a black man) that while he would once have despised him on sight, he can now see him clearly and respect him as a Worthy Opponent.
  • Angel once encountered a warlock named Spanky who enjoyed spanking people. He didn't spank men but was careful to make clear that that wasn't a value judgment against anyone who did, he just wasn't into it. He was also perfectly willing to place a city-destroying magical bomb inside a child's head.
  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Baron Zemo, like Sam Wilson, is a fan of the Trouble Man soundtrack, calling it “...a masterpiece. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience.” Sam then remarks "He's out of line, but he's right." Later on, he berates Sam for stereotyping his disguise as Smiling Tiger as that of a pimp, claiming he's just a "fashion-forward black man".
  • In Boardwalk Empire, Meyer Lansky is generally presented as Equal-Opportunity Evil as a sympathetic trait, but this quality is also humorously showcased in one episode where Lansky and Bugsy Siegel are shown carting around "Fat Buddha" statues. After Siegel contemptuously comments, "They pray to that fat fuck?", an offended Lansky retorts, "It's a symbol of spirituality." Lansky then smashes a statue to get at the smuggled heroin inside.
  • Breaking Bad: Mike Ehrmantraut considers assassinating Lydia Rodart-Quayle after she puts a hit out on him and the employees from his boss's old operation he was protecting. He lets her live against his better judgment, only to arrive at a situation where (it appears) she tries to backstab him and his partners again. He acknowledges that if she weren't a woman he would have probably already killed her, then berates one of his partners for giving her a pass on the same grounds.
    Mike: And now you're being sexist. This woman deserves to die as much as any man I've ever met!
  • Deconstructed in Cobra Kai: Season 3 sees both Kreese and Hawk use politically correct terminology while in public and correcting people who don't, but they're not doing it out of genuine concern for marginalized groups. They're doing it so they can bill themselves in a positive light and manipulate the people who champion inclusive terminology into siding with them instead of the protagonists. It's part of the show's general criticism of Political Correctness, in this case showing that just because a person uses the right buzzwords, it doesn't mean they're actually enlightened or compassionate.
  • Peacemaker (2022): Parodied. In the first episode, the Vigilante Man Villain Protagonist asks a janitor if he's ever heard of him. The janitor has and is angered that he's talking to an unapologetic murderer... who kills a higher percentage of minority criminals than white ones, saying his ratio is suspicious. Peacemaker is taken aback by the accusation and promises to try harder to find white criminals to kill (rather than just, for example, not extrajudicially murdering people at all). The janitor is satisfied by this.
  • Saturday Night Live: Played for Laughs in a sketch where a mafia boss (host Bill Burr) returns from a two-decade prison sentence and is dumbfounded by the family's new inclusive practices, such as objecting to him using politically incorrect terminology and allowing an African-American woman to join their group. They're all still willing to steal and murder, though.
  • Stargirl (2020): The Injustice Society want to create a New America where everyone embraces their ideals, such as... renewable power, universal healthcare, and an end to racial, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination. The heroes are somewhat conflicted over this. On the other hand, the villains have no compunctions about killing anyone who stands in their way, whether they're children, allies, the children of allies or anyone else, and their master plan has a projected death count of 25 million. To be fair, absolutely none of those killings were discrimination-based.
  • Parodied in Key & Peele with the "Feminist Pirate Shanty" sketch, in which pirates sing sea shanties of such things as consent, female empowerment and being pro-choice... because their Captain will shoot anyone who sings songs that offends her.
  • Sense8: Dr. Metzger, a doctor who lobotomizes people, refers to Nomi by her preferred name and pronouns, indicating that whatever might be said of him, he at least isn't transphobic.
  • Dracula (2013): Dracula is a very progressive person for the 1890s, having no problem with gay people (albeit he's not above using this for blackmail, with it implied he may be bisexual as well himself), accepts Renfield into his employ (here an African-American attorney who was unable to get work as a result of racism in the US) while specifically Renfield's race doesn't matter to him and he wants to provide cheaper energy via wireless electricity (though it's partly to crush his foes, who invest in oil), while he's still of course a brutal vampire. He also views women as his equals.

  • In a Dragon humour article on followers, presented as a discussion panel between several high-level characters, the gnome ranger makes several offensive comments about the female rogue, then claims they were said by the Obviously Evil NPC sorcerer. The sorcerer responds "Just because I'm evil, doesn't mean I'm chauvinist."

    Professional Wrestling 
  • Sputnik Monroe is most famous for staging a public unsanctioned match where he beat the piss out of the friend of a cowboy who once knocked Monroe down for trying to ambush him. He was the most hated heel in Memphis during his day. However, Monroe was also famous for being arrested several times for "drinking with coloreds" in an age where racial segregation was law and was defended by black lawyers in every court case. For this reason, young fans and black fans were willing to look past Monroe's faults.
  • When Athena was a heel she openly welcomed insults from the fans, as it only motivated her to hit back harder. She only drew the line at ethnic slurs, believing there wasn't any need for that in society.

    Video Games 
  • The leader of the Middle Eastern Terrorists group al-Qatala in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) has an establishing character moment in the first minute of the game where he specifies that his group is completely secular. It's also shown later in the game that he has women fighting in the ranks of his group on equal footing. Needless to say, the odds of such a group arising in reality are extremely low.
  • While Zachary Comstock in BioShock Infinite is a Politically Incorrect Villain when it comes to race and just generally an awful person, he has apparently also preached against the evils of misogyny and told his followers that it's one of the sins of "the Sodom Below". It may or may not be self-serving, though — since he plans to have his daughter succeed him as ruler of Colombia, he has practical reasons to not tolerate any sexist nonsense.
  • When Rhys goes undercover as macho-man Corrupt Corporate Executive Vasquez in Tales from the Borderlands, he can choose to try to act the part to a pair of Hyperion's Faceless Mooks. The results are... not what he expected.
    Rhys: Sup ladies? Whatcha been doing? Talking about boys?
    Captain: [icily] No. Just discussing casual misogyny and how it manifests in corporate executives.
  • Zigzagged in Grand Theft Auto V, as one of Trevor's few redeeming features is his hatred of racism. He's still quite sexist though and is not above making a few racially-charged jokes when he feels like it.
  • In the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Führerreich: Legacy of the Great War, the stand-ins for Nazi Germany, the "Valkists", stand for progressive ideals such as rights for women, LGBT people, and non-whites. This does not stop them from being totalitarian, revanchist ultranationalists willing to send thousands to their deaths in the name of forcing everyone conquered by them to adapt the superior German culture.
  • In the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, Golden Morning in Longsword wants to end racism and discrimination between ponies and griffons forever, and will kill his own close friends, end millions of lives, create a ticking demographic time bomb via enforced inter-species marriage, establish a totalitarian police state, and destroy any culture or religion he sees as being in the way of his post-racial utopia.
  • While Arthur from GTA's sister series Red Dead is only really a villain if you play him as low honor, he's still an outlaw with a bounty on his head that's worth over $150,000 in today's dollars. That being said, he is certainly not prejudiced against anyone in stark contrast to the setting of 1899. He's not sexist and treats all women as equals. He actually says in his journal that the reason that he doesn't like his ex's dad is that he treats her as something to own without viewing her as her own person. He's not racist and of his best friends is half black/half Native American. He and his aforementioned friend help a Native American tribe because the government is stealing their land. He isn't even homophobic. A man kisses him as a distraction while dressed in drag and he just calmly says, "Please don't do that again." He also says in his journal that he knows one of the other guys who's in the gang is hiding some sort of huge secret about himself (heavily implied to be that he's gay) but says he doesn't care what the secret is and doesn't treat him badly for it. Likewise, going back to the racism point, he outright hates the Klu Klux Klan, outright stating he'll kill every last one of them if you disrupt a Klan meeting.
    • The same goes for Dutch Van Der Linde, the gang's boss as well as Arthur and John's father figure whom he imparted his progressive values on. The Van Der Linde Gang is accepting of all races (with Charles Smith citing Dutch's acceptance of him despite his mixed heritage as to why he respects him) and he quickly chastises Bill when he refers to Native Americans as "Savages". Despite this he never seems to care about Micah Bell's open bigotry as well as manipulating Native tribes to be personal cannon fodder in both games, Micah being a massive blind spot for Dutch whose activities doom the gang and Dutch and the manipulation proving that despite his anti-bigotry being genuine as a ruthless gang leader he uses this air of benevolence to his own ends.
  • In Doom Eternal the Union Aerospace Corporation has already shed the veneer of making the world better for humanity after ousting Samuel Hayden, openly allying with the forces of Hell and worshipping their invaders as saviors. As such, one of their policies makes clear that the term "demon" is offensive and instead enforces a new term: "mortally challenged".
  • Darth Malgus in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Despite being a thoroughly evil Sith Lord who relishes violence, war, and mayhem and murdered the love of his life to purge himself of the weakness this bond meant to him; he's still appalled by the racism of his Sith Empire and does his best to kick off a change that produces an Empire with the same philosophy and ideals, but purged of its anti-alien sentiment.
    • Similarly, Darth Jadus of the Imperial Agent storyline is a lunatic who espouses the ideals of "democratizing fear" but like Malgus is also a true meritocrat who cares nothing about species or the ability to use the force. He even attempts to use this to sway the Agent to his side when confronting him at the end of Act 1.
  • In The Great Ace Attorney, Ryunosuke has a rivalry with the Hero Antagonist Barok van Zieks, who dislikes and distrusts the Japanese. By contrast, it turns out that Barok's brother Klint was the feared Serial Killer known as The Professor, who took up murder to punish the nobles who used their connections to escape justice, and who graciously accepted his loss in a fatal duel against Genshin Asogi.

    Web Comics 

    Web Original 
  • Zig-zagged in Mr. Deity. Mr. Deity has nothing against black people, homosexuals, or Jews and is disgusted whenever people think that he does. However, he does hold many politically incorrect views about women, and he really hates atheists.
  • Dimension 20's Fantasy High Season 1 Big Bad Kalvaxus aka Goldenhoard hilariously and desperately makes himself out to be this in the Final Battle while taking down Kristen and Ragh both of whom are gay. As the rest of the party calls him a homophobe, the dragon stresses that he has no problem with a person’s sexuality he just believes all gold belongs to him and he has the right to kill and eat anyone he wants to get it. He’s “socially liberal, fiscally conservative”. Kristen claims she truly is dead after hearing that.
  • Welcome to Night Vale: The City Council may be Humanoid Abominations who constantly spy on everyone in Night Vale and regularly sentence people to summary execution for no apparent reason, but they're just as pissed off by the Apache Tracker's racism as everyone else in Night Vale.
  • In Camp Camp, Nurf is the local Barbaric Bully and Neil is one of his favorite targets... and because Neil is Jewish and celebrates the Sabbath, Nurf just bullies Neil on the kosher days of the week.
  • Zig-zagged in Terrible Writing Advice with JP Beaubien. Despite his general enthusiasm for promoting all forms of bad writing, JP usually draws the line at promoting racism or homophobia. However, he's a bit more lax when it comes to gender issues — he doesn't consider sexism to be good in itself, but when talking about genres where sexist tropes have historically been common, he will generally recommend writers continue using those tropes as long as possible and not bother trying to improve on them.
  • Epithet Erased: When one of Bugsy and Arnold's Banzai Blaster Mooks refers to Percy as a man and she corrects him, he's so focused on getting out an apology that he needs to be reminded to finish his threat. Notably, this is about the only time when people affiliated with Bugsy and Arnold aren't Jerkasses.

    Western Animation 
  • Mr. Buzzcut from Beavis And Butthead may be a Sadist Teacher and a war criminal, but in "A Baby Makes, Uhh, Three", he allows Beavis and Butthead to take care of a fake baby because adding homosexual couples would make it more realistic.
  • Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: Evil Emperor Zurg to his Mecha-Mooks, while taking over an alien planet: "You may enslave the population! Women and children first — I'm an equal-opportunity enslaver!"
  • The Cleveland Show had an episode where he and his friends encounter a bunch of killer hillbillies. One of the hillbillies tries to refer to Cleveland by every trait he can think of instead of just calling him the black guy.
  • The criminals Bean takes up with in an episode of Disenchantment are led by a woman and are very proud of being sensitive to gender issues. After betraying Bean and leaving her trapped in the royal family crypt to take the fall for their plundering of the same, they assure her that they'd have done the exact same thing to a man. And then prove it by throwing Elfo and Luci into the crypt as well.
  • Harley Quinn (2019):
    • The Legion of Doom kicked out Dr. Psycho for using inappropriate language during his fight with Wonder Woman. As Lex Luthor put it, "It does not represent our brand of evil."
    • Harley assumes that Mr. Freeze is just as much of a misogynistic Control Freak as the rest of the Legion of Doom but she's wrong. Freeze tells her he saved her life by convincing them to freeze her instead because a bunch of heterosexual, cisgender, white males love to get off on humiliating women. King Shark calls him "the most woke ice-themed villain in New New Gotham".
    • As part of the Joker's Character Development after he gets a Hispanic girlfriend during his time as a normal person with amnesia and still desires to be with her after becoming the Joker again, the Joker is shown to be disgusted by Debbie Shirley's racism, advocates for his girlfriend's children to get a bilingual education so they'd stay in touch with their cultural roots and he successfully runs for mayor of Gotham City on a socialist platform, enforcing policies that benefit the working class and provide more humane treatment for the incarcerated. In addition, "The Horse and the Sparrow" has him be considerate enough to acknowledge the existence of non-binary people immediately after saying "Ladies and gentlemen" and the tie-in comic miniseries Legion of Bats shows him officiating an interracial gay wedding.
  • Parodied in Invincible (2021). Doc Seismic, in the middle of a fight with Invincible and Atom Eve, insults the latter for how gender normative her superhero costume is. When Atom Eve replies that she designed it herself and asks back why he cares about that, Doc Seismic says that, despite his doctorate being in Seismology, he was also an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Women's Studies (with a minor in African Dance). He also mentions that the reason he wants to blow up Mt. Rushmore is that he hates the founding fathers for being racist slaveowners... even though only two of the faces on it were founding fathers, and he outright wants people to bow before and worship him.
  • The Johnny Bravo episode "Bravo, James Bravo" has Johnny and female secret agent Jane Bonded foil a nerdy villain known as Dr. Pencilneck, whose plan was to use a Doomsday Device to make everyone in the world look exactly like him under the reasoning that no one would be prettier or uglier than anyone else that way. Jane acknowledged how horrible, yet politically correct, it is.
  • Amon in The Legend of Korra takes away the bending of anybody he can get his hands on (he even attempts to debend children) no matter how innocently the bender uses it because he sees it as making the playing field more equal for nonbenders.
    • Following the series finale where Korra and Asami became an Official Couple, Amon's voice actor, Steve Blum, created an in-character video where he expresses support for them, making it clear that while he still sees Korra and Asami as enemies, he has nothing against their relationship.
  • PC Principal from South Park starts off as an overbearing asshole who punishes Kyle for daring to say Caitlyn Jenner isn't "stunning and brave" for coming out as a transgender, but escalates it when he violently beats the crap out of Cartman for daring to use the word "Capiche", due to its association with stereotyped Italian mobster behavior. The fact that Cartman was openly in the process of trying to frame him for molesting Butters was completely irrelevant, and he was so fixated on Cartman's usage of politically incorrect speech he may not have even noticed.
  • This is played for laughs in the Super Best Friends Forever short "Solomon Grundy No Fight Girls", where Supergirl, Batgirl, and Wonder Girl confront Solomon Grundy, but the zombified brute refuses to fight them because he draws the line at violence against females. The three young heroines proceed to taunt Grundy in an attempt to provoke him into attacking before they eventually realize that they don't need to hold back just because Grundy refuses to fight. After he gets his butt kicked, Grundy then starts reconsidering his refusal to fight girls.
  • The Dragon Prince: Lord Viren messiah complex to unite Humanity against Xadia aside, he shows no intolerance towards the Queens of Duren, and merely protests aiding their kingdom on the pragmatic grounds that it would shorten the food supplies of Katolis. When Terry confides that he is transgender, Viren simply compliments his chosen name and doesn't object to him dating his daughter.


Video Example(s):



Psy-Crow has no qualms about repeatedly threatening to murder Earthworm Jim, but coke on tits? THAT'S where he draws the line.

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5 (17 votes)

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Main / PoliticallyCorrectVillain

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