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Characters / Saint Seiya Silver Saints

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The Silver Saints

The Silver Saints are the middle tier of Athena's Saints. Numbering ~24-28, the Silver Saints are mainly used by the Sanctuary to command groups of Bronze Saints in missions, and are said to be five times stronger and faster than the latter. Silver Saints are better attuned to their Cosmos than Bronze Saints, and some are said to be as powerful as Gold Saints. They are noted to have several tools and weapons on some of their cloths.

Most of the Silver Saints shown in the original series are shown to be proudful, ruthless and sadistic, mainly as antagonists to the Bronze Saints, save from some exceptions.

Following the Galaxian Tournament, Pope Arles (Gigars and later Phaeton in the anime) tasks the Silver Saints with hunting down the Bronze Saints and Saori Kido, as the Bronze Saints are deemed to have used their cloths and status for personal gain, and Saori is accused of both promoting this, and later for "falsely" declaring herself as Athena incarnate.

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     In General 
  • Animal Motifs: Some Silver Cloths are represented by animalsnote :
    • Aquila: Eagle;
    • Ophiuchus: Snakes;
    • Lacerta: Lizard;
    • Cetus/Kaitos: Whale;
    • Canes Venatici: Dogs/Hounds;
    • Corvus: Crows;
    • Musca: Flies.
    • Also the Filler Villains "Peacocks" Shiva and "Tarantula" Arachne.
  • Anti-Villain:
    • They are just Just Following Orders and believe that Saori Kido is a imposter trying to take the real Athena's place. They ARE very antagonistic and even cruel against the bronzes, though.
    • Their antagonistic nature is a reflection of Athena's absence in the Sanctuary and the Pope's own ruthlessness.
  • Back from the Dead: In the Hades OVA, the deceased silver saints are revived by Hades and went after Seiya and co. for revenge (Actually, they have gone along with Shion's plot), however the now-stronger Bronze Saints easily defeat them again.
    • Asterion, Jamian and Ptolemy are not shown, unless they were defeated by Ikki off-screen.
  • Informed Attribute: In theory, the Silver Saints are mighty warriors whose powers are five times greater then Bronze and only outmatched by the Gold Saints. In practice, they're cannon fodder, existing to be dispatched by the main characters with little trouble.
  • Middle Child Syndrome: Unlike the Bronze Saints, who are main characters, and the Gold Saints, who are at the top of the Law of Chromatic Superiority and became the focus of most spin-offs, the Silver Saints are, mostly, a Out of Focus Quirky Miniboss Squad that are reduced to "Team Cannon Fodder" not long after being introduced. That said, there are some exceptions, like Marin, Shaina, Misty and Orphee.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Their attitudes are a reflection of Athena's absence from the Sanctuary, having faced little accountability for their deeds, and thus convincing themselves that they're invincible. Granted, they are strong, but only up to a point, and worse, to one that is eventually reached and surpassed by the Bronze saints.
  • Monster Threat Expiration: The first silver saints sent to assassinate Saori Kido: Misty, Asterion, anime-Babel and Algol are formidable foes, however, the next ones to appear keep getting weaker than the previous ones, even when it's two or three silver saints against one Bronze Saint, they still lose pathetically. The last one, Sagitta Ptolemy, is killed by Seiya with a single attack, and Seiya lampshades how weak he was.
  • Revenge:
    A Silver Saint: I will avenge Misty and the others! Die Seiya!
  • Small Name, Big Ego:
    A Silver Saint: To compare a Bronze Saint to a Silver one is like comparing a worm to a god.
    • Which leads to:
    The same Silver Saint: This Cannot Be! A Silver Saint defeated by a Bronze one!
  • Soldiers at the Rear: In the absence of Athena, they had no impetus to get stronger and reach their whole potential as the reliable saints they were supposed to be. Their hubris cost most of them their lives.
  • Theme Naming:
    • Animal Theme Naming: Tarantula Arachne; "Arachne" being the Greek for spider.
    • Named After Somebody Famous:
      • Dante refers to Dante Alighieri, the author of The Divine Comedy.
      • Daidalos is named after the Mythical Greek Inventor/Craftsman/Artisan.
      • Ptolemy as in Claudius Ptolemaeus, the famous Roman astronomer.
    • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming:
      • Asterion is the father of Minos and the king of Crete.
      • Moses, who led his people out of Egypt, from the Bible. He had to split the Red Sea to cross it, which Whale Moses did when he arrived at the beach.
      • Babel is named after the Tower of Babel from the Bible.
      • Heracles/Herakles (or Hercules) and Ares are from the Classical Mythology.
      • Shiva is a deity of Hinduism.
      • Orpheus from Greek Mythology. note 
    • Stellar Name:
      • Algol is the bright star from the Perseus Constellation, also called the Demon Star.
      • Sirius is one of the stars in Canis Major.

     Eagle Marin 

Aquila Marin

Voiced By: Yuriko Yamamoto (1986-2004 JP), Fumiko Inoue (2005-Present JP), Eri Kitamura (Saint Seiya: Saintia Sho JP), Tracey Hoyt (DiC EN), Christine Auten (ADV EN), Maggie Flecknoe (Sentai/Netflix EN), Mónica Manjarrez (Latin America), Selica Torcal and Virginia Carrera (Spain), Adriana Libretti (Italy)

  • Action Girl: She is the strongest amazon, as stated in the databook "Saint Seiya Taizen" and seen in the sequel Saint Seiya: Next Dimension. However, in the anime...
  • Adaptational Wimp: In the anime, she frequently has to be rescued and loses almost every battle she stars in, including a friendly sparring match against Shaina (despite being stated as her equal) and even to several enemies far below Silver Saint level, including a bunch of regular Sanctuary soldiers (weaker than even the weakest of Bronze Saints) and a washout who was disqualified from eligibility to Sainthood (granted that the guy was a hulking brute, but he didn't know how to use Cosmo power at all).
  • Big Brother Mentor: Ultimately subverted when it was revealed she wasn't Seiya's elder sister after all, with her younger brother being another warrior different from Seiya.
  • Calling Your Attacks:
    • Ryūsei Ken (Meteor Punch). Her main attack. She hits with her fist hundreds times in one second to generate a punch burst, much like a meteor shower. This is the technique she taught Seiya.
    • Eagle Toe Flash. She used this attack to beat Hound Asterion, and it's like a really powerful Diving Kick.
  • Cool Mask: Like all female Saints, she has to cover her face with a mask to renounce her female side.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Anime-only. There is a fight with Shaina where Marin gets her butt kicked with soldiers watching. The beating is too hard she needs to be saved by Aeolia.
    • Next Dimension issue #56 has Marin fighting her old rival Ophiuchus Shaina (actually the first time they openly battle each other in the manga continuity), with Marin defeating Shaina via an Eagle Toe Flash kick to the stomach, further disproving the anime-inspired notion that Shaina is a better fighter than her.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Tends to be characterized like this specially in later media such as the Saintia Sho spinoff.
  • Fake Defector: When she tried to protect Seiya by pretending to kill him and then burying him on the beach.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Her armor only has pauldrons on her left side.
  • Fiery Redhead: Averted, she's strong-willed but nowhere as impulsive as Seiya.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: One of the few Silver Saints to distrust the Pope.
  • Informed Attribute: It is mentioned by Asterion that she forgot her past ever since she put on her mask but it is never confirmed by Marin herself.
  • Leotard of Power: Very visible considering that her cloth covers a little bit of the wearers body.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Memorably subverted... she was very strongly hinted to be the grown-up Seika, but she wasn't. It's revealed her real little brother is called Toma and he is one of other god's Angels, because he wanted to become a god.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Averted for now, but she's had a few close calls from having Seiya as a student.
  • Red Herring: At the end of the series, it turned out that she was never Seiya's missing sister after all.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Shaina.
  • Ship Tease: With Aeolia. In episode G, Aeolia is the one who seems to have a crush on her; however, in the anime, it is the other way around.
  • Spanner in the Works: She derails Aphrodite's Batman Gambit by putting her mask on Seiya and pulling him away from the rose path. This allows Seiya to breath normally and recover his strength, thus giving him the resolve to destroy it.
  • The Worf Effect: Anime only. Despite being Seiya's mentor and defeating Asterion, she loses pretty much every other fight.
  • Token Good Teammate: She's one of the very few Silver Saints still loyal to Athena, and by extention to Seiya and the other main Bronzes. She was in the squad of Silver Saints who attacked Seiya at the shore along with Misty, Moses and Asterion, and tried to fake Seiya's death to protect him from Misty and the other Silvers. After she's done defeating Asterion, she departs leaving behind a note telling Seiya to protect Athena and later continues to spy on the Sanctuary to warn her pupil about other assassin Saints sent to kill him. It's also Marin who's the first one to discover the real Pope's deceased body in Star Hill, and that therefore the Pope ruling in Sanctuary is an impostor.
  • Two Girls to a Team: Both her and Shaina are the only female Silver Saints.
  • Worf Had the Flu:
    • During her first fight against Moses and Asterion, Marin was caught off-guard by the latter Mind Probe powers, which were used to warn Moses of Marin's attacks, and allow him to perfectly counter them.
    • A more proper example would be her battle with Alberich in the Asgard saga, where she manages to give him some trouble before the God Warrior blinds her with acid and finishes her off with his Amethist Shield technique. This, along with other of God Warriors' feats makes it clear that the powers of Asgard's God Warriors are comparable to those of the Gold Saints.

     Ophiuchus Shaina 

Voiced By: Mami Koyama (1986-2004 JP), Yuka Komatsu (2005-Present JP), Katie Griffin (DiC EN), Kira Vincent-Davis (ADV EN), Katelyn Barr (Sentai/Netflix EN), Maru Guerrero (Latin America), Jasmine Laurenti (Italy)

  • The Ace: In the anime, she's the strongest Saint who did not awaken to the Seventh Sense, even topping Misty. Even before Shaina became a Saint, she was known to Seiya as the toughest and fiercest of all the female Saint candidates in training.
  • Adaptational Badass: She has several more attempts at assassinating Seiya in the 80s TV series, and almost succeeded. In addition, she practically beats Marin in every clash they have.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: She has black hair in the manga.
  • Ax-Crazy: Known for being the most violent and most powerful of all female Saints.
  • Best Her to Bed Her: To Seiya, in a really heartbreaking way. He never showed any romantic feelings for Shaina, and only fought her out of self defense. You can't really blame Seiya, since Shaina was very unhinged.
  • Betty and Veronica: She's the Veronica to Saori's Betty (who ironically is the Veronica to Miho's Betty.), being a tough female warrior whereas Saori is an Ojou.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Thunder Claw. Shaina's only known technique. To perform it, she raises its claws, feigning a Cobra, which shows a powerful electric shock. The enemy ends up being damaged both by the electric shock and by the sharp claws.
  • Combat Stilettos: They can shatter the Earth...
  • Cool Mask: Like all female Saints. Sanctuary's laws force female Saints to cover their feminine faces with masks.
  • Dark Action Girl: Even after her High-Heel–Face Turn.
  • Dead Sidekick: Her disciple, Cassios.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Sarcastic, confrontational and very bitchy... until Seiya makes her reveal her much more pleasant inner self.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Early on in the anime, she defeats Marin giving her a vicious beating, and again in the Poseidon saga when she defeats Mermaid Thetis.
  • The Dreaded: Seiya didn't show any fear whenever confronted by the Silver Saints... Unless Shaina was around. Justified in the anime, as he didn't fear her until their second fight, a Curb-Stomp Battle that ended with Shaina beating him until he could no longer move, then putting him in a sleeper hold and preparing to either slit his throat with her long nails or even claw his face out before Marin saved him. By their third (and last) fight, Seiya is finally able to defeat her, and even that don't stop Shaina to come for more!
  • Dub Name Change:
  • Evil Counterpart: Starts as this to Marin.
  • Femme Fatalons: Her long, sharp, violet-lacquered nails hint at her bitchiness, much like Geist. But she also uses them to electrocute and claw away at her foes.
  • High-Heel–Face Turn: After failing several times in killing him, Shaina slowly swayed more towards Seiya's side after it's revealed that she felt like she had to love him.
  • Lady of War: When she stops being Ax-Crazy.
  • Leotard of Power: Wears this like all female Saints.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Pretty much any Saint, but she's the one who drives it home in her first fight with Seiya when he attacks with 85 punches per second and she not only blocks them all but berates him for expecting her to be hit by someone who can strike a mere 85 times per second (Yes, she counted them).
  • Made of Iron: She survived the Pegasus' technique that killed Misty, without a barrier to soften the initial hit. She still was defeated though.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: To Seiya in the anime. Once she acknowledges his abilities, she tries to kill him while he's defenseless multiple times (the final one when he's hospitalized and tied to the bed due to his attempts at escaping) and assuming he survived when he threw himself down a cliff to escape her.
  • Plucky Girl: At first because of her Ax-Crazy quotient, but after her High-Heel–Face Turn, she's more of the real deal.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Marin.
  • Secondary Color Nemesis: Her Ophiuchus Cloth is purple and her hair and pants are green, and she was Seiya's (and Marin's) enemy for a long time.
  • Sexy Mentor: To Cassios.
  • Shock and Awe: All her special attacks involve some form of electricity, especially thunder.
  • Snakes Are Sexy: A lot of people in-universe point out how beautiful and sexy she is, despite her upfront bitchiness.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Played with. Her official stats give her a rather average height but the anime always makes her taller than the main Bronze Saints and as tall as most other male Saints.
  • Taking the Bullet: For Seiya, several times.
  • Taking a Third Option: Subverted. She only has two choices regarding Seiya. She must kill him or love him. The fact that Seiya doesn't seem to be in love with her is only making it harder for her.
  • Two Girls to a Team: Both her and Marin to the other Silver Saints.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: To Seiya, twice:
    • The first time was after he got his Cloth and believed himself invincible. Then he fought Shaina, both without Cloth... And she casually deflected all of his attacks while counting them before mauling him.
    • The second (anime only) time was when they met again after Docrates' defeat and fought, this time both with their Cloths. After his recent victories Seiya thought he had nothing to fear from anyone anymore-and it ended with him in a sleeper hold with Shaina ready to claw his face out before Marin saved him. He never stopped fearing her again until she switched sides.
    • Their third and last fight have Seiya finally besting her and suplexing her into a wall.
  • Woman Scorned: Sort of. Initially, Seiya never rejected her, but his refusal of fighting her full force infuriates her to no end. Somewhat subverted in the anime on their last battles, where Seiya fights her seriously, since going easy on Shaina would mean certain death for him.
  • The Worf Effect: Gets hit by this in the Asgard arc being defeated by Bud.

     Lizard Misty 

Lacerta Misty

Voiced By: Yuu Mizushima (1986-1989 JP), Takayuki Sasada (2002 JP), Hisafumi Oda (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), Vic Mignogna (ADV EN), Corey Hartzog (Sentai/Netflix EN), Salvador Delgado (Latin America), Serge Bourrier (FR), Marco Balzarotti (Italy)
"My beauty is truly godlike..."

  • The Ace: Perfect mission record, and never harmed, or even hit at all, before his final mission. Lampshaded in the anime: all the other Silver Saints held him in high regard, even Shaina (who is objectively more powerful, having survived the same technique that killed Misty), thinking he alone would be more than enough to kill them all-and making a point of avenging him after they get over the shock of his completely unexpected death.
  • Adapted Out: Partially. In the anime, the parts given to anime-only Docrates were originaly Misty's in the manga.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Misty was very proud of his status as a Silver Saint, dismissed the Bronze Saints as something he could easily wipe out. But astonishingly not so much after Seiya defeated him.
  • Awesomeness Is a Force: Finding out who was the guy who had just demanded his suicide scared Seiya.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: In the manga, during the famous bath scene. The anime uses a Censor Shadow instead.
  • Barrier Warrior: With his Air Shield Misty vibrates his hands to create a barrier, which is able to shield him from attacks.
  • Calling Your Attacks:
    • Mavrou Trippa. Meaning "Black Hole" in Greek, an attack using two fingers to create a violent wind swirl.
    • Air Shield. Misty vibrates his hand to create a barrier, which would be able to shield himself from attacks.
  • Cradling Your Kill: Got this from Seiya. After Seiya defeated him, he carried Misty, and in bridal style at that. Just look.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: In the manga he was the one to kill Ikki the first time and blow up Mt. Fuji in the process.
  • The Dreaded: In the anime he was the only Silver Saint to scare Seiya besides Shaina. And while Shaina was feared due the terrifying Curb-Stomp Battle she had inflicted on him in their second fight, Misty obtained this result by reputation alone.
  • Dub Name Change: Eris in Italy.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Misty spent his last moments calmly walking out of the sea water and acknowledging his defeat as well as Seiya's merits before falling dead on the sand.
  • Foil: To the Gold Saint Pisces Aphrodite. Androgynous? Check. Narcissist? Check. Considered the most dangerous Saint on his respective berth? Check.
  • Genre Savvy: When Marin apparently kills Seiya before his eyes he quips that he didn't think she had it in her to kill her apprentice... Then talks Marin into leaving and digs up Seiya from his grave, as he still didn't think she had it in her to kill her apprentice. Justified in the anime, as a previous encounter between Seiya and Shaina had ended with Marin "claiming" the right to execute her "traitorous apprentice" only to save his life and Shaina had warned Misty about a possible repeat.
  • Graceful Loser: Surprisingly. Misty appeared rather arrogant so it would be normal to expect him to be a Sore Loser. But after Seiya landed a fatal blow on him, he just calmly said that probably he had been wrong all along about his obsession with not getting wounded, then died peacefully with a smile.
  • Hero of Another Story: Saint Seiya: Episode.G shows he has at least six years of experience destroying monsters before his fatal mission in Tokyo.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: He has long blond hair that falls down his back and he sure knows he's pretty.
  • The Magnificent: In the anime Shaina refers to him as "The Silver Saint" in spite of being a Silver Saint herself. Many others, including other Silver Saints, will later do the same.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Nobody expected Misty to actually strip in the middle of his fight. The moment was so popular, that they actually turned naked Misty into a Myth Cloth Figure... in 2011!
  • Narcissist: Misty is a narcissist who considered himself inferior only to the goddess Athena herself. Given that Misty only likes himself, if he ever falls in love, it will probably be with his reflection in the water.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Went immediately for the kill as soon as he met Seiya, when Marin claimed the kill and buried Seiya he dug up the body to check only to find out Seiya was still alive, and after giving Seiya a free shot because he knew he could block it with the Air Shield he went immediately for the kill again. Indeed, the one moment he's not gives Seiya an important clue on how to beat him.
    • His mission to Tokyo is him being the agent of one in both anime and manga: in the manga he's part of one of two squadrons of Silver Saints sent to kill five rogue Bronze Saints, and in the anime he's sent by Phaeton because even Shaina knows he can kill Saori's Saints by himself. Deconstructed in the anime, as when Seiya unexpectedly comes out on top the strongest fighter he has authority on is Shaina.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: During his fight with Seiya he's utterly pragmatic and ruthless... Except for when Seiya, after barely surviving his attack, catches him without Cloth or clothes in the water and he doesn't take advantage of the Bronze Saint being too weirded out by his nudity to attack. This is so unlike him that even Seiya realizes something was off, and guessing that neither the Mavrou Trippa nor the Air Shield work in water help Seiya overcome his enemy.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Any Saint is one, but Misty is the one who demonstrates it first in the manga when he blows up Mount Fuji. He's not the strongest Saint, not even between the ones who haven't mastered Seventh Sense.
  • Pride Before a Fall: Starts the fight off by bragging how he had never been struck in battle.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Wears a pink sleeveless suit in the anime version. Despite everything, he's still one of the most powerful silver saints.
  • Shameless Fanservice Guy: He had no problem stripping stark naked and taking a bath in the middle of the fight just to clean a small drop of blood on his neck. Seiya was understandably not amused.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Seiya regrets killing him as, in his opinion, he had what it takes to be a hero (in the French dub ; The Japanese still has him commend how fierce a foe he was). Seiya gives him a Bridal Carry and lay him neatly on the sand as a way to honor him.

     Whale Moses (Cetus/Kaitos Mozes) 

Cetus/Kaitos Moses

Voiced By: Kōji Totani (1986-1989 JP), Hidehiko Kaneko (2002 JP), Tetsu Inada (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), Andrew Klimko (ADV EN), Courtland Johnson (Sentai/Netflix EN), Orlando Mezzabotta (Italy)

  • Adaptational Ugliness: His manga counterpart looks younger and more handsome.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Kaitos Spouting Bomber.
  • The Brute: Is physically strong and tough looking, contrasting Asterion.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a scar on his left eye.
  • Gorn: He throws you in the air and uppercuts your head causing a lot of blood to spurt out.
  • Mighty Glacier: Huge and powerful, he fails to follow Marin's attacks and the duel would have been much more different had Asterion not interfered.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni to Asterion's Blue Oni, being more aggressive and intimidating.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Moses or Mozes. His constellation is named Cetus, Kaitos or Whale.

     Hound Asterion 

Canes Venatici Asterion

Voiced By: Kazuo Hayashi (1986-1989 JP), Ryohei Arai (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), Jovan Jackson (ADV EN), Nathan Wilson (Sentai/Netflix EN), Gerardo Reyero (Latin America), Massimiliano Lotti (Italy)

  • Calling Your Attacks:
    • Satori no ho. Although not an attack per se, with it he can anticipate his enemies' movements, allowing him to easily counter their attacks. He used his ability against Marin, anticipating her moves and directing Moses' attacks and later against Seiya. The skill is useless if the enemy can create a vacuum in the mind, which Marin did to defeat him.
    • Million Ghost Attack. Asterion uses his mind reading ability to anticipate his enemy moves, dodge them, and counter by striking at their Pressure Point. This technique is different in the anime version, where Asterion multiplicates himself, and all of his replicas attack at once with a single energy blast.
  • Doppelgänger Attack: His Million Ghost Attack in the anime. See above.
  • No Man of Woman Born: Asterion said that he would not fall to a Bronze Saint. In the anime, Marin kills him, while in the manga he was killed for his failure (presumably by the Pope) after returning to the Sanctuary empty-handed.
  • Oh, Crap!: His reaction once he realizes that Marin's mind is cleared and he cannot anticipate her movements.
  • Logical Weakness: Asterion needs to read his opponents minds in order to dodge and counter their attacks; Marin clears her mind, making his ability useless.
  • Psychic Powers: Can read minds. More specifically, Telepathy. In her only anime victory, Marin has to completely clear her mind to kill him.
  • Put on a Bus: Manga Only. In the anime, Marin kills him but in the manga, she tells him she is disappointed that he of all people would accept the Pope and tells him to go and confront him. However, his Bus Crash is revealed in the Hades Saga: there is a tombstone with his name on it. We can only assume his meeting with the Pope did not go well.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Moses's Red Oni, being more intelligent and laid-back.

     Centaurus Babel 

Kentaurus Babel

Voiced By: Yuji Mikimoto (1986-1989 JP), Takaya Kuroda (2002 JP), Jim McClellan (ADV EN), Carlos Segundo (LA SP), Giovanni Battezzato (Italy)

  • Adaptational Badass: While in the manga he is easily defeated by Hyoga, the anime adaptation made him powerful enough to hold his own against the five bronze saints.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Fotia Roufihtra.
  • Combat Pragmatist: In the anime he attacks Shun, Shiryuu and Ikki are without Cloth and Seiya is exhausted from going through Misty, Moses and Asterion (the latter of which actually beat him), with Hyoga, the only one Clothed and not tired, being at disadvantage against his flames. He comes quite close to kill Hyoga, with the explicit intention of killing everyone else as soon as he was dealt with, before the Steel Saints show up.
  • One-Man Army: In the Anime, he was giving the five main protagonists quite some troubles until the Steel Saints step in. Up until then, Hyoga was the only one wearing his cloth at the moment (besides Seiya, who was still recovering from a previous battle) and was barely holding him off.
  • Out of the Inferno: His entrance, in the Grado Colosseum, in the anime.
  • Playing with Fire: He attacks with his flames.
  • Pet the Dog: Anime only. He spends his final dying moments recognizing Saori as the true Athena and dies with a smile on his face.
  • Shoulders of Doom: How does he manage to walk through a doorway with them?

     Crow Jamian 

Corvus Jamian

Voiced By: Naoki Tatsuta (1986-1989 JP), Junji Kitajima (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), Kyle C. Jones (ADV EN), Justin Doran (Sentai/Netflix EN), Alfonso Ramirez (Latin America), Giorgio Melazzi (Italy)

  • Attack Animal: His crows.
  • Bald of Evil: He is bald in the manga only. Subverted in the anime.
  • The Beastmaster: Jamian's reputation of being able to control crows is quite exaggerated. He boasts they almost function like a part of himself.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He may be an idiot and the Butt-Monkey, but he's still a Silver Saint. Seiya learns this the hard way when Jamian uses the Black Wing Shift and nearly gets suffocated to death by his crows' feathers.
  • Butt-Monkey: Does not get respect by Shaina.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Black Wing Shaft.
    • Renamed Damian's Black Wing in the Italian dub, which prompted Pegasus to claim that it sounds like a B-movie's title.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In the manga, he was originally hit by Ikki's attack causing him plummet to his death off a cliff. In the anime, due to not coming in his senses from the shock of his crows attacking him, he accidentally falls off a cliff on his own while trying to dodge Shun's nebula chain.
  • Gonk: Has a very ugly face.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Saori turns his crows against him. Although that wasn't what did him in.
  • Large Ham: Has the mannerism of one.
  • Non-Action Guy: Averted. His crows do most of the work. But blink and you'll miss it, he actually uses martial arts briefly.
  • Nonstandard Character Design: He actually looks more like a Lupin III character.
  • Villainous Breakdown: On the receiving end of one after Saori turns his crows against him. And after getting knocked by Shun's chain, he walks aimlessly towards his doom, lamenting the loss of his crows.

     Perseus Algol 

Voiced By: Akira Kamiya (1986-1989 JP), Masaya Onosaka (2002 JP), Ryousuke Kanemoto (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), David Born (ADV EN), Austin Tindle (Sentai/Netflix EN) Serge Bourrier(FR), Vicente Martinez (Spain)
"Heh... Don't worry. One enemy or five hundred.. It makes no difference to Algol, the Perseus Saint. Any who stand before me will be petrified."

  • Calling Your Attacks: R'has Al'Ghul Gorgoneio (which means "Head of the Ghoul Gorgoneion"). He leaps high into the air while he creates an illusion of tons of serpents and assaults his victim with a mighty kick, likely stronger than a regular kick due to its height, and possible Cosmo energy use.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Relied heavily on it from the beginning of the battle to the end until Shiryu's fist punched through it and into his heart.
  • No Eye in Magic: Averted. The shield's power works even if the target closes or covers their eyes, because it passes through blindfolds and eyelids and goes directly into the retinas. Of note, the Dragon Shield is actually strong enough to protect Shiryu from it, but he can't land a decisive blow against Algol while also keeping his eyes shielded that way.
  • No Ontological Inertia: People turned to stone by the shield's power will go back to normal if it is broken.
  • Nothing Up My Sleeve: His Medusa Shield on his back.
  • One-Man Army: In the anime, petrifies both Seiya and Shun and manages to beat the Steel Saints. The only way he could be defeated was for Shiryu to gouge out his own eyes.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Downplayed. Algol is not on the same level as a Gold Saint, but his petrifying shield is pretty much a One-Hit Kill against anyone that that doesn't known about its effects, regardless of their power.
  • Taken for Granite: Algol can use the legendary Medusa Shield (based on the Greek mythological monster, Medusa), that can transform anyone who looks directly to it into stone.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He petrifies and then smashes three kids who tried to run away from the Sanctuary, after having promised he would let them go.
    • Not to mention, the Saints he petrifies and the one who defeats and kills him are between 13 and 15 years old. If we count the Steel Saints too, then the age limit is even lower.

     Auriga Capella 

Voiced By: Katsuji Mori (1986-1989 JP), Katsuyuki Konishi (2002 JP), Quentin Haag (ADV EN)

  • Calling Your Attacks: Saucer Kogeki (Saucer Attack).
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He got his hands sliced off and was mind raped to death.
  • Deadly Disc: His "weapon" of choice, which is also part of his Cloth (given that the use of weapons is forbidden by Athena).
  • Evil Redhead: Has red hair.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Capela suffers the most violent death in the anime, being brainwashed into chopping-off his own hands with his saucers.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: His most serious injuries come from said saucers. Which first slice his hands off and then hit him in the chest.
  • Magnet Hands: His saucers always come back to him.

     Cerberus Dante 

Kerberos Dante

Voiced By: Akira Murayama (1986-1989 JP), Kazunari Kojima (2002 JP), Eiji Hanawa (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), George Manley (ADV EN), Joe Daniels (Sentai/Netflix EN), Guy Chapelier (FR), Diego Sabre (Italy)
"We Silver's have been disgraced. I, Dante will, defeat this Bronze, whatever it takes!"

     Heracles Algethi 

Voiced By: Daisuke Gōri (1986-1989 JP), Naoki Imamura (2002 JP), Jason Miesse (ADV EN), Alfonso Ramirez (Latin America)
"I still can't believe a whelp like you Seiyatook out Misty and Moses."

     Musca Dio 

Voiced By: Ryoichi Tanaka (1986-2002 JP), John Swasey (ADV EN)
"Heh heh! No fair Algethi! His head isn't your to take! The one to avenge Misty and the others.. will be Dios the Musca Saint!!"

     Canis Major Sirius 

Voiced By: Ikuya Sawaki (1986-1989 JP), Yoshihiro Takayama (2002 JP), Santry Rush (ADV EN)
"You're soft!! You should take his head right now Aeolia"

     Cepheus Albiore / Cepheus Daidalos 

Cepheus Albiore (Anime Only) / Cepheus Daidalos (Manga Only)

Albiore Voiced By: Keiichi Noda (JP), Joey Goubeaud (ADV EN)

Daidalos Voiced By: Keiichi Noda (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), Mark Mendelsohn (2019 Knights of the Zodiac EN)
Anime Version
Manga Version

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: In the anime, he had long blond hair and blue eyes and his Cloth was far more elaborate.
  • Adaptational Badass: Daidalos was an average Silver Saint. His anime counterpart Albiore was not only the strongest Silver Saint revealed in the 1980s TV series with the power rivaling that the Gold Saints, he stalemated Milo and it took the direct intervention of Aphrodite to finally turn the tide. The original manga version Daidalos was killed so quick and easy there's not even a flashback.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Short black hair in the manga, long blond hair in the anime.
  • Ascended Extra: In the manga, Daidalos only appeared in one chapter, he only had June and Shun as his trainees. While he was described as strong, he died easily with Aphrodite standing over his body. Aphrodite himself could barely remember it. In the anime, Albiore was in five episodes, and strong enough to give a Gold Saint a run for their money, more handsome, had several students, and a couple of extra scenes including one where he taught the use of Cosmo to Shun.
  • Blue Oni: To Guilty, both versions.
  • Boring, but Practical: Albiore's Cloth design. Unlike the other Cloth designs that have super elaborate folds or form the shape of animals or objects his is just a straight up suit. However, except for the headgear, it covers up just as well as a Gold Cloth.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Adverted, both versions. He is the only Saint in the entire series that hasn't shown his own signature technique.
  • Defiant to the End: Both stood up for Shun.
  • Dual Wielding: Albiore.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: One of the few Silvers to not trust the Pope. Hence why he was killed.
  • Identical Stranger: Just like Esmeralda is simple a blonde a gender-flipped Shun, Daidalos is an older version of Ikki (Manga only).
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Both versions.
  • Mr. Exposition: Albiore. Did he really need to explain the myth of Andromeda on a place called Andromeda Island right before Shun was about to take his test?
  • Not the Fall That Kills You…: Albiore. Was thrown into the sky from Milo's initial attack and somehow fought evenly with him afterwards.
  • Parental Substitute: Both symbolically and literally.
  • Posthumous Character
    • Sacrificial Lamb: The writers needed a good reason for Shun to purposedly kill someone.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Daidalos? Didaros? Daidaros? Dedalo? Albiore? Alviore? Albion? Albione? Arubiore?
  • Variable-Length Chain: In the anime, and one of his chains ends in a cross too!
  • When He Smiles: Albiore. Stiff and nonchalant until Shun showed him his true strength.

     Sagitta Ptolemy 

Voiced By: Michitaka Kobayashi (1986-1989 JP), Ryohei Arai (2019 Knights of the Zodiac JP), John Dukes Dunivin (ADV EN), Michael Wronski (Sentai/Netflix EN), Salvador Delgado (LA SP), Giovanni Battezzato (Italy)

  • Annoying Arrows: Which turn out to be fake... except for the one that hits Saori.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Phantom Arrow, Hunting Arrow Express.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Seiya takes him out with pretty much one punch.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The first Saint to take down a divinity in canon.
  • Dub Name Change: With Meaningful Name and Stellar Name, he's referred to as Betelgeuse in Italy, after the "arrow" in Orion's constellation. In the Latin American dub, he's referred to as "Sagittarius Tremi", implying he's in line to become the new Saint of Sagittarius.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: He hit Saori square in the chest with his single real arrow, heavily incapacitating the poor girl and throwing a huge wrench in the Saints' plans.
  • Expy: Of the Ghost Saint Sagitta Maya from first movie. They have exactly the same Cloth, but Maya has an attack based on poisoned arrows.
  • Improbable Hairstyle: Just look at it.
  • Rain of Arrows: First attack opens up with this even if all but one of them was fake.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Has the shortest screentime of all Silver Saints, yet his actions set the direction of the Twelve Temples Arc single-handedly.
  • Trick Arrow: His arrows are mere illusions. Save for one, and that's all he needed.

     Lyra Orphée 

Voiced By: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP)

  • The Ace: His control of the Cosmo was so great that he gained the reputation of being above the level of Gold Saints, a reputation that even a lower ranking Bronze Saint like Seiya was aware of. It's also hinted that Orphée has awakened the Eighth Sense by the fact that he went into the Underworld remaining alive.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: He's blond in the manga and has a pink Cloth.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: With Eurydice.
  • Calling Your Attacks:
    • Stringer Nocturne: This deadly attack uses the strings of his lyre to send electric shocks through his opponent, thus trapping them in "a nighttime spiral which leads to death."
    • Stringer Fine: The last of Orphée's Melodies, similar to Benetnasch Mime's "String Requiem". Here, the lyre's strings trap and shred anything of Orphée's choosing.
    • Death-Trip Serenade: Here, he uses a requiem to send his opponents to sleep for days, or well into eternal somnolence.
  • Death by Flashback: Received more back story of his origins than most of the main characters before getting killed.
  • Defiant to the End
  • Expy: Of the Ghost Saint Lyra Orpheus from first movie.
  • Flower Motifs: Every time he runs, attacks, heck just about everything he does, flower petals rain all over the place.
    • The area he stays at in the Underworld is the only place to find flowers with the exception of the Fields of Elisium.
    • His gift for Hades was a trunk full of flowers with two Saints ready to assassinate the Lord of the Underworld.
  • Forced Sleep: He uses his lyre to send his opponents to sleep for days, or well into eternal somnolence.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Orphée sacrificed his body to give Seiya a good shot at Rhadamanthys. Seiya reluctantly threw his Pegasus Ryusei Ken at both Rhadamanthys and the fatally injured Lyra Saint.
  • Instrument of Murder: His lyre works as a deadly weapon.
  • Living Legend: His first appearance had Shun and Seiya gushing about how powerful and legendary he was among Saint lore.
  • Master of Threads: His lyre's strings trap and shred anything of Orphée's choosing.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: In the colored version of the manga, his Cloth is light pink.
  • Reluctant Warrior: Orphée never felt all that interested in his fighting abilities; rather, he enjoyed devoting his free time playing lyre for various audiences.
  • Remember the New Guy?: His first appearance in volume 24 has Seiya and Shun gushing about this legendary silver knight, but it's also the first time he was mentioned to the manga readers.
  • Shock and Awe: The strings of his lyre send electric shocks to his opponent.
  • Spell My Name With An S: The only Saint where people mix up his Cloth that he represents.
    • Lyre: English name for the instrument that Orpheus carries.
    • Lyra: The constellation he is based on.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: With Eurydice.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Hey, remember how awesome Lyra Orpheus was in the first movie? Let's give him the same attacks, same music, but make him lighter and not evil this time around and a french name.
  • Taking You with Me: With Rhadamanthys. Attempted anyway.

Anime-Only Characters

    Altar/Pope Ares 

Voiced By: Hideyuki Tanaka then Kazuyuki Sogabe (JP), Mike MacRae then Mike Kleinhenz (ADV EN), David Matranga (Sentai/Netflix EN), Enzo Tarascio (Italy)

  • Body Double: A third of the job of the Altar Saint is to operate as the Pope's body double.
  • Continuity Snarl: At first he was just an evil-er Palette Swap for the Pope. Then in the Secret History of Excalibur he seems to be the Number Two to the Pope and is killed by Saga. Then even after that you have the Ares costume in the Episode G. Then again with every new addition it just keeps getting more and more confusing. Manga made it simpler, as he didn't exist.
  • The Faceless: Until a short flashback by Marin.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: He is named after the Greek god of war.
  • Number Two: A third of the job of the Altar Saint is to be the Pope's assistant, and he appears in just this role in "Secret History of Excalibur".
  • Obviously Evil: Who wouldn't trust a guy with a gigantic red winged demon for a helmet and foot long Spikes of Villainy on his shoulder pads?
  • Paid Harem: He's been seen on the show surrounded by several women, unless that was Saga all this time.
  • Shoulders of Doom, Spikes of Villainy: Turn the corner and he may poke your eyes out.
  • Spell My Name With An S: His name is often mistaken as Arles.
  • You Are in Command Now: Half the job of the Altar Saint is to take over as acting Pope if the incumbent one dies without a successor until Athena can indicate the new one, as seen in the novel "Gigantomachia" when Nikol, the new Altar Saint, acts as the new Pope for the time being. This is how Saga took over, as having killed and replaced him he's the only choice once Shion is officially dead.


Pyxis Spartan (Unofficial)

Voiced By: Shigeru Chiba (JP), Tad Hathaway (ADV EN)

  • Canon Foreigner: Only appeared in the anime.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Carried Shaina away and was never heard from again. However, he was likely killed by Pope Ares for failing his mission.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When he uses his powers to take down the aircraft.
  • Gonk: When his eyes glow. Otherwise, he's pretty normal. Just look at the picture.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He tries to hold Shiryuu's still so that Algol can petrify him, but he ends up getting a taste of Medusa's gaze when the Dragon Saint dodges out of his grasp.
  • Mind over Matter: Telekinesis is his power.
  • Reused Character Design: Played with. Spartan is speculated by fans to be the Pyxis Saint and is grouped with the Silver Saints; later in The Lost Canvas, a minor character by the name of Pyxis Rusk was introduced, although Rusk is a Bronze Saint. Their cloths do not resemble one another, to boot.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Runs away with an unconscious Shaina after Algol is defeated by Shiryu.
  • Taken for Granite: Spartan is accidentally petrified by Algol. He returns to normal after the Perseus saint is defeated.

    Tarantula Arachne 

Voiced By: Ken Yamaguchi (JP), Richard Kuehn (ADV EN), Ricardo Tejedo (Latin America), Maurizio Scattorin (Italy)

    Peacock Shiva 

Pavo Shiva

Voiced By: Shigeru Nakahara (JP), Blake Shepard (ADV EN), Howard Wang (Sentai/Netflix EN)

  • Filler Villain: Of two episode-arc where he is sent, along with Agora, to Kanon Island in search of Ikki, found there repairing his Cloth and healing his wounds, preparing to help his teammates battle being fought in the Sanctuary.
  • Kick the Dog: Killing Helen's grandpa for not collaborating, then throwing the little girl into a volcano to "send her to Heaven" since after the ordeal her life would be miserable.
  • Psychic Powers: Has the power of psychokinesis.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: His "Senju Kami Onken" technique (translated as "One Thousand Arms" in the LA dub).
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Shiva is the Sensitive Guy, Agora is the Manly Man.
  • Wolfpack Boss

    Lotus Agora 

Voiced By: Takaya Hashi (JP), Robert Leeds (ADV EN)

  • Evil Redhead: An evil warrior with red hair.
  • Filler Villain: Of two episode-arc where he is sent, along with Shiva, to Kanon Island in search of Ikki, found there repairing his Cloth and healing his wounds, preparing to help his teammates in the battle being fought in the Sanctuary.
  • Meditation Power Up: Subverted. Through meditation, he sends prayers to his teacher Shaka (who is still back in Sanctuary in the sixth House), who managed to paralyze Ikki with his Cosmo.
  • Megaton Punch: His "Renge Bakusai Ken" technique (translated as "Lotus Explosion" in the LA dub) appears to be this.
  • Psychic Powers: Has psychokinesis power.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Shiva is the Sensitive Guy, Agora is the Manly Man.
  • Wolfpack Boss
