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Characters / Anpanman Villains

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This is a Character Sheet for the villains and allies from Anpanman.

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    Main Villains 

The Whole Trio

  • Balloon Belly: All of them get this when they eat a lot. Except for Horrorman, because, well, he's a skeleton.
    • Whenever they get a big belly, this can also rip their costumes if they're in disguise as someone else.
  • Big Eater: Oh boy, do they have a big craving for eating food.
  • Butt-Monkey/ The Chew Toy: Oh boy, they suffer a lot of this big time.
  • Master of Disguise: They can easily disguise themselves as an innocent bystander or another character.
  • Terrible Trio: Baikinman is considered the leader, while the latter are the henchmen (though they can be considered equals).
  • A Twinkle in the Sky: Pretty much every time they get punched by Anpanman towards the end of the episode.

Baikinman/Bacteriaman (ばいきんまん)

Voiced by: Ryūsei Nakao (Japanese), Michael Kesser (English), Eduardo Garza (Latin American Spanish)
Debut: 1

The main antagonist of the series. An alien from another planet, his egg followed the same shooting stars that would give birth to Anpanman of Earth.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In the original books, Baikinman was introduced into the series in 1979, six years after the books were made. In both the anime and Greek adaptations, he was in the show from the very start.
  • Art Evolution: His antenna became smaller, and his sclera became whiter.
  • Ash Face: Has this a few times. Best example was in "Let's Play: ABC" after he drew a dragon and it burnt his face.
  • Bad Santa: He pulls this a few times in the Christmas specials.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Baikinman's teeth function rather strangely. It looks as if he is always grimacing and talking through his teeth (he is never seen not showing them), but it's almost ambiguous as to whether they are actually typical teeth or rather a mouth area resembling teeth; they move rather flexibly when he speaks. At one point he is seen blowing a trombone with his teeth (and puffed out cheeks coming from them!)
  • Cartoony Eyes: He has a slight hint of pink in his eyes.
    • Technicolor Eyes: There was even a case where in some early episodes, he had magenta irises.
  • Cool Starship
  • Crazy-Prepared: He'll always have his UFO ready whenever his identity is found out.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • The Determinator: He will never give up on his quest to defeat is literally his biggest motivation for living!
  • Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat: Did this in the 2010 film short when he was in a race with the others.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He does care for Dokinchan as a sister.
  • Evil Laugh: HAHIHUHEHO!!!
  • Evil Knockoff: Had one in the 2009 film short.
  • Foil: Baikinman is pretty much the polar opposite of Anpanman in almost every respect. While Anpanman is kind, polite and humble, Baikinman is mean, rude and arrogant. Anpanman feeds hungry people part of his head and takes pleasure in helping people, Baikinman steals other people's lunch and takes pleasure in spoiling their fun.
  • Forgot Flanders Could Do That: Baikinman can fly using his little wings (though not too much), but he rarely uses them due to him relying on his machines that viewers don't realize this. He would often forget about it until it gets into his head.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Why else would he have his spaceship and all of his machinery other than to defeat Anpanman?
  • Gratuitous English: He often says "Okay!", Spicy!", "Chance!", and "Let's Go!".
    • Language Barrier: While he does understand English, he has trouble trying to speak it. This is proven in the Edutainment specials.
  • The Grinch/ The Scrooge: Inverted. While he doesn't hate Christmas, he does like ruining it for others.
  • Guys are Slobs: Other than his hatred for baths, he doesn't really keep his lair really organized and tidied up.
  • Harmless Villain: Although he uses violence, he never seems to have a desire to kill.
  • Hates Baths: He doesn't like taking baths, which shrinks him to a tiny fly and changes color into white instead of black. Though he doesn't seem to have a problem of washing his hands in the edutainment specials.
  • I Choose to Stay: After saving the Princess Powder Snow at the end of the 2005 film, she asks Baikinman if he wants to join her in the kingdom. He chooses not to.
  • Jagged Mouth: His mouth is constantly in a zigzagged shape.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being a jerk, he can often show his nice side.
  • Karma Houdini: He never gets any punishment for any of the damage he's done. The only punishment he mostly gets is getting punched by Anpanman or any of the other heroes.
  • Kick the Dog: He'll often be a backstabber to whoever he's trying to convince that Anpanman is the bad guy. Like when he kicked Panpon off of his UFO after he was done rusting Uncle Jam's oven.
  • Large Ham: He can be quite dramatic and is almost theatrical in his speech and actions. Word of God has also confirmed that the purple dot on his chest is actually a microphone to make his voice sound even louder!
  • Literal Surveillance Bug: He uses one to spy on what Anpanman and the Bakery staff to see what's going on.
    • Mind-Control Device: He also made a few of them as mind control devices, like what he did on Tin Kid.
  • Made of Explodium: Pretty much every time he gets punched, his ship explodes into pieces.
  • Meaningful Name: Baikin is Japanese for "bacteria" and "germs".
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: In one episode, he and Dokinchan found a secret treasure in the middle of the desert. They poked it, only to unleash some underground water which created an oasis. The main heroes actually thanked him for finding it.
    • Another example was when Motchi-kun was heading the wrong way to Oshiruko-chan's house and he showed him the right path. Though that was done on purpose since he likes Oshiruko-chan's dishes.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Uses this either when he eats or as a weapon.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: If you look closely, his sclera has a pink-ish hue. Of course, he’s very evil.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: In the edutainment episodes, he's the red to Anpanman's blue.
  • Remembered I Could Fly: There are a few times where he'll fall off of something, but he remembers that he has wings.
  • Secret Identity Apathy: He knows Naganegiman's real identity, but he doesn't plan to reveal it to everyone. Mostly because he knows that he'll always defeat him, no matter what.
  • Shrink Ray: He built one in an episode where he plans to use it to shrink his nemesis, only to get shrunk himself thanks to Horrorman.
  • Smoke Out: He uses this to get away.
  • Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome: Similar to Anpanman's first appearance, he started out as a infant/toddler until the second half of the episode. Though somewhat justified since he's an alien.
  • Take Over the World: His original main goal was to make the whole world get infected by germs. However, he seems to stray away from this plan after his debut.
  • Temporary Love Interest: He'll often have a crush on certain female characters, but forget about them by the next episode.
  • The Tooth Hurts: Prior to Mushibakinman's debut, Baikinman would often try to give people toothaches. Best example was in Hamigakiman's debut episode.
    • Baikinman would often give himself a toothache, either because of Mushibakinman or when his teeth just lacked brushing. This happened to him in one of the edutainment specials when he and the other kids were eating lunch and they're about to brush their teeth. Anpanman warned Baikinman to brush his teeth, but he ignored this because he wants to play. However, he felt a pain in his mouth, and Hamigakiman came to help.
    • Terrible Trio: With both Dokinchan and Horrorman. Also with his brothers Aokinman and Akakinman.
  • Villain Respect: Did this to Banna (who is the main protagonist of the 2012 film). Despite this, Baikinman's an antagonist while Banna is a protagonist
  • Villain Song: Has a few of them, but his most recognizable one is "Ikuzo! Baikinman".
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Horrorman.
  • Vocal Evolution: Similar to Anpanman, except in the opposite way. He went from having a gruff voice, to eventually having his current screechy voice.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Originally in his early appearances, he usually gets defeated by being cleaned with soap or toothpaste, which makes him shrink. This was later changed for being punched, which is more famous. Though they brought back his original weakness in the more recent episodes.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: There was one episode where he did actually want to smash Anpanman's head while he was napping in a meadow. Unfortunately, this plan didn't work as he started to feel sleepy as well.
  • Wings Do Nothing: Somewhat subverted. He can use his wings for flight, but not for a long time due to him being weak.


Voiced by: Hiromi Tsuru (Japanese, original; debut story - 2017); Rei Sakuma (Japanese, temporary replacement following Tsuru's death; 22 December 2017); Mina Tominaga (Japanese, official replacement; 2018 onward), María Fernanda Morales (Latin American Spanish)

Debut: 13a

Baikinman's female partner in crime.

  • Ambiguous Situation: In episode 759b when she met Furudokei-san, they revisited her memories of when she first fell in love with Shokupanman and after freeing him, Past Dokinchan hid behind the bushes and reveals she bonked herself on a tree. Later uring the fight, Dokichan was able to top Baikinman from attacking Shokupanman. But it was never stated if that Dokinchan that stopped him was the one that hid behind the bushes or it was the future Dokinchan. Noy helping the fact that it never states during Furudokei-san's time travelling if they can or not interact.
  • Art Evolution: Her eyes were first elliptical, but quickly evolved into half circles.
  • Balloon Belly: Like Baikinman, she often has this, despite the fact she's trying to lose weight.
  • Big Eater: Like Baikinman, she has a big appetite.
  • Blush Sticker
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She can often be like this if she sees another girl with Shokupanman.
    • She was also like towards Princess Kuroyuki when she ruined her summerhouse and stole Baikinman from her hands.
  • Cool Starship
  • Dirty Coward: When she's with Baikinman on his evil schemes, she often flakes out and throws him under the bus when things go wrong or when she senses Anpanman is going to step in.
  • Drop-In Character: She often appears at the last minute in a battle if she doesn't appear at all.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference:
    • In her debut in the picture books, she had a taller, lankier appearance than many other characters. But since the anime, her proportions became shorter and squatter to match everyone else.
    • She also used to carry a spear that was quickly dropped.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Other than her love for Shokupanman, she is not a complete slob like Bakinman and likes things clean.
  • Evil Counterpart:
    • To Bakato. As Batako is very kind, Dokinchan
  • Fiery Redhead: While she doesn't have hair (wigs don't count), she is red, and does have a fiery background whenever she's pissed off.
  • The Girl Who Fits This Slipper: Somewhat defied. Towards the end of one episode where she's in disguise as a crayon princess, she drops her red heel in the snow. Shokupanman picks it up, but he never manages to find out what happened to her.
  • Jerkass to One: Though Dokinchan acts like a nice person to everyone else, she is really mean to Baikinman. She can be grateful if he does or gets something for her, but when he doesn't, she doesn't even want to hear why or what happened. And boy, he really gets in a lot of trouble even if he tried but somehow didn't succeed.
  • Meaningful Name: Doki-doki is a Japanese onomatopoeia for a rapid heartbeat.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Usually lets Shokupanman go if Baikinman's captures him. Then again, what do you expect from her?
    • This doesn't really count for her if she's the main focus of the episode.
    • She also did this in her debut episode where she threw her spear at Anpanman to shrink him, only to accidentally hit him with the blue side, which made him grow larger.
  • Parental Favoritism: While not related, she's Baikin Sennin's favorite more than Baikinman.
  • Playful Cat Smile: She'll often pull a mischievous cat smile whenever she sees Shokupanman.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She tends to do this at the climax of a fight if she either feels defeated, hungry, or just just doesn't feel like it.
  • Spoiled Brat: Though she is not rich or anything, she is demanding, impatient and goes on a rampage when she doesn't get what she wants. She knows she can get Baikinman to do anything for her, though he usually fails or it's somehow not good enough for her anyway.
  • Sweet Tooth: She loves snacking on sweets. So much that Baikinman made her a giant cake for her birthday, around ten times the size of herself!
  • Tsundere: A bit more complex since she clearly has both a type A and B, but she uses both personalities for different people.
  • Vague Age: While her sister Kokinchan is a child, it's unknown what Dokin's exact age is. She would be at least late teen/early adult.
  • Villainesses Want Heroes/ Villainous Crush: She has an unreciprocated crush on Shokupanman. She even has merchandise on him!
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: She'll go like this whenever something bad happens to Shokupanman.
  • Vocal Evolution: Her voice became softer in the later episodes.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Though she never intentionally intends to kill them (remember, this is a kids show), she does point a weapon at the kid characters if Anpanman does try to hit Baikinman. This is just to weaken Anpanman so Baikinman can attack back.
    • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Whenever the episodes focuses on the villains, it shows that Dokinchan wouldn't let Baikinman attack a kid. Best example was when they were taking care of Baby Donuts.

Horrorman/ (ホラーマン)

Voiced by: Kaneta Kimotsuki (Japanese, original; debut story - 2016), Kazuki Yao (Japanese, 2017 onwards) Kazuya Tatekabe (Japanese, Red Steel Horrorman), Tetsuo Mizutori (Japanese, Blue Steel Horrorman), Cesar Beltran (Latin American Spanish)

A friendly skeleton who works at Baikinman's lair. Due to him originally being a movie character and later part of the anime, he has two different backstories. In the 1991 movie, he was a mentor to Chibigon and teaches the dragon how to use his powers. In the anime, Baikinman and Dokinchan discovered Horrorman in a cave as they were trying to find an opponent to defeat Anpanman. And like with some characters at the time, Baikinman tricks Horrorman into thinking that Anpanman is a bad guy. But this backfired due to Horrorman's obliviousness, as he sees Anpanman as a chil guy. Despite this, he hangs out with the villains due to his affection with Dokinchan.

  • Ace Pilot: Despite not having a UFO, he's pretty good at controlling Baikinman's.
  • Affably Evil: Despite being a skeleton and working for Baikinman, he's very friendly towards others.
  • Ambiguously Human: Unlike Baikinman and Dokinchan who are aliens, Horrorman is a skeleton, but it's unknown if he was human at one point due to how the series claims that human characters are fairies.
  • Ascended Extra: He originally appeared in the third film who used to reside in Dragon Island with Chibigon. He then appeared in the television series in episode 159.
  • Bootstrapped Leitmotif: His basoon theme was actually Chocolatepanman's theme, who originally appeared the year before and another character Kaneta Kimotsuki voiced.
  • Character Development: In his original appearance, he was a side character who was a Jerk with a Heart of Gold towards Chibigon. After he joins the villain's side, he ironically became much nicer than before.
  • Chest Insignia: His two crossed bones on his shirt. Also an "S" when he turns superhuman.
  • Cool Big Bro: He's like this towards Horako and Poppo-chan.
  • Dem Bones: Well, he IS a living skeleton.
  • Flanderization: He's become more obsessed with trying to win Dokinchan's heart since his debut in the television series.
  • "I Am" Song: He has a song called "Horrorman Mecha Network Cha Cha", which starts off with a hard rock guitar riff, but then changes into a Jamaican-style music.
    • Leitmotif: Pretty much whenever he shows up, a instrumental version of the song will play. Here, the oboe will play the parts Horrorman sang in the song.
  • Lethal Chef: While he's not a bad cook, he was like this when he was learning to cook pasta with Aunt Pasta. He eventually gets better at the end.
  • Literal Split Personality: Had this when he went inside Bakinman's cloning machine.
  • Mistaken Identity: Did this with Shokupanman when Baikinman decided to make him look identical.
  • Mysterious Past: Unlike Baikinman and Dokinchan where they reveal where they came from, we don't know much about Horrorman's backstory. The closest we have is him being a mentor to Chibigon, but that's only in the movie canon and not in the show itself. In the 2007 film short, Horako claims that Horrorman was a prince at one point, but because of how she is a Unreliable Narrator, this might not be true.
  • Nightmare Face: Pulled this a few times.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Since the fourth opening.
  • Pulling Themselves Together: Every time he falls apart, he always has to put himself back together.
    • Losing Your Head: If his head gets detached from his body, his body starts having a mind of its own.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He wears this whenever he's cooking in the kitchen.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: His two clones were like this. His Red clone is a brute, while his Blue clone is soft and a strategist.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Towards Dokinchan.
  • Standing Between the Enemies: This happened to him when he was caught between Hamigakiman and Mushibaikinman.
  • Those Two Guys: With Baikinman.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In some episodes, he turns into a muscular buff who can run fast and carry things that he normally can't carry. This is only temporary.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Whenever he's the main focus of an episode, he'll usually give something to Baikinman and Dokinchan regardless of their actions. Like when he made Dokinchan a candle that's shaped like her head.
  • Verbal Tic: He usually says "hora".
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Baikinman.


Baikinman's minions and henchmen. They're used to rot Anpanman's head with mold/mildew, but they can also been seen either working on machinery or working around the lair.

They were introduced in "Anpanman and Baikinman" when Baikinman decided to use these creatures to contaminate Uncle Jam's bakery.


Voiced by: Chie Kojiro

A species of cactus-type minions that work for Baikinman. They make people sleep whenever they poke them. They have a dark counterpart that can turn their victims evil.


A species of blue-handed shape creatures that work for Baikinman.

Obake Pan/(おばけパン)

Voiced by: Takuma Suzuki, Nami Okamoto, Meiko Kawasaki (Angry Brow Obake Pan), Keicho Yuka (Cry Baby Obake Pan)

Crab like minions that take the form of a bread roll. They're generically created by Baikinman and they like eating anything in sight.

  • Ambiguous Gender: It's hard to tell what gender they are, though the one episode with the cloning machine made a female one, indicating that they can have different genders.
  • Big Eater: They like any type of food they can spot.
  • Cyclops
  • Literal Split Personality: One episode had a recently made Obake Pan going inside Baikinman cloning machine, which created a brash Obake Pan with a big unibrow, and a sensitive girly one.
  • Make My Monster Grow: They can form together and make a giant Obake Pan.
  • Overly-Long Tongue
  • Technicolor Eyes: They have purple eyes.


Another species that work for Bakinman. They affect anything with darkness.


Baikin UFO/(バイキンUFO)

Baikinman's mode of transportation. He uses this mostly for traveling and as a weapon towards his enemies. It's ridden mostly by him, though there are a few times where someone else takes the wheel.

Da dandan/(だだんだん)

A giant robot body created by Baikinman. It is used for mass destruction and a way to defeat his nemesis.

There have been different variations of the mecha through the series' run, but the design is kept the same.

    Recurring Villains 

Mushibakinman/ (ムシバキンマン)

Voiced by: Kenji Utsumi (original appearance - 2013), Naoki Tatsuta (2018 - present) Hideyuki Umezu (Mushibakinman II), Takuma Suzuki (Mushibakinman III)
Debut: 140b (Anime)

A small germ character whose main motivation is to give people cavities. He first shows up when he invaded Baikinman's lair to take some sweets, with Baikinman not very happy with it until Mushibakinman almost attack him with his blade. Baikinman tells him that they can work together to stop Hamigakiman and give the entire school toothaches, but this was foiled by Anpanman after helping Hamigakiman, and Baikinman was given a toothache by Mushibakinman. Despite that, he works with Baikinman from time to time when they want to take down their enemies.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Hamigakiman.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: His first clone has these.
  • Color Wash: A minor one, but in the cel-animated episodes, he was more blue-ish and his eyes weren't that yellowish. In the digital ink episodes, he is now slightly teal and his yellow eyes are less bright.
  • Decomposite Character: He takes over as Hamigakiman's enemy from Baikinman.
  • Drop-In Character: He was like this in his debut episode.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Inverted, since he's even shorter than Baikinman.
    • Played straight in one episode when Baikinman stole Arinkokiddo's growth gun and turn Mushibakinman into a giant.
  • Evil Laugh: Mu-shi-shi-shi!!. This was also his verbal tic in his early appearances.
  • Iconic Sequel Character: He was introuced almost three years after the show aired, but Mushibakinman became a popular villian.
  • Literal Split Personality: In one episode, he gets inside Baikinman's cloning machine to duplicate himself. Unfortunately, his clones don't cooperate very well.
  • Meaningful Name: Mushibakin is Japanese for the germs that cause cavities.
  • Mysterious Past: While he has similar characteristics like Baikinman, Dokinchan and Kokinchan, it's never stated if Mushibakinman is an alien or not like the three. Not helping that he just randomly shows up in his debut story.
  • Put on a Bus:
    • Tends to zigzag this at times, even before Kenji Utsumi's death. Though justified as there's a lot of characters in the series.
    • Averted once Naoki Tatsuta took over the role.
  • Scary Teeth: He has pointy pointy teeth to show he's a bad guy.
  • Sweet Tooth: He has a big sweet tooth like Baikinman and Dokinchan, and he'll point his spear at anyone if you try taking it from him.
  • The Tooth Hurts: His main motivation is to cause toothaches.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Zigzagged. This was first averted in his early appearances, but later played straight. Now it's averted again after Naoki Tatsuta took over.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice was higher when he first appeared, then lowered in later episodes before Utsumi passed away.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: The only way he'll be defeated is by brushing him with toothpaste.
  • Weapon Specialization: He uses a pitchfork that when touched by someone will give them toothaches.

Baikin Sennin/(ばいきんせんにん)
Voiced by: Minoru Yada
Debut: 26a

An alien hermit who lives on top of high mountains who comes from the same species as Baikinman. He often give Baikinman words of advice on how to defeat his nemesis, but because of how arrgoant Baikinman is and the combination of him being a jerk towards him regardless, this doesn't always work out.

After Baikinman was defeated for the upteenth time, he shouts at the sky on how he can defeat Anpanman and gets called out by a unfamilar voice as a strobe of light strikes down towards him. The light reveals itsel to a hermit as Baikin Sennin and tells him that he can help teach Baikinman to defeat Anpanman, but refuses and tries to smash the hermit with a hammer. Though the hermit beats him to it and laughs sinisterly about Baikinman being unskilled. Reluantcly, Baikinman decides to go into training with the hermit by collecting firewood for his spa and giving him massages. Though this doesn't last as he gets swooned over by Dokinchan's voice and takes her for a ride on his flying cloud. Baikinman decides to learn the transformation spell that was chained to the wall and sneaks away from Baikin Sennin's place and learns to use the spell to turn himself into a pig. He tries to trick Batako that he's hungry so he can attack the bakery, but because the spell didn't transform his tail, Anpanman finds out and tries to get away. After having trouble on learning the spell, Baikinman figures out on cloning himself to stop Anpanman. But this was foiled by Currypanman as he uses a net between some trees to slingshot the swarm away. The hermit laughs at his defeat and tells him that he requires a lot more training before he can use any spells like that, and ties him up to a waterfall while he enjoys eating.

  • Affably Evil: Other than helping Baikinman, he's generally nice.
  • Badass Long Robe: His main outfit.
  • Baths Are Fun: Unlike Baikinman where he doesn't like being clean, Baikin Sennin likes hot spring baths despite being a germ alien.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Evil Counterpart: To Uncle Jam in terms of personality. While they're both good, they have stark constrasts to each other. Uncle Jam is very active and is very friendly to everyone, Baikin Sennin is more lazy and care for most with the exception of Baikinman and favors Dokinchan more.
  • Flying on a Cloud: Baikin Sennin rides on a flying purple cloud as his main mode of transport, which can also turn into a car and a plane.
  • Guys are Slobs: Though not as much as Baikinman, he doesn't keep his closet organized very well.
  • Hermit Guru
  • Magic Staff
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being a mentor towards Baikinman, Baikin Sennin isn't always the best towards him.
    • In Book-Sensi's debut story (244a), he critizes Baikinman for not understanding and having an empty head, only to find out that he's empty headed as well
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Since the fourth opening.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He has a trunk filled with supernatural items and belongings he keeps in his basement.
  • Trickster Mentor: Baikin Sennin teaches Baikinman to be better at stopping Anpanman, but most of the time is just him doing simple things that don't correlate to what Baikinman is trying to train. It's mostly just for Baikin Sennin to get some laughs at tormenting Baikinman.

Dr. Hiyari/(ドクター・ヒヤリ)

Voiced by: Shigeru Chiba
Debut: 260

A self-proclaimed genius scientist who works for Baikinman. He's best known for creating his ghost minions and lives in Hiyari Castle.

Hiyari first met Baikinman and Dokin-chan after they visited his castle when they were trying to get away from a rain storm, and after demonstrating on how he can create ghosts, Baikinman and Dokin-chan teamed up to use his ghost creations to cause chaos to the land and were able to stop Anpanman and Melonpanna by tying them up. Shokupanman and Currypanman tried to stop their plan by using a vacuum to suck the ghosts up, but the ghosts were able to turn into a giant monster. Their plan was foiled after Bakeru-kun rescued Anpanman and Melonpanna and used his shape-shifting abilities to trick Hiyari, and was able to get the likes of the Yukidaruman and Kaze Konkon to freeze his giant ghost. Anpanman, Shokupanman and Currypanman were able to destroy the ghost into pieces, which causes the sky to hail and chunks of the frozen ghost fell on top of the villians and they fled after their plan failed.

  • Advertised Extra: He shows up as one of the major characters in the second episode title card with a majority of the show's villians when the show transition to widescreen, but by that time, Hiyari hardly appears in the show aside from the 2018 Christmas special and a 2020 episode.
  • Ambiguously Human: Despite his purple skin, he's very human despite the fact that a majority of the human characters are fairy type creatures.
  • Cool Starship: Unlike Baikinman's UFO, his is designed to resemble a crown.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: He's depicted with thicker outlines or his eyes to show off he's sinister.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being evil, he does care for his assistant Hiyariko.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Uncle Jam.
  • Evil Laugh: Whew, Hya tsu Hya tsu!!!
  • Irony: Even though he's the mad scientist of the series, he can sometimes be a bit saner than Baikinman.
  • Mad Scientist: Even more so than Baikinman.
  • Out of Focus: Despite being a prominent character during the show's first two decades, Hiyari started to vanish from the show by the time transition to widescreen, and was heavily featured on the show's villains on the second episode title card. His only appearances were the 2018 Christmas special and one episode in the 2020s.
  • Purple Is Powerful: He's one of the few villains aside from Baikinman
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Since the fifth opening.
  • A Twinkle in the Sky
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Pretty much, the monsters he creates always have some form of weakness.


Voiced by: Aya Hirano (Anime)
Debut: Kokin-chan and the Blue Tears, (Movie) 905b (Anime)

Dokinchan's little sister who often pops up on occasion to inconvenience the heroes and villains alike.

Due to him originally being a movie character and later part of the anime, she has two different backstories. In the 2006 movie short, Kokin-chan arrives on Earth as an egg much like Baikinmn and Dokinchan did, and causes trouble for both heroes and villains due to her tears making everyone cry until her sister pops in to calm her down. In the anime, Kokin-chan arrives on Earth as an egg like in the movie, but her egg crashes onto Baikinman when he was trying to sneak attack Anpanman for some food he was delivering.

  • Affably Evil: Other than being a brat who cries about whatever she wants, she's nice towards both the heroes and villains. She's only placed as a villain due to her being related to Dokichan.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Pretty much what Dokinchan sees her as.
  • Blush Sticker
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Like her sister, she doesn't like it when things don't go her own way.
  • Canon Immigrant: Kokin-chan originally appeared in the 2006 film short. She became part of the anime canon a year later and became a recurring character since then.
  • Captain Crash: She always crash lands whenever she appears.
  • Companion Cube: She usually takes her sister's Shokupanman plush whenever she visits. Dokinchan doesn't mind as long as her sister doesn't lose it or rip it.
  • Cool Starship
  • Crocodile Tears: If she doesn't get what she wants, she can start crying around others. What's more, her tears can make others cry. Thankfully, they stop when she does.
  • Deliberately Cute Child
  • Drop-In Character
  • Foil:
    • To Namida-chan: Both characters have powerful tears that cause others around them to cry. But unlike Namida-chan who just cries because she gets upset easily due to her shy nature, Kokinchan purposely makes others cry due to her being a spoiled brat.
  • The Friends Who Never Hang: Despite appearing a lot in the show after the initial appearance in the anime, there are a few characters Kokin-chan hasn't appeared together with.
    • In the second episode title card since the show's transition to widescreen, Kokin-chan was seen alongside some of the other villains (though Frankenrobo-kun and Taunki-Oni aren't exactly villains). Prior to the show's transition, Kokin-chan interacted with Baikin-Sensei and Horrorman, she didn't interact with the other characters shown in the title card. She would later interact with both Kurayamiman in 1156b (2013) and the Ice Queen in 1551b (2021) but hasn't interacted with the likes of Hiyari or Frankenrobo-kun.
    • Despite both appearing in the same year 2006, Kokin-chan hasn't interacted with Poppo-chan up until 17 years later in 1619a (2023).
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: If her sister doesn't appear alongside Bakinman, she'll fill her shoes depending on the episode.
  • True Blue Femininity
  • True Meaning of Christmas: She learned this about Christmas when she returned.
  • Walking Disaster Area: She tends to wreck Baikinman's lair whenever she visits.

Kaze Konkon/(かぜこんこん)

Voiced by: Daisuke Gōri (original appearance - 2009), Banjo Ginga (current)

A giant elephant type creature who lives in the cold mountains. He gives people colds whenever he comes by.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Kaze-Konkon's personality in the series varies on how evil he is, due to how his powers are ice based and can cause people to get sick. Not helping that in the openings he is always with the other villains. In some of the early episodes, he was often tricked by Baikinman when he doesn't want to get involved. But the later episodes would just actively team up with him.
  • All Balloons Have Helium: Although not a balloon, he'll inflate himself with his own air if his nose is tied up.
  • Cartoon Creature: It's hard to tell what kind of creature Kaze Konkon is based on, though he does look like an elephant.
  • Cool Mask
  • Creepily Long Arms
  • Evil Is Deathly Cold: Whenever he blows his breath at plant life, they freeze solid.
  • Gag Nose: The cold air he blows comes from his nose. This is also his weak spot if it gets either tied or clogged up.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: In one of the early edutainment specials which focused on speaking English, Anpanman, and Baikinman were seen washing him to the tune of "This Is The Way".
  • Meaningful Name: Kaze is Japanese for upper respiratory infections such as the common cold. Kon kon is an onomatopoeia for coughing.
  • Plague Master: His cold breath causes others to get a cold.
  • Pokémon Speak: He mostly says his name in recent episodes.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Since the third opening.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Other than his nose, he doesn't like eating spicy food.


Voiced by: Kenji Utsumi (166b (1992) - 1156b (2013)), Tesshō Genda (1390b (2018) - present)
Debut: 166b

A dark phantom magician who traps people in darkness. He would often team up with Baikinman in certain episodes.

In his debut story, Kurayamiman shows up when sone of the children were playing at the park and shows him his magic tricks. But he revealed his true colors after he demands the kids to give him food and Kurayamiman traps some of the kids inside. After finding out Baikinman was hiding, he tells the magican that Uncle Jam's bakery has a lot of food. But Baikinman just wants the magican to trap the crew and Anpanman inside his dark world to torment them. However, Uncle Jam wasn't making food for Kurayamiman and not only traps Anpanman inside, but also Baikinman and Dokinchan as well due to the former lying. The magican torments the three inside his land of darkness, but Uncle Jam and the crew were able to help Anpanman as he spins inside the giant's stommach to escape. This causes not only Kurayamiman to explode, but also Anpanman was rescue the victims inside the dark void.

  • Bigger on the Inside: Whenever he traps his victims, the inside of his body is a lot bigger.
  • Cartoony Eyes: He has pink scleras with large red pupils.
  • Creepily Long Arms: He would use his long arms to trap anyone into his dark land.
  • Dastardly Whiplash: His motif.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Between his first appearance and episode 821a (Kurayamiman's Counterattack), there are a few changes that were made between the absence of the character.
    • Kurayamiman had red gloves instead of white.
    • The inside of his body was just an empty void where his victims would float around. After his reappearance, the inside of him is just an apocalyptic version of the world.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He's one of the show's villians with a deep voice.
  • Hat of Power: If you see a large black top hat, I suggest you run.
  • Long Bus Trip:
    • He was first absent between 1992 to 2005 after the writers decided to bring him back.
    • He was absent again between 2013 to 2018 after his original actor passed away. Thankfully he had been recast by Tessho Genda and didn't take long compared to his first absence.
  • Long Neck: He will pull this a few times.
  • Logical Weakness: He is weak to bright light, which is odd since he's mostly seen in the daytime. His other weakness is being punched in the nose.
  • Meaningful Name: Kurayami is Japanese for darkness and gloom.
  • Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Trailer: Despite appearing a few times after his return in the sccond half of the 2000s, Kurayamiman wasn't shown in the ninth and tenth openings. He does appear in the second episode's title card with a majority of the show's villians and would be in the show's eleventh opening in late 2019.
  • White Gloves: Kurayamiman has these in his current form. He originally used to have red gloves.

The Ice Queen/(氷の女王)

Voiced by: Rihoko Yoshida (Japanese, original appearance), Noriko Ohara (Japanese; current), Mauriett Chayeb-Mendez(English)
Debut: 157b (Anime), The Shining Star's Tear (movie)

An ice queen who lives in the coldest regions. She loves collecting beautiful things, such as jewelry. She also has minion wolves called Yukiokami(ゆきおおかみ).

In her debut appearance in the 1989 movie "The Twinkling Star Tears", Anpanman and the bakery crew were helping Princess Nanda in finding the star tears that were taken by Dronko Maou and needed to get them help back. One of the first places was the castle that belonged to the Ice Queen. She refuses to help and traps Anpanman, the princess, and the other heroes in an icy cage. Thankfully, Uncle Jam was able to rescue them after using the Anpan Go to burn the queen alive.

Should not be confused with the Japanese title for Disney's Frozen, though she is loosely based on the Hans Christian Andersen character.

    Film Only Villains 

Picture Baikinman/(絵バイキンマン)

Voiced by: Kōichi Yamadera

A drawing double of Baikinman. He was brought to life by Beret-chan after hearing Dokinchan's words that he can't beat her drawing of Anpanman due to it being a picture. Beret-chan dematerialized one of the Baikinman out of her drawings to show Baikinman what she can do, only for Baikinman to try to use him to defeat Anpanman. Instead, the double doesn't obey him and throws Baikinman out of his lair.

He has only appeared in the 2009 film short "Baikinman VS Baikinman?!".

Black Nose/(ブラックノーズ)

Voiced by: Masako Nozawa

A dark spirit queen who lives underground. She was trapped in a frozen-like lake after hearing cheerful singing. She later has the assistance of Cana to help her feed off positive emotions so she can be free, with her Whistle Of Darkness.

She only appeared in the 2010 film "Blacknose and the Magical Song".
