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Tommy is a product of Wiccan's powers. Wiccan's powers are a product of Scarlet Witch's powers. None of the above individuals are related.
It's one of the directions I see Children's Crusade going. Billy and Tommy discover that they aren't really Wanda Maximoff's sons; Billy's powers were granted to him by Scarlet Witch's reality warping when she ran into him outside the Avengers mansion; and Tommy was created by Billy's reality warping to make his belief that he is Scarlet Witch's son (a.k.a. The Ultimate Fanboy Delusion) sound more plausible.
  • I got the impression that Billy only started believing he was the Scarlet Witch's son because the Super-Skrull put the idea into his head. That happened after he met Tommy. Of course, if Billy is as powerful as Wanda, it's possible he subconsciously altered the timestream itself.
  • Jossed (unless there's a retcon/plot-twisat later) Wanda's back and called them "my sons"

Possibly it will happen once an issue until the very end of Children's Crusade, when they finally just say, "Screw it!" and smooch in front of everyone.
  • Nope. It did finally happen though. But it was because of Teddy proposing to Billy

Billy IS the Scarlet Witch.
During Children's Crusade Billy will discover that his whole life, his family, his powers, his unrelated speedster twin, were all created by Wanda as a place to hide after House of M. The situation will devolve into "Ben-and-Glory"-style antics before being resolved in a satisfactory and/or heartbreaking fashion.
  • Jossed Billy met the Scarlet Witch and she is a completely different person from him.

Teddy didn't exist until Genis-Vell recreated the universe.
During Peter David's Captain Marvel series, the title character (Genis-Vell) tore down and rebuilt the universe with one major change—he now had a sister, Phyla. Given Genis' desire for a family, he could have subconsciously created Teddy, or perhaps have manipulated the events which led to Teddy's birth.
  • Unlikely but Loki hints that Billy created Teddy as a dream literally come true

Scarlet Witch and Rebecca Kaplan will meet...
And get along great (while Billy panics outside whatever room they're in). Plus, Tommy clearly needs more supervision than Billy, so that will take a lot more of Wanda's time. They work out that Rebecca is in charge of civilian Billy and Wanda is in charge when he's doing superhero stuff. There will be hugging.
  • And Tommy complains about not wanting supervision and Wanda brightly offers to ground him. Or make him listen to Pietro talk about himself for a few hours. It's all but been proven that Tommy's parents either don't care much or at least aren't looking for him, so I think he's going to be stuck with Wanda and Pietro.
  • Wiccan will be fine without Wanda's direct supervision. Doctor Strange will ask him to be his apprentice (or vice versa) and become a kind of father-figure for him.

Billy is a Germanophile
  • All his geeking out over the Scarlett Witch(who was born in eastern europe), his decidedly camp gay moments where he quotes Heidi Klum and dresses the group up as characters from The Sound of Music all point to this. Also the Norse Mythology thing. That too.

Hulk is Billy and Teddy's kid.
  • I know, Hulk got his powers from Gamma Rays, but stay with me here. So, Billy and Teddy are going to have a kid (Via Billy's magic) and the Avengers have a total freak-out. They end up on the run, when a (past? present? I dunno) Iron Lad helps them escape into the time stream. They end up in the past, where the baby is born. Knowing that they can't bring it back to the present, they give it to a woman who miscarried, and alter evryone's memories so that they think it's her kid. Billy and Teddy return to the present, and everyone assumes the child died. However, the child grows up and starts experamenting with Gamma Rays. The Gamma Rays had the effect they did because of his heiratage, and he becomes the Hulk.

There will be an alternate time line where...
  • ... A.) Billy died at the end of Children's Crusade 4, or
B.) Billy went the path of Scarlet Witch after Teddy's death.

There WILL be a Wicked reference at some point.
  • Oh come on! It would be too good to pass up!

Billy will Geek Out over Kid!Loki
After all, he showed an immense interest in Norse Mythology and he'll probably also bond over having another magic-user on the team with him.

The reason why Tommy isn't in the new Young Avengers volume...
  • He joined the official New Avengers lineup.
  • He was kidnapped and will be featured in Marvel's Avengers Arena.
  • He's on the run with Magneto or Pietro after the events of Avengers Vs X-Men. He did seem to bond with them much more than Billy!
  • He's joined the Runaways to be Molly's new Big Brother Mentor.
  • He's in the middle of a 10-Minute Retirement and will join them later.
    • He couldn't stand the Kaplans and moved out. Kieron Gillen announced he would appear in #6.

Loki will become Billy's Big Brother Mentor
Loki will realize Billy's potential and try to groom him as a servant/paun at his disposal by mentoring him in magic, only to reluctantly become fond of Billy and genuinely try to help him grow out of being a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds.

To go with the above, the Young Avengers will become Loki's Morality Pets
Loki will slowly Become the Mask of the "mischevious and lovable godling" and might even perform a real, if reluctant, Heel–Face Turn. After all, he wouldn't be the first Avenger to do so!
  • Maybe not so reluctant - my reading of Loki's actions in JIM, as heartbreaking as they ended up being, seemed entirely in hopes of putting himself in a position where he can become a better person. But then no one, especially Loki himself, thinks it's going to stick, because Status Quo Is God.

Kid Loki is still a kid
Not Kid kid Loki, but a child Loki from another dimension entirely (maybe the one we saw in Vengeance?).
  • Jossed.

Cassie will come back - evil
Or at least a version of her. The end of Children's Crusade is pretty implicitly Iron Lad's Start of Darkness, after all, and he clearly has a somewhat obsessive thing for Cassie. Combine that with the fact he's never had any compunctions about screwing around with the timeline (as noble as his intentions were at first), and I absolutely expect to see him pop up with a dark version of her at some point in the future.
  • While certainly possible, the odds took a recent dip when Billy brought back a version of Teddy's foster mother. And she turned out to be evil.
  • Partially confirmed. Eventually Cassie did come back in AXIS but she isn't evil.

Loki and Miss America will eventually have a Slap-Slap-Kiss relationship
Ghost!Kid Loki who's technically part of Loki's conscience, seems to indicate that he's interested in her when he teases Loki about how Miss America is into him. Miss America in turn may eventually warm up to Loki while still having the sense not to take any crap from him.
  • Alternately, they'll just become platonic Vitriolic Best Buds since Loki being in the body of a child would Squick out a number of people.
    • And that's not even going into the fact that Loki may have the body of a child, but he has the mind of a much older man. Any way it would be handled, a romance involving him would be... problematic.
      • Played with: They have more of a Heterosexual Life-Partners relationship.
      • Let's go with Frenemy. I mean that's what Miss America calls their relationship even years after their stint with the team.

The Crossover theories
Gillen said that there is only one place in his planned run, where he might do a crossover between this series and another one - around issues #13 and #14. Which means that, unless it's going to be a crossover with Avengers Arena (which will, coincidentally, ending around the same time), Mother plotline will be solved since then or in crossover, because, considering her spell preventing adults from noticing these kids have a problem to solve, it would be hard to cross the series with anything else.

Kid Loki will regain his body with help from Billy's magic
In the Siege event, Loki was revealed to be impersonating Scarlet Witch because of a spell from Billy. His magic/reality browsing ability can be manipulated into revealing that Loki has Grand Theft Me his younger self and giving the younger self control again.
  • Kieron Gillen made it clear that Kid Loki was well and truly dead after the ends of Everything Burns, but that was a case of Torch the Franchise and Run, as he knew leaving Kid Loki alive would inevitably cause someone else to write him back into villainy. Since he got to keep control of Kid Loki, does that mean he could change his mind?
  • Jossed. Kid Loki is still dead. As is original Loki. Loki successfully Loki'd themself.

Billy go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge because of Tommy's kidnapping
Remember that Teddy being in trouble made him knock out an entire terrorist cell by accident. Tommy being in trouble will give Billy a chance to show his Big Brother Instinct for once.

Cliffhanger from issue #8 is a Secret Test of Character
While I don't mind David being gay or bi I think here he is just trying to make Hulkling get over his doubts about his love for Billy. If there is one place where subconscious spell should stop working is dimensions apart from it's source and in the lair or being who can block that magic. Teddy will freak out because he cannot be unfaithful to Billy and David will point out that means his love is true.

Loki will end up controlled by the Mother
They just met Leah who's technically a teenager and technically Loki's creation/daughter and since the actual age of the minor(Loki) or nature of parenthood(Scarlet Witch, Miss America) doesn't seem to matter...
  • Depending on the nature of the Mother's power and what constitutes a "parent", it's probably unlikely, since whatever Loki's role in Leah's creation was, it was clear that he had romantic feelings towards her, thus precluding any parental ones. However, Loki, or at least his former self, has fathered several children in the Marvel universe. It's likely his reincarnation as a child (or simply his nature) that somehow impedes the Mother's ability to control him.

Wanda subconsciously chose the families into which Billy and Tommy were born.
The twins' backgrounds oddly reflect her own background and parentage: Billy was born into the Kaplan family, honoring her father's Jewish heritage and Tommy was born into less-than-comfortable circumstances, with popular fan theory that he's at least part-Romani, honoring her mother's Romani heritage.

Loki's ultimate plan is to redeem himself
From the events of Journy Into Mystery, Loki seems to have come full-circle and destroyed any chance of redemption through the murder of his young self. But by now he's sick and tired of being the villain, which he now realizes is a doomed and static state of being. Loki wants to break out of his role, but knows that any attempt of pulling a full Heel–Face Turn would fall flat on its face due to narrative causality. He therefore put himself into the role of morally-ambiguous mentor to a Reality Warper and his friends, the only people who could conceivably help him break out of his role. Through their influence and his place among a team of white hats, Loki can finally change himself and his role in the Marvel Universe for good.
  • Jossed in this series. Loki genuinely tried to go back to villainy (because he hated himself for the whole killing Kid!Loki thing), but found that he can't.
  • But also confirmed as this stunt lead to this plan later.

Billy will voluntarily give up his powers
After all the trouble caused by his powers and the stupid decisions he's made with them not to mention they were the reason why Loki manipulated him into summoning Mother, so Loki could eventually get close enough to Billy to steal them for himself and especially after seeing all of the terrible alternate futures his powers may cause, Billy will decide that he'd be happier and the world would be safer if he gave up his powers for good. After learning what Loki's ultimate plan was, he'll do this in front of Loki to drive in the fact that someone can be happier without incredible power and that Loki has failed in getting what he wanted from Billy. It will also progress naturally from his decision in The Avengers: Children's Crusade to give up crime fighting altogether and with the addition of Prodigy, who has lost his powers as well, he has proof that he can live without his powers while still being part of the super hero community.
  • Jossed.

The series will end with a Pyrrhic Victory for Loki
He may end up getting Wiccan's god-like powers for himself and controlling the flow of magic, but getting there will require losing his teammates (which he may realize too late were actually important to him), the corruption and possible death of Leah, and finally he may realize that he's only trapped himself in yet another cycle of Ragnarok where he's doomed yet again to see his home and people destroyed, when he might have avoided getting trapped in his villainous role altogether.
  • Confirmed, but completely differently In the end Loki defeats evil Leah and actually becomes a hero, but at the cost of coming clear about all his manipulations an having to finally face his guilt over Kid Loki's death and the shame forces him out of the team.

The individual that knocked out/killed the Living Tribunal?
The honest to badness Devil of the Marvel Multiverse. For those not in the know, New Avengers #8 has The Living Tribunal passed out, or possibly outright killed. Since he's second in power and rank to The One Above All , and so high-up that he doesn't care what Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet does, what could even knock him out? Either something really WRONG is happening with The Multiverse, or there's a being on The Tribunal's level who hasn't appeared. Fear Itself has established that there is a Devil who's been gone so long nobody is sure he ever existed, and that his throne is something no demon dare sit on. This includes beings such as Mephisto and Dormammu. Any Devil with that street cred is one of the most powerful beings in all of Marvel, and probably the only one who stands a chance of even knocking out The Living Tribunal. What role he, she or it has been playing in the chaos across the multiverse is unknown, but whatever the case be afriad. Be very afraid.

Tommy is trapped inside Patriot's suit

America is actually an alternate construct of Billy's.
She knows a lot more about Billy than she's letting on and a preview flashback reveals that she had a copy of Billy's costume as a child. Kieron Gillen has stated that the final two issues of his run will reveal a major secret about her that will change the reader's perception about her.
  • Jossed, in that Billy-as-Demiurge creates her home dimension and thus the Demiurge is revered as a god there. Thus America idolised him. She ran away from home after her two mothers died.

Billy introduced Loki to Wicked
  • Billy is canonically fond of musicals and probably figured Wicked was perfect for Loki. It seems to have made some kind of impact on the God of Mischief since he's seen singing one of its songs in the shower in Loki: Agent of Asgard.
    • Made some kind of impact is an understatement. You can map the characters (albeit the casting shifts as the story progresses) and most of the songs (even if slightly out of order) on that series.

Teddy is not a product of Billy's Reality Warping powers
.Loki was either lying or mistaken. Probably the former, though.

The logistics involved in Billy warping reality to create Teddy are kind of nuts. And while 'nuts' isn't exactly a new things for comics, this is a special kind of what the hell.

So Billy wanted to create the perfect Prince Charming. Fine. But Teddy isn't just an Adorkable mutant with awesome parents who live in a suburb or whatever. Hell, he isn't even an Adorkable billionaire's kid whose mutant power was shapeshifting, if Billy really wanted to go with the usual 'ideal man' of romance tropes.

No, to get Teddy as he is, Billy would have had to create Teddy's very complicated family history. He would have had to decide, subconsciously, that his perfect Prince Charming is a Skrull-Kree hybrid. Which, okay, nothing wrong with that, but that's pretty damn specific. Of course, Teddy is the heir to both the Skrull and Kree empires and at first that sounds pretty cool... but it means that he could eventually be separated from Billy entirely. Hell, it's already almost happened. And being apart from Teddy, possibly permanently, or losing him to the responsibilities that generally come with being in charge of at least one entire species that is really excited about killing both humans and Teddy's other half of the genetic family tree, is presumably not in the whole 'perfect Prince Charming romance' plan.

But okay, let's say that all of the above really is what Billy wanted. So what does that mean? Teddy being heir to two empires — especially those particular two empires — would involve Billy manipulating a whole crapton of huge, very specific events and significant, powerful people (Wanda included) in ways that would have a massive impact on the future of the universe and the future of multiple species therein. And Billy would have had to do it retroactively, which means changing the past, because all of those things happened before Billy was even born. Yes, Billy can do that — now, as the Demiurge — but seriously? All of that? Unconsciously? Before he even knew he had powers at all, let alone change reality? And without glowing blue and chanting a lot?

At least with Wanda's subconscious use of reality warping, she's had her powers for years and has been using them for years, meaning they have had a lot of time to mature and grow, and her instincts have had a lot of time to get used to those powers. Billy hadn't even used his, or at most had only been aware of them for a very short time. On top of that, Billy's powers haven't been static, they've been steadily growing. Meaning that he is way more powerful now than he was when he was first introduced, yet we're supposed to believe that he pulled off making all of that happen before he'd ever so much as thrown off a spark, and that he did it unknowingly, without showing a hint of power, just with some formless, subconscious wish to fall in love with a Prince Charming?

Yeah, I'm not buying it. And I am really hoping that this theory is not Jossed by Word of God or future events, if only because, as heartwarming as the scene where Teddy says he doesn't care either way is, Teddy being Billy's construct made specifically to love him according to what Billy wants is something that feels absolutely loaded with Unfortunate Implications. But maybe that's just me.

  • It's worth noting that when Wanda created the House of M alternate reality, the skrulls that had already secretly started infiltrating Earth were aware of the change and noted that it was "paper thin". That would imply that even her power to alter reality cannot do so unnoticed by beings from outside of a certain sphere of influence. Presumably because that would require changing the past for everyone in the universe, not just on Earth. Billy changing the history of aliens from other galaxies, decades in the past, to retroactively produce an outcome not even anticipated by him is a bit of a stretch. After all, there is no indication that he has ever been a particularly big fanboy of Captain Mar-vell, or that he even knew who Princess Anelle was. Creating a Prince Charming with a more terrestrial origin would be a lot more plausible.

Billy is not really Wanda and Vision's son
In The Vision and the Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange specifically stated that there was only supposed to be one child and his instruments did not detect another baby up until Billy's birth. Since Billy has been revealed to be the Demiurge, it's very likely that future Billy planted himself into Wanda's womb and inserted into the Maximoff-Williams family as a means by which to set the creation of the Demiurge in motion.

This is all the Demiurge's Batman Gambit to defeat Mephisto
The Demiurge has been reborn during each universe cycle and is defeated and absorbed into Mephisto then reborn as the Scarlet Witch's son and later as Wiccan. However the Demiurge in current/previous cycle created Utopia in the hope that someone (America Chavez) would be born and be able to remind his current incarnation of his powers to allow him to understand his powers better and therefore be able to defeat Mephisto and break the cycle that he is trapped in.
