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Tropers / Rosa Vernal

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Hi, I'm Rosa. Not really, but I go by that at times.

I'm a 23 year old male Californian who fits every single stereotype aside from "Godless". I'm actually an ordained minister, and a Christian to boot, but one of those tolerant ones who actually critically reads his Bible.

I'm a super senior, studying Pre-Credential History with a double-minor in Spanish and Communications Studies. I was one of the first people in the state to take an upper division History of Manga class, too, and I readily admit to having loved Film History and History of American Women, too. In other words, I'm going to be the kind of high school teacher you WISHED you had in high school. :P

I used to run The Black Sand Bar until I quit, and tend to randomly grammar-check assorted tropes. I have Random TV Trope on my toolbar.

I readily ignore the Preview feature on my page and make a few small edits at a time. SCREW YOU, DOING THINGS PROPERLY.

I'm writing a novel! It's Troper-riffic!

The following tropes apply to me in non-alphabetical order:

Comments go here! I totally jacked this style from Tsundere Ray!

This space reserved for (friendly) abuse by fellow tropers.

  • Hello! Took a look at your story on the Unpublished Works page, it looks interesting. Also, we need to perpetuate the knowledge that there are Christians who aren't backwards bible-thumpers whose only desire is to preach Fire And Brimstone and make you feel bad about yourself. *currently attends PLNU* ~ Noir Grimoir
