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Seasonal Rot / Power Rangers

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Having run for over 30 years now, Power Rangers isn't going to be perfect every season. And some Seasons have it much more than others.

  • The fans near-universally hated Power Rangers Turbo (Season 5), due to it being a serious story at odds with the tongue-in-cheek Carranger footage, plus seeing Justin as The Scrappy. People have mellowed out a little in regards to Turbo both due to it improving midway through as well as the fact that, despite its flaws, it did lead directly into Power Rangers in Space, one of the most popular seasons of the series. Time was also kind to Justin, as fans reevaluated him later and now consider him a pretty decent character that just looked bad on paper.note 
  • Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (Season 8) isn't so much a rot as "stuck between 2 gems". It was the first truly stand alone season compared with its predecessor Power Rangers Lost Galaxy being a Post-Script Season to what came before. And while the writers took things in a different direction thanks to making these the first public figure rangers, there were clear growing pains for the process, as the villains, rangers and storylines weren't particularly well remembered overall. Still, it's not necessarily considered a BAD season, but nonetheless a dip in quality compared to what came before, and what came immediately after.
  • Power Rangers Wild Force (Season 10) had its share of dislike too, for subpar acting, an Anvilicious Green Aesop, and too much gratuitous focus on the mecha over the plot, which is also derided for being a near-carbon copy of its source material, Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger. Like with Turbo, the fandom's mellowed out and its reputation isn't as bad as it used to be. Mostly because it has two of the best team-up stories in the franchise that have yet to be topped in terms of overall quality.
  • Nowadays Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (Season 15) seems to most occupy the designation of "worst season ever" among the fanbase. It had plot holes, an overreliance on Stuff Blowing Up (even by this show's standards), and "heroes" that weren't nearly as heroic as most Rangers. While not quite as vindicated as the aforementioned seasons, opinions have loosened up a bit compared to later PR series that followed. With it being agreed that, compared to Megaforce, Operation Overdrive is at least consistent in its story that makes it easy to follow and had some legitimate twists.
  • Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai suffered from similar problems to Wild Force, namely the low quality of the acting and plots that almost always followed those from Shinkenger to the letter. This in part was due to the rush in translating after getting Uncancelled, and in part due to the showrunner not wanting to shake up what was already there.
  • Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Season 20-ishsensing a pattern yet?) also got this. To wit: haing to adapt two separate Sentai (Tensou Sentai Goseiger and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger), plot points that don't seem to have any impact or made little sense, the rangers gaining new weapons and zords only to discard them, bland villains and a very anti-climatic finale which was supposed to be a celebration of everything Power Rangers up to that point.
  • Power Rangers Dino Super Charge has fallen into this due to its overuse of fillers and the polarising finale. Which is a pity, considering how solid Dino Charge was.
  • Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel, which are the 24th and 25th season respectively are often derided for their very simplistic childish writing, lazily recycled plot points, inconsistent characters, and a very preachy tone in terms of morals that don't even make sense when you think about them.
