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Memes / Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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Being a Lighter and Softer card game take on the Warcraft universe, you'd better believe Hearthstone has its share of memes.

You may not like it, but this is what good stats for the cost looks like.

  • A now famous Reddit thread where custom cards were generated by a neural network created some gems, though the two favorites are "ALL minions" and "Taunt. Taunt. Taunt. Taunt. Taunt. Taunt."
    • This was likely given a nod by Blizzard with the flavor text of Siamat (whose Battlecry allows you to choose two of Taunt, Rush, Windfury, and Divine Shield to give him), which simply reads "TAUNT. TAUNT." The 2022 April Fools' Day gag included a "Taunt Taunt" keyword that Taunted for your other Taunt minions.
  • "please dont take away my deckslots" Explanation
  • Small indie company Explanation
  • Fun and Interactive Explanation
  • (wherever it is) Explanation
  • The best Hunter legendary is Savannah Highmane. Explanation
    • In its prime, the spell Call of the Wild (8 mana spell that summons all three Animal Companions) has been received this treatment as well for being incredibly mana-efficient to Hunter.
  • Prep, coin, concede Explanation
    • ORDER LUL Explanation
  • cue the Epic Sax Guy Explanation
    • "That's not how you sax, bro." Explanation
  • Naxx Out! Explanation
  • "Hey there, don't be scared." Explanation
  • Ben Brode's laugh. Explanation
  • Unicorn Priest Explanation
  • Anything related to Face Hunter, a deck that focuses on hitting the enemy hero (their "face") and ignores everything else. Exhibit A.
    • If the face plays Taunt, me still go face/Face is the place Explanation
    • SMOrc Explanation
  • "11 + 4" or "(Fire) + (Frost) = ?" Explanation
  • The community has a tradition of creating "Honest Hearthstone cards", riffing on cards by taking them and changing their text/art to something humorous that reflects what they usually end up doing in-game. A few examples here.
  • "I like your deck. I think I will TAKE IT!" Explanation
    • Arch-Thief Rafaam being customarily referred to as RAFAAM, THE SUPREME ARCHAEOLOGIST (in all caps, of course).
  • Rise of Shadows is just a Shrek the Third expansion Explanation
  • Jaina nerf Explanation
  • Class identity Explanation
  • Trump trading Explanation
  • Yes decks Explanation
  • Announcement of an announcement Explanation
  • X + Y = RANK 1 LEGEND Explanation
  • "Dies to (X), bad card/(X) doesn't die to (Y)" note 

Individual Cards

Occasionally, a card itself becomes a meme, often as a result of having a memorable and gimmicky effect, being notoriously overpowered, or both. That card's voicelines will often become highly quotable as a result.

  • The Defias Ringleader and their summoned ally became one of the first highly quoted cards in the game, with their use on the battlefield usually being accompanied by stylized depictions of the two cards and their voicelines in copypasta form.
    (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง This is our town, SCRUB (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง(ง •̀_•́)ง Yeah beat it! (ง •̀_•́)ง
  • Grim Patron, from the Blackrock Mountain adventure.note 
    ༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE, GET IN HERE! ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽
  • It's always Huffer. Explanation
  • A lot of cards get the meme treatment through misinterpretations of their voice lines, with a few special mentions:
    Mal'Ganis: "I am Mal'Ganis! I am A TURTLE!"actual line
    Hydrologist: "Yo nigga, I've done it!"actual line
    Thrall: "Elephants guide me!"actual line
    Tirion Fordring: "Put your face in the light!"actual line
    SI:7 Agent: "Heh, disguised toast."actual line
    Quartermaster: "Two arms, men!"actual line
  • Because the card picture of Silver Hand Regent has very... perky breasts, as well as her very sultry voice work and the ability to summon a Silver Hand Recruit whenever the player uses their hero power, a number of jokes have been made about how she used her "assets" to recruit gullible young men to their death.
  • And now, the Paladin Legendary Ragnaros, Lightlord for Whispers of the Old Gods joins the ranks. Barely revealed and people are already 'twisting' iconic Ragnaros quotes from his Bad Boss persona to a Benevolent Boss one.
    Right on time! you have awakened me right on time Executus!
    By fire be saved!
    Live, Insect!note 
    You have succeeded in your task Executus! You shall be rewarded!
  • UPROOT OR NO BALLS Explanation
  • "Who am I? None of your business!" Explanation
  • 4 mana 7/7 Explanation
    • Also works great in poem form:
      Roses are red
      Violets are blue
      4 mana 7/7
      Overload: (2)
    • Ascended in Whizbang's Workshop with the card Incredible Value, which Discovers a 4-cost minion and sets its stats to 7/7.
  • PRAISE YOGG! Explanation
  • Your Charge minions have +1 Attack. Explanation
  • Reno is a dragon. Explanation
  • Good stats for the cost.Explanation
  • "I'M IN CHARGE NOW!" Explanation
    • Drew Patches Explanation
  • "I'll summon a larger and larger man, which will allow me later on to summon an even larger man!" Explanation
    • Ascended in the game's achievement system, which has an achievement named "An Even Larger Man" for ending your turn with a 20/20 or bigger minion in play.
  • "How looong can this go on?" note 
  • It's a cheaper Sprint that tutors. Explanation
  • "Zephrys knows." Explanation
  • Never go full NorthshireExplanation
  • A certain Kobolds and Catacombs card's huge power level in defiance of all expectations resulted in the fanbase creating this:
    In the dungeon I go deeper
    In set reviews I was a sleeper
    When minions die I get cheaper
    You guessed it right, I'm Corridor Creepernote 
  • "Armed with SALT!"Explanation
  • "It's simple. I play Barnes, summon Blood of the Ancient One. Bring him back, play him again, summon Blood of the Ancient One. And then, at the end of my turn, I summon... THE 🅱️ANCIENT ONE!"Explanation
