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Funny / Lackadaisy

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  • Aunt Nina telling Freckle and Rocky about St. Patrick's Day in a bonus comic. She begins with a spiel about their rich Irish heritage and myths about fairies, leprechauns, and what have you... before telling the boys that this means it's time for church. To celebrate the banishing of all that superstitious heathen nonsense.
    Nina: Sit up straight or the devil will steal your backbone... and lash you with it for all eternity.
  • When asked why she picked cats and if she could draw the characters as anything else, Tracy drew them all as the Lackatater Potatoes. It was that or Tetris pieces.
  • A fan comments on the intensity of Mordecai, Rocky, Serafine, and Zib's eyebrows. Tracy made another bonus comic on the so-called "League of Extraordinary Eyebrows"; featuring Rocky's—which are apparently the source of his pyrotechnic expertise—Zib's—which are extra flexible so he can be extra sarcastic—Serafine's—which stabbed a man 88 times to prove that looks can kill—and Mordecai's, which correct people's grammar and enforce symmetry.
  • Tracy explains in a comic why the boys don't have long hair. Rocky becomes a rock-star, Freckle's hair went out of style so fast it proved fatal, Viktor took up bounty hunting, and Mordecai—with an asymmetrical hairstyle—tried to flee his hair on foot. He collapsed from exhaustion in Joplin, Missouri.
  • Rocky misjudges Ivy's reaction to seeing him and Calvin show up at her college:
    Rocky: "Just listen to that high-pitched, screechy noise she's making! It must be love!"
    Calvin: "That's love?"
    Rocky: "...Or dysperia...or..." (Oh, Crap! reaction, starts to back away)
    Ivy comes running into frame, beating Rocky senseless with a bunch of magazines.
  • Viktor: GLARE BEAM.
    • And in that same page: "You mean in the struggle-buggy! *wink wink*"
    • "...soIwashopingafteryoupunchmethroughawallyoucould..."
  • While dropping Freckle off at home, Ivy raises the possibility of meeting his mother. Both Freckle and Rocky immediately shoot that idea down.
    Rocky: "You're wearing breeches for crying out Pete's sake. It can never be!"
  • In a bonus comic, Rocky and Mordecai have a philosophical debate. About waffles.
    "You can't just go around opting out of critical analysis by preemptively declaring yourself pointless."
    "I never argued they were suitable for consumption. I was playing waffle's advocate."
    "We may have stumbled upon a sort of... breakfast paradox. To wit... there is no answer. Only absurdity. And french toast."
  • In yet another of Rocky's childhood pancake-trips, he attempts to leave the house wearing "breakfast sleeves", i.e. pancakes strung on both arms (and one atop his head). This is funny enough, but then he mistakes his aunt Nina's voice for that of God and she, desperate to get him to cooperate, rolls with it. Then she goes to confession over it.
    Priest: "... Did you say impersonating the almighty?"
  • Mordecai's reaction to the chicken at Serafine's Voodoo gathering is priceless.
    Nico: Don' worry. You missed most de fun parts.
    Mordecai: The fun parts of what, exactly?
    Nico: A fete, exactly, Peekon.
    Serafine: For our patron, Maitre Carrefour.
    Mordecai: The chicken?
    Serafine: Behind dat.
  • Virgil pulling out a tooth and offering it to Zib for a dollar was funny in a disgusting way.
  • After Ivy makes the case that the Arbogasts should do business with Lackadaisy again because otherwise Viktor might come to repay them for damaging his protege, Rocky. Bobby and Abelard look at each other then tentatively decide to agree. For the moment.
    Bobby: Awright, in the spirit of friendship...
    Abelard: And duress.
    Bobby: ...we'll discuss the possibility...
    Abelard: Grudgingly.
    Bobby: ...of a very minor arrangement.
    Abelard: Evil incarnate.
    Ivy: (Stares in wide-eyed innocence)
  • Rocky and Mitzi after Freckle starts his rampage against the pig farmers, cackling like a madman while brandishing a tommy gun:
    Rocky: My cousin.

  • Rocky's attempts to scare Wick off so he can have Mitzi to himself.
    "Maybe you should ask her husband. ...Oh wait. You can't. HE'S DEAD."
  • All of the hijinks at the pig farm—the ones that weren't terrifying at least. Special mention goes to Rocky deciding that to make sure the burning car hits the barn he's going to have to drive it himself.
    Rocky: Are you questioning my logic?
  • Based on the above exchange Tracy made an image of Rocky in a pickle car. "Are you questioning my pickle car?"
  • Rocky attempts to convey meaning:
    Rocky: That's the thing about words; they're wishy-washy. Maybe we'll have better luck with interpretive pantomime.
    Ivy and Freckle: ["Bwuh?" expressions]
    Rocky: No? Not getting it? Give up? It means pig farmers are coming to shoot my face off. Let's step out of the line of fire, shall we?
  • Rocky and Ivy running from the hearse in a corn field.
    Rocky: NO! Why isn't the corn tall enough!? This is terrible corn!"
    • Followed shortly by, "This barn is useless!"
  • Pretty much all of Rocky's letters in Correspondence, especially "Meat catches on fire easier than I would've guessed. So do I, as it turns out."
    • "Aunt Nina, I'm sorry I turned your only child into a gun slinging outlaw maniac."
  • A fan asked if it was weird that she was attracted to Rocky. Tracy responded with this comic, with Zib's deadpan face looking judgementally at the reader saying the answer: Yes, yes it is.
  • Whenever Rocky eats pancakes he experiences something resembling an acid trip.
  • Rocky's... thing... for Mitzy, a cactus wrapped in a bow with googly eyes and clenched teeth. She says he should hold onto it.
  • Nina choosing to drop Rocky down the stairs when he's characteristically snarky about her questions.
  • Mitzi gives Rocky a compliment. There are no survivors.
  • A bonus comic, involving Rocky's Bedsheet Ghost costume+a jar of alcohol+a lit candle=bad.

    Viktor and/or Mordecai 

  • Pretty much anything from the Adventures of Mordecai and Victor is utterly hilarious:
    • Mordecai's attempt to make a "smoldering" face at a girl.
    Mordecai: Am I doing it now?
    Viktor: No.
    Mordecai: Is this it?
    Viktor: Maybe happier, a little bit.
    Mordecai: How is thi-
    Viktor: NO.
    • From that same comic, Viktor offhandedly appends "with ice pick, probably" to his description of Mordecai's murderous glare. Mordecai protests that "that wasn't remotely like the ice pick look." Emphasis added.
    • The comic where Mordecai and Viktor are driving a poor schmuck in their backseat (who is likely riding to his death) and Mordecai gets increasingly angry over him moving to either side of the seat and throwing off the symmetry of the car. It turns out every time he started crying, Viktor would glare at him until he scooted away.
      Mordecai: (to Viktor, after the ‘passenger’ makes his most recent shuffle) I saw that! You did that on purpose!
      Viktor: Aauugh! Alvays they are crying in my ear!
      Mordecai: Why don’t you just admit it?! You’ve never liked symmetry!
      Viktor: And you! Noise, noise!
      Mordecai: Did you lie about liking grammar too?!
      Viktor: It makes never any sense vot you are saying!
      Mordecai: (now scuffling with Viktor outright) YOU FRAUD! YOUR FAÇADE IS A LITTLE ASYMMETRICAL! HERE, LET ME FIX THAT FOR YOU!
      Viktor: KUS VOLA! ZABIJEM T’A!note 
    • Mordecai and Viktor greet a group of carolers on Christmas, covered in dripping red stains after they've been pulverizing... cranberries.
    Mordecai: Where'd you get this recipe for cranberry sauce anyway? You're not just making this up are you?
    Mordecai: And I'd like the name of party-planner who volunteered us for this... so I can share with them my own little recipe.
    Mordecai: For murder
    Mordecai: Pie.
    • Mordecai following what was apparently a sizable massacre perpetrated by himself and Viktor. He tries to express his "distress" over what happened, coming off as increasingly unconvincing to a staring Viktor, before finally giving up and saying he'll never understand "sentimental types" like him. And then...
    • It's even funnier when you consider the fact that Mordecai is probably worried that they'll be found and be traced to him.
    • The fact that Mordecai shot their getaway driver, Sniffles, because he had a runny nose, and smelt faintly of mayonnaise.
  • In a bonus comic, Tracey draws Mordecai smoothly exiting a building and walking back into a street, checking his watch, and being very orderly. ...All with a Stab Me note taped to his back.
  • Drunk Mordecai and his ramblings about how great Viktor is, with an embarrassed Viktor sliding away in the background.
  • Apparently, a good day for Viktor involves winning "all of the money" and then using said money to buy a rather sizable amount of land. Sounds like a normal enough goal, until you actually see the particulars.
  • The comic made in response to a reader question on What Mordecai and Viktor think of their shippers, and the author's note afterwards:
    "The very premise of this question caused Viktor to die laughing. Then Mordecai short-circuited. Well played."
  • When a reader asked Why Mordecai cleaned up the store room after stealing the firearms, Tracey made a comic of him coming in and getting a spider on his coat. He frantically thrashes about and finally kills it, only to look up and see rats all over the shelves. Cue a look of total horror as one of the rats offers him a piece of cracker.note 
  • One of the bonus comics from before Mordecai left Lackadaisy ends with Mitzi telling Mordecai that everyone assumes he has short arms because he's wearing Atlas' shirts, then taking his horrified picture. There's a little bonus doodle at the bottom of him exhibiting his arms in front of a confused Viktor.
    Mordecai: "My arms are regular length. Good day."
  • Mordecai's reaction to flirting. He decides to study a ficus tree.
    Mordecai: It's an excellent ficus. (looks back, girls are still there) I wish I were this ficus.
  • Victor and Mordecai, or their human alternate selves, discuss fashion.
  • Mordecai explains that he's going to interrogate a jewel thief before killing him in order to figure out why his hit list has been so goddamn long lately.
    • To celebrate the Kickstarter for the pilot, Pro ZD (voice of Mordecai) did a dub of this scene. His delivery of that last 'Yes' is perfect - as one commenter put it, 'Mordecai thinks the purpose behind what he’s doing is completely obvious', and doesn't see anything strange about what he's currently doing.
    • When Mordecai is setting up Gracie, he goes outside where Nico is waiting. Nico silently communicates via gesture: first indicating a gun to mean a shootout is going to ensue, then a thumbs up when Mordecai nods. He gets carried away with this, though, blowing a kiss to Mordecai and randomly gesturing to mean 'scissors', to which Mordecai first rolls his eyes and then gestures back 'what does that mean?'


  • Zib trying to stop Mitzi and Virgil from killing each other over a pearl.
    "Hey, come on! What’s the matter with you both? Can we just stop before somebody gets-"
    "Never mind."
  • This conversation when Zib's in jail:
    Dom: You look down on your luck.
    Zib: Does it show?
    • And a few panels before that, when the cops imply to Zib that they're stealing his money:
    Zib: Ha ha ha. Oh, you wags. Oh, goodness.
    Zib: I hate everybody.
    • Zib and Mitzi's conversation as he's sitting in front of a shop front:
    Zib: I figured I'd practice sitting around looking troubled and pensive.
    Mitzi: Well, you've succeeded in looking like a grimy doormat.
    • In Volume 1, there's a scene with Zib and Rocky mistakenly coming to help Viktor with bringing down the booze, not realizing that he's being attacked by pig farmers:
    Zib: *Fake jazz hands* "Hurray."
  • Then there's Zib trying to convince Mitzi to kick out all of the guests, to prevent them being slaughtered by the pig farmers.
    Zib: "Pardon me. I just stopped by to inform you we're all going to die."
  • A reader once asked Tracy if Zib ever smiles. Cue a comic of Zib smiling and then calling in sick with facial strain. Notable especially because much of the humor of Zib comes from his facial expressions in the first place.
  • Sorry, going this way now. Can't stop. Too much momentum.
  • During the pig farmer's attack on the speakeasy, Zib and Mitzi are trying to flee through the caves when one of the pig farmers spots them. Then Freckle rushes in, dodges a shot that nearly takes Zib's head off, guns down the farmer and runs off. Zib is so freaked out he can't keep his hand steady long enough to light a match for a cigarette.
    Zib: *visibly struggling to light the match*
    Mitzi: You need some help with that?
    Zib: I GOT IT. *continues to not have it*

    Other Characters 

  • Freckle:
    • The frantic way that Rocky tries to calm Freckle down after his rampage on the pig farmers and Freckle's reaction to them.
    Rocky: "I'll make you a sandwich!"
    Freckle:"AAAUGHOHGODI don't want a sandwich!"
    • After hinting at the incident in a bonus comic, Tracy finally made another comic that showed the young Freckle with a shaved face. His mother's horrified face is priceless.
  • Mitzi:
    • Her many deadpan snarker-isms, in and out of the comic proper:
    Rocky: Besides, shouldn't we revel in the opportunity to suffer for our art?
    Mitzi: Zib, go suffer for your art.

    Viktor: I think maybe I'd like vearing [the tuxedo] to your funeral.
    Viktor: Okay, see? I make a compromise.
    Mitzi: That wasn't a compromise, Viktor, that was a threat. You always get those confused.

    Rocky: *Beaten and bloodied* If you don't mind, I'm going to lay on the floor here and twitch for a while.
    Mizti: Maybe it's time I hired you some help.
    Mitzi: *Continues typing*

    • Her example of Digging Yourself Deeper with Wick, who tells her that Rocky implied she'd hired him to murder Atlas.
      Mitzi: Oh, damn. Now I'm going to have to hire someone to murder Rocky.
      Mitzi: I'm kidding, Wick. That was a joke. I'd never do a thing like that.
      Mitzi: ...Not when I could just wring his skinny neck with my own bare hands.
      Mitzi: No. I'm kidding. ...He'd do it himself if I asked him nicely. No, really. I'm joking. ...Except he really would.
      • Then...
      Mitzi: The whole basis for this conversation is absurd.
      Mitzi: Rocky's name is definitely not on my murderers-for-hire roster.
      Mitzi: ...You stopped rowing.
    • Mitzi, after falling asleep with her make up on. Rocky apologizes for insulting her clown costume when he screams upon seeing her.
  • Wick:
    • The bonus comic where he managed to shoot a duck once and then it has literally haunted him his whole life, quacking at him and appearing at the most inconvenient moments. Like when he's talking to Lacy.
  • Abelard Arbogast and Ivy, as he's trying to preach at her and she screams and fires in his direction, mistaking him for a giant spider.
    "But... Hellfire." :C
    • And Ivy's D: expression before that.
  • The Pig Farmers:
    • Avril's Angrish rants whenever things go wrong. For instance:
      Avril: ((Marching uphill with a shotgun) Damned sow-sucklin' infernal little weed; I'm gonna break him in half with my bare hands; dirty firebug rat-bastard son of a—
    • Later:
      Avril: (Gesticulating wildly) ...And while we was puttin' that fire out, they set the cars on fire and onna them blew up and the other tore the fence all up, and crashed through the house while it was still burnin', so the whole house burnt up and collapsed and they nearly runned me down with my down flamin' truck, and hit the barn with it, and drove through the still, then the barn caught on fire and then it exploded and the pigs went an' runned off and...!
    • Lampshaded later:
      Avril: Ain't no living thing oughta make a sound like that. Damn sure he won't be laughin' when I shoot his damned mouth right off his face—
      Avery: What?
    • There's also the aftermath of Rocky's attack on their farm. Avril's sitting there in a stupor, leaving Avery to confront Emery, who's only just now walking up to see what happened:
      Avery: ...Where you been all day, Emery?
      Emery: I was playin' checkers and shootin' at squirrels with Benjy Jessup.
      Avery: Uh-huh. But what ha—
      (Avery grabs a nearby bucket and starts whacking Emery upside the head with it)
      Avery: You stupid, addlepated lout! Didn't you smell the smoke?!
      Avril: (Looks up grimly) Save yer fight.
      Avery: (Keeps lambasting Emery) You're as useless as a one-legged mule around here—
      Avril: I SAID, SAVE IT!
      Avery: What in the hell for, Avril? What are we gonna do? We got nothin' left in the world 'cept these coupla buckets...and now this one's all dented.


  • After Freckle and Rocky converse briefly about Freckle's mom, a passing train on a nearby bridge startles them and Ivy:
    Rocky: (laughing nervously) Begorrah! For a moment there, I thought it WAS your mom!
  • When Rocky finds the part of the quarry that stores dynamite, his eyes go wide and he sees it as a giant circus tent with its warning signs as advertisements.
  • Just as things get dark for Ivy and Freckle, Rocky explodes (quite literally) onto the scene, throwing lit sticks of dynamite atop a runaway excavator while screaming his usual poetry. The Savoy siblings are more confused than scared.
    Serafine: Child, that's eleven kinds of stupid!
    • It's a tense scene, but the expressions on Mordecai's face as he gives chase (only to be thrown off by the explosions) give off an indignant 'what the hell?' vibe compared to how composed he'd been up until that point.
  • As chaos (and dynamite) erupts at the quarry, Ivy goes "What's happening?" Freckles only needs one word to tell her.
  • A subtle but still funny little Furry Reminder: Mordecai hissing angrily upon seeing the quarry flooding.
  • As the Lackadaisy trio are making their getaway from Sable’s quarry:
    Rocky: (panting heavily) Are my eyebrows still on?
    Ivy: Uh… yep.
    Rocky: Aces! Here, Freckle, I got you a souvenir. (hands Freckle an unlit stick of dynamite left over from his Mad Bomber antics)
    (Freckle gives a yelp of fright and tosses the dynamite out the car window)
    Rocky:You’re supposed to light it first.
  • Mitzi's expression of absolute horror upon seeing the main trio return with the car in shambles.
  • At the speakeasy, Zib tries to flirt with Wick of all people. After being pushed back my Mitzi (who was between them), Zib proceeds to not only stick a cigarette in his mouth without lighting it, he seemingly forgets that he already has a lit one, thus having two - one lit and one not - in his mouth at once, with this unusual setup continuing until just after Viktor's "un-smile" growl, at which point Zib sheepishly tosses the unlit one behind him.
  • The Lackadaisy trio’s return to the eponymous speakeasy:
    Rocky: (holding the three surviving bottles of Canadian whiskey aloft) BUM-BADA-BUM BADA-BUM-BUM-BUM!! We made it, everyone! We made it!
    Freckle: (speaking along with Rocky post-fanfare) Hello. Sorry… about the carpet.
    Ivy: (likewise) I drove the car!
    (Cue various unimpressed/dismayed expressions from Mitzi, Wick, Zib and Viktor, leading to an awkward silence until…)
    J.J.: *plays the stock sad trombone tune*
    Zib: J.J.!
    J.J.: Sorry.
  • The Lackadaisy crew's reaction after tasting the Canadian Whiskey that Ivy, Freckle and Rocky fought hard to bring to the speakeasy is hilarious.
    • Special mention goes to Ivy whom tries her best to act tough and say that she deserves to at least get a taste of what she nearly died for. As expected she doesn't enjoy it one bit, for extra hilarity she tries to give the rest of the drink to Freckle whom only backs away in fear while making cat noises.
    Ivy: (in response to Viktor’s growl) Pft. You have no idea what I went through to get this.
    Viktor: (maintaining a disapproving expression) I have very good an idea.
    Ivy: (glares at Viktor til he relents, then takes a swig. Cue Spit Take) Mmm~… Sophisticated… flavor. (offers unfinished drink to Freckle)
    (Freckle gives a startled chirp, then backs away while growling)
    • Some of the Damned by Faint Praise responses the crew gives, such as Zib saying the drinks "beat radiator fluid" and Miss M saying that they're "better than getting shot".
    • Wick on the other hand doesn't even flinch and actually starts analyzing the drink like a sommelier.
    Wick: What's that aftertaste? Crisp, full-bodied, um, (snapping his fingers) reminiscent of oak wood... (smiles) Coffin varnish!
  • The way the trio summarise their adventure after Mitzi asks if the small amount of liquor is all they got.
    Mitzi: Still, is this all we got for our money, honey? You look like you took a bath in the rest.
    Rocky: Well, I could probably wring some more out of my coat for you. (proceeds to do just that while Freckle continues to evade Ivy’s offer of Sunset Rose Cocktail) There was a minor... incident? (at this point, Freckle looks alarmed and Ivy drops the glass) Incidences…
    Mitzi: (sighs in exasperation and facepalms) The likes of what?
    Rocky: Oh, just some spent ammo and-
    Freckle: (ashamed tone) Desecrated graves…
    Ivy: Fractured signage, minor flooding, lots of structural damage!
    Rocky: Uh, we may have fomented a deadly rivalry on the way, too. (having made his way to Wick, who’s still nursing his drink) But, dynamite and heavy machinery are marvelous problem solvers! Eh, old sport? (thumps Wick on the back and makes his way back to Freckle and Ivy)
    Wick: (splutters at the thumping) Dynamite?! What dynamite?
    Rocky: And the car is fine!
    Ivy: I fixed it!
    (Cue the beat-up car falling apart in the Lackadaisy garage, with the engine catching fire less than a second before the scene cuts back to the speakeasy.)
  • The way Asa Sweet sums up the reason that Mordecai is calling, in The Stinger.
    Sweet: Let me see if I have this right. Ruthless, infamous hatchet man Mordecai Heller is calling me to… ask for a ride?
    Mordecai: … Yes.
    Sweet: *laughs so loud that Mordecai has to hold the receiver several inches away from his ear*
    Mordecai: However, Mister Sweet, it seems-
    Sweet: Wuh... What am I, your dad?! *keeps on laughing*
    Mordecai: It... it seems we have a more considerable problem.
    Sweet: What, someone mussed your hair? You got some dirt on ya?!
    Mordecai: *takes off one shoe and holds it upside down and glares at it as sludge pours out* As a matter of fact, yes.
  • A post-credits shot shows Wick just looking on at the aftermath caused by Rocky at his quarry, before a close up on a despaired look on his face while "THANKS FOR WATCHING!" is below him.


  • In one stream, Tracy's audio starts glitching and cutting out, so someone turns off her audio on her own stream. So Tracy starts typing threats in dripping horror font on the drawing feed.
