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Characters / The-B-Team

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The B-Team

    Tropes for the group as a whole 
  • Brought Down to Badass: Despite being much weaker than they were when they fought Chaldea, they're still far stronger than the overwhelming majority of capes on Earth Bet. It's probably best exemplified by the fact that Fou is able to easily defeat Alexandria, and that the six of them alone are able to defeat a Titan, with each Titan in canon being an Invincible Villain on the same level as one of the Endbringers.
  • Redemption Demotion: They're much weaker now than they were during their times as enemies of Chaldea and humanity. Justified, as they lack the sort of carefully built up resources they had as full Beasts, and there's the fact that they're both restricted to Servant containers, and have taken some damage due to the countermeasures the Entities have set up.
  • Resurrected for a Job: While the exact reasoning hasn't been given yet, it's heavily implied that they've been summoned by the Counter Force to deal with the threat of the Entities.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Few of the B-Team are able to really get along, with things being particularly fractious between the pairs of Goetia and U-Olga Marie, and Kiara and Kama.



  • Adaptational Jerkass: This Goetia, despite taking form as the King of Men, notably retains his general disdain for much of humanity and it's failings, most notably their mortality. This is in contrast to his attitude at the King of Men, where he came to saw mortality as a beautiful thing. Justified because of the below entry.
  • Alternate Self: As stated by Wordof God, this Goetia doesn't actually represent the King Of Men faced by Ritsuka, but Goetia after he possesses Solomon's corpse, but before he makes his big realization regarding mortality.
  • Berserk Button: Being compared to Solomon. It's to the point that when Fou compares him to Solomon over his apathy to the plight of the people on Earth Bet, he's so overcome with rage that he almost attacks Fou.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: While all the members of the B-Team have this to a certain extent, it's particularly egregious between him and U-Olga Marie.
  • You Are What You Hate: His hatred towards Solomon is well known and Goetia refuses to be anything like his creator — a heartless and cruel observer who could solve the problems but chooses not to. But as Fou points out, his utter disregard for the lives and wellbeing of the people of Earth Bet is exactly the type of callous apathy that he despises Solomon for.



  • Fights Like a Normal: For a relative defintion of 'normal", but in contrast to the other beasts, Tiamat's fighting when not using her mud consists of her using claws and fangs backed by her raw physical power.
  • Mama Bear: When the B-Team arrive at their first town, she immediately proceeds to adopt a child left behind as one of the survivors of the earlier massacre that occurred there.



  • Always Someone Better: While they haven't interacted directly, she's this to Heartbreaker. They're both narcissistic cult leaders whose desires involve breaking others into loving them. Kiara however, vastly surpasses him in pretty much every metric. For one, she's infinitely more powerful physically, even in her current weakened state. And even setting that aside, she's vastly more competent than him. Whereas, Heartbreaker is a hedonistic idiot who's pretty much incapable of actual, long-term planning, as evidenced in canon from when he ended up getting much of his empire burnt down in an attempt to get a famous actress for himself, Kiara is a cunning Chessmaster who conducts elaborate, wide-spanning plans that come very close to success, and who's goals are far more lofty in scope and ambition. It's best reflected in how they were able to build up their cults, as where Heartbreaker is entirely reliant on his powers to attain followers, Kiara was able to build her cult using her own intelligence and charisma. It's lampshaded by Kama, who derisively refers to him as a "Kiara-wannabe" and states that she at least had some gravitas to her plan, while he's just a sad, little man who has nothing else to him other than his powers.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: While the dynamics between the rest of the B-Team are hardly friendly, Kiara stands out, as pretty much everyone else on the B-Team dislikes her.



  • Lust Object: Is this to Heartbreaker, who upon seeing her, immediately tries to use his powers to turn her into another one of his slaves.
  • No-Sell: Being both the Hindu god of love and a Beast, Master powers do not work on her as Heartbreaker found out.
  • The Reliable One: Even taking into account her standing rivalry with Kiara, Kama stands out as the most reliable of all the Beasts because she's the least affected by her own issues in comparison to them. This is why Goetia tends to rely on her when competence is a factor. And she absolutely hates it.



  • Badass Adorable: He's manifested in the same cute, puppy-sized form he has during his time at Chaldea. Does not stop him from being an extremely dangerous opponent, as evidenced by his killing of a Titan-possessed Alexandria.
  • Token Good Teammate: Out of all the members of the B-Team, Fou is definitely the most friendly and non-threatening towards humans.

     U-Olga Marie 

U-Olga Marie

  • Butt-Monkey: Just like canon, she's routinely on the receiving end of comedic abuse. From being forced to hang on to the car-trunk instead of getting a seat, to Goetia using her self-proclaimed status as president against her by staging a vote where the rest decide to not let her speak on their behalf.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: While all the members of the B-Team have this to a certain extent, it's particularly egregious between her and Goetia.


     Doctor Mother 
  • General Failure: The fact that she dismisses the need for things like "strategy" and "morale" in regards to the fight against Scion just goes to show how poor her grasp of actual planning is.
  • Smug Snake: Even more apparent than in canon, as evidenced by how she completely dismisses Goetia's very valid points regarding Cauldron's plans.
  • Straw Vulcan: Assumes that people will fight Scion simply because they will be faced with extinction otherwise, leaving morale a nonissue. Goetia internally notes just how lacking in understanding of humanity this is.

  • Exact Words: A variant, as while PTV provides the steps needed to complete an objective, it's still dependent on Contessa's defintion of the objective. In this case, her plan to create an army involves simply creating a bunch of parahumans and throwing them against Scion, because when Contessa first came up with the plan, she was a 10-year old from a tribal civilization, so as far as she knew, an army simply consists of "a collection of warriors united under a single banner."
  • Heroic BSoD: Has gone into an extended one since the end of Repercussions 3.2, by virtue of a combination of the revelation detailed under Nice Job Breaking It, Hero and the fact that Earth Bet is part of a timeline that's supposed to be excised under the Pruning Theoretical Phenomenon.
  • It's All My Fault: Is shown to blame herself for the Cauldron's missteps and waste of time and resources in pursuit of a useless goal.
  • Missing Steps Plan: As stated by Goetia, her plan for Scion is barely a plan at all, lacking in crucial points like what strategy to use and how to keep up morale. Justified, as detailed in Exact Words, Contessa's defintion of an army was very simplistic when she came up with the plan.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It turns out that her plans at this point have been almost completely useless up to this point, by virtue of relying on a very childish definition of what an army is, without any regard to things like "strategy" or "morale.
  • Not So Stoic: Confirmed to have gone through a complete emotional breakdown, complete with Broken Tears, after Repercussions 3.2, over a combination of grief over Alexandria's death and the fact that she's inadvertently caused massive amounts of damage for nothing and caused Cauldron to use massive amounts of time and resources for a near-useless goal.
  • That Man Is Dead: A minor inversion. After seeing being confronted with how her abandonment of her humanity and reliance on Path To Victory has led her and Cauldron down a dark path, she tells Goetia to call her by Fortuna instead of Contessa.

  • Death by Adaptation: Of the dies earlier variant, as whereas in canon, she was rendered brain dead on July 14, 2011, before being completely destroyed during Gold Morning in 2013, here, she's killed by Fou only around a year after Behemoth's first appearance. Subverted, in that she's later revealed to still be alive, in a sense.
  • Demonic Possession: Is on the receiving end of this from an unleashed Shard that's morphed into a Titan.
  • Demoted to Extra: In contrast to canon, where she's a recurring character who ended up playing a sizable role in the plot and setting, here she's killed in the same arc she shows up in, has only one interlude where she's actually present as herself, and spends the rest of her time as a brainwashed puppet before being killed by Fou.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: Whereas in canon, she was rendered braindead by Skitter forcing a swarm of insects down her lungs, here she's killed by Fou. Double Subverted, in that while she's revealed to still be technically alive later, she's effectively braindead with no known means of helping her at the moment.
  • Not Quite Dead: It's later confirmed in Repercussions 3.b to still be alive, as her heart is shown to be visibly beating in her chest.
  • Undignified Death: Is killed while under the control of a Titan, a shard of the same Entities that Cauldron is dedicated to fighting against. It's later mentioned that her body was so horribly mutilated that it's barely even recognizable as having been a person, let alone being capable of being identified as her.
  • Walking Spoiler: As indicated by all the other blanked out tropes, it's pretty much impossible to talk about her without mentioning her Villain Override at the hands of a Titan and death in the subsequent battle.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Is only present for a single interlude before being completely overridden and reduced to a brainwashed puppet by the Titan.


  • Despair Event Horizon: Is shown to be teetering on the verge of this after the realization that their world is a Pruned timeline, meaning even if they defeat Scion, they'll still all end up dying anyway.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: Has this upon the realization that pretty much all of Cauldron's plans up to this point have been effectively useless in terms of actually accomplishing their end-goal.


Inhabitants of Earth Bet

  • Abusive Parents: Is shown to be just as rotten a parent as in canon, when a couple of his children, who are shown to not even be elementary school age, whimper upon seeing him angry, he proceeds to subject them to feelings of utter terror.
  • Dirty Coward: Maintains an aura of smug condescension when he feels in control, but his confidence immediately shatters and gives way to utter panic as soon as he faces actual opposition.
  • Mugging the Monster: Attempts to pull his usual shtick of turning women into his slaves on Kama. Needless to say, it doesn't end well for him.

  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade: The fact that her father is well on his way to being shown the door courtesy of Kama means that she won't have to spend the rest of her childhood under him, which is already a huge improvement.
