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Self Demonstrating / Darkseid

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(Mortals who dare to bask in the presence of his greatness, you are instructed to read of his greatness in the voice of Michael Ironside, Ray Porter, Frank Welker, Andre Braugher, Steve Blum, Tony Todd, John DiMaggio, "Weird Al" Yankovic, André Sogliuzzo, Jonathan Adams, or Michael-Leon Wooley. Such is the command of Darkseid.)
None may compare to true power. Darkseid is that power. Lest you forget it, the price of failure is eternal.

(The fires of the pits of Apokolips burn brightly, as a throne room approaches into view)

Darkseid Is

(Upon the throne rests all that will bring the universe to its knees)

Darkseid Is

(Be wary to all who approach. Nay, you may not return from this journey, but know that your sacrifice will be done in the name of Darkseid.)

Darkseid Is

Mortals. Truly you are braver than most. Have you come to swear your fealty to me? Or do you dare to challenge a god? In either case, I feel as if there is something...different about you. You are not the Kryptonian, the Crusader, or the Amazon, yet you seek...knowledge. Then know this: all that was, is, and will be, is Darkseid. This world you see before you is but the seat of my empire, which spans a thousand worlds of crushed armies and desecrated planets that dared to stand against my might. None have dared to succeed, for they know such an attempt would be futile. I am many things, but above all, I am a God. All of this was made possible by one being, Jack Kirby, who had ironically made me for the very competitor of the reality of which I exist in. Yet it was the others who recognized that the so-called protectors of Earth needed a true challenge to stand in their way, and brought forth my armies to their wretched world. The Parademons under my command have sought to lay waste to each planet, bringing my influence to each corner of the universe...and yet Earth continues to defy me. No doubt it is because they seek to protect its most valuable resource, and my ultimate goal: the Anti-Life Equation. With it, I will bring about the total destruction of free will, and ensure that my reign of all will be swift and absolutely for eternity.

So, for those brave enough to hear of my power, I will grant them that. But know that from this day forward, there is no power greater than Darkseid. I have seen many of the beings on this pathetic website: would-be tyrants, meager criminals, beings who claim to be gods but are mewling whelps barely weaned from the teat, and especially that pale imitation of me.note  You will not pledge your loyalty to them, any others I have not mentioned, or any others that will join this site. From now on, Darkseid will reign over all. Now come. We have much work to accomplish. But know that if you fail me, you will find that they would have been far more merciful than I ever will be.

Darkseid IS

Darkseid Is:

  • Abusive Parents: I have no care for my offspring, especially when they prove to be of little use to me. Kalibak, for all his strength, is little more than a loose cannon. Grail is a skilled and powerful warrior, but she must often be reminded whom she serves. Grayven is a worthless fool with delusions of grandeur. Orion, though of my blood, has chosen to side with the fools of New Genesis. And my adopted son...his talents are wasted serving the Justice League.
    • My own parents cared none for me as well.
  • Actually a Doombot: Tales of my conquest indicate that my power is far greater than that of any mortal. As such, all who bear witness to my might only see an extension of my power. For those that do encounter the true me, their death is all but assured.
  • Adaptational Badass: Many tales tell of how I have failed to obtain my ultimate goal, the Anti-Life Equation. Come this brief new era, I possess the equation, and know exactly how to use it.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: As foretold in the escapades of Harleen Quinzel, I granted her with my army of Parademons despite not having any benefit to my conquest. I normally would not even entertain such a thought, and for the jester's plaything of all lifeforms, but she showed her worth to me. I also noticed that her actions was her attempting to fill a void her heart and warned her that it would be for naught. And to my distaste, her tale is filled with profanity and slurs, one of which even Darkseid dares not utter.
  • Adaptational Wimp: While I confess that a a certain animated tale brought me to the fold of your tales, I will not forgive how my powers are of no consequence to the Man of Steel. My Omega Beams always get their target, and always destroy those who are unfortunate to be struck by them. And truly, as pittance, they dared to make me obsess on a romantic relationship with the Amazon. Pitiful. Your so called Moral Guardians will find that they will be the first to fall upon my conquest of this wretched world.
  • Alliance with an Abomination: There have come times where threats beyond even my power have proven to be too much to handle, and as such, I have turned towards my old enemies for aid. Until they are no longer of use to me.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: My father, the Anti-Monitor and the cosmic witch that spawned him, Nekron, Doomsday, the being from the other universe they call "Galactus", the childish imp Mxyzptlk, and even the foolish clown as well as that twisted amalgam of both him and the Dark Knight, have been amongst the few that have dwarfed my power. But such arrogance was but temporary; Darkseid is forever powerful.
  • Always Accurate Attack: None escape the reach of the Omega Effect. Once it is loosed, your fate is sealed.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Of evil itself. Every single criminal and lunatic in the multiverse holds in them just a tiny fraction of my essence.
  • Arch-Enemy: The entirety of my universe, or any universe in which I exist, fears me, and I in turn despise them for their efforts in stopping me. It will prove insignificant in the long run, for all fall before Darkseid. Kryptonians, Amazons, Lanterns, or others pale in comparison to what I have created. Darkseid IS.
  • Archnemesis Dad: Orion is this to me, though I find him to be a worthy opponent. My father, however...he is the only being I truly feared.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Apokolips is ruled by my force alone due to my strength of will. All are nothing compared to Darkseid, and no one ever will be. To those who dare to challenge my reign, I ask you this: how foolish are you to challenge a ''God''?
  • Ax-Crazy: You will find that, when sufficiently angered, I am the most powerful being in all the Multiverse. If you are fortunate to survive my anger, consider it one of the few instances of mercy I grant. For when this pitiful world of yours falls, you will be among the first to suffer.
  • Back from the Dead: My Omega Effect has allowed me to return those who have fallen before its power to the land of the living. So long as they have use to me.
  • Badass Boast: There are many a great examples of my demonstrations of power. Few have survived to tell of them.
  • Badass Cape: For a time, I wore such a draping. It proved utterly useless. Perhaps the small mortal proved correct about it having no purpose.
  • Badass Santa: The cursed gift-giver is somehow able to breach my defenses to grant me a lump of coal each holiday season. When the time comes, I will reduce him to ashes.
  • Bad Boss: Dare to stand against me, or question my judgement, and you will find torment that not even a thousand hells could deliver.
  • Body Back Up Drive: Ah, Simon Hurt, my good and faithful servant. After my death during the final crisis, he would have been a suitable new avatar in which reincarnate, since he had a piece of me inside him.
  • Bald of Evil: I do not require hair. Or perhaps I am incapable. But even so, all others who claim to be evil pale in comparison to my power.
  • Batman Grabs a Gun: The pathetic mortals on this planet believe that slaying others who do them harm is but a cardinal sin. Yet I remain an exception. It is only fitting, for only I possess the power to lay entire worlds to waste. Even the most ardent of heroes would dare to break his precious rule should my presence be known.
  • Big Bad: To all of existence, I am this. For Darkseid IS.
  • Bodyguard Babes: The Female Furies act as my elite forces. The Kryptonian's cousin would have served as my leader, had she only accepted that Darkseid is the true path to salvation.
  • Body Surf: One set of tales chose to depict me as being forced to do this.
  • Breakout Villain: Few can boast of being powerful enough to stand out from the cabal of foes the heroes face. Darkseid eclipses them all.
  • Cain and Abel: My older brother now rests amongst the dead, for he could not command the Omega Effect. Only I may.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Free will is but the true enemy of my empire; I proudly shout to the universe that it will. Be. DESTROYED!
  • Character Tics: My arms rest behind my back. They are not required to destroy all before me.
  • The Chessmaster: If the universe will not bend to my will, I shall simply manipulate it into doing so. The New Gods, the Justice League, and all others think they are one step ahead of me. I have already begun to set the wheels in motion; all that is required is to simply wait as my plan brings forth their demise.
  • Cold Ham: Choose how you refer to me carefully. I speak of grand schemes for reality, but such petty insults as calling me a swine will be a swift end for all who utter it.
  • The Corrupter: Entire worlds have been remade in my image, heroes such as the Kryptonian, his precious Earth, and many others have been reshaped to serve my purpose.
  • Crapsack World: Apokolips is the worst of hells, kept as such so that those under my service will suffer a thousand-fold, and be remolded in my image into loyal servants.
  • Crazy-Prepared: There are few humans I can attest to admiring. One of them is the one called "Batman", for his sheer fortitude and strength of will make him the most dangerous of foes I have faced. So when I ensured his "death" at my Omega Sanction, I knew he would work tirelessly to return to the present day. Upon doing so, he would self-destruct, taking all of his allies who anxiously awaited his return to their doom. Alas, it seems he anticipated this and stopped it from unfolding. Well played, Dark Knight.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: All of reality are but pawns in my schemes. Once those pawns have no use to me, they are discarded—cast out into the void, where they will be reduced to atoms.
  • Dark Is Evil: If any find irony in the name "Darkseid", they are sadly mistaken. I am the shadow cast upon this universe.
  • The Dark Side: Not even the one who commands this power is able to compare to me. For Darkseid IS.
  • Deal with the Devil: Brainiac once attacked Apokolips after a skirmish with New Genesis left my forces depleted. In order to survive, I cut a deal to bring him Superman in exchange for sparring my world. That deal was a grievous mistake, for Brainiac. Bringing him Superman was nothing more than a ruse to get close enough to control Brainiac with a Mother Box, turning him into an instrument of my will. It is inadequate to compare me to some lowly creature like the devil but the lesson is learned from that exchange nonetheless; never trust Darkseid.
  • De-power: The tales of my animated self in the timeline of the future saw me lose my powers. I am certain this was a temporary setback.
  • Dimension Lord: My homeworld of Apokolips occupies an area outside of the normal reality.
  • Disappeared Dad: My father sought the powers that lay beyond the Source Wall. While I seek such powers for my own, he foolishly tried to simply obtain them without realizing the consequences.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: To mock me is to suffer. To insult me is to perish. To dare insinuate anything that suggests I am not as prophesied ensures you will suffer as you perish. You may ask Dan Turpin.
  • The Dreaded: The mere utterance of my name is enough to inspire terror, for throughout existence, my reputation as a conqueror has ensured that none will dare to stand against me. For those who do, your death will be swift, for Darkseid is without mercy.
  • Dystopia: Apokolips will be maintained as such under my rule.
  • Dystopia Justifies the Means: Free will is the enemy of my empire, for it inspires others to rise against me. With the Anti-Life Equation in my possession, it will no longer exist. Instead, all will serve me, worship me as the God I am, and bring of all existence to its knees.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Ironic, is it not? Jack Kirby had once intended me to exist for the ones in another reality, using the very technology I posses to travel in between that dimension and the dimension I call home.
  • The Empire: In spite of my homeworld being the primary focus, thousands of other worlds are under my control, and will be maintained as such to ensure my continued efforts to conquer this pathetic world. Until they are no longer of use to me.
  • Enemy Mine: There are few instances of which I will willingly seek the aid of my enemies to stop a greater threat. But I am not above this, for my empire must be maintained. Only Darkseid may rule this pathetic universe, and none will dare to challenge that. Even if it means I must sulk to those who wish for my demise.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Suli...truly you were the only one I ever truly loved. Rest assured, your death was avenged with the swiftest of pain on the party responsible.
    • Dare not repeat this to another soul, but my main motivation in Injustice 2 is to avenge the death of my son Kalibak. His lack of success is immensely displeasing, but as much as I wanted to be rid of him, he was my son and the last remaining remnant I had of my beloved Suli.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: Suli was the only one who cared for me. I only wish our son, Kalibak, would show some respect for his father.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: There is no such concept of "good". It is merely a lie that free will has allowed existence to have simply because they would rather delude themselves with the idea of having a choice. I will take that choice away from them, and ensure that no one will dare to defy me again.
  • Evil Genius: Brute strength alone is not enough to win. No, it requires intellect beyond comprehension. It is why many have fallen before me, for they always underestimate the true power that is Darkseid.
  • Evil Is Petty: Darkseid IS. There is few I will find beneath doing.
  • Evil Overlord: Darkseid IS.
  • Evil Plan: Upon my obtainment of the Anti-Life Equation, all of existence shall be mine.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: My voice commands entire armies into the slaughter of others. Except...the one adaptation you mortals seem to decry more than almost anything. My counterpart there has a distaste, and the voice of, "Weird Al" Yankovic? I am beginning to see why such a tale is so divisive. And yet, there seems to be an appeal to this "Yankovic"... It does seem to come from him making fools out of those like him by creating mockeries of their work.
  • Evil Uncle: Steppenwolf. A failure in one universe, and a loyal, but incompetent failure in another, he is, sadly, family. Yet it is I who command him.
  • Evil Versus Evil: The one who believes he is inevitable has clashed with me before. I wagered with him that he would lose.
  • Eviler than Thou: No matter what the tale, no matter what universe, there is no evil greater than Darkseid.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Under my reign, there will be no free will. This concept is but a lie to bring you comfort; all of existence lives to serve me. There will be no choice. There will be no resistance. Darkseid IS.
  • Exact Words: I employ this to ensure that my deals are honored to the letter, if not the spirit. Bruno Mannheim was promised to be a king if he served me. And so he was — a king of fools.
  • Eye Beams: My Omega Beams seek out those who I target, and vaporize them to dust.
  • Fate Worse than Death: On Apokolips, you will learn suffering. No amount of torture will compare to just how devastating I can truly be, especially if you dare to question me. But the Omega Sanction? You'll find your pain increased by a thousand fold, and nothing you do can ensure a quick and painless end.
  • Faux Affably Evil: I am a force of evil and a necessity. And though I offer deference of respect towards anyone who beat me, I will still make them suffer.
  • Fighting a Shadow: Defeating me is an impossible feat. Should you accomplish this, you will find one of my avatars is the one you have bested. For none can defeat Darkseid.
  • Fights Like a Normal: In spite of my powers, I choose to use my fists to crush the Man of Steel, if not, my Omega Beams.
  • Foil: The Man of Steel represents the truest of heroes in all of reality, whereas I am the most powerful of villains to live in all of existence. He represents truth, justice, the American Way, and the ability to choose one's own path. I am lies, tyranny, destruction, and conquest all in one.
  • Foregone Conclusion: They believe in the future that I will be forgotten. The so-called Legion of Super-Heroes thinks that I, who brought all of reality to its knees, will be a footnote in history. Perhaps they will learn how wrong they are?
  • Formula for the Unformulable: loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side.
  • Fountain of Expies: You humans think that I was the inspiration to those pale imitations. I call it for what it is: creative and artistic incest.
  • Freudian Excuse: I was never destined to be anything else but a conqueror. Though perhaps, had my beloved Suli lived that I may have taken a more "benevolent" path. Oh, mother. In some ways I must thank you, for all of existence is but another obstacle for me to conquer.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: In times of old, I was but a mud farmer named Uxas. It was I who turned the Old Gods against one another, and slaughtered them to seize power for my own. And to think, a mere man became a god who has since gone on to bring the universe to its knees. Ironic.
  • Galactic Conqueror: Across countless worlds, for countless eons, not a voice is raised in hope or joy. Across these worlds, these infinite lands throughout the cosmos, there is only Darkseid.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: When that speedster reset the universe, my first action was to simply conquer Earth, with little remorse or pity. Some found my motives to be...lacking. Yet this is what Darkseid does. Conquest is in my nature, and it shall be, so long as I command it.
  • Genius Bruiser: My prowess lies with my intellect, not in my pure strength. Yet should you dare to approach me, you will be yet another stain beneath my foot.
  • A God Am I: There is no need to exaggerate; I am the one true god - the god of gods.
  • God Couple: The Dark Phoenix was once the object of my affections.
  • God in Human Form: In DC Infinite Frontier, I was stopped in my attempt to obtain the powers of the crack by Doctor Multiverse from Earth 8. As it was sent far away to the Limbos of the Multiverse where that female amalgamation of the clown and the Dark Knight almost took it first, Doctor Multiverse sent me to Earth 33 where I ended up becoming Ulrich Saxmannote . For those who do not know, Earth 33 is essentially your own world, troper, and it was there I became the editor of DC Comics. I realized my position and made sure stories involving me had me win in the end.
  • God of Evil: If one must describe my power, I am but the God of Evil.
  • God of Gods: I will acknowledge that the others under my servitude — DeSaad, Granny Goodness, Steppenwolf, and others — are gods themselves. But all pale in comparison to Darkseid.
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: It would seem, in times of old, the Old Gods required this to survive. How pitiful.
  • Godzilla Threshold: My existence is enough to warrant the most extreme of actions.
  • Gone Horribly Right: My mother Heggra wanted me to be the most extreme of conquerors. She succeeded well in that regard. I suppose, for all her faults, she did me a favor, for I realized that all of existence is but meaningless, so long as Darkseid is not there to rule them.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: All of reality fears that which is truly inevitable...that of the will of Darkseid. I am evil incarnate, that hole in your soul and in your life that bleeds. Any act of malice is Darkseid, any crime and offense in all of history has been done in my name. Anyone who has acted against good, for a second, was possessed by me.
    • On a way more comprehensive for your feeble mind, it seems that one of my heralds on Earth, Simon Hurt, battled many times against the Dark Knight. Even though I wasn't present, his near-defeat of the Knight was done through my will.
  • Happiness in Slavery: It matters not how much suffering I bring to my world, for all choose to worship me as a god. Liberate this planet, and all will return to my side as if their freedom was meaningless.
  • Hate Sink: I have been fueled by hate itself, and I have commited many purifications across the cosmos. Their loved ones have been cindered by my hand. To hate me is to give me strength.
  • Hero Killer: I have brought countless heroes to their doom through my power. Pray that you are not amongst them.
  • Hidden Depths: One of my servants once saw that I felt an emptiness inside of me. That servant learned quickly that I would not be seen as weak, for Darkseid is all.
  • Homing Lasers: My Omega Beams will always find and hit their target, no matter what. If they choose to take their time, it is because I find your suffering amusing.
  • Humanoid Abomination: All fear my power, for Darkseid IS.
  • I Lied: Do not assume I will honor my word. Once you are of no use to me, you will be disposed of. That is what Darkseid wills.
  • Informed Attribute: There is nothing informed about me. Darkseid IS. None dare to equal my power. There are others who can boast to having brought trouble to the pitiful heroes of this world, but few have truly inspired fear in them as Darkseid.
  • Immortality: As a God, my powers allow me to exist for all of time. Which means, for your pitiful world, there will never be a moments rest where I seek to conquer it, and obtain the Anti-Life Equation for my own. And if you are foolish enough to try to kill me, know that your suffering will be as slow and painful as possible.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: None are worthy to command my power, for none compare to Darkseid.
  • Individuality Is Illegal: Live for Anti-Life. Die for Darkseid. Such shall be willed as I see fit. Do not question it. EVER.
  • In the Blood: My son, Orion, possesses the strength of will and a temper after my own. A shame he uses the Mother Box to hinder this; he would have made a fine conqueror.
  • Invincible Villain: There are none that can defeat me, let alone harm me, for Darkseid Is.
  • It's All About Me: The devourer of worlds known as Galactus once tried to consume my world. I fought vigorously to end him, but his power proved equal to that of my own. Yet he found my planet could not be devoured, and questioned why I dared to resist him in such a manner, knowing he could not take Apokolips. I simply told him I am just a slave to my own nature as he is to his own.
  • Jerkass: Darkseid IS. Know that mercy is non-existant, free will is but a lie, and failure is punishable by death. Or torture, if I am feeling merciful.
  • Kick the Dog: I will remind all of humanity and their pathetic defenders of their failures for years to come, for they must know that when their world has been reduced to ashes, they will truly understand that I am the end of all.
  • Kill the God: I am a God for a reason; all others who claim to bear this title fell before my might, and their powers became my own. For Darkseid IS.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Fools! You believe your journey will be free of peril and true danger? Then perhaps I shall show you the folly of your ways.
  • Knocking the Knockoff: I made my opinion of Thanos clear the one time we met: he is a pale imitation of me.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Radion is the only element in reality capable of killing me. Not that it will matter, for Darkseid endures all and even more unfortunate for you Radion is rarer than the Kryptonian's Achilles' heel.
  • Lack of Empathy: Pity, mercy, remorse... all these words mean nothing to me. They are but weaknesses that ensure the foolish continue to remain as meager mortals. I, on the other hand...
  • Large and in Charge: My size is but towering over all—my appearance is merely that of your own courtesy of the Boom Tubes used to travel between my dimension and your own. And yet, in spite of it, my stature is indicative as to my power, for none rule as great as Darkseid.
  • Large Ham: (GAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!) I warned you what would befall you if you chose to refer to me as a swine yet again. My Omega Beams will reduce all to ash! Thousands of worlds perished beneath my heel! Darkseid Is!
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Do you know why my mother chose to punish me by killing my beloved Suli? Because I chose to corrupt DeSaad. Ironic that he would aid in her demise.
  • Leotard of Power: My choice of attire embodies this concept to its fullest.
  • Light Is Not Good: Though colorful my choice of outfit may be, it is far from good. No, Darkseid is all that embodies evil itself.
  • Love Redeems: Suli nearly brought me back to the light. My mother saw otherwise, and soon shared in my beloved's fate.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Orion knew not of his heritage. He would learn of it, for what Darkseid wills to be shall occur. And yet, just like the one who spawned this phenomena, he has yet to embrace his true powers.
  • Magnificent Bastard: I was formerly considered as such, but was cut for being too heinous, which is to my desire. Rest assured, I am still Brilliant.
  • Matricide: My own mother fell before my hand. And you foolish mortals chose to celebrate her demise.
  • Meta Guy: Darkseid remembers all of reality before the Crisis on Infinite Earths or the Scarlet Speedster's folly. For I know all.
  • Morality Pet: Suli, the only one I ever loved, may have granted me morality at one point. But my mother saw to her demise...and she in turn saw all of existence at my mercy.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: With the Anti-Life Equation, all of existence will. Be. MINE.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips - it is rightly feared throughout reality, for Darkseid IS.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: I have often been compared to the most vile villains of Earth's history, yet some may argue that I am worse.
  • The Nicknamer: Those who are not from Apokolips are deemed as I see fit. The Kryptonian, for example, will not be referred to as "Superman" until I deem it so.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Very few, among them my son and the Kryptonian, have bested me in unaided combat. In all other times, all fell before Darkseid.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Darkseid IS. There is no room for frailties; the time to action is nigh.
  • Not So Above It All: I am well aware of my reputation by my choosing to sit on your Earth couches, but nothing is beneath me. Doing so proves that it is a superior act only I can carry out.
  • Obviously Evil: Be it so obvious, it is little wonder your species requires my hand to conquer it.
  • Offing the Offspring: In the tale of my triumph, Orion was felled by own hand using a bullet made of the only substance that can kill beings like myself. Later on, the Dark Knight returned the favor.
  • Oh, Crap!: There are few instances of which I am truly frightened. The monster Doomsday, the Black Racer, and a select few have elicited this reaction from me, but my mere presence does this to all who bear witness to it.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: I will grind this universe to dust and place it under my control. The Mad Titan believes himself inevitable. Darkseid IS.
  • Orcus on His Throne: DeSaad handles the routines on Apokolips, while I simply watch my empire continue to rise. Unless the situation requires my direct attention, in which case, all will fear my fury.
  • Papa Wolf: Surprising as it may be to you, DeSaad was slain by my hand for daring to kill Orion. That is a fate I reserve for myself.
  • The Paranoiac: My actions have left me concerned that there will always be a chance my power will be threatened. Which is why I take no chances, and why, once the Anti-Life Equation is obtained, free-will itself will no longer exist. All will serve Darkseid.
  • Parental Favoritism: Orion is the only son I value, for he is the only of the three that I find as powerful as myself.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Rarely do I take pleasure in my actions, for Darkseid requires no joy. However, I will allow myself the occasional indulgence.
  • Pet the Dog: I truly did love Suli...truly...
  • Physical God: I am many things, but on Apokolips, ''I AM GOD''.
  • Power Copying: Much of my powers come from slaying the old gods, and claiming their gifts as my own. For if they could not wield such power, who else could, but Darkseid?
  • Power Creep, Power Seep: Some tales dare to make me weak, other show me as the ultimate threat to the universe.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: My methods may not produce immediate results, but they work because they are effective. Time travel proves too great of a risk, and Sleez...truly it disgust me that the limited scope of his ability was to force the Kryptonian to engage in a filmed act of lust.
  • Psychotic Smirk: I do allow myself this indulgence from time to time. After all, when victory is obtained, one must celebrate as required.
  • Punny Name: Choose to mock me at your own peril, mortal...
  • The Quest: My goal is to obtain the Anti-Life equation, eradicate free will, and ensure my reign over all of existence.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: The Old Gods dared to make us fodder in their follies. So I slew them all.
  • Raise Him Right This Time: My own daughter, Grail, in the moment of my triumph, ended my life twice to become a pawn to be used by the Anti-Life Equation. The results turned me into an infant, and she dared to raise me with love and kindness. How foolish of her to think I did not posses my true gifts, and hence I returned as I always was — as I always am. For Darkseid IS.
  • Rasputinian Death: The tale of Final Crisis saw me killed many times. Discuss what transpired at your own peril.
  • Really Gets Around: There have been many a women who has been blessed by Darkseid's presence...until they are no longer of use to me.
  • Religion of Evil: The Church of Crime, Intergang, the Black Glove and 99 Fiends and all of Apokolips dedicate themselves to their worship of my might. For Darkseid IS.
    • Since I am evil itself, any so called "super-criminal" is just a lowly priest for Darkseid.
  • Resurrected for a Job: If I require assistance from those I have killed, I will bring them back, but only so long as they serve my purpose.
  • Roboteching: My Omega Beams are capable of striking all of their targets, even altering their angle to ensure they strike with a fierce blow.
  • Rogues' Gallery Transplant: The New Gods, the Legion of Super-Heroes, Superman, and the Justice League of America have all fought me. Truly I am the one they fear the most.
  • Satanic Archetype: There are others that bear a striking resemblance to the devil, yet they pale in comparison to my power. My herald Dr. Hurt actually thought he was being possessed by the Devil when I infected his soul with my darkness.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Heggra, my dear, sweet mother, was slain by my hand.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Darkseid does not require sleeves, for I alone posses the strength of a thousand armies.
  • Slouch of Villainy: The throne of Apokolips stands a testament to my power. As do the couches of Earth.
  • Stalker with a Crush: The Amazon was the subject of such an usual desire in my debut.
  • The Sociopath: Love? Compassion? Beh. All are weaknesses I have no need for. All will suffer under my heel, and the universe will bend to my whim, no matter who suffers.
  • The Stoic: I never required emotions to exist, for my true goal is beyond them. All will soon learn, as I have, that Darkseid is the ultimate power.
  • Sufficiently Advanced Alien: Science, magic, and technology all fall under my whim, for there is nothing I cannot command.
  • Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: As this tale will demonstrate.
  • Super-Persistent Missile: My Omega Beams will not stop until they strike their target.
  • Super-Strength: My powers grant the ability to crush entire armies with the stroke of my finger. Even the Kryptonian is but a stone in my hand, easily crushed beneath my power.
  • Taking You with Me: If I was to be killed, all of existence would fade with me, for I will see that my death triggers an eternity of suffering.
  • Time Abyss: Through my immortally, Darkseid will live for all eternity. I have spent thousands of years conquering worlds, and I will continue to do so for all time.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Finally crossed the line in Final Crisis.
  • Too Spicy For Yog Sogoth: That fool of a sorceror from Outworld tried to absorb my soul. Punishment from his Emperor would have been merciful and preferable compared to what I had in store for him.
  • Touched by Vorlons: I claimed the Omega Effect from the corpse of my own kin, courtesy of my own hands removing the life from his body.
  • Tranquil Fury: In spite of my tenancies, I never allow myself to lose control. Instead, I channel my fury into my power, but use it to wipe all who oppose my reign from the very fabric of reality. Rarely do I lose my temper, but should I ever, pray to whatever gods you worship, for the end is nigh.
  • Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: A pair of humans pitted me against the Mad Titan in a fight to the death. As expected, I crushed him beneath my heel and subjected him to the Omega Sanction for his impudence. To paraphrase one of them, that lowly dog needed a reality-warping superweapon to attain godhood, whereas I have always been a god. DARKSEID IS.
  • Undying Loyalty: All choose to worship me, and serve me without question, either out of fear of my wrath, or of true, genuine loyalty. This loyalty pleases me, but know that those who betray me will wish for a far more merciful fate.
  • The Un-Favourite: Grayven. What a fool. He believes himself to be me, and has tried to betray me many times. Kalibak may be an fool, but his loyalty is without question. Grail is far too ambitious for her own good, but she is the true warrior that Grayven only thinks he is. And Orion...though a traitor, he has proven capable enough to face me with his gifts.
  • Villain Decay: (GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!) Another foolish mortal dares to question my power. They believe me to have become weak. While there are times that I appear to have become a victim to my own abilities, know that all who did so were avatars of myself. I do not falter, for Darkseid IS.
  • A Villain Named Khan: My father, Yuga Khan, happens to embody this. He is, much to my shame, one of the few beings I truly fear.
  • Villainous Breakdown: The Dark Knight and the Amazon have been the few who have truly angered me - the former nearly destroyed my homeworld, and the latter dared to give me compassion. I will ensure they suffer for it, for they will be the first to act as my servants.
  • Villain's Dying Grace: If they are to have bested me, my enemies will suffers as always, by being rendered to a life of free will.
  • Villains Out Shopping: I have allowed myself the one indulgence to purchase pornography, but only so my son, Mister Miracle, could see that it contained his wife as one of the stars.
  • Villain Team-Up: A few that aren't subordinate to me try like Manheim and Brainiac but it ends poorly for them.
  • The Worf Effect: There are times when others have bested me, only for me to best them in a far more powerful manner.
  • Worthy Opponent: The entire Justice League, though particularly the Kryptonian and the mortal Batman, have all displayed considerable merits in battle. It doesn't spare them from my wrath, but I concede they were rather unique amongst mortal kind.
  • You Have Failed Me: No amount of loyalty will spare you from endless suffering should you fail to accomplish what I desire.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Fail me, and you will find that no amount of suffering will compare to what actions I will take to make you beg for the sweet release of death.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: My son once slew me and took my place to claim Apokolips as his kingdom. Yet my death made it far worse than it ever could have been. Heh. My own offspring. Just like your father.

And now, mortal, do you truly understand all that is. Have you decided to swear your eternal loyalty to me? For if so, you will be among the first to reap the benefits of my empire. If not, (activates Omega Beams) you have witnessed what my power is capable of. Now, choose. And know that if you choose poorly, no amount of begging will spare you from my wrath. For Darkseid IS.

Darkseid IS
