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The main paracosm and the first one too. For more general tropes, go to the Imagisphere page. Since it's a Massive Multiplayer Crossover and I'm bored, spoilers are unmarked.

Exodus Inhabitants

Or the main-est characters.
Also known as my paraself, parame, dreamself and daydreamself, Nikolai are the Sleepwalker, the Creator of the Imagisphere and the Conqueror which the Quali feared.
  • Actually a Doombot: Or rather, actually a Projected Man. Eir self is contained within a small Mineral Macguffin, the Sleepwalker Core (which is indestructible) that channels the author's mind/focus/mental energy through the Aether and gives it a semi-physical form.
  • A God I Am Not: See above. Despite being near omnipotent and residing over a multiverse containing the universes of all media ever made and more, Mike are almost never treated as a god and more like an immortal, legendary friend.
  • Anti-Anti-Christ: Played with. Technically ey have a whole multiverse-conquering prophecy attached, technically eir coming as the Thisversian Invader was prophesied, but ey are not outright stated to be destined for evil.
Nikolai:I. Might be just a little bit intimidated by this whole grand destiny thing. And you too. Please don't worship me or something.
Reverse!Nikolai:You? The Projected? Intimidated by me stating your power?
    The Council of Favorites 
The long-thought to be permamently dead group of fictional characters that I like, reformed into a group of quasi-superheroes by the Powers That Be. They operate out of Exodus, a voidstation that was earlier occupied by previous Councils.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Each character is assigned a color. Since there's 9 of them if you count in Nikolai, it's just an extended Rainbow Motif with the addition of white.
  • Code Name: Of 'The Something' variety, as well as 'Something of Form'.
    • In order of color association: The Ring, The Hand, The Eye, The Edge, The Crown, The Void, The Space and The Lantern.
  • Death Is Cheap / Immortal Life Is Cheap: Thanks to the Starspell, none of them can die permanently. This makes death only a minor setback, though it is still extremely painful.
    • The Starspell doesn't reach into the Unterdream, though. Played for Drama when Alistair goes vigilante.
  • Dysfunction Junction: None of these people should be brought anywhere near godhood... if you weren't me, that is.
  • Fanon: Heavily used.
    • Fiddauthor is canon.
    • Most of the characters are autistic or have ADHD despite canon stating nothing on any disorders.
    • However the large amount of canonized headcanons is justified - The cosm mostly takes place in timeline Beta Branch A-0001, and the one we "observe" is timeline Alpha Branch A-0001. This is also how the many changes the Creator does to canons are invisible from our percieval of fiction.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: The Imagisphere's internal machinery picks the Favorites based on the Creator's subconscious, and while some of them did know the Creator beforehand, it was still a bit forced. After all this fighting and assistance, they have come to trust one another and the Creator; especially so in the case of Fidds, Gaster, Newton and Simon - "the OG boys" who have been there before the Awakening and from the Council's beginnings.
  • Healing Factor: As part of the Starspell, in addition to being unable to entirely die, every Favorite has massively accelerated healing speed, being able to recover from otherwise fatal injury in 30 or so minutes. It's less a "healing" factor and more like a "rebuilding" factor, as instead of growing new flesh, they simply attract their lost body parts and blood back inside over a period of time.
    • Force users, such as Wainwright, possess an even more powerful version of this healing, specifically called reconsitution. Provided they focus, they can attract and recover all of their wounds in a matter of minutes.
  • Living Forever is No Big Deal: The Council all possess retroactive immortality (including Nikolai, but eir variation of it is different) due to the Starspell. It's not treated as something special by the characters or most of the story.
  • Magical Weapon: Boundweapons. Each Favorite has two: a ranged and a melee weapon. The mystical benefits include being summonable and recallable at will, being indestructible, being able to hurt Shapers and not requiring ammo or anything of the sort (but still having the option to be loaded with Depleted Phlebotinum Shells or the like).
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Let's see... there's the assistant and the author, the "Builder Of Worlds", the one that's rude to talk about when he's listening, the lightbulb guy, the forgotten, the big game hunter and the gun baron.
  • Power Creep, Power Seep: Only two members have canonical supernatural powers and another one only technically has them when possessed by a trio of ancient abominations. The rest are given additional, non-canon powers.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Not exactly rag-tag, but none of the members are "heroes" in canon, either screwing something up real bad or just not being the main character.
  • RPG Mechanics 'Verse: Applies to Wainwright, Soren, Alistair, Gaster and Newton.
    • Wainwright and Alistair can see stat cards of guns and other weapons, as well as enemy health.
    • Soren has an immense (even for Minecraft) inventory full of blocks of various kinds and can see his own health and hunger.
    • Gaster can initiate battle and see his teammates' souls.
    • Newton has his own Pocket of ridiculous size, as well as a Poppit they can use to interact with the world.
  • The Team: Any Council, not just Nikolai's, is meant to be this together with the Creator. It's a lot of people, but 8 is a lucky number in the Imagisphere.

Wainwright (The Ring, The Heir of Force)

Source Canon: Borderlands
We're.. all a bit rough 'round the edges, ain't we?
While he looks like a stern stoic on the outside, he's actually both the Action Dad to Nikolai and Team Dad to everyone else.

Soren (The Hand, The Builder of Ability)

Source Canon: Minecraft Story Mode
I scarcely remember them. But I can already tell you all are much nicer.
The eccentric and enthusiastic member of both the previous and current Councils. Trading his previous special interest in Endermen for one in the grand lore of the Verse, Soren is both The Mentor and Mr. Exposition.
  • Body Motifs: Of course "The Architect" gets a hand motif.
    • His powers include ectokinesis and telekinesis - by literally conjuring ectoplasmic hands to grasp the object.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Wise and learned, but still not immune to overcomplicating things (because they look prettier or cooler that way) or going into unending digressions in his lectures.
    • Made even more eccentric by the fact he secretly worships the Gods-From-Nowhere and dabbles in The Dark Arts.
  • The Professor: Of the Fantastic Science and absent minded variety. Soren often describes himself and his line of study as "an astro-cosmological engineer studying thaumo-astrological artistic phenomena, or an imagilogist studying imagilogy".
  • Weapon Specialization: Crossbow and sword.

Fiddleford (The Eye, The Prophet of Vision)

Source Canon: Gravity Falls
'Ah'm tired, 'n' done, but this ain't the worst 'ah've seen.
The somewhat-sane Seer of the group. Armed with an upgraded memory erasing gun, psychic powers and an unbreakable bond to the Creator, Fidds is both a friend and an invaluable team asset.

Alistair (The Edge, The Hunter of Cunning)

Source Canon: Borderlands
What will you think of next, then?
Still weird, still here and still extremely British, Al met Nikolai due to a series of unfortunate accidents. Now that he's a Favorite and an immortal, he can finally live out his dream of hunting across space (and possibly time).
  • Badass Cape: His "uniform" has one.
  • Driven to Suicide: He, or at least his dreamself, was made to stab himself with his rapier by Orator. It's implied it actually was at least partially his decision, believing that by dying he'll be reunited with his husband.
  • Last-Name Basis: In canon, he's referred to by this manner all the time. In the Beta Timeline, everyone except for Conductor and Hypno call him "Alistair", some variation thereupon or a nickname unrelated to his first name. It's not that he dislikes being called "Sir Alistair Hammerlock" but it's long and a bit too formal in most situations.
    • Wainwright absolutely adores joking that it's because he stole his name and often jokingly responds to people just calling his husband per "Hammerlock".
  • Weapon Specialization: Sniper rifle and rapier.

Simon (The Crown, The Monarch of Authority)

Source Canon: Adventure Time
I'm grateful for all you've done for me.
Restored to his original form with ice powers intact, Simon has been a member of the Council for a similar length of time as Fiddleford and undergone even more Character Development, turning his previous self-sacrificial mindset into something a bit more heroic.
  • Blank White Eyes: Kept them despite getting his sanity back. They still give him True Sight, just a less maddening variation that unveils illusions or other glamours.
Alistair: I saw him! I saw Simon in dream, and when I saw everything burning down he pointed at the fire and it disappeared.
Simon: Because it wasn't there in the first place.

Gaster (The Void, The Scholar of Destruction)

Source Canon: Undertale
☠︎⚐︎ ☹︎⚐︎☠︎☝︎☜︎☼︎ 👌︎☜︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ ✌︎ ✞︎⚐︎✋︎👎︎ 👌︎☜︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ ✋︎💧︎ 👍︎☜︎☼︎❄︎✌︎✋︎☠︎☹︎✡︎ 🏱︎☹︎☜︎✌︎💧︎✌︎☠︎❄︎📬︎Translation 

  • Elective Mute: Played with. Gaster can actually speak - except their manner of speech sounds like a glitching computer (and coincidentally, exactly like their canonical Voice Grunting) and looks like wingdings font. Thankfully they're very fluent in sign language.
  • Living Mood Ring: Has a tendency to turn into goop when under distress, but can also do it voluntarily. The characters call it "losing integrity".
  • Power of the Void: Their non-canon power is the ability to annihilate almost anything. Of course, this still has its limitations.
  • Weapon Specialization: Rocket launcher and lance, both of which rarely get used due to just how strong their powers are.

Stanford (The Space, The Traveller of Creation)

Source Canon: Gravity Falls
I have to write this down.
The author of the journals, and the team's main method of travel, Ford possesses fittingly dimensional powers.

Newton (The Lantern, The Inventor of Wisdom)

Source Canon: Little Big Planet
We did it, chums!

  • Imagination-Based Superpower: Just like Gaster can destroy anything in sight, Newton can create virtually infinite copies of anything he can think of. The catch? He can't do that if any of the Titans are controlling him, the objects can't be too big and have no inherent velocity to them when made.
  • Weapon Specialization: Pistol and small hammer. Just like with Gaster, they rarely get used, though the hammer is useful for driving nails in.
Th' change'll be unmerciful, but ya can always be.
The Worker, The Arbiter, The One Behind All, Conductor is an enigmatic time traveller who's seen and done everything, all in service of xyrs "employers".
  • Artificial Limbs: Xe has two sets of arms, and the lower set is entirely robotic.
  • The Chessmaster: Xe's job is to literally steer the course of the entire Omniverse according to xyrs employers. Of course xe nows a few things about manipulation, wherther the thing being manipulated is human emotion, the butterfly effect or ancient civilizations.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": "Conductor" is only a title. Xyrs full (chosen) name is "Axi Elare", but it's only known by the most important of Assets.
  • Expy: Pretty clearly based on the Gman with some of the Luteces' affinity for time travel.
  • Fusion Dance: Very much a type A: a physical, deliberate and thaumically infused amalgam of an alternate Council of Favorites.
  • My Own Grampa: Because of time loops, xe is actively responsible for xyrs own creation.
  • Mysterious Benefactor: Not always mysterious, but has employed and encouraged the Favorites for a few kinds of jobs already. Nikolai is certainly not complaining!
  • Non-Linear Character: Played with - xe is technically linear, but has a Psychic Link with all of xyrs past and future selves AND often time travel back and forth. The Conductor that you saw a minute ago and the one you saw an hour ago might be eons of subjective linear time apart.
  • The Omniscient: Zigzagged - xe only knows things xe had the opportunity to learn. Except that xe's also a very, very frequent time traveller who can psionically "remember" things from the future.
Conductor: Well, 'ah already know why y' two're 'ere. As 'ah know everythin' else too.
  • Omniscient Morality License: Conductor runs on the You Cannot Change The Future version of time, and so every character who as much as knows xem knows that there's no arguing with xem.
    • In Arc 4 Part 1, Phoe broke this rule by denying Conductor the Malleus. Xe heeded the request - and later took the book from her remains.
  • Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous: Partially falls into this, and partially into Non-Human Non-Binary. On one hand, Conductor appears somewhat male, wearing a sharp suit. On the other, xe's a non-linear time travelling deity with no actual biological gender. On yet another, xe uses "xe/xem/xyrs" pronouns because xe thinks they fit xem.
Conductor: 'Ah'm too... busy t' care about "gender". But if 'ah can be referred t' by terms that only 'ah choose, then substitute that "he" fer a "xe".
  • Time Master: Full time travel capabilities, stopping time, "precognition", and the ability to kill things, concepts and items through all of eternity, this one has it all.
  • Timey-Wimey Ball: Personified. It is implied multiple times that Conductor's past and future selves are constantly running around the entire omniverse, performing the Work piece by piece and moment by moment.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Is a slave to xyrs own fate and the Great Work.

Main Characters (Mainline Universe)

Real name unknown, Hypno is the original nemesis of parame, and also my verit. Originally a member of the Hypmer Society, he is naturally well versed in the art of mind control. On occasion, he's a great friend! On the other, he's a Manipulative Bastard.
  • Amicable Exes: Yes, parame and Hypno used to date. But then again, we've been many things over these years.
  • Arch-Enemy: He carries around the title of First Imagispheric Villain with dignity and praise, having been involved in countless schemes over many arcs.
  • Beard of Evil: Sports a small goatee.
  • Blind Without 'Em: Cannot see without his trademark glasses on.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He's not really much of a true proud villain now, but definitely was in the past.
  • Chainsaw Good / Deadly Disc: Can conjure spinning sawblades.
  • For the Evulz: Hypno LOVES lampshading this trope.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Underwent a Heel–Face Turn, (being replaced by Viro as HIVE's main man and parame's nemesis) dated parame for a while only to return and reveal it was all a ploy to gain information on me.
    • Then, years later when I started numbering arcs (specifically in Arc 1), he Underwent one of these by surprise in Arc 1. As it turned out, he stayed in Warrennuchi since a long time ago and lived with his ex-girlfriend Avery and his friend Viro, not doing much villainy. When Mike offered him to help saving the place, he graciously accepted, as the nemesis relationship fizzled out.
  • Instant Runes: The Vector Ruler that he carries can cast various magics by drawing glowing lines arranged into shapes in the air. There's very little limit to what the shapes can do since they are drawn in 3 dimensions.
  • Mind-Control Device: His glasses, which allow for his trademark hypnosis. Just by gazing into them, almost anyone can be lured into a deep sleep or state of fury - provided they focus.
A Corruption-infested cyborg (and one of the few which were empowered by it), Hypno's right hand man, and an avid wearer of leather coats. First appearing in one of his schemes way back in Teen Titans Go times, he's since been revealed to be a long-time criminal and technological expert.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Can control the Corruption, although not perfectly. It's easier to cause a metaphysical mess than to clean it up... still, it's extremely beneficial if you know how to use it.
Jester: Use your ancient power on that gem, chum! The ancients would not be happy, happy, but I will!
Viro: But I don't know magic. That is Hypno's job.
Jester: ...The nanobot. Your curse. Release it. Some folk would kill for this.
  • Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: Inverted. He gave himself the augs willingly as a means to get more power. This is also why he's really into trading in illegal cyberware.
  • Cyborg: At this point nobody knows how much of him is organic. His body is utterly covered in sleek metal, his eyes are replaced with red diodes, and there's a funny little frequency graph where the mouth was.
    • Viro actually speculates that this extreme, but not one-sided, fusion of man and machine, was what caused The Corruption to have such a strange reaction to him.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Just like Hypno, he temporarily allied with Parame in Arcs 1 and 2... only to go back to evil right afterwards.
  • Machine Monotone: Downplayed. He speaks in one tone, but with a variable speed.
  • Spider Limbs: Six of them, attached at the lower abdomen. He usually stands on them instead of his actual legs.
Pascal is a Mad Scientist - but not of the typical kind. She specializes in the now lost fields of thoughtek and imagilogy. She's equally capable of hacking Qualian systems as casting extremely complex spell rituals.

Main Characters (Extended Universe)

Once second in line to the family company, Archibald ran away from his morally ambiguous father and became a mercenary in pursuit of a goal in life that didn't involve anything corporate.
Archibald, seeing Patricia for the first time: What the fuck, is that a damn kid?
An adventurous demolition expert-for-hire, Mr. Halloway has been in the business long before Archibald was, due to having to run away from a Dune-operated Think Tank.
Lowe: I am not your CPU. I am not your cross-processing power. I am not your fucking RAM. I'd actually reaaaaally like if you just died now.
  • Mad Bomber: Downplayed. He's certainly expressive and somewhat unhinged, but it has nothing to do with his infantuation with chemistry - in fact, he always tries to do his missions with least collateral casualties... but any destruction is free game.
  • Marked to Die: Sunweld managed to blind him in one eye during the battle at the end of Arc 2, subsequently marking him for his lackeys to kill.
The Grandiose: Oh no! The Big Bad triumvirate that killed my mentor is here! The mad psionic who rejected me, the Dark Magical Girl, and the evil one marked by my master!
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Downplayed... but still, he has shown to have expertise in a LOT of areas ranging from robotics and engineering to chemistry and applied ass-kicking.
  • Swiss-Army Appendage:
  • Training from Hell: Most of his smarts, as well as all of his madness, come from him being kidnapped as a child and raised to become part of the Think Tank mainframe. He got out of it with a photographic memory, computer-like calculation speed, and expertise in several areas of science... but also post traumatic stress disorder and a slight case of Ax-Crazy.
An Ethenian Gratuitous Princess destined to save her people and rule the kingdom... or not.

Side Characters (Mainline Universe)

A fusion of the Council of Favorites, restored from a bunch of damaged imprints and fused to create a new being, Councilman at first might seem like a wooby and somewhat weird-looking Fiddleford McGucket, but nothing could be further from the truth.
A Reanian, and the Last of His Kind. First "welcomed" to the 'Sphere by Facson, his personal spy, now he seeks to get revenge on the Creator for destroying his only chance to bring his entire species back from the dead.
  • A Hero to His Hometown: He's basically just trying to "resurrect" his race and let them reclaim Warrennuchi. When that does not work, of course...
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Embarked on one since the end of Arc 1. He plans on acquiring the Aligments and causing the Neutralising just to show everyone (but specially the main heroes) on how furious he is.
    Cosmic Entities 
The gods behind the gods. These four are all very different from each other, but are all incredibly powerful beings revered by many societies as deities.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

  • Above the Gods: The entities "rule" the omniverse and have powers far beyond anything anyone could ever comprehend.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: All four are only guided by their own constraints of morality and their specific goal. They might care for particularly outstanding servants - or they might sacrifice entire dimensions for fun.
  • Cosmic Chess Game: It was implied before, but in A 4 P 3 Conductor outright states that the Entities are playing an omniverse-wide game against each other, with servants upon servants acting their will. They're eldritch equivalent of a bunch of salty teenagers.
    • Sunweld wants to bring the Dawn. Moonward wants to kill Sunweld, and for that she needs to perform the Dawnbreaker Technique. Timekeeper wants to preserve the Creation... as it wants it to be. Spaceowner acts upon
  • Cosmic Entity: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
    • They are also the Cosmic Entities, no less.
  • Eldritch Abomination: To... various and different degrees.
  • Domain Holder: They can project remote images anywhere in the Omniverse, but their physical forms have to be somewhere.
    • Weld and Ward are imprisoned in the Ark of Syncordia.
    • Keeper lives in the Gardens at the end of The Lifestream alongside with the Deltas.
    • Owner rests in the Beyond, alongside the Elder, which they are the combined will of.
  • I Have Many Names: All of the entities are known under many aliases and nicknames in thousands of languages across the entire omniverse, so it's no surprise.
  • Meaningful Names: Spaceowner, Timekeeper, Sunweld and Moonward.
  • Night and Day Duo: Mr. Weld and Ms. Ward.
  • Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous: While the Dawn and the Dusk are strictly masculine and feminine, respectively, the Assembler and the Emissary are genderless.
    • If we used proper terms, the former would be agender and the latter pangender.
  • Sentient Cosmic Force: All four are different cosmic forces but are simultanteously something else too.
  • Remote Body: All of them can project these virtually anywherenote : they are however semi-intangible and do not possess their powers.
  • Takes One to Kill One: Attempted to be invoked by Ms. Ward. Ostensibly fails and both she and Sunweld are taken down by much lesser beings.


The Dawn, Mr. Weld and The First Sun. The ruler of the world before time and existence, where all the soulless incomprehensible beings basked in his light. Until the moon fell on him, so to speak. He who once destiny, now is mischief.


The Dusk, Ms. Ward, The Second Moon, and (to the Etheians) The Grand Goddess. A counterbalance to Sunweld's power and a rebel at heart, she sealed him away and contacted the Timekeeper to assemble all of existence. She who was once mischief, now is destiny.
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: Exactly what caused her arrival and subsequent creation of the omniverse itself.
  • Dark Is Evil: She represents the moon and darkness and while at first she seems nice, it turns out she is as dangerous as Sunweld in terms of raw power: see Knight Templar below.
  • Knight Templar: Her ultimate and only goal is destroying the Dawn and she will do it at any cost. Turns out the cost is all of existence. That's why it's impossible to truly kill her or him: they are Cosmic Keystones and must exist at all times to keep the universe functioning.
  • Lunacy: Embodies this and Casting a Shadow.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: Was sealed away in one of Dune's temples between the Upstance and Downstance until she was released by Patricia, Lowe and Archibald, thinking she would help them fight Sunweld. Of course, she rejected any cooperation with the heroes and fled.note 
  • Sentient Phlebotinum: Just like her counterpart, she is both a god-like being, an event known as the Dusk (also the technical beginning of the omniverse) and a living counterbalance to the Dawn.


Watchperson, The Assembler, Mx. Keeper. A neutral god of time, it was once a dweller of Sunweld's realm until it got promoted to the very concept of existence. It then assembled the entire omniverse before creating time itself... before putting itself to rest in a soft recliner and watch as everything unfolds.

Side Characters (Extended Universe)

    The Grandiose 
Calling herself Ultragirl, Olivia Hertz is a typical alterearth-born alterhuman that acquired her powers from Sunweld and leads the Order of the Solemn Dawn.
  • Foil: To Patricia.
    • Olivia is actively manipulated by forces beyond her comprehension and she accepts it, while also proving Light Is Not Good. Patricia, however, was for a long time under the sanction of dead people and gods she didn't even know about and is reluctant to do her job.
    • After Sunweld is defeated, Patricia decides to try and get to the bottom of the mystery, while the Grandiose simply runs away, "gushing" over the loss of her "mentor".
  • Happiness in Mind Control: Sunweld makes her believe (or maybe she believes it herself) that she's actually a superhero with the powers of love, which Olivia graciously accepts.
  • If I Can't Have You…: Is this to Archibald. He isn't affected by her powers due to Incompatible Orientation, so she decides to set up a complex scheme to fire him from his job and basically start their side of the arc from the shadows.
  • More than Mind Control: She is being manipulated by the Dawn through dreams, but she was already subsceptiblenote  when that happened.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: The Grandiose.
  • Tautological Templar: Thinks of herself as a superhero destined to save the world. It's not her fault, though.
  • Stepford Smiler: Of the Empty variety.


     In general 
     The Archetypes proper 

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