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Double Standard: Rape, Sci-Fi

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"For some reason if you rape someone with science fiction concepts it's just a metaphor for rape, in much the same way that killing them with a phaser is just a metaphor for them being shot."

If a sexual encounter occurs where the consent of one or more of the parties is coerced via a fictional plot device such as Mind Control, shapeshifter impersonation, a Love Potion or aliens, it is often treated much less seriously than if it were something classified as rape in real-life like a date rape drug or straight-up brainwashing. In many cases, it isn't even acknowledged as any kind of violation or morally dubious action, and only the audience (and not necessarily all of them) notices something wrong.

This can happen if the science-fictional element is just treated as Applied Phlebotinum to serve a specific role in the story like if the writer wants to portray a Chaste Hero hooking up without creating an Out-of-Character Moment, but fails to do a full exploration of all its implications. The audience might only realize the character was essentially raped via Fridge Logic.

It can frequently occur in variants of Aliens Made Them Do It and the Bed Trick. Fridge Logic points out that Love Potions that lead to sex may fall under this. Compare Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul for manipulation that can be used in this way. Contrast Safe, Sane, and Consensual as well as Free-Love Future and Ethical Slut. See also Double Standard: Rape, Divine on Mortal. Can overlap with Double Standard Rape: Female on Male, as a woman taking advantage of a man through extraordinary means is even less likely to be labeled rape than vice versa. Fantastic Legal Weirdness is when these things interact with the legal system.


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    Anime and Manga 
  • Tenchi Forever is awfully sympathetic to a woman whose lonely soul just couldn't help remembering her lost love... by making his grandson Tenchi think he's married to her.
  • Averted in Negima! Magister Negi Magi. Although a Love Potion incident early on is played for laughs, later arcs mention the rather severe problems that could arise from a magical uncontrollable love. Indeed, it is stated several times that even temporary Love Potions are actually illegal in Magical society, probably due to how effective a date rape drug they would be.
  • For the same reason Love Potions are illegal in the magical society of The Familiar of Zero.
  • Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha! had a teenage pervert from our world undergo a "Freaky Friday" Flip with Yamcha of the Dragon Ball franchise. Immediately after doing this and impersonating Yamcha to fulfill the ruse, the teenager starts thinking about all the lewd things he wants to do with Bulma, Yamcha's girlfriend at that time. That Bulma was specifically dating the "real" Yamcha and not the teenager now in Yamcha's body, which Bulma is ignorant about, is unaddressed and the Bed Trick angle is presented as romantic.
  • My Dollhouse: The protagonist produces a pheromone that arouses any women in his vicinity, and while he says he finds it annoying he almost-always has sex with said women and keeps a harem of them as maids at his home. He also has the hypocrisy to be outraged when he finds the one girl he wants to be with — who also happens to be immune to his pheromone — having an affair with her college professor, despite never having confessed his feelings for her.

    Comic Books 
  • The Avengers: issue #200 of the original volume involved what may be the most infamous example in western comics. It involved the limbo-stranded villain Marcus kidnapping Carol Danvers and using Mind Control to create a fantasy romance world to seduce and impregnate her with himself, erase her memory and send her back with a phantom pregnancy that led to Marcus being "reborn" and Rapid Aged to adulthood, and Carol falling in love with him and going back to Limbo with him, all of which the Avengers were cool with. It wasn't originally intended or perceived as squicky until much later, and Chris Claremont wrote an Author's Saving Throw of Carol returning from Limbo and castigating the Avengers for not helping her. These days it has been inverted to the point that the incident can't be referred to without calling it a rape or a violation. This was very much glossed over in the decade that followed.
  • Grant Morrison created a similar situation in their Jean Grey/Scott Summers/Emma Frost triangle in New X-Men, where Emma, acting as Scott's therapist, convinces him that the best treatment for his PTSD was to have psychic sex then and there. No one, save Jean has any issue with this, (and even then, it's treated no worse than an act of seduction) and Professor X even goes so far as to defend her.
  • Spider-Man:
    • In one issue, the Chameleon pretends to be Peter Parker and has sex with Peter's roommate. The writer acknowledged it was a violation but didn't consider it "rape" and the resulting backlash led the writer to hastily Retcon it into "they were just making out" but it still left a bad taste in the fans' mouths.
    • Another problematic case was during Brand New Day, when Spider-Man and the Black Cat decided to have anonymous sex. This was preconditioned on the fact that thanks to the "Blind Spot", a techno-magic spell of forgetting enacted by Doctor Strange, Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic at Spidey's request, the Black Cat had forgotten that she knew Spider-Man's secret identity (which meant that her memories of more than twenty years' worth of continuity were seriously re-edited). She even made it clear that she would not have entered an affair with Spider-Man if she knew who he really was because she wanted to avoid the emotional involvement. But could this wish not to find out who she was sleeping with be considered truly consensual if one of the effects of the Blind Spot was to make people care about remembering that they once knew who Spider-Man was in his civilian identity but now no longer did?
    • Accusations of this has been leveled at Superior Spider Man issue #22, where Dr. Otto Octavius in Peter Parker's body has sex with Anna Marconi. Initially he broke up with Mary Jane because continuing Peter's relationship would eventually become rape by deceit, but the author insists that's not the case now because Anna didn't know Peter before the switcheroo happened.
  • Played with in She-Hulk when Starfox is tried for rape, being accused by a married woman who came onto and had sex with him while under the influence of his psychic hormones. He is also accused of doing this to She-Hulk although it turns out he didn't. Prior to this storyline, there's not much sign that he actually uses pheromones like that and it was eventually resolved by having a reveal that Thanos had brain-damaged him so that he lost conscious control of his powers, but that he never consciously used his powers that way on anyone who wasn't already looking for a casual sex partner.
  • Teen Titans:
    • When Raven's powers were fully unlocked, she started subconsciously pulling Dick Grayson into shared dreams of them getting it on, except that Dick was with Starfire and he'd wake up from these dreams with a Catapult Nightmare. It was quasi-averted in the sense that Raven wasn't fully aware Dick didn't share her feelings and horrified when she found out what she was doing to him.
    • Mirage arrived in the series by knocking Kory out and impersonating her so she could have Dick as her boyfriend, sex included. She was never called to account for this, even when she taunted Dick over not recognizing her in front of his teammates.
  • X-Force (1991): Cable is a victim of rape by deception courtesy of the mutant shapeshifter Copycat, who was disguising herself as Domino and was sent to infiltrate X-Force by Cable's enemy Tolliver. She proceeded to fall in love with Cable and wanted to join X-Force for real, to stop working for Tolliver and start a new life. When her true identity and allegiances are revealed, Cable is shocked and horrified, but the whole thing is quickly glossed over and swept under the rug, with Copycat escaping any real consequences of what she did or being considered villainous for it, being treated more with sympathy instead. Though a later story set in the aftermath of it shows further how much the incident troubled Cable.
  • Averted in Joe Kelly's run on Deadpool, where Typhoid Mary uses a holographic image inducer to pose as his crush, Siryn. Deadpool's horror and disgust at finding out the morning after definitely isn't played for laughs, and serves as Mary crossing the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Averted in Sub-Mariner: Llyra, who previously killed Namor's wife, uses her shapeshifter abilities to have sex with the titular hero. Namor all but states that it was a rape ("There is a word for what she did to me, Susan") and goes to crush her skull with his hand, only to be stopped when she claims she's pregnant.
  • In DC Super Stars #12, Superboy's identity is discovered by a new classmate named Misty, and the two quickly fall in love. It is heavily implied that Clark loses his virginity to Misty, thus playing into the story's theme of leaving childhood behind and becoming an adult (as this was ultimately the tale of how Superboy became Superman). However, at the very end of the issue, it turns out that Misty was kidnapped and "programmed" into loving Clark as part of a final test from his robotic tutor. The tutor returns Misty to her hometown and states that she won't remember Superboy's identity or her time as his girlfriend, but nobody ever stops to address how seriously screwed up it is that the robot kidnapped some random girl and then brainwashed her into having sex with Clark.
  • In Batwoman, Kate Kane was for a time hypnotized into an abusive sexual relationship with the vampire Nocturna.
  • In the World of Warcraft comics, Katrana Prestor/Onyxia magically enthralls Varian Wrynn and sets herself up as his lover. What he thinks of it after he breaks free is never touched on, though he does get to kill her shortly afterwards, which may have helped. Closure, and all that.
  • Phantom Rider's treatment of Bobbi Morse in West Coast Avengers was an early semi-subversion. The Rider, who was a hero originally but had gone off the deep end at that point, used a magic potion to make her think she was his lover, and kept her like that for some time. She did not take it well when the spell was broken, and killed/did not try very hard to save the Rider, once she had told him how she felt about it. It was played straighter by some of her fellow Avengers, however, who found her conduct blameworthy. Most shockingly, her own husband Hawkeye (Clint Barton) took Bobbi to task for this, enraged that his wife not only broke one of the Avengers biggest rules (no killing), but also lied to him about it. It should be noted, however, that the Avengers by and large were pretty much on Mockingbird's side with this, as Tigra and Moon Knight quit in support of the resigning Bobbi, and the Wasp, Henry Pym, the Scarlet Witch and the Vision calling Hawkeye out on his insensitivity, pigheadedness and non-support of his wife. But tragically, the larger issue as portrayed in the story was the Avengers non-killing policy, and not the fact that Mockingbird had been repeatedly raped.
  • Averted in Alias. Jessica Jones recounts how Kilgrave would use his Compelling Voice power to force college girls to sleep with him, while forcing Jessica herself to watch and wish it was her in their place. This is treated as being a horrible experience that left Jessica with severe PTSD after she escaped him.
  • Runaways has wandered into this trope a few times: In the final arc of the third series, Nico has sex with Chase while he's still under the effects of a spell designed to make him passive, even as he tells her that he's not interested in her. Within the arc itself, it's treated as a serious violation, and Chase quits the team in disgust over it. But in later appearances, the whole thing is treated as just another of Nico's bad decisions.
  • Vampirella: A casual Friday night for Vampirella is killing a mugger to feed on him, going to see a Tom Cruise movie, and brainwashing two humans to engage in a threeway with her, then removing their memory of the event afterwards.

    Fan Works 
  • The Animorphs fanfic Lost World has an in-universe example. A woman appears on Dr. Phil because she cheated on her husband while under the control of a Puppeteer Parasite, but Dr. Phil victim-blames her by saying that a Yeerk is just a voice in one's head.
  • An incomplete Dissidia Final Fantasy fanfic titled You'll Be Well Done! plays with this trope, with Kefka trying to pull a Rape by Proxy on Terra by using a lust-inducing potion, which he has stolen from Ultimecia, to set Sephiroth on Terra's trail. Sephiroth, unaware at first of the fact that his sudden distracting lust for Terra is potion-induced, subsequently visits Ultimecia to request a small flask of the same lust potion, intending to use it to make Terra easier to beguile.
    Cloud (to Warrior of Light; indirectly to Firion and Onion Knight): If I'm angry, it's not with Terra. I already know that anything she did was because Sephiroth made her do it. And even if I did hold it against her that she fell for his trickery, I see that Kefka already punished her.
  • Thoroughly deconstructed, taken out back, and shot in "Subject 87" (NSFW), part of the Bait and Switch (STO) continuity. Rachel Connor is kidnapped and brutally and repeatedly raped by Section 31 operative Ellen Shaw as a form of intentional dehumanization to break her spirit so she can be used as an assassin. Section 31's opinion is essentially that it doesn't count, since as an unregistered genetic augment, Rachel is not legally considered sentient; however, Shaw herself is clearly a sexual sadist and is enjoying it. Rachel's recovery from this experience (and coming to terms with her own Internalized Categorism as a side effect, motivating her to eventually challenge and overturn the laws dehumanizing her) occupies the A-plot of the next two stories in the arc.
  • Araceil's Untameable makes Harry thoroughly uncomfortable with the possibility to have sex while he's possessing Shen Qingqiu's body. Since the original goods isn't able to consent, Harry considers taking the body for a joyride would be rape by default.
  • Averted in Forging a Better Future. In The Perils of Change: A House Divided, J'onn realizes that Felicity was a metahuman who had persuasion/brainwashing powers who used them to force Oliver into a relationship with her, after seeing the scars of her actions firsthand and finding the programming during a scan on Oliver's mind. It is immediately pointed out that since he didn't actually consent, that makes her a rapist. Several characters express a desire to kill her for it, and Oliver is shown to be dealing with it in therapy.

  • In the early Sandra Bullock film Love Potion Number Nine Bullock and her platonic male friend get access to a potion that, when sprayed into someone's mouth, alters their voice to make them much more attractive to the opposite sex. Apparently the fact that it doesn't directly affect the target dodges the rape bullet in the minds of the filmmakers, since the guy uses it to have sex with an entire sorority (among other women).
  • In X2: X-Men United, Mystique attempts to do this to Wolverine by shifting to look like Jean. She's on top of him and they're shedding clothes before he realizes who she truly is. Plays on All Men Are Perverts when she proceeds to turn herself into Storm and Rogue (who is effectively his teenager sidekick/surrogate daughter), suggesting one of them might be what he "really wants", something that visibly disgusts him. It's not quite so bad in the novelization, where Wolverine knows it's Mystique the entire time but chooses to play along for a while.
  • The comedy The Invention of Lying, plays with this trope. Set in a world where nobody (except the main character) are even capable of lying or conceiving of the idea of lying, the main character lies and tells an attractive woman the world will come to an end unless they have sex. However, when it comes time to do the deed (which would be rape by deception), he backs down and tells the woman that the world will be fine.
  • In Descendants, after the effects come off in an enchanted lake, Ben brushes off Mal's drugging him with a magic love potion as something she did out of misguided love, and after one conversation they never mention it again (and become an Official Couple). Even worse, he was dating another girl when Mal drugged him, albeit one he was already having second thoughts about. To be fair, though, since this is a Disney movie there's no actual sex involved; they don't even kiss.
  • In Dreamscape, the main character tests out his dream-walking abilities by entering the romantically-toned dream of one of his doctors, and they make out in her compartment of the train she's dreaming about. Upon waking, she's angry at him for doing so, but she's more outraged by his violation of her mental privacy than by any implication of sexual assault. At the film's end, the pair board a real train, and speculate about whether it'll be "as good" in real life, so evidently she thought of the actual dream-sex as just a first hook-up in an unusual setting.
  • In Hell Comes to Frogtown, the main characters find one of the fertile woman they're trying to rescue, but she's uncooperative and they end up tying her up and injecting her with hormones. For some reason they've brought along Sam, one of the few fertile men left on the trip, and he's forced to "get to work." The next morning she's pregnant and grateful. This seems to be a theme with Sam; his backstory reveals that he raped a woman who changed her story once she discovered she was pregnant. The world needs to be repopulated, after all.
  • Downplayed in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Queenie slips Jacob a Love Potion after he refuses to marry her. However, it's not because he doesn't love her (he very much does), but rather because she's a witch and he's a Muggle. Marriage between the two of them is illegal in wizarding America and he doesn't want to get her in trouble. Still, when Newt discovers what she's done, he's appalled and undoes the enchantment.
  • In the pornographic film parody of the Incredible Hulk TV series, just like the original, Dr. Banner's female colleague has a one-sided crush on Banner. So when he transforms, she has sex with Hulk and denies it later when he suspects.
  • Wonder Woman 1984 has Steve Trevor brought Back from the Dead by Wonder Woman's wish, possessing a random guy to continue his relationship with her. Diana is the only person who sees Steve with his own face instead of his host's, and by the end of the film the man gets his body back, without finding out why he has missing time he can't account for. Not before Steve and Diana endanger his life by fighting people and have sex, of course. The guy Steve's possessing is unconscious while Steve's in his body, has no idea what's going on, and is unable to give consent, meaning Diana and Steve are raping him. The problematic nature of Steve coming back and stealing a random man's body is never addressed by the work itself despite mundane sexual harassment being a theme elsewhere in the movie. Perhaps even more confusingly, since Steve was brought back through a wish granted by a magical stone with no apparent limitations, it's unclear why he wasn't just given a new body to avoid the whole problematic situation all together.
  • Cupid's Arrow: A university professor creates a working Love Potion that he and his lab assistant use for drugging women whom they then sleep with. This isn't portrayed as good (especially since it makes them psychotic over time, ending in suicide and or murder) but also isn't treated as rape either.
  • Wishcraft: Brett's wish causes Samantha to fall in love with him and they have sex the first night after it's made. Given she only wanted to because of the wish's effect, however, it wasn't truly consensual. Howie does gradually realize what he did (with the wish overall, though including this) was wrong, though neither he nor the film treats it as really rape due to a magical wish affecting her mind. Sam does immediately break up with him in anger on hearing what he did, though she never says this was rape.

    Folklore and Religion 
  • From Greek Mythology, we have Zeus, who has absolutely no qualms about sleeping with women while disguised as their husbands. While Zeus is a rapist regardless, this is usually portrayed as better, since the wives were technically faithful.
  • Arthurian Legend:
    • Arthur was conceived by Uther disguising himself as Gorlois to sleep with Igraine using Merlin's magic.
    • Galahad was conceived by Elaine magically disguising herself as Guinevere and sleeping with Lancelot, and depending on the version it's Lancelot who gets punished for this.
    • Mordred was conceived by Morgause or Morgan le Fey disguised as her brother's wife.
  • Averted in Wicca and some other magical circles, where love magic is common but outright enchanting someone to fall in love with you is considered a violation of consent. In these cases, the practitioner usually enchants themselves to find a significant other, and couples make magic together or with their partner's consent.
  • In Japanese folklore, kitsune — as well as their Chinese and Korean counterparts — use their shapeshifting abilities and other mystical powers to transform into beautiful women and seduce men, usually to drain their vitality through sex or outright eat them. In cases where the ruse is revealed — either by accident or the intervention of a priest or exorcist — the fox's unwitting lover is usually horrified and disgusted. However, in other cases — like the tale of Kuzunoha — the human and the fox-spirit genuinely fall in love, though such romances almost always end in tragedy when the kitsune's true form is revealed.

  • Animorphs: A human (or any other species for that matter) with a Yeerk in their head can't consent, and their partner usually doesn't know it's not them in control unless they're also a Controller. Edriss and Essam had children using the bodies of their hosts, and it's likely that Peter had sex with Eva when she was infested. In the Bad Future of book #41, a character mentions Breeding Slaves to create new human hosts. And keep in mind that all the Hork-Bajir were enslaved by the Yeerks, who likely forced them to breed too. This mostly falls into the realm of Fridge Horror, since the books aren't aimed at adults.
  • Anita Blake:
    • There's a scene between Anita and Micah that is not supposed to be rape. Even though she said, "No," several times, and Micah didn't stop. Anita and Micah are destined mates because of the ardeur, which gets this sort of treatment regularly, due to forcing Anita and whoever's close to have sex, occasionally forcing rape on both parties. This scene was so controversial, in fact, that it was slightly rewritten for the paperback release.
    • In addition, the series contains at least three incidences where a victim falls in love with a mind-controlling vampire, which is treated as somewhat acceptable.
    • Anita regularly uses her ardeur to force men to have sex with her. Due to the series's rampant Protagonist-Centered Morality, this is always treated as a morally acceptable thing for her to do and the only people who try to refuse are treated as scum who (literally) deserve to be hunted down and killed.
  • The Formics, colloquially known as "Buggers" in Ender's Game, are revealed near the end to have a rather Squicky reproductive process, due to their Bizarre Alien Biology. According to the last queen's memories, soon after the new queen hatches, the older queen sends a number of her specially prepared males (glorified drones) to the birthing chamber, where each of them penetrates the young queen and then promptly dies, "shuddering in ecstasy." From a human point of view, that sounds almost exactly like a little girl being gang-raped. This is arguably justified, however, by these not being humans, and by sex not having anything like the same social significance to the Hive Mind in control of each of their civilizations that it does to us; moreover, this truly is the only way they can reproduce. Further questions of consent are raised in the sequels, when it is revealed that not all of the male drones are born mindless; some have to be telepathically "broken" before they can enter the hive mind. The main character says something along the lines of it being a moral question to consider after another generation or two of coexistence and learning about one another as a species, but one wonders if he would have been so cavalier if it had been a more humanoid species (such as the mammalian piggies) that systematically Mind Raped and then literally raped every male born with free will.
  • In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the use of Love Potions varies between comic and deathly serious:
    • Initially, Fred and George sell love potions legally and their use is treated as funny by the story when another female student tries to give Harry one, though Ron accidentally ingests it so the reader never finds out how far things would have gone if she had been successful. It's mentioned that the potion strengthens if it's left too long, and it had been several weeks.
    • Then it's deconstructed when Merope, Voldemort's mother, forces Tom Riddle Sr. into their relationship via a Love Potion, which Dumbedore theorizes was a preferred alternative to the unforgivable Imperius Curse to reinforce the delusion that Tom Sr. was really in love with her. And the only moral problem with this is that she's having sex with a Muggle...or so it seems, at first. However, this way of looking at the morality of her actions turn out to be limited to the views of Death Eaters and similar pure-blood advocates. Tom Sr. acts with utter revulsion once the potion wears off, and Dumbledore refers to what Merope did as enslavement by magical means. The reader is left with an impression that Voldemort's refusing to see his mother as a rapist (instead blaming his father for abandoning his son after Merope stopped giving him the potion, thinking he'd stay for the sake of their baby) is a big part of why he became so hateful toward Muggles.
    • Overall it seems like a consequence of the series getting Darker and Edgier. A love potion can be treated like a joke in a children's book but you start to think harder about a joke shop selling magical roofies to schoolchildren and the consequences are much more disturbing. Alternately, it could be that A) Love Potions are only a problem if used over an extended period of time, and/or B) there are different sorts of love potions with varying potency.note  All that is certain is that a Love Potion can only cause severe infatuation or lust, not real connection.
    • Also referenced when Molly mentions that she brewed a love potion during her school years.note  This is a major source of Alternate Character Interpretation for her in fanfic.
    • In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Ron gives his asocial nephew Albus a love potion to get him a girlfriend and it's once again treated as a joke. The most jarring part is that Ron himself was once victim of a love potion as mentioned above.
    • Veela have an effect on human men similar to a love potion. This one is significantly muddled by the fact that Veela can't turn it off. The existence of half-Veela, quarter-Veela etc. further complicates it as well, begging the question how consensual their conceptions were.
  • Zigzagged in the Sword of Truth series.
    • The glamour spell, the series' equivalent of love potions, is seen by characters as tantamount to rape. Sorceresses who use it are either executed or expelled from the Palace of the Prophets (the Palace has a spell which slows down aging to about 10%, so there is little difference between the two for the exiles). On the other hand, the Confessors' power literally makes a person touched by it their devoted slave forever. While that's all problematic enough, it crosses into rape territory because having sex causes them to lose control of their power, Confessing whoever they do it with. This means that there were only two recorded cases of a Confessor able to have a mate who isn't forced to consent with mind control, and these cases were 3,000 years apart. Bear in mind that Confessors are on the good side, and this isn't treated as rape. Not that it is actually viewed as a good thing - it's merely the only way to promote the Confessor lines, which are essential to their legal system.
    • The Confessors themselves hate the effect of their power, too, and specifically take mates they don't have feelings for since they can't bear to do that with a man they love. However, they're a bit hypocritical as they are still taking mates.
    • In Faith of the Fallen Nicci puts a spell on Kahlan, so she will suffer whatever Nicci suffers, but tenfold, and uses it to have Richard following her. After that, she first tries to seduce Richard then, since she fails, doesn't fight when a local thug, Gadi, rapes her, so that Kahlan will feel it. The fact that she lured him on purpose doesn't change the fact that Gadi is a rapist (since he didn't have to do it and ignored consent), but it does mean that Nicci is effectively raping Kahlan. It's never brought up again. May double as Double Standard: Rape, Female on Female as well.
    • A variation in Temple of the Winds. While there is no direct magic compulsion, the condition to access said temple (which they must enter) is two arranged marriages (Richard with Nadine, Kahlan with Drefan) that have to be consummated immediately. The fact that they have no choice and are couples that would never have been together otherwise, making it rape by coercion, is never brought up (as an added bonus, there is a mundane Bed Trick also involved that gets glossed over as well).
  • In Dragonriders of Pern, whenever dragons mate their respective riders are irresistibly compelled to do the same. The first book even has F'lar considering that if their dragons weren't involved, his relationship with Lessa would have to be considered rape. Since it was written in 1968, there's major values dissonance going on (and that's not even getting into how much he slaps her and shakes her around to show his concern about her putting herself in harm's way).
  • Generally averted in The Dresden Files, where just about all forms of supernaturally coercing sex are considered bad mojo, whether it is shapeshifting, faerie glamours, or the White Court's mental whammy. Mortals using mind control to coerce sex gets the death penalty from the White Council, though this falls under the general blanket Laws of Magic, one of which states that using magic to control minds at all is illegal. Love Potions technically do not count under the Laws, as the recipe used involves creating a strong aphrodisiac instead of outright mind control. Later in the series, the revelation that Luccio was only in a relationship with Harry due to being mind-controlled into doing so by the Black Council is treated as disturbing for both of them.
    • The one case Harry does make a love potion is a bit messier, however. Harry makes one to appease Bob (Harry wasn't planning on actually using it, Bob just insisted on making one in exchange for helping him with a spell). Upon accidentally drinking it, his date for the evening practically rapes him despite the fact that they are in deadly danger. It's possible the potion was much stronger than Harry intended, as he seems to rely heavily on guidance from Bob both when making it and potions in general.
  • The Codex Alera series, also by Jim Butcher, makes an effort to avoid this but there are still instances where people are coerced into having sex while having their arousal manipulated with Earthcrafting. That said, Earthcrafting isn't mind control, it's basically just a limited and very specific version of Emotion Control.
  • In Hush, Hush, Patch does a number of things to Nora, including possessing her body and putting words and images in her head. These incidents range from being played for laughs to being romantic moments, even though Nora usually is disturbed or upset by them.
  • In the Anna Strong Chronicles, the eponymous heroine gets raped by a vampire, who mind controls her into compliance. When she recalls the incident, she argues that because she was a willing participant (even though, you know, mind control) it couldn't have been rape.
  • The House of Night:
    • It's established that it's immensely pleasurable for both parties when a vampire drinks a human's blood. Early on, Zoey accidentally drinks Heath's blood, establishing a spiritual bond between them. There are several ensuing cases where Heath demands that Zoey drink his blood, even though she repeatedly tells him that she hates doing it and is disgusted by the fact that she finds blood tasty. Heath's arguments come across as very disturbing (for example, telling Zoey she really does want to do it and thus should), and he always wears down Zoey's will by cutting himself and letting her be intoxicated by the smell of his blood. These interactions are treated by Zoey as inconveniences, even though they are disturbingly similar to date rape via drugging. It also goes both ways, since Heath clearly is addicted to the pleasure of having her drink his blood, and continues to cut himself to get her to do so. The text does try to specify the difference between Zoey and Heath's relationship and the undead vampires forcibly drinking his blood later (which he describes as creepy and not like her drinking from him at all), but those situations still come across as pretty unsettling.
    • This comes across in quite a few backstory relationships between humans and vampires, since the bite of a vampire tends to have a drug-like effect on humans, making it questionable exactly how consensual their long-term relationships with vampires are. For example, in Betrayed and Chosen, it's mentioned in passing that Bram Stoker became obsessed with a female vampire after she drank his blood, and went insane when she left him to devote herself to her work as High Priestess, writing Dracula in revenge. Zoey's mother, upon hearing this, comments that the whole thing sounds horrible, while Zoey yells at her for being intolerant of what apparently was treated as a perfectly healthy romance.
    • Zigzagged when Stark mind-controls a fledgling and then almost rapes her. Zoey and her friends immediately condemn this as sexual assault, but as soon as Zoey decides she can redeem Stark, she walks it back to mild euphemisms like "extracurricular biting" and "not so nice past".
  • Inverted and played for horror/drama in Kij Johnson's short story Spar, in which a human woman and a Starfish Alien who are stuck in the same escape pod have sex simply because there's nothing else to really do as they wait for rescue. Throughout the story the woman wonders if she's basically raping the alien as she has no way of communicating with it, let alone telling if it's really consenting or even sentient to begin with. Even the alien squeezing her wrist hard enough to bruise when she touches a certain part of it might not necessarily be communication—could be a nonverbal "no", could just be reflex. (And then there's the question of whether for the alien this experience is some entire other thing that it has no way of knowing if she understands or consents to.)
  • Averted hard in Mercy Thompson. Tim Milanovich using mind control magic to force Mercy to have sex with him gets the Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil treatment.
  • Averted in the Clandestine Daze series where dopplegangers are capable of becoming other individuals both mentally and emotionally. Z knows that sleeping with his targets' significant others would be rape and is revolted at the prospect. Not the least because he has to kill them in order to assume their shape.
  • Downplayed in The Host. Wanda, while possessing Melanie’s body, makes out with Ian while Melanie is screaming, “No! Stop!” in her head. If they’d had sex, they both would’ve been effectively raping Melanie.
  • The Forgotten Beasts of Eld: Sybil's mother probably didn't consent to have sex with her father, since he called her to him with magic and she's described as being afraid of him. Sybil thinks her maternal grandfather, Lord Horst of Hilt, might be unwelcoming to her given this, yet neither any characters or the text ever describe her conception as even possibly due to rape.
  • In the first book of Dragonvarld, two different factions want Melisande to have a child, and neither bothers with getting her consent. One side physically attacks her, which is properly treated as villainous and horrific. However, the other side overrode her ability to choose just as effectively by drugging her, and that's treated as mere distasteful meddling. Granted, she did actually show signs of attraction to the (unwitting and also drugged) third party she was left with, but there was no indication she'd have acted on it without the potion.
  • Played both ways in the World of the Five Gods series:
    • In Paladin of Souls, Ista explicitly tells Foix not to use his sorcery to enhance his seduction of Liss, saying it would be kinder to break both her legs with a warhammer.
    • In Penric and the Shaman, an incident where a shaman attempted to use the weirding voice to seduce Desdemona's previous host is described. She's immune due to being a sorcerer, but the seduction succeeds anyway.
  • Shadows of the Empire: Xizor's (and by extension all of his species') pheromones basically act like a mind control drug. Once you smell them, there'll be an intense desire to have sex with them. While this isn't portrayed as good when Xizor's trying to coerce Leia into having sex with him this way, it's also not described as rape, nor are all his many previous "conquests". Basically, he is a serial rapist, which adds an extra layer of evil to his character. He has also "made use" of Guri's anatomical correctness, at one point pondering if he should tell her to join him in his bath. As she is a droid and owned by him, it can lead a reader to wonder just how consensual this is. The sequel comic book Shadows Of The Empire: Evolution says she literally cannot disobey any of his orders, so the answer it gives would be "not at all". Apparently for Xizor Guri's his occasional sexbot. Given that even the nice people in Star Wars tend not to think of droids as people (despite all evidence) it's probable they wouldn't view this as rape regardless.
  • The Ninety Trillion Fausts: When Gun Roh Chin pilots his crew through a plasmic wall of demons, their inhibitions are temporarily lifted, unlocking the "primal instincts" within each of them. When the crew comes to, they realize that Josef has raped Modra, ripping her clothes to shreds and leaving her with injuries. Alarmingly, this incident leads to a drastic shift in Modra's personality (from hardened fighter to promiscuous flirt), and the book then doubles down on the trope by having two characters remind Modra that she cannot be upset with Joself, as he had no control over his actions.
  • The Wheel of Time: The Aes Sedai Warder bond includes magic that lets the Aes Sedai compel the Warder, and it is not uncommon for Aes Sedai (especially those of the Green Ajah) to have sex with their Warders. This is never implied to be a matter for concern, though it is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Aes Sedai are only supposed to bond Warders who give informed consent and forcibly bonding someone is treated as highly unethical (though a few centuries back, it apparently wasn't uncommon) and directly compared to rape by Cadsuane when she viciously reams out the culprit and makes very clear that if circumstances were not what they were, she'd be setting a penance remembered for millennia.

    Live-Action TV 
  • In Angel, Jasmine has sex with Connor while possessing and posing as Cordelia. This counts as raping both Cordelia and Connor via body control and deception respectively.
  • Lois & Clark: In the episode "Pheromone, My Lovely", all main characters are poisoned by pheromones, which makes their romantic and sexual relations nonconsensual. It was all Played for Laughs.
  • Stargate Atlantis:
    • In "Duet", a female airman ends up sharing McKay's body by accident. After they argue a bit about who's in charge, she simply takes over after he falls asleep, takes his body for a run, then showers and sleeps naked. Later she wrests control from him to force him to kiss his girlfriend (which he'd been too shy to do), and then to kiss Dr. Beckett against the man's will. She did all this without ever asking McKay's permission, and while ignoring his protests. Again, it's a comedy episode and we're supposed to side with the woman during all of this, though both McKay and the therapist call the airman on it.
    • Stargate SG-1's main villains were a species of Puppeteer Parasites who took over people's bodies without their consent, and it was treated as rape when two Goa'uld made their hosts have sex with each other (Apophis and Daniel's wife Sha're).
    • Zig-Zagged in "Irresistible", where a man named Lucius gets what he wants using Pheromones, and has six wives as a result and attempts to make Dr. Weir his seventh. The episode itself is mostly a comedic farce. The pheromones were affecting the team as well, but after it's all been sorted out they dump him back on his original planet. The people there were furious about it. Yet McKay still thinks it's a good idea to test out some of the pheromones himself at the end of the episode, knowing that his friend Colonel Sheppard (and he alone) hasn't been inoculated yet and will now gladly clean McKay's quarters for him. Though this was a non-sexual use, it's still a kind of forced adulation through Mind Control being Played for Laughs, and between two characters who are known for their Ho Yay.invoked
  • Even far more common and utterly un-addressed in Stargate Universe, due to the show's heavy use of the 'communication stones' technology that allows people to swap bodies across galactic distances so that the crew on the Destiny can visit Earth and vice versa. This technology, which is imported from the final seasons of SG-1, when it became increasingly fantasy in tone (well, more fantasy), is given an extreme Hand Wave by the somewhat more grounded Universe. However, much more problematic than the inexplicable nature of the technology is that the writers apparently chose to treat the moral implications of every single use of the technology as Fridge Logic not worth even a moment of lip service: several sexual encounters take place when a character is in another's body, and no one partaking in this liberty is ever shown to consider that the regular inhabitant of the body might find this to be a violation, or that there are any other moral issues involved. Or is ever turned off by the fact their partner looks like a stranger (the audience sees the person inside, but the characters don't). Typically the technology is only used if both parties are volunteers, but never is there a mention of anyone signing off on their swap partners exposing them to potential STDs, unanticipated pregnancy/paternity, or the knowledge that your body spent the night with Dr. Rush—all of which are frightening possible implications of the laissez-faire attitude the characters take to this technology. One of the webisodes has a character confirm that they sign an agreement saying they understand their body could be used for anything up to and including sex, but (a) how realistic is it that several people would willingly agree to routinely allow that? (b) it's dubious this arrangement could even be legal in Real Life; it would have been far more practical to stick to one where sex is explicitly off limits and thus avoid potential future lawsuits.
  • Barnabas Collins on Dark Shadows (original series) nearly controlled Maggie Evans into thinking she was his Lost Lenore Josette du Pres, whom she looked just like, and marrying him. The story doesn't treat him as an attempted rapist at all. Especially strange since the series at the time those events were occurring treated Barnabas as a very bad individual. The creators explicitly wanted Barnabas to be the most evil monster they could get onto network television. Then he proved frighteningly popular with female viewers, and the creators had the character undergo extreme Badass Decay to turn him from a Big Bad into a anti-hero. This involved a metric ton of ignoring previous events.
    • His vampire curse was briefly reversed at one point, which somehow caused his victims to forget what he'd done to them.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    • Deconstructed in "Dead Things" when the nerd villains "The Trio" honestly don't see the ethical implications of their plan to brainwash women into sex slaves, until the girl they victimized (Warren's ex, Katrina) spells it out for them - to their minimal credit, Jonathan and Andrew are horrified when it sinks in- and Warren (by far the worst of the three) murders her as she tries to escape. Then they try to make Buffy think she accidentally killed Katrina by using shapeshifting magic and a summoned demon who distorts her sense of time, providing the Moral Event Horizon for what had been played as harmless villains up to that point.
    • Played straight, though, when it overlaps with Double Standard Rape: Female on Male. For instance, consider Faith in Buffy's body having sex with Riley and compare it to, say, Warren raping Katrina using mind control.
      • The issue is finally confronted in the comics when Faith works alongside Riley's wife to rescue him. Riley is properly recognized as the victim and forgives Faith when she apologises, having put all of the drama from Sunnydale behind him.
    • Played straight again with Willow and Tara. Willow uses a forgetting spell on Tara to make her forget their arguments about Willow using too much magic for everything - thus proving Tara's point - and has sex with her while she's under this spell. She is forgiven far more easily (both by the rest of the cast and by the fanbase) than, say, Spike.
    • In "Superstar", Jonathan casts a spell to make himself seem amazing to everyone and, among other things, brainwashes Swedish twins into a sexual relationship with him. This is played for comedy and when the spell is undone, it's just briefly mentioned that they left his mansion.
  • Charmed (1998):
    • In the episode "Dream Sorcerer", Phoebe and Piper cast a spell to help with their guy troubles. While Piper is overwhelmed by the attention of multiple men, Phoebe hooks up with a hunky stranger and has sex with him multiple times until he goes berserk from the spell. The episode also contains a gender double standard as the plot revolves around a disabled man seducing women in their dreams and killing them, which is treated rightfully as creepy.
    • The episode "Prince Charmed" not only involves Phoebe and Paige creating a human sex toy for Piper's birthday, but they also add Pheromones to the spell to make them have sex.
    • In "A Knight to Remember", a medieval Prince falls for Paige because he's under a Love Spell from her past life the Evil Enchantress. Although there's an element of drama because the Enchantress intends to conceive an heir to the kingdom with him, then kill the Prince, and is holding his true love captive, the Prince's declarations of love for Paige and attempts to convince her to make a baby with him are largely Played for Laughs. Paige does remind herself that it's the spell talking, and she's Squicked out by his wooing, but she does go in for an Almost Kiss that's only stopped when Piper freezes him.
    • When Cole is possessed by the Source, it uses his body to conceive an heir with Phoebe. The fact that Cole and Phoebe are essentially victims of rape by fraud, Phoebe for believing she was having sex with her husband, and Cole for the Source using his body to do something he wouldn't do, is glossed over.
    • Paige more than once threatens to orb a man's testicles away because she's annoyed with him. The fact that she's considering using her powers for sexual assault is played for comedy, and Piper only mildly scolds her to not mention it in front of her baby.
  • In the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Unexpected", Tucker becomes pregnant when an alien tricks him into activity which would be the alien equivalent of sex, impregnating him. Played for humor because of the male pregnancy, and the fact that Tucker didn't give meaningful consent is ignored. Tucker wasn't even informed it was sex until after he was pregnant; she said it was a game, and there was no physical contact. The alien is very apologetic when she finds out and didn't think cross-species impregnation was a possibility at all, but that doesn't change the fact that she lied to him about a sexual interaction they were having. It also doesn't excuse the fact that Tucker was made fun of by the crew of the Enterprise and a crew of Klingons over it. While it might be in-character for the Klingons to react this way, it makes Archer and his crew come off as assholes. Even he isn't allowed to get that upset about it—he shows more mild annoyance than anything else.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation:
    • In the episode "The Child", Counselor Troi is impregnated by an alien Energy Being, and then gives birth to him in humanoid form. Troi insists on carrying him to term, and once he's born, he reveals that he only did it to explore human existence, and he may not have realized the implications of what he was doing.
    • In the episode "First Contact", a doctor on the planet Riker is trapped on offers to help him escape on the condition that they have sex, because she's "always wanted to make love to an alien". Played for Laughs. Between Riker's unruffled reaction and his romantic history, the audience is presumably supposed to assume that he wasn't opposed to the idea.
    • In the episode "The Host", a Trill (at that time implied to have all personality in the "parasite" part rather than a shared consciousness) who was having a sexual relationship with Doctor Crusher temporarily takes possession of Riker's body (with consent) to continue diplomatic negotiations. Doctor Crusher has trouble reconciling her romantic feelings for the Trill-personality with Riker's body — but the issue of whether Riker would consent to her having sex with his body is never even mentioned.
    • Played lightly in "True Q". A young woman on the Enterprise who has a serious crush on Riker discovers that she has omnipotent powers and transports them both into a romantic scenario. When he objects, she snaps her fingers and makes him believe he's in love with her. She quickly realizes this is a meaningless fake emotion and thinks better of it, but even the attempt is fairly horrifying considering that this is a character with whom we're supposed to sympathize. Then again, she is just 18 years old.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
    • At first played straight when Sisko sleeps with the Mirror Universe Jazdia to maintain his cover as Mirror-Sisko, then called out after a delay of several episodes. Mirror-Jadzia says that if he ever touches her again... (holding a large knife to Sisko's face) "Get the point?" Still played straight since Sisko was forced to impersonate his counterpart, and only had sex with Mirror-Jadzia to maintain his cover, because blowing his cover would have resulted in certain death. It never occurs to anyone that he was a victim, too.
    • It turns out that Benjamin Sisko owes his existence to this trope. A Prophet of Bajor possessed a woman named Sarah and had her marry Joseph Sisko for the sole purpose of giving birth to the Prophets' Emissary: Ben. It's unclear exactly what that means in terms of Sarah's experience and level of control over her actions (it's implied she and the Prophet somehow shared their existence during this period). However, she ran from New Orleans to Australia without a word once the Prophet left her (and then died in a shuttle accident), so this was clearly not a consensual event. On the other hand, the only other known occurrence of a prophet possessing a humanoid was Kira, and the prophet explicitly chose her because she consented, so the same might have been true for Sarah. Sisko displays his usual irritation over the Prophets' meddling, but not much more than usual. The Prophet then uses Sarah's appearance when appearing to him and acts as a motherly figure.
  • Star Trek: The Original Series: Kirk combines this with Common Knowledge, as a lot of his Boldly Coming reputation comes from either essentially showing some leg to get out of a situation, or being mind-controlled, and still being seen as "getting some".
  • Supernatural:
    • Sam is implied in one episode to have had sex with Ruby, a demon — but it has been established that demons possess the bodies of living people, so Sam would be a rapist. Fan backlash was immediate and soon a flashback scene was written showing that Sam refused to have sex with Ruby until she explained that her body had just flatlined in the hospital when she took it over and there was nobody else in it... which of course has Unfortunate Implications in itself. If the body is technically dead, and Sam has sex with it, doesn't that mean...
    • Applies as Fridge Horror in the case of the otherwise likable character Andy in Season 2, whose introduction shows him leaving the apartment of a half-dressed woman with the implication that they had sex after Andy used his Mind Control powers. After developing his psychic powers further, he also laughs over using his powers to beam non-stop gay porn into a Jerkass' mind to torment him, with the other characters looking appropriately unsettled by this description of near-literal Mind Rape.
    • The episodes "Wishful Thinking" and "Trial and Error" both have a man making a woman fall in love with him with magic (a magic coin and a Deal with the Devil). In both cases, the word "rape" isn't mentioned, and the situation is only treated as "How did this guy end up with that girl?"
    • In the episode "The French Mistake", Sam and Dean get sent to the real world and it is implied that Sam gets intimate with his actor's wife. The Reality Subtext makes this merely amusing (the actors are indeed married in real life), but purely from an in-story perspective, that's a Bed Trick.
    • The episode "Season 7, Time for a Wedding!" has a gender-flipped version of the same situation, with Becky basically drugging Sam into falling in love with her. When it starts to wear off on him, she knocks him out, takes his pants off, and ties him to the bed (but insists that she didn't "consummate" their "marriage" yet). It's Played for Laughs and also used to show how much of a loser Becky is... in the exact same season where it is repeatedly implied that he was raped by Lucifer in Hell and is slowly going insane from the memory of it. This show has issues.
    • In "I'm No Angel", a Reaper possesses a girl named April and seduces newly human Castiel into having sex with her after providing him with food and shelter. Aside from the issue with dubious consent that is brushed aside for Cas, there are serious implications that April was raped against her will under possession. Yet the brothers show no concern or alarm over the matter aside from high-fiving Cas for losing his virginity. This matter is worsened in where Dean and Cas discuss how "hot" April was, disregarding the fact that she was raped, had stabbed Cas, and was murdered by the brothers.
  • Torchwood:
    • The first episode sees Owen using a alien love perfume he has taken from Torchwood's lockup to make a woman go from disgusted by him saying he just wanted her for sex to gagging for him, and when her boyfriend shows up enraged, Owen uses it again to get himself a threesome with them both. This act would by all means qualify as the legal definition of drug-facilitated sexual assault, but in the end, the only punishment Owen faces for all of this is being reprimanded for stealing from his workplace and made to hand the perfume back, while the actual sex crime he used the perfume to carry out goes completely unmentioned and is never commented on again in the show. But a few episodes later, Owen ends up repeatedly experiencing the memories of a woman who was raped and murdered decades earlier. The trauma of that experience pushes him to undergo some Character Development.
    • The creators apparently still didn't get the message, since a later episode, "Adam", centered around a mysterious new member of the team who eventually turned out to be an alien who survived by placing himself in people's memories. Not only do all the team believe that Adam's been there all along, but Tosh believes they are in a relationship and, as a result, is a lot more happy and confident. The episode ends with everyone being made to forget him and it's played as though Tosh is losing something special as a result...but the fact that she had sex with Adam as a result of her Fake Memories left some viewers uncomfortable.
  • Doctor Who:
    • Implied but possibly averted in Jack's story in the episode "The Doctor Dances" about waking up in bed with the jailers who were supposed to execute him after he got blindingly drunk as part of his Last Meal. It's a bit iffy, even if he seems to view it as a pleasant memory. His description strongly implies that they helped him escape after he propositioned them but before they had sex, but it isn't clear if the decision to seduce them happened before or after he got drunk. His statement that they're a "nice couple" who still "keep in touch" (unlike most executioners), tends to imply that all parties have fond memories of the encounter.
    • In "The Doctor's Daughter", the Doctor's distress over having his genetic code non-consensually stolen and altered to make him a Truly Single Parent, producing a young woman who calls him "Dad" is put down by Donna to being "Dad Shock". The story seems to agree with her and think the Doctor should be more comfortable with the idea of being forced to father a child - though it helps that Jenny is an innocent in all this.
  • In the first episode of Switch (2012), Jude casts a (temporary) love spell on a guy she fancies and has sex with him several times while he's under the influence. She only stops when she learns he's gay... and transfers the spell to her gay friend.
  • Alternate Olivia in Fringe having sex for several weeks with Peter is rape by fraud. No one is really okay with this except Walternate, though, so it's more of a subversion. Olivia apologizes to Peter for not thinking about how it affected him, and Broyles is reluctant to let Peter and Olivia read Fauxlivia's files because of "what they've been through". But initially, everyone acts like it's Olivia who's been primarily harmed in this situation, not Peter. Instead of worrying about his son's well-being, Walter immediately pressures Peter to tell Olivia what happened - as if Peter made a knowing mistake he should confess. (Imagine making a real world rape victim talk about their ordeal with no regard to his/her own feelings.) And Olivia's complaints and accusations even push Peter to apologize to her for what happened to him. Also, it's never called "rape", and Fauxlivia is forgiven quite easily once they have to work together (considering that seducing Peter under false pretenses was not strictly speaking necessary for her mission).
  • Battlestar Galactica (2003):
    • Subverted when Gina, a version of Number Six, a female "skinjob" Cylon (an Artificial Human descended from a machine race) is viciously abused and gang-raped over the course of months by the crew of the Battlestar Pegasus, which she had previously served on and attempted to sabotage while disguised as a human, as part of a successful genocidal cylon attack that destroyed almost all of humanity. When Chief Tyrol and Lt Helo discover that Sharon Agathon is about to be similarly assaulted, they interrupt her would-be rapists just as they are initiating the attack, killing one of them. This leads to serious arguments between characters on the morality (or even possibility) of raping a "machine".
    • However, the movie Razor makes it clear that Admiral Cain, who ordered the rapes as a means of interrogation in the first place, not only believed that the victim was capable of suffering like a human, but was counting on it: she expressly chooses the dehumanizing assaults because she hopes the victim will be susceptible to the same kinds of psychological pressures as a human and can be broken in this way, becoming a source of intelligence. However, while Cain is the very definition of a morally ambiguous and dangerously ruthless leader, and would probably have been perfectly capable of giving this order regardless, it is implied that it was also a form of cruel vengeance, because not only had Gina attempted to sabotage her ship after the genocidal attack on the Twelve Colonies, she had also seduced Cain and become her lover in order to do so.
    • Doubly subverted in that this event converts a number of characters who have been on the fence regarding recognizing Cylon humanity into true believers. When the crew of the Galactica see the consequences of what has happened to their counterparts on the Pegasus as a result of their passing the Moral Event Horizon, many are horrified by what they see and shocked out of their own one-dimensional hatred and propensity to regard the humanoid Cylons as "toasters" devoid of "real" emotion; Commander Adama even makes his first order of business after the assault on Sharon an apology to her (in that it happened on his ship) even though she shares the face and some of the memories of a Cylon who betrayed and shot him multiple times in an attempted assassination not long before.
  • The Vampire Diaries:
    • Damon is often shown mind-whammying girls (especially Caroline) into having sex with him, drinking their blood, and then making them forget it, including a group of college girls in a scene meant to highlight his own angst. In the second season he starts "dating" Andie, heavily and repeatedly compelling her and feeding on her. One time she goes off-script when he's in a bad mood and he attacks and threatens her, so even if you ignore all the supernatural aspects he's a domestic abuser. No one appears to care about what all this says for his supposed Redemption Arc in the slightest. And when she dies, the show has the audacity to play it as a source of angst for him, despite her obviously being every bit as much his own victim as Stefan's. This guy is also one-third of the show's main Love Triangle.
    • Alaric's first wife Isobel became a vampire. When she's introduced, she is compelling her maid and a homosexual cowboy she picked up at a gay rodeo into a sexual relationship. She and Katherine think it's hysterical.
  • Averted in the short-lived Century City. One episode deals with a nanotech drug that allows a person to "ride" someone else's experiences. As the person introduced to the drug was a man about to have sex with his girlfriend, the girlfriend later brings charges of rape against the third partner, as she certainly didn't consent to him getting involved.
  • True Blood:
    • Tommy becomes a "Skin Walker" (shape-shifter that can turn into other people) early in season 5. He uses this power to impersonate Sam and have sex with his girlfriend. This is treated pretty seriously... for about an episode. No one ever mentions the word "rape", and all is forgiven shortly afterwards.
    • Maryann the maenad hypnotizes the whole town into orgies with mindless, empty-eyed sex under her control.
    • Vampires regularly glamour humans so they "agree" to sex. Only in Tara's case was this treated unambiguously as rape.
  • Bizarro on Smallville pretending to be Clark and having sex with Lana. Led to an awkward moment, but wasn't really treated as a rape.
  • Farscape:
    • In a "Freaky Friday" Flip episode, it's to be expected that characters will effectively see each others' bodies when they change clothes. Both Aeryn and John, who had Belligerent Sexual Tension (they later became the Official Couple) and have swapped minds, take advantage of the situation to explore their new bodies, and while both are disgusted at each other the R word never raises its head.
    • This is subverted when Grayza uses her pheromones to seduce and take advantage of Crichton. It is played VERY seriously and contributes heavily to her villain status. John actually refers to it as rape (though obliquely) during Grayza's Villainous Breakdown later in the season.
    • In another episode where the crew have their minds being screwed with, Crichton is the perpetrator this time, trying to force himself on Chiana. This was a "repercussion" of her being a huge tease and a floozy; or at least that was the justification at the time. Once everyone was back to normal, John was absolutely disgusted with himself, although Chiana was the one to comfort him and tell him that it wasn't some "inner demon" but the fact that people were literally not thinking like themselves. How much of it was her convincing herself of that was unsaid, but a heavy implication.
  • Dollhouse:
    • The shows deals heavily with this trope, as the show’s premise deals with brainwashed women and men, called "dolls", who can be implanted with customized personalities and skill sets and are often used as sex companions for clients. Episode 6 hangs a lampshade on the issue with two storylines: one about a handler/bodyguard revealed to be raping his doll in her "blank slate” mode and asking if it's any different from when a doll is on assignment and their personality thinks they're in love with the client. The other storyline depicts a sympathetic client, a grieving widower who uses another doll to recreate a touching romantic moment with his late wife but who is still considered evil for sleeping with the doll. The dolls are reportedly all volunteers who knew what they were signing up for, but it's still rape in the sense that a programmed personality doesn't realize their feelings and desires for their partner are all manufactured.
    • The deconstruction gets even stickier when another regular client who sleeps with a male doll is revealed to be one of the female higher-ups running the Dollhouse, but "breaks up" with the doll because she feels so guilty about it.
    • Then there's the subplot with the chief programmer Topher and the in-house medic Dr. Claire Saunders — when she discovers that she's really a doll implanted with her predecessor's memories, Claire confronts Topher with the accusation that he designed her to want to sleep with him even though she hates him. However, he denies this and rejects her advances.
    • It's also revealed that at least one of them did not sign up willingly. Sierra had schizophrenia and was taken from an institution against her will 'for her own good', the idea being that she'd be cured when her five years were up. But she only had schizophrenia because a wealthy man she rejected was having her drugged, and he tricked the Dollhouse by putting her on their radar so that he could sleep with her as a client.
    • This is also averted in that it's treated as one of the things that makes the Dollhouse a criminal organization that should be shut down. Hence Agent Paul Ballard's quest to do just that. For all their connections to powerful people, what they're doing is very illegal and needs to be kept secret from the feds and the public at large.
  • Somewhat averted in Alphas. When Nina "pushes" her ex-boyfriend from high school into leaving his wife and son to go on a petty crime spree with her, it's depicted as a despicable act, and when she forces Rachel to kiss her, even though she knows that it's going to overwhelm Rachel's hypersensitive senses, she's not forgiven for several episodes.
  • Thoroughly averted in the Stargate SG-1 episode "Hathor", in which the Goa'uld Queen Hathor rapes a brainwashed Daniel in order to get DNA to prevent immune rejection of her offspring. After everything's sorted out everyone, including Daniel, is visibly disgusted. So were the writers, who considered "Hathor" the worst episode in the series: in later episodes the characters refuse to talk about the episode's events, and that aspect of Goa'uld reproduction was quietly retconned away. Likewise, several months prior to "Secrets" Apophis impregnates the host of his queen Amaunet, which happens to be Daniel's wife Sha're who was kidnapped in the pilot. Kudos to Daniel for being horrified at what was done to her but completely unwilling to reject her.
  • Earth: Final Conflict:
    • Mostly averted in the case of Liam Kincaid, the Half-Human Hybrid (or 2/3 human) main protagonist of Season 2. The Kimera Ha'Gel was seeking a way to reproduce, but most human women couldn't handle the experience. So he overpowers Ron Sandoval (a human altered by the Taelons), takes over his body and overpowers Sibohan Beckett, another Taelon-altered human. Liam is conceived from the incident, but Sandoval remembers nothing of it, and Beckett has her memory wiped shortly after Liam's birth in Resistance headquarters. Liam (who rapidly became an adult) is fully aware he is a Child by Rape, though, and won't acknowledge his Kimera heritage any more than absolutely necessary.
    • Unfortunately played straight in the form of Lili Marquette being captured by the Jaridians, and having an affair with one disguised as a human soldier before learning the truth. When next seen, she's knowingly in a relationship with him and gives birth to their daughter. Stockholm Syndrome is implied to be a factor.
    • It also featured in an earlier episode where William Boone sleeps with a woman who he believes is an ex-lover but is actually a complete stranger: he has been implanted with Fake Memories of their relationship as part of a Taelon test, and she often seduces men in this manner to test their loyalty. Boone does feel used when he realises the truth, although he seems more concerned about the fact that the false memories caused him to kill a man who was threatening her.
  • Averted in Family Matters: Steve feels guilty about gaining Laura's affection through a Love Potion. Even though she tells him she's happy, even if it's not 'genuine', he pours the antidote on himself so that Laura smells him and reverts to normal, believing that it was All Just a Dream.
  • Witches of East End:
    • Eva uses a Love Potion on Killian so she can have sex with him as much as possible in order to have a baby, because she's under a spell that makes her an immortal witch only so long as she conceives a child by a warlock every generation, yet when everything is out in the open her death scene is rendered as a poignant moment where the audience is meant to sympathize with her - both Freya and Killian himself are visibly moved, and he shows no emotional trauma from the abuse. The indignation of the other characters seems to stem from Eva coercing Killian's love and taking him from Freya, with no mention of forced sex.
    • Ingrid's having sex with the mandragora in a trance state. This results in horror and a mini-breakdown for Ingrid, but the rest of the cast utter 'oh noes' more akin to 'what a shame' than as if she had suffered a terrible ordeal.
  • The X-Files has "Small Potatoes", in which a shapeshifter has seduced five women wearing a variety of faces, resulting in the birth of babies with tails. One woman he got with while looking like Luke Skywalker, while the other four women were seduced while he was wearing the faces of their husbands. Although he eventually goes away on rape charges, the episode's still a fair bit more comedic than most stories focusing on a serial rapist.
  • In My Own Worst Enemy, the two main characters are different personalities living in the same body. One is a superspy named Edward Albright, the the other a mild-mannered family man working a 9-to-5 office job named Henry Spivey. After the chip that regulates which personality is currently active starts to malfunction, Henry discovers Edward's existence and job. He then visits Edward's apartment and takes his Cool Car for a ride. When Edward "wakes up" and finds out what Henry has been up to, he goes to Henry's home and has sex with his wife, leaving Henry a message on his hand not to touch his stuff. Henry looks more incredulous than upset, despite the fact that it's technically rape. Then again, Edward is the original owner of the body, and Henry is the identity created as a cover. However, Henry's family is real, and his wife knows nothing about Edward. She is pleasantly surprised, however, about "Henry" being a much better lover of late. This, apparently, happens plenty of times, and Henry stops caring that his wife is, essentially, sleeping with another man. On another occasion Henry also "woke" while Edward was having sex with his psychiatrist.
  • In the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode "Yes Men", Ward is mind-controlled by the Asgardian criminal Lorelei, who proceeds to have sex with him. After he is rescued, Agent May (his paramour at the time) lashes out at him physically, and the other team members discuss how men are weak for not being able to resist Lorelei's enchantment. The fact that he was kidnapped, brainwashed, and raped by a supervillain is completely glossed over, even by Ward himself. Then Ward is revealed to have been The Mole for HYDRA the whole time and Evil All Along, which put paid to any chance this would be brought up sympathetically in the future.
  • In Eastwick, Joanna uses her persuasion power to make a guy have sex with her. She finds out that he's actually gay when his husband confronts them, and it's treated as an embarrassing moment for her rather than a crime.
  • Sarah Manning commits rape by fraud in Orphan Black when she sleeps with Paul while impersonating his dead girlfriend Beth Childs (the two women are clones and therefore identical). Though he brings it up when the truth comes out, it's never treated as an unforgivable deception and the word "rape" is avoided entirely. On the other hand, he was lying to Beth about who he was, making him guilty of rape by fraud as well, and it's later indicated he knew Sarah wasn't really Beth (though she didn't know that).
  • Subverted in Jake 2.0. After losing his memory in one episode, Jake still trusts/is drawn to Diane (his doctor who works for the people he thinks he should be running from) and almost sleeps with her in the next episode. She wants to but can't go through with it. In the next episode she tells him her reason was he wasn't himself and she was (implying he wasn't capable of giving informed consent and it would have been rape by fraud, though the word is never used).
  • Utterly defied, taken out back and shot in Jessica Jones (2015). Kilgrave using his Compelling Voice to make women have sex with him is treated exactly like regular rape, with all the inherent trauma and abuse that comes with it. Kilgrave detests the term "rapist" for himself and switches his excuses between his women "wanting it" at the moment and him not being able to help it; he can't turn off his powers and is never sure whether someone actually wants him on their own or because he tells them to. No one else buys his explanation. After all, his powers only work when he issues direct commands.
  • Lucifer (2016):
    • After Lucifer's mother escapes Hell and takes possession of the body of a recently killed woman named Charlotte Richards, Lucifer goes back on his decision to bring her back to Hell and instead forces her to take on the life of her host. When "Charlotte" mentions having sex with Charlotte's clueless husband whenever he asks an inconvenient question, this is Played for Laughs and no one sees anything wrong with that.
    • Lucifer has the power to bring out people's "innermost desires", which includes making anyone who finds him remotely attractive be willing to have sex with him. While it's vague how much control he has over this, he is still fully aware of his effect on people and the person's ability to consent is extremely dubious, as the effects are uncomfortably similar to losing one's inhibitions due to drugs or alcohol.
  • The Orville: "Cupid's Dagger" in a nutshell. Both Kelly and Ed have sex with Darulio while influenced by his pheromones to feel attraction toward him. This isn't something he can control, granted, but he could have worn gloves while aboard ship, or at the very least explained up-front about the pheromones before letting anyone touch him. It's also stated that his culture considers it rude to reject an offer of sex, so it's fair to say they don't have the same consideration of consent. Nobody calls it rape, or even wrong, after finding out though. The same also goes for Dr. Finn's willingness to have intimate relations with Yaphit when he inadvertently absorbs Darulio's pheromones, though Yaphit was ignorant of the situation and refused further offers after he found out. Though there isn't physical sex involved, Ed and Kelly both knew exactly what effect the pheromones would have when they dosed the diplomats with them to defuse a battle and avert a war. It isn't clear whether they tell their superiors about it, but no one who knows they did it calls them out for drugging the ambassadors. The closest the episode gets to acknowledging the problem is when Kelly asks Darulio if he was similarly "in heat" when they slept together in the pilot (which incited her and Ed's divorce).
  • Legion (2017):
    • This is handled inconsistently. In one case, Lenny in Season 2, exists as a disembodied mind trapped inside The Shadow King's own disembodied mind. She clearly states that whilst a prisoner there she is being repeatedly raped by The Shadow King.
    • In another case, we learn something troubling about Syd, in that she used her body swapping powers to take over the body of her own (sleeping) mother, seduce her mother's boyfriend, and initiate sex with him in the shower. When the powers swap her back into her own body, said boyfriend is terrified to discover he is mid-coitus with an underage girl. People don't know about her powers, so Syd not only gets away with it, but her victim is arrested for committing statutory rape. Whilst the scenario isn't at all presented in a positive light, Syd shows no apparent remorse, and no one ever confronts her about what she has done. On the contrary, David reacts like Syd was the victim when he sees what happened in her memory. And in Season 3, Syd portrays herself as the victim because her mother's boyfriend turned her around during sex. As if that's inherently wrong and there's no way he and her mother could have simply liked doing it that way without it being some kind of aggressive power move.
    • At the end of season 2, when David uses his powers to make Syd forget their disagreements and then has sex with her (i.e., doing exactly the same thing as in the Willow/Tara example above), she has the nerve to not only (rightly) accuse him of raping her, but to also free the finally captured Shadow King in order to imprison David, and then to demand that David either be drugged to suppress his powers (and sanity) or stay forever imprisoned.
  • In Travelers it's an integral part of the "good guys" mission to maintain their cover by staying in the relationships their hosts had and pretending to be them under all circumstances. In fact, that's one of the basic laws they have to obey. Unusually for this trope, the main characters mostly do try to avoid the routine Bed Trick this requires of them, but one of them does eventually have sex with "his" wife (he was drugged the first time) and then slowly falls in love with the woman - who still thinks he's her real husband, whose body the Traveler took over shortly before the guy's historical death. But even though the main characters are all presented as very ethical and well-intentioned people, and the Director who gave them their laws as god-like and better than people in terms of ethical restraints, nobody on the show has yet pointed out that this standard operating procedure means that thousands of Travelers are out there committing rape by fraud on their hosts' spouses and partners.
  • The Witcher (2019): Yennefer uses a spell to make townspeople have an orgy while in a magically altered mental state. It is left unclear whether all the participants knowingly agreed (and possibly paid good money) to have a drug/magic-fueled orgy, in the same way earlier clients were seen to buy essentially magical viagra from her, or if there is coercion in it. There is no further comment on this.
  • Aliens in the Family: When Holly decides to divorce Carl, Doug and Bobut try to stop her by hypnotizing her into loving Carl forever. The only reason Cookie opposes this plan is because Holly is her friend. Bobut accidentally hypnotizes Carl's housekeeper instead of Holly, so she ends up marrying Carl. Nobody sees anything wrong with this.
  • Being Human (US): Sally repeatedly has sex with Tim in his girlfriend Janet's body by possessing her. This is mildly criticized, though isn't treated as rape, despite it effectively being that (Janet is unconscious at the time with her body hijacked, Tim's deceived over what's going on). Sally tries to justify it by saying Janet's willing to sleep with him, though the point is she certainly doesn't agree to her possession, nor to having sex in these particular instances (as, again, she's unconscious).
  • Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:
    • The first episode involves Sabrina deciding to punish a group of Jerk Jocks who assaulted her friend by luring them into what they think is an orgy with her and the Weird Sisters, but using magic to make them think they're kissing the girls rather than making out with each other. While the Weird Sisters aren't exactly 'good' characters, this is presented as empowering comeuppance.
    • Hilda drops some Love Potion in Luke's latte to pair him up with Ambrose. The implications that Hilda committed rape by proxy are never brought up and neither of the boys finds out about it.
  • Haven: Duke is on the receiving end of this multiple times; his reputation as a womanizer seems to give the writers carte blanche to put him in all kinds of unfortunate situations with little regard for the Unfortunate Implications presented both by assuming it's not assault because it's supernatural, and it's not assault because Duke's a man:
    • In season 1's "Ball and Chain," the Troubled of the week is a woman who shapeshifts on Friday evenings, seduces men to impregnate her, gestates the babies in a few days, and then the babies rapidly age their fathers until they die. Duke, on the rebound from Audrey cancelling their date, falls under her influence. When Audrey and Nathan find him the next day, he tells them that it was like he "had no control" over the situation and she "hypnotized" him. The show attempts to write around the Unfortunate Implications by Duke saying he'd probably have slept with her anyway, but all it does is highlight that he didn't consent, as he then goes on to say he didn't feel in control of himself during it.
    • In season 4's "The New Girl," the Troubled of the week is a young man who can Body Surf and possess people, which he does to avoid being caught in a gender-swapped Woman Scorned murder of his best friend and girlfriend. He possesses Duke, and picks up on the Unresolved Sexual Tension between him and Jennifer. He assumes they're together (they're not), and kisses her, which is the last straw for Jennifer that Duke is Not Himself. Later, Jennifer confronts Duke about the kiss, framing it as Duke being the one who kissed her. He tells her that he was in the background during the kiss and that he enjoyed it, but fans have pointed out that he still didn't consent to it, and it's weird to frame it like he did.
    • In season 5, Big Bad Mara sees an Apple of Discord in Duke, as he falls into a self-destructive depression after Jennifer's death, which was directly caused by his involvement with Nathan and Audrey's crusade against the Troubles. Capitalizing on his grief, she seduces him multiple times for the express purpose of infecting him with as many Troubles as possible, turning him into a timebomb. Because Duke turning into a walking weapon of mass destruction has more impact on the plot, Mara's actions and their impact on Duke (who is now unable to express any emotion, including grieving Jennifer because his tears are contaminated) are never addressed.
    • Mara, for her part, is also subject to this trope. She's a Misanthrope Supreme and created the Troubles, so she isn't meant to be sympathetic, but many fans thought the choice to give her an And I Must Scream backstory was a bit too far. In season 5's "Spotlight," she reveals that she's been in the background of all of her overlays for the last 500 years, forced to watch them help with the Troubles while they don't even know she exists. Which would be fine, except that the overlays do more than just help with the Troubles, they also do things like have sexual relationships; one of them even gave birth and gave that child up for adoption. All while Mara was in the background, unable to consent to the use of her body in this way. This is never addressed by the show.
  • In Falling Skies, Hal was infested by Karen with an alien parasite that she used to compel him to have sex with her while they met in the woods at night. Later, it took over his body completely, and had sex with Maggie while in control of Hal's body, which is a sexual violation of both Hal and Maggie.
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch:
    • Sabrina turns Hilda into a dummy so that she can go out with Mr Kraft and exploit his crush on her to stop being mean to her at school (why she doesn't ask her aunts to speak to him about it is never mentioned). When Mr Kraft kisses Hilda, it breaks the spell, and she is rightfully horrified. Sabrina is then given a Cool and Unusual Punishment.
    • In Season 5's Valentine's Day Episode, Sabrina casts a spell on Roxie to make her fall for Miles, with the slim justification that she already had feelings for him and was just in denial. This sees Roxie becoming very physical, and Miles being freaked out at first, but by the time Sabrina comes home, they're on the couch together and Miles is joking about how she is "very persistent" (an earlier scene implying she was going to climb through his window). When Sabrina removes the spell, Roxie is horrified and runs into her room, which is entirely played for comedy.

  • In the Filk Song "Banned from Argo" by Leslie Fish, in which the crew of the Enterprise get, well, banned from Argo, Nurse Chapel uses an "odd green potion guaranteed to cause Pon Farr" to take advantage of Spock.note  This is Played for Laughs and treated no more seriously than Scotty and Chekov's drunken parking violation.
    • There's a borderline case later in the song, where sentient plants engulf the house of the planetary governor and "then seduced his wife", “seduced” being a word that could go either way, consent wise.

  • In Nebulous, Paula, the Professor's Abhorrent Admirer, is revealed in the final punchline of the episode "I, Nebulous" to have given a sensual full-body massage with scented oils to Dr Klench, who had been using the Professor's body at the time. Even after she finds out the truth she seems to still be quite happy with the arrangement and the Professor's discomfort about what Klench was doing with his body is Played for Laughs.

    Tabletop Games 
  • Averted in Changeling: The Lost. It's explicitly noted that if a changeling uses their powers to mess with consent, they will net Clarity damage in addition to whatever punishment their monarch sees fit to dole out. Spring courts in particular are said to keep a tight rein on this kind of thing, since their Contracts are so bound up with influence and desire.
  • Averted in Genius: The Transgression. Love potions and sexual mind control occupy the same rung on the Karma Meter as the more mundane kind of rape.
  • Averted in GURPS Technomancer. Love potions are treated as a date rape drug.
  • In F.A.T.A.L., there's a lot of widely-available love spells (usually specifically male-on-female) that outright mind-control the target. There is absolutely no restriction on their use (aside from needing to be a magic-using class). Of course, since this is F.A.T.A.L., one could make a case for this trope being averted, since regular rape is also treated very cavalierly.
  • Discussed and ultimately averted by Creative in regards to Magic: The Gathering. Red magic technically encompasses all emotions, including lust... a territory that is marked that the developers expressed no desire of exploring due to the rape implications. The only character that does this in canonnote  is not portrayed sympathetically.
  • Shadowrun: Averted. Using magic to seduce someone is treated as exactly the same as giving them a roofie. The character Haze is infamous among Shadowrunners because he regularly uses this tactic. He claims that magically compelling a woman to love him in order to get something he needs is nicer than the alternative, but he gets immediately shouted down for it.

    Video Games 
  • In Fallout 3, giving Angela in Rivet City some ant queen pheromones so she can seduce her celibate love interest Diego (with the end result of him getting shotgun-married and kicked out of the priesthood he aspired to) nets you positive karma, meaning it's a good act. Conversely, bringing a crate of the rare Nuka-Cola Quantum to Ronald in Girdershade, so he can impress his neighbour Sierra (who is clearly hooked on the stuff) and entice her into sleeping with him, gives you negative karma. Evidently the latter is treated as bad, bad rape despite the fact that he's not trying to coerce her (he's just trying to impress her enough to want to go along with it voluntarily, and it fails completely because she doesn't understand what he wants and he's not spelling it out for her).
    • The Rivet City case is especially jarring because Diego's firm wish is to be a priest. Convincing a priest to abandon his faith by giving a woman a chemical which makes him unable to act rationally is a good act according to the devs.
  • Fable II has a sidequest in which you can gather the corpse of Lady Grey for someone. Eventually it transpires that he's created a Dr. Frankenstein-like machine to bring her back to life...under a spell that forces her to fall in love with the first person she sees. The "Evil" option has you taking her for yourself, while the "Good" option is to let him have her, implying that reanimating her as a brainwashed corpse and forcing her into a relationship is not at issue.
  • Averted in Elona, despite the game's wonky ideas of morality. Drugging food with a Love Potion and giving it to a companion will increase that companion's attraction level, but will also give you a hefty karma penalty. In fact, it could almost be an inversion, since doing this is worth -10 karma while getting someone drunk so that they'll sleep with you is only worth -1 karma.

  • This has been stated by Word of God as a big part of the humor in Ghastly's Ghastly Comic. The artist said he's iffy about rape jokes involving realistic situations, but since nobody in real life has ever actually had their life ruined by tentacles, he feels okay joking about it. It helps that the tentacle monsters have human-level intelligence and understand things like consent, so nobody in the comic actually does get raped, outside of fantasy sequences. Also, in at least one comic, it's the woman who is trying to bully the tentacle monster into a sexual encounter.
  • A possible in-universe case occurs in Drowtales, where Snadhya'rune Vel'Sharen has her friend Wiam Val'Jaal'darya get one of her lover Mel'arnach's eggs under false pretenses (Mel was under the impression it was for an experiment, which while technically true was still deceptive), and uses it to make their daughter Kalki without Mel knowing until years later. Of course try telling that to Snadhya's fans, or Mel'arnach for that matter, who seems to realize on some level what Snadhya did but decides to ignore the implications.
  • Averted in Steve Lichman #6 (scroll down). Steve is asking Dracula for advice on how to get his girlfriend to "take it to the next level". Dracula suggests casting a glamour that will make her lust for him. Steve points out that this sounds a lot like rape, and Dracula tries convincing him otherwise. In the end, ghost cop Sgt. O'Malley clarifies things once and for all:
    Sgt. O'Malley: Steven, it's rape.

    Web Original 
  • Averted in Chakona Space when Malena uses an overdose of pheromones to get her brother (and mate) Garrek to impregnate her. Both are deeply traumatized (Malena because Garrek went feral) and Malena is ostracized to the point where she has to leave her home village. However, she is forgiven fairly quickly because: a, she didn't know that her pheromones would have that kind of effect, b, she became pregnant with triplets, and c, it was discovered that her mother had actually done the same thing to her father and was covering up her shame by kicking her out (also why she didn't know better).
  • The disturbing Israeli short film Sight takes place in a world where people have a computer program called Sight implanted into their eyes that turns every task into a minigame. The story centers around a guy who is a Sight engineer. He goes on a date with a girl and uses a dating app that tells him what to say and do. When the girl realizes this she wants to leave, but he accesses her "profile," reprograms her and says "Let's try this again."
  • In the Norwegian Star Wars fanfiction film The Drunken Jedi Master, the titular character uses a Jedi mind trick to make a women have sex with him. The woman's look of confused dismay on waking up with him the next morning makes it clear that she did not consent. It makes the film harder to enjoy when the main character is a rapist, though he's portrayed as being irresistible.
  • Youtuber Rowan Ellis criticizes how many time travel movies have portrayed a time traveler essentially doing this, manipulating their love interest through repeatedly going back to redo things with them until they successfully seduce them. This comes off as a sexual deception, and if the love interest knew it's hard to believe that they'd view the time traveler as anything except a creepy stalker at best. She analyzes About Time and The Time Traveler's Wife (along with its TV adaptation) as examples of this. Groundhog Day, though not involving time travel, features pretty similar attempts from protagonist Phil. Even some non sci fi films have essentially this, as she cites 50 First Dates, analyzing just how messed up seducing a person who forgets you after every day realistically would be. Worst of all, she points out that the protagonist in About Time keeps the fact he's time traveling secret to the end, so his wife never knows he'd "rewound" his dates with her repeatedly at all. She also discusses some time travel/loop films that have better portrayals where such behavior is acknowledged as wrong, or better yet entirely avoided.

    Western Animation 
  • Batman: The Animated Series: "Pretty Poison." While what she does is categorically closer to broad sexual assault, Poison Ivy wordlessly ordering her jumbo monster flytrap to restrain Batman's head so she can insistently makeout with him evokes this. And referring to their time together as "a late night rendezvous" makes it tantamount to Date Rape.
  • Averted in Rick and Morty, where Rick outright compares a Love Potion Morty had requested to a roofie. (Although, as Morty points out, it didn't stop Rick from making it in the first place, and Rick's original objection had more to do with it being a waste of his Mad Scientist talents than any kind of ethical problem.) Rick clarifies that he doesn't actually have a problem with doing unethical things (he does far worse in just that episode); he was just pointing out Morty doesn't have the moral high ground. To his credit, Morty is horrified by the implications of Rick's point and acknowledges his part in the mess; he only asks Rick to recognize his part in the mess and tries to fix it. Rick refuses to admit his fault, though he does fix the mess.
    • Played with in a later episode, when Rick dates Unity, a Hive Mind that forcibly assimilated an entire planet of humanoid aliens. This involves an orgy between Rick and numerous host bodies being inhabited by Unity. Summer objects vehemently to everything about Unity's existence, but Unity is portrayed reasonably and argues that she did this planet a favor by uniting the civilization together and bringing out their potential while also suppressing their violent and self-destructive impulses. Summer eventually accepts what Unity is doing (after it turns out that the people really used to be monsters), but insists that Rick is a bad influence on Unity.
  • Star Trek: The Animated Series: In the episode "Mudds Passion", Christine Chapel uses a Love Potion in order to make Spock love her. It's basically Played for Laughs, and no one sees it as an Attempted Rape. Also Chapel never gets any punishment for that.
  • Harley Quinn (2019): Doctor Psycho used telepathy to make Giganta think she loved him for years. When this is revealed on live television it's immediately overshadowed by Psycho calling her the C-word. Beyond Giganta being (understandably) pissed at him, Psycho suffers no other consequence (he is kicked from the Legion of Doom, but that's for the C-word use).
  • In The Boondocks episode "Stinkmeaner Strikes Back", Stinkmeaner possesses Tom and has sex with Sarah while in his body. This is never acknowledged after the fact.
  • Futurama:
  • Gets discussed and deconstructed (as much as possible for a kids' show, of course) on an episode of Young Justice (2010). Martian Manhunter explains that, for Martians, the Bed Trick is just a form of foreplay; as Martians have telepathy and know they're all shapeshifters, they know just who their partner is, no matter what face they're wearing. Miss Martian, however, isn't used to the fact that this isn't the norm on Earth, as seen when the Justice League has a brief panic over footage of "Black Canary" making out with Superboy.
    • Similar to the Doctor Who example, Superman is very much unnerved that a sketchy organisation somehow got a hold of his DNA and created Superboy, to the point where he's uncomfortable just being around his clone. This is sadly a played straight example, since everybody - In-Universe and out - treats him akin to a deadbeat dad who needs to "man up and take responsibility".
