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Funny / Jack Duripper

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    [YTP] Eren's Endless Attack on Titans 

    [YTP] Jojo's Bazaar Adventures Episode 1 

    [YTP] The Phantom Menacing 

    [YTP] Bottle Tendency 

    [YTP] Starduck Crusaders 1 
  • The treasure hunters drag DIO's coffin aboard and are about to open it when one of them says the situation's...bizarre.
    Jeremy: First of all, roll credits.
  • As three treasure hunters get rid of the barnacles on DIO's coffin, one of them claims that the coffin was locked from the inside. The camera zooms on a lock clearly on the front of the coffin. Another treasure hunter responds with this:
  • Jotaro Kujo, Joseph and Muhammad Avdol are dealing with a flesh bud inside Noriaki Kakyoin.
    Joseph: The brain is very delicate. If he even twitches while we extract it, it could cause brain damage.
    Jotaro: (While activating his Stand, Star Platinum) I can remove this thing without damaging his brain. If my Stand has the precision to catch a speeding bullet...
    [Cut to Surgeon Simulator 2013, with Star Platinum representing the eponymous surgeon and activating a razor.]
    Jotaro: ...Then it can also do this!
    [Star Platinum begins to cut at Kakyoin's skull, ripping off the broken pieces of bone afterwards.]
    Joseph: Listen! That flesh bud is alive! Even a skilled surgeon can't remove it without serious damage!
    [Star Platinum attempts to grab the brain.]
    Joseph: Shit! He can move with more precision and strength than I ever anticipated!
    [To finish off the surgery, Star Platinum finally grabs the brain, pulls it out and uses a scalpel to cut the brain stem.]
    Avdol: He did it!
    [Star Platinum screams as he finally rips out the flesh bud, inexplicably receiving an A++ mark.]
  • When Polnareff expresses frustration at J. Geil's Stand, Kakyoin scolds him, saying that there’s no such thing as a world inside a mirror. The video then cuts to Illuso and Man In the Mirror in the truck’s rear view mirror as the Stand-naming song plays.
  • Joseph tries to learn what DIO's Stand is from one of his beaten assistants, Enyaba, as she nears death.
    Joseph: We must defeat DIO, no matter the cost! You have to tell us! WE NEED TO KNOW!
    Joseph: I NEED IT!
    Enyaba: UH-UH!
    [A long Beat occurs, as Jotaro, Kakoyin, Polnareff and Joseph awaits what Enyaba will say as her last words...]
    Enyaba: It's free real estate.
  • Jean-Pierre Polnareff rubs a magic lamp, and instead of Cameo's Stand, Judgement, out comes Will Smith as the Genie... from Aladdin (2019)'s "Special Look" trailer. Polnareff is clearly horrified at what he sees.

    [YTP] Starduck Crusaders 2 

    [YTP] Jojoker 

    [YTP] Golden Cringe ep. 1 

    [YTP] Golden Cringe ep. 2 

    [YTP] Golden Cringe ep. 3 

    [YTP] Golden Cringe ep. 4 
  • The fourth episode in the Golden Cringe series (which, alongside the first three episodes, were shown off in the Retold video) continues the slightly altered take on Golden Wind with the Little Feet, Man in the Mirror and The Grateful Dead arcs. It all begins with a disguised Trish mistaking Narancia for 'la toilette', causing him turns into one, a la Quagmire toilet.
  • The title card for the episode features the episode number being shot down by Mista, given his hatred for the number four.
  • Bucciarati initally fails at unzipping the urinal that contains Polpo's fortune, and a huge tidal wave of piss demolishes Pericolo. Bucciarati then unzips the right urinal, or in this case... Polnareff's ass.
    • Pericolo then evaluates part of the treasure, i.e. a nineteen dollar Fortnite card.
  • Pericolo then grants Bucci the rank of 'cop', causing Narancia to squeal happily while Fugo pulls off a "STONKS" pose.
  • Narancia goes to Tomato Town to get some shopping done, and is joined by the new Sixth Ranger of the team, Avdol. Surprisingly, Avdol is the one who not only successfully gets the shopping done, but manages to save Narancia from Formaggio, and even gets to decimate the latter as a result.
  • During the Little Feet arc, we get moments from Narancia and Formaggio. First off, when Formaggio reveals himself in Narancia's car, Narancia tells him to "GET OUT OF MY CAR, NOW!", just like the angry driver in the infamous Psychicpebbles animation.
  • After the Little Feet arc, Team Bucciarati manages to decode the message they've received from the boss. Which is brought to them by Raid: Shadow Legends...which actually becomes an ad for Raid insect spray instead.
  • The Man in the Mirror arc begins with Fugo correcting himself after yelling at Giorno for telling him what to do, all because Abbacchio told him to "check [his] privileges".
    • Followed by the trio encountering Illuso's Stand for the first time, which drags Fugo into the Shadow Realm (i.e. Man In The Mirror's world) a la Super Mario 64 style.
    • Because this is a Jack Duripper video about JoJo, Jack brings back Kakyoin from the dead for a quick Call-Back to the Part 3 video where he mentions that "there's no such thing as a mirror world".
    • "Fugo! CUM"
    • This is immediately followed by this exchange:
      Abbacchio: GioGio, did you notice anything sus?
      [Girono is then sporting the infamous Jerma985 "When the imposter is sus!" meme face as the Among Us trap remix plays, but then its revealed he's actually Oingo in disguise.]
  • The introduction to Fugo's Stand, Purple Haze, throws in a multitude of purple related jokes in one swoop, starting off with the Call-Back to Purple Haze being The Purple Man from Golden Cringe's take on the 'Fighting Gold' sequence.
    Giorno: What the hell is that?!
    Abbacchio: Well, it ain't Barney the frickin' dinosaur!
    Yuri!Purple Haze: GAH I LOVE BEING PURPLE! :D
  • While Fugo's (anime-only) backstory is dark and incredibly sad, the Golden Cringe take on this? Hilariously dark as fuck.
  • Back in the MITM arc, and its revealed that Fugo's Purple Haze is a bit different this time around. Instead of his Stand using a deadly virus that kills anything in mere's a deadly experimental internet gasnote  that kills anything in mere moments.
    • When Giorno questions about how the Stand ability is even possible, Giorno himself is then labelled with "The guy who turns suitcases into frogs".
    • After Illuso brags about how no living thing can enter his Stand's mirror world on their own, Jack does a quick Google search to prove if viruses are living things...and unfortunately for Illuso, Jack showcases the fact that viruses are in reality, moreso closer to being non-living organisms, which results in Purple Haze's internet gas entering Man in the Mirror's world, instantly killing Illuso in the process.
  • After the fiasco with Illuso, Fugo attempts to stare at Trish's boobs, but is then punched into a flight of stairs a la Call of Duty style.
  • The entire "Express Train to Florence" arc is filled to the brim with many jokes:
    • Prosciutto attempts to look under the train conductor's door, but he ends up seeing a naked Lisa Lisa bathing. Although he does end up saying "NICE" at the view, much like Joseph Joestar did back then.
    • The fridge inside Mr. President's Stand (Coco Jumbo) has some hidden references and drink related jokes, which includes the glass of wine Zeppeli held in Part 1.
    • Prosciutto ends up finding out the presence of Team Bucciarati thanks to him noticing "something that looked black" (i.e. Avdol).
    • Pesci saying "Bro, that's based!" immediately afterwards and then moaning like an anime girl, complete with an aheago expression.
    • Prosciutto summons his "Thankful Death" (aka The Grateful Dead) Stand by perfoming the "I had to do it to 'em" pose. This causes Pesci to say "You're really gonna do it?!"
    • This causes most of the gang to age radically, like in the original story. Avdol is also affected by this, as he 'ages' from his current look to his Grey Avdol disguise. It gets worse for him as Giorno explains that heat sources are the main cause of the rapid aging. So, Avdol shrivels up into a prune-like being thanks to his Stand being completely heat-based, with him screaming "OH NOOOO!" as a result.
    • In perhaps one of the most ironic Hilarious in Hindsight moments ever, the bait used for Pesci's Beach Boy is a thumbnail for a clickbait video...specifically that of a fake teaser trailer for a Stone Ocean anime adaptation. And then the actual anime adaptation was announced a few days after the release of this video.
    • Pesci's head randomly get massaged by Prosciutto, complete with wet massaging noises.
    • When Prosciutto's Thankful Death claws its way into revealing Mr. President, it instead accidentally reveals a turtle from Creature Comforts singing a Middle-Eastern chant.
    • Bucciarati is able to punch Prosciutto with his Stand so hard, that Prosciutto ends up being Kakyoin'd into the water tower in Egypt.
    • Prosciutto ends up lampshades the awfully dubbed "Zipper Man" Stand by stating that Bucciarati was born with the power of zippers. He then states that "the greater the horse power, the harder the horse", but is then taken care of in a Cool and Unusual being taken to Brazil.
    • Bucciarati is then split apart from eating edibles and drops LEGO studs from 'dying'.
    • Luckily, Bucciarati makes a comeback as he unzips his way...through Pesci's groin area, stating that it was a train-ride from hell.
    • Pesci attempts to kill Bucciarati by using his literal head and neck to shoot through him. Pesci then pridefully gloats and states how he will win (as any JJBA villain would do) as Bucciarati tunes out his annoying rant and sees Pesci as someone writing insane math equations on a whiteboard.
    • Pesci briefly becomes Natsuki from Doki Doki Literature Club! as Bucciarati successfully snaps his neck with the Beach Boy's fishing string, causing Natsuki!Pesci to do the infamous 'neck snap' pose.
    • Finally, the battle ends with Bucciarati splitting Pesci (as a Dry Bones) into pieces, which all land on Aquaman (residing in the nearby lake), knocking him out- and ending the arc there.
  • Golden Wind Retold is a veritable gold mine of funny moments. To try and explain them all would take forever.

    [YTP] Golden Cringe ep. 5 
  • In canon, Ghiaccio gave Giorno and Mista a lot of trouble. Good thing they've got Avdol there to handle things! We don't actually get to how Avdol handled him, but it was evidently very shocking for Giorno, who watches open-mouthed in shock.
  • As Giorno heals Mista, Avdol notices a familiar looking outlet, then turns around to see Mariah approaching them in a wheelchair.
  • In Bucciarati's flashback, he was enraged to discover the filth that was being peddled in his city. No, not drugs, but K-Pop.
    Bucciarati: This filth's being peddled in my city?! It was supposed to be prohibited!
  • The Boss's first meeting with Bruno has the following exchange:
  • Abbacchio gets off the boat in order to drag Giorno back. Unfortunately, in the skipped time, he got a bit too close.
  • When discussing the group's defection from Passione, Avdol has no strong feelings one way or the other.
  • Narancia pleads with Bucciarati to give him an order... at McDonalds. Bruno initially refuses (with the infamous shot of Rohan's face briefly overlapping over Bucciarati's), but he then relents and gives Narancia an order... for a hamburger.
  • Narancia attempts to swim towards Bucciarati's boat because he wants to join their mission... but he swims too close to the ship's turbine, leading to a bloody death.

    [YTP] The End of Golden Cringe 
